7ho Roanoke Beacon, The Official Paper, of Wash, ington County. Plymouth. N. c. Entered in the Post Office at Plymouth N, C as ' second sins natter. , . . rxtlDAY. AUGUST 22. 18'.)0. IMrectofy. ' s STATU GOVKRNMKNT. ' Governor, Daniel G. Fowlo, of Wajoo. Lieutenant-Governor, Thos. M, Holt, of Alimance. ; . Secretary of State, ,Wm. L. , Saunders, of Wako. Treasurer, Donald W. fiain. of Wake. ; Aoditor. Geo. W. Sanderlin, of. Wayne, Superintendent of public Instruction, Sidney N. Finger, of CaUwba. ,, Attorney General, Tbeo. F. Davidson, of Buncombe. ' COUNTY GOVERNMENT. . Sheriff, John B. Chesson. . .Depnty Sheriff, L. I. Fiigan.. . , Treasurer, Louis Horntbal. Superior Court Cerk, Tims. J. Mamner Register of Deeds, J. P. HJ?- . . ; Commissioners. H. J. Starr, A. M. John ton,' Levi Blonnt, Dcmj By BpcuiU and W. lX'vTo( Education,' T. S. Armistcad, Bau'1. Johuaton and W. J. Mercer v P Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jlev. Lather Eboroo. ' CITY. Mayor and Clerk. E. B. Latham. , Treasurer. J. M. tteid. Police. Joseph Tucker. City Janitor, Earnest Carstarphen. Counoilm. 1. 0. Hriu.Kley, O. II Har rison, J. W. Bryan. A. Baiaen, Joseph Mitchell and1 John -Wiggins. ,.; , CHUBCU SERVICES. . . , wi' j1i n v. Robinson, pastor. Services every Sunday an i .!.. - p. TO. rryer meeting every - w eonwiuy. iiicht'at 7.' Sunday scbo61 at 9 a. m., J. KNoruiaunperinfeadent Young Men 3 Prayer meeting every Monday night aw. . Baptist-Rev. J. F. Tuttle, Tftnto.' Ser rlces every 2nd. aud lth: Xuiidiy at 11 a. ITand 7;S0 p.. m:. ' Prayer meeting every TliuHy niKUt at 7:S0, Sunday Seboo every Suiday t ?. m, J. W. Sv.irt Superintendent., , ' Eplscoal-ltev. Luther Elxrnv rector. Services Uery ilid Sunday at 11 a. id. and 7-30 p. in. Snudayf School at 10 a. in., L. I. Fagau, superintendent. ..... . : ' K. of H. Plymouth Lodge No. S."08 rJef 1st and Sid Thursday nights m each .. Air' it u.niiitim Dictator. WT ' N.'lJ. Vg t '. Reporter. K & L.of If. Roanoke Lodge-Moets 2nd. and 4thV Tlmrt-qay. bw month J. F. Nnnau Protector, r , pM.Mii. . N. B. Ye&ger, Sect'y. ; ''' - " : - ; . CITY .MAtiKlSl, tu) tun 1 . As Kcpoitrd fcy ' . DEALEtt INT General Mercliandise. Corn, per Bus., Meal, u 0. H. Sides per lb Jiacdu fcJholders Bacon Dry Salt . JireakttiBt Strips -llama H. O . GO Cts 7 8 9 "7 c 1 l-'i i.M,.m. iW Unrrel rrom M-w i .' I. Molasses, per gal . , (1 . Black btrop w Hyrup Granulated Swar, per To Light brown " n Butter Green Cnfiee m jtted Coffee . " . KggH per doz., Tobacco, per lb Hhot ' , " " 20 a.i 8 7 2 & 30 20 & 22 25 , 10 25 to I 00 Gt to 8 to 7" Coal Oil WhitcKafety 150, TPr gal. .1" " .-Jted U.," pergiH., Apple Vinegar ' V Sultanna Prunes, per lb Pickles. Cucunibevs. per 100, 18 30 : 8 75 Uf.f.' Wax. per ii 'fallow. JIUles, bcsi duii Candy Salt, fine, T. 1 1 Blown NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS, WHTTE BARBER SHOP , PROF. P. A. TOODLE, - " PLYMOUTH, N- C. The Finest Tonsorial Artist in Eastern Carolina. Strictly First-class cstablmU ment. - : Washington Btreet,- three doow from Water. Jyl-tl. Edmund Alexander : ATrORNEY-AT-LAW &REAL ESTATE AGENT, - - Washington, N. O ' Branch Ofllce Plymouth, N. 0. , . STALL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS in Washington County transacted by Mess. C. V.W., S! W. F. AU8B0N atTHEROA . ' NOKE BEACON OFFICE. Citizens Barfcer Shop, 'Wfft Siilc asbington SL, Near Water SL L.'E. Jackson, Artist, ... . ' . The only white Towsorial Artist in Plymouth. Your trade solicited. FOR SALE. As I m going to leave (he State I offer for sale three (3) fine mils .:ows Anyone wishing to purchane will get a ifcarjjaia ty applying to L. J. Pe.vcoctt, R-r.N.C. BEACON FLASHES- Read the ad of Saml. Wiggins in this issue. Mr. T. k Parry, of Norfolk, -was in Jhe city this week,. , ; , ; . -. '. Dr..C. J?."13opart,iof Edenton, was in the city this week.- ' " Meals enu b had at reasonable rates at Mrs. T. J. Marriuer'e , Mies Maggie Morgan left for her home in Richmond on Tuesday. ' ' MfII. W, Midgett has been visiting friends at Creswoli this week.. , . Rev. D. Gilliland, of Ilarrellsvillo, was in Iho Bkacon olGce this week. The colored people of the Secoud Bap tist church will build a new church ' ' .The large grain elevator at the A. & R. depot is rapidly nearing completion. . Mrs. W. TI. Hampton aud son. Master Roy are viidting relatives at Wojford, Md. Mrs. Maud Spruill returned from , a pleasant yiuit to friends in Berlie on Tues day. Mr. W. I!. Goopor hae been visiting his mother, at Sunny, Tyrrell county, this week. , . . Place vour real estate in the hands of the Roanoke Beacon Iteal Estate Agency. It will pay.' The old jail is undergoing thorough re pairs, and it is proposed to make it as Bafe as a new one. . We are reliably informed that the R. R. R. & L. rCo will erect dry kilus a their mills at this place.' The taxable property of Winston amounts to $7,000,000, which is nearly one-half a million in excess of last year. , Miss Auuie Mizzle, .who Ijas been the guest of Mrs. A. Barden for some time, left on Tueday for Nag's Head. Ti. M Vratwrrv nf Marvland. was in the city duriug the past week, the guest of his Bister, fins. . a, niouus. 5 ' Ve' failed to uote.laat week that Mr. W, B. Ward had accepted a position with Mr. VU. Hamptou, ai aalesinaa, We would thank our subscribers ' to see if thtrn in an X on their paper, and if there is, to Bend or bring u& the caslr. . ' Mr. A. J. Leggett is now running the undertakers badness . at Marriuer & Tru etts staud on Wasbiuton street. The Senatorial Convention meets i n Plymouth August 2 and not the 12th (Jth as has been announced, Delegates will pleace note this fact. T' , SoqiP effort should bo made to keep the boys f mm playiug with the public pump, thfcy. keep . it . almost constantly . at .work when there (s no need for it. Mr. Noah.. Minshew, of Sool'and Neck, returned to his home on Monday, after a pleasant vtit of scv-ral days to his uncle, iIr, Jos Tucker, of pur city. . Rev. C. W. Robinson, after an absence of Ihit'u weeks, wblch was Hpent in; the Blue Ridge section, returned home on Monday night. He reports .a pleasant trip. t takes brain and cash to run a iews. paper. We can make out with the brain part -but would like a little more cash. That little subicriptiou due us would work wonders.' ! 'i.. f.'i'V Miss V. Alice Johnston, of Myrtle Sta, tion V.. wlio has beeti visiting relatives fn' this tonntv. returned - to her home on Monday. Don't grieve old boy, we know hoy it ip. ' ' A fight occjrred on the street Monday night b tween J. D. Heffron aud E. G. Foley. Tbey were .promptly, arraigned before the Mayor, who found tfeem euilty, and find them 2M each, and costs. v The Senatorial Cenventipn ' meets in this town on next Tuet-day. AVe hope the CeuvHUtion will not nominate any man who doeB not promise to support Hon. Z. B. Vance for the United States Semite: ' While driving through the " country last vrck, we noticed that many of the bridges are in a dargerous condition. The over seers of the ro'ids should see to thwroatter and make better bridges before some acci. dent occurs. - ... ' . ; : ' Deputy Sheriff L. I. Fagan, who atten ded the Alliance Uonveu'.ion at AsUville Inst week, says he would not give this wee tion of the State for Ashville with all its fine buildings, &Kr VVe don'; think the Sheriff is stuck with that section.- . 'Phi tVirea TV re.medv is said to be ahle mirrt Ail diseases. ' The Democrats of the ispJDistrict beliuve u it'andjy.ym "Sulferriirn. tuith th Lord, for ofber of heaven. At the called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on . Monday, Aug., 18th the followiug Rontlemen were appoint ed as reginterers for the November election: Plymouth Township, F. R. Johnston Lee's Mills Township, J. A. Chesson, Skinuers ville Township, W. J. Gaboon, Scuppernocg Towriship, W, Jv Mercer. ; , Our townsman, and popular attorney, Hon. S, B. Spruill, was appoiuted at the convention at E. Oily last week, as chair man of the Congressional Executive Coai. mittee of the First Pis'rict. r Mr. Sprmll is a Democrat of the Jeffersonian type, and any duty put upon him by the party yri receive his faithful attention." The question is asked-why we keep ngrtating the question of a city market? Itisjasl this: We know that the towu needs a market ; that a market would be a Utreat help to the people and a source of revenue to the town." We know of no reason why the town does, not build one, aud we are going to keep talking it until it is built.-, . ,7 . . . Senator Vance made a splendid arraign ment of thelie publican Tariff last' week. In replying to the argument of the protec tionists that the farmers got 'benefit from the tariff. Senator Vance said the nature of the bargain between the protectionists and farmers was like that which one small boy proposed to another : "Jim, if you'll give me your big red apple I'll show you -my apre toe." ...... Bnflklen'i Arnica Salve. I fT kit 1 t irn In ti n fn. n... ruiaee, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lihemn, Fever oren, Tetter, trapped lianas, unitbia.uA, )rns, ana all bam irruptions, ana pom- tiyely cures riU:s, or no pay required. It hfcuaranteed to uive i.t-i-uct ButUfaction, or ! tnoni-y rofundt"l. Prit'e "5 cents per bo. For by J. W. Brj-i i. FROM CRESWELL- , v.. 1 CkkswellN. O., Aug., 20, 'DO ' ' Mn. - EnitOB s Everything baa been quiet in our little town for the past week, therefore our letter will bo short. ' We ore having fine weather and farmors are saving some of the nicest fodder I ever tasted, -f fa fodder a good diet for man? Ed We had some fast driving on our streets Sunday wening, but the young men Went before the Mayor aud paid the flue as soon as the driving was over. The health of vur place is ", good, with a fow exceptions. ' Mrs. Zef. Spruill has been Very ill for a few days, but will Boon be out again." Mis Johnson is also convalescent and will Boon be ont. " ; ' ' On last Sunday as Mr. Red Davenport waspn bia way home from church, his mule became frightened and ran away turn ing his top.buggy over. There were three persona in the buggy, but fortunately no ouo was hurt, nor tlie buggy iujured, v Mr. II. L. Spruill who has been with us for a long time, left 'on the 10th for your town where he will epgac;e in the merchan tile business. We ar,e Borry to lose Mr. Spruill, he is a Rcnleel young, we wish him success in all his ondertakiugs. Mr. Levi Armstrong, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting i'riendJ and relatives in this vicini. ty. Wo are pleased to see in oar midst Misses Hattie Mercer . and Hattie Vanwinkle, of New York, they ars the guests of Mrs J. L. Norman. VVe wish the,m a pleasaut visit. "('' . . Mr. Henry Midgett, of Plymouth, is the guest of his Bister, Mrs. 11. X. Hasaell. Miss Sadie Patrick, of Columbia, was in our town on Monday. Dr. St. Clair Spruill, of Colnmbia, has been with us for a few days. lie left on the 18tli for Baltimore ud sad was the parting with some one in town We nad the pleasure Of hearing an able sermon on last Sunday at the Baptist church by Rev. J. F. .'luttle, text 2nd Co', 13th chapter 1 lih verse. ; Tiro. ROPER LETTER. RoPF.lt, N, C Aug., 19, 1890, Rev. D. D. Bailey made a flying trip to Washington last week. Pr. IL Snell, of Washington, wa in town Monday on professional business. Mr. F. D. Ellis, who has beeu visiting relatives iu this section for the past mouth, left hist Thursday for Avon, Dare county. ' Miss Eva Hansen, one of Roper's belles, is visiting Miss Nellie Chesson at Cbessous- vjlle. Two more charming young ladies are hard to find. ' Miss Mollie Windly, an attractive young lady of Pantego, id visiting Miss lilanche, the (Jewel) of Roper; Look out boys, yonr hearts are in danger.' Mr. TomjOhessoo's family, who hive all been sick with typhoid fever, are, we are glad to jaayv improving. Hope they' will 80(b be entirely well. There were no services in Hebron church iat Sunday, owing to ihe absence of the junior pastor, who is beginning to loarn tliftt he npmla au flssistaiu. and when he gets her, he will be likly to Hold(h)3r. rilose last Snndav nieht. 'Ilie meetina resulted in several accessions. Two were baptiz .-d Sunday morniug. The oic-nic at Zion's Chapel last Thnrs- day was a grand success. D. N, Y. The Palpit and the Staee Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says t ''1 feel it my duty to tell . what wonders Dr, King's ; New Discovery has done for rac. My Lucgs were badly diseased and mv pprishouers thought I could only liye a few weeks , I took live bottles of -Dr. King's New Discovery and am Bound and well, gaining 25 lbs. in weight.'? Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: 4 After a tho. rough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr.- King's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'email, and cures when everything else fails. Tlje greatest kind ness l can do my, many thousand friends is to urge them to try it.' Free trial bottles at J. W. Bryan's Drug Store. Regular Bixes 50c. and $1.00, A Faithful Doc Dead, Rover a faithful watch dog belonging to Mr. A. M. Johkstoa is dead. -This valuable dog has been a pet and safe, guard to the family and property at Roseneath". farm for 16 years, his affectionate and docile dis. position won the heart of the entire family who monrn his death as if it were a human friend, for indeed through tbe long, dark nights of the past years he has kept watch over the plantation more faithfully than any human friend conld have done: lt $cr left the horaeateftd for the hnppy shore. ne to jonj.Hlfceanino to awwt ipr evermore, r 13 yeaj be roved at kn;o, over Hold QBd yard d in acAtn "Koseneacn joscsi raiuuui friend and gtiara. little grave for him uai dug, beneath tho quiet ""fhfiae which hln lifeless body, by gentto hands was lam. Nn more will hi protective hark at night Glvo comfort to the household or put the thief to 'flight. COURTS- FIltT JUDICIAL DISTRICT.. Spring Judge Whitaker. . Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort Feb. 17th. May 2Gth, Nov 24th. . : Currituck March Sth, Sept. 1st. Camden March 10th, Sept. 8th. Pasquotank March 17th, Sept. l"th. Perquimans- VI arch 24th, Sept. 2'J. Chosvan -March 31st. Sept. 2Jth. Gates April 7th, Oct. 6th. Hertford April 17th. Oct, tSth. Washington April 21st, Oct. 20th. Tyrcll April 28th, Oct. 27th. Dare-May Bth, Noy. 3d Hyde May 12th, Nov, 10th. - Pamlioo--May 11th, Nov. 17th. ARE YOU AN HEIR ? More than half a billion of dollars in un claimed estates are awaiting the rightful heirs in England, Scotland, wales and Ire land. Most of these heirs are in the United Slates, and have beon advertised for in English, papers. Thousands of heirs have never seen these advertisements. If your ancestor on yout father's or molher'a ide came from any of the above ' named conn tries da not fail to write to' E. Row, Euro pean Claim Agency, 227 Grand St., New York, and ascertain if you are an heir. Your deceased ancestor's rights are youra by British law. We have- jnlormation 01 every estate and deceased persons whose heirs have been advertmed for tu 12, years (Seud postal note for 2S cents to insure iij- form.i:;nn'. It you are an h-jr we vt iil recover the t stale, for yoa. No recovery, 1 FLIPP" Mit. EniTon, you are aware of the fact that Mr, J. D. Ileffon, traveling agent for the Domestic Sewing Machine, has been driving a mule for the past two weeks, well that mule is all mule,. I was at the hotel Monday morning , when Mr. Heffron started out, that mule was Jast creeping though the lash was being mantully applied,. Boon after panning the hotel that raule took a notion and that potion was to get on the side walk and he got there,' despite the efforts of the driver to persuade him stay off. Seeing that all efforts to guide him were in vain, Mr. If., alighted and by force push ed him back in the track and started again, wheu near the corner of 4th street that mule took another notion and tried to go around the. corner, and I don't think if an inch rope nad been fasten to the bit with the other end around Peal's shop that that mule would have gone his way. Mr. Hef. fronatlast turned the -mule in the track but be had decided if.be could not go his way he would not go at all,v so there he Htood rooted to the spot, friend H., let his angry passion rise and . began to ply the lash with all his might, this seemed to insult the dignity of bis muleship and getting light b?hiud he began to fan the flies out of the drivers face with his heels, every time the mule kicked the driver moved and before the kicking was over Mr. II., had climbed to the loftiest peak of the rear machine wisely giving the mule free play. This Mr. Editor recalls to my mind an incident of long ago when I was a boy, I was driving a mule and boy like was care less with the reins and let one of them get under his feet and in some way it got wrap ped around the mule's foot, that mule he began to kick, the first lick tore .the bottom out of the cart and I fell in the road amid a shower of splinters, what happened daring the next few minutes I never knew, but as I was coming to I remember feeling the sand fall in my face, on getting up I saw that old mule lying in the road with only about 12 inches of the line tied around its foot, and still it was kicking. Did you hear about those young ladies going fishing last week? They got a little boat and secured the services of a little colored chap and went out in the river to catch, a beau I recon, after fishing for some time one of them brought to the surface an eel, what excitement, the lady et go the tackle and cried snakes, and the boy sajs he "'specks de lady would er fainted if de boat hadn't biu bo 6iuall, but he took an. toler hit want nufin but er eel," seeming to be satibfied after seeing the boy take the eel off the hook she tried her luck again, but just then the other lady gave a scream and brought to sight a cat fish, this ended their adventure as fishermen. . Tbey should not get out of heart for their success is as good as most ladies have, they all make bo much f nss that the fish get out of tho way if possible. "That wife of mine'' Went fishing once wjth a party, of young people and the whole party often only caught one fish, and she says they always spit on the bait to give them luck too. Its no use I don't believe the ladies are built far catch, ing fish. . ' FOLLIES OF LADIES BY yiTLAG E VTH KEL-WIUQ IIT. Written for the Da icon. Uuv you pdow mt now a uiuiueu Whuim purity I will describe, Whose virgin heart Is so pure That money caunot bribe r I long to tea Ibis maiden, I hope some cban to mret, I'd faiut beneath her blufbcn, . Aud fall low at her feet. Ny heart would riee, Ot wonder?, fcxpiinil across my breast, To meet this faircut maiden, The purest of the best Are you a maiden fancy free, Ycnr eyes a wiudow fair. Where 1 can look upon your heart And solve the mysteries there r J)o you live within the vulleya, Or on tbe mountains high, And your heart is never rubies For some rich man to buy ; Do yon live amang the purest, '1 he richest of itie laiue Wtaose love is 1101 for money But honor and Ihe name ? D vou love your homo and playmates, Your parents uud your pride, Aud love ail this dill better, A maiden for a bride t Do you ever sneer at worker, Who work for money and name. Who drink up not their living Or gamble out Iho same 1 Do yon shun boys society Because their parents are poor, And have but little advantage To make a fortune sure? Do you now shnn the toilers W ho tilt the f en ile soil ; ' Who lives by manual labor, , Or work of any toil ? I do not ask tbe qnelion, Arc yoa familiar with all Who ifriuks, gambles anil don't enro If tbe world grow great or small. Be sure to have a profession, or be some ten-cent clerk. For ladies will surely scorn you It you have tu work. Their hearts are vile and chronic, And the world mnst fiud a cure Or the hearts of the fairest umlduns Will a)l toon be impure. There ore few that's noble and true. And Oh, that they could rule, Fur minority shows their wisdom here, Aud majority plays the fool. When ladies scorn and sneer at yon, ltcmember them, what tbey be ; They are daughters of Adam's race, Aud you are sous of tQee. All love money and earthly things, liat a greater lovo should carry, And when we ask for earth's best lave. It should be love to, marry. I have the horrors to ever marry A worn who loves for money, for Fhe'ti like bees that never loves A flower without the honey. 0 1 woman, deceit hid mountain high, Selling your love for gold, Hake uieu believe you love them, ton, When your heart is stone iiko cold. Selling your love for money now, , - But oh, ihs worst of all. When yon ftudout your follies great, Aud your purchase very small. O, wretched woman, In floods of tears, W hen yoa think back tomorrow ; Wheu strong embraced in some cold arms', Your hive all buried iu Horrow. Too late to grieve, when this is done, For life's io more again; 1'was you -that put your heart on fire, And you mus-t bear the pain. Buried beneath all pleasures now. And the world is dark aud wild ; No one to kh yonr ruhy hps. To bluth tneiu with asmile. Long are the days of sorrow now, Ami thort are the hours of rest ; If I could cs II ray days all buck, 1 a qui-ucn my uuruin Drcart, I once did lovo with the purest lovo A inau most' worthy, too, Ent. 1 sold it all for misery now, I or wcauu 1 iiaa in view. . - Marrying for money, to make love,. ' Isiar in'voml my wer . 1 Liko wiitrriitu' a si'.Hin iliat never bloom?, KsiHsctiuy; to get a Howmt. . i That spool cotton was settfc you as a reminder t&afc; it, $3 for sale by T. W. BLOUNT, Roper, IT. C. ' ' ' h : ,.. . . . t :.. UenaemVer to sells KERIl'S six-cord. Iff j on waiat ma lEacfc fior iBBirafiiag op FfiKCific; you will do welll'to W. BILOTUTT'S ppficeo; .: THEY AliS "VERY LOW. paialtctf. ffpoisi a pool cotttton Co Is a big sight, but E M I US I TT By J, M.. KEID & SOK will "K II 0 C K I T 0 1 LL Y." They are headquarters for Clothing, Dry Uoods, Notions, Boots ft Shoes, C Groceries, ,&c., Ao. In fVct, a varied and well akote4 mt el everj'tbjng kept in a wea e-juipped, first -ci.v;5 an.! Etc: , C2f"Country Produce bought and 'soli, and the highest market ru r-: . -..Uci. ... ' . Come ami bo convinced ihal v,'r. oifor firri-. -c Z ,. ivurc---Hint tlcfy .omx. tilicr. If the Stock of Goods E 10 FT &?M3 -UM

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