1 JKlfi .-".U&LA,1 Agrafe's, Tho Boanoko Beacon. x Tho Official Paper of Wash. ' iugtou County. PLYMOUTH. N. 0. Entered In tbe Post Office at Plymouth N. C, as second dies matter. FRIDAY.'-JUNE C. 18i. . Directory. STATS GOVERNMENT. . Governor, Daniel O. Fowle, of Wake Lieutenant-Governor, TboB. M. Holt, of Ah'rnance. . Secretary of State, Wm. L. Saunders, of Wake. . - Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake. - Auditor, Geo. W. Sanderl'm, of Wayne, Superintendent of I'ublio Instruction, BidneyM. Finger, of Catawba.- . ". Attorney General, Theo. P. Davidson, of Puncomba. . ; COUNTY. aOVBUJJMEST. Sheriff, John B. Chesson.' Deputy Sheriff, h. I. Fagan. Treasurer, Louis Hornthal. Superior Court 0erk, Thos. J. Marriner. Register of Deeds, J. P. Billiard. Commissioners, II. J. Starr, A. M. John ston, Levi Blount, Dempsy Spruill and W. 1C. Chesson. ..- . Board of Education, T. S. Armistead, Bam'l. Johnston and W. J. Mercer. Superintendent of Publio . Instruction, itev. Luther hiuorne. .1 CITY. ' ' ' Mayor and Clerk, E. R. Latham. Treasurer. J. M. Reid. Police, Joseph Tucker. City Janitor, EarnosfOarstarphcn. . Councilman, V. 0. BrluKley, Q. II, Har rison, J. W Bryan, A. Bardeu, Joseph Mitchell and John Wiggius. , . CHCBCH SERVICES. ' Methodist-Rev. 0. W. Robinson, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and? p. ra. Prayer meeting every. Wednesday night at 7. Sunday , school at S a, ra., J. F. Norman, superintendent. Young Men's Prayer meeting every Monday night at 7. Baptist Itev. J. F. Tnttle, pastor. Ser vices every 2nd. aud 4th. Sundtys at Jl a. m., and 7:30 p. ra. Prayer iBeetiug" every Thurbdny night at 7:30., Suuday School very Suuday at !) a. m., J. W. riwift Superintendent. ' Episcopal Rev. Luther Eborne, rector. Services every 3rd Sunday at 11 a. ra. and 7-30 p. m. Sunday School at 1U a. in., L. J. Fagan, superintendent, LODOES. ' K. of n. Plymouth Lode No. 2 08 rueetx 1st and 3rd Thursday pights in each month. ' W. H. Uamptou Dictator. N. B. Yeager In. Reporter, K. & L. of U. Roanoke Lodge Meets 2nd. aud 4th. Thnrnday niehU in each p.u.nth. J. F. Norman Protector, N. B. Yeager, beet'y. CITY MARKET REPORT. " As Itcportrd by v Q. H. HARRISON, 1 DEALER IN . General Merchandise. Corn, per Bus.. '.: . - CO cts 7) 8 ' 9 .7 -i , 10 m 10 .m 35 20 3. ' ' 8 7 30 A'Meitl, ' , M C. It. Sides per lb Bacon ' holders Bacon Dry Salt . ' Breakfast StripB ..; Hams S. C, . Lard refined . ' ;. Flour, per barrel, from $3-50 to $0 W. I. Molasses, per pal., Black ttrop " Nvrnn . " " Granulated Sugar, per lb Light brown . " , " " Butter " . Green Coffee ! " " Roasted CotfcaV- ' " Eggs p doz.,v . Tobacco, per lb " 2" & 20 & 22 25 10 . 00 8 75 -15 18 30 . 8 75 . 18 .. 6 . 8 25 40 CO 80 25 to 1. Gi to 23 to Coal Oil' Whito.Safety lfiO, rer gal. . Apple Vinegar bultanua Prunes, per.,lb Pickles. Cucumbers, per 100, Bee's Wax, per lb ' : Tallow, " " . Hides, best flint.!' " , Candy ; " Salt, fine,. , per Bus., " Blown - " 13 to NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Bdmuiid 'Alexander AT TORNEY-AT-LAW &REAL ESTATE AGENT, ; -- Washington, N. C Branch Office Plymouth, N. C. C2-ALL REAL ESTATE . BUSINESS in Washington county ' transacted by Mrss, C. V. W., & W. F. AUSBON at TnE ROA NOKE BEACON OFFICE. W. I. LEWKOWITZ, LKADEB OF LOW PRICES. Dry Goods, Notions, Cloth ing, Hats ami Shoes, Ladies and Gnts FURNISHING GOODS. pTAVVLh LINE OK WUITE GOODS AND -EMBROIDERIES. Bland Opposite M. J. Bunch & Co., V Plymouth, N. C. GEO- MD0NALD DJiALEK IN . foreign & Domestic .Wines aud Liquors. A Fine line of CIGARS and TOBACCO Always on hand. 'J?outh side Water St. Plymouth, N, 0. BEACON FLASHES- The Alliance Pic-nic bids fair to bo a grand aucceas. Mr. J Norrcaa is the hnppy man It's a bouncing boy. The Plymouth High School will close on Tuesday next. , Who will be the first to seud ns a water melon this season ? . The latest improved copk stoves aie Tor sale at Hornthal BiVs. . , ' i ' " The nowcott HouHe has been undergoing some needed repairs this week. A large lot of siock horainy and hay for sale by M. J. Bunch & Co.; . , ' Glad to see bo many new houses going up, it speaks well for the town. ' , The new house of Mr. S'. , Bay nor on Water street is ueariuu; completion.- ', A pleasant call on Wednesday from our friend Mr. J. L. Hacsell, of CresweU.'. , . Several affrays o f minor importance have occurred in onr town this week. A series of meetings will be held in the B tptitit church begiuuiug next bnnday. ExaJiiae tbe new line of cheap challies and prints at W. L.. Lewkowitz's. Miss Alethca Norman, of CresweU, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Fannie Norman Some of our farmer friend are laying by their corn crop, having worked it for the last time, If you want a pretty embroidered Swiss cap for the Jittlo one, jnst ask for it at Mm S. A. Blount's. The Baptist parsonage is receiving a coat of paint insidi and out. Quite an ipprovement. . , Pleased to meet iu our town on Monday last, Col. R. B. Creecy, editor of the E City Economist. , B. Chears, M. D., Surgeon and Physic cian, will c jmmence practice at this place on the 20th inst. . When such men as are membo:s of the Alliance of this county . says pio-uio, we SDOW WliaiH 1U93.UJ, . . A move is . being made by some of our colored citizens to buuu au hptscopal church for that race. Severe thunderstorms, accompanied by wind and rata, parsed over this place last rndtiy and (Saturday. Mr. Thos. Huson, formerly ' business manager of tbe Beacon, left ou Saturday last lor Koanoke, VV Va. Mr. : I. F, Harrison having accepted a position with T. V. lilount at l(oper has moved his family to that place. If vou don't want Police Tockor' io get down behind you, you had better put your premises lu a sanitary condition. . 1 Quite an improvement was made in the looks of the Baptist church when the pul pit was taken down and remoclled. Ladies we call youp attention to the l . , - i c i ; i . i j laruu SlUCK oi yvaua ureHs kuouh nuu arim. tilings to be found at-Uoruthal & Bro's. Mr, T. J. Marriner, our j opulor Clerk of tho CJurt, has been up tbe State tbiB week attending au important court affair. FOR SALE A lot of full blooded Jrey hogs counting of twjo ) grown onea ; and beven pigs. Apply at this office. . ja-Gif The rush' for Hornthal & Bro's store Uiis week is caused by the fact that they are selling goods that buit all iu ev-ry way. . - w Mr. Theo. II. Woodley. a popular attor ney of CresweU." was iu the city on Wed. uesday, alj Mr. Ulaud HpruiU 01 lue same town. . - Mrs. J. A, Willoujlib accompauied by her son. Master Ciaiwudou, it. visiting her father, Cpt. John licasley, at Knott's Ibland. Xlrad the advertisement of J. M. lieid & Son to bo found on this page, this lirm is ioiug a largo bUHioess and selling goods cheap. - . , Umbrellas, umbrellas; umbrellas ! Anew arrival. of silk umbrellas .with oxidized silver handles selling cheap at Mrs. S. A: Blount's. - , . - Read, and if you would 6ave yourselves extra trouble aud expenso, heed the notice of Jos. Tucker, constable, to be found in this issue. - . i ; , - Tbe little Misses Cottie and Estelle Mar riner of Mackey'B Ferry are the gues'.s of their couhins, 'Misses Sallie and Aileue Marriuer. Thanks to the Farmers' Alliance cf this county for a special invitation to attend the picnio to be given at Mackey's Ferry on Thursday, July 3rd. Cap t. Lee Dixon, of Maryland, has been iu our town for the past ten d.tys purcha. sing lumber and shiugles which he has shipped on his vessels to the north. , . It is rumored that an effort is being made on. the part of our Episcopal friends to build a brick church on the corner of Washington and Main streets. We wish them success. It was a broad statement made by one of Our farmers this week, when be said the -crops of Washington county are better than ' ever before at this time of the year. We trust he. is correct Miss Maggie Cofer, who has been adding ho much to the social enjoyment of our town by her charming presence for . the past several weeks, has returned , to her home in Portsmouth, leaving many sad hearts behind. - . Last Saturday our job department issued circulars announcing that Capt. W, A. Dsirdeu would address the people aud Farmers Alliances of Martin couuty on the 16th, 17ih and 18th of June, to-day we announce the death of that gifted speaker. A stock company composed of a large number of our most prominent citizens has been organized for the purpose of establisning . a first cla-js barbsr shop in this town. The business will be conducted bf Mr. L E. Jackson, a young man Welti known in our midst. The company pro pose's to make this shop an honor to the town and will be known au the Citizen' Shaving Parlor. It will be iu operation in about ten days. Is the Beacon going up or down ? Up, of course, it en never go down so long us such men as J. M, lteid & Sod, T. W, Blount, Mornthol & Bro , H. Peal, Q. II Bateman, II. H. Brown, f G. L. Houston, D. O. Brinkley & Co., W. L, Lewkowitz, Geo. McDonald and others,' whose ads are iu its colonial are behind it. We believe tha business men of the town and county want a good paper, and that they are going to have it. Thanks, friends. The Et City Eccnomidt says: The c.i. sub enumerators commenced to piowl yesterday.: How old are yoa? 20, 30, AO or fiO as it may bo. No you ain't. Well how old ami, if you know better than I do? How rnuch money you got? Dunno. How much property you got? Dunno. Any disease? Dunno. Any mortgages on your properly? Guess so. What yer fathor dia with?. Heart failure. What the other family die with ? . Heart,, failure How many dresses you got this year? Dunno. How many bonnets, commonly called ha't? Five or six. Does yonr mother know you're out? Dunno and don't care. Xlucklon'a Arnica Salve. ' Tub BestSalvk iii the world for Cnts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt' liheum, Fever Soref, Tetter, Cbapped Hands, ; Chilblains, corns, and au bkm Jruptious.-, and nosi tivelv enres Piles, or no pav re'onired It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rofunded. L'nce 25 cents per box, or sale oy J. w, tJryan. ; -Prof Toms' Letter. ' Mn. Editor Allow me. through your valuable paper, to tender to the patron sand menus ot my school, thanks for their gen erous support and hearty cooperation. during the scholastic year, soon to close. Whatever degreo of success with which school may be cro-yued, will always in a great measure, depend upon the united ef forts of teacher, parents and children. Having had. during the year, the bent interest of my pupils ever in mind, their moral and intellectual development, I have tried faithfully to perform tho work expeo ted ot me, as their teacher ; aud I am happy to think with a measure of success Wim reference to the pupils. 43 in number. enrolled during the scuo-'astio year, I must say to their credit, that order and harmony have prevailed through tho entire school this again affords me pleasure as we now stand on the eve of its close. ..Coming among you, a stranger, your kindoess towards m has hardly allowed me an opportunity to fcbl as a stranger. Hence, I can but carry with me a pleasant remembrance of rly mouth and her people. - , In-obedience to the earnest solicitations of.inuny of , Plymouth's people, it is uiy purpose to begin the fall term of Plymouth High School, on Monday 1st day of bep tember uext With the experience of the past year, I Bhall hope to serve you in the futuro even better than in the past. V The best" interest of my pupils shall be my chief concerc. .but in order that we may obtain the best results, I must, have, as. in the past the cooperation of every parent who may send their children to me. loa will allow me to. say just here, that the most progressive thinkers of this age hold, that the best legacy possible for a parent to leave his chud, is correct intellectual and moral training. ' If you, as parents, can do no more for your children, let me beg you, in behalf ot the children, that you do this. As in tbe past, we will teach all the branches of an English education, and io addition thereto, Latin, French, German, Survey, ing and J eiegraphy. As 1 Bhall leave you iu a few days, for a rest, lot me wish yon, one and alt'of my pupils, a happy vacation. I ly mouth, N. O , ; U. vv . Toms. June Cth 190. ... 1 Eapepsy. ., t This in what you ought to have, in fact. you must have it, to fully enjoy me. Thousands are searching for it daily.: and mourning because they lino it not. Thous ands upon thousands of dullars are spent aunuaily by oar people in the hope that they may attain this boon. Aud.yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Eiectrie Bitters, if used according to directions and tbe use persisted in. will bring you Good Digestion aud oust tho '4emou . Dyspepsia and iustall instead EniMjpsy, We recom mend Eiectrio Bitters for Dyspepsia aud all diseases of Liver, Stomacn and Kidneys. Sold at r0i. and 1.00 per bottle by J. W. xryau uruggmr, FROM. C RES WELL. 1 CitESWELL, N C, June 3, '00. Ma Editor: I suppose you have heard of our Tyrrel county resurrection so I. will not take up tha iiino Oi bore yoa by relat ing It, . ' '; ' We had A line fall of raiu for crops on Friday aadbatntday last. ..- Me-s. W.J, Meruer. E. G. Eborne and .1. W. SprnLl made a business trip to your town yesterday. I. 1 . Has-sell is north this week having gone there tii sell timber. Air. C. 1. Spruill is having lumber put ou his lot for the purpose of buildiug. The bnildina he will erect will consult oi a i'ost olHce, General merchandise store, Millinery store, dwelling house &o. &o, X-' ; Kev C. Vyoodiou was in our miost on Suudav last, r . ' . ' Dr. J. L. Hasaell left to day for Chowan couuty to vwit his brother, wr. vv. Ji, Uaf-seu. -f . . , . , . Lots Kit potatoes are being shipped from Scuipernong river this season, but still they say "their potato Crops are sorry ou account of dry weather. ' Man is never satisfied. Mr. J, W.. Ferry of KoifoiH was,, iu our town on Soday last. IU A- via J Sihday ours Obedient, ' Booa.; A Scran of Paper Saves Her Life lit wasfast an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, bat it saved her are. one was in the last ritage3 of consumption, - told by Dhvsicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time , she weighed less than seventy pounds. n a piece of wrap ping paper the read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and' got a sample bottiO ; It helped her. sbo bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought anothr ana grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pound. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, t Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial Bittles of this wonderful Discovery Free at J. W. Bryau'a Drugstore. Conuty ElOctiou- Tbe Boards of Commissioners, Education and Magistrates met at the Court House in joint tessiou on Monday to elect for the nest term a new board of Commissioners and a Superintendent of Public Instruction. The meeting was called to order by W. R. Chesson, Chairman Board Commissioners, Mr. Thos. S. Armistead was elected per.. miaent Chairman,"on taking the chair he made known the business of the meeting, - The first business in order was tbe elec. tion of a Board ot" Commissioners. - The following named gentlemen were nominated and elected by a nnauimous vote : . Plymouth Township Jos. BkiUletharpe and be Whit Latham. I.ee'8 Mills Township W. R. Chesson. Skinuersville Township H. J. Star. Scupoeruong Township H. A. Loech- field. " ' ; . ' Next in order was the election cf a new Supt, of Instruction. Tho names o llev. Luther Eborne, the present incumbent, and A. O. Gaylord were placed before the meeting and voted upon, which resulted In the election of Mr. Eborne by one vole, he having received 12 aud Mr. Gaylord U. IIlSTonv OK The first i; wi devoted . hold a sittioe county tandfe th thfn orgar-ized iif Kv the business usua to A .si6ns Mas transacted ; and $ litUoirV as I leaf n; for an election polling place. - . - And so the churea cams out 'irom the many trials and changes which 'the war had wrought in its ; history, and with the return of a few of its scattered flock for there werer many, alas ! who left in : 1862 never to come back again work was begun to give it a new life and repair the waste places of the wtr. The parish was weak and impoverished, and of necessity there fore had to work slowly; yet by all helping some, and with the . assistance of friends elsewhere, much of the damage it bad sus- tained was repaired and the church again opened for Divine worship. Tbe Rev. T B. Haii g h ton was given charge of the parish and held monthly, services until. May 1875, when he was transferred to another field , and the day following the vestry called the Rav. H.G. Hilton. Mr. Hilton served the parish until 1831 when he resigned to take charge of the church at Scotland Neck. His labors here were marked with happiest success aud the regret at parting with a minister so devoted to his Master's w ork and " so a faithful and affectionate in the ministration of his sacred office,' was deep and: universal. He live d among ns and left us, beloved by all who knew him. , - - - A short time prior to Mr. Hilton' leaving the church had bequeathed to u by the will of the late Mrs. M. F. Sprui'l a pious and devoted member, a : comfortable rectory already furnished, and some town property of no inconsiderable value. On the 1st. of February 1888 the rectory was destroyed by fire with some of the. property it con tained, entailing a loss of $1500. on the parish, upon which there was no insurance. , During the interval ,. between Rev. , Mr. Hilton's resignation and the call of his sue cessor, Rev. R. B. Drane,' Col. Robert S. uoeiet, bemor Warden or the vestry, now passd into rest, was lay reader for the congregation and faithfully served in this capacity for some time. . ' Mr. Drane served most acceptably- until May 1885 when he resigned and Rev. E li. Sweetlaod, of Wisconsin, . accepted the call of the vestry and took charge of the parish. Mr. Sweetland's resignation was tendered and accepted in October following and on .November 1st, of same year.' Rev. Mr. Hilton was recalled whei he returned and ministered until his 3eath, Nov., 21st. 1387, after a long and painful illness. His labors were marked with success, and he was laid away in the Church yard here beloved and revered by his people for his loving and devoted services, his untarnished christian life, so full of all gentleness, good ness and purity endearing him to the hearts of ail who knew him. . Following the death of Mr. Hilton, the Rev. Luther Eborn," rector of St. David's church, this county,' wad invited to . take charge of Grace church and accepting the call began his ministrations March tth 1888, giving monthly services, according to arrangement. . His incumbency contin ues to this date, aud is marked with earnest, zealous work in tho Master's cause to bear witness of his loving care for tho people among whom he serves.. Thus, through much of misfortune and severest' trial, unequalled .perhaps by the history of any other parish in North Caro lina,, Grace church lives, to-day' great in its solemn memories of the vauisned years and hopeful under , God's ordering of an increased and increasing usefnlness for Christ and His kingdom iu the -years coming ou. . 1 County Allianeo Proceeding!. At a meeting of the Committee of the Arrangements , f jr the Alliance Picnic On Saturday," 31st ot May.it was decided t a appoint one Marshal Irom each sub Alliance, iii addition L. I. Fagan was appointed chief Marshal, Jas. A- Chesson first assistant and Lenard Spruill second assistant. The grouuds will be put in first-class order by L. N, Cbpruill. Wiofield Spruill and Jerry Wynne, Committee, lables, .baskets, esc, will be superiu tended by H. J, Williams, T. -L. 1'arkentdu, N. T. Ilerriogtou and Ruf us Swain, assisted by one lady from each sub-Alliance. Barbecueing will be superintended by W.-R. Chesson. assisted by Wm. Pitt. S. B. Suell, Tom. Chesson and J. W. Johnston, whose cooking proclivities are distinguished is one of the barbeoueing committee. F, R. Johnston appointed to procure con veyances for the band. : The Chief Marshals to meet and prepare for entertainment of the speakers. The managers and members generally will try to make this a grand success, and hope1 to have a large attendance, all are in vited to attend. The speakers for the occasion will be W. A. B. Branch of Beaufort, S. B Alexan der of Charlotte, S, M, Alexander of Halifax. Roberts of Gates, J. H. Picot of Hertford, J. L. Winfield of Beaufort and J, B. Res pass of Beaufort, Speaking will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. . - Ordered that this be sent to the Roanokb Beacon with request to publish, aud its editor we would be glad to have in atten dance,' With general invitation to all we horn to have a good time generally. ' . F..R. Johnston, L.N. C. Spkuill, Cb'iu. bus. com.Com. of arrange ts- Notice. : . 1 Justice' Court Plymouth :: - ..!. Lt..fftA 'I hu. )C North Carolina Wahingtou County, j Armistead, J. P. Myr G. Goyther, ) , . . vs ' f ' Nottco. J, 8. Swsoms. i ) The dofondaut jibove named will tuke notice that ... f ....ttia.i um allium h.i hMin RfimmenMd before he undi!rigued JufUoe of the Peace for breach o prom'se ot marrise, aiid that aia ctensn .i .... .. in in.iiia. n.itira rhiif. he Is reauirea to UaU. will l virv u. w . . . appear before me at my office in the Court House in Plymouth, Counry end State afore mid, on the 14ta flay or June, jsjo. ana uw to the court for the relief demtuded la taa com- plaint. .TUiatJrdMflv. uw. TCa,wlT, T D Iiiua, a, AUiitiuAVt MDNUJ MENTAL 'AGE ffy NCY Eeprasiitingtlie well-known Marble Works of P- V. BATE-, Worwdllt, Cona. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES Any one wishing to mark the last resting place of deceased relatives or friends by rec;ing a monument to their memory, will do well to call on the undersign, who will furuibh estimates and designs upon applica tion. -. . 52? Also Agent for Fire Insurance. Only . bebt Companies represented. II. H. Brown, riymcutb, N. ') V crow chapmAii cnou." Flour. 40 BSanTcll9 41 May Flower" .JJXI I T. . BLOUIT'S, RopeivN. C. Bought "before will Tbe sold IFY0TI WANT GOOD JOIN . THE Remember live dollars reward offered for a barrel of this flour that is Is a big eight, bat EXHIBITED F EL 13 B Ity J. M.. KEID & SOIT will "KH0CK IT BILLY " They are headquarters for Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots tt Shoes, Hals. Caps, .a Am .t-n In fui-f & vnrifvl itnil Well Rfclflr-tfid A.tuinrtittent cf vi&voitw, - - - - . . everything kept iu a well equipped, first-clasa General Store. t-Country Produce bought and Bold, and Oomo and be convinced that fijrnres that defy compctiiion. WATEH STUEET. Plour. the advance and low for cash. BREAD, C0IIE AUD PEOCESSIOir. not as represented. tbe Stock of Goods the highest market prices gv.araatwd 1 we offer ih-ot-clasa gco.lj t 7