i ho Oflicinl liper -of.. Vasli ijigton. County; . Pul.H4iwl Kvery Frtfij y by Tta Koanokr. Yvr.himixQ .Company. oV, FLETCIJER AUslUN, Vv:- f Editor, p, V, W. ACSBON, Busyness Manage,?. AdTertneioenf ins. ru-U at' low rates. The editor will dot be responsible for tbo views tf torrespooderita.. - '-' " i aU iiicits for publication muatibe ttcutoaiiiod y tbe full name of tbe writer, ' ' ' Correspondents lire reiyrtrHied not to.wflte on hut ; ten m1o of the jinpur. ; ', -, ""' ' :ti coainmuicaiion mqUhe mint in by Tfcursday uj.jinn or tlit-y will noiVppear. '' Addre& all coiumnnictiiuua to THE ROANOKE BEACON, . ' - Plymouth, N. C. We appe-al to every ronder of Tnit Boanokk i'.mcOH, to aid ns in roalciiur it hit a.Cce ptdo and aoihahle. medium of hews to our V!lh?.enj, Let tlvmotith people anil The public Know Wh:.t is ' i'liltiir.oii in Plvnioutb. Heoort Id h nil iteinV of htvt'e-r-Lke arrivul and dooaiture of frieudn. si,.!!: Hiulldinsra." new enternr iws and improvement' of .vjiuirever cnaracMT, cnuniiii imeiuep" uiuuru ttiiythius aild everytliiuj; that woold be of luiereal " & TKIDAY, 1890. . Txxi? JiSAijoy is indebted to Senator John P Jones.of IjJeyada, for a copy 0 Lis able rr. . , r-., .,,,,, . - trvd la tho Senate on Majt,l2th and 13th. t the Democratic Executive Committee of yanhrngtoii county, a eeting of .said puarEittee u called to meet m Plymouth Ey order of Juo, II. Small, Chairman of the J&epooratio Bxecutive Coniaittoe, Uiat -jL'ommittee is requested to xtieet in the towu .11 w-.,t.:4-... J Ti,,.-. t.,i. in nun Srr tbo purposa of selecting the thna and flvp for Loldiug Ujie uost Oonressioual Couyention. , I OE iJuivmgtoa fetar gpeaks trutufully j-ben it says tjie federal election lay is for ju.i Soutb alone, it Kaj B there never ij'as imf 'loolt that the eleption bills biph the jvfM.uonoau conspirators navo Deen woygmg u ever since the beginning of the preseut f r the $outh only. The njan who got them kjj never mado any concealment of . their pa'pose, and justified their intention by 'lunintalniuft that the JlepubUcan party did iiut have fair play in the Sontb, a conclusion ...riK"t f t-rvl Kz fat fKnt DannKliAnn t n 9 . ju.ibucu Aiwuft mvti vuuv i-iicyuyiivii uu idatcj in the South did not receive sis many v'wtes as there were colored rfipa of voting f-e in the Sate, digt;ic.s and connties in .:hicU they ran. They couuted the colored liads, pat . each one of theui down for a Kxpubjipaii vot, and because they came pp t hen of the connt, ekgo, there was iutimi. d ition or frauds TLw is an assumption Jiich does not justifiy the conclusion, but it answers their purpose, ancl jyhile it docs jhut it is as good as a butbel basket lull of hj:id fact. The devisers of ti(e8a measures do pot dvny that they are especially ,' designed to ; Pl'ly to the South. What they deny is th motive attributed to them Ifi advocating nooning that the motive is to ensure fair IciStious,"' and not to oontrpl tbcin in the imcrtst of the Ilepubjipan party, as charged ijy tneir Competitors'; a pretence which is ftt transparent that a Digger, Indian . could jsi-e through it. : ;, ' . ' v : . ' ; Tlwy can't deny it if they svonld, but jf tUwy woiild their yfork in t"ue proposed ;iHstion otll vonla appear m eyiuence K;aiti8t them, for it upeaks louder than any J.jgnage'of theirs. Of courge there 3 no authority nuder the coiistitutioa, by which Congress is sup joined to be governed, by which they couid iame an' election law which would aply, to ono hectipu of, thfij pountry and not tq jiot.uer, hence they bad to in.ikc it 'appar ently of national scope, whjle cuufiiigiy so fianiiog it as to confide Hsopetationa to tho (s intbern States. They did thi by incur. Mrating jibe pttitiouv feature into it us a substitute for the Lodge proj'wsition requir iriS tnat all Congromi.oiiiil eleuliuns iu nil ilia Slates be held nndtr federal supervision. 'Ihe bill as difled, wai(j!i w a iuimense nnd elalorate document, Woviden that' ii i-iiibs of 20,000 inhabitanWor cpwards, pad !u congressional districts c-lcla-ivo of b'uch ies, upon application of 100 voter 10 the district buperyior or in coantios or toyu. j.bips 011 the app.icdt:ou of fifty this super tisjr will make "ipplicatiau. to me U.S. i.!.reuit Court fof the appuiutweat of three fiipervisoro to attend to the regibtraiidu of yoterg, challenge votars, peiscmUly inspect the registration books, and papers, attend jiiectioiid and detect and expose the improp er or wrougfjil manipulation of the list-. ' This is iutended especial y for the South, for no uch petition or appikatioiw will p me from any part of the Noah, with the frxcrption, perhaps, of some strong Deino. cratio cititf where they pjignl hope throoigh "lVx peculiar machinery to cuptard a Cou. irrbsmau or two. But iu the South it will tb tl?W easiest thing in the world lo get up application with 1(or 100 names 011 ihem,' ior aD.vHrtle Kf puplic'au poiiticiau or ciu i.;datwy.l write, up ' that many names, if he kifcwftw to write," in a little while, 'ibis part op! be trick U 'as easily seen thiongh m a finet. - Of course the appii p.itions will be fWjjJicorfliug in every district where they waiitt and they will w'ant I hem in every distrierfe'efe there is the iJiotit of a chnuce of k or counting iu 1 h ir man. The Jaw'p Nttuat but two j.iut of three of these Hnpe hha;l be of 1 be Bfttne politicil party, wlw J' a'taiw that h-j of them bball be Kepublili',add the loird Bome one who will bo u near a lie. inAIican aa possible.'' ' A particular feature of this peculiar bill Hnolher big fcar-niarl w show what it ;- :itly We Is tho provision r. fju.rhg; the ' t!crvisor in towxiB ot zo.OOo'propie' aud' ip wards to inakt a thoroUjjti Loi.s to house nnpectioi before electiou,to inform the v.'Urrf where and in what box lo rteptwit . lu-ir ballots, aiid" to K-nnini2j naturaliza. t. .hi. A further pioy'inkm is maJe that if 'i vote be cast in tie wrong b;x it Lull ba : -muled. It is apparent ihat the purpose ' ! this 13 m neutral'.', in as far a tbey i!i, the election laws of Matt s where t'.e . ..er is nquired t).dtjsit hi baJotiu ! proper boxes, ar.tl wbre iliey aie tot r.'itcd if not m di'posiU'd. It msoiue. :, it rt'innrkabro ( lint they did not provide - a be of 6o:e fecali;if nrd L:;t'j jj onstractiou w thpt the cpicred Jloputli f an, who cn'yrcadiM bAllqt nor the leL t'erina ou thebox would have no" troubl in telling why box to deport his b illot io. Thi would have obviated the necessity of making tho Louk6 to jionsd inspect ion to uvpart tbe information'. ' IJtU as they ,pro ji'le that the yo i.hU be conutfd any. way, no matter in wh, box cast,' m here is th need of all this rt( ting ' uroond to in form the voters 6a that lVoint? ;; Jf they don't carry some eh-cfions in the Vwmh witlj snch a law as this it will not be fo' want 'of the mnchinery.- , ' '" INFLUENCE OP JBUOKS. SCHOOL Norfolk Virginian. . ; ' '? . 1 hOdo who are anxious to dopeuso with the books of Suuthei'u authors ih the public scuoois pi tna Mate, are not in narmony with a Northern contemporary. ' Thd Piiil- adoijyna Kecord iys; . , . A V noov'er coulrols the school books of a natiqn controls the future , tboughts ot Us people. lne eartiyr .impressions upon youthful tniudi can never ba, effaced. No matter .what may be inculcated by 'subse quent teaching, the lesson , learned fiom primary text books a;8 never forgotten.. Therefore it U wise 19 guard with solici tude the cliHijnols through which iuforma. lion may llow to the young miAd" cf scholars in the public Biihools. ; ' This is sound doctrine and thoroughly, logical. . ' .;. ', , . -VANCE FOR PRESIDENT.' JstiAnal Economist Alliance Organ. , Suppose, then, that the farmers in the democratic party were to suggest to the hotheads of that party' to stop booming Cleveland and Hill for the nomination ivd feel the pulsa " of the "country on Senator Vance for a while. What a stir it Would makei True, they migt lose a dotibtful state, but they would gain half a dozen in the place of. it. The reason is plai'u and simple. Vance is noted as a plain l m of the" people 9 wise mau, a pure man and honest, aLl and efficient mau. Hi.s people lov.a hiinj and teari ff joy will comp to the ees or a JNortn Uaro'iuian every time Ua heitra praises ot "Old uuce." .Qld and Kepnolicns am Democratp, rich oor, black and white, wdl j,l aiike young nd pi feel happy and safe whn'iisuch men are cnosen. LIBERTY. J'pvs'arda of one hundred and fourteen yeirs' Have passed, aud the events which character zed each have gone down oa the paj.es of hisiorj', siuca Virgiuia-'s statesman and patriotic Citizen ofltcvomtionrtry fame, first sounded the key-uote of Liberty and stirred the heart of the Americm people J with a desire for independable. The words of Patrick Heury: "Give uie liberty or give me death." did not die wth their au tjUar.' but to-day they lire with patriotism and love of freedom - the breast of the scbool-Jvoy who never tires of repeating; them iu his declamation, and of xpres- t,iug his adittiratioa for their author. . We loo, wi hiVe in a measure forg itteu the t-nlhnsiasiu of opr schooi-boy days, und in whoKO breast youthful firgs do not glow as warmly 5.3 lh;y once did, loy.e to speait , of filar Spangled Bauuer," as 'it fl.iats iu majestic triumph over the "laud of the free and the home of the blave.V We Iqvc 10 thiuk of tho.-ii $tars set in the bine fia.d of our flag ai emblems of Lieejjtt and free government; bu.t our heart Bickeua wijliin us and our enthugiaam dies, when we think of our beloved country wish all her boas'ed liberty, and with tljese word as a mottq, eujeribed witj the blood of ihe heroes who feiiiii the lie volution a ry struggle, Equal rights to all and special privelefjes to none." Bo'cionipletely swayed by the 4 oldeu seep . ter" of hjr det-potic king, The Almighty Dollar. , :, Should the question be asked, who holds tlo rein3of g .-vrnnjeut, who is the legis lators, law majors and officials of tho country, a owe iipproprifitu augwer could not ba given than tiiis:--' bo' Almighty Dollar. Twenty. fjve, thousand or 4 1(5 Ijer cent, of our population own one-half of the na'Jou's weaji h and th entire gov ernment, aud with their bord -d gold or its equivalent, they rule yith au iroii huud tie reuiaiijiug ii5 "-6 per eent. of tho peo ple and reduce 'Lioerty to nothing but a nume,"-,A sounding "brass or a tiukiiug cymbal." Next fall the demagogue wi.l descant very eloquently upon the "privlegB o the Auiericaij people to express their wants at the ballot bus. Witn their rliebnic and professed loyalty to tue hnid worked m.s. see. they will decieve the ignorant, and whh their money and u'an whiskt'y cor. nipt tho ballot box aiid tighten tho cords of oppression still more. . X his . they have done and' 'ill continue to co bo long as money retains its present power to oppre-s. This beipg the case, Liberty we say is practically a tbiug of the pat and the stars upon pur ensign have grpwn dim with disgrace, and their luster is" a libel on the fair iame of liberty. iuy, we are rot free but sLyc". sold ' put by our paternal government to the Isanoui;! Banks, bond holders, and money , kings, not only of Amenca but of England asweli. The. great mass of the American people are farnjera and p,oor Jaqonujl mcu who are, uotAithstan'ditig their toil and Bwe'at, j growing poorer atal, while the cotters or the rich aud vaults 01' the goVsrnmeut are groaning under the Weight of tlfd glittering dust which they pontain, aud whjch they havB wrung from the pockets of the toiling inass-:e3 b clasu legislation, trusts, pools and combines. . Bat tbaiiks be unto the God of nations who hath raised p,p a Moses ot deliverance lor this oowiiirouqeu. unq oppressed people who hava labored so long aud zelously, making brick, as it were, to build palatial residences for their task masters, auq vaults to contain their gold, wmie tney uqvo neon cunitui w live 111 huts and eat the -crast of poverty. The Alliance which has been in vogue bii a short while has doue more for the jbuu'ghtennieiitof the farmer .ban all the political parties that have lived und djed fof a had' eeutnry. They 'h;ve learped what the ditase u with yhioh they are Bjicted an nejft fall tbey will tegiu'to apply the remedy "at the ' bauot box. The politicians are id ready rjuaking with f!car and the money kings arc trembling Upon goiden tuorus'as the deliveier marches on with a tread which sends a thiiil of horror through thd financial drcles and cuUse.i a panic in the cohiinercjal world. When ill the agricultural cla-isea shall bo orgsuized and moving, thetl wil dawii a Lew era for the Amercau people anc AmeiioHn industries. The peopie willhiiv plenty of motiey to defray their own txpen e, the' luerclittuts will receive cash for (heir good? aud the mortgage system will Le knocked into a cocked but- ttheu an bbuest farmer ha)l stud nt t tie holm of finite, apd thf! legislative halls of, the cuun try hall be filioJ with t. triners and laborers, then will the fugle of liberty, that proudest of Americnu birds, spread its Wings oyer an efmuiti-j ttri and fo peop!e4 jCCpM&IUKIC4TED :- MtorEil.N. U., Juno 21, lSJlO. Editor IIoanokb ' Be,c9s j Ple'am al-; jivw wuw iri'is an inieretit ju ine oiiiui.' ,gnp tf liefer,;, to make , aai unaolioitad KVfigeatiou, to' the p,ople 0 I.ew'3 Mill pond jjectiou, alia ike rarneiv AHianco mnetiug to le licut July JJi-d lUU at lockev' Jerrys The s-uggestion thai I wish to make i for tho people ud also the FarmeiV . Alliance 1 tuo county, lo .-wait -upon .Mr. T. vr. Jilouut and Oitfer to meet Li in La If way ,011 the proposition to level .down the d im-- that is claimed that hrJdj Water back upon a large area . vt the richest laud In Washington county, and also offer to hiiu their frtendlv co operation and backiug U build a factory at this place, the kind to be determined upou ht .' it.einselycs.' . . Mr. Clount has been hearJ tos sy that if tho people would make up to hint the ibousaud dollars of uunece8Srtvy co.ft they put him lo to defend his title to ihe.'pru'elege of holding a head of water snfcient to ruu bis' iuills he' would let the pond go dry, 'Ihff right had always beea couceded aud held to be above question, and was so de. Cidod-bv as unprejudiced a court as ever assembled iu VvWiiDgtou county.. I u'nderS'and thai fir. Blouut's originnl outlay wasimuch over threo thousand dol lars for the mill property, lie says tho property has never paid oyer af.t;r interest upou his investment, ' therefore he could not ba expected t.9 4'iualii to the public over two thousand (Jollars yortu of his origiual investment iu addition ip the oue thousaud dollars of court .tost which he paid for the people, as the court decided kagainst me ' people, matiiug over luree thousand aoiiars, excepting , tno dwelling house and lot which would have been well sold at a thousand dollars, until . he lately almost made it anew for what the poopie claimed woclljl bo worth fifteen ' thoutud dolUrs to then." :Iit'a surmise the p,eoph3 could subscrd) fifteen JUuusnd dollars stock towards a factory, a.d pay back to Mr. B ount tho one tuousand dolinw and nev r receiyo one farthing of th tiftoeu thousand dollars back again, and be as well olf will ihe pond drj'ai th(ey would b- with it full of waipr, according to their own s.iuemeu't. and r.s tit the thousand dollais tlwy 'give b.ak to Mr. DLuui, Le would buve llttj tha ine of it Uiee many vears hud it mH teeu for the suit brought by the b,eeu for the suit brought by pep;e. . . . , If tbis proposition should ba accptod Mr! plount would be igaerifipiug lVo thons." and dollars of his property for harmony, and the development of as .rich laud any Alliance man culd ask fur. The pcopUs are not all Indifferent to tho proposition, to fike up tbe thousand dollars to AIi Bioi;ut. km;y of two prominent. gtiiloQieu ,Vho have expressed f ho amonuts . that tbey are willing to give. Key. A, C Weniz will give titty (hilars, aud 51?', K. M. I'eacock will give one nuourea anJ nfiy, and 110 aouDt me wnoie amount is sifentiy contno uted. and ouly needs pubiic agitating to be readily raised. " . 1- . Mr, Blount, I am sure, if the people wished, would have no objectiou to making the condijioh of the receipt of the thousaud dollars 6tjch P.8 would compel him to keep iu rnnuiug Qier a cleam gribt mill qt suf fiicieut capacity to do the liOighborhood gviiidiug, rather than they should have no grist null in their midnt. The thousand dollar proposition, pond and alf. i of a secondary iiuportanoa to me ai I would miipb rather sej a factory, und will veuturO the as-ertim that foy evtry flfteeu thousand vo).ftr. the people will subscribe, Mr. Bloant.yill subscribe thjrty until a sufficient sum is raised to biiiid a factory of.capapiiy spfiicieut" to manufacture enough of our raw maier;al for liome use. I wish to solicit the atteqlion of thope who wish free trade and cheap goods to the fact that instead of onvying our New England cousins their prosperity aud large profits in manufacturing, the sumo prot'. ji ity aud even greater is within reach of the people of Washington county, tnroagh lhoir fr.endly co-operation. Let me illus. triate for instance. Iu&tead of patronizing some Alliance institution in scmeaotaev pai t of the St,ate or some othor State let tbem build one here where there is eyery facility for shipping in aidiiiou to the works of the John L. lioper Lujr.ber company, and my word for it, tjiey will be able to realize a much for their cull vegetables as they get tor their no. 1, that is shipped North. L Raw many instances this spi iug cpjll vegeta bits were sold for inprp than (he no. l's shipped North, lens expanse of shipping, and right here f.Qr the sake of alj argument in favor of a factory here, what' couid the people have expected for their.' vegetables North if there Iiad tjeen no factories there ? I am gettiug tired as well as ifjy rea;le"3, but I hope to be indulged until I can give hlr. Blouut auother, "puff.'' The peoplo are aware that' in the past many "of the greatest philanthropists have cpme from ftU".png those unable to leave any children to perpetuate their noble yirttief, and should liaper build up with factjries and Mr. Blouut's success in business keep abrenst with the times as in the past, with hi3 already maujfest interest for the eleva tiun of the riuiug generation to a higher social enltglnment, ia it not ' probap e that he would builfl and endow an institution of learning l'.ero amonc us? Wlen lioper can teed herself, clothe hersilf and educate her children, then prosperity wit,h its soften ing inflaencc w 11 kindle a lovo for our Now IogLud cousins aud arouse our synipathias for the European labors, and instead of wishing to buy 01 their bosses goods that they have beea so poorly pud for mauu lactaring, thereby enriching their -bosses, wt wm mauuiucuuto wnai we can una 01 pur abundance will send our gifts direct to 1140 poorly paiji laporers themselves. . -NOTICE I Tba Demo ratic Convention of the First Ju'ticial rlittricl is'culicJ to meet at ldeuton, N. C, 011 'iiiBaay, )uiy vkhu ihuo at 4 o cloek, 1', 41 . to lunnumto aJudee of tbo Superior Court inu tia lienor for this di-irict and fur uuy oibr bu-ine.s that onubt to be doue; Uy direction of the Kxecative Committee of euiil (Ustrici, iii'eH'on atli. Uity Juu' lath law. C. L. PK1TIGKKW. W. "ju:.GlUFt'lN, (Seeietary. t'liaimian. Dcmociatic pnperi of ba district pleiiee copy. FOR SALE- A tract of ewnmp land containing 1000 acres, tnorc or IeH, known as Uuard's lclnrid. Hituatoil ni WiisiliiriBtou' cuuuit on the ltoauolii river, 5 mile fiom flyuioutb. T ill nell cheap for cab. Apply to " .1. W. KKASLKY. f iymouth, o. ' Cood range fi.rciiitie aud bo":t". N. 11., a, 1 pei sons are notified not to let tbeir ctoctc run at large 00 lb laud widioiu purmiAioa from the aboVe named.' ' , . TOR SALE llio pi-operty fimated on1 Jeiferson ftrect m fbe iowa ot Plymouth knonn h tbe'Wei-cl estate, c HiiUnft of qui lot wiib good two story dwelling tiue nncl U necexxary oni hou- thereuu. ' To anyone winning to jmicha.ee will he given e:iv tiruiH. Aonlvtu nf.ll f.. HOITTnM or ar Una oflice.' yOli SALE. As I am going to leave lh,c State I offer for 8.1I0 throe (3; line uiilK cows. Anyoiowishiuy to purchase will get a bargain by applying to L. J. 1'EACOCK, 1 ' '. ; I(.perJN, C. PERMS lAIUMCTUMIG GOIPAIY, ; , tIANUFAOlUREUS AND DEALER8 JN ' . 35ngincs, Boilers, Saw Hills, Grist Mills,- Shinglo Iills; Eilgers and Lath Mills, Pulleys, Shafting," Inciting &c. Orders Jor (Hastings and JIacliino work of ajl kind Solicited. Send for catalogue aud prie3 list. ' 635 637 &: G41 Qecn St. . IN OKFOLJi, Vn, rjnUE NORFOLK 80UTHERN R. THE DTltECT (JlioKf MNEUETWtpN Pl MoljTII.' 5dento asi Ear7hn Noit'ffl OAiiOhfsA Ahp Norfolk, Ap ALt, rofNT KOTR- "V-. " ' Mv.ii nnA Kvm-esa leave? Norfolk daily (except Suuday) a.t):2Q A. M.. arrives at Edentot) li'.o. P.it., nking close tonnec tion with air passenger Hues to a,nd from Ba'.timore, New York Und Philadelphia and the north. ' . ' ' Connect at EdntQti daily (except Sunday) tht, fi.-imnanv's Steamer Plvttiouth for Koanoke River. Jamrsville & Washington It.' R AlbemarlQ UaletgU JC it. .stnajner goes to Hamilton Tuesday aud Friday . hiy. Bertie for Windsor and CaGhie RJvcr, also with tho Rtr. -M.. E. . Roberts Tnosday, Thursday and Saturday for all landings on Chowan River as high as N mton and on Mouday and Friday for Columbia B14 landint'S on the fc-cuppernoug River. Leave VVedoesdav for Mill Laud ing, Salmon Creek and returns following Through fickeis on sale on istrs. iiymouiu and M E, Roberts and baggage checked to uintinnn on the Noifolk Sou.hem R 11., and landings on River ronteR, and to Baltimore, Philadelphia aud New lorR. , : Norfolk freitrht uud Avenger . stations at Noifolk ,& Western R, K. depot. Freight received daily mitil; f PyM. (except Bpndav) and forwarded promptly. ". EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST; FREIQHT LINE, Una of Frekrht SteaniPrs ply between Elizabeth City and New Borue and Washington, N. U cQunecting wiiu the Atlantic $ North Carolina Iiiiilrone1. Daily all rail service between Elizabeth City, Edentoa and New Yok, . Philadel phia and ualtimore ana JNorroiK. Through cars without breaking bulk, low rates aud quickec time than by any otlir route I'irect an gooas to ne snipped via Eastern Carolina Ditpalcb as follows: From NorfoiK, via jnovioik fcoiunyro Railroad. ;. : ' " From U Utimoro. via" P. V li. R. It. President bt. Nation, , i From Philadelphia, by Ponn. R. R, Pock St. Station. . . - From New York, by Penn, It. R. Pier 27 NorUi River. , , PiTFor larther information apply, to T.aai lilnnnt A rruiif T-'l vnnill til. or to the (),eneial Qflico of the Not folk boutheru aiiroad company ronoiK 1L O. HUDGIN, Gen'l. Fr't. & Pass. Ag't, M. K. KING. . Gen'l. Manager, t augia-ly. CpHISSlllJI AJiD I'()iiVARDI.G Mt.miAATS AND DEALERS IN . , i'lolliinj, Dry Ws, NotioDs, Buola, Sliqcs, Groce ; . vies, l!niH hints, t'ils, ' Slovts, Etc. t- HEADQUARTERS FOR FERTILl ' ZEKS. V . JA . mflri4-Iy. v; PLYMOUTH,,. Nobth Carolina., VAsnisaTON CoUTy, bupERioit Court. A. E. Gaylord " ."' J ' ' ts f Notice. S. flay ord. J Tbe defendant above camoii will take notice that . special proceedings entitled an above bas been com-m-nced before the t'lfikoftho Mipermr :ourt o( Waauiiigtou comity by petition for partition by sale of a certain tract of land which the plainihl aud defendent are tenant iu common. Shu! land 1h hituate iu and near ihe town of Plymouth iu tbe above mentioned conujy and Mate. And the naid defetidiuit will further take noticp that ho is required 10 appear before me on Monday tb7tbdav of July ItJOll at my oillce. at the Court Hmi.wi In Vlvmnulli. St3 arid unwcr or demur to the petition in aid necial proceedinua. or the petitioner will apply 10 tbe Court for the relief demanded in mi id petition, ' This A1v ith 1SW. S.U.SPKOIUa T1IOS..I. MAKRTKItR, AH'y for PUtintiuT. Clerk Superior Court. NOKTII CxijCJN A, VASBIfOTON Col'NT", PXMOUTU TOWK8IIH. fhos. v. uiciliil 1 J. ,T. Cahoon. 1 Notice ot Sinnmous. Ihe defendapt ehove named will t.10 notice pjat a summons 'in the above entitled ac.uoa wa. in-ucd ngaiu&t i-aid, dufeuuant on ttie 5lh day of June 18.K by 'I box. S. Armitcad ua Juste of 1 lie Peace of WaVbiiiKton county, North .uroiiiia. for the funi of gll)7.js due aid plaintiff by ureomic Which summons is ivfunmblo before said .Induce at hi oWce at 1 lymonth m the l'.lih day of July 18i)0 wbeo and wliere the defendant ii- veqnlreil l appearand anwer or demur to t::e coimuulnt, or tue relief dem .nded will be gratiti'd. 1 This Juneatb IJIMJ. 1 n i. ei.AiiMif-TTAo, '. 1. Q. L. TETTIGIiKW, ' ATT031NEY AT-LAW, Prapliccu in all the ftaic and federal Courts. Office, Water .Hieet, I'LYilom il, N. V'-' DEMOCRATS TAKE NOTICE. The Dcmocra' ic lisccillive Committee of W-lr ioirion Count v are ri nn?t-.d to meet at I'lvmouih on Monday June bOih 18.HJ at li o'clock, in. - C. L. I'il I TiUlviiU , Cfl .T.. 11 GEORGE , BATE MAN -MANUFACTURER OF Carts, AYagons and l?nnfilvir of nll L-irwl 1nnfi -r '"1 " -. ...... in mm . . r . . !";"..' f"'-'- Adim He "OLE P!;IABLE" Carriage Factory, H. PEAL Proprietor. Plymouth, 11 1 - AI.V.i:ifACTr;RErt OP - ' Bijggics. Phaetons, llo ad: carts, Farm-cay ts, . Avaons &c, at prices louver than ever. Men with the cash can get a : ':' ' - ' '-.-.. ' r , , . - V' v. . . -t . : uaiguiii. a upiy coiiiDCHHMU win iios up unuersoiu, I,cpairing of all kinds done. Give mo call. . FAN CY..CEBOCEB DEAIBR IN . Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Hay, Corn, Meal and llorainy, iFItyiTS AND CONFECTIONERIES, M. J. Bunch & Co's old stand, Plymouth, N. p. f iM2 ! c r-TTiR'-1"' 2" UNION SQUARE.NX rn.;- st.louis.mo. 232522333 qal-s.tex '. . ( JX, O. BIlINJvLEl' & CO. . Deolirs Jn- &' ' Foreign and Domestic Yfincs and Liquors. , CHOICf. BRANDS OF CIGARS. ' A Pull Lina of Superior Canoed Goods always on "hand. for sale by wholesale or retail. 1 i mm othe Hiding Vehicles. : urifli iirinfnnsa nnd disnnir.li. 'i - --r rrr X r &tvGQtt Plymouth, K. Q, C- T. Howard Business Man g, WHEELER & WILSONS New High Arin light running and noiseless machine. l THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY J8, Send for circulai andprice WmU k WILSON TG. CO, For Snle I3y J. W. BEY AN, ...FLYtfOUTH, N. C. Dr, E." L, COX, ' PRACTICING PII YSICIA Nt Water Street, - - Tu jiocth, N. C, ' tier OiBce upstairs, over JIrs, Anhia aaer s iuJJiuery atorg. -

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