Zeated Wire Auocurted Press Service Tha Weather Fair tonight anil Tueaday. Slowly rifting temperature. VOL. XVII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 1927. FOUR PAGEa NO. 206. Another Week Of Broadcasting At Alkrama Theatre The Daily Advanec Station, WKBG, Will Entertain Movie and Radio Fans a While lounger POLKS LIKE IT Newspaper anil Theatre Warmly Praised for Put ting on Novel Feature;! Business Men Interested ! The Dally Advance Station, I WKBG, will bo on hand another week at the Alkrama Theatre, i broadcasting local programs! each I night at 8:30 and ^t 10:30 from the stage of the Alkrama Thea tre. Decision to continue the pro-1 grams was reached late Saturday night, after a large crowd had en Joyed "Coca Cola hour" as given by a group of Elisabeth City's best talent through co-operation of W. C. Dawson, manager of the Eliza beth City Coca Cola Bottling Works. The audience cheered the announcement of th^y continued programs. Local merchanta will take part In the radio entertainments this week, and various prUo* will be given those attending. Announce ments as to details of these awards will be made later, according to Shelby Ilurgess, booking manager of the Alkrama. A big surprise program Is promised for tonight by. - Sidney Shepard, radio an nouncer for WKBG. From Norfolk and Portsmouth as well an from virtually every community In Northeastern North Carolina have come messages of congratulation on tho programs! broadcast from The Dally Advance! Station at the Alkrama during thei past week. There have been many requests also for a continu ation of the entertainment, ac cording to Mr. Shepard and Mr. Burgess. Those taking part In the 8:30 program Saturday night were Miaaea Ida Katherlne Nicholson. Emily Mann and Jeanne Houts, and two colored entertainers, Mary Brown and J. E. Norman. In the "Coca Cola hour," the art ists were Dan Walla. Arthur Padgett, Bill Hamlll, Miss Martha Pat Archbell, Mrs. Carroll Parker, J. T. Jackson, I*arry Ennis Skin ner, Jr.. Mrs. Richard Smith and Brack Dawson. It was one of the most popular programs of the week. Elisabeth City merchants are highly enthusiastic over the radio program from Station WKBG, and are expecting to put on a series of features this week that will equal or surpass the high stand ard attained last week. Persons attending the Alkrama ttf see and hear the broadcasting at first hand have been especially delighted with It, according to Mr. Burgess, from the fact that Mr. Shepard Introduces much comedy, and because of the op portunity thus afforded to see their home folks la/action before the microphone. ^ POUR BADLY BURNED AS SHIP EXPLODES ?y?ney. N. 8., Aug. 29.? (AP) ?Four people were In tho hospi tal here today suffering from burns inflicted when the Green foil Mission supply ship Marvelle blew up In the harbor. Those in jured are Mhia Hostelling. Chi cago, and Miss Plerle, Boston, mission workers and the steward and seoond engineer of the Mar velle. CITY MANAGER GOES TO HOSPITAL HERE .City Manager Miles W. Fere ?be?, of Elisabeth City, who sus Uin*i a double fracture of the right Jeg, above the knee, in an automobile accident near Frank lin, Virginia, some two months ?go, is at the Elisabeth City Hos pital to have one of the fractures re-sot. The other apparently has healed properly. ? For many weeks after the acci dent, Mr. Ferebee was under treatment In Lakevlew Hospital. Suffolk. Ho returned homo re *nd complications devel oped subsequently necessitating a second setting of -tbe broken bones. It Is thought that at least two months more must elapse be -foro he can walk again. W. S. CARAWAN HAS ATTRACTIVE HOME Columbia. Aug 89.?It waa - turned today that negotiations which have been in progress for ?onto time between W. fl. Cara wan and 8. J. Holloway for the Purchase of the home and lot of the latter, by the former, had ?**n completed. property adjoins the home i JTr*. ?n<1 ?"p??elal iy desirable \o hlm as he did not f ??"fcieat room for his new ' J r?*norai?d and thoroughly mod ?rn hum,, it i, thoo*ht tint th? MDIcea.af . umm.*. nM.nor ?III now t? mplorotf to bMatlfr lil.lr%o?. ??rro~,ll?? ?>? Patrolman Accused Murdering Man He Guarded New York, Aug. 29.?(AP)?, "Handsome" Dan Graham, 2.51 year old patrolman, today stood charged with the murder of a paymaster he often had been as signed to guard and with spend ing a part of the 14,700 proceeds in a Coney Island night club. The paymaster, Judson H. Pratt, construction engineer Mr J. E. Rhoades Co., builders was shot and killed in Bast Fifty-sec ond street, 150 feet from the con struction Job where he was to pay off some laborers. His body later was found in his automobile un der a viaduct In the Bronx ten miles away. Graham generally was assigned to guard the paymaster, but last Monday reported off duty as sick And on Saturday.^nother patrol man was assigned to the task. Police however,"said Graham ap-, poured a few mlnQtes before the; trip and took the ?ubatltute's| place. r --'J Graham was arrested at thel door of his home last night as he stepped from a flashy sport road-j steir he ha.d bought for $ 1,660 the| day before. Police said he still wa? reeling from the effects of li quor consumed at his Coney Is land "party" at which he Is said to have distributed $20 bills to the entertainers. FIVE OPERATIONS TOTAL JN CLINIC Twenty^hrec Prrtoiu Ex amined liy Orthopedic Surgeon Saturday Five operations ahd twenty three examinations comprised the day's work at the orthopedic I Clinic held at the Elisabeth City Hospital Saturday by the State! Board of Health, co-operating with) the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs of Elisabeth City, and the Rotary Clubs of Hertford and Edenton. The clinic was the third in a se ries of twelve to be h^d In the course of a year, on the fourth Saturday In each month. The operations were performed and the examinations conducted by Dr. J. S. Gaul, of the staff of the State Orthopedic Hospital at Gastonla, with the assistance of a group of Elisabeth City physicians and surgeons. These Included Dr. Zpnas Fearing. Dr. I. Fearing, Dr. W. A. Peters, Dr. John Sallba and Dr. M. S. Hulls. The last named two are members of the staff of the Elizabeth City Hospital. ^ As a means of contributing to the comfort and welfare of the patients, a delegation from the Elisabeth City Woman's Club was on hand for the clinic and served sandwiches, milk and ice cream to all. The clinic Is open to all persons suffering from bone defects or In juries In the Albemarle District, I comprising Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans. Chowan, Gates, Washington, Tyrrell and Dare counties. Examinations are free. Persons wishing examina tion have been asked to present themselves at the hospital on the fourth Saturday In the month, preferably In the morning, after 8:30 o'clock. In order to assist the patients In learning remunerative occupa tions and obtaining training to the end that they may gain eco nomic Independence, Claud L. An-j drews, representative of the bu reau of vocational rehabilitation of the State Board of Health, is attending each clinic. He already has given material aid to a num ber of those treated. BOBBY JONES BACK TO ATLANTA TODAY Atlanta, Oa , Aug. 29.?(AP) ?'Holding In his arm* the gigan tic golden cap that signifies vic tory in the American Amatenr Tourney, Bobby Jones arrived home today to hear once the un bridled cheers of Atlanta admir ers who never grow tired of ova tions to this young genius of the links. MOVES BACK WHEHE GRANDFATHER LIVED Colombia, Auk. it.?Coopar flron , boat Una ban baan cbar tarad by Mr. Nat Maaklni at Man ton to brine bta fnrnltura to Co Inmbla. whara ha axpart. to maka bta homa an Main atraat at tha alta whara hi, (randfathar'a orig inal homa atood. Ml1. Maakln, re turn, from Norfolk to Columbia, hta birth placa, aftar an ahaanca of 17-yearn, and nxpraaaa* hi, ap proval of tha many atrldantaa of proxraaa and proaparlty aiblbltad by Columbia. Still Studyin' Although J. Milton Jones Is 71 and ia one of North Carolina's old est educators, ho.Uiinks himself | ?tiH young enough to learn. So he's attending rammer school at j the University of North Carolina' at Chapel Hill where this photo i was taken. City Council Takes Definite Step On Tax Question A proposed Indignation meeting of carpenters, painters, plasterers and hrlckmaaons, to have been held at the courthouse tonight at 8 o'clock as a gesture of protest against what was taken an a $f> tax levied on all workers in these trades, was called off today when word had Rpread that the Council, to make assurance doubly sure, -had passed a motion repealing the objectlonablo licenses. Councilman D. Kay Kramer, chairman of the ordinance com mittee, already had interpreted the new law as applying only to contractors In these various trades. In repealing tho specific amendment, the Council took the attitude that the general law ap plying to contractors was suffi ciently Inclusive. The motion re pealing the amendment was passed at a special meeting Friday af ternoon. In the excess of their indigna tion over the law. as they and the general public understood it, the workers In the various trades named had gone 10 far In some Instances as to declare most em phatically that they would go to jail before they would pay it. STRIKERS PRESENT COMPROMISE PACT Henderson, Aug. 29.? (AP) ? A committee of directors of the Harriet Cotton Mills today reject ed a compromise agreement of fered by a committee, represent ing 800 strikers, seeking 12 % Pt>r cent wage Increase. "We regret very much to ad vise that your request cannot be complied with," tho mill directors" statement declared. Henderson, Ang. If.?(AD? Definite steps looking toward a settlement of differences between 800 striking employes of the Har riet Cottoa Mills hore. and the mill owners were taken today when a committee of strikers pre sented a written proposition to the directors outlining a compro mise agreement. The petition, now before a com mittee of. the directors for consid e(aHon and upbn which an answer was expected late today, was signed by nine members of the striking forces. It leaves future adjustment of a working scale up to the directors, and contains an agreement that the strikers will return to work at once under cer tain conditions. It requests reim bursements for time lost during the neariy-fovr-weeks of Idleness "We ask that you allow ns time lost durlne the strike, allowing esch snd every one a! us to return to work, which we will do, and learlng the wafce arfd living con ditions to you gentlem??t whom we have known so long," the peti tion reads. Adjustment within a resson able time la orged. The striker" stress that they do not wish to "Jeopardlxe the mill Interests" and that th#y will cooperate with tke owners |q reaching an agree ment. / , A request Is Included that the conduct of ovsr-seers in the mills be investigated. The employee, the petition declares, feel that the conduct of the over-seers has been "anbeersble" LEPER MAKES AN ELOQUENT PLEA FOR MOUNTAINS| Tlicy Dun't Huve llill* Like I Tliiw in Louiiiiuiiu and 11 Don't Want to Go Back Thrre BUT I'LL GO Brother Matt Goes With I Him and Federal Officii I ake Thrin in Automobile! Oown to Lonihiana Tryon. Au*. 29.?(APi? A| *oary. agin* man stood among: , h,Us he lo*?d yesterday. and In rain with tho.e who had come to take him away. I He wa.n John Ka r I y. r ?,)<.1 be be let alone and al l i" ,'? "tay bt" rcmninine lured h! 1" mounta'ns which na FederJl if hl* y0uth An<> cou,">' officer# who! the 5? him lo ratuM to w One ^The I,!?? "" ,amm" "I J,!1* f fh0 cll,f? which had given h m strength to resist the In Eld Of a dread disease for a score or vefJr' thC ^"'"h American War veteran aw.pt hi. finger eleven. ,L',cr?" broad expanse of fer valley below him. tfc don'' bay. hllla like J T?ey d^-1'nhLO,"S"n?'" h? "It .?-rJ J h#vo thl" life alTlnc the TIS? whi.perR of bird. In I don't want to iro back tharn Her?,",he *m b0 ?h??1' hl> EL Li. n,fl''er" "Hayent they For I?8 cool>*'1 Ihe'hnm'' b,;e;.In hiding back of whh.nh0Tn.^h"Sl.rherM M?U; The?fl 17,,'A Dr ? c ?a ran line, and trl^d .? hrou*ht him out '"n wiVh .her"1""1' h'm - aSril1? ?SVta"" ,b* "?l>? he Head way he",X S ? *rlm" "he? die ?h he7' """ hfi had home " lea" beloved creed* 'hp Government had do ,"S ??. outcast, ??d .heT?Td^.b^^|d'-h'm had "nallyh. ''.Ttil!""""'! I H Ko If my brother Malt will a" '"f," With me" i" they i'?,, And *?" would to If ?rll |T"mJ "" hU The inl and u!h a,??'" Mreed. John and came we '7'? 'heir home* rutxxra wJ?" I1"1' ,00,[ him away ? NEW HOHIKIIY i "OMPANY If KICK CHAKTKM Tho Virginia Dare Boiliry Company of Elisabeth City, to spe cialise In the manufacture of ray on hosiery and other knitted goods. wss incorporated Monday with an authorised capital of (26.000, and nubficrihed capital of ? 1,000. The Incorporators are H. W. Handera, W T. Ward and D. It. Mtinden, all of Rllsabeth City. Messrs. Sanders and Ward hare had Ion* experience In textile manufacture and are hoperul o( launching the new enterprl^* In the next few months. PYTHIAN LECTURE I ON TUESDAY NIGHT Dr. H. Wla?? Ilcvllle of Norfolk will deliver an address on "An cient and Modern Hlstorv of rythlanlsm" at the Knights of Pythian rooms at the corner of Road and fearing utreeta on Tuea day nUht. MONOPLANE RETURNS TO LONDONy ONTARIO London. Ontario. Au* 29.? (AP)?The monoplane flir John Carlinf which look off early thU morning for London. Rngland. re terned to Its starting point today, driven back by a storm south of Oakrflle. Skeeter Trap Garland Rhodes, of Stuttgart. Ark was bothered greatly by the horde:: of mosquitoes that Infested the neighborhood of that town. So be Invented this mosquito trap and !??. mkkJugV *ood living with It. kill Irtg (1 pints of the lnscot*-1n one and getting |5 a pint for them. Tfc?. trap consists of a tub of water covered with kerosene, a" Mtctrlc light and a mirror Two Enginemen Die When Train Goes Into Ravine Pittsburgh, Pa. Aug. 29 (AP) ?Two enginemen were killed and two of the members of the crew injured, one seriously when the llroadway Limited, rast Chicago to New York passenger train on the Pennsylvania Railroad was wreckcd this morning Just east of Gallitt tunnel, 11 miles west of Altoona, Pennsylvania. The train was being pulled by two locomotlvcs and the lead en gine left (he track plunging over a 100 foot embankment. The sec ond engine hung on the edge of the embunkmrnt. while the eombl natlon baggage and club car also went over Into the ravine below where there Is a roadway. Three pullmnns were derailed but offi cials said they did not overturn. Thp passengers it was said were shaken up. The dead: O^L. Garrett, engi neer. Pilcalrn. Pennsylvania; It. C. Shangler, fireman, Derry. Penn sylvania. The injured: E. A. Hsrtman, Concmaugh, Pennsyl vania; fireman serious with frac tured arm. culs. bruises and pos sible intertill injuries; G. II. Hun tor. Pittsburgh, engineer, cuts and bruises, thfre were In the Altoona Hospital. J. W. Simpson, conductor. Man or Pennsylvania, R. C. Sutton, baggageman. New York, and the club car attendant were In the club car at the time of the wreck but weiro not hurt, railroad offi cials here reported. The attend ant, at first reported missing, was late found assisting passen gers In the three derailed pnllman to ?Vress. The cause of the wreck was unknown. WANTS ASSISTANCE SMITH AMERICA IN HUNT FOR AIRMAN Brunswick, (la.. Auk. 29. ? (AIM ? The Department of State has been r?*qu<>sted to so licit the assistance of All South American governments Ih con ducting a search for Paul Red fern, missing aviator. Paul J. Varner, local flight committee chairman, announced today. With Red fern more than 4K hours overdue on his projected non-stop flight from BrunRWlck to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Var ner expressed the opinion that the aviator was safe "wher ever he may he." "I also have requested the Navy Department to handle the situation from the Bahama Isl ands to the coast of South Am erica and the Coast Guard Ser vice to cover the territory from Rrunswirk to the Bahama*." ?ald Mr. Varner. Elizabeth City Girl Wins Distinction By Passing.Bar Exams Miss Margaret Qordon?^ first Elisabeth City girl to stand the State bar examination, will add another distinction to her list next spring, barring misadventure, when shc-.graduates froin Wake Forest College with 4he defcree of Bach'tlor of Uwh. She will be the flrst-'indlvldual of her aex to be awarded a degree at the State's best known Baptist College.' Miss Gordon graudat?i with honors from the Elizabeth City High School In 1924. She spent the following year at Wake For est. studying law. Then she went to /North Carolina College for Wo men for a year, and returned to Wake Forest for the term of 1926-27. Sh?? stood the State bar examination last week. Not quite 21?she will attain her majority In November?Miss Gordon 1b anything hut the femin ine equivalent of that bachelor hood which she is slated to attain next spring. She Is n daughter of |Mrs. Ed. Gordon, and makes her home with her mother on South ern avenue, this city. Driving In the musty tomes of Ulackstonn and the rest has not dimmed her enthusiasm In the things that In terest most girls, though she ad mits that for the present, at least, she Is decidedly more Interested In a career than In the more proslac busincRs of managing a home, j When she obtains her degree, next summer. Miss Gordon expects to go to work In a law office, pre ferably, away from home. Her Ipresent choice |g Charlotte, though her plans along that line aro still decidedly Indefinite. DKMOXHTIUTlCWf (JIVRN BV IIKAUTY HPW 'I A 1.1ST MIhr Vlnetta Conway, petite land attractive. Is here this week demonstrating the Dorothy Gray] beauty preparations and methods, of treatment at the Overman A Stevenson drug store. 412 East Main street. She Is giving lectures at the store Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 4:15 o'clock, and special demonstra tions In room 104 at the Southern Hotel Monday and Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock. Miss Conway Is a native of Southern Kentucky, and finds much In Northeastern Carolina to remind her of her homeland. She was especially enthusiasts over the stately elms In Elizabeth City,j and the general atmosphere of beauty, charm and hospitality that she found here. Some Modem Daniels M?mb*ra of lh? fourth California Murlct Lion. Club*. bimi|ii( at W Moat*. n*ar Ixn. Ancel**. MM to pro*. thai ih., 4?mi tM nam* of I loan 80 lb*; w?nl oat and at* br*akfa*t In a cat* with a ?Ml lira lion, man* and all. Thar'r* ahown bar*, with Df. W B. _' WalU, (OTtrasr of th* 4l*trkt, drlaklnc a toaat to UM Uoa. \ American Plane Has Arrived At Munich In Round World Trip Cures Paralysis Dr. L. it. Martin, city health of. fleer of Fort Worth. Tax., hai found corn for ^eraral peraoni aBected by Infantile paralyita bj Inoculating than with aarum tak ?s from (ha blood of paraona al ready rocOTared (rem tha dleaaaa. Franklin D. RoownlL Ictt al moat a cilepto br tha ailment, hae offered.to pay Dr. Martial ax* penaaa tor tha treatment ot tao paraona whom Dr. Martin U tak ing to Warm Sprlnga, Oa.. for Anal IraatmaaL Generous 'Stranger' Proves Undoing Of Autoist Found asleep in an automobile parked unconventionally midway of the Intersection of Ash and Ce dar streets, near the city limits In the vicinity of the main line of tho Norfolk Southern Railroad, Joe Pendleton, colored, was fined |50 and coiits in recorder's court Monday morning, and was denied the right to drive a car In North Carolina for 90 days?the mini mum punishment prescribed by law for an autoist found guilty of operating a car while under the Influence of liquor. Poller Officers Anderson and Rasnlght testified they were called to the spot by a telephone message Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, and found Pendleton, obviously under the influence of liquor, slumbering so profoundly under the steering wheel that It took them ten min utes to awaken him thoroughly. Pendleton admitted having had a "little taste" of liquor which he said wss given him while he was awsltlng one Tom Jones, colored. He declared the donor of the spir its was a tall, thin, dark negro who wss a stranger to him. His explanation prompted Trial Jus tice Sawyer to remark that It must hsve been the same negro who gives liquor to every one else destined to appear next day In re corder's court. Richard Spencer, painter, sub mitted to a charge of being drunk and was fined |5 and costs. BELIEVE AVIATORS VICTIMS OF BANDITS San Antonla, Tex., Au*. 29.? (AP)?Belief that two Army avia tors, Captain C. H. Reynolds, and Staff Sergeant Ous Newland. of Fort Ssm Houston, have been cap tured by Mexican bandits was ex pressed by friends of the men here today. LKNINE HAS NAKKOW ESCAPE AT AIRDROME London, Aug. 29.? (AP) ? Charles A. Levlne, landed at the Croydon Airdrome In his airplane Columbia at 4:OS o'clock this af ternoon, ihere was difficulty In msklng the landing and the Co lumbia circled orsr Ihe airdrome four 11 men before coming down. The Columbia landed with a great bump and Jump and Levlne appeared rather nervous. He h*d nothing to say when members of the flying field force who.had watched hla performance, conorat ulsted him on hla narrow eecape from an accident. Paris, Aug. 19. ? (AP) ? Charleg A. Levlne, left Le Rourget Field at one o>lock this afternoon In his transatlantic monoplane the "Columbia," In a westerly di rection. Maurice Drouhln, French pilot engaged by Irvine for the transatlantic return flight to the United Slates, was not on hoard and wan not adrtsed of Mr. - Ir vine's plans. The "Columbia" did aot carry a fall load of fnel. Seeond ?f J,(urney Made Safely; Many Cable Me?Hape? Kcrrivcd From United Statei* FI.IEKS FEEL FINE Had Good Night'w Sleep After Safe Arrival at Croydon Sunday From Harltor Graee Munich, Germany, Auk. 29.? ?'AP) jT,?* ,,.rl<10 ?f Detroit. American [7" . *!'' world plane, took the J.,." ."!? ??l?tloB field here at e'ock th'? mornln?t; with 0er"?any. about fioo mile. Vi tt" deatlaatlon. ? ' *??Pleted the firm Ice of J.360 mile. from Harbor Grace. New Foundland. to Croydon Sun Sr/ .?0iT * ?'ter being In the ? ,r*' minutes. Drock waa at the controls when the monoplane started. They tax '?? ?*er ?h? field against the wind and made a beautiful getaway, circling over the airdrome and waring gopd-bye to the few spec tators bled to wltnese the i T? .Th?n the machine head ed towards the east and within sight ?r nT? mlnu, weath " crjydo" waa comparatively th?itJ5 ??lators considered the flying conditions were nuch as I'? warrant an attempt to reach Germany Since they are out to complete their Journey within It a 'hl> ",?rt """y reeelrad o.c^ '* from i?? ? 4 States wishing them fh^ ,n their venture. Aa !,h"lr minute prtp fnd ,"*w '? ?h? stowing aboard of a lunch of cheese and chicken sandwiches and coffee in7i h,ndful" ?f telegrams' then! I An,on* "">?? wishing them good luck on their under taking was Colonel Ira Edward! !stry'"<'ntln* ,he "rl",h Alr Mln niik1'h J"*? h"d ? splendid raotle"hn'0,>P^?""r ,holr "??sat If Thr)' were feeling ex wfri0n? ??od Bn'1 '""king for ward eagerly to their Journey THey arose at 6:30. had break RaVoJnno^'Jr 'S1"' 4h* ?T y.. 1 and c?n"' t0 Croydon o clock OU"nP' *rrlvlnK shout ? The machine was- all prepared Jor taking the air except for re wu ?solln? mtn,..L Vr'r'' within a few minutes, making a tptal of 135 STJ . ry h**ln* 85 gal !nlh. Uf. tho,r ,ran**tlantle ?h!? TV,"#wa" mnaldered mora ii. !or lhn ni,i,ro*'malely ?Ix-hour flight to Munich. CITY NOW ISSUING AUTO LICENSE TAGS The Issuance of city nutnmoblM license tags Is well under way now. In anticipation of Thursday September 1, the date (hen the old licenses expire, nt# Auditor John H. Hnowden. who has charge or that phase of municipal activi ties Ih urging nil to come early, and thus be prepared to comply with the law when Thursday rolls around. The new llcenaea. by the way. are 92 each this year Just twice sii much as heretofore. The In crease was ordered hy the City Council Monday night. Auguat 15. aa one of several step* to ralae ad ditional revenue without booatlm the tax rate. WEEKS VILLE YOUTH HURT IN ACCIDENT (Tnconacloun for an hour and a half after having been thrown headlong from a motorcycle, John C. Walston. aged 15, son of Dur ant n. Walston. of the Weekavllle section, wsa reported Kettlng along nicely today. The accident occurred Saturday near Weeka vllle I'ostofflce as young Walston waa rounding a curve. He waa pitched to the paved highway, striking on tbo ?f the Iteair and auffered 1 many bruls^a and laceratlona. hut n<> broken honea. He was treated bv l)r. J. H. Hark well. of Wecksvllle, who r?und It necessary to take several atltches In hla forehead. The motorcycle waa a brand new one that the boy bad ac quired only a day or two before. Chicago police are golag to earry nlghtatlcks again, aaya a dlapateh The ohseiete will re turn If you just five It plenty of tin*.