_^S? ? W a JX&J&x ^ JSIAULIlI, Carolyn Wells r - ??" /w> /? ?1926 4^ G.P. PUTNAM SONS IIKCaIN HKRK TODAY In Harbor Hardens. I jong Is- ! land, in an elaborate bungalow, lived Perry Heath and his wife. J At the lime the story opens j the Heaths wore eutertaiulng as house guests: Lawrence Intnan. a distant | relative of Myra's and. aside | from Perry, the only heir to bt?r | considerable fortune, and Bunny Moore, young. viva- j clous. golden-haired. an old friend of Myra's. Perry was an artist and can- j dldate for presidency of the ' Country Club. His chief oppon- j ent was a man named Sam An derson. Perry's wife was beau tiful but cold and sarcastic. She j never used cosmetics; her ha- ! tr<<d of colors amounted to a \ passion. She collected rare old t bottles and her latest was a , whisky bottle which aroused her artistic husband t<> scorn. Myra. provoked at a growing , Intimacy between Perry and Bunny, announces she has made j her will in favor of Inmati. cut- !' ting her husband off. She guar- j: | rels with Perry later and mys teriously alludes to hU "secret." That night Heath, stealing downstairs, discovert* In man in . his wife's arms and orders him out of the house by morning. 1 The next morning Myra J Heath's body is found in the stu- J. dio. A candle Is burning at ; her head and feet, she is made I up with cosmetics and dressed j in gay colors. Herrlck, the buter, discovers j near the body a card marked, i "The Work of Perry Heath." j, and the doctor, when he comes, finds that the dekth blow was struck with Myra's cherished whisky bottle. The coroner conducts an ex amination. and It develops that ! Perry Heath has disappeared I during the night, in spite of the . fact that windows and doors ; had been locked on the inside. ,W n l?rnan and Hunny Moore i sr. questioned they both exhibit j an unusual degree of uervous ness. NOW GO ON WITH THR HTOHY CHAPTER IX The Harbor Country Club was' aver on the Park side, but its j members .Included many of the1 Qardens people as well. A few of the less active spirits, hobnobbed on the poreh and smoked, as they somewhat con- 1 servatively discussed the Heath* tragedy. Yet few of the exaggerated ac- I rounts could be much worse than i Ihe true statements of the awful ! occurrence; "Where Is Perry Heath?" was' he question urged even more fre- j gently than "Who killed Myra?" Arthur Black, one of the solid i Jen of the club. declared that it as impossible that the murderer fhould be other than the husband. * "The Heaths were by no means j turtle doves," was the way ho put it. "And. even recognizing the j rights of the dead to nil nisi bo- ! num. our Myra was a saint in ' looks only." "She sure looked llko one, 1 though." said Wallace Forbes, an artist from the Gardens, whose', bungalow-studio was not far from J ihe Heath*" own." J "Too pale and wan for my taste," remarked Sam Anderson.' who wan a true representative of I the Park type. Smiling, bald headed. and with a mlMlns eye tooth, he gave the impression of being more Interested in women of the cartii. earthy, than in the Myra Heath sort. Hut he wan a prom inent clubman, and was about toi run fur president. "Tiie disappearance of Heath clinches your election. Anderson." Hlack declared, but the other an bwered: "I'm not keen to be elected. And. anyway. Heath will come back. ? he must. To my mind, his, absence is no indication at all that he killed his wife. NVhy should he? Maybe, as you nay, Illack, the' pair were not exactly lovey-dovey, but f?-w married people are now adays. Yet it doesn't lead to ntur- . tier. You'll have to find a biKjcer motive thau mere Incompatibility before I'll believe that Heath killed' bis wife. What about that young chap, her cousin, or whatever he Is?" "Larry Inman?" said Forbes. "Yes. he's her cousin, a dis-, tunt one. 1 think. Hut why should he murder her?" "He's her heir." put In Hlack,! who always knew all about ??very body's business affairs, "there's motive; but. on the other hand. I've heard he was in love with the pale goddess." "Did you hear that when they ' found her. dead, she was all ! rouged and made up,? eyebrows ' penciled and all?" ? this from An derson. who was a bit of a gossip, j Yes, and beside that, there was a red sush tlfd around her," Hlack | asserted. "And candles burning ( nt her head and feel." A! Cunningham, who ha* just ; then joined the group, said: "I'm going to the inquest this after noon. Wonder If Heath will be i back for it?" "You speak as if he hail just stepped out on all errand." Hlack j objected. "Why. man, he Is the criminal ? the murderer. ? and he made hl? getaway. He'll never come back." "Do you know Heath?" de- j ma tided Forbes of Anderson. "Not Intimately, at all. but I know hint slightly. I've seen himi here at the club occasionally I've 1 never been to his house." "Then you don't really know I him. He's not a man of fierce! passions or angry impulses. If he sensed trouble from Inman's at- 1 tentlons to Mrs. Heath, lie, wouldn't kill either of them, he'd , put the young man out of his. house and merely shake his fin- { ger at hi* wife. 1 live over there, I you know, and I'm acquainted with i the whole bunch. There's a baby down there, who's about aa perl aj Utile parcel as often comes. Name of Hunny, and 1 believe she's somewhat gone on Ferry herself." "Oh. well, then there's your mo tive," Cunningham cried. "In tense natured artist, tired of his marble Galatea of a wife, turns to baby doll for relief. Falls des perately in love with the kid. and decides that the line of least ro sldtancc is to put Friend Wife out of the way. Does so, and skips. He won't return ? but the girl will Of Course, It Interest You! This offer, which is being made by The South ern Gas Improvement Co. at a great sacrifice for your convenience. BEGINNING AUGUST 2nd and continuing for two weeks we offer A Two Burner Hot-Plate 100 feet of FREE SERVICE, along our pres ent lines and will set a QUARTER-METER, For thr nmall mini of 98.95 If service pipe is already in your home, the price will be only $4.95. This is the total cost for complete installation ready for use. TFDA/fQ 9S? down A IVIVlVlO 50c A MONTH . As manager of the Southern Gas Improvement Co. I heartily recommend this offer as being one of the best values ever offered by this or any other gas company, and ask those who are interested to take advantage of it at once, as the number of hot plates is limited. J. T. STAUJNGS, Mgr. Southern Gas Impt. Co. 'If it'i done irith heal, you ran do it better with fa*' lotiow ai (in- proper time/" "May bo." said Black. "but I'm not going in the inque.il. Sit all afternoon in a hot. atuffy place, jnly t?> have the thing adjourned, nr. at most, to hear an open ver Jlrt." "I'm not going. either." Ander son stated. "t)h. If 1 do. I'll Just look In for a moment, and stick o the back of the room, so 1 can ;**t out easily. Coroners ate fear fully long-winded. And .we'll get he whole proceedings from the pa pers. The New York papers will Feature this, as it's really a bizarre ?ase." Meanwhile the Heath home was, n a turmoil. The polite were in charge. Both liuuiiy and Larry, as well a* the servants were forbiddcu to leave he place. j The body of Myra. still In It* teautlful but strange condition, ay where it was found, and must, 'emu In there until viewed by the' .'oroner's jury. I The studio was guarded by a po iccmau who sat just outside the ?losed door. The lounge was full' >f bustling people, who with mor.1 ?r less authority, fussed around nquisitlvely. Mrs. Prentiss, presuming on her mportance as the nearest neigh ?or. came over, with a face appro priately solemn, to offer help of my sort In her power. Bunny refused to see her at first, but on a more Insistent mes sage the girl went reluctantly from lier room downstairs to greet the :allor. Her blue eyes showed traces of tears, and her lips quivered us she u'amc toward Mrs. Prentiss. And for once, the girl failed to show an alert interest at the sight of a strange and good-looking young man. For Todhunter Ruck had ac companied his aunt, partly as es cort . but more from a desire to sec Munuy herself. Nor was he disappointed, lie told himself on the spot, that she was the loveliest girl he had ever seen and was the one girl in the world for him, and many such de cisions and asseverations. Hunny acknowledged his intro duction with absent-minded polite ness and asked them to come with her to a small morning room back of the dining room, where they could talk in mure seclusion. "Who is here? Who Is looking after you?" demanded Mrs. I'ren tiss, with her usual briisqueness. "Nobody, said Hunny, 1 am all ? alone. ni go Iioiiio. but the p<? life wou'i le! me. 1 haven't sen? word to my people about tills yet ? of course, they'll see it when it nets into tin- papers- ? but it V all so I* rrihlt1- so awful ? that I couldn't bring myself to writ about it. and I just couldn't tele- ' phone!" ( "No. no. of courM- not, my d*-ar Hut you can't May Here alone haven't you heard a word from Mr , Heath?" U "Not 21 word." Mutiny's face [ turned rosy pink, but her vole was calm and steady. "I can't imagine where he went or what's , keeping hiiu away." i "Who is in charge here?" ' "That's what everybody askf I Why. nobody's In charge, exactly. Mr. Inman is. in some ways, ami I of course, the servants keep tin {house running Just as usual. 1,1 see a few of Myras friends, but not ail of ihent ? 1 just can't!" "Of course ?you can't," put In Toddy Duck. with .real sympathy, i ? "It oughtn't to be expected Ol j | you." "You must come over and stay | with lue." Mrs. 1'relitlss ordained j FLOWERS For Birthdays and Anniversaries. Iiyan Floral Co., ItlC . "Their Hcmfrs Aiv llewt." Day Itionr H42; .Xfeht (M? Kliutbcih City, a ti<! her nephew's heart leaped for] joy. "Oh no. I can't do that." Run ny >aid. "The police won't let tile ! l?-a\e this house; and when they ilo. I shall, of course, co straight ' llOHie. "And too. I think I must look uver M y lit ' h thinus a little. There's 110 nnr else to do it. and a woman Diivht to no over her desk ? and iind stich things." "V?s. yes ---of course," Mrs.. I'n-ntiss spoke a little vaguely.; "Hut my house i* open to you, my i". and I'm sure when you think it <<\>r. you will se*> it would !??? ; *'Im' for you to come over there." i ' I expcct Mr. Heath home at J in> minute," Itunny said. "I I ih:Cl)*t make any plaus until he j :onu s." *" I In t he may not come at all," I Mrs. I're litis* hevan and stopped tudd*-nly as she saw the j:rlef and lerror <?ii Bunny' fac* . nd unable to bear up uiiy lotijc- 1 "MUNSIXCWKAU" Combination Suit Made of a splendid nainsook ? flesh a n d white ? all sizes ? l'lain finish ? Made especially for the woman who appre ciates quality, workman ship and a correctly fit ted garment. Special price ? $1.00 M. Leigh Sheep Co. Woman's Wear MLOKI) WHITE BKO ADCLOTH SHIRTS Willi and \\ illioul dollar. Sal?* Price $1.48 HA YON SILK HUSK ? All colors ? 25c McCabe & Grice Shopping Center Sincc 1H90 WE REITERATE The time to Paint is all the time. There's always something that needs a coat of paint ? the home, the roof, the furniture, the old car has a Kood engine but looks like heck ? . Every time you use paint where it is needed you save money because paint protects everything that it covers. Paint in the interior of the home is especially desirable at this time be cause it kills germs everywhere that the brush is spread. We take it as a foregone conclusion that you will use the best ATLAS SIS PAINTS Because investigation will prove to you that it is the best and most eco nomical paint that can be bought. Garrett Hardware Co. TIIK II XUDWAItlC |J l HTLKIIH Phone 970. Water Slnrl. or. Bunny put her head down on || th?- kind h?.irtod woman' shouM er. and crhd softly. (To IU> ( i>n(liiu?'<l ) If you trail your arV doc* th< j boy Kct the j ?.t? .? If. ad "Tliey Ntv ? r Knew." QUA LIT V J E W E L R Y JrKclry oi ?|iialil\ urrd not ii?*roKirily li v <'\|H*nsivr. ? I- o r year* hi* liavc featured ? 1 1 ? ;?1 i I \ jcHrlr\ al a price y?u wnnhl ex pect lo pay. Ami. loo, hi* can ar range wlu'rchy you 111 ifrli t 1 in y mi our 12 month*' < m 1 1 1 a I pay ment plan. LOUIS SELIG "Your Jcuvlcr Since IHH2" 6 6 6 Ih a prr?rrt|>tl<>n for Malaria, Chill* and l*'ever. Dengue or Hiliou* Fever. It kllln (he KertiiH. um:al a<;knt ion THE VELVET KIND Of Ice Cream I'KODICi OK SOITIIK.HN DAIIUKS. Inc. \\V will Ik* delighted lo have orders from any store from 7 a. in. 1 ("? p. m. On Sundays we will deliver from 7 :.?<> a. m. to 1 1 :80 a. m. The* establishment of this branch will make it more convenient f?>i* the retail ice cream stores. We invite tin* patronage of all stores that sell ice cream in I Jizaln th City with the assurance that they can dc|M?nd oil us for prompt service in handling large or small orders. LEVI H. MILLER at WKHiirrs <:oi.i> stoka<;k i?i.ant PHONIC 72 BAKING POWDERS ltn\al Kirlimniiri Maid Calumet Davin Kiuuiord Smlariiir LESLIE BELANGA I'lioncs 31 and 871 Years Of Unused Mileage A re-conditioned lord car, purchased from tin is a good invent ?unit in trau?|M>rtatioii. WV have a full -lock of o-i il ami renewed Kuril*, including all type* ami models for von to si'li'fl from. Here art* a few of our n|ii'0Ui1 bargain*. 1926 Mod?-l ToiirliiK Car, *tartrr and liallonii tlrnn J*^T?o.oo 1 J? 2 r, Mml( I Tmirlnii Cur. llr?l - clanH (oimI i 1 1< 'it KiWMi.oo 1935 Model Ton rln k Car 192:i Miidvl TutirliiK Cur. I?>mm atari* r. Ituc?*ii1ly overhauled, new paint 9I2A.ini 1922> Mmlfl HiinabiMit. recently overhauled, !-'oiid ahape l!?25 MimIcI I'our-Donr Sedan, uiiikI as i?? ? Auto & Gas Engine Wks. All I '?'(l (jir? Sold on Ka?y Term* I'wd Car Department, Nortli Martin St. Phone HltO w? IX ?=J h=i L=JL=J lZil=J l? l=J IS11SJ iai"jg,gJL"ILBgJl?aL!!JgJgJgJLBgJ[l!JL"Jg]lgJllJliJlgJlgJ I DOROTHY DA

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