' The '.Roanoke ' Beacon lliY MOUTH.,, ..- t . J.C . Entered In the Port Office at flymoijta N, C.. M FRIDAIV AUGUST; ! i 1880, ' f '4 " - ' . . ..." . ' ' .. .. . '. :BtXX OOVEaHtfEKT, ' '. Govproor, Daniel G. Fowls, of Wake. Lieutcnant-Goyerjior, Thoa. M. Holt, of JUitnanoe. Secretary ot 8tate, Wra. L. Saunders, ot Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake. Auditor.Geo. W. 8anderlin, . of Wayne Superintendent of jfublio Instruction, fcidney AI. Finger, of Catawba. ' At-!ey General, Theo. P. Davidson, of iiuih Abe, .r ' l ,. cocxry ootehkiient. Sheriff, John B. Chesson. ' ? j. i Deputy BherUf, J. U. Truett.' . ; 1 : Treasurer; Louis Eorathal. 1 - Superior Court Clerk, Tho. J. Marriner. , r Register or Ueeda, J. Jt miiiara. ' : Commissioners, XI. J. Starr, A. M. John " atnn foot Itlnniit namr.tv finrnill nrwl IV Board of Ed'ocotlon, T. B. Armistead, i am'L Johnston and J ulius lioweu. f : . 8uperitttendeni of. Public Instruction, ltev Luther Lborne, : V v '': llayor and Clerk, E. B. Latham. Treasurer, W. H. Hampton. ) ' . Councilmen. J. W. Keroy, Jaines Daven ' port John Wilkraghtry, J. , H. 8mllh, John , Methodist Bev. C. W. Robinson, bastot V p. m f Prayer apeeting every Wednesday , night it 8. Sunday gehool at 9 a. ntH J. j? . fitorman, Bupennieoaenv. iwuug uicui . Prayer meeting every Monday night at 8 JlaDtlSt Rev. R. ti Collier, . pastor. Services ever) Sod Sunday at It a. m . &nd , 7.80 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Capt. JamM Swift superintendent. . ' ' . . .' P.plaoopal Rev. Lather lEborne, rectof. . eemoes every zna eunaay ai p. m. y and every &rd Sunday at It a. m. and 7-80 p, m. Sunday oonool at iu a. m., ju. i. f1 agan, super mieuutsufc. i rTT MARKET. t REPORTED RY M. J. BUNCH & CO., Deaif hVMenu, Green and Hewyj&rocerlcs. Pro f luee. Confectioaorlo &d fateut MudiciueH. Buy- ....I !. i. ...... .Corn, per Hus Meal ,C. R. Sides per lb Itacon 4 'boldere Baoon . Breakfast Strips Ham 8.U., Lard refined GO Ct8 75 8 9 ' H li u 1 Lard Country 12 Flour, per barrel, from, $3.50 to $W VK I. Molaases, per gal.. 8.1 1 la Air tifmn " " " 20 . 85 ' - ' l ' - 25&30 . 'M&22 . 25 23tOl.0() 6f tO 8 Hyrup- . w pranulated Sugar, per tt . Llgbt hrowa ". " " Butter ' Creen Coffee " " digested Cofl'me " " ; Jigga per dox, . .Tobacco, per lb WiOt , " " 23 to 75 Coal Oil Wbite.Safety 1J50, per gal,, 1ft lted oer eaL. 18 30 ' 8 75 18 ultanna Prunes, per tb ' Pickles; Cucumbers, per 100 Dee's Wax. per lb . Tallow, " M ; Hides green, --j. . - : :" ' , 6 , 2i 8 134 to 25 40 lt, fine, per Bus., GO 80 Blown " . COURTS. . - riBsr jcrrciAL district. v i !-.. '';.. v.. i ) . Fall Judge Brown. v Beaufort Fob. 18th. May ,27th, 55th. - - ' ' ' Currituck March 4th, 8ept 2d, Camden March 11th, Sept. 8th, ..w. Pasquotank March 18th,' June 18th. .gepUlGth. - - ' ' " ' ' Perquimans March 25th, Sept. 23. ; - Chowan -April 1st, Sept 30th. ' Gates April 8th, Oce.Jth: - - - ' 14th. ' " ' V Washington -April 22d, Oct, 21st ; . DareMay 6th, Nov. 4th. , ,. , v . Hyde-V-May l3th,Nov, llth. Pamlico May 20th, Nov. 18th. ' rt n rcniiTTTTT v ' "''' . r C ' - j " " practice in the State and Federal Courta. Qfflc, Washington Street,' , PLYM0UTU, Tt.C. O. L, P1?TTIGEKV;, ATTOIINE x A1IjA W . Practices ia all the States and Federal Courts. . ; - , , . ' Office, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. D. O. BKINKLEY & CO. -Dealers io- Foreign ard Dom'estiG Wines' and . ,. , Liquors."; CHOICE BRAKDS OF CIQAR3. W Fall Lin 3 of Siiperior Canned - Good3 ahvajs on hand. ' .. : . ' , '-' ' for sale by vho'.esale or retail. '! ' PlYIWUTH, N. f, Oit.v IVows. Come to sooUfi. . " ' -; ' ' . MoooHght nights. j . Look-out for beara. A ; Artesian water is needed. ' . .''When it is dull,' advertiao. ' ' t- . ,.' "... Lots of watermelons in town. ' . v Don't throw trash in the street. .' " ' Read the ad of L. C. Marriner. 1 Mr. Alf. Garrett has a tame bear, Talk for the interests of the town. - ' Only 11 boarding houses in Plymouth, Read the Sheriff 's' notice in this issue. , County Commissioners met on Monday . . Henry Walker and Seaton Danston are in town again. . ' ' Notice the ohanie of" the ad of O. Now. mann this week. ! . " ..... - ': "T ..' '" ' ' 1 J . ! i .'..' ' The girls were out in full force on Wed nesday afternoon. . Mrs,. W.CAyera returned homo from Washington on. yesterday, ,. - . . Mr. J. P. "Norman" and :.wSfe and Miss Hope Hunter are at Ocraooke. y If you want good flour for little ' money T. W. Blount (Lee's Mills) is your man. Mr. B, F.Owens is selling lots of horses, he sold three on Friday, and one Monday. ' Urai E: Ludford is vi-.itlag In Hertford as the guest of her son, Mr; Louis Norman Mrs. J. E. Vincent and little Irraa are off on a visit to the parental home in Gates county . . ' i'r.VwiA;0;-. e Miss Mary Wright, ol New Berne, Is the guest ot her sister, Mrs. Geo. .tawaraa on 8d street. -3 , s"'''i : For sale.'-Tenpln Alley Outfit, (Tenpins baUs and, bed) apparently new. . Apply at this office. : , T v ""Miss Fahnle "Maonlng . spent the : past weak In Martin county, the guest of Miss Inez Smith. M . . Several of our younpr ladies and gentle men attended church at Mackey's Ferry on Sunday last." v, ' ' , "ireiers. WPierey and iVftt Midgett. left on Monday to get a "whlf ' or tne sea breeze atOcfacoke.- ...... Mrs. Dr. U. 8. Hassell and children,' of Jamesville. were the"cuest of Mrs. S. M. Jackson, this week. . Another ear load of flour just arrived ' at T. Y: Blount's (Lee, Mills). . Tbe second one in rtwenty days." ; , ., i :'W '' Miss Fannie Carstarphen who is now teaching school near Mackey's j Ferry, was nome on baturaay last. Mrs. Dr. Ward and Mies Carrie Hilliard after a pleasant visit to friends at Lewiston returned home wednesaay. J. H. McCarty says if yourish Painting done with ueatuess ana dinpatcb be is stui iu the field.". Give Mm a call. 9 , Miss Eloise Pritchafd one 61 the moRt beautiful of the female loveliness , of Hj. City U the gue?tof Mrs. J . O. Midgett If vou 'waht" Cementing? ' Plastering. Whire.washinc. or anv kind of Brick Wora done, call on ,W. II. Pettiford. VVhile Jboliiiff with -a horse on Sunday afternoon last, Willie Best, a ; boy living near town, was kicked in the temple and seriously injured. : .- '' U ; ' Mr. E. Ludford has sold his house and lot! adjoining Mrs. .Thompson, to Mr, J. E. Vincent wno . will pamt ana otherwise Improve the property.! . The ' ancry '. waters ot the once quiet Roanoke, whose peaceful bosom is heaving under at terrible, overflow is - rushing by our town at a rapid rate. ;, An ; excursion nwill be ran .... from this place, Edenton and Mackey's Ferry to Nag's Head by Str. Haven Balle to-morrow night (Saturday). Who's going ? While at his cost of duty at the mills of the R. R. R. & L. Co., Mr. J. B. Wlllough by was strook on the head by a belt which broke, and seriously injured him. - The Hon. Thos. G. Skinner and wife, of Hertford and Miss Lydia Paiin of E. City passed through Plymouth on Friday after, noon last en route for Ocracoke. ' , y V- :. See the Mad" of Mr. H. H. Bcqwn, agent lor monuments and fire insurance. Mr. Brown can be found at the store of Messrs. Davenport & Piercy, on , Water, street. Give him a call. , ' ' ' ' ' ' , 1 . The church grave yards are about ' filled up in town Why not have a ceinetary on some lonely bilinear town, instead 01 nuing the town lots : with dead . bodies. What say the citizens ... ,' Some of: the people don't like our saying that the town presents the appearance of a cow. pen Just petition tne uounciuneu to prohibit the cattle off the streets and we will take it back but at present such is true, - . Meters. O. R. and J B. Bateman, . who have betn making their home in Georgia for several months, returned ' home yes terday, The boyB - rcbort good times down there. Where is .the girl, ' Mr. Rudolph? Mn J. M. Reid has moved his family from Whitemarsh to this town where hj has lately engaged in the mercbantile : busi. nees. They occupy the ' Louis tLathara house corner Main and Maderson . streets. Welcome, . . .' : . ' The Btrong water in the river caused the boom log to give way at Walker's mills, ou Tuesday night, setting adrift all the logs in the pound. After hard -work they suc ceeded in catching quite a number, but at least 1 000 were lost ; 1 . . After trying in vain to make the trip from here to Windsor as a daily mail car rier, the 8tr. Bettie "gave up tne ghost" on Monday lost. The Str. Ranger bus taken her place and will make daily trips until the "Bertie" arrives, if eyer. - .: ' , As our iail is no irooJ we would suggest that the town build a lockup for its own one.- II we neea anyimng it is a piace 10 confine men who ire drank and disorderly. 1'he jail is not fit even if it was safo, lor it la not decent. Give us a lockup, We were pleased to moot on Wednesday our old friend, Mr. Geo. Crabtree, ; who is so well known in this town as the success" ful salesman, of Fink &, Bro., but who bus recently connected huusolf with the Ralph Scotch Suaflf Company of Baltimore.' Araouer our exchanges we find that sev eral parties have com to an untimely death urmg the past weeis trom tne use or lm. pure water. Is not wnat we siy about the artesian well trua? Aot at ohop, vc cfti.cns f l'lyiaoutb.' Seu artlulo uu editorial r ' - . .... . ........ I h lanji'Kt cuouin Uitv we ever .saw was sent tlii i't ISaiurtliiy hy Mr, L. V. Mun i jiior, a prosperous fanner1 -and auccOHKlal merchant of Mackey' Ferry.",- It Vais r feet 8 inches in length and 11 inches in circum ference, and has a fluvor equal to any wo ever ate. ; ; ; J James "Walker, charged, with an assault upon Asa A, Bowea with a deadly weapon, was arraigned beioro Justice Armisiead ou Wedndaday la3t, at the Conrt.JIousf, who after hoftrioc the evidence 1 &pd , viows of Council bound tin4 accused over for appoar- Mr. VV. 0. Ayers, after an extended tour through .the United States, r stopping for a while, uat Mingra Fallsv steps over to Canada and back to his home in Plymouth, making the trip in 18 day. Mr. Ayws says he has touchKl the hearts Of the flour , men with his Garlic. Machine.'"'. V ' ' - 1 ..... . . A bear made a tour through the streets of Plymouth on Wednssdpy- night. It came Into town on the Coneby road, taking down Main street to VVashington, where the dogs attacted H and run, it down Washington to Water street, at which point it decided that town w&& no place for bruen so it took to the swamps opposite the town. - . Send your boya to Vine Hill Academy,' Scotland jnock, js, v. xney wm receive thorough instruction, will be taught the, value of time, nd receive first class advan tages in every respect. Board in family of Principal, including washing an J all nec essary eipenaes only $40.00 per; Session of live mjntns. ' vvme to tbe fnncipal. ' , ... After the recent heavy rains, which has paused the water to stand on the streets of our town, the Mayor,' who ia ever ftwake to the intere&t of our people, has decided to put down sewers on the most important streels. - That's- right Captain, drain off the rain water, bore the Artesian well and give U3 nothing but pure water to use; t ' WANTED A la3y correspondent with a view to matrimony, by a young mau; light complexion, wieght 145 pounds, has a, fair education and some cash. The lady must have a good form; weigh about 130 pounds, have a good education and 'know now to cook good bread and bake cakes and pies. . . i Address Conwat. Care Beacon, Plymouth, N.O. The Boar J of Supervisors of Public Roads of Plymouth .township met at the Court House on baturday last and attended 1 to the business required of them at this meeting. , viz ,r Appointing road pveiseers, allottiug hands, &c, Mr . L. I.' Fagan Was elected chairman of the Board for the ensuing year, to' whom all mattors pertain ing to the roiid iu this' township , must be reierred. . ' - We again call the attention of the publio to the advertisement of the Plymouth High School.1' Ia, our last issue , we did tbe Principal a gro4 injustice by making two or three ; typographical . error, 'ibis school off 3rd equal advantages to any pro paratory schocjl in this , (district, and . it Bhould ba liberally : patroniaod by our entire community " Let us - ha a flue school ani it will add greatly to our Upwn. Two parties, white and colored, became Involved in a tight in the, bar of Messrs; Brinfcley 'i&- Ca on Saturday last," but beforo any damage was done Mr. Brinkley, who U ever, nnxioua to keep a quiet hoaso, parted tbe men in tne quietest ' manner. The parties were at ooce arrested and taken befoie the Mayor, who imposed a fine of . 00 and cost upon each, making S7.D0 If you have no mouey 1 PJyniouth is a bad town to raisa a fnss iu, as our Mayor ciyes you no lavors, but enforces the law. S The Freshet. . .. . For the past four days the water has bf 9a so high that all,, work along the river has been suspended,, , . .!; , . , The Str. Plymouth baa not been able 10 carry tbe mail farther than Jamesville since Tuesday. I no wharves at this place have been under water for two days and the lower part of the town Is saunicrgcd. The occupants of housea on lower Monroe street bave bad to move up stairs. The oldest citizens say that the river is higher than ever before known. The low. lands of upper Roanoke are a sea of water and the crops are completely ruined and much property has been destroyed, " Uut lor the . IhorougLfurd and Middle river, wuieii' tanes 011 a largo quantity or water, Piymouth would, be Submerged. Hotel Arrivals-. Tim followlag named pei-son s were regis tered at the Latham tlouee during the past week: ." ' ' ' G. O. Speight, J, W. Walls, R. II. Reed, W. S. Dunstou, C. S. Austin, L. P. Horn thai. J. . Higgs, J. B. Cbesson: M. W. Barney, J. W. Johnson. LI J. Yackel, J. W. Price,' Theo. Ralph, H. D. Smith, J. F', Wilkins. E. P.,W oolfelk, A. 11. iflnluw,. J, A. Lyon, B. F. Stearn, G. E.: Crabtree, J. D. Bofheimer, . W. L. Blanchard, H. C. Walker and Ohas. Gehrman. Let ns Work Tocether, As we aro not to have a Fair in our county we would suggest that our eitizens take an interest . in ' the ! Edenton Agricul.v tural and Fish Fair, whioh is to take place in November next; and which- promises to be such a grand success. Lay aside the old annimosity which seemS to exibt between the two towns,, without cause, and . let us throw oup influence with the poople of Edenton, in trying to make that Fuir the most successful in the State, v: u ' , . Let us bury the past and forget, if posui. ble, the uuplaasantness - which, has .existed between the two towns. Instead ot Iookin g upon each other as . enemies, lot us bo as as sister towns should be. , Marshals for Edenton Fair Mr. -Thos, Si Armistead has been re. quested by Dr. W.- R. Capohavt, President of the Edeaton Fair - Association by letter from Newport, R.I., to name three young gentlemen from this ounty for Marshals at the Fair to bo held 'in Edenton in Nb vfclnber next. ; 1 . : Mr. Armistead has numedMcss. Clarence "Latham and Jas. II. Smith of Plymouth, and J. II- Clark of Lee's Mills. ' . . Burned to Death. " f-H i' -"t ? fi-t v "-TTt-J5 n':ft -H 4 ' .: . While the parents, wero .at church ou the 3d inst, two girts, age 12 and 14, daughters of Wilson Shepparrt, of Beaufort couuty, were" burned to ' death, ' While pounug kerusene from the can on tbe fire the . can exploded, setting , lire v to tho childrou's Clothing. . 1 - ' ; ; ' ; - Tne prodictions of the seer or those who can look into a millstone and see' what it contains 6uy that in the United Slates August will be hot, with.floo,l and Htorms. There will be many sad accidents aud troubles, maulers and cyclones. Tharo will much sickufiw but noi fatal. It will bn a month of events and flociikMits through out the world. Economist. . , . Another Prisoner Escapes. Clinton Flcmin.i, -colored,-' who was conirni'tted to Juit atthi place lor burglary on the 1st inst, broke out ou Monday night ut 12 O'clock and loft for parts unknown, adding an6ihfir to the list of criminals who have broke this houo used as a jail. . v Whati8 the 1 of having Courts to convict inon of nme if we have no place of confinement? It is necessary that the conuty build a reliable Iail so that when a prisoner is once within there is no chance for escape, . '. ' v The old. jail was but little service and when.it was burned, about a year ago, in. stead of having a new . and safe one built, the county only ha1 the old walls repaired, making it bnt little better than none. There is only one room in it that is any good and it la not.6afe. ... - . We say if the county is in debt and .uot able to build, put up the .tax and get. the money to bmld a docent and sate - jail, do not let such a trap be used any longer." ' We are informed by the Deputy Sheriff that only one brick hod to be removed before Flerniugs wa"a free man. Is such a prison JU to confine desperate men - in, who are convicted of. crime and '.placed there for punishment ? the answer must bo ua - -M: r. - ; We hsk the Commissioners to see to this at once, as it is important that we should have a safe jail. Such a thing, as we how have is a disgrace to the county. ... . , , MAN. KNOW THYSELF- V 'v ; i - v : : . . r v : . ; -v . Y, .The average number of teeth is 32. The brain of a raau exceeds twice that of any other animaL ; . , . The average weight of an adult is 150 pounds, 6 ouueas. - - v - The weight of the circulating, blood Is 28 pounds. , . - - - -r A man annually contributes to vegitation 124 pounds of carbon . . : v' " One thousand . ounces of , blood pas3 through the kidneys each hour. ... A man breathes about 20 times a minute, or 1, 20O in an hour, ......-.;, .' ' The average weight of a skeleton is about 14 pounds. Number of bones 240. ' ' A man breatlies about 18 pints of air in a minute, or upwards , of 7 , bogheads a day. ;,-;-V- V . ; . . .. . The Average weight of the brain of a man is 3 J pounds; of a woman 2 pounds and 11 ounces.' " " . ' ' The average height ofjan Englishman is 5 feet 9. inches; of a Frencnman, 5 feet 4 inches; ot a Belgian, 0 feet 6 inches. , - Five hundred and fony pounds or 1 hoghead . and one quart of blood pass through the heart iu 1 hour. ' - , 1 The heart sends nearly 1 16 - pounds of blood through the Veins and arteries each beat; and makes 4 beats while .we breathe OnCe,... .... , ,;;.( ? One hundred, and seventy-five million cells are in the lungs, which would cover a surface 30 times greater tnan the human body. ' . ."- ' ' The average of the1 pulse in Infancy is 120 per .minute , in manhood, 80 ; at 60 years, J0..i The pulse of females is more frequent than that of males. Ex, m .". Befohb HarrisQn was elected one pound of wool would buy ttyapoiiv.a. of sugar Now, a pound of wool only 'bases three pounds of sugar, and still the v,-wool remains the same. - The farmers " wahteil 'protection'' and voted for Harrj. In' to secure it, are getting "protection'! with a vengeance. Ellenviile (fij, Y.) Press. "BOOR 3 ALE One 12 Horse-power eclipse JA.' Engine and boiler, , One 50 saw Gin, Feeder and Condenser, been in use about five years. One close condenser only used about ten days. One steam power cotton cress. Reason for selling, no use for same. ' Address L.' C. MARRINER, aug.9-tf. , Mackey's Ferry, N. C, Sheriff's Notice. - By virtue of au execution issued by the clerk of the Superior Court of Washington county, bearing teste Spring Term, 18SJ of said Court and returnable to Fall lerui, 1889 of said Court, in favor oi W. H. Hampton and against J. II. Gay lord, I will sell at Publio Auction for Cash at the Court House Door in Plymouth on' Monday the second day of September 1889, the follow, inc property; to-wit: ' A tract of land in said county, adjouining the ; lands of J. W. Gavlord. J. H. Downing and others, con" lain ing forty acres more or less and known- as the Dr. John Gaylord homestead, lime of sale 12 o'clock M. JOHN B, CHESSON, Sheriff Washington County. jOTICEOFINCOEIKATIONs THE' ORES WELL ACADEMY. Alexander. William II. Hardlson, James L, Havscll, Johnson W, Spruill, Julius L. llowell, W. J. Mer cer, D. SpruiU, J. Ai., liassell and Mathias Owens have filea articles of arceoiont under their hands and seals before mo as clerk of the Superior court of Washington couuty for tho purpose of being incorporated under U10 name- aud style of Tbo Creswell Academy, and letters of incorporation have been Issued to them by that, nauiu uudur my hand and official seal.. " ' The objects and bUslneWOT sntd corporation shall bo to promote and advance the cause of ed ucation, by organ izing, establishing aud maintain ing in or near the town of Creswell. Washington county, a prcparitory aud high school for both sexes 01 me win ib race. - The location of said school" and tho business of corporation shall be conducted in or near the town of UretweH, Washington couuty. North Carolina. J no icngtu 01 its corporate existence to oe vuiriy yea's, l he suoscrioers to int capital stocc are a. O. Waiker, Alf rvd Alexander, William M. llardi son, Jampa L. Hassell, Johnson W. Spruill, Julius U HowelltAV. Morcer.l. Spruill, J. L. llaasell and Mathias Owens. : ' . t The capital stock shall be not less than two or more than five thousand Uollarn; trie shares taken in said stock ahull be fifty dollars each, no stock holder to be personally liable for any of tho doiits or contracts of tho corporation. This sKJrd,. day juiv.um . , '1. J. JSIAlUtlJNlt,- . ' i Clerk Superior Court, 3 -. . A GENT FOR MONUMENTS' and tomb stones Any one wishing to mark the last resting place of deceased relatives or friends by erecLuig a monument to tuoir memory, win do well to call on tho uudcrsign, who wul f uruisli estimates and designs upon applica tion.', , 1 C3HAlaO Ageut for Fire InMuraucis. Only r best (Jomp.tnies represented.- - H. H. Brown, Office. Davenport & Pier?y'4 SLore, ' , ' , Plymouth, N. C. Knbicribo to the KoAKotut Bkacom. DNU:'1: MENTAL A ft I-;-. ffl .NY jL 1 lJ JL-I t .. NOTlOIi:.-, Thanking uty many frioudtf' for their kind patrouii4o bLiioo I have been in the Livery and Sale business, I ask a coulinu ance of the same. Over a year ago I pur chased from Mr,. Jos, Skittlotharpe bis livery, trade aud good will in this place. I havo served my friends and the people faithfully by square and honest dealings, My business has at all times my personal supervision; my stables are nicely situated on Main street nearest hotels aud boarding houses. ..They are not a . Palace,"., but nicely - kept with ' comfortable box stalls and are free from the dangers of fire. My horses are not thorough-bred, but are re liable, prompt drivers, ' with head always up and heels always ,down. ' My baggies and wagons are nice and comfortable. I respectfully solicit a oontlnuanoe and large share of the public- patronage by sqr are, honest dealings and not by blowing and miestepresemation - ,: . '. ' ,. My prices shall be as - low as any one elses. MV business is run by myself and politD, social drivers, well acquainted with this whole section and all the merchants at every point, and not by street bummers to falsely represent and delude the traveling public. My horses, buggies and prices will epeas: rur tnemsives. 1 am receiving nuw horses every week and will keen 20 or 80 head of horses and mules during the com ing season for sale for cash or, on time. ; A am , making arrangements to keep a buggy and harness depot. Can sell top buggies at ?57.50 Open buggies for $32. 00. " Call and examine stock before going else Wlere is all 1 ass. Kespectf ully , . B. F. OWJiNS, Agt. NORTH CAROLINA. ' auditor's department, ' , ' Ralbioh. June 28. 1889. To Pensioners aud Applicants for .Pensions under the Pension Act, ; aud to Others " Whom it may Concern: The following information is published tor the Denebl of all concerned : ' . 1. 'lie new peosiou act does not no Into effect before next year (18J,) except so far as relates to ileteiuiimng the - cuumctcr uU claiwiflcHlious of U1080 who. are to receive Its beuenis. (.See let proviso, lUtti uecliou, of I lie now uvt, copie of winch WUl be f uruuUed upou appliuution 10 ibis dupurimeui.Jt fcuaiouit wiil oe paia tins year from tue apptoptidtiou ($30,000) provided by tue olU act of 18a., auieuaeu by Hie laws of 18S7, and ac COVOnig to tuo leqaireinenid of Umt act as so auieuded. ThU nu.u lit rvquirea to Oe paid pro ruut aud is likely to be very small, owing 10 ine large lucreuse lu tbe peiuiuu roll aiuce tlie passage of me new petition act. 1 'I. I'eiiuluuers wnuuauaes are already upon the pension roll will not be required to file new appli cations, ai least until tlio new petusiou act yues luily inio eltect, aud most prubably not tueu. Jb'uriherinformaiioa ou tins point will be furnUhed uillie proper tune. , . .. S. blauk applications under the old law have been furuioueU to eaeb county whenever mforma. lion has been received that the old uupply previ ously f umUhvd has boon exhausted auu a request preauuted to tnis aeparinieut lor a renewal of the tame. As the blanks under the old law whi not be a vailablo alter Monday, July 1st, the distribution of such blanks will teiuuuaus with Uiat daw;. 4. liegisters or Deed will bo lully iuiormod as to ihs lime wtuiu their duties as prescribed by the uew act will be required to be preformed by theiu. At the proper time copies of tue uewact will be furnished taeiu for diotribuuon, logciuer with such blanks, 01s., lu coutormity therewith as may be necessary to fully moot the requiremeuts of the law." " " - ' - ' - . s. ''The opportunity for the presentation of new appliuitiin under the old law terninutes with the iirat Monday iu July of ibe present year. After thut dine it will bo necessary to get up o her tonns of application, particularly iu the cose of widowe, and all tbe old blanks will bo dispensed with and 11MW oiiua substituted. In addition: the department f wTH-bo engaged in making inquiry into ihe nature aud e"tbi tne wouuas recuiveu oy too 01a sol diers, iivv-pcfisionors, (where not specldcslly stated in their orlLUJii applications,) in order to accomplish tho clasoinoaUtfU required by Kection 1 of the uew peutilou act. Iuqu'iry'i7r-4iavcj'be made in the coses of nearly 3.0J0 widown who are already receiving a pension ; ilie last Lcsi'lature having detpnuuied lu the new peiieion act that ouly sui h widows shall be retaiued or entered' on the peusiou ruJl as are "iudigeut," i. o., such as are In actually destitute circumstances. As applicants will have until tbe first aloudsy in July, 1&K, in which to prut-out their applications and have tbeni acted on, a susjiennlou iu the matter of the filing of new applications is recommended until sucn limo as tins department is prepared to furnish new blanks aud to meet all the requirements of the new law. When prepared lor new applications due and ample notice will be givrn in Uie columns of the variou newspapers turouhout tho State. --Very respectfully, , , G. W. bA-NDERLIN. : btate Auditor. DR. E. E, MURRAY, DENTIST PLYMOUTH, N. O. S. K. EVERETT, - DEALER IN , Dry goods, Boot3 and Shoes and Grocerie?. Hardware and Crockery a Specialty. " Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Country Produce. B. F. Owens' o!d stand, corner Water' and Adams street, . . Plymouth, N. C. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE ! ; OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNITURE BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &C., to make room for an immense uew stock to arrive from the North. . ; Call and see my Great Bareaine ior uaiDr tAll kinds of Winter Goods sold at Cost, , , S. ABLER, . ' . Fltmotjth. N. C. Sherrod & Newberry's old stand. , y ' - Dealer in J i "t Groceries & Confectioneries, ', . r ' and wholesale and retail dealer in ' Foreign and Domestio Fruits, Manufacturer of and Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu BRICK. No. Hi Water Street, Plymouth, N.'C C 0 J? F IKS Furnished to Order in - Good Shape and at Low Prices By , A J.-LeggEtt-& San Plymouth, n. c. . . .- a - Job Print! TP This Offices We do Everything in the Printing Line. IF YOU WANT . . Iietter Heads, ' . Note Heads, Bill - Heads, Envelopes, ; Programmes, Cards, &c. Or Posters of any discrip- tion, Send us your order. Our Prfees Jlfeocesahlo. OUR WOUR HEST-CLISS. Come and see . samples bov fore you send your worJc elsewlicr.0. : AH Wcrk llxccnicd IVith Kcatsca aid Pj- A TRIAL IS' ALL. VE-ASK.- Onrlllotto Is, Satisfaction1 and Promptness, We Respectfully Ask a Share " 1 fi ; . : ' -i of .Your' patronage. .T ' 1 ' ,T - - ' -We also do everything ia!" tho .... , , . 'SI-',.'.---; ;. 5., - ' : lino of Padding. ' Don't forget us but send in a tri order at once Remember we fnnihli evi thing you WANT. July iHi,