V Eha. Roanoke iBoac n. riTCottrii, n. o. Eer4 in th Post Office at Plymouth N, C, as suss waiter. . :, FBIDAY. JULY IS, 189. Tk 0 flicial Paper of Wash : , . ington County. Directory. STATE government - . ..' aoTernor. EliasCarr, of Edgecombe Lieutenant-Governor, R. A. Doughton, f Alleghauy ' - ' . , Secretary of Stale, Ootavions Coke, of Wake... Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake. " Auditor, it. M. Furaian, of Bmcombe. Attorney-General, Frank I. Obborne, of Mecklenburg . ' Vaperlnteudent of Public Instruction, J. O. Scarborough, of Johnston. i COTjjtTT GOVERNMENT ' Sheriff. Levi Blount. Deputy Sheriff, D. SproilL 4 . Treasurer, W. T. Freemap. Superior Court Clerk. Thou, J. Marriuer. Kegister of Deeds. J. P. HHliard. Commissioners, H. M. Suell, W. CMar v ciaer, B. D Latham, Jos. Skittletharpe ad K. A. Lletchfleld. .' . , Board of Education. Thos. 8. Armistead, "'"VT. T. Spruill and Jos. 8. norman. . r Buperintendeut of Public. Instruction, 25v. Luther Eborn. i CITY.' . Mayor and Clerk, J. W. Bryan. Treasurer, L. P. Hornthal Chief of Police, Joseph Tucker. Connciliann, E. 11. Latham, L. P. Horn thai, E. O. dink ley, 7. F. Norman. J. W. Bryaa. J. II. Smith, Sampson , Towe and Jo. llitoheL . ' - . ' ' ' CHURCH SEBVICE6. Methodist-Ker. J. L. Rumley, pastor ' Services every bunday at 11 a., tu., and 8 m. Prayer meeting - every Wednesday nigh at 8. Souday school at 0 a. m., J. : V. horman. Superintendent - : 'Baptist Rev A. E. G. Pittman, 'pastor, services every. Sundays at 11. a.m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day' night at 7:ii0. Sunday school every Sunday at 9.30 a. m., W. J. Jackson, auprinUfndent. . - .." . -Epifloopal Rev. Luther, Eborn, rectori ' iJervices every 3d Sunday ul 11 a. m., and 7;30 p. m.: Sunday fchool at 10 a. ui., L. L Fagan, superintendent. '. ; Disciple Rev., M, .T. .Moye, .. pastor. Cforvices Tuesday night after Zd Suuday in aoii month, at Pubno School building. . IiODOES. . ' f. of H. Plymouth Lodge No." 2508 . assets 1st and 3d Thursday nights in each eatlu W. U. Hampton Dictator,. . . v N. B. Yeagtr Fin. Importer. K, A L. of H. Roanoke' Lodge Meet? ti and 4th Thursdy nights irveach month Nortnan Protector, ;: " : -.'&.. B.jYeager-Secretary. ' 10 O F. Ewperanza Lodges He. 28 meets very Tuesday night at Uupcu'a. Hall. 0; J. Kornun, X. Q , L, T. lloustou, fecl'y. V. 7 '"'.'i oolobed. i-. : : ..' ' CHURCH SERVICES Diselple- Elder Iuoni D trden, pastor. . Services every Sunday at 11 a. ra 3 p. m. and 8 p m'. Suudny tchool at 9 a. m. K Q Mitchell tfupenuieudeut ' Methodist- Eev.: H. 6. Uiok, pastor, Services every 1st end 3d Sundays at 11a. m., and at $ and 7 80 p. m. . bundsy Fchool at 9 a. m, T. F. Beinbr", sup'tj J. W McDonald, secretary . . , 1st Baptist, New Chapel - Services every Sunday at 11' and 3, Kev S K Koight, pastor Sunday sohool evry Sunday Sd Bapti Ziou'n Hill Preaching every 3d bnuday, 'Sunday Hebool every . fiunday; Moses Wynu.Suj'erlntendout. :'. - ' LopaEs Masons,. Cartbegian - Meets 1st Monday tAghi lu each month. S Towe, W M. A. Everett, secretary ; ' -, - , 8 DOofOP Meridian Sun Lodge 1624 Meetsevry Std and 1th Mouday night in each month at 7i o'clock, W H. Uowcott, N.O., J. W McDonald P. S. , i Christopher Atochs Lode K of L iro- MeeU evry 1st Monday . uigat, iu ach mouth at 8 o'clock - i Burying Society meets, ever) 3d Monday nighi In each inoath at 8 o'ctock, J M, Walker secretary . ' s. ' : ' . " 1 . ' f W ''2- Roper Directory.'; ' , " ciyrii. : 1 ; Justice of the Peace-, Jas, A. Chesaon. Constable, vVarren Caboon. " i CHURCHES.'"'., ' : ;. . Methodist, Rev. W4 Q. Merritt; pastor. Betviees every Sunday moruinj, at 11 o'clock (except the first), and every Buuday Higfat at 7:30. Prayer meeting every Wed.' fiesi&y u'ght Sunday schopl Sunday morn ing at 9:30, L: Q. Boper suporintendent, E. lULeyrls secretary.. . Episcopal, Kev. Luther Eborn. rector Services eery 2d 5th Sunday ll , o'clock a. m-, and 7:30 p, m. Sunday school avery Sunday mornin at 10 o'clock, Thoa W. Blount superintendent, W. H. Daily secre. tary. v Baptist, Rev. C W. Matthews, pastor. Services every 1st Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7-30 p, to. Sunday School every Sunday at 9 a. m., Z. Ilutter. Superintendent, . LOPSEB. ' t ' ' Boper Masonhj Lodej A. F Jfc A. M. No. 443, meets iu their Hall at Roper, N. C. at 7:30 p. m., 1st and 3d 'luesdays after 1st Sunday. T. W. Blouut, W. M.; J. L. Bavage, Secretary. ' . - . L O O. F Roper Lodge no ....' meets every Thursday night, L, G. Roijcr, X. O, B. F.Stearn, Sert'y. 4 NOTICE. - By virtue of power in a mortgage deed? ' executed to me by W. M Pettiford on - the 1 following described tract of land, , said land ; known as the Mariah Jaoaw Place," sit f uated near Plymouth, aud bing that tract of land conveyed", to . snld Peittiford by Ai.T't.tti(ord. For more full description A rn morteace reciatered in Register DeJs .- 'Cr'Vk No. 3'i pego 131, eontainwg live thau nn.,. . choi .'mil t th Tit' to find godoor iu Plymouth, N. 0..ton anA ti,Ath day of July 1804 afilS ,,vv. ,aid traot of laud to satisfy And it may be wiw,, SHid mottgag. '.Vforeace that woul"J- ... . tVl III iff M:'!'-e C3 LVllCi: TO SL'Bct'KlBLRSj ' When you see an X on the ' margin of Jour paper it meatis that your subscription as eipired, it is also an invitation for yon to renew. Please remember this and don't let Us have tu stop your paper. . . . Ths Bsaooh will be (nt4onv ddrei ouo year frSl.OO. Six ionthi, 60o f Throe Mon ha. 25o. Kvrry mbecrlptlon malt aeraaip. uieU with th oath, or nopupttr will be nt. BEACON FLASHES-. Dry. . " ' ' Look out for the sanitary offioer. Chickens seem to be plentiful this year. Everybody is1 speaking of the fine crops. Miss Lonla Tucker is teaching in' the country. - ; Mr. Will Fitchett, of Virginia, was here the past week. - ' Th'e cool wave the first of this week was quite acceptable. Mr, J. A. Willoughby has moved into his new residence. ' The Methodist District Confevenoe is in session at Fairfield, ' ' " J . Dr. H. Snell, of Washington, was in our towu this week. ' A colored boy Was drowned in tho river near town last week. - . ; Chief Tucker has been giving the streets a general cleaning np. Mr. L B. Bowon seems to be selling a large quantity of ice this season. - An excursion of colored Dennle went over to Windsor from bsre yesterday. Mr. J. B, Hoofen and family, of Edenton, are visiting friends in this county.. It seems to us that more attention should be given the church yards of our town. Postmaster-General Bissel says postmas ters zuubt not take any part in politics. . Dr. H. E. Wolfe, Jr.. madn a professional visit to the lower part of the county last week. ..." Contractor Jackson h going ahead with the work on Mv. J. U. Smith's new real. donee. " Clean up your premises and thereby prove a blessing to yout self, your neighbor and your town. f ... Mess. L. C. Marrincr and Jas A. Ches son, of Mackey's Furry, spent the day in town Weduesday, Martha Pettiford. a highly respected colored woman diod iu this town on last Wednesday a week. - , : , Miss Bettie Craft has return ed from school at Greuibi)rof and is teaching .a souori near Jtoper.- ..'-.v.. - Mixses Clara Jacks n and, Ida Tucker left yesterday, for a vUit to Dr. C C. Juok- son, at YeatesvMe. , A frsh Rtipply of iiw crop Turnip and Butabega seed at Spruili & Sro's. If all the tombstones were reliable, says au exchaoge, the devil would soon be wearing mourning. Watermelons were plentiful in oar town on Saturday last, and the price very mod erale for the season. ' v ' MisH Aileen Lathan haw returned borne afier an absence of several Weeks in Windsor and other places. Mr. C. 8. Cloogo. hai moved lato the residence just vacated by Mr. J. A. Wil loughby on Washington street. Ed Jenkins, colored, had his chin cut open ou VVed'ieeday by a flying chip from the "hog" at the Uompany mills. Tha residence of Mr. D- O Brinklev. on his farm ntar tuwu occupied by Mr. A. B. Sawyer, is receiving a coat of paint. Tha annearanca of the Eoisconal church yard has bef n greatly improved by having walks laid off and the plots cleaned up. , A full supdIv of school books for Bale by SpruiU& Bro, Buy from them to save. tf. Miss May Wynne,' after a ' p'easant visi to her . uncle. Mr. W, A- Hassell returned to ber home near Mackey's Ferry, oh Mob. day, ; ; :. . , . Mrs. VV. B. Ward, of Bath, was here last week visitingf her father. Mr. Jehn M. Batema'n; ,.We acknowledge a pleasant Oall.'i;U;;;;;;.';.t :. 0' Mr. R. B Latham's residence ia receiving the fluisbiug touches, and is indeed a neat home. , Kow' for the little', wife, Mend Brace. ""''.. '- ' ' ' 17 j " "' ' '-,.';..' ' V Mr. L H. Whitehead, of Trenton, made a flying trip to our county on the fith inat, ou a vistt to the family of Mr. Thos. Craft, near Roper. . ik. W Hr S 'Railrnail has nlnnnd a UlUbn ,uw f . w . j- semi-daily bot between here and Edentou the stmer lsertte irom w inasor aoes noi arrive until 12 o'clock. ... ' : Call at Hornthal & Alexandei's for Nova Scetia Land Plaster for top dressing of Pea Nuts. - ' rMr. and Mrs. J. D. Cordon, of Washing ton, .came over On Tuesday. ' Mr. Cordon retnraed Wednesday, . leaving Mrs. Cordon to visit ber sister, Mrs, J. P. Milliard. We received a pleasant, call on Tuesday from Mr. Couper, of tne Cooper mrpie Works, f Norfolk, Va. - Ha was here erect ing a monument over the grave of Mrs.'L. Hi Hornth-U. 'v The -new village of Pine Tovn on the Rain-pad of the luwnoke JUumber do., which has just been built up by Mr. S Parker, has a postofiioo and a daily mail from this place. Some of our ladies are very anxious for this county to make . a coniributidQ to th Confederate monument. Let some of our iufiueutial contlemen take part with those ladies in tne matter. Hornthal & Alexander have iut received a complete Hua of school book including the latent and osst wyie or copy doois - Rm TKna (lrem nnlli the strinsrf on one of the finest blooded faorsss of ibis BACUOu. UB s:iHI riucs iu mud ui mi i latest style bungle, whfch makes the turn, cut one of the prettiest that we We sympathize with Mr. Richard Dayeu .nvt. of vent Bn-ir, i tlw losr f. b:i little diwfl!;lee Mfitlie, Vt ho died on the tlK JlUsL The burial service were conducted by lley." ThoH. Green ou Saturday last. !- We are indebted to out friend and popu lar attorney, Lion. 8. B. SpruilL, for a new map of the United States Cx8 feet printed on linen.. This is a valuable dift and a thing wehave long wanUd. Thanks. ". . - Mr.. Thost. W. Long left Wednesday for Fairfield to attend the . Methodic district conference which convened there Jester, day.: Mr: Long will vitit hie bro.her. Dr. Long, at Lake. Laodipg, before his return. ' - '.' - ' 1 nornthal & Alexander have jjst re" ceived a lot of Nova Scotia Land Plaster. .There is nothing better for top dressing for Peanuts 'v.,-- Mr. John. Stocks bis roturned from a Sleasant sojourn at: Berkley, ' Portsmouth, Torfolk aud Virginia Beach. Be reports a fine time, While absent he was the guest of his daughter, Mr. H. H. Brown, of Berkley. . : - ,'.""' , " Rev. Mr. Spenee, of E. City, who is yet a college student, came over and preached for our Baptift friends oq Sunday ., last, morning end evening. His sermons were higbly complimented . by those capable of judging. , " Mrs. 'J. J., Perry and sweet little daugh. ter Bessie and Mrs. W. IV Speight.- of E. City, were here .several days this week visiting their sisters, Mrs. .TV. K. Gardner and Mrs. J. O. , Mldgett. . They left for home Wednesday; Call on Hornthal fc Alexander for all kind of school books, especially those rec ommended by the State Bourd of Educa- tion for the Public Schuols. ' , -; Tt In Raid that after callitaiy nn one of our young ladies on Tuesday nighty a certain young man nas undergone quite a moral change, fur the better. Many joang ludifs nave it in their power to : reiorm young men, if they just would. Mr. L'H. Hornthal. accompanied by his daughter,. Mrs. Edmund Alexander and children. . Mr. Herman Hornthal, Uiss Myrtle Bennett and Miss Jennie "Wipdley lert Via N. st B it., it., luesuay morning to spend the summer at Nag's Head. If you want your Peanuts to fill out nnd be white and large, buy from Hornthal & Alexander, Nova Scotia Land Plaster for top. dresMDg just before laying your crop atusle The expression "Is it hot enough for you' is .said to nave originated witn a oouutry editor who dreamed. once upon: a time, that he saw a delinquent subocrioer down in .jades, who bad died, owing three years and eight months on his' pa per. Miss Mittie Gurkin. of Jamesville, is vUiting her cousin, Miss Nina Harrison. They gav The Beacon a, pleasant call on TueBday. We enjoy the onrapauy of the fair sex and take pleasure. In entertaiuing all who may honor us with their presence. Pine timber wante All persons in. Eastern Carolina having large or small tracts of pine timber for sato'will do well to correspond with - The .Plymouth ileal Estate and Rental Agency. " Mr. L. H. Hornthal has had a beautiful granite monument placed over the gruve ot bis wife. The monument is the work: of the Couper Marble- Works, of Norfolk Mr Hornthal ban - a so had a handsome tomb placed over the grave of Mrs. Bute man. . .. Er, R. W, Smith returned Wednesday from a short visit to bis old home at Hert ford. He was aocompanied by his motner, Mr Dr J. T. Smith, and his sister. Miss Helen, who are the guests cf Mrs. E. Lad. ford. Dr. Smith reports Solicitor Btoant as Improving, Itch oil human, mance On horwes, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford' Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by, J. W. Bryan, Druggist, Plymouth, N. U. deo i iy Twentv-five veara ago there was not a creamery or cheese factory in the State of Wi8oon8iu. . Now tnere are z.oihj creamer ies and cheese factories which consume thi milk of 700.000 caws,' about 1,000,000 a day. And iu Wisconsin the wintsrs are long and severe. It an industry .like tbat could thrive tbre it ought to flourish iu a State like North Carolina Wil. Star, ,v "Nothinc succeeds like success." . The pablio looks upon" the advertising of a merchant us a thermometer oi nis Dusineas. If it is large and well defined, they believe be deserves and is enjoying pronperity, and so patronize hiim If( on the other band, it is small, ana cootraoiea, u gives the appearance of poor business, and thus freezes away cnntora. Advsrtibing, like the stars, never sleeps. ... . v; ; Tbe persoir Vhowill bring or tend us ftv new snbsiribera at $1 00 taoh,' will be presentetl with a portfolio containing twenty-two large pictures of the World's Fair in water colors. G to work atouce as we have only a limited number to dispose of. . - l . A printer don't rush to doctor every time be is . out of sorts. Nor to a bakftry when ha wants pi, nor to the woodpile when he wants a stick. Nor to the Bible wbn be wants a good rule. Nor to the gUBSmith wbeu be wants a shooting-stick. Nor to tha cabinet shop when jue wants furniture. Nor to the bank when be wants quoins. Nor to the girls when be wants a pre. . Nor to tne lawyers wneo ns nas a dirty can. Nor te the batcher when, he wants phat. Nor to a pump when he is dry and has ten oents in bis pocket. Ex. The lowest prices yet known are now offered by 1L Peal on buggies wagons. road Cart, farm carts, cart wheels and all road vehicles." A foil lioe of Vehicles suitable for the trade . kept on hand and orders can be filled at short notice. ' ' ' No thlnff StranKa- - Intelligent people, who realize the import ant rinrt. the blood holds in keeDiue the body in a normal- condition, find nothing strange in toe nouiDer oi aiseases mat Hood's barsaparilla is able to cure i So uiany troubles result from -impure blood that tbe best way . to treat theiu is through the blood, and it J far bt.er to use enly barn)les yegetsblo eompoaod than to dose to- excels with . quinine, ealomel and other drugs. ; By treating the Wood, with Hood's fiarsaparilla, jcrofula, salt' rheum and what, are . commonly called bumors; " dyspepsia, catarrh, r'heumttism, neuralgia, Bonsumptiont and other1 Iroublea - that originate in impurities-of the blod or im paired circulation, ean all be cured, lt .- ' . ' ; :y ' . . aiii i j .iiimi., j '"-'j X.AIJIEB i Needln'flr a tonlo, or childre who afit W-1&-, .. i , tnr up, should take I i '-it Jb t)Arfnr.t; Msiaria, liMMreatton, We sec from the laws of all . the towns that they are receiving u rove- nuo from some . tonrces, which : our town ia loosing.' ( We-' bve in ., view too Ji very bui nesa ana dravmen. 1 1 is iioc right that this class"' of buei uess should ero untaxed.? It is not treating other branches of business justlv. The men who are making a living out of his livery or his dray, ought to pay a tax for thV; privilege, as much so as merchants. A tax on these men. wonld , giro the : town a revenue, aud these men 'who are iu the buHiuqss could be protected. ' 1 Subjeet Collo,. . - -i . Axnold, Davidson Co., n. c I re. ceived a sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time last summer, and banded it to my sister who has been, subject to colic for several years It has relieved her in every Instance . J Link. k For sale by Plymouth Drug COj . 1 m ' i . . . . . . " 77 '- . Hon. Spier Whitaker, Judge tf the 4th district, has ,teudered bis resignation, to take effect August 20th, and through his recommenda tion Gov. Carr has appointed Mr. W. I!. Allen to be his successor. : ; moii ORES well. Creswkll, N'. C., July 9, '34.' Eoitob Roahcke Beacon : . .Very little has escaped my observation worth the attention of your readers. Master Julius W. .Davenport, of Nor fo'.k, baa been ia our town . for the (ast week, as the guest of Mr. V. Li. Howell. Quite a number from our plaoe attended the Fourth of July celebration at Roper, All seemed to enjoy it very much. . Roper is a wide-awake little town. Mr. E. J. Nfxon, who has been attend ing sohool at this place for the past ten mouths, returned to his home at Chapanoke. While here he got desperately smitten en one of our fair belles, and we know be left bi heart behind. Ceuie again; Ned. Rv. H. L, Ppwell. pastor of the -M . P. church, will commence a seriej of, TOott- ings at this place on next Sunday. He will be aided by Rev. , W. , F. Ashbnrn, fom Virginia, who will preach at ll o'clock. Go out and hear hiua : you will find com fortable pews to sit iu as they have made son new ones. .... .. i Cramp Collo Crd In 71 v Mia nts Mt Pleasamt. Cabarrus Co., n 0. We tried Chamberlain's Colij, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy in several cases, and it is . all that is claimed for' it In a cage of cramp oolie the patient was relieved iu fife minutes after taking the first dos - M L Buodakak & Co. ' For sale by Plymouth Drug Co. . 1m ' STATE NEWS. -r - "... ' . " t" i . . t-m- i j i. - - - -A THS LATEST HAFPXHIM6S, AS GATHERED PBOU OUK EXCHANGK8 AND ELSSWHXRE,' k . . . " . f ' i -t i Wilmington has a brovra factory in opera tion. " , , ... CbarWte has a tronsers factory which is f 12.000 behind Us orders. ., A new Aoademy building U to be erected in Edenton at a cost of f i 000. . Durham is. to. have another factory for making acids fertilizer! and chemicals With $2 000 in the treasury and out of debt, Surry county people should be hn- py. The State Fisherman's Association con vention will be held at Winston August the 25-31 ., The Knights of Pythiss have gained 1000 new m'embers in" this State during the last year. ..' , rThe first publio observatory in the United 6tates was erected iu North Caroli na at the University iu 1824.. . There are now about l'JO oonviots in the penitentiary at Baleigh, aud more than a thouaand on the State farms. . . " . - -v- The executive committee of the fitate Farmers' Alliance bas decided to stablibh a produce exchange at Abheville. 4 A reward of $100 has been offered by Gov. Carr for the capture or Ed 8 Hart, of Camden county, who is wanted for house burning. , . . . . Greenville Reflector ; Mr S A Chatham, of Elkin, bas in his herd of Devons a five-year-old cow that has averaged for one week eight gallons of milk a day : and a seven-year-old Devou aud Jersey crossed that gives daily eight gallons and three quarts.' : " "TH E PAST guarantees ' the future. It Is not what we say, but what Hoofs Sarsapari!la does, that tells the story. Remember HOOD'S C U if E3 "RAM'S HORN" WRINKLES.;' A life of crime is often the restlt of run. nino in debt, - f Tha 4 one who bas suffered has a key that can unlock many hearts,' : - : The dav becomes Jonffer every timea lary roan looks at tbe clock. Pat a Til? in a carlor. and it would iu. mediately begtu to iofK ior mua The man who is cbeated is that much better off than the one who cheats , Tk riM man in ft drunkard because the bov didn't decide not to take his first drink. Tha devil ' mnat feel 'croud of his work arhfnTr he lotk at the mau whe nevsr has a kind wori to say to .his wile. . . ' M. . IT.bMillMfWlUnlllPlt llard I lETIBS toateas - k kr Can, fiMm. m& Vnrw, st 13.. . ' SJim Vnnat Ptaa. tiateh,ttlpMPWMh,Ba tttw W imm kt mitv'm. v.rt rW ft rtUKr !' 'nillaai. tii'W r iisa '. EX-COff'IXDERATES-';, Below we give the uaiuos aud Oildictues of all Iit-Contatlerates living iu tbi county that have been received up to date, .Other names will be added as reueieed : . PliVMOUTH r. o. - I Client, urieon. 4St h It . C. T. . Tbo 8 Armlwead, Herst't. Maj. 3d N. C. Cavalry. . Lvl f Kacaa. color lri-r.'- M "". ' " Levi Itlogiit, C A Walker, A J I.ei!5.'oi. Jno V l arkeoton, ' . Jr Toektr, s' Mc O AoaboO, Wm Kluuect, ., ... John block . Hymn Urowsey. B J Norcom,. K It Latham.' ' . fl F Watern. ArtnMuHd Garrett, WNI'nte; i Pllilliard, . OeoT Allen. Danl )artett, . . W H Hampron, J K Aycra, IraT Hardiuoo, . ,' Aca Dixon. 0 ILMcOartV, ' W A Cra(Moclc,. KHCobb. : to. K.3d s - " K. a I " " i 4 . K. 3d " K. 34 " - . B,- Srd . ' B4t. A. 11' h " Ii.raulry II. 17th ' " . " . H. eiat ' " K. (Slut ' " " " II. 17th "" ' ' O. in " " ' O, it " . " H. ITWi " ,- G, 17ih " ,' V ' A.7lh ' . M .G, 4"th " " ' ,. s.j .. . " O.' l "th j . " 11. I7ih " " 11. J7ih , . " a. trtn , ' . " II. 17th '." " u i " II'. 17ih "G.Olst Va S B Sp-ulll. Junior reserve. - ' , . T 3 Marriner. Junior reserve. L H Hornthal, H.JfOth Mi-. Cha W JaxiH-r, . . A, 18th Vs.. xoren r. o. R B Clieoxon, U Chenon, .'no U Merlin, v Krilcy White. ' X B Purser, LL 8 B Job nit ou, II J WilliRma, WOCollina, Co. B. lut N. C. Cavalry ' " ' B, 1 ' - , ". B, 1ft - M; , " , lt .. Infantry . , " 1, 4th . " , . " M. Kth. " " G, 17ih 4 ' ' " G, 1st " MACKEY'S FEBBTf P. O. Jos W Hopkins, , Co. H. 17th N.C. Infantry, JH Sawyer, ' ., " G, 17th - " . Lt. W UChesfton, , H. 17th " - " Charlie Chesson, 11. !7th , . " -H. J.Htarr, -" tt. 17ih ' , ' ; CRE8WIX F. O. . Ir. W II nardiMO,- " ' 7th N.C. Cavalry. Gtwrge Terry, . Co.. D. J8th Artillery. HOKTICXXIX) P. O, , Wdi Baynor, . Ia ti lU"pas, . Co. K, 10th N. C. Artiltery.' II, I7th lufautry; . . . ... BKIUNERSVIILE. ; ' 8. W. Foley, Co, ., 17th N. C. Iiifantry. OTHER LOCALS. V You will some times be too late to catch a train, but you are never too late to eateb a bargiiu at Mathias Owens Jt-Co's , fur bargains ate leaving our store every ' few minutes during the day. . The Third Paetv Left. . When you and 1 buy our guods from Ovens & Co., and the third man buyes somewhere else, the Third party gota. left See.) ' J. " .. , Mathia Owens fc Co.,' are with uawith piles of goods at low prices. V ' v Th hot weather and mosquitoes makes some men cuss.: Tbe iow prices on all good at Mathias Owens & Co's., makes allmou Wonder how. they can sell w cheap. Soma men take life bard and long for Nag's Head, others are wise, they . take Ufa easy and go to Mathia Owens & CoV, pay 50c. for a straw bat, 90c. for a pair of slippers, invest a dollar, or so in, white goods, laces, .4c., for. the wife aud children and go home happy, with wore goods for the priee paid tbau could have been bought in New York.' i - : ; The wife says, 'I will order our daugh. ter's dress irom KeW York, where lean get it for W)c'. pes yard.'' . The husband says "No ; wait till 1 go to Norfolk, where I can get it for 40o.' The daughter enye, 'No ; give me the cash, and I will go to Mathias Owena k. Co's. r, where Ij can gut the same goods for 25c." The old folkes tumble, and Owens sells the dress. See I - 4' We trade with Mathias 0rens & Co., because thef sell goods that are strietly reliable." So say the people.; 4 . NOTICE. There will be a Convention , of . tbe Demociatio party of VtaHhington county held at the Court House in I'lyatouib. N. C. eu Thursday, August'SJud 188i' .at .11 o'clock a. ia , fr tbe purpose of appoint- ing delegates to toe oiaie, 4 uaiciai vou greMionat and Senatorial Conventions, ; Th uaveral tonnhiD9 will bold thlr orventiou on Saturday, July 23th 18!4 at 3 0 clock p. m., lor the purpose or appoint: itg delegates to tbe said Couuty , CpJ.ven. tiou at the following places s ; . n a y . It Scuppernoug l owti6uip, at ureswen.. 8kiuuersville Tonruhip,.at J. T. New, berry's htore. , Let's Mills Township, at Koper. Plymouth Towustiip, at the Court Horse. TIia Tnwnahina are entitled to tbe to " lewine numbtr of delegates and site mates: bcuppernong 10 delegates and ioaittr nates - , 1 : . , Skinnersville, 3 de lega es and 3 alter- nstes. ' Lee's Mills 8 delegates and 8 alternates. ' Flvmouth ID delegates aud 10 alternates. By order of the Executive Committee. .. . r . y. K.LHK880N, -. ... . ' - Chairman. , JOB -''if -to ails ard f gbyt and An: t bsWrof f)S8 of 1 .M'.li f-ll: ii iiYcoiii:TRYL::::i, dii yoit kVer rk n or any - . ''SUOII'IMJIUES IN ALL No' w6isTD Kit' Tim ri ioplt: ''ALti HUSH FOIi- THE -. ' . t RACK KT STO HE. Fruit Loom.' Dlcacbiug; . GJc Rockqt Store." ' T . Good Brown ' Domt-sLics, 32c Racket Store.. ...r . . ., - Good Pants Cloth, Sc. -Racket Store.-. - - " ' ';; Closing out TsU'iiw -hats at cost Racket $ tore. ' - , . : , C. 15.' Corsets be3t on carUiRack efc Store. . . , All kinds bargains Racket Store. Closing outSlippers at cost Rack et. Store. " ;-::' j-.- ; ; To make - room for onr fall goods, we will close Ont our entire ' stock at and below cost. !No reasonable offer refused for goods at the'- .. " .''Racket Store,; . , , Leaders of Low Prices, " ' t, : Plymoutb, N. C. 1 St- j N OKFULKS . COMPANY. 'BCHIDUtE I3T EKTECT ' jrr.T '2nd lopi. The Direct Short IJre.-ePnJ?iyiBoutb, Edenton. Eastern I North OTirolina and Norfolk and all points Korth. Kteamer leaves PJyraon;b Q.2 a..m. , and i.?Q p.m. Mail Trai leavejl Edenton 1;S3 p. n. daily; except Bunday, -arrives at Norfolk 1:25 p m. '' .'-' Exptesn. Train, leaves . Edentou- Daily (eCcept Sunday) at 8:00 a. in. arrive ut Norfolk 11 a. m. s ' .Connection made at.Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Lines, aufl at Elizabeth City with Steamer Neuse Tuesday. Tboruda.r ftod- .Saturday, Xirii1 " elnd. K- -v Herne aud Atlantic & N " 'i" B. Stations:. ' Aio .-'Wilmi and Norfolk-RU.';. 'lbe Company's Steamerr 12.45 p. m. as fultoW3; T. to- Mackey's IVrry daily with paaseogers for Roper, haven, - connecting wiih ST Belle for Makley villa, Auron' Washingtorl andiutermedititt Daily, (except Sunday) .! at VJ-.4.5 p. m., and 7M i m. Thursday and Saturday . Rivfrf. hlUrnale Wdpusysl , Salmon Creek, and Jloudy for Scuppernoug River. - Norfolk pasHenger and freiI Norfolk and -atern Railroad 1 Tbrt'UgU -tickets'.' ou sale an( checked to all principal point!!.' v -';r-;-'-o- V:- EASTERN CAROLINA DlSl FAST FREIQET L AND, PASSENGER KOI Regular tri-weekly line c"0 tween New Berne and EJizab f ' D.iiI.V all raH rvie btt He New York,:, PhUadel p hit 0 uis' Norfolk. ; " :---.y- - 1 broiijb cars, a W ratef ret,ei, time than by .any other rntf the 1 irect all arood to betshilt I era IfcroltnaToispatch, 'as tt s horfolk bv N. & S. R R ; irliat. W. & Bi R. It ; Pwridefc-atcbi' Philale1phi by Pennsylvai. . SI Station; New , York b " -R. It,. Piet -21 hwrth Riveiftw For further infrmatit HITH. Ant. Plymouth the Oeiiemi Offlca of th' Co;, Norfolk, Va. ' " M. K. KING, Ger. H. C H01)UINS(O. F. 1 C0HFECTI0NI Vews., In connection av tiouery. Store, '4 a Stand,. where can -1 latest periodicals, f ' Wboti looking I ConfectioiJeries, F ing and Smoking trial. M,:. "' .a. 1 K