SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Walter Mtrri'i. Cal\in Hall. *\ H. 8toel? and his two -??n: . Kred 4rick and Howard sr.- !?-. .ill of Milier City. or. ?- i??l i n s- \ in! *?9^ as the truest of !?? \. and Mr?-. J\ H at f lit>i i hoiui Oft Elliott tr.t t. Mr. and Mi. Kmmeit Wiinb'W Of Hertford w?*iv in tin rn> Thuredi)'. Larry K. Skimp r mi .3 Alb- r: Bright motored to Ti 1.1: ?ra Beach Thui -?la\ ? a>mu:> v. li i t hey aUt'iitii ii tin- ii.Micf 9fr.' and Mis. K. <\ I!n.?- Have* ,,f u?s;. and Ms.' Conn Jen. Of* Hertford w. r? iii tin Htv Fri day Mis Manila Pat Archie li mo tored to Kdfnlon S .mil wm accompauied hoop i?y M.* TUiner Buvii and <;? ??: *- lilau.l Bfiluii'ts or Kd? n?oi? who will 4nnd aev?>ral day j a h- . t- ?! r.;. Mrs. W >1. I'u w' II and dun*:ln toe* Mlfs If ? \v?lld'it l!yi?;in have returned from W.e hin'-io.: and Ufclhuv. n ali'-r i?v?ial du>?" vlalt. Mr?. J. IV Deans Hi Uiav>-:i baa return. ?l Iioiijh after belne Hi" ftnear of Capt ii nd Mrs. M. M. MoneutU-, North Kuaii Mlri.'t sin wan actum pan li d home by Mr* Laura Floyd who w.iii visit ih?r? Mm. J. I'. Kramer and lainiiv left Saturday for Viruini.i 11- .icli to apeud tin- mom It ol Aifgusl. Mi. and Mrs. C. C. Ballix. I'lv traidu Drive, returned Thursday from au autoinuhili trip to Mor? head Ulutf*, New Hem. A?dn v*l I !?-. Cbarlotif. At NVv. Horn Mi. and M fk liailoy wore joint d by Mr. and AJifl. A. .1. Davi ii|?ot i of that cif> who accompanied tie in lo Wieatcrn Noito Carolina. XaiC? Personal* Nags Head. JuJ> ill. -Matthew Wftfk* returned Inn Wednesday to complete li *m vacnt ion ,aft? i a trip to Elisabeth Cit>. J'J. J. Pptci'HOii Is ?|ult>- 111 at hi.-" hone bore from a slightly infect ed cut ou liif foot. Bev. U. F. Hill rami- down Wed nesday to fcpend a few day.-; with bit family si t tin- Zoell. t (*otla^? . ? * 1 Jamo Hathaway returned hern Wednesday after spending a f- w dayn In Elisabeth City. ?.'Dan A. Morgan touched here on bit way to Mameo Wednesday . r,pBcar Whltehurnt rcturind h?ue W^dnoada>. ?! M. P. Tork?ey toiiclu-d hen* on hl? way to Manteo W< dinsda>. /Henry Hunt of Oxford came down Wedneaduy fo sjietid a f.-w i Claru Kelly and Virginia npb.-ll of Hlchtnond. Virginia. 1 Thtiraday morniuit for their ba after spending. Home time as fguent oi Mr*. E; Thompson, "r. and Mr. H. B. Jan.s, Mrnf ? l?ictrokc at the North l'ole. And groat sufTerin' sassafras, whftt a four-flusher he is! Possum Flat has r;ot only one street and Chris persuaded 'cm to name it "Sixty-Third Street." One more remark and I'm through with Chris for the present A good motto for his newspaper is, "Itead 'Em And Sleep." SI BURBAN ^ t. 0 vy/ Dowv . j Some day I'm | goin' over Niag ara Falls in a barrel. Once! mure before I j die I want to ride where traf-| fie ain't conges- 1 ted. ? ? * The blight of aomethinjr o r other is a worn, a n smoltin* a cigarette a n ' nursin' a baby at the same time. Fable. Once ' upon ft tlmo a j man that could take It or let it tilone* let it alone. ? * ? Dictionaries in supposed to be simple and direct hut you never raw one that called a spade a R. F. Tut lie. and Mis-r.t Kllnbf til unci Annie Tuttlr. Kllzab- tli AND 1 DON'T MEAN I GUESS SO! Miss Hazel Mom yhcffor takes i;ood care of her Uhh?i*. She . ays she always kneatis dough with her glove* on. The editor ?;h with my vhoes on; 1 i:i*ed doui;h with my shirt on, and unles* some < f my readers pay up their subscriptions I'll Heed dnuj:h without a durn thinic on, which ia no fun when the weather jftta cold. Please pay up your sub scription ! Society and Personals | Claude Pot fit t, who livid with his | brother'* family in order to Have; money, decided to go broke. Soak . Sturgeon has completed plan* for drilliriK an oil well and; can now go ahead with a full head of steam or whatever his hu.d is full of. Miss Prudence Pilkins' rich aunt in New York has gone to a beauty surgeon in Germany to have her knees lllUd. Joe F.lrod'a barn burned last Tuesday, cause unknown. Mnybe Joe didn't have enough barn to cover the insurance. Mrs. Joe MoneyhelTer is in a bad fix. She can't go to town till she gets a new hat und she? can't gut a new hat till she Roes to town. Smallpox is reported in Goose Ankle, cau.svd by an agent who went through that section spread ing pestilence and radio sets. GO TO QARFIELD'S DRUGSTORE For Book". Wheelbarrows, In surance, .Saddles. Second- Hand Coffins, Rubber Boots, Coal, Ice and Ilomc.i'ooLcU Dinners (A I.ine oj Drttfts Will Alto Be Added In The Near Future) What A Great Man The Sheriff Ain't! "Help! Help! There's a miui un der my Ind!" Miss Prudence Pilkins was phon ing frantically to Sheriff Pug S ul livsi'^ in the middle of the night. "Wi ll, lemme see nov/* said Pug. "I ain't drerxed. And I ain't feel- J it;' good nohow. A ad 1 hate toj come out in ihi* nijjht :iir. Lemine yee ? he's under your bed, you Mr?j Well, so long as he stays under the lud no can't do you no harm. If' he starts to come out you l#t me, know." Hi. vine paid which the Sheriff :.gni*: hit the hoy. THAT'S THAT AND THEM'S THOSE Parson l'ilkins was .'pilling; hia favorite philosophy to Soak Stur ICeun. "Happiness is not the result of external circumstances,* said the Inrson. "Happiness must come from within." "In other words," said Soak, "in other words, alcohol won't do you no good if you just rub it on your lack." HOWZISUN? Permanent 4'aco is a pipe drt'iim, says liranny Graves, who spent half her life living with her rw>ih?*r-in-law and the ?ther half living with her daugh ter-in-law. Maybe You Think If You Dodge THE COMMERCIAL HOUSE PRESSING SHOP . hid Your Suit Is AVtvr Pressed .'li/d Your Pan ft .llways Look Like YOU'RE ABOUT TO JUMP People Will Get The Idea vou've BEi::,r pkayin5i Kirt Yjursrlft Tin /II Just Think YOU'VE IIK~N SHOOTING C11AP8! MISS LQUIS ANNOUNC ENRAG1 THE JIMTOWN WEKKLY wish es to upologize for an error last week which madr the name of "Mia* Louise Hix" appear oa "Louse." A letter was accidentally dropped. And Mra. Farley 'a party was a "pink lea," not a "punk tea" as stated. Also, we had the wires crossed when we said Miss Hazel Money heffci was "perfcct from the top of her feet to the bottom of her head." T.iktwiie in our story ocf the ho ^ -talent play whoro we stated: **Cu?tain will be lowered for eight hours to denote lapse of five min utes." JIMTQWN CITIZEN STARTLES WORLD .NHoruoR "> I "W? \ ! Thom*S.J ePKH urvN Tom Hunnicutt, former resident of Jimtown now living in 'i'cw i, York, liod a great honor conferred |j uj.mii hira by the people of the Big Town. A bronze statue was r??- i cently c-rectcd in Central Park j which bears the following insorip- ! tlon: In Honor Of THOMAS JKFFURSON HUNNICUTT Who, After Repeated Efforts 0\ng Fight AgiS.iut Overwhelm ing Odds, Finally Achieved The Great .Ambition Of A Lifetime And Succeeded In Adjusting A Shoxt>er Bath To The Right Tem perature. Hollow. 11 niwl Hutli I)a won K|M*nf th?- afternoon in Maut?'o W?,ilin?> . l)i\t?n M? N? II. Frank him! 'iwrjw Kuiilcr, Frank I'ajse and Harry McMullan ii jmit .1 smhhI catch ou a iri|> to Or^uoii I nl*-t Tuesday. II?*n Dixon McXi-ll l? li \V? ?ln? s day lor Powell* I'oiui j?it. i *p.tnl ln? so no T i 111 ? jt tt??* I.- l(o>- Coi Frank ami OeurKP KjkIit and Frank I'jr<- loll \Wdiir-*day foi Orra?'okf after upondiue a fc* days at thf L??lt??y CutiaKc. MIhm flattie Jones left Thursday | for Norfolk and will rt-i urn next ! week to rout iuui- b**r *i?y ut ih** l.? Hoy Cottage. Frank llujih*** of Kdentoii re* turned home Thursday aft?-r Mpctidfns a few days at the Lelti>> Cottage. John Mall left for Kll/aheih ? City Thursday morning aft??r spending the night at the I a; Kuy 'Cottage w|i< re he registered afK r ? coming from Mauioo Wednesday < mi* rntion. 1 Mis* Mamie nan-lift. of Rich The Woman Beautiful l!?auty in is mailt- possible by cairtul atf?'llllc?!i to l lv . Tin* c?ii?[?1#?xi?iu. the IihiuI*. Ilt?* Mnd Hi*- hail all rolillibilt' to iluii Ktali ol in rld'tlAu fallnt beauty. Oi thw the corn-ct liaii Ur?ss is vital. W' . wim an vUlllfd ha?r- ? iii |i l:a your pamruiar n?auiy uy iiif j?ur lk:ii r nttraotiw in iiie prop**)' maiint'i'. I'hoin' for an a |ij?oitit m? nt . I'? i uiaiM-iit W?\c . #10.01: Haircut (Jilt: ? &V All I'liiiN Iti'rtsuiia'JlH Pritchard's Beauty Shop Standard Fruit & Produce Co. This is the name we have dccidcd upon for our new wholesale and retail lruit and pro duce store. The winner bringing in this name failed to silt" his or her name. We will award the live dollar prize if this party will call at our store. We thank all Who made suggestions and we solicit retail and wholesale patronage in this section with the assurance that the quality of our produce is above anything ever offered ill this city before. We thank you. J. L. SAVAGE, Owner. . 'I moml. J* vJ*H Liik h?T iiIhy Mr? \ K M. I*. r ?????. Jr.. ?t il??- ?:ri In N'otV I'hmu* KM* Wilier SC. KUubvtb Clly, N. C. Rent a Summer Home or Buy One Through the Advance Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS Thlfc si** typ?* (H point i. urn eont ? word *-aeh iMerltua; minimum 26 cetita, nnt tliuo; IS cents week; 16 words. Htandlng ad*. IW* f^nt* ? word jH-r wwk, Twenty c*>uta -.w month ? In ?dTaiic*. WL'H* ipurc arid |>a?? ^raptx-d ada. 60 centa an Inch. Copy must tw in th?* ulflw > & u ?*? flay in?*-r Anw>u Hcmwpli I VACATION MII.MNGRT. Pretty now *tyie* in whlt?? and IIkIiIi ?' | colors. Midsummer price* pre vail. Gladys M. S pence. 3-6n I .I.MKR mtOTIIUJlH haii Ice Cold J Waterm* 'Ions a! all lime*. Phone H 7 H, Southern Avenue. n 1 1 f n ] JUT YOI'R pprmancnt wave be fore coin* on your vacation. It add* Joy. We have ltos< Oil for sale for the wave. Milady'* Shop. Allle A. Calmer, M?r. 30-6n __________________ i IV K DKIilVRH cool freah milk lo! your place of business or homo, j Just call ll. 4c W. Confectionery. 88-3 In. llfY YOl It CLOTIIKS and shoes I at C. K. ttentnn'n and nave mon ey. C. R. Denton. 21-3ln : 5 VERY rONBTTMKR of milk should Inspect the source of their milk supply. Come out nnd 1M our dairy with It* concrete floor*, sterilising marhlnery ant* tuber culin tested herd. Cohoon'a Guernsey Dnlry., 23tfn fov CAN TRAVEL by bna cheap er than jrou can drive your own car. McPhersnn Riis l.lne. Hched ute for Norfolk: H-.OO. 2:00 ror Kdentmi: 10:30.1 6:1*1. Kitra bua for special trips. 20lfni [jiri? fur Hirr 1 1 IKHVICK, mean* Keonomy. Rrnn oiu> means Time. Call 53. John nte John*on. Closed car, at all hours 30-6p Ilarpin Counter 27 SI-ASHED PRICKS on (ill our bin udo and white kid pumps. Ono lot on i a bio, 95c, ^no lot mliiei while pumpa and oxforda only 4 lie. Callop & Toxey Shoo Co. July 2S-Aiik 3np. WK AHI5 FEATURING KUara.i Iced all leather shoe* at $3.95 And lower. T. \V. Williams & Son. corner Folndcxter and Mat thew* street. 15tfn Filling Station 23 TRIANCLE FILLING STATION h the plice to prt Texnco (Jan. can* washed: rlgaretttes, clrars. can dles. 2 0-3 1 n THE NKW TEXACO OAS. Have yon tried It yet? Mora mileage. | le** I rouble. M. p. WinNlow. Wi'dt Main street. 26-7n ' - Fur Rent 10 FOK KKNT- Six room brick holme with second story t'de porch. I'hone Jul, or 177-J. 12tfn F??r Sal? II WILL SELL at a sacrifice 40 shares each of Carolina Banking' *c. Trust Co.. and Theater Stocks. Apply at The Advance Office. Sat.tfn. truck equipped with pneumatic i tires; motor In A! condition.! Equipped ready foi logging; will he sold In front Court House! door Monday, August 2. L. P. Morgan. S0,31n ! FOR SALE? Ford roadster 1920 model, and Oslton adding ma chine. Call 61 R. Box 1 0*. 2!?-aipd. [>ESI |{ A BLE W-st Main stree t residential lot for sale. Apply to D. C. Ferry Farm 445. lotfn TOR HALE Old newspapers. 1c a pound, la 5e and 10c packages. Call at Advance Office on second floor. Sltf FOR SALR ? Second hand furni ture The Auction Store, 110 I f'oindcx'er street. Phone 77J. IStfn. ? ? ? ? | (inKieric* .16; HOT WRATH KK FOODS Sllcrd ham. tongue, porkroll. franks, drledbeef, Imported Swiss cheese, pimento and Bliey cheeee. Try a Jar of "Honey Dew" pn i;iarence item. i j?in Help Wanted. 6 LADIES? Karu 11.00 an hour at home In apare Experience UBIffetHry. Sfftd Mninp for particulars. Helgex Product Cor poration. 3749 N. Halatead St. Chicago. Dip Lgg 7 I.OST ? Wedding ring, platinum, half circlet with diamonds. Somewhere on street or In store* Friday morning. Finder please return to The Advance Office. aO-Gn LOST Gold wrist watch between Martin street and Ires Dollar Store. Finder notify Advance of fice. 26tfn MonnuicoU 16 MARK THH OR A VKH of your loved ones. High class modern designs. Marble Works. D. T Singleton, prop. Mtfn SfcunJ Hunt! Furniture W WE BUY Hecond Hand Furniture. Tba Auction Store, 120 Polndex- ' t?r street. Phone 771. tf Wanted 25! IfiO.OO e week. Reliable, energet ic man wanted at one?- by Old established $15,000,000 Com pany to fill vacancy In Elisabeth City. Work will be to distribute famoun line of food products, etc. to steady ueers. Oood appear- ' ance neceaaary. Kxcellent op- 1 portunlty for larger earning*. Write P. O. Box E367, Newark,! N. J. I. 31p| WANTWV T?ro ine*?enger boys for permanent poaltlon. no school hoya need apply. J. D. Sjrkes. Mgr., Western Union. 2&-31n WANTKD cieaA cotton rags, no haoks of buttons. Bring them to the Advance Office. iSKl Notices 35 NOTMTK Hr tirttw r4 ? 4wr? uf -h r Haiwrtar lYmrf at \ CflWIf. ill* ?rt>rtln?4 Win rtrr* f'? ul? *
rtHtav. ImIm ItM at intN ?'rMrft M . il? W | rm Ik* N*rt? b? mtd r?ilu Mfrwi. m MM fea IS* M of M. II JnM. ?? tk? NMil* k* UM WS?I ?4 C. W. OmM. ? *? W?S| bv I ni' m? i-i runnw iu?r iion ? >11. i?,l l IWu'iniillM 'lie Ka?l - nlr ri Klllnil Sim: ? I the M?uih?r>i - t>i k> ?ll>. tbtttr* K HI tin I ? aloru i:?-l -lilr ii( KlIMl H!rt.l ?In-ill ;s trri ami s uvh-->. rilrlxliiu liaik in tha lint- ?'( Mi* M !ii> ilm-iibit 44 II"*' ?rid 2 I ilk I.e., lli'ii-- St'.. |WI Klltoll Mm.. I 3. Uminniu on the i:?i >?i|h ?r I't.toi: Mini ? il.i- Si.iir"! I?la.- 1 1 an alh't h, 'em i hi- l'i? and hr In n -i ala-*- il??*-i ihrd ? i?.ini 4 13 f<*vf IfMl (hi- >.?iIH?i'kI niftier ? 1 III* |m li^ abilf rill il. lU.nir 'liHilhnlt a Inn. tli l^?l >Mt ti|?W ."I lr< t ari-l 4 inrti (?i?d ? IMndHlK tal k Ka^'oanlli abrtit ,'1 lr< I ami r. ImNmi ii. tin i r?i?ni a| i \\. (tomnMb lli>U" Xi?. 1M2 KIIMl Wire!. 4. IbiHinlnt ai Mi.' i.?i. cm* ;?.ii ?: I'litith *n-t KIIMt ili-ir r.a-t?. ndi> .|?i raw'! Xifr.'l 24 I 2 fi r .ml MiinHna im i h fnr.-t ??arallrl Inn-. ali iii Ja im anil >> Itii-lte* h-lns 'hr rtrnir M. llnu-' No, I'm t'tiui?:i S i?.i, 5. H' tlrm it* *1 ? ? ? rwiri if th iol Um tbuir 'k thn I'hurh Mirrl J I i**i ami I'* nvln -> t j? ? ? ? :i inc liaik NurlliMarillt limn 7.1 I. I t.'iil ? l:.?+r llmi ? Xn. In* Hunt n. Ifcoinibn -m ih. W i In ll'ij'l H n- i. *: I lir Nu.tii b> I Imn k Hif.vl - n llir h ? pli li. j Itiulii. h il : II# l~ >Vrrh,-r it, | .-:1b i - ?<> ||.>?tnie I mn. dat|3. an- 1 rmilnl in lh?l<>n. T.rni ii* ?al ? I a.- h, i. II. I.r||it> lit# linn iiai >4 January. |ifn. In I'. ? IUibt. and Wile. Caih'iln- W llmM. ?lit' h I* Hull ri* txili i| in lb" olT.rr if fh? lira W(t,i< l?e*da ? I'a-.n'.iiit Count* . m n-?k No. B?I. 1-aa- Xo. ft.'., will. |??nr ?4 mlr In lie fault i-tiimu* of tiw iinMiii.ihi"i ihi'fln w '?!. ?B?1 ?tWi*i . tV -4WJ ? W Hnwi aixl l'ath<-rliM> llii'?n han- fa IM to i a< the ?ml m iI'HmIi anil il> n?nd ha- la- 1* i..??l? In *11 Ihfi -a III prmnrlT, iviwotf. I. K. K. AnllHI. Trl?*fr? will, on Ilia 2?tli \^..n, et sh? ?;?ri h>w i: iU?i in Kliaahrih fli?. .Will I ar< lllia. olTif hf 4k fur rt?: "Ilia I rrrtim bwi-f and IM * kwun ah th? hoin? pla.r M i W, lirovn. >HuM ?? Ihr im'lt ?l?*? ?aiihwr>< ntliff i?f fTint'li ami IVnfc kwii. ami ninnlnc W#?t a I' ma I'iMirh hml uimit flir M ?? f. M. drtr*'* IIW; H.?IH |-aralli l ?HH l*n?lr I liirr^t im? IhiMii >1. *llt? fa?:: ihrtv Km t mil M nllh lliunh Krr-?i n**nt^-fHr frrl lo IVml mrfrt ; ilirm # Ni#t h alrax l'n*>4<- H'rrrt lo (lihfrk fx t+M. ftoca 'f lv;'imln?.' k. r. Atmjcrr. j 2Mb f*th. IWn. Ttwt? jnh tl.eua l i ia XOTH K or HAIaN H* *???? if ih?- auiliori'v i .ni?l?r.| in ? rrf tain ilrnl of iiu-i M-rui?l ? ilv? r.lfinr <4 ihr r-il<'rr ' ?rf drrda lor 7Srr?ll I'mHMi, N. I-, in N?4 7J. I pan Til, itrfault Iiiiim la? n ma?V In ih? r.n j of ?till itr*il of in?t Ih? ?a.d i.?nk|.*n Tmif i-o?u|?n*. Tr*--r>. mil on tha ?|?i .la. I* Aucnai. IH?I. at twrltr r.Mnrh Nrcn at ih? I i!imii4 on tha *amHr, rood ?hrwit ? nlln fr*?m ih* ?aon of I'nlniaMa. la IM?abii Tn?|?-*nt | r+T t^nwr and n?hrn and K-jinuir** on thu nnaih iM? of tha ?aMh> io?tt at H? htfar>ar Mm ntth 1 In- ?.oi ?M< if tha n Id i'>od innniaa ' nairthwaidtt tkmnah tha W. n, WV.dii fat at, and nannlna rhanra n??ili rJ ih a and ?* min WV.I Ml lain akoi mad: ih*noa mrllt *3 d*a and 1* nh. ta.1 ;u? faat alaaf >aid " od 'n in* land It l*awto#T jr^Mar; Ihrmrr north 1 daa and ? M mla. H4 ll'W laM t*. d*? and *1 aia ; i*d IMI faat alma a ?Mrh >a tha ?a?tarn adaa 1 of flu- tli'M mill ali:i.-ai?l. ami ruonilu 1h?5?rr ; ninth iW. and I" mm. ?a*t akifts Ihi- ?ilrin J , ? ?? ??? -aid mad 4?H?I (rrl; lln"?'i- ituiD.n, bi icmo | ?-> nl n??d north ?;* iIpj. awl 4 mln ra-i; ihiwv , ? ? ti'lntliut -*ld PWIh* 1 T j fn* all lik Hw la oil rf i ll. T. iuu?ii?r:: (limn* ?*itii ;i ?Ve. aini .v| (111!. l I4W fi*' II ill- I tjnd r.f li'hh. Miiirli 2?! d*k. and 2ft j 1 mln. '?"( 2.'?l4.:i fit- ? : ?i>uth "7 drt. and :M ruin. , r?i MYfl hi-; ftiiifn in fl u. #nJ I n.ln w??i ? < jilt 111 I|i4* Uftds nl I. I., filial IHtrli ""} 1 ?I'k. i.i'l nun wi-i II:l'3 I"': ? ?m'h i d a. i ami I mln wnl H'l : 1 If* : north *5 ike w?*i i V.J Ii>r al. n? ilit- land* r>r Arthur Hp-oirr -011111 i I ill X. :;????? ahiiiti ih-- nm'h -id.- r.f th" Wimllrv , . n ?i! t ? ll?.- i-lar- <4 N-wililiini-. Al'O a "mall ph?v ?>f wwxlland ?in 1li? Tilth i in.- at tin- Wi-.illo nail biulnnlna tin tin wiiith -ic^. i,i nid ffwllii n. nl ?r i hi ni-it|i"H-' ?r tin i4 thP land r.f -lie li-ii- nl Tlionia- lli>;.kin> i ..n-l niiimnj 'l-i|n nlitfu ihi- ?? u Ii ?!<(*? if *?l'. and 20 r?*t i II ? * ' 'Ii I J Tut nnr.i; IIiiik* i kiib |: ?! i. xdd i 1 mln. \v Mill i.t; nrrth i I J i. a: id B'in. #.>i >|( f ?*-? ; n^rth VS 4rr. i il i. i'ii *<~i; j fri't ; iKittli ;.l ill*. ami j i ? i.' in. ? I'."" Jul; m-i'li . d> ii. anil I1* i min. ?i -I I I fti?- ik^'Ii ll dry. ami It .win. *1-1 I I fu , Ill !i *.| di'C atld *'? null. ? 1 IKM ft-l: hi ?lli "il iUt. rml *C mln. *rrt1 i i!?.5 ? ?. i ? ? i|? l?, ? .mi hi. . ' i Slid !r*rr. r.f Itinr* air rnimiKnl 1] |at<"i'!* known ami dr*irnii-d r??iw?'4 rwn l , in llu- tiffkx nl Hi. liriMf? rf lirrdi ?f Tifrrll I'minu "n ia?r |R. In the nup Nmk. Thi? fti: iiv iUimI and i?i-d i'iU .nni? d?r i4 Jul., inifl. WH TIIKIIN TllliMT roMI'ANV. Trtirtiv. Itr W. A, WOIITH. >llnmr? Iuli.:i.aii* S.M? \ulSTii i AllOMNA. I'AsijI oTANIs Clll-XTV. HI nt I'Ol'ltT :Vi;i.YN II. Illl. I.. ilam'lIT IA Mils .\| II I I.I.. i|. :i mjatil XOTH'K r?i jami:m \|. Illl.*.: Vf'ii mil lwnl'1 rjfci* no'irt' lit 4 1 an ?"lu.? ta i:|. .1 a* |. a- I., it n>iitninwr<| hi (!*?? tU ? ilr.r r..uH- ?< IV -iU'iiaiifc ('nun!? , NoitU CM* ?Una; lliat 1 li?- I ill 11 v,' ??( .a?l ai'mii I. In it w i M ? n.itni! i^(ii n'bsl foi the iramii Dabca ?? >"l V ? llllll' tl SIIU'.- . (Ml i'11 lht> i'lnl ilai natiiiH. Voti mil lu.lbif life' fintliv ?hal a warrant if artjrhn-tit ??li (tiitol nf ailarliiin ul i? tifuilialil- to lit UMlti'liNHl ?' til- <41 m ,ii nn- ('..uit ll>a?? it Klltllwih I'll) till -II <1 2 till dar Of AUfUBU ISM. TliM Jqlt 2.1. IMA. KU.VKNT I.. MAWVKIl. I 'If I* KiiM'ftnr I 'i lift . raMiUdlank I'ullBtr, lul?31,atw J.W.Ifi YOUR FORD SEDAN ? Some One Wants to Buy It Mas the family outgrown the Ford Sedan or your prosperous stale suggest a hi^er, speedier in