r S3 1 4 K 1'IIB EOANOKK. BEACON. PUBLISHED EVKUY fill DAY Bv Ta7loAxoi;E Pi'BLisuiifa Co. W. FLETOIIEIl AUriCON, Editob. PLYMOUTH. Friday. December 1C,1898. Directory. onuRon services. Methodist Kev. E. K. McLarty, pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 8 p. ra. Prayer meeting every Wednesday nieht at 7;30. Sunday school at 9 a. ra., A. O. Gaylord, Superintendent; W. N. Coop er, Secretary. Baptist Rev. G. L. Fintch, pastor, services 1st 4 3d Sundays'at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting evory lhurs day night at 7:30. Sunday school every fcjunday at 9.30 a. m., it. T. ventres, superintendent. Grace Charch (Episcopal) Rev. E. P Green, rector. Morning aud evening prayer Srd Sundays. Holy communion at morning service. Lay service at other morning ser vices. Sunday School at y:3D a. m., fcu mund Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple Rev, J. B. Green wade, pastor, services 1st and 4th ISunday in each month at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every VY ednesday evening at 7:30. Ml inlay fichool every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Mr. Arrhur Swain, Superintendent. fir , It is not only in lines ot Superb Milli nery creations that we have won a foremost place, but in Hats, Bonnets, Capes, Wraps and Cloaks, at extremely moderate prices. The charming things that we have ou x lubition this season at little prices have nany agreeable surprises among them for ihe women who desire to economize. Miss Nellie Sharpley is again iii chrje of the trimming department this season, which is a guarantee that we can lead the itown on up-to-date work, Respectfully, MliS. S. D. PEAL. ' rrl mmmm Stylish Millinery. Slave you seen my line of Millinery Joods, Trimmed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, of ali the latest shapes direct from New York and other fashionable cities? Have yon seen my display of No tions, Ribbons, Flowers, &c, if not call and let me convince you that I have what you want. U0 YOU NEED A WRAP ? If you do you want one that is in style, one that will wear well and look nice, i 'then don't buy until you see my line for I can please you. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting continuance of the tame I remain, yours truly, Mrs. Annis Latham. IS JUST AS CCO D FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PKSCEGOcts. G ALATIA, IT.LS., Nov. 16, 1S33. Far!n Medietas Co., Ixiuis, ito. Gentlemen: Wo eoli lo?t jear, COO bottles of GROVE'S TAGTELKS3 CHILL. TONIC and hare bought three gr(Ji already thin ywir. In ml or ex perience of H years, to tho dru bnsiiieiw, have jicver Bold an article that guvc such nuiversul auti iactiun us your 'lMuio. Vourstmlv, Guaranteed to cure Chills, Fevers and felaJaria in till of its for.715. je l-lyd - r i 8 ? 1 V 5 Fait OmM? TAETELEiS F2 run n I p fagJl I y I kkm wzm BEACON FLASHES. Yee, it's Winter. Monday we had a few drops of rain, akin to snow. I there a crossed penoil mark on your paper? Mr. L. L. Owens is home to spend tho holidays with his family. Mr. John Jacksoo has opened np his barber shop. Gall on him. Mrs. A. Manning returned home Monday night from a visit to her son in Washing ton. The tng D. K. Neal bad tha misfortune to break her wheel while towing up the Cashie. Farmers take notice, I have on hand one car load best Heed Oats. L. P. HORNTHAL. Eev. D. A. Braswell entered upon his duties as pastor of the M. P. Church on Sunday last. Miss Maud Kunce, of Hertford, is here vw.ug ner rriena, miss JNona unnKiey, on JefferhOR street. Miss Eva Lehman, of Raleigh, is here visiting her grand mother, Mrs. C. E. Goe let, on Main street. If you happen to get mixed np with an open gate these dark nights you will wish we had street lights. y.j v ! Capt. Davenport takes as much care in keeping bis boat clean and pretty as if she was a pleasure craft. If you are going to buy a suit of Clothes get one of those up-to-date suits to be bad ttt HOENTHALS. The stores have put on their holiday at tire and the show windows are ttie admira tion of ail the little folks. A series of meetings have been in prog ress this week at the Baptist church, con ducted by Kev. J. C. Betts. A'l the children are living in happy anti cipation of Xmas and trying to be good ere the coming of Santa Clans, Mr. J110. C. Gurgoneous was appointed keeper of the poor house on the 1st Monday his bid for said services being $1)5. Notice the change in M. Owens & Co's advertisement and if you want to purchase a nice Christinas present call on them, MrsT Shields and Miss Sue Brown, of Lawrence X .Roads, Bertie county, were in our town Tuesday on a shopping tour. Fire works of every kind from a pack of popcrackers to a big balloon, at F. F. Faoan's. Mr. A. R. Dupree, the popular Postal Clerk on the A. C. L., is spending a fifteen days vacation at home with his family. We understand that Mr. L. E. Jackson will return to Plymouth next week. He has been absent some months in Indiana. Our sympathies are with Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Tetterton in the loss of their infant child, which died ou Sunday night last. The Str. Plymouth has been making the run via Mackey's Ferry this week, hence she has been leaving earlier and returning later. Mrs. J. J. Martin, of Tarboro, and Mrs, J. Watts Martin, of Norfolk, were visiting our town this week the guests of Mrs. E. W. Fagao. Ju6t opened a fresh lot of Royster's Fine Candies, in boxes, all t-hapes and sizes, at F. F. Fagan's. We understand that some of our farmers want to employ tobacco growers, aud ex pect to plant some tobacco another year. That's good. Notwithstanding the cry of hard times, our merchants have all bought large stocks of goods this season aud their trade seems to be as good as usual. We want to increase our subscription list to 1500 between now and Jan 1st 18!)9 and to do this we will write receipts dating to January lbt 100 for $1.00. Mess. W. J. Mercer and H. W. Tarken- Inn nf flrnnwp.11. nftmfi nn Snndnv nitrht. and returned Monday morning. Say, old trienas, wuy aon 1 you stay longer r Ladies, before buying your fall dresses call and examine our line of Storm Serges and English Fianneietts, they are beauties, and so cheap, at Hoknthals. Mr. C. L. Morton, the popular Clerk at Walker & Myers mill, has recently been ap nointed Superintendent to fill the vacanov caused bv the death of Capt. Banks. Santa Clans didn't unpack at Frank Fa gan's, because that man Fagan had selected a line of goods to suit the people better than old Santa could have done. See ad. Mr. J. Peace Billiard has gone to Wash ington where he has accepted a position in the Star and Brescent saloon. Good luck to you old boy, the girls are well and sweet a3 ever. Is there a crossed pencil mark on your paper ? There are Wilson aud others, bnt the "Wilson" is the Heater that leads them all. Save time, trouble and fuel by using the "Wilson." for sale by Louis P. Hobnthai,. The Str. Mayflower struck a log in the thoroughfare Monday night with her wheel, breaking off one of the flanges. She was not disabled, but will have to have a new wheel. Mr. W. S. Spruill, who for the past year has been manager of the Hassell Lumber Co., has resigned that position and will en gage in the mercantile business. Success to you friend Walter. PleaRe notice if there is a crossed pencil mark on the margin of ypur paper, or on the wrapper, and if there is it means that yon owe un, and we trust you will come lorward and pay promptly. REMOVED I have moved mv stonlc nf goods across the street into the store first occupied by W C. IlasselNr-in Hornthal's hl,vlt where I am better nrenarfirl to rctvp you than ever. Respectfully, . . Ti tr . a. xi. UAiiKisoN. Mr. G. W. Jackson, the turning and twisting man from Long Ridge, was in to eae as on Veduesday. Air. Jackton talks of moving his outfit to jflymouth. Come on friend, and add your enterprise to our list. i x Rev. M. T. Plyler, the new pastor of the M. E. Church, arrived Saturday night and filled his pulpit Sunday moruing and night. He has made a very favorable impression upon his people. We extend to him a hear ty welcome. While at work about his cotton gin one day last week, Mr. T. L, Satterthwaite got his hand caught in the belt, and before he could free himself bis arm was broken' in two places. We extend sympathies old friend, and wish you a speedy recovery. Roberts' is the Chill Tonic you want, be cause it cures. 25c. per bottle. No cure, no pay. Pleasant as Florida oranges. For sale by W. C Ayers feb 15-ly As will be noticed, our reading matter on the inside is rather limited, owing to the increase of the advertisements just at this season. This is the only season that we get many advertisements, and it would not pay ns to enlarge the paper just for a few weeks, so we hope onr readers will undestand and appreciate our position. -Remember that the printer may want a little Christmas and that little amount you owe will help him. We have waited very patiently during the summer, but now you have sold your crop please do not keep us waiting longer. It has been hard for us to keep the paper going during the dull days of the past year, but it has not failed to vieit vour home every week, now we ask you kindly to come to our aid and pay up your subscription in full. Some owe us but little while others owe for a year or more, We are not able to do a credit busi ness as we have to pay cash for everything we use, hence we need what you owe us, and those who fail to pay up need not ex pect the paper next year. We have done our part. Will you do yours? We think you will. That last bunch of mules which came in last week iso. k. Some are good workers, well broke while others are uubroke, all are young and sound, I also have one young trotting horse sound and solid that can beat 2:35, and will sell cheap. If you want a good team come to see me, LOUIS P. HORNTHAL. Is there a crossed pencil mark on your paper ? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and 6afe to take. Sold by all druggists. No Change Wanted. If the Hon. Harry Skinner will consult the wishes of the people, re gardless of party affiliations, he will find that the people do uot desire a change made in the postoffice at Plymouth; There is' no need to make the change since the office is in charge of a lady who expresses no political views, and her entire force has not given vent to any po litical expressions during the days of the past campaign. The office is certainly not in any way political. The people want a postoffice official that is obliging, courteous and at tentive. All this they now have and hope to retain. Educate Your Bowels With Casoabets Candy Cathartic, cure constipation for ever. 10c. 25c. If C. C, C. faik druggists refund money. dec 13-tf Steamers Disabled. Last week was an unfortunate one for the steamers of the N. & S. II. R. Co. Early in the week the Str. Roberts, plying between Mackey's Ferry and Edenton, was disabled by the loss of a rudder and had to go on the ways for repairs, the tug JL). K. Neal taking her place. On Thursday the Str. Plymouth was left at Edenton to be inspected and the Str. Dickerman took her place, but when this steamer reached Williamston she was disabled bv a hole being blown in her boiler. The Str. Mayflower made the run to Edenton in her place, taking pas sengers and mail, and Friday night the Str. Plymouth went up the river and Saturday morning took the Dickerman out with her. If your blood is thin, appetite poor. troubled with night sweats, a bad cold or la grippe, take Roberts' Tasteless 25c. Chill Tonic. For sale by W. C. Ayers feb 15-ly Returned. Home to Die. As the morning brightened into day on Wednesday last the messen ger of death entered the home of Mr. Louis r. llornthal, on lliird street, and wafted to the great be yond the spirit of Mrs. Hornthal's grand-father, S. II. McKae, Esqr., aged 81 years. Mr. McRae, in years agone was one of the leading citizens of this town, doing a large shingle business, and before the war was a large slave owner and quite wealthy. Some years ago he moved to Lewiston, Bertie county, which has been his home ever since. About two weeks ago he came to Plymouth, a3 he has often done, to visit his grand-children, Mrs. L. P. Horn thai, Mrs. H. S. Ward and Mr. Clarence Latham . He was in feeble health, but no un easiness was entertained by him or his people until a few days ago when lie took his bed and gradually grew wore until his sufferings was re lieved by death at 8 o'clock on Wed nesday morning. It seems that he had come back to the old home to die. The remains were consigned to their last resting place in the family vault under the shadow of old Grace Episcopal Church, in which so many of his loved ones are sleeping the sleep of the just, on yesterday afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock. CITY MARKET REPORT. C. R. Sides per lb Plates Sholdera Bacon Hams S. C, Pork per barrel 7 12 8 Lard renned Flour, per barrel, Patent $4.75 Family 4.00 W. I. Molasses, per gal., 30 & 40 Syrnp " " 40 Granulated Sugar, per lb 6 Light brown " " " 5 Butter " " 25 & SO Cheese " 12$ to 15 Green Coffee " 10 to 23 Eoasted (Joifee " " ' 12$ 15 Eggs per doz., 18 Tobacco, per lb 20 to 80 Shot " " 7 Gun Powder " 25 to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal. 12 " " Red C, per gal., 15 Apple Vinegar " " 25 Bee's Wax, per lb 20 Tallow. " 5 Hides, flint." " 7 " Green " " 4c under 60lb " Baited " " 4 Salt, per sack 75 Corn, . per Bus., new 60 Meal, " CO Kice, " Peas, black " 50 " black eye " " 75 Peanuts " " Cotton per lb 4 to 5 A Suee Thing For You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimelant and in testinal tonic are by all drnggists guaran teed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day ; 10 c, 25c., M)c. Sample and booklet free. All druggists. dec 13-tf Borrowed money causes a great deal of nearsightedness. To Cube Constipation Fokever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c. or 2oc. If O. C. C. fail to cure, druggists re fund money- dec l-tf An old bachelor says a woman's tongue is an organ without stops. Beautx Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Ca thartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirrlug up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, black heads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranleed, 10c, 25c, 50c. dec 13-tf CLAUS got 1 left when lie stopped to unpack Lis holiday goods at FTF. Fagan's for he found that before his arrival Mr. JTagan had made a selection of holiday grods for his Novelty Store which made Santa Claus ashamed of himself, and at prices that could not have been equaled. In this selection he has presents for old and young, rich and poor, men and women, boys and girls. In this selection is a very large assortment of glass ware and china-ware (5 and 10 cent goods) single or in sets, also a nice stock of plain and fancy candies, fruits, nuts, &c. Anything from a nice bible, volum of poems or other books to a cheap toy. In fact I have just what you are looking for. Call earlv and look at my goods. Yours truly, FOR TEN DAYS The place to get IS lathias Owens & Go's Such as Dress patterns, Cloaks, Capes and Wraps, Shoes, Hats, Etc. We have reduced all prices for this occasion. mm: : TEN DAYS JSJF Come and see.

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