THE lVBLreH ED. BY IlOAWOKK PUBLKHIITO CO. ' Thomas Hcsosr, Busises Masager 'FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND. FOR TRUTH." vol: 1. PLYMOUTH, N. 0., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1889. NO. U. H . THE NEWS, '": i Lightning struck the stables nP Mm ninh. TOoud, Va., idtj Railway, and sixty mules, eren cars and the buildings were consumed. -Koresfc; Arts In Montana continue to do reat damage- John Williams, cook on tbe steamship Wellington, was arrested on ar- ral at Ban Francisco, charged with smug gling five hundred boxos of opium.- narry Leo and Sadie Taylor were arrested at Peo ria, 111., charged with causing the death of -onn Kowalk and Hannah Shearer, whose bodies were recently found in Lake Michigan. "T-T-Abraham t Finkbone, aged twenty-six years, committed suicide by hanging himself in jail at Reading Fa., where he was confined on trie charge of setting fire to lumber works. A national monument in honor of the Pilgrim fathers was unveiled at Plymouth, and Congressman Breckenridge delivered an : address on the establishment in America of t roe religious institutions. -A combination has teen formed for controlling the manu facture and sale of artiflcai ice in the South. -Marion Newman, who is in the Wash ington jail, charged with defrauding an in surance company, has fallen heir to half a million dollars. -A cargo of unripe bananas WfU (VrnflttOfttjut htr th 'Vim Vuk Koatf.h His. partment Michael Ryan, while 1u a de mented condition, jumped from a window of an express train on the Pennsylvania Rail road and w.ig seriously Injured. -Florida fruit dealers motin New ; York city and formed a combino. The steamer St Law rence ran on a rock off. Hog island in tbe Canadian channel , and is a total wreck.- Two passenger trains collided on tbe Rich mond and Fredericksburg Railroad at Law ton, near Alexandria, Va., and an engineer was killed nnd several persons hart. The latest Intelligence from Hay ti tells of a vic tory of Ha p joiite. ; '; -.'' ' The fertilizer f Hctory of E. Ranb & Sons, in Indianapolis, was destroyed by fire. The body of r Colonel Jones, of Cincinnati was found in a manbote, murdered and rob" bed. Wesley JSlkins, on eleven-year, old boy of Mason Cit, la., his confessed to ths murder of bis parents. --William Ports, an alledged forger who is wanted in Lewiston, iPa., was arrested in Dubuque, la. John JBerrv. a farmer in Canandai7na 'N -V.." , o -. -., 'Who attempted to outrage an old lady, was tarred and feathered. -Four men, all train bnds, were, kill d by an accident on tbe Chesapeake and Ohio. Joseph A. Starck, ' of Easton, Pa., whose accounts with the New Uorsey Central Company (were; short, com mitted suicide. Mark King, a miner liv ing hear Wilkesbarrc, boat his wife to death because suppir was not ready. James Smith when convicted in a Cincinnati court of outraging a little girl, declared his inno- .... . .. J ... . - I i . . . cunve aim aiiierapieu suiciuo. imei jnayes of the Chcrokeo nation, says he is ready to call a special council, if so desirol by the commissioners, who will nrge the sale of the nation's lands. Tho Southern Pacific Rdl road discharged 830 employes, in order to lessen tbe expenses of the road. During a storm in Chicago a framo cottage was de stroyed and eight persons killed. Another big flood is reported in West Virginia. .William McClintock stabbed and killed John Jones in Point Pleasant, W.Wa. James c v t Conasy, a bnrkaeper in Richmond, Va., se- vnrolv wounded his wife with a raznr. unrl .th.p.euVhte oa throat. -The remains of t "an supposed to have-been murdered were f o'uniT in the head waters of Greenbrier river in West Virgina ' ' ; -; - .' The President commuted the death sen fence of Martin, the Arkansas Murderer, whose papers be had under consideration for Several days. Reports of damage by last woek's storm In Sussex county, Dal., and Wicomico and Worcester counties, Md., say the prospective peach yield in Western Sus sex will . ba reduced nearly one-half, while tho corn ou the low lands is almost ruined. The National Wool-Grower's Associa tion has asked the President to call an extra - session of Congress to revise the tariff laws. j-A" party of four Indian hunters were robbed and murdered in the Sun river country. "Soapy Smith, tbe leader of a' gang of crooks in Denver, Col., assaulted rl iwvArelv iniured Colonel John Adkins. of th Denver New.- The British bark Mallsgate has been wrecked on Middle tin reef. ' Part of the crew are missing. A syndicate is preparing to build a pipe line i . . . 1 . . . t l : A Chicago, A new, railroad is to be con- itructed between Fort Wayne and Chicago. Win. Schick and Mrs, Hannah Becker were killed at a, crossing in Louisville, and Henry Peistner was probably fatally injured, MrsSjodgrasf and her,two children were irowued in .White river while attempting to ford the stream. -Tbe full court has con firmed the opinion of Justice Bain, of Win- n.T rprf 4nchd Rnrkn for fTtniifittAii - -7 . mo iuiBuua.ii wuiimgwUf 11 la., nvio poisoned by eating dried beef. Mrs. Isa bella WSversore. an bid Norwegian womrt living in igei ton, was found dead in her bed. Foufplay Is suspected. Henry Mur. .11. Jt In Philai4ulnlil.'ni t.nlfu A..n1. 'inflicted during a drunkeu quarrel by George Haiikinson. ; A boiler exploded in Fhila lelphia, killing Joshua Ambler, aged twelve pears, and fatally injuring Uebrge Scbofteld. m. : iT . 1 1. 1 Ttr .. " 1 J . A J ae iionuiK aau uesiera nuau im auuuc to consolidate with some of its auxiliary eotnpaoitw and create a consolidated mort gage on "its existing linos. The price of brick in Chicago has boon advanced about .one dollar per thousand. Jacob Jamison, the last Cornplanter Indian along the upper Ohio, w:ib murdered and robbed. The . ' ... ... -m e.t .1 T. I..".. 1.1 pbia is In ftnajuual (litres, -The Grand Army of the Republic has decided to dis countenance thu viwits of posts t the grand ''encampment, owing to lha refusal, of rail roa Jfl to reducj th3 rats. '.;:XiyE i a tntiful night in. tvhfch as ponw stars r Iowa ctucn avLe. Eight Persons Killed Outright v and Two Fatally 'Hurt, An Unfinished Structure Falls 011 a Cottage and Buries) the Inmates Two Famine Annlhll- ... atcd-Fearful Work ot a Storm. The storm of Saturday night In Chicago was one of the most severe that has vlsitad that section ot the country , ' The ' rain fall was the greatest erer known in a tike period over four inches in two hour' and fifteen minutes. As nearly as can be ascertained, it was 7.30 o'clock when a terri ble gale of wind struck a three-story briok building which stood at tbe corner of Leavltt 11 tree t. and which had not yet been roofed. It toppled and fell on a cottage at 7.47 o'clock, crushing it as though it was paper, and burying the inmates beneath tbe ruins. The three front rooms of the cottage were occu pied by Cornelius Ferdinandus, a Ho'lander, and his family, consisting of his wife, Reka, and live children, the eldest a girl of twelve, and tue youngest an infant of one year. In the three rear rooms lived Charles Bock, a German laborer and his wife, Amelia, and three ohildren, the eldest thirteen and the youngest six years of age. As i k as possi ble an alarm was sent to the police station, and Lieutenant Beck and every officer on night duty, eighteen in all, responded. En gine companies 23 and 30 and Truck 13 were also quickly at the 'scene of the disaster. There was not a trace of the cottage to be seen. It bad been buried completely out Of sight, bnt the painful cries of a child were heard through the sbriekings of tbe gale. With a will tbe firemen and policemen went to work to remove the debris, and shortly after eleven o'clock tbe bodies of all who were known to have been in the building were taken out. Tbe dead are: ) '" ' """ Cornelius Ferdinandus, aged thirty-three. Reka Ferdinandus, his wife, aged thirty one. '-' ; ', . . Cora Ferdinandus, aged five. May Ferdinandus, Infant child of Mr, and Mrs. Ferdinandus, aged one year. Amelia Bock, wife ot Carl Bock, aged thirty-nine. Annie Bock, aged eight. : Albert Bock, aged six. Tbe wounded are: Carl Bock, aged forty-three, slightly crushed. August Bock, aged tnirteen, skull crushed and will probably die. Taken to the county hospital. ' Linda . 'Ferdinandus, aged ten, badly crushed. . , . , r Luda Ferdinandus, aged eight, slightly hurt.- ."., .. Gertrude Ferdinandus, agod three, skull crushed and cannot sarvive. Ernest Blooter, the owner of a lumber yard at Sixty-sixth and Wallace streets, was in Btantly kilted by an Eastern Illinois engine during the storm, and Henry Dues, one of his employes, was badly hurt. Tbe men were crossing the tracks at Sixty-sixth street. They waited for a freight train to pass and then started to cross. The rain blinded them. Au engine approaching from the op posite direction struck them down. AWFUL STORY OF A WRECK, Only Eightof Thirty-Three Survive A Terrible Experience. The steamer Dora arrived at San Francisco from Seal IslaiiJs, Alaska, brings two surviv ors of the whaling; bark Little Oiiio, from N?w Badford, which was wrecked off Point Hope, Alaska, October 8, 1833. From them details of the wreck are learned for the first time. 1 Llsburne was sighted on morning of October. 3. The day was windy, and toward evening one of the worst storms ever experi enced in that resrion came up. About Dint o'clock the bark struck near Point Hope, but as tbe air was dense with the snow, it was at first thought an iceburg had been struck. The vessel seemed to bs rapidly going to pieces, and Captain George T. AUeu ordered the first mate to cut away the masts. This was the last order given by the captain and he was never seen again, tbe heavy sea car rying him overboard. The Ohio broke up rapidly, but the seas were so strong that it was impossible for the men, who nearly frozen to death, to keep their hold on the massa and rigging, and they were thrown to the mercy ot the roaring waters. Altogether there were thirty-three men on board, and -but eight now survive. Most of tbe men were Irosensosuri tneycouia not Keep mem selves above the water, and perished before the vessel went to pieces. Alexander uney gave' up hope while on the vessel and killed himself witb bis pistol, me nrsc mat, Thomas F. Pease, and second mate, Thomas H. Miles, were so badly frozen they died on the beach.; Several of the men were killed by the debris of the wreck while attempting to crawl upon the beach. Octobsr 10th, the third mate, Manuel Lopez, fourth male, Jos. Enos, witb. their sailor, put oil to intercept the passing whaling bark, and the natives say they saw the .boat capsixi, and all were drowned. "' A PUBLIC DEBT INCREASE; A Somewhat Unusual Showing Caused lij Heavy Disburstmento. The publiodobt statement issued from th Treasury Department shows an increase of $1,017,311 .during the past month of July. That there was an increase is due to unusual ly heavy disburstments during the month. Pension disburstments were $785,000 heaviei than in July last year, and expenditures for publio works -such as river and harbor im provements and public, buildings were nearly 15,000,000 greater than in July, 1888, The total debt to-day, less cash in the Treasury, amounts to $ 1 ,077,663,032 ; the net cash in the Treasury is $05,857,09(1 against 7L4S4,042 a month ago. National bank depositaries to day hold $18.930,703 of Government funds, or a boat $1 500,000 less than ou July 1. The gold fund balance in the Treasury has de creased about $4,500,000 during, the past month, and to-day amounts to 1182,218,163, and the silver fund balance, exclusive of 6, 000,000 trade dollars, bullion, has increased only $100,000 during the month, and to-day amounts to $37,003,015. Government receipts during July aggre gated $31,869,200, or $500,000 more than in July lust year, custom receipts in round numbers amounted to $ 19,000,000 against $ia,'O0,000 in July 1583, and internal revcuut receipt for the past month were $10,8f8,735, or $1,0 000 more than in July a year ago. Eyitendttures during the pant month were $1!,'.. or f.Vi.ywy. mora tti&tj tn July la&SVv-ar, SOUTHERN ITEMS; INTERESTING NEWS COMPILED f FIXOM MANY SOURCE i. The sixteen-year-old daughter of An drew Miller, Jr., of Jackson County, W. Va,, committed suicide by shooting herself in the head. The board of supervisors of Surray County, N. C, have decided a levy a tax for the erection ot a new courthouse to cost $8,000. Since the fanners of Middletown Valley, Frederick County, Md., have begun thresh ing, the wheat yield is found to be much bet ter than was expected. ' -The Thompson-Houston Electric Light 'company has filed a bond ot $1,000 with the aldermen of Goldsboro, N. C, to put up electric lights in that city. . . It baa been estimated that the probable mortgage indebtedness of Frederick County, Md., at the present rime, will reach an ag gregate of over $5,000,000. u A dispatch from Asheville, N. C, reports a disastrous fire in Asheville, wuioh destroy ed Williamson's wood working factory and other property, causing a loss ot over $50, 000. . .' . Kent county, Maryland, farmers are threshing wheat, which, notwithstanding tbe surplus of rain, is found to be in a Uir con dition, averaging twenty to tmrty bushel to the acre on good land. Perry Cook, a brakeman on the Penn sylvania Railroad, dkd from injuries re ceived in a collision at Bedford, Ma. One leg was serered near the knee and tbe other near the ankle by being caught by the apron of the tender. ,' . ; ' ' It Is announced on what is deemed good nuthority that tbe Messrs. Duke Sous, of Durham, N. C., have been offered the sum of $4,000,000 for their entire business The offer was made by a Nuw York syndicate, but refused. y 4 .J- Between the Blue Mountain House and Pen-Mar, and along the drive to High Rock, on South Mountain, in Maryland, tbere is a belt less than a mile wide where tbe trees are denuded of leaves, caused by the visitation Df the locusts. f j, f r 4 , V, n j ; J j Governor Wilson, of W. Va., has ap pointed four commissioners to select tbe lo cation and purchase the site for tbe new State Reform School, as authorized byh e sets of the legislature of 1830. . Joseph Blatt, ot Wetzsll County, W. Va, a well-known resident and an old ex-Confederate soldier, ten days ago was thrown from a mule on which he was riding, receiving t uch a violent kick on the head as he fell that he died on Monday. " David Teel, a fireman on the towboat, J. W. Gould, went on the deck to cool off, and, venturing too near the side, fell overboard, near New Cumberland, W. Va and was drowned before assistance could, reach him. As Mr. Luther M. Seibert, living near Martinsburg, W. Va.", was putting hay into bis barn, tbe horses attached 10 a four horse wagon fell through tbe overshoot of the barn , killing one and seriously injuring the others. Mr. Seibert also fell with the houes,and was rendered unconscious. , , Justprevious to the arrival tof the train on the Wheeling and Elm Grove Railroad at Fulton, W. Va., two men piled ties on the track at two di Zerent points to ouusa wreck. The locomotive struct tbe first piiie, but was, fortunately, not derailed. The second ob struction was on a trustle. A there were 200 passengers ou the train, a fretful wreck might have occured. ', While Squire W. A. Settle an IsJim Birch field were driving in a buggy fnoin Fayette Court House, to Fayette Station. In W. Va.. a tree from the roadside fell on the buggy, killing Squire Settle outright and badly wounding uircnneia. The breaking of a shaft in 1 the rolling mill of the Virginia Nail and Iroti-oompany's works, at LyncbDurg, va., cause suspen sion of operations tbere. It walk take two weeks to repair tbe damage, and the em ployees will lose that much time. The works were crowded with orders. . A harnessmaker, named Dake of Dan ville, Va.. was run over at Richntond, by a train on the Chesapeake and Obioi Railroad and literally cue to pieces. It is aupposed that the deceased crawled into car' and fell asleep. When he discovered the train in motion he doubtless attempted' totyet out an 1 fell on the track. , - -Harry Lewis, a wagoner ott Etgecombe County, N. C, lost his life under very pecu liar circumstances the other day. He was driving a double team near the.' railroad track whoti the bridle of on of the horses came off. He got down and wa?putting it on again when a train came idotig and the hur&es began to jump and plunge. The wagou tongue was forced into the driver's breast, killing him almost instantly. W. F. Watson, of Spaniard's Neck, Md., has a curiosity in tbesbupeof a -robin's neat and egg, having been taken pos&sion of by a wren, who laid and batched hec own eggs, together with the . robin's egg. When tue young ones were hatched they were aston ished to find a big robin in thefcr midst. The old wren cared for the rcbin, .as well as her own, until a cat made a raidiandibroke up the happy family, w Five bead of fine cattle belonging to Mr. John Aholt, of Middletown Valley, Frederick County, Md., died a few days ago frotn suffer ings inflicted by the Canadian or 'exau fly. The horns of the animals, around tbe bae of which the flies congregated and eat the flesh, dropped off before death relieved them of their agony. - Much trouble among cattle in various sections of the country i from the same cause is being reported. Tbe town of Reidsville, N. G,.is having a sensation which is little short of the Lon don Whitechapel mystery. There have been two mysterious murders there in ornearly one month. Monday night the thirdfwas re ported. In January there was a freight train wrecked near there by train robbers. Several negroes wero arrested on suspicion and are now on trial for their lives. All three of the murdered victims were witnesses in the case, and it is believed they have been put out of the way by friends of tb&accused now on trial. A CYCLONE IN NEW70RK. Property Destroyed and Persons In juredNew Jersey Also Suffers. At about 7 o'clock In the morning a cyclone struck Ellis Corners, Ulster County, N. Y., four miles west of Highland, destroying a large amount of property and injuring a number ot persons. The cyclone, which was accompanied by a roaring sound which terrified the people, teemed to come from a funnel-shaped cloud. Dispatches from Union and Essex counties, New Jersey, also tell of an unusually disas trous storm. ' 1 ' ;. ' The damage in Essex county will reach $100,000. Kppley Park, near Bloomfleld, is ruined by the bursting of Adam. Loas, $40,- CM.X). . . rpn; WILLIAM HENRY SMITH. There are few journalists in America who have had a more varied and interesting career than William Honry Smith, general manager of tbe Associated Press, New York, William Henry Smith first saw the . light ot day in Columbia County, New York, on the 1st of December, 1833, and is descended from two old English families. His father, William DeForrest Smith, who was born in Litchfield county, Connecticut, in 1805, was a grandson ot Bethel Smith, ot Kent, who was a grandson of Rev. Henry Smith, a ' WILLIAM HENRY SMITH. clergymen' well-known in the Connecticut valley. His mother was a daughter of Dea con Story Gobb. of Spencertown," Colum bia County, who was a lieutenant in the army during the" Revolutionary war. aud was decended from' Daniel Gobb, who settled in the Connecticut valley prior to 1690. The family was ot Dutch origin and came to America for religious freedom. The parents ot W. H. Smith emigrated to Ohio and settled on tbe Darby plain, in Union County, in 1835, when the subject ot this sketch was about two years old. He being of a studious turn of mind, was given the advantage of a thorough education. Sub sequently he was tutor in a Western college, aud then assistant editor of a weekly paper in Cincinnati, of which at the age of twenty two, be became editor, doing also editorial work on the "Literary Review." At the outbreak of the late civil war he was on the editorial staff of the Cincinnati Gazette, and luring tbe war be took an active part in raising troops and forwarding sanitary sup plies, and in political work for strengthing the government. He was largely instru mental in bringing Gov. John Brough to the front as tbe candidate of the uuited Repub licans and war Democrats, and at Brough alection, in 1303, he became the latter's pri vate secretary. The next year he was elect ed secretary of state on the United ticket by a majority of about 00,000, and was re elected in 1809. ' He retired from public office to establish the Evening Chronicle at Cin cinnati, but his health giving way he was forced to withdraw from all activu work. In January 1870, he took chargo of the affairs of tho Western Associated Press, with head qiarters at Chicago In 1877 he was ap pointed by President Hayes collector of the port at that city, and was instrumental in bringing about important reforms in customs methods in harmony with tbe civil service policy of the administration. In Jaouiry, 1883, be effected the union ot the New York Associated Press with the Western Associa ted Press, and became general manager of the consolidated association. Mr. Smith is a student of historical subjects. He is au thor of "The St. Clair Papers," a biography of Charles Hammond, and many contribu tions to American periodicals. He has part ly completed apolitical history of the United States. " By his investigations in the British Museum he has brought to light many un- Bublished letters of Washington to Col. ienry Bouguet, and has shown that those which were published by Jared Sparks were not given correctly. A YEAR OF GREAT DISASTERS. fifteen Thousand Lives Lost and70, 000,000 Worth Property Destroyed. J udged by the record of its fl rst si x months, the year 18S3 bids fair to be remembored as tbe year of dis istcr all over tho world. Dur ing the month of January there were no terious railroad wrecks exespt tho collision on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio rail road, in which eight persons were killed and as many more seriously iojured; hut tbere were fifteen marine disasters, Involving a loss of 155 lives, included among them being the steamboat Paris C. Brown, which went down in the Mississippi river, costing the loss of eleven lives. February and March were also singularly free from railroad dis asters, but ttu marine losses in February weft 1S4, an increase of 119 over January. During the same month twenty persons lost their lives by a railroad disaster in Belgium, ten by a wind storm in Nebraska, twenty three by tbe terrible hotel fire in Hartford., Conn., 200 by an earthquake in Costa Rica, thirteen by a cyclone in Georgia, and eleven by a powder explosion in Wilkesbarre, Pa. In March tbe marine losses further increased to S51, tho number being swelled by the 140 sailors of the German and American war vessels who were drowned during the hurri cane at tbe Samoan Islands. ' In May the floods began their work ot death and devastation. The first intelligence came from Austria and Bohemia, where 135 lives were lost. Tbe consummation was in tin Conemaugh Valley on tho I ait day of the month, when nearly live thousand persons perished and $10,000,000 worth of property was destroyed. The mouth was characteriz3d by a frightful series ot disas ters. Thirty persons were killed by an acci dent on the Pennsylvania road at La t robe; seventy bv a railroad disaster at Armagh, Ireland; 1200 by a fire in China ; 49 by a fall ing market building in Mexico; 70 by a mine dimster in Austria, and 70 by a cyclone in Cuba. July iv opt up the record witb railroad, mine and storm disasters. Alto gether during the first six months of the year nearly 15,000 lives were lost in disasters of all Kinds Besides the lews of property in volved in these disasters, fire has swept away property amounting to over $70,0Oj,00J in value in the United States, it adds to tbe mournful record of the six months that sui cides, murders, hangings, lynchings, and crimes of all kinds have also suown a marked increase over the correlspoodiug period for many years past, v ( : Tire total American production of pig Iron for the tix months endm Jrae 80 was 4,107, W3 net tons of 3000 por .ytet the largest pro- faction i the MftsrfX ' mtel-d, 1 TRADE OF THE f EEL Average Demand and Moder rate Movement Continues. Excellent Crop Prospects and other Conditions Makethe Outlook Fav orable Active Demands for Breadstuff-General Fea tures. ' Special telegrams tetBradst reef's fully con firm its report of only "an average demand and moderate distribution" in general trade, made last week, and show a continuance of these conditions. New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati; Cleve land, St. Louis and San Francisco are In cluded In this characterization. The excep tion, If any, is tbe iron and steel industries at leading points of production. " Kansas City reports a decline in the vol ume Of trade, and rains have damaged wheat and corn in tbe shock in the region near Omaha and St Joseph. There is only a fair volume of trade at Detroit, Galveston and Savannah. Crops at the South are promising, and for some days the like has been true in the Northwest, where a wheat crop is now expected equal to that of 1888. Excessive heat has decreased tbe volume of general business at New Orleans, San Francisco's Hour and bullion exports to China are grow ing rapidly, , - . , . : ' : ' 1 Aside from the movement in iron and steel, there is no unusual or notable general distri bution of staple products. ' Crops prospectr and indications of heavy railroad trafile cause a decidedly better tone and recovering prices in stock speculation at Now York, though without much increase of activity. Bonds are dull. Money at New York is easier and less apprehension is felt about the antici pated dram to. tbe West. Call loans are S per cent, and time money 5 per cent.' Foreign exchange is weak and lower en decreasing demand, and a bettor supply. Breadstuff s prices have been higher, and tbe demand for seeculat on and export gen erally more active. Russian and German wbeat crop reports are no more favorable, but those from Dakota and Minnesota now promise about as much wbeat as last year. The decrease of invisible wheat, both coasts, July 1 against like date 18S8, is calculated at 5,000,000 bushels, about 25 per cent, and of visible wheat 12,000,000 bushels, or S8 per cent , - '.- - Grain room lsbeingengaged freely, largely for corn. Wheat clones and corn Jc higher on the week. Exports, wheat (and flour as wheat) both coasts this week equal 1,385,330 bushels, against 1.46J.202 bushels last week, and 2,273,71 bushels in the fourth week, ot July 1883. Eaglish and French crop reports will to a large extent determine ' the course of nereby , exports. The United States probably carry over into the new crop ; year the smallest wbeat stocks within the decade, " . ' . .... Witb free arrivals of raw sugar and free offerings, partly to, prices have gives way when sellers withdrew from tbs market. The demand for refined continues cheeked, and refiners are still storing their products to await an expected more active request, bales of coffee in speculative markets, based on weaker cables and more promising crop reports, depressed prices about 2-5o per pound. :: '' Dry goods commission men at New York report a steady but moderate demand for cotton and woolen goods. Some disappoint ment is expressed at the slowness of Fall trade. Jobbers are preparing for fall open ings, aud report a quiet but steady demand. Prices are uniformly firm with an advance ot one-sixteenth in print cloths and mors strength in low-grade worsteds. Foreign s lss and woolens are in better demacd. Dry goods exports are light. Raw wool is steady on moderate inqairy from manufacturers. Higher prices ot finished goods check sale! and Induce light re-orders by the mills. Raw cotton is in good demand at New York at I-I60 advance. Speculation is more aotivo. HEAVYCLOUDS OF ASHES. Gathered from the Blazing Forests The Sun Obscured. The forest fires which havo been prevailing In Montana for a week show no signs of abatement. From Helena, west, north and south, a great black cloud of rmoke bangs over the country, and. for six .. , the sun has not been seen. Granville Stuart, than whom 110 man in Montana is better able to judge, estimates the damage at half a million dollars. At Missoula, in Western Montana tbe streets, buildings and sidewalks are cov ered with ashes. The air is like a blast from a furnace. The. atmosphere is filled with crisp embers that have descended like a light fall of snow. It is estimated that the loss in Jifferson county from forest fires so far this season will aggregate in tbe neighborhood of $25,000, consisting mainly of common wood cut and prepared for market, in addition to which an immense amount of standing tim ber has been destroyed. The fire now raging in Boulder Canon, near Bernice, has been most destructive of property. The larger part of the cord wood consumed In this bias) was consigned to the Anaconda Smelter. In the neighborhood ot the great mining camp of . Philipsburg the damage has been im mense, while tbe town of Granite is in immi nent danger of being destroyed. The moun tains above the city are all ablaze and, while no danger to tbe city is feared, tbe heat and stifling smoke are almost unbearable. v MARKETS. - i B altisiobb Flour City Mills, extra, $4.90 at5.10. Wheat Southern Fultz, 87Ua88; Corn Southern White, 45a46Kcts, Yellow 43a44 eta. Oats Southern and Pennsylvania 30a34 cts. ; Rye Maryland & Pennsylvania 50a52cts. ; Hay Maryland and Pennsylvania 15 00a15 50;Straw-Wheat,8,00a$8.50 -Butter, Eastern Creomery,17aS)cts., near-by receipts 16al7cts; Cheese Eastern Fancy Cream, al cts., Western, 8a9 cte; Eggs 12f al3; Tobacco Leaf Inferior, laf'i.00, Good Common, 3 00a $4 00, Middling, 5a$0.00 Good to fine red,7a$9; Fancy, 10a$ 13. New York Flour Southern Common to rair extra, $3,7503.35; Wheat-No 1 White 87 a88: Rye State, 54a56; Corn Southern Yellow, 44ja44. Oats-White,State33Ka33C cts.; Butter-State. 1216 cts. ; Cheese-State, 7a8cts.; Eggs 14al5 cts. - Fna,A.BEi.pHtA Flour Pennsylvania fancy, 4.2.54. 75; Wheat Pennsylvania and Southern Red, 87a87; Rye Pennsvivania 62a5Scts;Corr .Southern Yellow, 44a44W eta .Oat8-33Ma34cts.; Butter-State,l$Kal7 cts.; Cheese Y. Factory, ays ou.' .ggs State, l-iiui v cts. 1 CATTLE. Baltiwjrb Beef, 4 tWa4 45; Sheep $3 00 a4 50, Hog tG00!i0 25. 1 MW York Beef M 50a5 0;Sbeep-$4 00 a5 25;Hoe t4 60n510. Ekst liBicRTT Beef 14 50..) 00; f.:heep I ; r,v, .jjiL !!,, i25al ' " - DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. The Mexican custom bouse at Sassily. So nora, tumbled down a few days ago, killing three men, George H. Fletcher, while standing near an unflnishe 1 elevator in New Orleans, was killed by a brick which fell from the sixth story. '.', :" M. H. Homey, while putting up au awn ing in tbe second story of a building la Bal timore fell to the ground, and, striking bis head was killed. . .. Two freight trains on the Central ! New Jersey Railroad collided near Dunelleo, N. J., making a bad wreck. A tramp who was stealing a ride, was killed. ; Two men were struck and killed by a Western express train at South Harrisburg, Pa One was apparently 20 and the other 80 years of age. A paper in the pocket of one bore tbe address of John Keiser, Jersey City. ;, , V; :;-.,:(- ' 7': Seven-year-old Johnnie Green disappeared during a picnio near Chicago, and after a continuous search in various directions bis body was found in a cesspool on tbe picnio grounds. ''f-- - 'f:' Arnold Francis and a young man named Keim were killed by tbe bursting of a rap idly revolving milk and cream separator, at Kimbertoa Creamery, near Kiniberton, Chester county, Pa. Joseph Larsen, aged 14 years, was over come by tbe damp while cleaninga well near Macedonia, Iowa, and J. A. Wilson wbo was lowered to rescue the boy was also overcome. Both died. ' . ' ' " : Frederick Tullier, aged 24 years, a waiter at tbe Hotel Gerlacb, New York, tell down thu elevator shaft from tbe ninth story to the basemeut, a distance of 110 feet, and ' was killed. , ', ,T - ;' '" : Three f ourteenryear-old boys attempting to cross a brook at Lowell, Massachusetts, be came entangled in weeds, got beyond their depth, and two ot them, named Fortier and George Cyr, were drowned. , - A passenger train ran into a freight train ' near Waterloo, (Virginia,' crushing-' five freight cars and the freight engine, The engineer and conductor were injured, and a colored tramp stealing a ride was killed. ; . A severe storm of wind and ' rain passed over Morgan county, .Illinois, doing great damage to tbe crops, blowing down trees, fences and buildings, killing horses and cat tle, and severely injuring a number of por ions. ,' V, ." ' ,'. "" . A hand car propelled by four section men, m the Western Railroad, ran into a wagon st a crossing in Soy brook, Illinois. Two men were fatally injured J. B. VFella,driver of the wagon and one of the section hands named Nelson. . - . v . News from Ounalaska, by tbe steamer -Bertha, which has arrived at San Francisco, confirms the recent reports of the loss of three whaling schooners James A. Ham- ' ilton, Otter and Annie. The vessels carried about CO officers and men. - v An explosion of gas took place In Na 14 Shaft at Port Blanchard, Pa., operated by the Pennsylbania Coal Company, , Five min ers, named Barrett, Harris, Daugbef, Mo Donald, and an Unknown 'Hungarian, were burned, the first three it is said, fatally. Tbe steamer St. Nicholas, with 500 col ored excursionists on board, ran into the closed drawbridge over, St Augustins creek, four miles south ot Savannah, demolishing . the forward portion ef tbe steamer, killing two women and Injuring twenty-eight men and women, some, it is feared fatally. - Charles Degnan was killed at Southington, Connecticut, while trying to board a mov ing freight train. His foot caught In the step of the caboose and he fell backwards, his foot wedging so as to iio'd him, and was dragging in this way a quarter ot a mile be fore he was discovered. . A freight train frightened a horse in Har mony, Fenna. The ani m&l backed tbe wagon over the railroad embankment, throwing tho occupants out . Miss Nana Oppenbeimer ' was thrown under the train and instantly ' killed. Miss Amanda Klee was fatal! v in jured, and Misses Bella Wosmser and Flor beim were badly hurt . ; John Myers, a carpenter, was at work on a small building in Baltimore when a gaso line stove exploded within, threatening the dwelling with destruction. He rushed into tbe house, grasped the flaming stove and carried it into the street Tbe burning gas oline poured down his back and arms, but be clung to the stove until be had placed it where it could do no further damage. He was so badly burned that there is little hope of his recovery. t: A landslide has occurred on the Northern Pacific Railroad, near Miles Citv. Montana. It happened at a point on tbe Yellowstone Division where tbe track skirts Yellowstone river, with the turbulent stream ou one side and a high alkali bank on tbe other. - With out warning or apparent cause this bank gave way, and the mass of earth for a dis tance of 500 feet along the track and from 300 feet away slid down tbe river.completely burying the railroad. : ... - ' SOUTH CAROLINA CROPS. An Excellent Showing for, the Year in Every Direction. Reports from all parts of South Carolina, Show that remarkable crops have been made, In fact better than any year since the war. The seasons have just been right, and all crops are maturing in fine style. ; Corn is made and the crop is twenty-five per cent ahead of last year. Tbe area planted is about two per cent greater than last season. No Western corn- will be needed this winter, as the crop will be more than enough for South Carolina demands. But little wheat was planted. It has done wolL The oats crop is about ten per cent ' Letter than last year, with thirty per cent Increase in acreage. The truck farmers have never had es pros perous a year. The yields have been enor mous, and the returns from Northern market have been satisfactory. . The oldest iohabitant bas never seen tbe equal of the fruit crop. It is ninety p?r cent above last year. Much has been snipped and much is rotting in orchards. Local markets, are full of the finest varieties at tbe lowest prices. Fine melons sell at five cents, excel- lent grapes ot three cents per pound, peaches, pears and apples at live cents per dozen. Farmers ara fatteniug bogs ou fruit The present indication is that cotton will be twenty-five per cent above last year. It Is generally considered safe, though lnvi v j rains la September would greatly It The prospoct for rice wus never ino j en couraging. The crop is about thre late, but the fields are in frood condition .n i the crop is magnificent Tlire is still ;, ; -from September fresaets. If the? don't .tn the crop will show an Increase of fully t n -per cent. ET THE ADIfcONDACKS TYoiTr tle most cowardly rrn- ' . ever met." sirred tho iloj to i!ie ,! . J tho l""' 1 vi ' '

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