NEIGHBORS' ^flVES ' ERNEST LYNN, author oi THE YF.LLOW STUB BBCilN IIRItK TODAY John, and Fay Mllburn buy a . home when their baby girl I* i born and the advertising agen cy iii which John It partner and j copy writer lands a new cou- | tract. Among their acquaint ances are: Noel and Vera Boyd, whose marriage Is strictly "modern." Pat and Marian^ Forbes, who hare three children and whose domestic life is unhappy be cause of Pat's roving tendencies. Previous chapters told how: John was fascinated on meet ing Nell Orme, of whom Pat Forbes hints that she Is having trouble with her husband. Fay took Judith, the baby, j to visit her parent* In Ashe ville and during her absence John "ran around" a good deal, ' mostly in company with Pat Forbes. When Fay returned J gossip had retailed some of hlB ! doings and sharp quarrels be- j tween him and Fay followed, ' one of which drove him "but on ! a tear." Fay, learning he had been out again with other wo men, threatened to leave him ! if It was repeated. | Jo)|u later encounters Nell Oral? at the Boyd's ? a plot of V Vfcr?>S?, who takes delight in pro moting "affairs." He resolves not to see her again, as he real izes Nell is carrying him off his feet. But he does and the day comes when he takes her madly in htf arms. Fay learns of it and leaves him. John closes the house and takes an apartment, and here one night comes Nell Orme to tell of a quarrel with her hus band. Howard, who suspects John of having come between tb?m. While John is talking w.lth her the door opens and Howard Orme enters. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY (The name* and situations In. this story are fictitious). A CHAPTER LIV John could do nothing hut atare. And within him was the knowledge of the futility of wor'ds. ? Terror had leaped to Nell Orme'a eyes. As for Howard Orme, the man's face was quite terrible to behold. The thin, straight line of his mouth was even thinner and stralghter because of the Bet teeth. The muscles of his Jaw stood out like great knots and his eyes, narrowed In anger, blaied like a cat's. Of the two, John, despite the false position he was in, was by far the calmer. As for Nell, she had backed against the wall and stood there, a breathless specta tor. John was thinking. ?'He'll have to aay the first word. 1 won't make any apologies." Howard, closing the door be hind him and bracing his back against It, looked slowly from John to his wife and then hack '\agaln to John. i 1 "Well," he said firmly, his S 'voice little louder than a whisper, "I'm not surprised. I would have bet money this was where I'd find you two." And then silence again. John, j although the unfairness of the ar rutation angered him. still stub- j bornly refused to speak. [ .Once more Howard stared at his wife and shifted his gaze back' again to the mau he thought had dt*atroyed his hotue. And the; muscles of his jaw began to work land his mouth to tremble: the nar- 1 trowed eyes to blink. J "You see." he cried at Nell. "I | told you you were lying when you 1 denied your love affair with this I man. You lied- -didn't you?" He was trembling now. all over, a pit iful figure. i And quite suddenly he collapsed and sank sprawling into the near est chair. Nell spoke his name ? "Howard" ? and at the sound of i her voire a great sob escaped him and he buried his faco In his hands. Nell at once started toward him. her hands outstretched to comfort him. but John whispered. "Walt, j Let him have It out." and she re mained where she was. But Orme was not long In re covering and John, as the other slowly raised his head, said. "How ard. do you want to listen to me?" , The words were as friendly, as kindly as he knew how to make, them, but why, asked Orme. hlsl lips tightening again, should he i listen to any inore lies? i Wasn't this evidence enough for hlra ? to come in on his wife In j I another man's apartment, in an- ] | other man'B arms? What did he i have to listen to? Hell! John didn't think he was an ignorant kid. did he? I John's own calm surprised even | I himself. "Well now. Howard," he began placatingly. "I can't resent your j thinking those things, even though they're not true." "Oh, don't lie, put In Orme ! wearily. He wouldn't take the trouble to lie, John told him. "Howard, sometimes things can look mighty different from what , they really are. I won't deny that ] your wife and I have no business to be here, that on the aurfaw things look pretty rotten ? but you're dead wrong, Just the same." "Liar!" hissed Orme contemp-i tuously. "Why don't you two ad mit your rottenness and be done ; with It? Why make It worse?" Nell gasped. "Howard!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide and Blar ing. And John, despite his resolu tion to try to reason with Orme. was forced to resent the man's words. "See here now." he said angrily, "I refuse to get melodramatic about this thing. I don't care for lall the penny fireworks. You sim ply don't know what you're talk ing about." '( SUMMER FOODS 1 ? must be cool! to eater lo a )iot weather appetite. Tha chill la the right food*, the tinkle In ?th# glapaea, Impart appettBlnR delicacy t o the almpleat meal. Thoae little touchea of elegance make you a charming hoateaa! The preparatloa of food d*manda cryatal clear lee. froaen from aparkllng water. You can be abeolutely aure of the purity of the dlatlllcd water Ice from Crystal Ice & Coal Corp. PNOMRH in and 7ie KU/.AIIETH CITY IBON WOKKS & SUPPLY CX>. and UnwKhn MaHnf Railway Pry Dock Hallux and IHphm of ftoata ? Mill and MaHn# Mupt?tl?a PkonH: <>?? Itempted to kill you. 1 think I | would kill you. Clod! I've stood la lot, but I won't stand for this." ! Nell had gone over to her hus j band's side and was plucking at 'his sleeve. "Please, Howard,- he'a tellinv the truth, the honest truth. Com- . let's go home. Let's get out of here." She shot an agonized glance at I John over her shoulder. I "Come. Howard," she went on. las Ormc began to push her away, "please let's go home, and you I sleep on It tonight and maybe in (the morning you'll be ablo to ! think clearer." "Think clearer! I'm thinking 'as clearly now as I'll ever think. | Damn you. Mllburn," he cried, his (voice breaking. "And you, too, | Nell. Damn you both! I'll have I you both in court? you see if I j don't." "You do," John told him, "and j you'll regret it to your dying day. ' "You mean to say I haven't got i the right to get a divorce? You'd 'better not butt in on my affairs any more." | And John, not knowing what else to Bay, turned wearily away, thinking, though, that if Ormc did McCabe & Grice Shop/ring ('.enter Since 18'H) Our July Clearance Sale Ends Today. Cfflnf and Got in on the Varioun Bargain* Offered. go through with thU and drag his uuiue into it, he'd i?c- tempted to kill liliu. ' Oruie was snatching at his hat. ! "I ought to kill you.'' he was (crying, and started toward the | d?or, Nell after hlui. "I ought to | kill you." And John ? "Yew. I suppose bo," he said. ? ? ? There wa? no sleep for him that , tlight. CSoiug to bed watt not even to be thought of. Hilt before sett- i 1 ling down in his arm chair he went ' | first to a closet and brought out \ a bottle. ... i I Over his glass he was reflecting .that if Howard should do what he | ; had threatened to do and Kay1 ^hould learn of it. lle'd sooner die than live with the knowledge that I she could think of hint as the kind 1 of man Howard would paiut him. ! "(?od!" he cried. "What have I done that I should deserve all this? It Isn't fair ? it isn't right, j Fay, I'm innocent ? 1 swear It!" And so the night wore on. What', he wondered, was Howard Orma doing now. Had Nell gone home with him. and were they quarrel ing again? What a pity that Nell ; should have this trouble on her hands. And yet Howard ? how could he really blame the man? What would he ? John ? have done had he come upon his own wife in an other man's apart nii-nt? What a nasty, muddled thing life was anyway. What trouble rould be born of misunderstand ing. And what was to become of him? He rose to pour himself another drink. Wouldn't Nat Graham gloat, he was thinking as he ? t i p)M*d the bottle, if he only knew | of this. Ho could hear a horse-drawn 'vehicle go clattering past his win dow ? the milk man. most likely. Funny that routine things should ? go on uninterruptedly llko this while his own life was going to smash. But that was the way of tho world- -harsh, unfeeling, no 'one caring a rap for anyone else, j Some time during the long hours before dawn he went to his bedroom uud opened the bureau drawer where lay the little rub ber doll that had belonKed to Ju dith. He squeezed it hard. an>l the toy emitted a faint squeak. It was unbearable ? It tore no at his heart. He was glad when ho saw the sun shining in at the window; glad for the t \cii?*? of disrobing and Jumping Into the tub. And now, he thought, as he emerged from his bath, unother day. with more trouble In store. On hra way to breakfast he bought a newspaper, glancing at the thing mechanically and with no Idea whatever of reading. Hut suddenly he stopped to stare at the paper's ominous headlines, which were proclaiming a thlni; Heautiful ilutltlnc Caps for onn half their original price at the Standard Pharmacy. Coasting Hiding on air without a wor ry because tlipy are fully cov ered by iitMurance. Let uh aHmimo the rink. Then you can enjoy motoring. Insure toda>. Robert M. Cotter ('nmlinu I Wink llld*c. Everybody Don't Know it but We Sell TIRES When You Need a Tire Call On Us. GarrettHardwareCo. THE HARDWARE || L'HTIjKKH LUGGAGE FOR VACATION TRUNKS ? BAGS and SUITCASES See our great display of high quality standard lines of Luggage, Hand Bags, Suit Cases, and Trunks. Everything you need for your vacation and for all the year round service. The prices are right. Special! ? Hat Boxes for only $2.45 ? See them. Quinn Furniture Co. |?l unbflU'Viiblv. Tin- flume of cmiwlal. !?*? kiw. vis about to near hiru again. (To lie t muiiiuwl) STOUT WOMEN Slenderize Your Figure Appear 10 to 20 Pounds Lighter by wearing a VdifterenceV Do you want to look more youthful, graceful and slimmer? Let th? Comfort Cor?rt- Draasicrc ilendfriie your figure wiil? out auy dfort oa your part. You will bcsurprUcJ at th* rr?uU. Supports, Flattms and Reduces Hit** and Bust Prevent* Bulging of the Diaphragm Qiva the Figure a Trim, Straight - Lin* Appearance. Mnlet You Aj>Ocar Year* Younger. $1.00 - $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00 Rucker & Sheely Co. Eliznlirlh i lily's Itrsl Store WK HAVE THEM IN All SIZES. ' ? ' M.G.Morrisette&Co. Tin ? Itig Main Street Furniture Store Good Through and Through it/. llrlaiU loll imprcHHivo rtory of qimlily -l.mdurcU Hlrirlly iiiiiinliiiiit'ii in Dadfic Brollient Cars Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. Jj l'oindextcr and MadliPWN Hi*. Phone 497V* I TODAY EVELYN BRENT in "SMOOTH AS SATIN A([rfT?Mp to Krn TH' Moc* oow?. ??r tTMTto OH TUit j PlCrttC,ANVHCH It MMOCT P*CK?D_ them wru. be / H> ?o cxrr k?o??tw ACE PRWIM6 our. amo -rvey'itR ?oiM& T6 TAKE CHICK AMP MI4 Tb PLAY \ T*e "Pack, hula"' * HdNE To CA?*Y vtKt