awsjas Tho iizanoke Beanon. XhO Official PAper Of WdSli- . ianofl County - ; , . . f Published KOANOKK Every Friday by Tub Publishing Company. W.FLETCHEIi AUdBJN, - Editor. 0. V, W, ATJSBON, , Business Manager. ' Bnticcrlption price, $1.85 per year. . Advertisements inserted at low rate. Obituary nonces exceeding ten lines, Ave cents Aline. Coun t the word, el lowing eight to t be line, end tend money with MS. for elfin etcott of ten line. The editor will not fee responsible for the views I correspondents. All article for publication must be acAomu&aied vj we run name or tae writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but oneside of the paper. ..---." t1- All communications most be sent i bjThjireda norninsr or the will not appear. 2&4dree all communications to TTIT3 HOANOKEBlfACO!L : Plymouth .N.C. We anneal to every reader of ' Tut koasoki Rkaooh. to aid va in making it an acceptable and urofltaule medium, of news to our cititxu. ui rlymouth people and the public know what ie ffoine on tu Plvmouth. Report to n all itenwor news the arrival and departure of friends, soelai fflSaimpSn whatever character, chonges in bnitw-indecd po our people, , . n j.-,? BUT UllUK nuu V J vauu& uw " v - - --I FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1892., ; NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TIMET, FOR rEESlDENTt , ' u GKOVER CLEVELAND, of New York. " FOB VICE-F RESIDENT t ' adalie: STEVENSON, of Illinois. - v $tate' democratic: jicket; For Governor : ELIAS CAItB, or Edqecojibe. For Lieutenant-GoTerrjor t '. U. A. Doughtok, of Alleghany. For Secretary of State : :," " ' OOTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. fot State Treasurer : ' ' DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. i - - For State Auditor : ? R. M. FURilAN. of Buncoube. For Attorney-Ganeral ; J Frank I. Osboenk, Mecklenbukg. For Saperintendent of Public Instruction t J. C. SCARBOROUGII, Johnston. For Presidential Electors at Large ; Cf Bf AYCOCK, of Wayne. R. B. GLENN, of Fobsytu: ; ' For Judge Twelfth Judicial District : GEO. A. SHUFORD,ofBunc6mbe count democratic -ticket. FOR SHERIFF: LEVI BLOUNT. e FOR TREASURER : V AV. T. FREEMAN. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS : J. P, BILLIARD. FOR SURVEYOR i S. B. J0HN8I0N, FOR COROSOR : L. C. MARIUNER. , FOR REPRESgKTATIVE ; H. J. STARR. For Congrens, First District : W. A. B. BRANCH. For State Senators, 2d District : C. L. PETTIGREW, of Washington 6. l. ROLLISON, of Dare.' Chief Justice Paxson, of Penn sylvania, has issued 33 warrants for the arrest of 33 of the Homestead strikers upon a charge of treason. This is the first case where the charge pf treason has been brought in any state for acts of strikers or laborers, ed will naturally cause world-wide "kV"" - - The Third party has introduced in this and othgr States, a woman political stump speaker. Next they will be wanting women to vote hero. but they had better go slow along this lino for mo3t of the gentler sex are positively opposed to a third I party, in the political field as well as in the parlor. V When in Congress Gen, Weaver made three uttemps to have his 'bill passed appropriating 1300,000,000 to ray tho Union soldiers the difference 1 J ... ... . .. between greetibacks and gold at the they were paid. He introdnced thut bill in tho Wth, 40th and 50th Corre? ?, and if he were President 1 .! would favor its pasES-ge,. Tbey t: ' to d jlgc it down here, but he is it v it. Wil- Star. , it it cents Under Cleveland it cost is (J. 12 and under Harrison it cost $7.01. This Fctical illustration of what putoenfj means. Cleveland jliad many expenditures which were caused manyexpena by Republicans, yet he rbn the .gov eniment lor 51 ceutsJcssVthan' Ar thtir and G8 cents loss than Harrison per capita, Gen. -Weaver claims to have been badly used while" in Georgia, and says that he would have been con traaallrnsrattefflieMlctintfiSfieil I to snenk in that State, ihfirefora JQ f ' r , , ,1 . . '" . ,., 1 cancelled hit engagements' for that fully'reliablej wrlenrfi1 that- ho left that state uecagsowis auaiences.were so smaii mac ne aia noctnms n WotiywjiiierttQ jcauYaSs. tbe7 State, The moowhich assaulted him win JotteueggsM Macon, was tvfacy who .- v.f. Ani 1 rrArfl ml will tw . . . k , j iTeu fustice in tho courts, -f tlT'isjTorteb! ftiafi'bne ot flie lea r8 0f he People's pnrty-has said mat , wnen ,ion v eavor fipoKe ac Greensboro, this State; that there werefOO i pistols prepared." ready to resent any insult offered to him; anc at Raleigti asmibjjri foru?e. wistv,':;nt.;v "The fact that 500 concealed pistol were m therowd at these speakingi show that there Is sorae'secret wok ings about this hew party, and that its ways and-' its friends mnst bo re stected. even at tho'sacrifico of Jm man life. If this report is true i should teach respectable, la-abiding men a lesson; -tten.i weaver couia and did. coine into North , Carolina without being insulted. It is a free State, and the law, which, protected him should go to the bottom of-this affaif and punish those who went d these public speakings with pistols concealed, for in that act Iheytyiela ted the laws of tus State -and1 their deeds cast a reflection upon ,the dc I cent, ' law-abiding . citizens of -North Carolina. l ' ,M . Wo trust that such a report is not true,' but as -ft 'matter, of justice, to the people it should be -investigated PENCIL, AND SHEARS; : . John I. Sullivan expresses a de termination' to fight Corbett again and win back the-money and belt lost recently. Prince Peter, of Coberg, grand-son of Dom Pedro, late Emperor of Bra- weut crazy on Monday. He be lieves he is Emperor of Brazil, - This has been a bier Democratic week in New York , All the clubs of the State were there assembled in association. Every mention'of Cle veland's name is applauded loud and Jong, - Judge Albertson, who was form eny a itepuDiican. wnose aouity is well-known throughout the State, is now making strong speeches for Cleveland in tho first district. News and Observer. Every vote cast in North Caroling for the Thiid party candidates mean a vote lor Republican sunremacv, No Third party man can, or will he deny this if he is conversant with the political situation in tho State - Try to persuade' jour neighbor to vote for Democracy, and ire0 govern ment, but don't try to drive him or Dumsn mm. ior ir ne rails to rro thA ." r. ' error of hia way, in time he will be very badly punished, by Republican rule. --: Gen. Weaver was treated very "well by North. Carolinians whllo in the State, but that is sign thattJhey forget iiis hatred for . them. North Carolina will fall in line on the 8th I of next, month and show - by their votes how mnch they think of him. We have reliable information that a gentleman who has been making a public canvass in Onslowcouuty in; t.-:i Li mi.:.. j i 1 tho interest of tho Th ird party has discovered what it is liable to lead to and has now renounced the .whole movement and como back into' the Democratic ranks.Newbern Journal The flag rf the Cleveland GaarJs, cap tared by the Kicfh M'Machnsetts regiment at the battle of Hanoror Oonrt House, May 27, 1&C2, . was Irrongnt back to Shelby Thursday fcya Bjston de!os;aioB amid ifa- F EFFOIITS TO UESTORESILVER News and Observer,' The silver dollar was not coined from j83 to 1S3 because silver was Iheo above par. aud a silver dollar niece was worth mare thtii a gold dollar. In J 87a the lavs about the tmut were rcvined and the. pro visiuu auai ooiniug money maae cp ret ere n OA la the iimr dolUr pieee, so after mat in luiut had no autnontj to ktribre eu that piice. Iho next year tha TJuited States lievised uode wan adopted, and iu it withent any legal authority., was in cor poraieti a pruvisioa toat "ine silver terns halt be a legal tomler for any Kiuonut not eiceediug dts dolUrs.".. . This deprived tn suveraouar or its tan legal tr ader qual ity, and demonetized silver.. Cgnfiress.was Republican . at that. time, la Deoembsr, 1874. aud in Jauaary, 1875. the Rruablican ibenate and House rexpecttvet passed "the set tu piepura to resume specie payments on lauuury Itlii79 , Nobody was adver tent to the fact, that silver .had been de- n)Ouetized aud it was thought en all sides that onr silver coald be used as a basis for resnnipuon. 'I he first Congress in which the - Demo. era' s Lad conirwl of the House met in De cember, 1375. At that session it first bexma knewa generally 'that silver bad been dcinonetizea.. A bill was Introdaeed lit the Houee "to aniheriz the ooii age of tue et&udara silver dollar,-and the dollar shall be a legal tender in payment cf all debts, public and private." The Demooratie House passed that measure Jane 2S. 187G The Republican Seuate disagreed to that,' ana it was mrewn out. , 'At the next session of tbe same Congress. on the 13th ef December, 1876, the Deoe cratic tiouse pasted the same measure - free ceiuage bill. It got to the Senate, bat there tha Republicans consigned it to the tombs ef the apaleis. '' " '- ' : At the election which came eff is the fall of 1876, the Democrats were again success ful, and the silver issue was then hot. ihere was, however, another issue before the country,- 1 he' DeoiOyrats at the prs at propnauon out an ameuameat inat no troops should be used at the polls. The Republican Senate had refused to pass it, but the House ttoed firm. The result was no appropriation-was passed for th army. When Hayes came iu on March 4, 1877, he fund it necessary to oH a special session of Cong r sb to meet in Octeber. As soon as ' the new Democratic IlonSe met, the members showered in a lot of bills for the fiee coinage of .silver. Twenty of such bills were at once iutroduoed, and a free coinage measure passed the House Novom br 5, 1877. On February 15, li78, the Senate amen ded this bill, tallies from it tha provision for free coinage, k.nd it was, as ameuded, passed, aud nndcr. jt f i'.OOO.QoO of silyer was coined each month uutil the aetof 1890 was passed iacreasiag tai amount. ' Fram this it ..will be seun that the Demor crats Were active in their, efforts and pres eW tbe matter, 'and that through, their etro! is about hve bondi td millions nfuaoaey has been supplied to tbe 'people, either coined saver vr based on silver - . ,.WE WILL OOVR IT. Senator Kansom. -My countrymen, I see a dark oloud loom. jng tiport the horizon. It is tht shadow of negio rule. Are you wiliiug to mise Up your beautiful d iughters under that black cloud f There is ono crime which is in creasing in frequency more and more. A fearfa), a hideous crime. -Its victims suffer a fate worse than death. Ninety-nine. times out of a hundred it is a segro who p immits this crime and some poor white woinau. or chfHl girl, or even au iufant may be its Victim. It is the blackest stain upn' the nero race. Iu every instance the South era White men have d feuded their homes aud have avenged the outrage on their wiv.R si.ters and cbildren. Lately a great convention was held iu a Northern city this question was brought np. - Would you not have thought that thev would, have thought that tbey weald have adviued the negroes to ceae from this horrible crime ? But instead of that tbey rtbuked the South ern white people, and called them savages aud barbarians. . The white people are the beat friend of the Llaek race. , When we Were poor and poverty-stricken one of the first acts pissed by the Legislature when the whitcB regained control was a bill to educate negro children, with mouey rsid by white men into the State Treasury, but they mnst understand that we will defend onr home?, cur wives and our daughters They niut understand that this is ur coun try. We won it. We established it. And we will govern it. . ..1L Accidents Make Cripples So does Rhenmatism. and after a time it kills too! Dr. Drurnaioud's Lightning Rem edy relieves th paia at once, and is war. ranted to cure. One bottle, price five dollars. is enough fur any ordinary ease If you can. not get it irom your arocjzist. write to the Drummond Medicine-Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane. New York. . Agents wanted NOTICE- Notice is hereby Riven that the under signed entered iuto a limited partnership under chapter 31 vol. 2 of the Cede, on the 26th day of Sept , 1892, which partner ship is to terminate on the first dav of January isya. in said partnershin shall be couduuted under the name of W. C Mariiner, and shall do a general mercantile business at lioper, N. U. That W. U. Marriner, at Roper. N. O.. is ine oniy general partner, ana 1m C Mar nner, of Mackey 's Frry. N. C, is the only special partner interested in said business That: said L. U. Marriner, said special partner, nas contributed to the common stock , of said busiuets the sum of Three Thousand ona hundred - and sixty-three dollars in mercnandise of the aotnal iist value f Ihree lbousaud one hundred and sixty-three dollars, i This 26th September, 1893. . W. O. Markiner. - L- C MaRBiNzn. sep 30 6-w . NOTICE. By virtue of fcn order of the Superior Court of Washington countv in the case of A- Li. (JHhoon - vs Juo. Li. l'helos e ale. I will sell for cash at the Court Hons door in Plymouth on Monday, Oct., 24, 1892, the land described in said proceedings. known as the Sprniil Bridie landing trset; contalnirg two acres, adjoining the Belgrade tract, . K.. Li. fETTIGKBW. sept 14, 1893. Commissioner, SSeoO. OO a rcr la Miif mtdm b B. OooUvlo,Ti;o,.r.i n ork (or tit. ttemdar, . you may not mtkt u niurb, but we eaa r v "m jomqmthir now tam fram S I i fi K9"' ""' I I ! fAantma, yo n eomiiMnea l I j "' mutV- A'l new- PV BIES tot u 7 erwy worker. Wi Mart vou. fhn.i.hi.. i .& J""' Hin,ir nan inomoDU on I via ft. I'AKTlCLXAli One Dollar Weekly Buys a good Gold Watch by onr Club Sys tem. Our 14 karat- gold filled cases '.are warranted for 20 -yeais. Fine Elgin or wan nana movement. JStem wind and set Lady's or (Jept'a size .Equal to any watch To secure tgentB where we have riue, we sell ona of te Hnnting Case Watches for th Ulub price $'-'8 and send u. u, u ny express with privilege of ex amination before laying for same Our Agent at Durham, N. C, writes: ' ; "Our jewtlna have confassed they don't know uow vou can lurnieii suca worK lor tne money." Orr Agent at Heath yprings, B. C-i writes "i our watches take at "lelil. The gentleman who got the bwt atch said that he exainfued mud vrlctel ajaweler'swatoties la LancasUv, thai were u9soeiwr.t4iBnjoureuQU inijpnce was fp" Our Agent at Pennington, TexwriteTt .. "Am (a receipt , ot the watch, sad am pleased without measure. All who havo seen, it aay It would ha cheap at $M.'. .. ! u-i : 5 One good reliable Agent wanted for ach place ; Write for particulars i - - ' EMTittB Watcij Co.. Kejr York, TO THETtlBblCl' i Jam now in new quarters at the 1 eager Btaud on Washington Btreet, seconu aoor iroms ater street, ana better prepared, to serye my. frieuds and the public Mian ever..,'; l- .fThanking youiifor ;pastj favors I solicit a sliuru of your patronage I you want a snave or uair cu 1 am hero to servo you.. ; , fc ... LAND FOR SALE BY THE . ; ROANOKE BEAC0I? . Real Estate Agencyv lit. One tract or land Ja Lee's Mills Tewnshlp. v nfuinjjwn county, aajuimpg m unas or Airs H. V, Haokius, and others. -containirjz 298 acres. and known as "Mapleoke,"- the former resideace of ir. w. (J. Downing. T' 'arm is well improved uud contains 100 acrt s nndercultivatioa : -ono lam. late style twetory dwelling, with cook and dinfsr rooms, large. iru ana au necessary oat boiwea to befouudou aflrst-claws, well-kept modem farm ; also a largo, comprarivcly new gin huuse. Fences aud ditches in good repair. A twieaia forcaeh.:) For particulars concerniijf soy of the above prop- Tbe JUOANOKE BEACON Beat Eat Ag'cy ' Plymouth, fl. O. A,'-ll . -MARBTE'LLER , r-FRACTIOAL 1 1 ; TUNER AND REPAIRER PIANOS and ORG AITS. . Twenty-five Years. ) Experience. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pianos arid Organs Sold or Exchanged. Edentoe, N.. C. , Formerly of Baltimore, Md.. l jyS-tt, NOTldE! By virtue of an order of ' tae. Superior Court in the prooeediugs Hardiaoa Adm'r vs D. B. Ambrese et als to make assets. I will sell at the Court ilonse in Plymouth on Monday Oftt 24 1892 at 12' m.. -the land known as the Home place of the late Heze. kiah Oliver, described m tee petition there in containing about 50 acres, subject to the widow's dower. Terms cash. Sept 19, 1892. ' W. H. HiRrJISOW, ' O. Lb irsTTioRB w. i " ; ! Ad ra'r. ' Att'y. - - , THE NEW YORK, WEEKLY . WORLD, Ono1 Dollar a Tear. : Contains the best features of any Weekly printed. M. Quad, late of the Detroit m riets, writes a page of matter every we Send For HamflkCoft i THE WEEKLY WORf New York City T. B. Wolfe, D. D, S-S PLYMOUTH. N. C (fTeeth filled or extracted Without pain. Campaign Is How Opon. SUBSCRIBE TO The Eoanolie Beacoiie OILY 15cts." From now iiiitil the election re- turns are pub lished. SEND YOUR JOB WORK to this orricn. THOS. W, mm li., 4 : ; 4" He Leads, Otliers Follow I A TON drop shot alli sues Just from tower at .1V W.: litouvr's. i . , . , : - . PEANUT BAGS direct from'iM PORtER at bottom prices at - T. W. Blount's. Tub Pi WESTSTOmr crflntaNOnRY II Al'S in East Carolina at M W.Blount's. JUST RTEOEIVTCD fin clv. v.nAt two pound Uaqgino In half-rolls which will bt sold at, wholesale I'RICEi at T, V. Blount's. . "i ,n : y -.r, , . . - w The Incomparable "WHITE," SEWING MACHINE, only Thirty dollars with bond to keep them in ORDER flM YlAttS, at . .. , , T. W. BLOUNT'S. rv ' - ' 1 , . .;' ' . NOW .UNLOADING a schooner ftf.HtAr.mWo'nifinAiit flour. BLOUNt'S . ... I .1 .1 T nitruaT IjxadsHj purcuneeu at uiu iw jo a. PRIGEjeached iu TEN YEARS at in) i: 'vTe V. BLOUNrjf., : . - . . , ; : ,i i 1 i fit ; .ySu:can, by buvihsr !TOur BLEACHED. COT- rONS. BROWN COTTONS and . HEAVVPMIPS fc : ' ' . , , i ; T.,W i?LOUNr8, , - ,V; V ' , .'. . ' ' :.. . . ; . ' , . . , .. ' o.f- : '.-fir -laoiPisiEi; - k.' c. PARBTARPPN&,.BLDUNT'S. V Stock Of 1 ; H2ein.c, TTEie t moot flastficlcous cam Jbo PTJXTISI, CAItCTAEPHElI h 3L0UITT, ill-. 1 i. f 'i . i " "it t ; , , . t2, V 1 i-ut :r!,i s , 7 . U:b i Standard arrrfw ting as lnw r tlm 40WCSC at - , T. W. HLOUUrs, : - : tit . " Stf TKASH sold at i'rvW '. ':.! i ..T . . " ' . . , The Chicago SINGER SEWlNO MACHINK, ONtf $15, 00' warran ted for flrd years at ' ' . 1 ; , V V f"' u"- .... t . .-.'-.' '.' '.,-.-...; IMMENSE stock': MEN'S an 4: . BOYS' CLOTHING purchased xtoq LEADING MAN UFACTUBERS of tho. United States at , , .. . ; T. W. Bloumt'8. , , ' - ' 1 V : i 1 7,- -.T,.. -- : ;. . ; . 5 - The link of ladies'. -DRESS GOUIW displayed was never prettier' than that now seen at ' 1 'V;' T...w.BLouNi'd.!i, ( . ,v i - , . v - ' 3 - s. - , : :: A STOCK of MEN'S; WOMEN3 id CHILDREN'S SHOES that h NOT 8URPA6SED for 'QUALITY, 8TTL() . iior CUEAPNESS at : -' V f TV W.s Blount's. ", : ry-.r: TC' ST V'.,-. V . It :l 1 .. . .. ; J v , ' ' 1 V HONEST.. GOODS, HONEST WEIGHTS and MEASURES, and HONEST PRICES are the WATCIJ WORDS at' T. W. Blount's. - . ' ' i r v"- 1 V :, s ; . ft - , J. ..; ... t.j a. ' 'a ,' -.r mi r-' c f ' i' i Aft .''J, T . r , .V t vers r.eut Qh:$ Cltlt.OBK8. to., iuaiupt " roi. Annntt at oi-. st onr. MV -irAI aiS Vl A