IfBoston Nationals Constant Threat To Leaders BRAVES LACKING ONLYATTHF.BAT ?ith Little More Power ^iere Team on Whieh BurruH Plav* First Be in Ffchl for First Division Hy JOHN B KOSTKIt (ownpt im m 8t. Petersburg, Fit.. April I.? The Boaton Nationals who ghai^d St. PrteraburK an a traininc ground with the N?w York Am ? ricana fttvo an impi-ssiun of Kivftt power, to which iH slow'y being ttdded speed ami ooheaive- - nmm. The Hram arc th?- p?rsonfica tiou of ?wruy. Davy Bancroft that for them. H. has been a dynamo to a team that can hard ly be reckoned upon as being a pennant winner, but what it will do until after the ninth Inning <?t 4Sfcrh#ll game is completed will J some high class seer to fore i accurately. If there were to he a aeries of "^Ba right now. a presumably serlea of a seasqn in which [ 'championship waiT to b?* dc n* a"d the Bostons, not be pro ha ble pennant winner* i (mselves, were one of the clubs that aeries, the team playing llnst Boston might lone a cham "?ip against this tireless Braves don't know when to' when they get going and keep right on digging "in ??r the gnme is breaking , Ir way or not. That's why no; can tell what the outcome of i content is likely to be when i are one of the parties. | mighty good lieutenant to ft Is Cautreau, the Holy ^^^^_#0?ond baseman, who Is a dlsclpli- of the school of Jack Bar- 1 ryi Pretty much all of the good ; baseball that Gautreau knows,) outside of the young man's natur al ability, he acquired through coaching of Barry, who has1 out some mighty good col I lege baseball players .n Worcs mBjbUiachUHetts. It is the only "tor town in the I'niied States. ? V the playing of college base keeps the professionals from) anywhere. Professional ! went begging there while |__rTj~?oHege games drew as many ? as 20,000 spectators. , Gautreau in addition to his, ~ mual work in the game iu one |the soundest kids in the busi- 1 " In backing up and in playing , ball to the right spot. Take] pft and Gautreau on a day both are going well and I Is little chance for anything] !get through second base, un LJaap It has a torpedo behind it for I ? propelling power. W Burrus at first hi?<! such a good "jir; last .season that it put liimj In line for this year and at third ? it is pretty sure that Hlcouda will' bf elected to play. It Isn't new for Riconds to get into the ma jors. It is probable this time that he will stick. He is heavier and la. batting better, and It was his weakness with the bat that kept ] him out in other years. When the Braves were down hem last season they played many nes and won most of them and have .been repeating that lit- | ' ^rformance this . year with j success But there is a dlf between this year and In 192&. each manager after licked went away and said raves were the worst look te?m he ever saw. This yea* [?the Braves won the msnsg aay anything about the ' being had. They talk the briskness of the team i rapid ftre work on the and suggest ... thai, K. the had a little more power their, haU they would h-? for first division in the I^BCrliaRes, cut Jlnwer* and pot ^ plinfH fot Master delivery. Call rtoday. Jtyuir i ??-, , ii.r Remember "Her' This Day O* Easter show your ?ffertion toward moth er, wife or sweetheart by prmentinf[ her with ? ; l>ox of Candy. Nunally'* Candy, be cause of it* known hijrh ?oality, will carry that aesRBtre of yours effec Iveljr. ; THK AI.BKMAHI.F I'll A lf\l At > Main ikmI RmuV Ht?. HOPE TO WIN FIRST FLAG THIS SEASON Bancroft These niue baseball pilots are I Keeking their first major league flag- Some are hopeful Oil* will i be their year; other**, less optimis tic. are content to wail another season or mo whily they hullil up their clubs. Cobb, Fohl, Staler and Collins represent the American League and Hendricks, Fletcher. Ban croft, llornaby and McCarthy the National naturally. Cobb. Staler. Collins. Bancroft are player-pilot sT All are infield era but Cobb. McCarthy- is ih? baby member of ihe group iu point of service. having been named manager of the Culm dur ing the winter. Last year he led Louisville to the gonfalon lu the 'American Association. National this year. although fight , ing for first division in 1 !? 2 <i won't bo tlu* easy task lhat it was in 1925. Drown lins addrd. a barrel oi strength to (he Itosion out iM'iii even If lie can't throw. 'the Ui.ivc-, had no one to go back for l<-n flies last year although tlulr fl?id has all the room ill the^cnh . . for a centerflelder. '1 Iiii: >?*.?? r Hrown can go bade us !:?<? as any ball that Is batted his wa\ and be will make tin- lln.-Min pitchers look a lot h. 1 1 ? r. There arl* Welsh am' .Mann play the other outilr-ld :n?nt and between them .ami Brown r;: lira ve*t can hold any team b iter ttiM|? the Brave* held them ;i yi-ar ago. ? I Benton, Genewieh, Cooney. t I Smith, Ryan, all pitchers of Inat 'season, an- better than they wire, and (ieorge Mogrldge. with his old left arm in likely to help the Brave* when th* weather heats i up. With Jimmy Johnston and High to fill In for the infield and with a .ot of youngsters who look prot- | ty good for inlleldei-M some day, "t 1 is no wonder that the minor league owners hang around Bos ton to try to get some of the ma Dissolution Sale (ilKLS' EASTF.lt HATS 33 1-3 Off Buy now and nave uiic ihird the prior. T. T. T.urner & Co. MR VS - HOYS' . CUTtl-H' WKAH r,orv Ma in sti'pei. All The Latest Hits l(?*ror<|? 3,m? rarli 3 for $1.00 DUFF PIANO CO. Kmrhttf Hi., bMwMHi Water ami Pnlmlntrr Ht?. r FOHUTOP) . HENDRICKS (CENTER) COBB MCCARTHY CK>p SlSLER. HORN58Y FLETCHER (TOP) COLLINS wiihIh ih*' niltl<IU* of ihf 1 ?:!.*? w.m Wlt|f?. Sox rhi^flnm :? year afio, whlh* H.i nor oft. ami lien (tllck.s tOOk OVIT I lit.' joll i?t llOMH ill the ulart of tin- 1924 season. Han i-raft wiUi ilio Hravos. Slslor the 'II low 11 k and H?inlUck-s ili<> Klficii?>r wiih iii* 11104I manaKor of flio IMiillics in |'?2J miicI Co l)h, p.. iroii pilot. Kohl look <hnrcf of tli#? IIohi on lied K?.\ iii l??CI. iift ur having manajcoil i si. KoiiIk II row ii h and C'lt v- i.; In ii;?n Colib has lam! 1 M- Ty:-i? us llnriiHhy Jri'Ml the tnaiui gei-Ia I job of th? si. !.on|a ( 'TrJinuTs to I'-riul thai Itanrrofi |>utx out. Iiui ? piv.ciically nil of If will go In I'mvidi'noi- and ihai'K I'rovldpnc '* lirtxidentl.il ^nin. UiiHi^r Sunday, April 4th. Wc ti? t?ooi;inu oid<?n? now. Ryuu , i'Ioi al (\#,, | tic. adv. j For Tiro Service U-7-1? -.\ittlil I'hiHM1 ?WW ? Day IIioim1 R J. Cohoon & Co. LIMES ViNI) SMAKT NKW II.O; !t <?' SlftNS OF KASTEI1 Only nature knows the senvi that puis ilic i ? i In* Lily. I ? y iliti hiiuk ink en only skilled ?? i ? im r, know how to put -the nmart louche* that *p? li lyl? ' Into i ho smart new models wi'ro .-howin^ llii: S;irlny I). WALTER HARRIS The City Tailor and Clothier SELECT ,TH A T EASTER TIE NOW > p" r* r > H PI to H I/) X > TJ m z 2 n z in R? S3 O -< to C/J X o m tn Easter Clothing Features ? All Men's $25.00 h!!-wooI miaranteed Suits for this week only? $22.50 While Broadcloth Shirts kJ) 1 ?OU Men's Spring and Summer I la!.1;. All newest shades- - $3.00 to $7.50 McCabe & Grice SHOPPING CENTER SINCE 1 8 90 WHAT UOC'j I That f-UAM? (THAT MEAWS HE .~J I HA<i A, FAf t" THAT 3 t I EASY to Lock iMto NO I AiNT, i_ COM t WIT H 7j ME AMD I'LL ) P90V6 IT t I TO YOU I OH M V b^othep 1 HA^ ONE of them Oh' I QE.Ut.VE VOUt?t FOOUlNC NOW- OO VOU -J BELIEVE IT"" c CuA^ M'MAMUS 10THY DARNFT THERE S MISTER DOfSCAW I LIKE HIM. HE HAS SOCH | 1} AM OPEH COUNTEHAMCE I By Charles McManns Iircli iiji as <?n?l |>l,ir< Kohl mill htii Rrnwi within a HiiiKli* ^ m?> of ^Miiki'f* lor i ho tk.l II II f }' b,v. Collins. Sisli all itlil *. !) lii^i * Wh?|?* * Jit- ?.HrI\ fuvor any ??f th**.** ? t iia tiakrrs ... fiirouKi, J ln? Mimt. ?f ?r showiim I lie way ard rh??r?l?> wlillo ill !???? IMIIK' I >111 It |t|?* Horu ?' ami ll.iiirroft ?MlifHI. "Jf <liH??||'l ??n ? |>?*iiiia ii i - tilal flue Mj?i If. .1 Ilia for |> ihfir in Question Box j (JltfM ioti linpir" f-mr Will* mid l?ull?'l :il;n|s i<n firm aiul th?n tin- tnni>ir?' - III* and I-.I1U ih>' !?;?? out tin ill II-,. *; rlk?' - h hu' t '??? runner lit* Mi-n. . . : otii ml who h.is ;iut Jmrlt y. u >iti?lr*- in ? M??f. ?.r f i?*ld niii|?ii'o'* .\n*w'f*i' Th<. riiiim r l.-t .mi- ii Pay Enough For Quality SPRING SIHTS | I In* only and cci'lain way to obtain l(K) jht k rent satisfaction i* to I in > < lothr- of quality. TliaTs a rorlaiiily Iit'i'c! I' or > oil .iikI lot us it"-? tit m m I lnisilt?*"s. Our prin-h air jllhl riimiflli ! o ilblU'C quality? ? tto more. If V r/o our own nhvru tions . No vxfra t hat u<. RAULFS & COX tsli llu- Mnn Ului li forx Thrill ?!??? I:i ivii .Mir .iiMiouch ih# un r??v*rtf* i bin i iiiiU-sk '||i? iian ttrnially mUNod i awing at the Til" ?l~. .??..(! ,ilwuy? IH tA !>?> ] ' In Thief lft?2 from th" Field I I til v*ai ? for i:?Ri??r >,??ur.H lotiay. Enjoy Your Itm'll ?H mor?* |ih*Asiirf OIK ??f >??UI till Oil iNlllootll. ? \ii-i >. n il pi more MillfMfi ?mi fif (imHltvnr Itutlonn TIiyw. nitKlo I,r (;,?<?!> r?r'* M?ii?b*rtul n?-%% ' rorvl tabrfc Supi<rlu|s(?>4>\tm cliiMtr, *m?i? MruiiK. !????< I\ for )??!?>? |MTM'||| U lift -|s. Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. Rupture Expert^ Here Nch Invention of Grew, Merit (vivrri C.omfort and Kclicf to I'IiouhuimIh Suffering From Itiiptiire. The Collins Jtupture Expert will Ik* ut th? Southern Hotel. El Isa bel l> r 1 1 ?, . N. c.. Monday. April I : v . i \ inpiui-ed person, whether ntnn. \?0hiaii or child, r.hould ar ? rar.uf 10 call on one of the above i mention' *! date and get a free demonstration of a new Invention , ror difficult. or aggravated caaea of rupture no matter when? lo- : [ oat <*d. Thousands of persona who for- : merly autre ted th<* tortures of old fuHhloned steel and spring truaaea ur" -now rejoicing lu their free- i doin from i i?*> danger and dlacoin- ; lori of ruptyre. If you who read ihiH not lee are interested lu cur Jni. yours* If completely, then don't full to viMftl the Colling# Bx peti for an absolutely free dem onstration and 'trial of the moat PiwnrkfiM" System for rupture that has ' vet beeu Invented. TheWB ji; nothing like It anywhere, and host h of men and women are aina'/ed at the ease with which , th' lr ruptures are controlled. Why wear trusses the rest oW your ilfeV What you want la to J !>?? eured or your rupture so you fun throw your truss away. You ur" Riven an opportunity to And j out how you can do this by mc- i icoptlng onr free trial plan, ab*o? lutely without a. penny in ?d~ vance. We want ? chance to | prove to you that the Colling* | System for rupture Is a real, gen- j ; u Iti'- means or relief, from goug* Ing.' cutting, chafing spring truea-l ??M. We want you to try this tre?t^| nient at our expense and send our representative to personally apply j it to you r parllcular case of rap- ! t nre. UeniemlH i it costs you no money to Klve this Syatem a trial and you should he anxlotia to know | it it holds out greater possibilities | lit :i ( lire than what you ure BO# , I rising. The ? Xpert who la coming ^ vou i rltv l< thoroughly ?'xperlj ni,(.d In the C olllnus System aid ),<? will h? glad to glv you IwneAt of his experience In 1 1 eatment o / rupture, without ctfjirge whatever. No matter wh* you have tried or how many tint you have failed, you can't aflo to mlKS this Opportunity. This < p. m will explain about th- rami rapt. CoMngs System of treaty rupture the S\ "in ift.H thOl| mda report have healed them their own hows, lie will shtl you plainly why Ihla Method atiiiK rupture has been rkahly suecptaful. No ruptured person, can to suffer the danger and ve|,l< nre. of I'llptUr" when A L, of relief I" hrou ghl to your door Don I let the little grow up handicapped with til re. I'ind out the rollings , tern of recovery without operfttf II will be well worth aty.fr mi "I persons' Hum to see tnM| l? I- not often that anfUL opporl unity comes and OHM doea. It is foolish to n' gl? et J Call at I he Southern Hotel, J time Monday. April I. Hour* I I it .a , ~ to r, p m.. 7 to r* ln?, and bring thla notlea vou. ('.apt. W. A. f lolling*, W Aft Kit TOW .1, H mi. r It

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