4. r Tlio Official Paper of YVasTiV FLYMODTIJ, jr. c "I? Eitered in the Poet pmce SMJJ- xaoflUnSL C.,t second slsss aiattor. f 4 4 f ! VJ" iNT-r-fXj 7 j t f - j Friday, October 7. 1892. HOMTHAliffc MQ-.-v 4 " AUD BEALEB8 IN Gjskeraii Merchandise; . PLYMOUTH,. N. 0. 0. It. Sides per. Ib ShoWers Bacttn ll" Haws S.,Xlr ... Pork par-barref V Lard refined - Floor, per barral.vtlnngariaa 3 Winter Kiner 475 Byrnp " Granulated Sugar, per Jb Light brown" -" " " Batter . " " Cheese " " Green, Coff$e ; " Kaaated (Joffee .' 80 c 8u 12$ to 15 20 & 22 25 ,15 Tobacco, fcef lb - 'A -. 20 to l80 Shot - " 8 Gun Powder " V ; s vj SO to 40 ,? Coal Oil White.Safaty 150 pet gal.' 15 " " Bed 0., per gal.; 18 Appla Vinegar " 30 Bee's Wax, per lb 26 Tallowy. , "..: 5 "Gfoeii .2J Us ' 90 'Balfe Bait, per sack Corn, Meal, Rioe, Peas, black ' 75 ,,. 50 80 'if. 50 lo -60' i . ' ... n . ' " black eye Peanuts ' .Cotton per 2 Explanation of Weather Signals As displayed from oar office daily (except rjunday"- - : " "" V hite fl ig, fair. Blue flag, rain or snow. Half white and half blue, local rains. White flag with .black centre, ' cold wave. The black trfanguhir flag is a Temperature Signal, and whan displayed above weather flags indicates (hat it-will bi warmer, aud when below weather JUu8. that it will ba cooler, and, when not displayed at all the temperature will remain stationary. . OnrXJourts, I892r,.";V;,r'' JprRlKO Term. Judijo Geo. A. Sbnford.' "T Faxl TEBM.ir-Jndge W, A.' Hoke.' . B ort-rt Feb, 22cU.AIy 3mh, Hour 28th Cnrrituck Sjarch 7th, Sept 5th - v - Camden Match Hth, Sept J2th rasqnotak-r-MsrcU 2Ut, Sept 10th ' Perquimans March 28tb; Sept 2Ctlr -: Chowaii-r-April 4ih. Oct d . .1-- v Gates AprU.Hth, Oct 10th ; . '.' tH ; -i Hertford April 18tb, Oct I7b '& -.u t ' Wasbington-Apiit 25tb. Oct 24Ui Tyrrell Alay 2d, Oct 314 Dwe7-2ij 9UtKovu!r 7th -. :"-r ' Ilydi yl$Oi.pkl4th' r. " Paroiioo-Alay 23dVJior21ftii :-V; ' JFpi' .oiyil n,ndj il .oases. , ..'i - - ' '. ' 3 . ' . . HEW BAKBEU SHOP. ' , ITaying opennd a . fir?t-cleM barber shop ' iu Plymouth, I solicit the patronage of my old friends and the pnblit generally. m-?'-I hava several years experience and shall exert myself to phase uy patrons; -j - . Give me a trial. Respectfully," t Bboob.b Williamson. " Js warranted the .Best in the .World I Is more Waterproof,' 13 STRONGER, anO V will WeAr Longer, than any other goods lanufactured.-- Ask for the "FISH BRAND;" take no other. - L C. ZIRCKEL & BR0., Sole Agents, Baltimore. Mi 0 N D E ET A K EE'. J am now prepared to furniBh the public with Coffins from the finest to the cheapest J' am" also prepared to make Apple mill, and to do general repair work on farming implements, and make a specialty of -STOCKING and REPAIRING GUNS, &c j. And at prices that defy competition; 1 1 Yours truly, J. N. PADGETT, v At the residence of Thos. Long. jy 22-Cm. SUBSCEIBE tO THE : STATE CHR0HICLE, KALElGlCti. i). DAILY AP: WEEKLY. $ Latest Telegraphic" news from all parts of the world. (BTJniUflJ, Press nd , Spe cial Wire.) i -;TV : Has the largest dadr "t ircnlatton i n the State. 'b.-r ? . Has more Stale correspondents than any other daily in the State. Twelve Months y, ......... .. , , $G.OO Three Months. . . .r.V(... . . .. . . .f. . 1-5q Wetkly, $1.25 per year, iu clubs of five or over $1.00. . T. R, JEItSIQAN. Editor. II. .'LiTCnFomp, Kauayer, iililotlinl BEACON FLASHES,. When you se"'e an X1- on" ih6' margin of tour paperff means thaf your subscription Is expired, It is also an invitation for you to renew; Please remember this and dem't let us hav to stop your paper. V ' : Ten Baicow will bo ernt to any adl res one year frSlQO, 8' Souths, ftOo i Three Mouihs, 25a. Kvcrr iDbsctiuiion mt liaecempa- nii with tlje oath; or npaier witrbe senU p !0 j Ladles are iuyited to bear Harry . S'ubbs speak Monday nlghti f I ' Go to Xgge(t 4 Bro's.,5 and see j their 9$0 blaoks Cheviot sujts U ilhi" 1 -- --?S tW i. . l'f&i -f Sam Joaes says the Third -party. felfoWa mar get to. heaven; but tbey will never get t Wasbiton, ' " t i- ' r. :c -: $r Ir - - . Tr f A heavy wind-, storm .paxsad ver this sectien !XuUj afitmoon, but serious damage was done. Leggett & Bro cell the ' patent iibller Tray trunV. ly trunk. .Something new and convetj. for ladies. - - y 14 ; '-l h ent We oympatbize with Sheriff Blonnt in the loss of hi "family hrs,' which died ef spinal mewngetH on Monday night. J Mias LoaSmtrh, of . Baltimore, Jhas accep ted ' pbsitioBwith" M. . j). Peal: ak trimmerr We welcome her to on town. I . - mm r -kT 1 ... t Mr. M. W. Newbarry, photographer, who has been traveling daring the summer in Eastern Carolina, has located in Plymouth, Owing to the storm on Tuesday night Hon W. A. B. Branch did not addrtss tjie people of Plymouth, as previously an nouBCed. - v r- rjw'ir C s. M?. T. STLsgget ana sis' ef, Miss Vonnie, reinrnea rrom Baltimore on "$atnraay, ac Compaaidiby 'thfr"' cousin. Miss iica RoberfsoDof WilllamstOh. , .Leggett & Bro , have only fifteen of those One fashionable Flannel dress patterns . Call and see them before they are sold the nriea will Mlla tham.tr on "T Lilf.'D. tvBrlBkley has moved Ihe store on Water street formerly occupied by Mr. J.vW.Btasley, to Wash inrton street, where It wiH ba fild tip and used as a photograph gallery by Mr. M. W. dewberry. Our young friond.-Mr lVfm?JLl -Everett; has . opened .up -a first-class oyster saloon and restaurant in the old Newberry stand on Water street, where our people will And comfort : and plenty- to eat. See card in this issue. : Double Battery Galvanic Belt, Bold by w. vv, ijpary, ltoper. N. u. ; Cures heart disease, Rheumatism. Back ache and many other diseases without medicine. Sent by mail post paid to any address on receipt of one aoiiar . tf Hon. ex-Senator' W.IIarry SluUb-i, of wimameion,. wii' aenver an atwresi at tne Court Ho ue on Mondar niht next. JLverv- bodj invited . to hear hi iu.; Let nfc gtv this r e orator a napnv reception and a orowded'hoose. ' '"' ' ; " ' ' -' ; Mri A B. Lewis, of Bar, Tyrrell county. passed' through Plymouth this eck.eot alt ; ' . route ler lea dfgu, where be goes to seek a position in the journaltitio field. ' We wish cim mcoets, and may hi pen nod a place to do a good work for Dtmoonetf.f f . The Fourth annual tern of the Plymouth High School will begin . Monday," "Oct. T 9, 1892, r with Mr. Cbas. T. Wertham; :ef Virginia, as principal. He -will ' carry on the school as near m possible in the manner that Prof; Toms did, and heearnestly" re quests the patronage of the peop'e. lit. Wortnamisol Itandolpb Macon College, aud comes to us highly recommended.'' Mrs. 8. D. Peal, finding her store on Washiogtoo strict too KinaU Jias rented the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. W. Bryan, and is , moving in, with a Dew. and well selected stock of milliuery goods and s employed a trimmer who-e upenenee in the busines. warrants staUf action. . See ad in this issue. . , Riehards & Pringle'd ' Georgia Minntrels" headed by the gr-at' colored comedian. Billy Kersands, will give oue of their exhi bitions at the City Hall in thia town on Thursday night, Oct.. 13th. From the press notes where thU company has been. we feel safe in recommending it to the publb as a first-class show, and we bespeak for them a full house. . H. Peal, the leading coach .maker of Eastern Carolina, is working more men in hi? shops than ever,ud. he u Wading - the trade iu fine work and low prices. Any. thiLg from a trotting sulky to a log wagon. He employs none but skilled workmeo and therefore tarns out nothing but first. olass work, 8e him and get. prices before placipg yottjrord.qr. i ' "A t Me. anes Hamilton proyes himsall not ily a good 'fiifinf-r. put an.nlerprisiug mann. every way.' .ne pougnt a farm near. this town, known as the "Watson place," and for bis . own convenience, has spent ajarge sum in building a road through the'swamn which "- places Lim Within a few hundred"yard of the town, while hereto fore he bad to travel two miles to reacn the town. He has also cleared out the creek near the farm at a big expense. What he i has done this 3 ear has increased the value of .the property aA least half, p . - Daniel F. DevoJl says ) ''Ask the average farmer to show you his books ; he hasn't aay-; Ask him how much any of bis pro ducts cost him to raise and he will reply. 'I don't know ; I have no account of only what 1 take in and ray out Now this is ! all wrong. ' The farmer should be as com petect te tell what it costs him to produce a quart of milk, a bushel ef potatoes, ai the manufacturer 11 to tell wbat. it easts him to prodtiee an article from the raw material. farmer eught 4a know whit it costs him to produce a . bushel ot orn. a dozen of ergs or a ton of hay, and I believe that not one in ten ean tell within 25 per cent." ; A .political marriage oontract has just teen closed ia Wins'.on between the eon . tractlng parties, says an exchange - A young man, Republican ia pelit cs, but a gentle man in other respects, has been waiting on a young lady far several ye aiid the only thing tnat has kept the 'two hearts from beating as one" is their oppose, political affiliations. Whenever be proposes she replies: '-Not until yen become. a Democrat" AfW many months of- Vexation he has at last signed the ' bill of fare" to vote as Miss M- directs. The young iman,; voted a portion cf the Demeeratia tiokek two years ago, but in November he will "go the whole bog" or none, v " BHILOH'S OATABQH REMEDY, A marvslaua enre for. Catarrh, .Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. - With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injdetnr nv friA rr nra anfflaiiu ft-l ifcnt manf f 1. mtbt ' complaints without extra cl" - 'ge, PrioefiOe. 8old by Bryan & Cbears, 1 lymoutb, aud Dr B F HallseyV Roper. ' They Read It. ' ' Wishing to know if advertisement! were closely by our read people, we left out the words Sewing Machine ia Mr. Thos. W. Blount's ad last week.' Before f.ho carrier had completed br reands Friday morning our attention had been. called to the fearful mistake three times, and before the day was gone we bad more questions asked about it than we oenld answer. We; are satisfied that people not only-v read advertisements,- but that jnany of ithsm xead them 1 bofore reading anything else Tot relieve the mind we will say that the- paragraph. In Mr. B's ad has been changed. . . . Jnry List. ..The following .named, persons., were drawn by the' County; Commissioners on Sept, 5th to serve aw Jurors at the Fall term of the Superior Couffrf Washington coun- 4 J. M. Bowen, a D, UcNelr. JV' A. Harrison. 8. UtoselLM. 8ai. Juot W. .ckson.' Jordaa R Ambrose. Uichmond MoerJ. A. Harrison. T. F. Davenport, John 11. Legate,' SsiB . Bryant. . B. S. Harriiwu. kU B. Alexsuderj B, tiotvin. Geo. W Hom?s, G. W. Avn. E, F. Blonnt. D. K Ambrose L,!!. 6rn,ba', Abrsm Newberry? CrsnB T. BpruiU it H, Bklltletlurpe, i.. ilouitonj O. H. Freo- man, Wnv Qisy, 9. A. Qht, j. It, Uopk.lni.8amJ. wooes, . u. wprnin. uen: a. ietterton, Jt ; o. o. I'tplp and luAndrcwev .vJ :-H Miut tM4.4 I wish to t'etrflW on? thaota . to ' tHefti fojTt(iewbi;k liejrbav6,doneuud t.Qx iiiiividual lafereat itiev have taVW iivAbe, paper. - -Wo appreciate .evprv kiu4 w.ord that ,has been, said: J 11 purH beualv and we, trust ilwt-oni inead- ship may coutiiiue iiijUie. iuturo - a in the past -; W"Iso thank the pnb- lio for the generous1' patronage given then., Miid -ererf courtesy extended f V-tiatva K KnAiT -Tri1o nrWopii nf nr VIS lyXJVtlA JJtfcO UVOII j Vallljr UjtOVlUilUU Kir 11a flVrtnrSVflvAir frnlVi: " -h' ' KfJ 14 Oe A Vllld 161 I UUMj .r ' :t . cR0AN0KE PUk;vC0. : ;.il A CAr4 t Thanks. 4i 1 take Ibis method of thanking the peoplai of this aDd ottaer oeuaties for the many courtesies shown demand for their patron agf. J ho notify -hevpublifr thaul ana no longer .connected uwih the .Roijok Bzaoom, and those; who dealt with me will now deal at the horn oflice. ..1 also . thank the ''editor "for , his kindness ' toward me during the three1 years' I waVwith the paper, and wish- for bim much success through life." Ue6Dectfullv. - ' -- f i-Uo"ir-r W;W.' Leaky," :JioperrM. C. it SX Dyspepsitsand Llror 'Cojnplalnt.' Is it not' worth the small price of 756.. to free yourself , of every .symptvim of these distrexeing cotn plaints, if yon think ad call at our store andget a bottle of Shlloh's Yitalizef, every. bottle has a printed guar antes on it, use aooordiucly sand if it- does you no good it wilt .cost yon nothing. Sold by Bryan. Cuears, Plymouth, and vr li. V, Hallsey v Roper . ,KTt; - : Commlsslon.era PrOeeedinea-. i i. At a special meeting of the Board ef Com missioners of Washiagion county.1 Get, 3rd lH'J'J the following business was trauaaotbd with a full Board. J . . , . , ( Ordered that li. T Phelps be appointed a SBeoial'suf veyor to survey and tlt & -pieee of land in Scuppernong' townsLip entered by Jatnea MoCabe,- Also piece m Liee's Mills township entered by Mrs 8 A M High. ten'- t-f rs"'? Sf-ii-i " hvmri . 'V Oidered that W G Ralph be appoiu ted Inspector of election in , place of . Andrew Davenport. . .';,,, Ordered that vj L. relllgrew be allowed the sum of t25 00 for an order lost bv him dated April fth 1892. and that this order be marked a duplicate' - - Ordered that J A Harrison be allowed the sum of $10 90 for jone . months . service , as a - T r , I " Keeper .or jl'ooi uouse ana maaing garment ror pauper . , j - . Ordered that J f Llilliard be allowed the sum fef 1 13 25 for jury list furnished Sheriff and Clerk, issuing and recording 17 orders abstract list of taxes to Aud. tor, Clerk ; this day at A.' .'Pub "-. .-.. i-v re ordered that A U Uarrett be allowed tue sum pi $3 10 for thr .days as : witness, State v George Bell,. , , . 1 ? V Ordered that N ,V tjpruill be allowed the bum of $2 00 far making coffio for pauper. Oidered that Koanokb Bbacok be allow. ed the sum of t4 16 for publishing proceed.' rags cf Commissioners for Sept.'-' Ordered tht Levi iiionnt be allowed tne sum ef $21 60 for feeding prisoners in jail fer the.iuoutu of !3pt. y .: Ordered that W J Mercer be allowed the sum of $ t 00 for making coffin for. pauper. Ordered tnat T J .. Marnner be .allowed the sum of f 12 52 for stationary for Clerks office. - - " ' Ordered that W II Hampton be allowed th sum of $15 26 r provisions furnished Poor House, i ''- .-K r 'r- Ordered that Z Skittletharps be allowed the sum of $1 2 lbr lumber etc, furnished Conoby bridge,., j . . ., Ordered that the petition "filed for a puttie road ia Lee's Mill township at ' Mrs Ann Melson's gate leading ovsr a cart ' way now made into the back woods road which readiruns front H J. William's to Joe Simp, son. ..The said eart. way comes in the - said road at the". James Robertson, place, be granted- - ...- : ..til V v IT: CONTAINS- A barrel of whiskey contains something more than an ordinary barrel of the same size, for, in addition to tne regular forty, two gallons, it con .alns: ; A barrel of headaches, of heartaches, of - woes; - - ' ' ' ''" A barrel of cavses, a barrel of blows: ' A barrel Of teare of a world-weary wife; i A barrel of sorrow; a barrel of strife, A barrel of all unavailing regret; A barrel of cares, a barrel of .debt; . , ) A barrel of hunger, of poison, of pain; A barret Of hopes ever, blasted and vain; A barrel cf falsehoods,' a barrel of cries That falls frem the ' maniac's lips when ; he dies, v .. . , - - A barrel of poverty, ruin and .blight;. . A barrel of terror that grows .with the night; : A barrel of crimes;' and a burrel of groans A barrel of orphans' moat pitiful moans; A barrel of serpents that hiss as they pass From the head or the . liquor that glows in the glass. Seenna Banner. Answer This Question.. Wbv do so many people we see around ns teem to prefer to suffer and b made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzinest, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow bkin, when for 75c. we will sell them ShiloU's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Bold by Bryan & Chears, Plymouth, and Dr B F Hallsey, Roper. STATE NEWS. f,1 IU' TSX Latest HirrENiKOS, as gtheiied FROM OTJIt EXCHANOXS AND ELSXWHERC .-).,,,,.,., - Charlotte News : Evangelist Fife., who recently purchased Mr. Walter Brein's residenee in ibis city,1 and who ia expected to move here this fall,' tas just' closed a meeting at Farmville. Va,' where he bad three hundred cenverslons. He bsgiss a meeting at Weldon tomorrow. - " " ) :, ; X; ii - ' :' Asheville Gazette Last evening .about eight o'ojock J. M. Edwards ant Will Cowan got. into an argument, at the depot about politics. Cowan had been drinking some and soon the controversy waxed Warm.' Suddenly, without warning, Cdwan whipptd out a knife and commenced slasli. ing away At Edwards. He inflicted over. a dozen wounds, around head, breast and ab domen, which mav nrovl fatal J ! VI .. -. .-.: "l U.1: J.. :' i City Hews.: Qn last. Friday .some lime .between 9 o'clock and dinner, hour .Mrs. Mark Fanderlin ' a very estimable lady, f. Saitoh,. Camden county. ,,w as OTertakea ia a neia near her hoese wnere saVk A ' waltf In irbthaii ftfiea ' A nnar ntirl buv, in vrs ssuvi a t uiuhui ishvi i murdered after beiag mostbrut.Mly ravished. .'....:. 3 t.: 'Jll -'7 ' --- - tier nusnana wss away ironi noma on bustBes and her dead and horribly muti lated body lay where it fell all day in' tfir bet sua. The murder and rape created eaosiderakla' exeitemenf and intestrRatifln soon laid suspicion on a negro named Joe Baroo which afterwards proved - dorrect.'' The negro was arrested that night At church and it Is Mid was at the ' monruer's bancW at the time he was sailed npon by the: offi cer. .4 Further ia esligation . . fastened. : the crime ewnelnsiyely upon bina Blood-stained e!pthilt f -his were identified and a hee with, which the murder identified a the one with which he went to work that, day. After the arrest it is said Le made eoBfcs siens which. proved bie guilt, certainly lie eopfsed the, guilt of a similar .crime, ex: eept murder npon a Jitle colored girl a Short while. previous. ' Salurd4yignt the jail ' was " viwited" by'.' a, party . of men. the jailor overpowered aad Barco buog up a tree about a half a mile distant.' h The body was : then'literally riddled with ' bullets and ahof Before being bnng Baroo 'was hor ribly mntitated and ' subjected to terrible torture of A nature unlit for 'print " The affair eautfed considerable excitement both in this plaee and Camdm. The victim wag a highly respected lady : and her sad death threw a glooa over the : entire., com msnity.: The sbot-riddled f body ef the fiend Baroo .was left baagiug all Saturday night aud was cut down about 8 o clock Sunday morning . and . buried in disgrace, This is the first lynching that has ever hap pened in this section, bat nobody denies but Vhat'th ciiaie'deserved the punish it Inflicted, upon Bare. " ,v,:,, v men ThrVe Nothing Cheap About it ' Dr I 'lum mood's Lightuing Remedy for Rhenmatiem is put up in large bet tie v aud the price is five dollars a bottle. It cures every time. All the cheap remedies put to gether, are not worth one. botUw ofi)r. Drummond'B Lightnig Remedy," and, any sufferer will bear witness to that, fact,. aud but drnccit.t who has sold it. U ready and willing to trffer evidence. It will 'go direct to the seat ' of pamwafi4 relieve at once. Sent tp any, address prepaid "; oa receipt -of price." Drnmmopd Medioiae .Oo , 48 50 Maiden Lone, New Xork. . genu wanted. NOTICE. i Notice ia hereby gWen'thet from this date .1 . the Roanoke Bxacok . will have no local agents ia any -part of the county?. All busi ness must be done- direct witu the home office. ; "' '"' Beginning January 1sL1S93, we will re vise our books aud all subscribers who are ia arrears will.be nt off, nolens - some, ar rangement is made bafore that dte and all bills will. be p aced in the hand . of a co lector. ' f : ,".". ' , Roanoke Publishing Co.. Sept. 28, '92. ; , " ". MILLINERY 8T0EE, " EES. 1 S. I).' rilli Jriipmtnss, ' ' ... 'i: . - 000 ' : Having rented the large ' atore formerly occupied by S: V. Bryan I have moved into it with a new aud well selected Svock of MILLlNEttY GOODS and having? also secured the aervieft of a first c'eia trimmer, who being just from the North h up with all the latest styles, I therefore invto my friends aud the public geera.ly to givd me a fchare of their patronage, feeling aattttied that I can pkaso you ia goods and prices. Oc7tf 1 - " Plymouth, N O,- :- LYNKHAVEH OYSTEE SALOPIf, " . W. A. EVEUEL'T ? PROPRIETOR I have opened a first-olass Oyster Sa'oou and Restaurant in tbe old Newberry stand on Water atreet where I invite the : pub.idS to call when they with tor satisfy the inner man Comfortable dining riom and ereryth'nz served in first. class style by polite aud , at tentive waiters, v -.i ; Bopectfuily, v: , . ; '; ; W. A. Everett, Oc7lf 1 V V 1 Plymouth, N. & DR! Q COREY; . ; -DENTIST YJ " i: PLY M O U.T H V 0 . . ; .. , ." : - . ." Having located in this town rl in vite the public to call on mo when in need of work in niy profession. :: ' rSatisfaction urantecd. THE IIOPER HIGH SCHOOL ' " Mill ba opened at the Academy Mon day, tfeplemoer the 5tb with a com petent Lady Teaoher in . charge,.- who has had an experience of three years teaching and comes tou highly reconi mended . We solicit the patronage of Roper aud vieraity,' gnaranteeing eatisf action. . Will teach, besides the English brauche, LATIN", FEE .VCH and GERMAN. $aTThis will be a permanent Inslltutton. . . L. U. Roper, arj27-4w J. L Savage i. " e jr- if- i au:tyjn.i .Sifjj R-.H.EM'TEKSOK&iCO: t ii tr "i f,.'.J01 -"lit 'I t'.-l ,a i - w yvjj. " uvu JiA filVliy yi. ent WpJiciHea, .Fancy; Goo, T XoUch Ajcc'Iw,'Piitinierjf,a&ct,i.&ert . Gil, wuu, accuracy, da tor - nigli t at iiio(Xhr&ttu r ! ilris nrjtKif)' ontfsPo1 to'fieJ good people ofifrYtojUli' ni.tu'r 1'VdP,gi?W.l9P JtM?3 ptiproiiag wtu,e,!.asstjrtHicot that every ctforj; wiluM-tawe to- please, fancy stajiomir rr partci'f i nk M mwti fftirf 1 .Z'.t JX ..w A t 7 "Wtsskttnnt! w' jLMsii -"v J BjBSB ssBMBt-eMs-isassa i-- lilYEKY-AKDW EXCHANGE Prbpfietbr, HBperS. K ; Fine turnouts alwayBten bawd-" 7anbe hired at- anychuor, day or night.' Terms Teasf5"ble i .S"44.-i"' t-w .-.: ' ; eTBOld er-icHbgea.jgi V t apaa-tf. ,4i'Tsr-"-'. 5- ' j-lr- ; .--Jf ls(2-f JI TS T j- 1 I ni in f .. ' .V. 1 ..' j-. ;u--B i '-' - tjnpeetaker; :z I am bfctter prepared to fvirnUh the pub-.J lie in, the IJBdeiuikeis basineMtuaa, ,i vtr.; Coffins supplied ou demand from the finem to the cheapest and at prices that defy conf peteti&Q. . - . t '. I am also prepared to erve the public as ' CONJRACKRrANDBUJLbER. -"1 -r.it if'-.:' . ;st Thanking the publio for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of 4mp 1 am. ." ' :..r Yours truly, , ll..uincy - Ap-12tf : IT IS A DUTY Von owe yourself acd faai Ily to get the bent valno for your money. Kconesnlze in roar ittiwcir r phrhmu y VV. I.. Dottslaa 8hoee, which represent the I bent lain for pricen asked, as tbsau f lUBrSkB NO SltBSTITUTREl THE BEST SHOE W TKEWWUFCaiUE.V.O'iEr. A acn1n eewrd oIjoo, thnt tetu not rfp.nne calf, seamier if. u&ini!is. moottw ha smooth--Hstde flexible mar com- tortable, stylish and durable than any other sboa ever sold at the price, Equals custom made shoes costinjc from SI to 85. ; yi Mod 3 lland-eewi.il, nnecaxrsnoes. ma y 41 tnost snilHli,e&u td durable shoes twer sola at the price. Thi' coual flao iiavmUid shoes costlngL from $Mo$1?. . - SO 1'ollce Bho,wm byfartters aadatl jpOi ot tiers who waut a eood honvy enlf. threa olod, extrusion edge shoe, easy to walk in, aud wUl kpeptbercetdry and vjvnn, . , f Ait 1 lnf Tiil f.i.'. land C2.n0 TTork- 9satnEBiea'e Slioes vi'tll mora wmt tor t ho 1 money tbau auy other ninke.. They jmto made for ser vice. Thi Increasing ealed enow that woriinginen bavefound this out. ,r- -j- J ILiXjy it .hoen are worn by the boys vry t whoreT The moet ivrvlopaljICBhoeseolAat tliOj ric s. . UaQlCS f loo mi ai.ra sboM. for nlin(.(i aremivleof the best lxragoiaor nne vur, as dttaiRtri. Thnvnra vr at v Huh. com fartahlo and dwa A Ma. The88U)PshoeequBl8CURtonjrondeshoooosin!j fnim si itA ftA i Hk T .aril wlm ir1:h to MviriniulzR In their footwear are flndina; this out. , t ' , Cauliou. W. L. Douglas' name and tl8 prlca ttt Stamped on the tiottom of each shoet liok tor it when you buy. Bwre of dalers atriu mi ;k to sub-. stitut other maloa for them. Such mibtil i i.u 1 1, iib r.r fraudatentand subject to prosecutitai by law tot OO- talalna ironey under u1mj pretunccs. , W, 1 DOLULAS, llrockton, Maes. '-FOR SALE !1Y ' ' SPKUILL 8m - & lillO. , Plymon h. N. 0 ep 2 k. n.rp rm;ustf s &f to GrJl. .UairisouJsoid stand, ,Pifm; oilth. NO.. J: v 1-1 -dT t-v - er'. v.' it t ."t .r.-J-.'t? vr'X mi ! fcoait izmHrnhm 'i mmmMt'M vt-tii Jt,iit:,r.-f':FL -tji." J.-.i.i'ii fct l"-.fiJ V W. L. DOUGLAS VZ-"-. . . . - 'I. rHIIIE NORFOLK & SOUTHERN R. R. i. "". V,"I. . .; . TlIE DIRECT. SnpRT LINK BETWr.ElT PlT mouth. Edentox and Eastern Nortk Carolina amj Norfolk, akd ali egi$mvoJWti - m u ; r . H: ' , ' ' Mail and -Express leaves Norfolk daily (except 8uu(ay). at A. M.," arrives at Edentou 12:45 ptM., and at Belle Haven at 4.-15 P. MM "connecting with steamer Haven Belle for Sooth "Creek and Bar Riyjsr, Leachville, bciautou, Makleyville, &rCb' s&C ' : ' ; Connect at.Edenlon daily (except Sunday) with the Company, Steamer Ply month for KdanokeRiypr.'.Jafiieeville & Washington R Rl. Sir. Bertie for Wiudso'r and CashieBiver a'sit with Jhe StrVM.'E. Roberts Treeday, Thursday aud Saturday for landings on Cfadwu'n River and on Mouda'y and Fri. day for" ColuTsbki" hud , landings ou the Scupperhocg' River. " Leave Edenton every VVednesd.ty . for " ' Mill ' - Landing," Salmon "XTreek'.nud returns following day. Tbroueli tickecson sale on Strs. Plymouth td and M. E." Roberts nnd bnpgage checked to sletKviK onuiKj . KOi tolk & Southern K lt.fr anditUidins on River routes, ftud to BaltL j ruorC-flJilAdelphiA . tittw York. Washing-- iOn. Ac, aj. '4 -':.', j- ; .'m Norfolk frcinLt aud , passenger stations 1 at Norfolk 4 ,VV eatera-Rli. depot. - 'rejgtjrecuved.. daily,,. until 5 P.M. (except Sundavj ad forwarded promptly. Mil. : ..- 4'. ' i ' O 1 ; .,.-: :: EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH " EASE-FREIGHT' LINE. The new and elegant passenger steamer NenBe, leave's Elizabeth--City Tuesday. Thursdays and Satutdav . for Newberne I connecting with the Atlantic and N. C. R. eK for Kinaton. Goldsboro and tbe South. - tyaUy tall iUrvjofl between Elizabeth Citjj, Edeiiton and ,NeWi York, -Philadel- pLia and Haiti more and Norfolk, "t,-. p I'jbiTJngh cars without breaking balk, low rateSf ftun . quuiRcr, time taaa by any other roaie ,. iirect all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolma Dibpaldh as follower fFrom t Norfolk; via "Norfolk Southern Railroad," " . - . "'. . , x-itjiii ijajciuiyro. ym i , vv oo D. A. A. Prendeift St. Station . ' ' . ' , From Philadelrhia, by Penn. R. R. Dook St.SrWti6ttf'"' v-'"- . : From 'New Tcrk, by Penn'. R. R. Pier 27 Norttf River ' r s , ff'Dr farther information .apply to J. lI.:,r5;rrrtn;'Agent,riymouth, ortoth tJertarttl Ofllcb of the Norfolk & Sou therm Railroad Company Norfolk " - S " H. O. HUDGINS,'" r . f Gen'i; Fr't. & Pass. Ag't. - Gffli'l3MitoagGrV i f" .' r migl6-ly at t , . ? ."A !j . -:m .ii . 11 DOBRIKKLEY & CO. 'Foreign arid-Domestic Wines and v 1 CHOIC'tl' BRANDS OF CIGARS. for sale by, whole ?alo pr retail .,. e. rnuctiTS, N.C, -Mr 'EVERETT,. " a- s on lrAtH ' 1N-. -: FAKCYWINESANPa' 'liquors . Fice Cigars find the desiralla old brand 'NOSE GAY"i Che wiu 1 ob c- , I can be fntd at the old siand of Wood -ard & Everett on Water street, where I will be pleaeeck t' ,M..rva my frioods and the public generally. j Respectfully... v Mntiititi LoLirv faille Sfffin? Haclini is tlja best cn .the marker, and if you want a light iuni-ir.K, pietty machine for little cash otf thotiidert The Standard.5 ; s n oIT IS BEST : Byeagef, Ag't Oc8-tf PLYMOUlH. K.O. a. Giyilhlngineer and LAND SURVEYOR. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . Praclteesln ftll the Suite end Kefiersl Courts. Oflice.AVstr Street, ' ' ''. l'LYMOTTTIl, N. C. f. ' n f-,v r ' ' "' . "' " ' 1 ' " wnrfc fi , by A.n. Ato, ("iQ'.'iyRT,,i aH Jiie. Boon, Twlio. vf ilj,!' 'uWsweat. OttrtnarfdnsiM wll. WWjr in - 8mM Hti over aww.M' L 'irr t""h. T"" " do work o 5i, S,T,)' HAM, nwrnr f ""VT fills (.inT. Alt. (tfc W,bwfb . an4 wl Tfta. t'a work ra Mir. taa ir aU O tlm. Uij; tna w" rr.. 1'fBarr snknowa aai , XT ana w,.rtft.l. rBia?iil KI.IilMUcttlE elrU laadiU I SA R I 1 Mia artr rairly tait.ltlfrat I r aktf h "rwd unrf ivr4w, anS waa. Slllill nil'T IwtillrHca.wIM ynm Hiaa.n.oa7, J -y J ie lfcBWfc( 1r TkaS Bvilan a 1 far in tkwr own UwaHi Ic.h h. r-vr h- Utc.I wfll runIA ns haaHasorfaiii). vin.nl..;! n hli h you cm Hra tkat awaurt. N ii mMi.tJr m. ntiNHi, imc rp.fl a .bora. Usmly aurf ,. ly Ii rtm..l. I t..'4ir.' t.tii i.ki firiir fi-cni rth dmrl, arewflWr l.ap already Uiuirht and nritvlilwi wiia aninlnTm.B' a ,t a puaiicr, i' Flo sic tt'rtkMr o... ,wnm .p.r.m 1 .m -Jar -1 "' . ' f I V