Remember Her? .s Is Lady AahVuiion, wlttt Tier tiu*itan'? of the Plorodora nextette. $50,000, 000 This photo of I?ruv .\tar?n-.*rlto Hyde, count?* of Suffolk miit from i'jr an Floral Co., Inc. adv. TIip^r-i Circu* In , The World Giving ? FREE PARADE DAILY. ELIZABETH CITY WEDNESDAY 4 A APRIL I nr A National institifio* 6NIFICENTFREE STRfF.T RADE AMI A KNntr.Shil* fCOMPif rs PlxfO/tfUiKC'S wv a* 2. hn'> d ,?/?>. WS OKU ON! MH-K CbOWt PRICES) IIMltU \ I'MOKK 10 ?.v Wlflx MoMa f* ult Clmw !??> ?u Tarty for MIhm IUjeks MIhh Ccrtrudn Kikks wmh Kivon a liirihtlny parly Tn.xlay ufter 110011 from three to five o'clock at h> r home f?n North Martin .street SMART SIV I. ICS IN New Suits for Easter We arc showing quite n number of new Spring fabrics tailored in the very latest styles ? styles you'll want to ? e a r around Faster and after wards. The most de sired colors of the new season will ho found here. These suits reflect correctness in every de tail and are priced from $25 to $40 Weeks & Sawyer Where tho llc*4 Clothe* C mw l-'rorn by her mother. Mr* W. 8. Cries* in honor her eighth birthday. The (lining tabic wan attractively decora t?reat Lakes. Captain llite is expected to return Friday. llcreH Kklells M^'In Hereo. April 1. ? The Fidelil ("las* of Heru Church held its moiillily meeting Tuesday night, from 8:00 to 1Q:'!0 at the home ? of Misses Maggie ami Kdua Davis. I The meeting was opened by scrip, lure reading by Margaret llussell. Mrs. J J. Smithson. led a Rihle . drill, which was enjoyed very much. The meeting was dismissed .by Miss Margaret Russell aud a social hour was enjoyed. Ice ] ? ream aud cake were served as re- I lreshments. Those present were: I Misses Margaret Ktissell. Kleauor ' llalph. Elizabeth aud Helen Davis. \ Muggirntud Edna Davis, and Mrs. * J. J. Smithson. Visitors present i were: Misses Elsie Kussell. Agues Halph, Elizabeth and Helen Davis, Mrs. Evelyn Williams of Elizabeth ' City. I'rmonjila Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Quinu hare returned to their home ai Wilson after spending a lew nays with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilkin*. 227 "North Road street. Cale Whltehurst is out agaiu after a few days' llluees. Lucian Hinton. Jr . son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hinton. had his tonsils removed Wednesday at tho 'home of Mr. and E. W. (Jregnrv. .North Road street. Miss A. Mar tin. a nurse from Norfolk, is here to be with him for a few days. New-land Personals New land. April 1. ? Mrs. Ray . inmid Harris of Newport News %aa l he Kuent of her sister. Mrs. 'Charlie Bright, last week, j Mr. and Mrs. B. L. White and ; little son. Leslie, and James Hu bert Brown spent the week-end at Whitenton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams. Mrs. Newtie Spenc?> and Mrs. Worth Williams of Elizabeth Cil> were the quests of relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrx. Charles Evans of ?Elizabeth City spent Sunday here. Clarence Ednt-y of Norfolk spent the week-end with his pan-tin. Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Edney. Sam Davis of Elizabeth Clly 1 kpent Sunday hero. Mr. ami Mrs. NtVtli Jinea of Norfolk fere the* guoala of rr|%> Uvea hero Sunday. Mi t.iynn William* of Norfolk *pent tho week-end with her pureutH. Mr. and Mrs. N. l.?p Williams. Mr a ii ? I Mrs. Calther Jackaou of Kliznb"* h City were iho gueaU of Mrt. .Iitrkson'a parent** Mr. ati'l Mrs X. I. Wllllama. Sunday. Nil >ml Sawyer of K11zahat?, C'ity -p.?iit i he weekend with her parent*. !? v: juUI !>*? a ?-:? la inity U yd? I m ??r hi r r:i K:i:!ter. Cali-lf^ to il :? l!y:-:i Plural 4Jo.. Int. |?|?| 1925 GILBERT'S I * "Beautiful Clothes For Ladies'' 1926 First Anniversary I ONE YEAR OLD AND GOING STRONG '1 NOW SHOWING EXTRAORDINARY ARRAY OF SPRING APPAREL Exclusive Spring ("oats and Dresses at GILBERT'S ? Clothes with the glamor of Paris origin and the appeal of Modest Pricing Have made Gilbert's the popular shopping center for the women. We neither exalt exclu siveness above price, nor subordinate quality to cheapness. \ This Is The Shop Where Beautiful Clothes and Reasonable Cost Move In The Same Set '?*& ' ? -v- ? ? "??