Christ Kpiscojml Rev. Ceo. F. Hill, rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 'J: 45 a. in. Holy commun ion and sermon at 1 1 a. in. You arc invited to worship hero. |*resb) teHnti Rev. Frank H. Scattertiood, minister. Sabbath school. 5:45 a. m. LeKsun subject. "The Deliv erance at the lied Sea." Divine worship at 11 a. m. and K p. in. Morning subject. "Fluhliti*." Kv enlnK subject. "The Moral Power of Christianity." W? din-Mlay night service S o'clock fur lllble study and prayer. To 'these services you are most cordially invited. First Methodist Rev. F. Swindell Love, pastor. Church School. J. A. Hooper, di rector. 9:30-10:45 a. ui. Worship with sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. and H p. m. Prayer ser vice Wednesday. S p. in. Join us? in these service* for a cordial w> 1 cotne awaits you. City I Load Methodist Rev. J. W. Harrell. 1). D., pas tor. Sunday school 9:30 a. m.. C. P. Seyffert. superintendent. Wor ship with hcruioii by the pastor at 11 a. in. and x p. m. Morning subject , "Soul Nurture." KveuliiK subject. "The Most Neglected Ks- 1 tate." Mid-week prayer service "Wednesday. K p. ui. There Is a cordial welcome to ail visitors. Ml. Ilctiiioti Methodl*t Rev. W. T. riilpps. pastor. Sun- ' day school at 10 a. in. J. K. Wood, superintendent. Worship with ser mon by the pastor at 11 a. m. You are cordially Invited to these i services. Halls Creek MethodlM Rev. W. T. 1'hipps, pastor. Sun day school 3 p. in. J. M. Matthews, superintendent. Owing to the re vival services at Weeksville High 1 School at 3:30, (here will In- no regular preaching services at ' Halls Creek at 3 p. in. The con gregation iSv Invited to worship at J the Weeksville High School ser-j ?ice. First liaptlst I Samuel H. Templcman, pastor. I Sunday school, f? : It 0 a. ui. D. Wal-j Guaranteed 'Super-Zinced' Wire Fences We munintw our priMlurlK to Im< l-'lral tiass in Kvery Iteftpn t, full up to Kunut* ami inmwiir, ami In acconlancc witli U. S. <?o\ erniitent standards. <hir F?w?t nro 'WPPKII-ZIXCKD," tliAi h, jinitwUxl n?nlnst rant by an ^ Extra Heavy ami Well lluiulnl footing of Zinc au<l are unexcelled in quality ami (lurnblllty. ^ ThU (Junrmitee Is bucked by the lnrKcnt lndt-f>emlt-nt wire nuMiiifacturcr in flic world. PITTSBURGH STEEl- CO. FOR SALE BY Spence-HollowellCo. You will never know what you will miss if you never read "They Never Knew" By Tom Sims It Starts Monday ' ter Harri*. Jr.. Kiiperlntendcnt. .Worship with germou by Rev. H K Vye of l'rovldence, Rhode lal uud, ut II ;i. in. h ltd k p tn. Morn ing Kiibjt-ci, "Tin- Inspiration of III*- I pWHnl I?ook." Kvcntng Nub* J"Ct. "Tin- Man Whom Ridicule Could Not Defeat." You are cor dially invited to them* services. Illuknell Mttnorlnl ItaptUt Dr. Jatii' x H. Thayer. paatoi, Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., K. F. Aydk-tt. Sr., superintendent. Worship with sermon by the pas tor at 1 1 a. in. and X p. til. Cray ur UK-ethic Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock. public I* cmdlally Invited to all services. Calvary llajrtM Rev. M. F. Ilooe, pallor. Sun-' day school at 10 a. tn. S. S. Da vln. superintendent. Senior and Junior II. Y. 1'. I'. af"7:15 p. hi. Worship with sermon by H''V. Hugh L. Ni chols of Durham at K p. in.. sub ject. "Hume and Hoiim- Religion." You art* cordially invited to these nervier*. ( orinth baptist R? v. R. W. Prevost. pastor. i Sunday nchool at 2:30. W. F. 1 1'rltchard. Sr.. superintendent. Worship with neruion by the pan-' tor at 3:39 p. in. and 8 p. ni. U. ' Y. T. lT.s meet at 7 : 1 p. m. We cordially Invite you to these t>er Vlct X. Herri* lln|rtl?t Rev. R. W. rrevost, pastor Sunday school at 10 o'clock, J. J. SiiilthNon, superintendent. Wor-j ship with sermon by Rev. Roy i Angel of Charlottesville, Virginia, at 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. The re- 1 vlval now in progress will continue through the comim; week with , prenehltiK by Rev. Roy Angel and ! services each day after Sunday at 1 3 p. m. and 8 p. ni. The R. V. |>. I'.h meet Sunday at 7:15 p. m. i Everybody Is Invited to these scr-| vices. Riverside llnptl*t Rev. M. F. Hone. pastor. Sun day nchool at 10 a. ni. J. I'. Mor-j c??r, superintendent. Worship with' Hermon by Rev. Hugh L. Nichols of Durham. Subject, "looking I'n-J to Jesus." You arc cordially invit ed to these services. l'ir*t Christian Rev. H. T. Howl> it. pastor Sunday school 2:30 |>. in.. H. I.. Silverthorn. superintendent. Worship with sermon by tin- pa-s i tor at 1 1 u. in., ami H p. m. Mid I week prayer servlro S ;? m. You ar? cordially invited to worship lure. Km* Will lta|>tJHt Jlev. A. H. Outlaw, pastor. Sun day school, !?:45 a. in. (I. T. Twiddy, (superintendent. Worship with sermon by Hh- pastor at 11 a. in. and H p. in. Mid-wt'fk prayer service W?'dn?sduy, 8 m. To these services you are cordial ly invited. St. i;il/.?iH tli H Catholic Services at the Catholic Chape'. Hlnton Iluildlng, each Stnulaj morning at 10 o'clock. Christian Sconce Scrvlcv* Christian Science tservicr* ari> helnjr conductcd every Sunday morning from 11 to 12 o'clock In the Robinson iJuildiim. Uoouts 2'i and -4. Come. All are welcome. (DMMl'XITY ItKVn'Al, IS (iltOWIMi IX .\TTKXIMM'Kt The community revival at I WeekHVlllc Is* growing in attend- 1 ance and interest. Hundreds of! people from al over the County, and adjoining Counties are at-j tending. There will he services | tonight at 8 p. m., and Sunday J there will he three service*, as; folows: 11 a. hi.. .1:H0 ami 8 P-j: m. The revival will run at least through Tuesday night, wllh ser-j vices Monday and Tuesday at 10 a. m.. and # p. m. | I CoiiNternation reigns for forty days and forty nights without time ofT for lunch. Read "They; Never Know.'" ! Men's! Young Men's Bine Suits Finely Tailored Sale Price $29.50 T.T. Turner & Co. 505 Main St. Elizabeth City, N. C. (I'-IIIMT KliOOIt) Currituck Women to H^ve Picnic At Point Harbor ffiinic Deinnnntrnlion Event Promise* to be Delightful II ith Mm. Jane MeKimmon ?s (iueat of Honor, Plenty to Eat antl Lt>t* of Soeiability Tin- Currituck County Home Demount ration Clul? |>icnic will be !? hi on Wednesday. August 11. at I'oint Harbor. This will be u bit: , ilcnic. ihe purpose of which in to I lave a tood time, net the women, >f tli** County Hr<jiiaint< <1 with ?ach other, and with the Hom? Dftiioiifttratioii work. "Moyoek and Shawboro will! ne?-t us at Currituck School. House," says M tan Rachel Everttt. lonie demonst ration aueiit. "We v 1 1 1 ?tarl from tin re promptly at j >:o0. Other delegations can meet I 18 on the way. It would be flu*' If' ou could trim your automobiles n Milne way to designate the local ly. If it rains the picnic will be j leld on Thursday. "Puck a baHk"t lunch. Ice cream i nil ire tea will be hold on the ^rounds. We hope to have Mrs. lane McKimiaou of Italeiuh, State loine demonstration agent, on the iropram. Cames. races and con eats will be the order of the day. everybody is aske<l to register at he gate and get a tag- A prize will | ie given for the woman getting ic?|uaintcd with the most people u a set space of time. The sec retarles of the club? are asked to I report to me the number going ' from each community. The Mo- ' yock women are a*krd to report to I Mrs. Dudley Hurley; the Shaw- j boro women, to Mrs. J. VV. u?'li; | Powell* Point to Mr*. Mattlp New born; Jarvlsburc to Mr*. Mildred -I (Jnllnp; I'oplar liruniu. Mr#. C. A.J! Wcodliouao; Maple,' Mrs. Will i Snowdiu; Currituck. Mr*. Lukeij SKSOl/I-CENTENNIAL, I'liiladi-lphia, I'u. COACH EXCURSION FAKES via Norfolk Suulhprii It. R. and connections. Tickets sold Tuesdays and Fri days, July 2 to Novem ber 30th, 1926, inclusive, Final limit including dato of sale. Why Do People Pay Thousands for New Porches? When a spaeious awning would nerve the purpose j list as well. A new awning gives the effect of a wide new porch from Im?I li tin* inside and outside, and in iiiueli cmiler. These hot days an awn ing will do nmre to make your home cool than anything cIm1. ?See us at onee for prices Munden & Alexander Jor Economical Transportation Sr 510 8aa^,645 Landau $ "Kite*' 395 'fci^'SSO ?mill DnwnPa y m?nt Conv?nUnt Tcrtni II ??*??? f.o.fc .FUm. Mich ? Chevrolet is enjoying the most spectacular popularity ever won by a Rear-shift car. Over *60,000 people have already purchased the Improved Chevrolet this year because no nther car offers such modern design, a per formance so'smooth, so powerful or so many quality features at Chevrolet's low prices. Dome in! See this truly modern car? drive it! Set acquainted with its superior features ? learn the numerous advantages of Chevrolet swnershlp. Then you will understand why there has been such a sensational world-wide Increase In the number of Chevrolet buyers. So Smooth ? So Powerful L. B. PERRY MOTOR CO. Elizabeth City, N. C. QUALITY AT LOW COST l*ool?*; Colo jock. Mis* .Hilda Bos wood. "Every woman i* asked to ? brink, knife, fork, spoou and I clip." :z=zz==z Linen Luncheon Sets Pure Linen Luncheon Sots, size 45x45 Cloth with four napkins, blue, rose and gold check $1.98 l'ure Linen Sets, size 55x55 Cloths with six Napkins, white with blue, rose and K<>ld hem stitched borders, set $4 69 Iiucker & Sheely Co. Elizabeth City's Best Store NOTICE 1925 CiOimty taxes are Jong past due, the County Commissioners are calling on me for funds and unless I paid I shall he compelled lo levy on personal proper* ty and advertise real estate in order to get the l?ooks for 1926 taxes which will noun lie ready. In order to avoid embarrassment please come forward and settle at once. CI1AS. CAUMINE, Tkfie^mbJem ? jsrHH Sfficienf School Which School This Fall? Should you plan a business course, be sure to patronize an Accredited School. The above em blem is your protection. This emblem is to com mercial schools what "sterling" is to silverware. The KING'S schools arc fully accredited. The KING'S schools are well established (25 years) ; are ably managed and modcrnly equipped; and they stand for thoroughness efficiency and success. New Fall Term begins Aug. 30 and Sept. 6. Send for catalog and application. E. L. Layfield, President Raleigh ? Greensboro ? Charlotte Your Lugjpige Introduces You! Your Lii^ufic i* your lir*l introduction to your lioli'l or wln-rrvc-r you art- >loppiii^ ? make it a favorable bupropion 1>\ traveling with liimgafge I run i ? D. Walter Harris .The Hume <>/ Quality l.nggagc FAMO AND LEBANON BELLE FLOUR flours of quality wi|d liy IXiw WiitTing grorers. ? llll.'irfKD UY ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY The Mason Stock Co. "The Show You Know" HHOWI \<J ( N'DKIt The Mammoth Tent Theater For One Week Commencing Aug. 2 "FANNIE MASON" riiKHE.vrl'xci "Her Mother's Wedding Dress " . KratminR "Paint* Mahel Miwon," Iho S<?iith'? jouniirvt >?nr| mo*f lwnuiiriil liiKcmio ami A MHrnpoHliin rt??t of :wi proplo, In a Im Aiiilful t ( ?piiiwIvDihiiw. Sinning. fMiK-lnn. prrtt) wardrobe. Mn?tr?d fotnrdv ronrfrt*. Sw Dirk .lr., rhlfi off flic old Murk, (omrdlftn, (hut will nmko you IaiikIi. Ilcnr tl?c krnturky Mcrniiwkni fraturo orrlH* tm. KHKK Monday nlirtit whrn arcompankd with one |mlil adult tlrkrt. Tont lo mt?l buck of FIn tk C'ltlaenn National Itank. WKHW OPKN 7:80 OIM HWTKA l:IH SHOW A M iffitBaiiiistitssBiiasffltsiiifitiHfsiitiisasjiiiiiiasiriifiiriir*!!

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