tiie roanoke beacon; Published Every Friday. RuUred in tb fottOSce at Plymouth N C, m oe4 al ai.tter. V . OfSce nppoa te fast OffiC, up ataira ia 9orcua Bidding. Snb-cnpUon r ice, 1.00 pt-ryear. A4rrtteffi&U lnertcl at low rr. O&itaary notice exceeding t. n litu , tvn eeMa he. Count tb word. JloWiugeijrht to the line, &d Md money with .IS. forull in exoei-a of tea tine. Tht editor will not be responsible for the rlews f correspondents. All article for publication must be accomwauled by tae fall nsiie of roe writer. Corrupe dentt ere repeated not to write ou bat ooe aide of the paper. Ail communication must be ent in by Thursday Aomin? or they will not appear. Addrene all lomrauiiiounon! to THE ROANOKE BEACON. Ph mouth, N. C. We appeal to every reader of Tn Roanoke Esaoo. to aid ux in making it an acceptable awl pro&tabW medium of uewn to our citlcen. Let Plymouth people and the public know wnat is going on lu Plymouth. Keport to u all item- of news the arrival and departure of f rlend, eoclal events death, forioa il.ne.', accident, new buildings, new enterprises and improvement of whatever ca.tracter. chnnln busineif indeed anything and everything that would be of Interest to our ueoule. The people of Washington county especially the Democrats, have just cause to complain at the actions of Mesa. Mercer and Alexander who ''resigned as Canity Commissioners on Monday. These gen lit men wre ap pointed on the Board upon the affi davit of a liunibtT o! Citizens to the effect that the Board wm inconiiw- tent. There was no law. 10 make them serve, hut having accepted it was as little as could have been ex pected, that tiiey serve the people faithfully to the end. If they resigned, as has been sug gested, fur fear of injuring their par ty, their friends or of puulio opinion by the way they may have voted on the question which confronted them I on Monday, it was unjust, unpatri otic and cowardly, and they deserve the denunciation vluch they are now receiving. We say 11 thev reeiguea to escape performing a duty for fear1.011 wM w.eru responding mini- of public sentiment, they deserve no mercy at the hands of the people. By their actions, as representatives of the Democratic party, they have done that party untold injury, and we daresay themselves much harm. We do uoc say that thev resigned for the reasons abort' mentioned, but under the circumstances we think an explanation is necessary. . It is true that the pany they re presented was much divided on the question of license or no-hceiise, but from what we can learn they did not consult either faction ujtfm the sub ject and that the Ziusv of their resig nation is known Ofiiy to them elves. In the name of justice to them -el yet, to their peopie and for the good of the Democratic party, let them now explain. , Aftkr tliree muntiH of hanl work between the r-aloon Hud auti-saioou advocates, tue campaign ca'iie to a close on Mo u -3 ay last, when ihepe - titious were presented to the Bo.ir.l of Comui!s-io;.er.i. When the Hoard met in the Uegis tera office at y o'clock, the two Democratic mem era who were ap pointed at the request (,f ( li people soon after the election, Mess. W. J. Mercer and W. A. Alexander, ten dered their re-ignation, vvnich was accepied. By request the B -ai'd re paired to tiie C'Mrt room wnere the meeting was, by request, opened with prayer, winch was offered by ltev. D. W. Davis. The saloon keepers pres nted their applications for liceiise, backed by a petition from a large number of voters (about 1,4UU) praying that i .... . ,,A .'ii-iage and were driven to Mac key V thea the pe.it,onot7U0 voer8uudjp.v Mm, t(J()k llQ s & s 800 ladies was nresented the Comiuiasiouet's not to grant license. S. B. Spruill, rJsq., mde the opening gpeeoh, which was an able effort, in behalf of the saloon men. He was followed by Mr. A. Gay lord in a forcible speech in behalf of the anti-saloon - people; albo by Mr. Edmund Alexander, against. license. The cloaing speech was that made by Mr. li. 6 Ward in behalf of the pitloon, which of itself was a bril liant effort. But perhaps the most fervent, earnest and pathetic plea was the speech of liev. O. r. Davis against the open saloon. The jmwer, $eal and ptthetiu pleadings of this devout christian man for the sons find daughters, at.d his eloquent tribute to the noble women brought iortfi round after round of applause. After hearin g nil : mo jqu-eches the Board a lj- l r. 't-r;'.iiig se.-i.-titii; bt immediately after assembling in the afternoon they rendered a de cision ia favor of the saloon and grauted license, Mess. Bunch and Ambrose voting for, and Chairman 8 wain against lice nse. Thus closes one of the hottest campaigns eyer fought in Washing ton county. A campaign which has aroused great binerness among men, a campaign which has burst asun der the bonds of friendship, and retitiu twain many family ties. TO CURE A UULL) IN ONE DAY r<e ljxtiv- Bromo Quinine Tablets. All ourgints refuud the money it it taiU to cUre. 25c. u p 4 tim grand reception. THE HOLIDAY SOUVENIR ELCEPTIQX WAS A BHlLLlAKX AFt'AlR. Veni, Vidi, Vici! Ueverse the sentiment expressed in the last. wni and it will aptly describe 'the sensa tiou of our people ut the clo.iug of the Holiday souvenir ueceptlou, j which was held ou Tuesday eve uug, ! December Jiath 1SU?, lu ilie Towu Dad. Toe young getitleinen of Pl)m outu, assisted by tome of their lady friends, had 1W weeks been work ing lor the perfection of this affair. Ai o'clock ou the evening men tioned, t tie hail, which h;ui been beautifully' decorated with ever greens. te;n to till wih fail ladies and galuut gentlemen, and by lU o'clock (he iare liali was packed, and lor hours a happier rceue could not be imagined. At 11 o'cioek tiie prize eoutest ou l lie "suggestions from a iVulcli'' was announced' and it was found that Mr. ll. W. Umtie was entitled to ttie first prize, a oeauutul clock, and Miss Jiar) Y eager to the booby prize, a toy watch. lu the early evening the mmagers had presented each lady and genile man with a nook of the watch anie, ui m, AUU MIC VUIU JU1 I Ug Ul UUVltD lW find a partner lor supper was arutt siug, and wneu at 12 o'clock supper was announced, the couples which went to the tables were very much mixed. luo supier, which consisted of creams, euke, salads, foreign and domestic fruits, eic. was all that one could expect, and the two hund red people present did ample justice to tha: spread before them. At the lab.e each lady wau presented wnh a souvenir of the ocea ton Among the laig. num er present were many v suors fro.n tlm ami other states, aud when at 1 o'clock the merry crowd.disbai.ded and re paired to their respective homes it was voted t be oae .f the most brilliant events in the hitory of Plymouth, ami may it be stid to tin honor of the young men of tiii town, they never do auvtui i 'y halves. But this ufftir could not have been at ended by o her than success, for tht young people wo k with one acionl. The weatner could hot have been mote perfect, the silvery moon sued ii. nofi ravs Jon all the scene a a liappv sa iction, HId the . twinkling s ais i-eemed to ni"n a" NO CUUE NO FAY. 1 hat U tbe wav all drnirisi sen Grove's ThBTSLlSS CHiLl, ToNIO f'T Ma Mr Utnlm ami Fever, u simplv iron and Qui me in it tarit i-88 form. ChiKir n ioe i . adults pri-fr it tooittei-, nau-eatii g 1'onicH. Pric-, fioc ao 2-6m MARRIED. At !h30 A. M., D. c , 27th ult., the M. " li Church wan weil filled with people to witnen the m Milage of Mr. T T (iardner to Mss Sal lie Marriuer. Tne bride and groom entere i the church unattended Mid were met a the alter hv Hev. J. h. Cunniiiygim who read the ceremonv w -lch made them uushau I and wi.e. From the chu ch they en ered a car mo her, where tln-y peiit. a few days, returning to Plymouth on Sunday hint. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. T. J. Marrim-r, Clerk of the Sup- rior Court ; a lady much ad ruired by all for her p ire 'characier, gr.Kse and beauty. The groom is a salesman with Mr. L P. Hornthal, mil a gi-nileman who has woo the ie-pct and esteem both of liiiHnes aiiii rocial circ iv. To tint) popular ytuing con pi we extend the heart iest congratulations May life always be as. liappy as it now seems. Tbe progrMiTe Indies of WVsinnld I- d . iaaed a Woman V Ed ti- n" .f the Wc-t. field News, r anug tbe. d Ue ff p il 3, lh93. l'he papr in fi'led with tuttter of iuterxt to th women, and we notice tbe iilowiD from a oorft-wponden', which tbe ditori primed, realizing that it tretn npon a mat ter of vi a! wnportauee to tMr t-x : Tho best remedy tor cronp, colda aud h nn chitie tht I have been able to find i Ubtiuib' rliiiii's C'.u'U c-.iif'd. Fr fmui y u it t.as rioe'jini. I 'p!ailiy rec ranifncl it " '.:: and 50 iitizt bottles fcr I CRESWELL CUIXIXGS. ' January 8r& " . Mr. E. J. Nixon, ppent Christmas with relative? bere. ' Mr. Lather Eboru returned from school to tipeud XlUda. Mr. Tom Joue, engineer ou the Wagner, Speut AB14S llOUie. . , . - Mr. will Uiuyewa speut a few day a in our mldm lutt week. . Mr. D. H. Holmes, male on the Wanner, spent u few day a uouie Xuiaa. A bop wua given by tiie young men of tLli place lat WtUnesUay mgui. Mr. H. D. Walker spei t Xmaa bome. He lett tbU truing fjr the Uuiver-ily . Ti e Methodist Sunday School Lad a Chii tuaua tree at this piacc Xinna uigiu. Mi8 Mamie Kime who baa been at tending hioilaiiit's luiitiiute, returned home iaai week. t Misa JiuiiUA Woodley, after spending Obiiatmas h'juie, rttujueJ to Lt suhuul fealUldty. Cpt B F Spiuid, wife and ch id, of U iiiiuu, Lai bieu ' vietuug reiti'.ives uud frieua et this place. " Ih chapuiiuK Vast Maud Smith, of Ntttbc-rti, ta bpendiug the hoiidaa witn ri-JtUiVdb aud t.-ieudu hero. Mra. V. L. Howell's hchool suspeuded ou the 23m fur JCuihs, but will voaiuictice s" the 10iu m t., patrouune ui.ci.ed. Mihp Mamie Ambrose and Mr. Hubert tiuweli weie happily manied ou the Sdi'.h ult. 1'hey left ntxt inoruin ou their iTidui tour. Misaeb Annie May and Loula Walker houortd UHWitu iticir enchauiiug preat tCr thioUKii thd nolid iyu, icluruii g to thnir school lo-day. Mr. AIarv:n Ghnn, of Beioid, N. C , wa (he gueht of Alias L"Uile Fuelpb IhSI WeeK. Ho left for homo Tnumlay, leuviug his heart bt-uui J. There wits a b-amiful marriage h! ?. Davida Church mat Motid-y night he 27th ult , the w)utiaciin panie oeit'g Mi. U F. Armstrong and ft1 i s Nan ie Eboru. lhtty left iUtSuuy on their biidnl tt ur. To CvftR Constipation FoKKTtn. 't ak CaBCHtetx Ci udy Oathar lc. too. or 25c. If o. C V. fait to cure, aruggbttt re lund money dec 13-tl CITY MARKET KEPOKT. C. R. Stdoa per lb 7 Sboldera Baoou 10 tiauis 8. C, 12i Poi k per barrel $12.01) Lard refined 8 Flour, per barrel, Patent $6.r0 ' ' Fatniiy 5 5u W. I Molasses, por n&l., v 3." 40 Syrup " " 40 GranuUted - ugar, per lb 6 Light brown " " " S ' Butter " " 2.1 Cheese ' " 12J to If. Green OSes ' 15 t-5 H..a-.trd Ooti'ee . " " o V5 KggH per dot., la L'obacco, per lb 20 to 80 Shot " " 7 tuu Powder " ' SO to 40 Coal Oil w Qit5. safety 160, per i;al. 12 " " Red O., p-rgal.. 15 ipplp ViiiPgar " " SO iiee'ti Wx. per lb V'O fa!ioV 5 Hides, . fiint." " ercu " " Wnited Salt, per sack Joru, Vleaj, lttce, Peas, blKck tlicfeeye Pt-aunts C tb n , per lb 5 " 3C nnder 60lb 2 " 21 6r, per B8., new ho eo " 4o " ' 4 " " 50 " " 30 to 40 5 t 1 A t uz I BiSQ Foa Y c. A trarifacuoii m wi.i h you canrot lobe l a BU-e thui. Bilioti-rje.. hick n-nda. he, furred t i mi. , ttver. pib-N a.nl a tlinuBand ther ilia are cau ei by conntip tirn and alllgnih liver. anfarela ' andv Uatbtriic, iiih vnnabrful iw bver st meUn and in testinal tonus are by all riiu-gi5tH Riiariin te. (i t cure or u,on y refunded. C. 0. C are a sure thin. I'iy t box to-iiav ; -1 tc., 25o , .0o. tiumle and thioklet fr-e All drUKgiaia. d C 13-tf Brown I mikes m- tird t hear peo. pit- it the Klon iie fever. Yeai-t-Wbai w U"l you ca l it ? i be E.loid kf umll EVERTaoDT 8AT8 CO. Cancarets Candy Cuhartic, the most wond-rful uedtcal diacow-ry of the ge, i leasani ami rt-lre-.hin to the taste, uot enilv and noaliively on kidnn.s, livraid bowela, cleaiiHtug ih em ir s. 8 en., d'pl uoldh, cur head icne, fever, babitua con b'lpatmn and bi i"U8 h-k. Please buv a d try a box f C C C to-day; 10, 25, 5u rentK. rold and guaraut edtocur-b all druggis b. reo 13?l Post Office directory. P M . Emilv . Facan. Ash't p M. F. F , Faan. Cierk. Geo. A'. liardiao. )fSceh'urH fi.30 a m.. to 8-30 p.m. ARKIVAL OF MAILS Northern muil iirriven at 11 m; 3 p. m. and 7 40 p to bot.tbern: arrives at It a rn , & 7 40 p.tu iiMKuyi'LOfi o Mails ortht-rn mail cose at 7-3 a. nj., 8 60 a ra , &, 1 1 2 a, m. Soa'herri- closea at 7;35 a, m , A 11:20 a tu. NOTICE! Tbo Board of Com miSKioners rf Tyrrell county, K. C, cd at. other pernon? lntt-r-ebted nre bereby' notified, that it ia the purpose. t;f tbe ttriiin'.uv' Vianufactcrii.g Company to navigate Scnpiiernong river beyor.4 Croes Lanrtins; witb boatu thirty one ftet in widtb and they ure Hbewifip notified to ootBtruct diaww in the bridet acrut-B said rit-r t Colarubia fti.d roHs Lanfline f anfficient width to allow the fre M?p ot -aid hoat8 through - aid bni?r:('K aril! up nnd i)n aM river. r,!UNXING Mahu?ACTtrsi-o CojjPaKT. t' t. i, VSJ7. ;f General Debility and Loss of Flesh Scott's ' Emulsion hzs been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a. century. Physicians r eaiily a JmJt that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flcsh-formingf food. There are many other prepara tions on the market that pretend to do what EESU&SiON docs, but they fail to perform it. The pore Norwegian Gd-liver Oil Aade into a delig'Titful cream, skill fully hk.ndci with the Hypophos ?httcs of LLme aud Soda, which Art such valuable tonics, makes tliis preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the patient almost immediate ly commences to pot on flesh and pain a strength which surprises them. r s;ir "n-a KP; SCOTT'S Emu'.slon. Sm tht tb uu 4. id iik tie on the WT.pj-.r. 4oc. and Si oo, a'l druggiita. ."C-'TT ft, BOWKE, Chesnwa K,w York. 7H3 OLD RELIABLE vrsT '?v vf S&9 I am btill in the iront, with a complete lin of Buggies, waggons, Boad Carts, Farm Carts, Or any other V eliiele. To be convinced, call and r-ec for your self. With a large . variety of material, and increased facilities, we ara bet ier prepared than ever, to turn out first-class work, at lowest pric.s consistent, with good workmanship ' hniikiiit; the public for a very liberal patronage in the paft, we hope io merit ihe same in the fu t ure. UoMe shoeing and repairing u spec iiilty. hespectfullv,- u; PEAL. For wt'e and guaranteed by all dealerc Frirt Tiers and Vines, FL. AVERS, EVuKt.REENK, AND .-HbUB.'JERT, At I mi friers. uraasociadot! wi b e - r tbe b. hi nor r es iu tbe conn- ft.illUJS. BTATB 'F WORTH CAi O-IHA, TYR1ULL Ct.TJNTr, BPKC1AL PKOCEEHINOb BK FOKK TuE CLtRK iF lHK tL'PKIOU CiUKT V I,. Ss L. R. Nbe. r, W. I.. A C. C Sirrd, ati bur & M.J Strd ' , J. 1 M AO. P. R l ', W. B. Wilson. O iii (tl n t I DiI vh il 8 , F .itik W. B IS v inb l,wh t B. Anii" b. ni co l W 'si ,S.D. A P. M l 8. Bl-y, C W &B B. M4' tii-, f s. 8li-8 cheH w) , T J. Mur n i, R. Ce Ver f r A. J., A. W, A A O. N b-I . A. M W. A e' , J D. & C E Gb'irtl J L A E. . N wberry. J t onrmtnns, rmeii.o -if miq., t 'O- M. o ir i . um Ja. a & if " l Atnbrii aiu' B. Bt te-, K li Barnes w. e Liyei. tSvIl PLtlM.FFrf. v. I tr , n.. bl-e. Uo to fl.r is "l Sbort not e. F. ' . .lOH 'i-T T. a ft 1. A. Armstroi p. ji h m j Keudrie H wbt-rry, jr hn o i Ne- j burn, busan Btittou ft c. s.C ' tito r. j Win. iwrtin, M idie Siniiu ut aud j tusband, Gt-o. 11. ri;iiuvn .. iVFkNDAN T8 J It appearing by aJBJavit to tbe tiat ac tion of tbe C n.t. tl at John Mctie- d U Nt bmrv, Joh: Hoij n bi-r-y, Kiifan hution and u tlnuiior, Mo tg eeof I'. A. a d li. A. Armstrong, canm-1. aft-t due tiilu y. tiee, be found wii,in the Mate an l it farther Hpp aring but a canse of actiixi eiiKth HgdioKl tha bind d fei.dxntB nod that hey are pr-iper partiea tn said aotioii, the KMid Johu MeKotidrie Bid .lotii.tifn berry. Hntsn Sutton and C. f. Co, nor. vior'ga ie will take notice that the. plain tiff i the above eotitli dctb(n hVecau td h Finn mora to iasnp fruu the Ce k of Mb Sup rior Conn f n ell t onniy. K. c. re nrnable before bim at his ft&ce in the towu of ''nluiubia Tyrreil i'nnty Ft C, tbo 1Mb day of Janmry. 1KJ8, at U o' ct' Ck m , when a-id wber- the Kaid defei d anU will appear and answer rr denjnr to tbe petiti"u of tlu plaint S. whi' b ia filed with the Clerk of tsuid riiiw rior C'nrt. Thp purp.'M of naid action 1m io nell for divinion among tbe iatd i lamtia ai'd de ft ndant, tt-na-ns in common, a c- rtain trai t af tm;b. red land in Columbia Town bip, ryrrtrtl County n.o.bu'Wu m tbe Phelps or Ht-seli trct. tsnly decribtd in deed r jjiatererl in tbo K?p;ifters ffU-e in l yrreil County, n C., Book 39. pp. 15, and P ok 5, pp. 1 7 i ' Nuid irnct contaiaii g 200 acre morn or leas. This the 8rd day r.fj Deo. 11:97. ECMCND Al.EXAKOEJtt, D, t'. HOLMSB Att'y for 1 Clerk, 8. C, P,8ioiif Tvrrcll Qo ft. c HO, FORKLOIDIKE! f A Party of Roper People Going! Have Alrcmly ""Started, '! Not to Klondike to dig gold, but our store, where they fcnd piles of goods AND CAN SAVE MOMKY-' on every purchase. Will you join the party and get the bene fit of what is offered in the in Dry Goods Hats, Listen at these 5c Calico at 4i 8c 44 at 6 x 35cDress Goodtt at 25 25c at 20 Ladies shoes from KOo. up, Men's suits fibm 2 50 up, Lancaster Ginghams Qc All eoods bought at low tariff prices and are going cheap. We Iiave a complete &iocR now, antl can please ytm all Come to see us, Yours truly, HORTON & SPRUILL, NovS-Sm We Lead, ever Follow ftili Iii rriie lront With the very best facilities to serve the pniilic in the way of tirsi-cla. tnruouts. I keep on hand a prood ptx'k of IlOUsKS AND MULKS, For hire. 0of K TO SKR ME When yon want My bah turnouts. I guar at tee Katfaction. B. F. OWKXS. Main Street, Plynjouth, N C. oelOtf CBIAII&W, I?oth Tliiin and Hookers. Twenty Years Expetience If you want a reliable and servieable UHAIK iva.ll on, or address G. W. JACKSON, JR., LOMi 1M 1)0 h, N. C. ang 30-4ra i HEABa?AETEES FOR HOUDAY i GOODS! T H E-Q A S H-M A.N Buys for CAS H, sells for CASH. Prices cut clofce to fit the most .ant puree. Will le di lighter! to show yon mv iroodft, itV no trouble. iStock selected with reat care. Kvtrv art icl on my shelves is A TK A DE WINNER. Men, Women and Children can find what they want at M UN DEN'S, The Cash Man. vl9 Roper, N. C. W. F- BEASLEY, Attorney-at-Law, r 0 Notions, Shoe &c, &e. prices : 20c Drvss Goods at 15 17 44 " at 2b $25 Ladies shoes at Q $1 50 Mens 4 at 1 Q0 Boys suits from iKc. ui. Hoper, N. O. & MOUriUHN C0.IPaM. 1A1LK0AD riCHiDCLE 1H ET.iT Br.PT I8at 1897. 'I be Lirt tsbi-it Lin bn. ee P.Juk ntbr Ed. nun,, E'st n. Nor b Can boa and Not folk and ai poima ortu hteaaif leveB Fiynmuib V OOa. tn Mail Tr.iic leav. m Ediut. n l-.ia p. an. dai y. (except Sunday) nrrives at Koift lk 4:25 p, m. Kxpi"8 Train leaves Erf. n O n Tnefl da Ti.i.rpdHv nifj ratniiJay at t 15 a.m. arriVeetNoif.iklla.nl. Con- eo ioii n.adi ut orlolk with all raU and Steui Ln.ew, and at Elizab. tl. Cltj ' witb Steamer N.uw , 'I ueauay, Tunrda? aid ha urda fi.r New btne, amhUio AN tt R. Stiitiot,8: aw dthington t Newb rne It. Mopa u K. ani.k 1st nd lneia and Sa.tudav at lo p. m. 'Ibe ftHin.r Newbiri.e le-Tt fchzab ih, i y Mo. day 11 M , and AWotnea iay p. in... fr lUv.uoUe , lulmuC, Ooiaci tr Orwi tai ana New Ber e. i h Couipau, Meauiera leave d iJott Vi 45 p ia as f. l.owo; K e a m e r to MaekeyV F. Try I ly moiit Jaoj.fcyi.ie ami W lllmuiSton liaily (except tti dnyV with pufeeoKert. foi it.'p f, p8 t,,, Htl. h-veu. f..iu ec-In win, tr. VirKmia I ar I r Mak! yvilb, AUr-ra Mu.tb Wk, Wdshitixt'.n aim intern., diate tanrtir,ki lnehday, 'i'lmrsiny and Satmrlay ftir Cb.. wan Kiy-r. Wediien0ayB A vera and M.ndi;y aud Ftiia fi r 8m- JL pf.mouK Hirer on arrival of N 8 'irinw Norfolk pai-senat r Gallon at Norfolk an ,vfut-rti Railron; i epil 'l br ngh tick, ta no aale d baggage checked to till principal point. E iSTEKN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST FBKIQHT LINK. AXD PASSENGER SCUTE. Dtilv all rail service betme.n Ed.iiton, Ne "Vork. Pi.il.idelpbia, Baiiimore ai N rfnlk ibronjbeara a low ratea and quicker tim ibm bv any other r Hte . in ct ah g.tdH to be hhii p. d by East ern ar -Ima Dispatch, as followa : From NorMk bv . 4 - R R ; Hhltitrore by p W. & B K. R; Hreai!ei t St. Stti,.a, PbilajJelpbia by P nmylTanik R. R Dick St Station; New York by JP4fcr5' R. R , Pi. r 27 North Rn r, " ff.Dft For further inkt - LAWREM E or to the Ct R.R. C". V HC Elf I UiC q!iC3tieu, driA. FLyirouTfT.! 9