^WOMEN'S TNTERESTSJ ARTIST TELLS HOW THOSE HE PAINTS BEH AVE m Mm Have 'I'lit'ir l'orlruil? Painti'd B?-<\iii-i- Tln-v are Urfted Bui \X omen Arr Krrn fur llir Ordeal TIIEY'KE IHI I KKKM Not Thai Moil Arcn'l \ ain. But lliry Worry Aliout Their Hair W liilr Women Think of Jewel* Boston. Fob. 4. WoiiH-n like to have their portraits painted, bat men do not. This Is the* opinion of John Young-Hunter, a Scotchman who is a medalist of tho Royal Acitd emy and who has painted many of America's and Britain's great. Men ftsually have their portrait* painted because their families ' "bare pushed thein Into It;" wo men because they have adroitly persuaded their families to push them into it. lie Haid. As to which sex displays the more vanity during and after the process of palntiug a picture, Mr. Ytittng-H 11 liter is doubtful. " ^They're ho different." he ex plained. "A man usually Is con cerned about his hair, no matter how small an amount he may hare, snd his moustache, total ly, nothing else matters. Women aometimes like to have their V?pM of pearls made a lltle larg er than they really are." One well known banker, bow ever, emphatically urged the artist not to paint the wrinkles in his coat sleeves. Children and very old persons , are the easiest to puint. Mr. Young-Hunter finds. - Children know so little and old folks know ? so much that they do not embar rass the artist with criticisms and suggestions and arc not overwor- ? ried over the outcome of his ef forts. I .fine disadvantage in painting children. however. Is that their parents are so hard to Hutisfv. No artist could make them as beau tiful as their parents believe they ato. ?Husbands also sometime* are critical. One woman looked a*, her finished portrait and ex- 1 claimed. "Am I really as lovely as , that?" Her husband's comment 1 was, "That Isn't my little Mary." A seemingly harmless bit of flattery on the part of their frlends sometimes tends to make, men and women dissatisfied with tho pictures of themselves that they themselves have ndmlred. It 1b a trite saying, but lots'of folks believe it when their friends say, doesn't do you Justice." Besides his art 1st le ability the portrait painter inust possess' some of the qualities of a dlplo- ; mat. Mr. Young-lluiiter does not permit his subjects to see their pictures before they are finished, antl sometimes It .requires con siderable tact to hold off the an- 1 xlous captain of finance or Indus- , who Is used to having thing:: i bis own way. The Scotch artist works rapid- 1 ly. He usually completes a por trait in three or four sittings of i from an hour and a half to two ' hours each. He has painted un- | der varying conditions, the por- i tnsJt of a well known figure In j American life having been done | A Free Service Gladly Rendered Let u* examine jour UihiiioimI ring* and Mf if the Htonr* ?re wenrc. Frequent in?|M>ction of your ring* will inxure you agHiiml n possible Ions. We renilor tliix ner vier tree of tiny rail. " Louis Selig Since 1082" "Your Jeweler wsssm gs, BREAD 21 nunrr loaf Spend Honeymoon in Clouds ?Vhrn Irl Peach <lnwO rot married he took his wife with h!m on his bual nrin trips. Klncr he In an aviclor, Hying from town to town taking pan uritsciti up for short rldw, thin was easy. so the two ore honeymooning by airplane, lie lives In Ark ami City, Ka?. PREPARING FOR BREAD CONTEST iloitie Demonstration < Jul) Members Are Urged Ik ill Council Sutur<luy The rt'Kiilar tnuotlng of lh? County Council of (he Woman's Home Demonstration Club will ho held Saturday afternoon at 2:3o| o'clock at the Chaml>cr of Com -J nterce rest rooms. Kach member ! aboard a yacht. The late Johul Singer Sargent told hiui It could not be (lone. When the pot rait wa? finished the subject, something or on uc-i centric who had refused to tuke j any Interest lu the proceedings. 1 gazed at his picture for u few mo ment?, and. naked for Ills advice, exclaimed. "Ijm't touch it!" . "Homellmea 1 think I'll paint ! only rivers, " said the nrtiHtn. "for' they have no comcbuck when the picture is finished." Zoeller's Photos THI Who 1* Wlio. Studio ovit First & < ili/ciM Nut'l Itinik [is asked to take with them a but termilk or yeast powder biscuit. A judging team will be formed at this meeting lo prepare for the contests which will be held in the spring between Perquimans. Cho wan and Pasquotank Counties. The bread and biscuit contest will be the f^rst of four to be held between these counties during the year. It is hoped that all leaders in the girls' and woman 'h clubs and ull interested in home furnish ings will^lteud the meeting at Weeksvllle High School front 10 to 51:30 o'clock conducted by Miss Helen Kstnbrook of Kulelgh. or at (he Chamber of Commerce rooms the following day at the signe hour. All Interested in cluh work in this County are urged to be there with their dinner an<! prepa ration to spend the day. Our Prices SI 'ITS ami OVERCOATS Offer** an ??|i|iorliinity of ?real suviiitin for men and \<?niifr mrn. McCabs & Grice You Are The Jury WE WANT YOt'K YEHMCT ON "THE VERDICT" A iiiohI uiiuxiially told drama of lovf and llir lav. ^lairing mull n rout a? yon ?<?<? oner u year: WILLIAM COLLIER, III. GEORGE FAWCOTT I.OU TELLKGEN MAUDE GEORGE JOSEF SWIC.KAIU) GERTRUDE ASTOR KI.LIOTI DKXTEK LOUISE LORRAINE TAYLOR HOLMES GASTON GLASS WALTER I-ONG PAUL WEIGH. AT THE Alkrama Today FAMO AND LEBANON BELLE FLOUR ? ?fceolmel, inn of <,n>llt, ?,m W ?fc? leading poe ? DIRTHIIK'TKD IIT? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Water suite*. France and Poland Claim The Discoverer of Radium Madame ( uric. II lm Riweived French (itizenslii/i II In n Married . ami Is Knoicn as the Most \otahle II aman in t rance , (JuU't* L nasauming and Unobtrusive Purls. Feb. l.-Two countries. Franco ami Poland. contend for tin- allegiance of Marie Sklndow < .nka Curie. kn?>wn to ull the world 1 ..is Madame Pierre Curie. eo-dls- 1 nivrcr with her husband of one | [of I he most treasured of science's j [ sccrets- -radium. .But Madame Curio herself.' though a Utile touch of homesick- 1 ness takes her bark to Warsaw i?aeh summer, received French clt- , izetiship when she married Pierre ' Curie in lSt?5 and feels that she belongs to the laud that holds bis "r?'siing grave." Since kIi<' has chosen French na tlonallty there Ik not n French man alive who would refust? her the title of "the most notable wo .man in France." Madame Curio works and lives j in the street which the city of j Purls has named ufter her hus-, band. Number One Pierre Curie. 'Street, is one of the newer build ings belonging to the scientific schools of the University of Paris. It is a raw-colored, ugly building, surroituded by half-finished lab ? oiatorlea and muddy excavations. Mine. Curie came into a small waiting room from her laboratory, quietly and unobtrusively slipping through a partly opened door, j "Mine. Curie?" "1 am Mnte. Curie " [ She sat down in one of the lit tle chairs, her interviewer taking one directly opposite. Folding her hands the waited, face ex : prcMflionless. but with a gleam lu . the eyes that seemed to say: "Now, young man. no nonsense. Keep to the point and we'll get I this over with." A minute passed while she i Mured the interviewer out of coun tenaucQ. and into forgetting what j he had come for. Her eyes shone j Bloodily, unbllnkingly through her WOUI.I) YOU PICK UP A DOLLAIt II YOU SAW IT ON T1IE SIDEWALK? Well, it's like finding money to visit our Money - Saving Sale oil Shoes, Hosiery, Dres ses, Suits, Pants, Shirts, Ties, Hats, Caps, and Ready-to-Wear Clothing for the family. F. A. Rabil Opposite $ Store Matthews St. Itotigh mid Dressed Lumber W imlowH, I)iH>r? iiimI Frame* Moulding* Mill Work ?hlltl|ivr mid llwl Cwlar Shingles CHESSON MFC. <<?., Inr. KI.I/.AIIKTH CITY, X. 0. Tli?? strulKht. severe ly-mt Hark ilrfHt swmod to dis appear into th?* background*, the o<ld . old-fashioned shoes wore for Rotieu; Mine. Curie lias a pair of keen eye* gleaming like radium In tlx* dark, hut life glowed like a wliile-hot flame in her hralu. "Whin do you want to nee me for?" Mine. Curie Heemed to have startled herself in speaking ho suddenly. "li Is considered that you are the inotft distinguished woman In France. Mme. Curie. Wo are col lecting a series of articles on the most notable women of all coun tries." Mme. Curie was wholly un moved. ? V ?i'es?" "Were you Interested in the study of radium's properties be fore you met your husband. Mine. Curie?" "1 think that in not a good (men tion that you ask me. I think it is Improper I should speak of those things, because my husband Is n?? more alive now. I never talk ho . about myself, but only give consultations on scientific things. At tills hour now 1 give information ?f that kind! There is something written about my work and I wiil give such things to you. It is all I cun do. "This tells about my going to America. And here Is about the meet tug ut the opera before 1 went BiLiUUSHESS Retired Minister Tell* How He Keeps in Good Font With the Assistance oi Slack-Draught. VTwt O.raham, Va. ? The Rev. Lewis Crane, a well-known retired minister, nbv past 80, living here, luu a high opinion of Black Draught. which he Htiys ho has t:;ken when needed, for 25 years. "For years I hnd been suffering 1 r. Uh my liver." ho says. "Some ?;:nes th? pain would bo very in <*::fio and my back would hurt all the time. B!ack- Draught was tho first thing I found that would give me any relief. "My liver hns always been slug gl?h. Sometimes It gives mo a lot of trouble. I have suffered a lot with It ? pains in my side and back, nnd bad headache, caused from ex treme biliousness. "After I found Black-Draught, I would begin to take it as soon as I felt a spell coaxing on and It re lieved the cauflo at once. I can recommend it to anybody suffer ing from liver trouble. A dose or two now and then keeps me in good form." Made from selected medicinal roots and herbs, and containing no danger of is mineral drug*, Black Draught i3 nature's own remedy for a tired, laxy liver. NC-166 LAME BACK OR LUMBAGO PAIN "Heet" Relieves Instantly Uaa applicator attached to cork, , *n<l brnah "H?t" over the pain arm. j Immediately. yon feel thin lurmlr?, gloriotia. j.inftratinjr bent ?lrow the Pj'n. nn ! ntiifne*^ right ont of your lime, aching bark. , "licet * ecu tt era the congestion and eatabliahe* n cure. I "licet" in*tant |y relieve* rheumatic i or neuritis pain in any Joint, mu?cle , I or "W- whether In the arm. ?hoahlcr, neck. |,.p. ?r body. "Meet" 1 ? contain* two ^nothing. penetrating in- ! | gnjdienta, too ex fie naive to use in i ,J7 Hnitm-nta or ?nalgaaira. I Hm la a clean, pleasant liquid; i I *Tn i bl later or irritate the j ? akin and coata only 00 centa at any | drug atore. Scarlet A typically uniart hat for town wear I* this little foUH model In scarlet. ! The Intemi In s orra ngement of scar let und gold quills lends a touch of distinct Inn away, with what the people xuul. And thin |h ull 1 will tt'll you ubout ' myself. Oh. Oh! you may say ? that tny eldest daughter. Irene. Is ? worklna In my laboratory with me and that Kve. tli?? younger. i? ; a pianist*' ? you know with a hesitant sld?' Klanre ? she plays the piano. And aoon sh?? I* giv- ! line a concert in Paris." Nearly forty yearn of Kcioitllflr 'research have worn away her I body, hut hor mind wpw* only ?h? Ktronper for it. Tin y mast have 1 1 1? ???n lonely year**, to??. .wince I ?she had to carry on the work for' two after Pierre t'urie was run i I Treat Colds 2 Wavs With ONE Treatment HEN rubbed over throat and chest for all kinds of cold troubles Vicks VapoRub does two things at once: I (1) Its ingredients are vaporized by I the body heat and inhaled direct to the inflamed air passages, loosening the phlegm and casing the difficult I breathing, and (2) At the same time It warms and stimulates the skin like an old fashioned poultice, "drawing out" the soreness and pain and thus aid ing the vapors inhaled to break up , the congestion. This double nction of Vicks usually relieves the most stubborn cold over | night. ivtsjss Ovu> 2! MiujohJars Used Yearly over by u truck in 190C. Teaching constantly. advising yther sclent I -is. experimenting orgMitiziiiK it radium treatment 1 (lurlnt l ho world war. winuliiK a Nob,* | Prize for chem istry these have been the la bora and the fruits growing out of the first work with l'ierre Curie in the lit tin iuaiie<|u4te laboratory when both were poor " and only the railii of friends supplied the money and the materials necennary for experiments. These things Mine. Curie does not wish to speak of: hut they are known every where. II tmiftn's II car Storv tempting bargains throughout our entire lino of winter gar* IIH'JltX. Only -a limited time* left to take advantage of the umiMial offers. M. Leigh Sheep Co. M orttan't II car Says His Prescription Has Powerful Influence Over Rheumatism ?Mr. James H. Alien, of 2ti , Forbes St.. Hoehester. N. Y.. suf- , 'frr?! for years with rheumatism. | Many times this terrible disease left !i im helpless and unable n? work. Hi> llnally decided, after years 1 of ceasebrs study. that no one ran hi' free from rheumatism until the accumulated impurities, com- 1 ; monly called uric a old deposits, i were dissolved In the joints and j i muscles and expelled from the j i body. With this idea in mind he con sulted physicians, made experi ments and liaally compounded a! | pr? script ion that quickly and | completely banished every sign i and symptom of rheumatism from i lily system. He freely nave bis discovery, j ? which he called Alienrliu, to oth i ers who took it. with what might 1 be called marvelous success. Af ter years of uruitm be decided to | let sufferers everywhere know 1 about his discovery through the newspapers. He has therefore in structed the Standard Pharmacy and druggists everywhere to dis pose Alienrliu with the under standing that if his prescription does not banish every siun ami symptom of the disease ho will Kindly return -your money without I comment. ndv.j Sure-Grip ? Glue i?* not a fleeted liy dry Ileal or other atnion pherie eonditiou* and furniture or himnI w/urk repaired with Sure-Grip nill ttiuy filled. Sold liv A>dletl Hardware (!| Itt-IM Water Si. ' I'HOXK 2.1 COLLI) NOT SIJCKI* ON LEFT SIDE "I had pains through my atom-; sirh (duo to i:hh i and could not. wvll, ^specially on left sidi. ! Thanks lo Adh rika I um -we11 i attain." (slsnedi Samuol s. I'ayoo. | Adlerika removes tlas in ton tulu-< utos and brings mrt old waste mlM j t?T you n>'Vt'r thought was in ydun : system. It is such an excellent Ui.-Ij . teHllnal evacuant that it is >von- J ; dorful (?>r .constipation and atom-l | ach trouble. Slops that?.f?tta bloated ft-ellng and makes yoS happy and cheerful. No uuttterJ ] what you hav tried, the Real Ai-I h rika action will surprise yojy j Sold by all leading a rug gists. ^ New Way to End Dangerous Cough The most stubborn couch ?s relieved with the first dosr, anil is very often broken up entirely in 24 hours by ? , new method bnr-ed on the famous Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. 1 ler e is the mctho<l: You simply talc? one teaspoonful and hold it in your throat lor 1 5 or 20 seconds br fore fWajjd lovingit. The prescription hasadatdjjfc] action. It not only so:>thc9 and 3orcncssand irritation, but also looggni ; and i era< n call <? plilc gin andouigestioA which arc the direct cause of the rough* in p. So with the cnutc removed, the ae verest cough usually d i r, a ppear squ ickl V# Dr. Kind's Nov/ Discovery la foif'i coughs, clieit CoMp, bronchitis, SpJia-'j modjc croup, etc. Fine for children, too,y ?no harmful drugs. Very ccononridjB as the c!:>se is only one teaspoonful, all good druggibts. Ask for Business News Items of Today CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY ADVANO, CLASSIFIED KATES This size type (? point). "tie cent a word etch Insertion: minimum 20 cent*, ono time; 71 cents week; 15 word*. Htandln* nds, fire cents ? word per week. Twenty cents per month ? in advance. White space and para graphed ads. 60 tenia an Inch. Copy must be In the office by 6 p. m day before Inser tion. AnnouncrwnU 1 HOME SUPPLY STOflR fie to 15.00 Ktofe will open In the Epls- j copil (Mi u r<*h Block on Saturday. , Everything for the Home. L. K i Br?v. proprietor. 2-Bn THRKE TRUCKS for hire, town or eountry. Call W. N. Dillon. ! 127-W. A. (J. Copelunrl. mina- i nr. s-s'p WK IK) ORNfBRAL HAUL1NC) Sudden nervlee. Kpeclal rate*. Boettcher and Taylor. Phone 906. Feb. fin MOVED ? To new and more npn cloua qnartera at old atand of Mr Pheraon Barber Shop C. W. Morrln Cafe, acrots atreet from old mand. 29-4n FAMILY WASHING? Rongh dry damp wash. Mpn'n work a ?r*clalty. Albemarle [.sundry Phone 1S6. Elisabeth City, N. C. 6tfnp. j Bargain (.ountrr 27 (IHORfl for men. W era from 14.00 I to $7.00. Now $2.r,0 the pair, j | Benton * Wnt. l-S-4n : | BUY YOUR TIHRg from ?? and I get coupons for Ro?er* Silver ware. We carry MtrhHIft Tires i 1 and Tab#* None better ? prle^ ? right Serryott Ptlllnc Station. | 30-5n DON'T WORRY about favors for your next party. Wr have an attractive 11 no ?f Candv Novel ties n. & W. Confectlonery Store. 3-8n For Knit 10 HOtJBK FOR RKNT - OfMBlM f street extended. Water and j lights ? newly painted. Posses- 1 !" slon at once. C. D. Gallop. j feh 3-9np. FOR RKNT Furnished bed j room. steam heated. Modern convenience. 112 North Martin street. Reasonable rates. 2-8n ! FOUR ROOM HOt "KK to rent ?.n i Second street. $9.00 per month. ? C. L. Lister. Auetlou Store, j Phone 681-W. 2-8p ? STORK, nlso five room apart- i nient. Apply a) BOB East Fear ing street. Dr. C. W. Sawyer. 1 utfnp. STORK FOR RENT ? Corner Polndexter and t Burgess SU. Good business location. Modern ronvenlences. G. M. Williams ? 1 Phone 82.1. r-lltf! For Sale 1 1 TWO BK YCLK8 for ??!<?. T!olh 1 in Rood shape. One for $12.00: the other for $16.00 Motion for ?Piling, don't need. Frank Wll- . Hams, 316 Parsonage. Phone' 830 S.9n | FOR RALE 1996 Ford Roadster ('nil Mr. Dardt. Duke Inn. 2-ftp FOR RALR ? -To make spare for ' new stork. 7 Br hooks by popular writers two for $t. this w?*k on ly. Some of the latest books are fneluded In ttya sale. Kin* New*. Company. 2 door* from Southern Hotel. l-6n ' FOR RAhK ? On# Dice row giving i tH?twe*n thrw and four gallons of milk. Call M4. Jtfn HAVIV CHIX ? "Jannlnfr* Quality", Cfctt $1 S.OO par hundrad and up. j pr?pAid. lira dell vary giiaran taad. I Hunt ratM Catalog Bam Fr#a. .tanning* Poultry Farm, Klltabath City. N. C. Ja2ttfn *" . -"I IF IT 18 A LOAD of good wood you want, rail 445. D. C. Par- ' rj. Ho ha* It, niaplo or oak. WU*J Filling Stal i<?n |('A!t WAHIIINC. Texan flan anc , LiibrlcHling Oils and' uxcollttd ; ncrvico nt T!jo TrlnnKlc Ftlltry Station, ijour entrance of Holly wood Cemetery. 2-8^ VI <> II II 111 4* tit ^ ] MARK TUB CRAVES of yoifl loved one*. Hitch rla?H modertl designs. Marble Works, I). T Singleton, prop. 1 ?!2 Position Wanted POSITION WANTBI) ? by to work in sloro to do alleratloi on men and women'n ready mai clothing. Hlx years okperlei Call 6 1 8-J. i nffl POSITION WANTED by man 18 ye ar old. Willing] work for small salary with. One In store an clerkj ferable. Phono 61 8-J. *S1 Real folate SIXTY FOOT OCEAN LOT, bath-hou*e Nag* Head, for i Address Box lit, Kdenton. N. ltfn. ?, Second Hnml i'lirnilnrc We BIJT Second Hand Faratt*-^ The Auction Store, ISO I'olnde* tcr ifrift Phone 771. tf FOR SALE ? Srconn hand xurfl ture. * The Auction Store. It Polndsxter street. Phene 771. j IStfa Tirm p-ISK TIRES ? S" $8.00; ? 1-^ $9.25. Price* rcducod on .prlsv hardware. C. V. Perry, W. Malm 9lra?(. H-l$Btf ~?1 a Wanted HKWIMt WANTED -!?r; c*? rr>nfionnhl?. - S14 firndjr City WANTKD ThrM or four iinfnri nkhed room* and Kara*? In r<| location. Writ# Box 428. .loj WK WANT To t?ur yourj walnut* in the *&?!!. Wwithorly Co. ?

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