, ?L." - . "* 4/K/fe^/ k'VzS&4j Vt'^C \::S%3 In Honor Mr*. (oxMlwyu Mrg. J. B. Flora. Jr . enter? tuined at bridge Tuesday morning 1m honor of Mrs. K t: Cmtdwyn ??f Ktnporia. Virgluiu. who 1m vis iting Mr?. W. A. iVtirn. Siil.nl and ice course? were served. Mr*. C. p. lirown won the prize lor high ?<*ore. Mr?. Evelyn T. Aydleit i he booby, und a jnicst prize was given Mrs. Cloodwyn. Tin guest* were: Mr?. K. E. Goodwyn. Mr?. W. A. Peters. Mr?. Phil Sawyer. Mr?. Kvelyn T Aydlett. Mr?. S. II. Johnson. Mr* ('. P. Brown. Mr?. W. P. Duff and Ml** Nan Burgess. W ill Mvi Thurxliiy The l.iierrirv I>?pHriment of the AVont.it. '? i'bib will meet Thurnday jJIfteriWM.ii at 4 ?> ??! ?,*k at (he Club .Mlinu-?-. Tlii- . -i t for the meet i4 * I.i|? betters <*f Waller JT ." \viii<h should he partlc pjplar'.> interesi lute to all North >lrs. Ji liti?oii |*nterti?liiH - Mrs. S. II. J ?hn.'on entertained Tuesday aft* rnnon at her home on East Feariua 11r?** t !?> honor ol Mr?. K E. ti.ioilwy? ? f E:a:?>r'.?. Virgin ?. who is the gnvst of :.i . \V. A Pulers. A. sala?! course Wa? served. Bridge was played ami Mrs. J. K Hughes won the prize for lilKh ?core. Mrs Good-, Wyn was presented a guest prize, i Those play in/, were' Mrs K, R. | flood wyn. Mm. W. A. I'etem, Mrs. J. E. Hughe?. Mr*. I Mill Sawyer. Mrs. W. A. Worth. Mrs. Jerome Flora. Jr.. Mrs. c p Brown and , Mrs. W. P. Duff. .\llM*iis<iii.T<'tii|0<* Newland. Jan 27 -An unex pected wedding took place Satur day night at 10:3a o'clock. When Mis* Mamie Fentress Temple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cortex Temple, became the bride of Mr. , William Edward Albert son. son | of Mr. and Mr. Charlie Afhortson of South Mills. The bride t< i.r-j of the most popular girl* r f Newland. She wore u blue traveling suit with hat and glove? to n:aieh. They will malti- iheir'liotn?* in- (";?md?*t. Beauty And Thrills In Ozark Photoplay The Ozark Hills In Missouri provide a pelting of ununnnl ^Muty for swift moving action in i? nereeii reproduction of llar ld Bell Wright's powerful uovvl. ""'ho Re-?-rent Ion of Brian Kent." whh h bcg;iu .i two day run at the Alkrsnia yc.-t r.iav. The picture Is vivid anil compelling, and gives gplendld ran21 for the acting ahll Ity of the pla>?Ts. Kenneth llar!n:i a? Brian Kent, the bank clerk whose wife's ex travagance has tempted him Into the follow of hinting the insti tution in which he !?. employed, and who 1? redeemed by "Aunty Sue," motherly old maid school teacher, outdoe:? him: elf In this t picture. Mary ("air, a.; "Aunty Sue." Ih up to her u.--ugl stand ard. One fault that Is often found in acreen plays drawn from popular novels Is conRpicously missing in #thls one. The action nevi-r drags. The story Itself Is strong enough to bar that. There is an excellent bit of AuthorizrJ Tir v Enyjnvrr* DAVIS TIKE CO. Martin Ktrn-i PHOXK 105 STRENGTH-SAVING Nowaday? nearly every ;One U impressed with tht "hh-building and strength ng merit of catt's Emulsion of invigorating cod-liver oil Millions of bottle? are sold every year. Avery little used regularly daily build* l?ealth and helps keep the body in atrength. *T ?n*l DHUOOBTl ? _ w ??i mo TOMBSTONES OOfl S. Hand HI. hlizahvlh City Marble X- Granite ffnrka " T. ?IN(ILK-|(>\ Colds te B? Qu.ick.-Be Sure/ Crt (he fight'r t t * Ir?iht (km men know. Co quick. to$ ?ff that nulHona now employ it. The utmost in <1' Bromide-Quinine in ideal form. CJftM* ?top in ?4 bow?. La < <npr* In a day?. TI t ?v?tem i? cleaned and toned. Nothing cwrptftl with Hdl'a. J* Sure Iti \\\LI't> Pn<*30e 'CASCARA Caldl? ^ QUININE ^ with pot., jli Her Boy Friends on Her Buttons Here's another wrinkle Rtrls?photographs of your boy frleml* on jour dress buttons. Miss Lon-tta II.luinann. of New York, Is given civvhl for !>?!< '?i?. Tim lihuios um clued tn the butttjos. acting by a litr 1?? pirl whom thix' reviewer doesn't tv:;H*mhi-r iuv inu seen on th>- rfra'ii h. :? n . "Tho He-crratloii of Itrian Kent" begin* well. x uveps a?lc?ii;: '???11 through ;i .s.'-rl-. ?t lii|:bly dramatic e|ilMiie8 ? it ml ?*UUh vy??)I What more could In* a-lied of a p let ure? M Shelby Uur^cni. iiookitir* manage r of the .?lkiaiua. an nouncer Ilia t "The A tn-ien t Mar iner" will bo preselilo d imuorro? irOKSAVS roumiis rii>K!.c i ao; 61.00 \ IN mliT With An lidur V?.u'll l..ko Overman ?!v Strvrn-on '?|?ni?H W ltli ji ISrjiiiUitimi" I'hon:- 3-2-1 s?t maline? likI night n-r'.irmui 10*. Tli-.' |>l::y Is l?;{sri| it*>???? K4111 110I luy.'or pil u :? -u? l fUlll.lSii?' pO. lil lllUl JUKI Ul'f'll ? cr>oiiu ivmipiuImts. 1*111 \TK IMINTINfiS * Tho i? !Up lilIr I.f TI V-i-rM'si I'ln-K: Culmd: Na. 4. K i v.-4 1 -? a? si s? Will Astrid Ever Wear These? Thia rnm|Mwlii> phningraph ?how* ih? Jew?!? th^il |?jinc.>.?n A?tri*l of <len will w?-?r If, on reported. ?!?e bMomr? the N-.J?* of 41*? Prince of Walts. They l^loninl to fh" prince'? irrundmoilu-r. tho late Dowager Queen Alexandra. and In her will rhe lift them to hta wife?should he \ lil'Mifr.; with Sunday World. ' T!?is. Ii< an. ifnlly ?idor.-d. II - -111.?*.J ilirillin? s:u<iy of <!i ? oM-tiiu !nr<l? of tin- Sp.iJtlsh >1 i:i, ji.iisiN I ( l?y tli?' ui?i?-.i arilsi Tivi;vk:vii. i.> ! n-ltriuliiccil In vivid thy' Suiukiy V.tiild'it ('? i?.r (iravifp OriU i* Tli? t\!i!i>lav ' World fr.nn m wvdvnli-i' n.?w; id.t ion If tit it ?*?1 t'? iidiani?* nr.li'rj. Liiz.'ihiin ( iiy's IS its v Store i OH KAi.NY WD DAMP WKATHKK u* for? Boots, Overshoes, Raincoats Slickers McCABE & GRICE Shopping ('.enter Since 1 ii()0 Are Your Guests Comfortably Warm? Nothing annoys a hostess more than to realise her visitors are cold. She can apologize and say, "The lire just won't Imrn right this afternoon." But a wise, hostess always has a gas radiantfire ready to light in such an emergency. Then, in a minute, there comes across the floor a com fortable, tliawing glow that puts everybody at case and in good humor. If you've never seen one of these heaters burning, you don't know hov/ attractive they are. And they're not expensive, either. Southern Gas Imp't Co. J. T. STAIJJNGS, Mgr. "If it's dour with heat, you run Oo. it better with MOM'N POP <fcv DAY AND MR.T/Te IS ON HIS vav To Ths Bank WlTM $100, tvmo VJCEKS PAW 3 / ven.I'm spina / DnvuM to V. AOO'.Pm's and 1 put ue THe \*Aosey novo Just a Collar Th!* collar of moleskin is on? of tho nevrett forms of the "Itlrhcolhr" trX The moleskin li? dyed u dark Cr?*cn Tho rlhbon Is ?jrecn and gold ?irlpeU grosxraln. M. is nit?*r?lina tho Furnliuri' Snow ni liiuh 1'olnt 1 ihU wrok. M Ism 11 ulli (iimkHit:, Krvin 11 ??1 1'iwoJI ?iii?i IC?I?Il<* MrCal'i. of Nor folk. \v?-ro I In* MU**!* of MIh?? Al? i??riui Curri ti on K ini ltro;i<l Sunday. Mm. M. MorriM'ti" ami it\i* \m:itiu:h ? \rsns 11.111 COl'<illS Wo c-:in't help lin* wenlh?T. hut we can help 11n* cough. ^a hot llc of !\off-Mu1slon. f.Hr at the A|HillnTjiry Shop. Phone 40?. imI". 2 Tu. uhl?*r. <? Kiltia M ??: ? ri'iuiif-l from I'?' iv t!u\v t t .1 i-w d.i> II Wilkin- .?? ijuni'i I ( olMlt.IL> ? Iti IIIkIi i'< .*??. h Karulf .li'w-U M.vl Ml 11 ; m?'ii. Jan. i V ? Ml. tlemwii . I?r i--1?; Jt'W??'? li?*l"l it nu'ciiittt S?n l.iv ;ii tli?? 11.?' ? 'i ihi? Sunday j:? h ..I hour. \ 1. ? * ? I'l'oWil Wj.s in .i'! ?mlainv .??:?! . ?V ??rnl m w ini-ui*M "* \\??r?* ?1 ? . !lit? roll Ari in.Jiujs pri?- .m?i w:ih :?ti?1 i!so n??:i? i*tohi tl Willi .i ????> .? I > III .'.1' J.u-kSiili. O I' I! STIII. CO Nil M'KS M. Leigh Sheep Co. UWi*r# U'cnr Factors in the sensational Chrysler "7U" pertor mance, which have revolutionized automobile design and manufacture, include? 70 mil?? and more Thfrmritatic l;eat con* Hydraulic four-wheel hour. trol. brakes. 5 to 25 mile? in 6'/? tec* Iumer for cold wcatlier Watioa Rtabilatoes ?? ? ooda. Man "U- front and rear. 20 m i lea to the cillju cf Manifold Iwat control. Wida range of itriklng fuel. I'ivot-il Mrcr.isg. color?. 68 horae-power. NWdr^wav ?prlngj. Fcdco t heft-proof nuxv Air-cleaner. Lowccaier of i;uv!ty. berio g device. . * Oil-filter. I'. IIoon tire*. Light controls oat atccr* Radlmeter. Closed bodic? b/ Tiaher. ifl| wImL ** _w Chrysler "70" alone combines aH and value account! tor the ever* these and scores of other attri- increasing production of the butes joined to a superiority of Chrysler M70"?a production design and fineness of quality and wl> ich has steadily outgrown cx^j workmanship, heretofore pandi ng factory capacity, and ha* thought possible only in cars of established lor theChruAer"7CT twice the Chrysler price. new popularity records x for the Discriminating men and women industry. ^ are refusing to accept less than We are eager to demonstrate eacE Chrysler gives. This extraordi- of these outstanding qualities nary demand for Chrysler quality to you at your convenience. CHRYSICT #i*?V Vt<>n, Iift?*; Reryml ( ??|>? f ?7?<, f 1M1; Rcryal Wan, tiw^CnMo ViU, M"V5 thi. u >*Aioptional, am YSl FR "W?7W*i#C?. Rmd*tt. Mgc C1U CmK,S*? CmK *o< W?. I??. I>U< *K?fc I.M miiFi- /m.. ?W an ?11 CK^trr "j9" ?W/U, ?? Acfcl <IIM CO?. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL ~*r rk*,i?n. i*4, W?m4uff. (?t+t t d<% ?. >???!? >yW< .Pw^, /ou?. >? ??;!???>- JI KM. WWW Pti$trsgrr. l&#i ?><?? ????*?. Ail Me? / ?> Dnu ?Mt m ammi FdM ?riw mi. Mim by Ft*? '*? at? C+wytUr rmclo.nl mod*It. AM modA, "t?il+*d ??a-K M m a. V? ?'? pUmrd lO Mieixl th* OIQf?nl(?t WriM pif CHRYSLER Pasquotank Motor Co. Inc. H \IIIN?J MTItKKT. I-IIONK IMMI. IW Henry! BY TAYLOtf ' - ?lv Bet AHVNDRto~y _ _ _ _ f - lit HE1 rUNllKtD < - - v, c*i v, DOW 8?&oTtc, j ^ j ' ?? i TOj&j 1 i < 1 'v4^fc' JI, i /"ve seo? - she lost/ ( ?v wuhtr^t, ?t?c?4 -o'-.v! o "2 \ A*C !. ?\?*T *"??? ' ! ' / .... - .. \i ; '///. \>*?* ? ? " a. i\f. r< ## " r 4 I' i$ i L4J x -m ? m, j? Jraili'K! ij?" *5SaEi& i I _ * '*** *' f* ?***" "* .?'***?/ Sfe: ? Jfc '-? 'i i . .illXV. t.1 ai?-fl lo In [;* % i. -ay ?'ii:t|-l?>4' Ifr ih* i.i .?:??! v "leni'* n um* FcJi :.?? i ;i;r upon the r:itu*.'l ' :>p|ailons ui ;?li ? i i. i!i in. ry nd .iii-M ?1. I. . i h<ro|?nir|*<* ? I ? ;????% ?? 1 . |'rt| jl I f.ll nirt !'?r '? u ? .i frfi< flaw . ? i >our ?? r . f ic* anil Niiiirt' wii' f'lit rliai^ b'-nflj Clenn Your Flues Out v, till Soot Destroyer Il.>r C:t!l 970 for a |):K'ku;:i' Garrett Hdu\ Co. W ali-r St. We Know This Slops P Ko ip t ' 1 !'? ? ]utt *'en C F **"? i ' t . 1'i.l 1J5t Mfiottt 1 . i t'at rount the ?nocf. Yet v-e -iu ;.iu' you can C void liii. bi'gtii? Mr-., r. La-ford ofBlalta. Ok!a., t.-.y : ' I've ; t number* oi chicle c*; i li .icr.ilijj no^rr p^vle'* rec crnmcndat'oi ? ' f dillucut kindl t>(roup rcme?':r . No v I am otter ing Piatt# which I know will c^r? ?. I l.uvc ii <cJ it before." 0 ' [T.U Roup Remedy [Tablet* of Pu?ni?r) rtfti ' -- 7y. / Utff il f u*f ? ??? ? r . ?>' n*> rri*r%*4 ,cr* f an J CrarantetJ by III .\ TO\ \\ 11 IT K HKKD <X>. KTWIlAltl) I'll\IIMACV - F ItESII ItACKANT I.OWKKS Fur rvery m ention "I'lnro Yoar Onler l)lrcrl.N Hyan I-1 oral Co., Inc. 8 South Iload St. I'lmnc 812 , OPEN NOSTRILS! ENO A COLD OR CATARRH How To GH Relief Wh?n Head and Not*? arc Muffed Up. County fifty' Your cold la h?*nl or catarrh disappear* Your clojjgrd so?- . trii? will open, the Mir |>a?*age? of your head will ?hr and you e?n l.rcat ho fmd\, No mow snuffling, hawking. mucous di?-harg?, dry net? or hradachp; bo ttru/glinf lor bro?Ch at night. (l?*t a ?m?1l bottle of Ely** Cream I'.alm from your -I ru?iti and a littl* of thi* fruyunt intl?*ptic cream in vour nostril*. It |h a*rati* through - rvry air p.i vmijfi* of the head, r t Mig and lieal ing the awollen c?r inflamaa niiu-ou? membrane, giving you mat?at n-Hef. Ilmd cold# and catarrh y?>ld lik? in? g i c. l>on't atay ?tu (fedup and inisrmldv. Kalief ia tun, i

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