Who Rcanoks Beacon.' alio Official Iipcrof Wash ington County, . Published Every Friday by .The ; Koanokk Puumbjiihs COMPANY. W. FLETCHER AUSB JN, - Editor. C. V. W. AUSBON, " Business Manager. Subscription price. $1J5 per year. Advertmements iuert)U at low rates. ' The tdtior wilt not be responsible for the views Of correspondent!. All article tor publication must be accoinianied ' tf the full name of toe writer. Correspondent are repeated not to writ n out ,: one side of the paper. ' All communications muat be sent in by Thuwi&y Bioruing or they will not appear. Address all commiinirjiuuus to ' TUB ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N, O. We appeal to every reader of Tim Rqahojse P-kacon. to aid ns in making it an acceptable and profitable medium of new to our citizen. Let Plymouth people and the public know wnat is ' going on In Plymouth. Kejwrt to n ail items of new the arrival and departure of friends, social (event, deaths, sorious iliuep, ci(Unt, uew buildings, new enterprises aud improvement f whatever Character. chMnj-esin business indeed Anything and everything that would be of interest Co our people. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1891. The Tarboro Banner has suspended and its. editor, H. T. King, Las accepted a position fa South Carolina, ' Gov. David B. Hill was nominated by the Democrats of New York, in canons, on Monday, as U, 8. Senator to snccetd Sen. ator Evarts. The Domination was made py acclamation. Ho, Z. B. Vance was elected on Tues day la t by the Legislature of North Caro lina to hdjus oven successor in the 17. 8. Senate. Just as we expected. We knew Vance was the first in the hearts of our people, and that the people would Btick to Lim. The matter of establishing a Normal and Industrial Twining School for white girls in. North Carolina has of late received the attention of a number of the most learned men of the State, such as Iloa, S. If TTInnrnr fl TlL MfTvr nnr! Dr. -T. Ti. M. Curry, and it is thought that this matter will be seriously considered by the Legisla ture. We trust that action will be taken which will lead to the establishing of such an institution for our girls who are not only entitled to it, but who deserve it. For the want of proper training some of the brightest stars in our State are over shadowed by the dark cloud of ignorance, And it is the duty of the State to look to the education of its daughters as much as to its bona. . - . : A hill tn nrotect the ovster interests of Extern North Carolina passed the Senate on Monday last. ' This bill empowers Gov. Fowle to use the military foroe of the State in expelliug the oyster pirates, or otber,meaus if ueces. . .1 11 tiary. , as soon as uie uiu piisteu tue uuy, . ordered several companies to tne scene or trouble, among which were the Pasquo tank.Rifles of E, City, and Washington Light Infantry of Washington. It is to be hoped that no smious trouble will result, but if the pirates resist, we may txpect trouble, for the Governor has set to work with; the determination to stop all unlawful dredging, &c, in the waters of the State., and if necessary will use not only the military, but the entire force of the State. If there were anvthing lacking to show the infamous character of the Force bill it was supplied in the action taken Saturday in voting down Senator Regan's amend ment providing that the Chief Supervisor shall keep petitions and the list of names 'appended to them open for inspection and examination dj citizens at an reasoouuie hours. Codfish Hoar objected, saying that In 'mav rti-fa nt tlm rwiimtrv thia micrht not be safe. Of course, by 'many parts of the country" he rjieaut the South. When Mr, Vorhees asked if it wai the intention to keep secret the names of those respon - sible lor putting this machinery in opera tion, old Codfish curtly replied : "The matter must be in control of the court." On bin motion the amendment was tabled. la wntn lkainrr a tin. In SO. ViVn Prflsi. 'dent ' Morton voting in the affirmative. Here is a star chamber business pure and simple.1, Who but the partisan judge who puts this machinery in operation knows vrliptlipr there Vims etn tliA vnnisiffl nnmbar - pf names appended to the petitions or not ? . Whether' if so, if the signers are qualified ; voters ; orv not r wnetner tbey reside io the district or not ? or whether any petition nit all has been filed? With partisan judges, who hob-nob with unscrupulous partisan machine manipulators, under the secret ; mode of1 proceeding the petition business becomes a ui3re formality, and the ma. 7 chinery may be put in operation whenever the partisan judge and the machine man ipulators decide it shall be petition or no petition. There may be, aud doubtless are, judges who would act. honestly in the premises, but unfortunately there are judges who are not above the suspicion that they would act dishonestly ' where party "emei-c-encv required it. lint whether or not the Jaw which gives a j adge so pre m e eon trol : in matters of this kind and denies tbe pub Jic the ,' right to know the reasons up,n v;hich he acts, is so infamous that language f ails to properly chanicterize it What do ' the KH)ple amount to anyway in the -sti-maticu ol thefe desperate cougpirifors? Ijiit them do the hont-st thing, repeal the clflu-ie prof i'iinf: for tbe (ippointDjent pf piiprviforiJ ou petitiju ar.d authovke the jmrtiBan , judKe to put the machinery ju f rciatioii where ho thinks it Yrill do tic s ty any good. tar- FROM LONG RIDGE, , IXINO IilDGB. N. CJ," Jan., 2y, '01. : Editor UoAjfoiiu Beacox . ' Pkab Sin: We have all bid adieu to the departed year," 1896, aud it is turned from us like a loaf in the hitory of our lives on which our eyes can look no more, it is no mora forever, but sweet memories will ever bring back to us its days of sun. shine and rain. In the days to come how often ; we will recall with a pleasure no tongue can txprens, some nweet lriendsuips rormea or br'gnt uope realized dunug rue paM year, or weep for some great sorrow that perhaps has cast a shadow over our lives. On some fucrs it has left a sunbeam that will nevrr fade, on others u cloud that will likewise erer remain. Many have seen -' their most cherished idols crushed and thoir brightest anticipations shattered, but we all alike 'bid it farewell forever with wtd hearts when we realize that wo are one year iMJarcr to the dark valley of the shadow of death, and that we shall all Ikewise shortly finish our allotted time on earth, but we ara spared .o commenoe anotner year, with all its sweet promises of a bright future That it has tears and smites for every one none may doubt, but dear reader there will be work to do and a duty to perform though our own hearts be breaking with their burden of pain, we will have cause more than once for reach ing forth a helping hand, wuile our sympa thy will help semi weak and fcOrrowful brother or sjbter to more bravely face the chilling wiuds of adversity, more than once must we brave tbe scorn of the world and be sorely tempted, but let us not surrender to the enemy of our souIh, but stnve to bravely bear the many trials of life. Let us begin the new year with fresh vigor, prepstug earnestly forward, resolving to have it composed of deeds worthy of imi tation, relying not on oursclVtS alone, but ever trusting in the power and divine goodness of God. The holidays being over and our visitors depurted, our old Ridge is quite lonely, we also very much regret to lose several of our citizens, among whom are Thos. Green and family who have moved to near Mil- liamston, and Mess. George aud W. Rook, who also removed with their families to Martin county. During their stay in our place tbey made many friends who. regret td to give them up. 8nd who wish for them every success aud happiness in their new homes, auct should they ever visit this place again we can assure them a hearty welcome. Wo ara pleased to learn that Mrs. Fan. nie Stubbs of Beaufort county, near here, who has boeu suffering quite a wlule with rheumatism, u improving. Onr popular young rmnd, Mr. F. L. Morris, has left us to teach young ideas how to Khoot in dihtrict No. . 5J. We miss him, but wish him much suueesa with his duties, Mr, J. W, Jackson, cf this place, is also absent teaching scuool near Washington. Our friend, Mr. E. A. Morris, m ide a flying visit to friends near Jamesville on buuday last. He reports a graud time. This is the seuson foe turning over a new leal, and we hope those turned will stick and not fly back again, exposing the oft read page again to our disgusted eyes, as is too 01 ten the case. We also intend turning over a new leaf with the new year, and if it does not follow the example of other and obstinately turn ' back again, we will write oftener than Heretofore. -. Wild Rose. Other Good Deeds of the Allianoc The Fanners' Alliance, though organ ized primarily to effcot a revolution against monopolies and extortionate prices of the necessaries of life, feels that tho success, ful so far in that warfare, they would be wanting greatly, in a strict adherence to their principal motto, ,lthe charity tbnit never faileth," if they did not inaterialry beutfit those of their ordor whom affliction had visited, and who were under poverty's bau, A recent case proves this conclusively. Bro, Josepn Twiddy, member of White Marsh Alliance, No. 1603. died Ust week, and bis wife and children, being left iu bad circumstances, hi brother members took tho case u ne'er advisement, paid the balance $3 on his medical bill, g.-.ve the widow $5 cash, and allow her $1 per month. This being a unall Alliaucc nu merically, their action is the more com mcudable, and proves their williuguess to live up to the principles of our obligations. The action ,t The County Alliance lust week iu reference to the land matter of Bro. Overton, of Mount Pleasant Lodge, aud this Of White Marsh, show conclusively that the Farmers' Alliance, is us a unit, iu charitable actions. By order of White Marsh Alliance No, 1663. J. A. tHESsON, Pribident. THERE'S A GOOD STOMACH. A BABY AT MT. AIBT WHO SWALLOWED A WHOLU SEWING. BASKET Itichmond State. Leo, the e!even-months-old baby cf Oscar M. tepuner, register of Alt. Airy district, swallowed a number of needles, pins, &c, on Saturday morning last wniie Mrs. Spurier was doing her usual cleaning up for Sunday. About 10 o'clock fcbe placed the little fellow in an adjioningroom on the floor to play while she did ner work. She uave him a glance quite often to see that lie did not get near the 6tove. She saw that he was quiet and contented be yond the table, and considered him quite safe from harm, Sha did not notice that he had pulled off the table spread, with the sewing basket on it. I he little f eiiow swallowed paper, buttons, tacks, and even took pi os from , a piper and swallowed ihein without complaiuiug, 'Ihe mother later on discovered what hod been done. She examined his mouth and found uoth ing in it, and felt sure that be had not swallowed auymmg uutu aoout u o'ciock in tho afternoon, wiieu the child cried witn nam. aud emitted from its month a num. her of buttons and pics. Dr. Beu Todd was immediately sent lor, but cou:d not do anything much buyontj giving an emetic and letuii2 nature take its course. Within tbirty-Bix hours afterward- the little fellow had emitted thirty-six various articles. They had to keep moving thi little fejlotf almost constantly, and he bore the pain heroically, sca-cfcly crying. At 8 o'clock this morning he was quietly sleeping, aud it is hoped that ihe worst is over. - Here is a list of the tniugfj he swallowed: 18 pins. 4 needles. b tacks (tinned) : 7 wads or particles cf paper. 2 wads or particles of mushu. 8 china buaons 4 1 vest button - 4 pearl batuia 1 shoe button 1 piece of brk B pieces of com , Tt piece of feather 1 piece of match 1 hak btntor. .' 1 brass punts button 2 pieces (it Chips I pice efprapped cotton. MR- and MRS WOUS. . llr. Editorv- Not having visited yaur place for sum time, me and the ole gal con., clnded to come to go to- town an se the Wizzards who was selling ile which curod everything . y Mi ole 00 man wanted to takeoff ber shoe an try sain ilo on her corns. , X linked at her audidiook mi bed. I nowed she had not looked over her feet since the big Anj., nuetiiiK wben all of U: sisters had a foot washing. Just as I got the o.e gal out of the notion of inting her corns, the boss Wlzzard rubbed sunt of his ile on a fohcis arm that bad the rumatjeksaudthe wizzard Irishman sung a fuuy song 'bout wben the chicken roost so hi it tickled the feller so he forgot bis rum-itiuks an sed ho was well. Then tbej all sung sum more. Igues they was fortunetellers, surnone nquesU-d them to lei whar is mi boy to uite, nti ole gal gin ttrcry I just tole her to dry up I had'ut Been tr gal at a pianer but what she'd strike up "o wbur is mi boy to uite." Tbey aiu't got no boy but they seem ter think they hav. If it want for the ole gal and I thought it woud stop the fuss Ide be one of the boys. Why don't they want ' to know whare is mi gal to uite? they only ask after the boys. Me and the ole 00 man air cow at home and if we be ety boys strojing about we will hold ou to em until we hrar Irom the parties that has lost a boy, i expect if the ole oouian was ter die i wbud be cr singing "o whar is mi gal to nite," but Ida better not do it until I'm shore bhe is' dcd. , Woo s. Wogs Woller Jan 20, 1 801. ' County Commissioners Meetings- The Board of County Commissioners met on Monday Jan 5, 1891 aud tho folio s ing business transacted : Present Jos Skittletharpe, Chairman. B. A. Liotchtleld, B. L Latham aud 11. J. Starr. Ordered that J. P. Ililliard and John B. Chefsoh make changes iu all mistakes in tax books. Ordered that the board refuse to grant rations to anyone outside of poor house. Ordered that J B Chcssou bheriif , have until 1st Monday iu May to kettle his txes umerea mat u u linnkley oS Co., D A Williams, W A Hassell, Geo McDonald. A O Garrett, H hi Herriugtou, J a Woodmd, S L Owens & Co , J F Miller and Barnes fc Chesson, be granted license to retail liquor in Washington county . Ordered that W H Hampton have the place where lives Levi Craddack for the sum of 20 that he is to keep any one from pilligiijg the property. Ocdeifd th it Annie Pettiford bo allowed the nm of 85c for wituess ticket. Ordered that tiO liquor license be granted to sell liquor out of any incorporated town in the county after July 1st t891. Levi Blount having been appointed by the Ooiutnisoioners to fill the vacancy in Sberifl's office, tendered his bond and abked to be lLducled into office, the board refused to take said bond as there is an ii.junctiou againBt said commissioners to keep them from taking auy bonds. Ordered that Daniel Garrett be released from poll tax on account of infiimity. Ordered that . Gry be granted pedlers iinenKe tree. Tne following claims were ordered paid: J P Ililliard k6 10. N urn ey ifc Jackson $6 00. J A liariisou $8 2.I. L I Fagon $18 90. N B Yeager $3 20. RoaNore Beacon ' $i 40. AJLcggett $100. W H Hampton $15 40. A C Spruill 6 0(i. Tom Keeuan $J0 '10. Ordered that J B Chesson have a stove put in Court House before next court. Ordered that B D Latham have well and gate at poor house repaired. Ordered that the board of Commissioners employ counsel to defend said board in the case J B Chesson and L. Hornthal vs Com missioners, H J Starr dissenting from said crder. Board adjourned to meet Jan 20, 1801. Second Day, Jan 21, 1891 Board met according to adjournment. W. C Marriner appeared, qualified as county Commissioner by taking the oath as law requires- xhe Board adjourned to meet Jan 21. Third Day, Jan 21, J B Chesson appeared before the Board with counsel and at ked that the board con. tinue his hearing as to the solvency aud sufficiency of his bonds heretofore tendered by him and that for this purpose- the board would adjourn for ten days and that the clerk of this board be directed to file a writ ten affidavit upon which this motion is based. The Board after argument aud full discussion, decliued to take another bearing The Board then requested J B Chesson, who was present, to exhibit his receipt as required by law and to tender his bonds as bheriff, tint the board was ready and pre pared to hear any testimony touching the solvency aud eurilies thereof and to pass upon them. lie declined aud . refused to tender bis several bonds then presented a written statement which the Clerk of ilia board was ordered to file, The Board having heretofore considered bonds tendered on tne 8th day of Deo 1890 and found the S-tme insufficient and thq said J B chesson heretofore refusing and now refusing to exhibit hi3 receipt as law requires, ana refusing to offer any testimony showing or tending to show that the bond' offered by him are solvent or sufficient, and tne board is uow of the opiuiou thai said bonds are now insnfijeient, the office of Sheru? of Washingtou county is declared Vacant, The Board then proceeded to fill said vacancy and elect Levi Blount tue same person heretofore selected by them on the bth day of Dec, 1800 to fill said vacancy. Levi Blount tendered his three several bonds, one bond of $21 000 with F Blount J W Blount, T W Biount aud W H Hamp. too. surities, one bond of $10 000 with A Alexander, H Terry, A S Conkliu, Mary 1) Spruill aud W H liauiptoa assurities, one bond of $5 00Q witn T W Blount and Asa Phelps assuritits. The Board then proceeded and passed npou the solvency and sufficiency of suul bonds and found the same to be sufficient, both as t j the position thereof aud as to the solvency and sufficiency ol'tbe absurities thereon, therefore tie Hoard declared that the said Levi Blount having complied with the laws was Sheriff of the county of Wash ington and thereupon administered the oath of office, aud iu ducted him into the said office. J. r. liiLi.lAtD, Ci'k. Notice. Notice is hereby given that an application will ho mudj Ij the present General Assem bly of North Carolina for tbe - pa&sa&e of a sieciul uct, authorizing the Commissioners of- the ton of l'lyixiouih to build A Market and iowu Hall iu sid town. . E. K. LATnATtf,, Mayor! This Jau., 15, 1.501. ' Read Thin, v ,: Should you wish' to 'buy, sell, or lease any reul properly in 'Washington,. Bertie or Martin counties we take this means of informing you that we are in a position to render you assistance in disposing cf your property to advantage or in aiding you to make a selection, should you wish to lease or purchase. Tha property will be advertised by pos. tors and in the Roanoke Beacon, and regularly mailed to parties living not ouly in the various States of the Union, but in France, England and Gormany. Mess. Patrick fc Wilson, tho Immigration Agents, are doing all in their power to turn the tide of immigration to North Carolina, and are eo operating with us in this work. No commissions will ha charged unless a sale u perfected, and thn a certain com- mission, previously agreed upon, will be retained from the proceeds. Being a member of the American Real Estato Agency, which nrmbers over 1000 members, our advertised lists are regularly mailed to them, and by this means we are frequently enabled to secure purchasers, wnom otherwise we would not secure. Hoping to hear' from you soon. . should yon desire, to buy, Kell or lease any real estate, we remain, Yours very resp'y, Edmund Alexander,' Washington, N. C. C. V. W. & VV, F. AlTSBON, Plymouth, N. O. The direct 6itort line between Ply mouth, Edenton and Eastern North Carolina and Norfolk, and all points north. Mail and Express leaves Norfolk daily (except Sunday) at 0:45 A. M., arrives at Edenton 12:45 P.M., making close connec tion with all passenger lineB to and from Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia and tho north. Connect at Edenton daily (except Sunday) with the Company's Steamer Plymouth for Koanoke Biver, Jamesville s Washington U. lt Albemarle & Raleigh R. li. Str. Bertie for Windsor and Cashie River, also with the Str. M. E. Roberts Toesday, Thursday aud Saturday for landings on Chowan River and on Mouday and Fri day for Columbia and landings ou the Scurpernong Hiver. Leave Edenton every Wednesday for Mill Landing, Salmon Creek and returns following day Through tickets on sale on Strs. Plymouth and M. E, Roberts and baggage checked to slstions ou the Norfolk Southern R It., and i landings on Biver routes, and to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Norfolk freight and passenger stations at Norfolk & Western U. It. depot. Freight received daily until 5 P.M. (except Sundav) and forwarded promptly. O EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCII PAST FREIGHT LINE. AlW PASSENGER ROUTE. The new and elegant passenger steamer Neuse, leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday for Newberne. connecting with the Atlantio and N. C. R. U- forKinWon, Goldsboro and the South. Daily all rail service between Elizabeth City, Edenton and New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore aud Norfolk. Through cars without breaking bulk, low rates and quicker time thau by any other route. Direct ail good a to De snipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch as follows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk Southern Railroad. From Baltimore, via P, W & B. R. fi. President St. station. From Philadelphia, by Peno. R. R. Dock St. Station. From New York, by Penn, R. R. Pier 27 North Biver. t$f For further information apply to Levi Blount, Agent, Plymouth, or to the General Office of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company Norfolk. H. C. HUDGINS, Gen'l. Fr't. & Pass. Ag't. M.K.KING, Gen'l. Manager, anglO-ly. -Solicit Your Patronage IF XU WANT 'resli Meats, Beef, Sausage, poultry, vegetables 01F any thing else kept, in a m A WL T&. E.TT. llcspectfully, A. Everett, Farmers and Gardners. Landretlis extra early May peas by the bushel, Onion sots and all other seeds just received fresh from LandrethsV Farms at J yV. Bryans. SIGN PAINTING PAPER HANGING, LANDSCAPE GARDEN ING. The undcvHigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Plymouth and vicinity, thaj he is prepared to do ths work, end furnish esdmates of cost of any of the above specialties. All orders left at this office will receive prompt attention. R-fipoctfnUy, JAMES KEEN AN. rjpnE NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. E YOUR ATTEIfflOIJ! rienas ana Ladies first, and ail. lam on deck to tell yoq a thing'or two'that the American people do not know, and these people behind me are trying to tell you the same true . , 'story. ' They are Farmers, Mechanics and Laboring men. What they and I wish to tell . you, is that THO, W. BILOuJRTir, off . j s - , IRoper, ET. D., Is ona of the leading merchants of these United States, North Carolina and Washington county included, WH I YOU LISTEN ? This man of whom I speak is, first. last and ail the time, ready with ft big stock of goods to Bupply your want. DID YOU HEAR TIE? This man of whom I speak not only keeps the goods, but ht sells them . cheap, and defies competition, OLD HAN LISTEN. If your wife and family treats you mean, go to TH S. W. BLOUNTS and trade, and tbey will be pleased. - ' YOUNG HAH LIBTEIT. If your best girl is about to give you the G. B. go to this man of whom X toll you, and get one of his suits of clothes, which will make her admire you. The ladies will ' also find it a good place to trade. Ho buys, goods in CARLOAD LOTS And soils them at low prices, which is .the reason he has such a large trade. If you want a bargain buy your Dry Goods, Clotbleg, Boola and Cfe-wa, Cats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Tin Wars, and la feet anything you need, from a pin to an engine, of tellow eltlzeno. gentlemen after T. W. BLOUNT, Boper, 353". O.