.I THE ROANOKE BEACON. lr PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Jf . BY TflrRoANOKC PUBLISHING Co. W. FLETCHER AUSBON, Editor. n.cl Friojlt. Decexsgsl 23. 1898. Directory. CHUBOH fcEKVICES. MathAAiat Rnv. F. IT. MeLartv. a&otor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. us., and J3 p. m. f rayer meeting every weanesaay nloht at 7-30. Hnndav Aohool at 9 a. m.. A. O. Gaylord, Superintendent ; W. JiL Coop er, Secretary. BaptisRev. G L. Finteb, pastor, ervioee let 3d Sundays at 11 A. m., and TrSftn m. Pravar ftneatin? rerv TiiUrs- day night at 7:30. Sanday school every ajunday at SJ.au . m,, js. r, venires, superintendent. (inw.a C.hnrch fBnIttona.l K'ev. E. P. Qreea, rector. Morsing and evening prayer ra Sundays, uoiy eommnnion ai morning service. Lay service at other morning ser vices. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., Ed mnd Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple Rev, J B. Qreenwade, pastor, (Service 1st and 4tfc Sunday in each month t 11 a. ni., and p. m. Prayer meeting .every Wednesday opening at 7:30. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Jtfr. Arrbur Swain, Superintendent. TTo The ILadics It is aot only io lines ol Superb MM jnery creations that we have won a foremost i iplace, bat iu Hats, Bonnets, Capes, Wraps And Cloaks, at extremely moderate prices. The charming things that we have on ex hibition this -season at little prices have anany agreeable surprises among them for the women who desire to economize. Miss Nellie Efearpley is again in charge of the trioimkg department this season, which is a guarantee that we can lead the town on up-to-date work, Easpectfully, MRS. S. D. PEAL. Ocl9 Stylish Millinery Have you seen ray line of Millinery Goods, Trimmed aad untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, at all the latest hapes direet from New York -and other iashionable cities? Have yoa seen my display of No tions, Ribbons, Flowers, &c. t not call and let me convince you tkt I have wliat you want. DO YOU NEED A WRAP ? If yon do you wraot one tfeat is in style, one that will wear well and Jook nice, then don't buy until you Bee my line tor I ca. please you. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the fame I remain, yours truly, Hrs.-Aimie Latham. TASTELESS nn n n n n n "3 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. YAR RANTED. PRICE 50 cts. G AiATtA,' Ills., Not. Hi, liiX yrtaJIMoinCo., fit.Louto.Mo. , Gntlmen: We wild last year, COO bottles of OBOVB'9 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC aod b feoucbt ttre (iros already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 yours, in tho drug business, hnva oarer aold an article that rave auch universal gull iacUon aa jour Tonio. lours truly. Guaranteed to core Chills, Fevers and Malaria in all of its forms, je l-lyd 'ppfe plll BEACON FLASHES. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Small pox is reported ia EL City. Have a good time, bet keep sober. Is there a crossed pencil mark on your paper ? Mr. W. L. Bbarrod, of Hamilton, was here tbis week. We wish you a Merry Chrktmay and a Happv New Year. Turkeys hare been in great demand for the past two weeks. Sheriff Jf helps and family are visiting their people at Creawell. A few pairs more of those beautiful fig. ures at Plymouth Grocery Go's., Store. After (his week we will be able to give you more reading matter. Mr. H. W. Loaue left yesterday for Baltimore to spend the holidays, Tuesday was rather a Bummer day, with a thander storm in the afternoon. Miss Donnie Davenport haa gone to E, City to upend the holidays with relatives. Our town will observe neat Monday as Christmas, as Christmas comes on Sunday. Fire works of every kind from a pack of popcrackers to a big balloon, at 7. F. Faoab's. Mrs. P. V. Johnston has gone to Norfolk to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. If you haven't the money to spare, wo will take chickens or eggs on your sub scription. Mrs. E. H. Taft, of Greenville, with her little aon, ia here visiting her father, Mr. J. 8. Chesson, Our old friend and former townsman, Mr, 0. 8. Clough, of Berkley, Va was here this week. If you are going to buy a suit of Clothes get one of those up-to-date suits to be bad at Hobnthals. Mrs. Adel Smith, of Portsmouth, Va., with her babe, is visiting her bitter, Mrs. Geo. VY. Hardiflou. Miss Gee Midgett haa gone to Newport News, Va., to spend some time with her aunt, Mrs. K. B. Latham. Bt Rev, A. A. Watson, Bishop of Dioces East Carolina, will visit Grace Episcopal church on Friday Jan fith. , Mr. L. E. Jackson and family returned to this, their old home, on Wednesday. We extend them a hearty welcome. Just opened a fresh lot of Royster's Fine Candies, in boxes, all shapes and sizes, at F. F. Fagan's. Undertaker W. J. Jackson received a phone order for a coffin on Monday from Bath, for Mr. liobt. Peal, son of Geo. Peal, Esq. ' Mistletoe and holly which grows in great abundance in this section, has been in de mand at home and abroad daring the past few weeks. Mrs. E. Sallenger and mother, Mrs. Har ding, and Misses Helen aud Pearl Sallen ger, of Sana Souci, were here Monday on a shopping tour. , The best Oysters right from Norfolk every day. Just a few doors below Mr- J. T.Lewis. H. Mackltk. Mr, Herman Hornthal and Dr. Nash, of Wr.rfnlk. have been here (his week on a 'sporting visit. They were the guests of m m W" Wt . t. Mr, Louis r. nominal. Ah we exnect to take the usual hoiidav rest, there will be no issue of this paper next week. We hope to greet our friends on the 6th of January 1890. LOOK OUT for the BaMoon ascension with fireworks attached next Monday night. These Balloons can be found at Plymouth Grocery Go's.. Store. .We have sent out a number of bills to subscribers who owe for a year or mora, and we hope those receiving same will re mit at once. We need the cash, ' Annual Clearance . Sal The first Annual Clearance Hale of L. P, Hornthal, consisting of Clothing, Shoes and Hats, is now being offered in the store recently oc cupied by A. fL Harrison. Th Rr Marflnwer haa been in E. Citv tbis weeV having a new wheel put on and her rudCer made larger, i ne ing u. a.. Neal has been filling her place between tbis town aud Windsor, Ladies, before buying your fall dresses call and examine onr line of Storm Serges aud English Flanneletts, they are beauties, and so cheap, at UOKSTHAls. w Mrs. Pricie Barber bad the misfortune to fall on Tuesday, while at the home of Mr. Jos. Skittletharpe, breaking her arm in two placer. Dr. Hassell was called and set the broken limb, and at this writing she is doing as well as could be expected. There are Wilson aud others, but the "Wilson" ia the Heater that leads them all. Save time, trouble and fuel by using the "Wilson." for sale by LOUW P. HOBHTHAL. We extend happy congratulations to Mr. A. L. Harrison who took unto himself a wife on Wednesday morning, the bride beins one of Hamilton's most charming daughters. A reception was held at the home of the groom, near riymoutn, w ea nesday night. Call and see Dr. Albert Newton, Oculist Optician, of Boston ; will be located at the Drug Store of J. W. Bryan for tbfl next two weeks.' He will examine your eyes free of charge. Our editor and family are indebted to Capt. Davenport, the popular master ol the Str. Mayflower, for a pair of fine tur keys. Thanks Captain, our entire force o hoi I fMBt and ainp vanr nraiaes. Lon? may you trod the deck of your beautifal steamer and De nappy. Bemember Dr. Albert Newton, Oculist Optician, will only be here for two weeks. If you are not fitted properly with your spectacles, you now nave tne opportunity to have your eyes examined free of charge. J. W. Bbvan. Many of our subscribers haye been thoughtful enough to oome forward and settle up, and we thank every one of them, but there are many yet who have not paid. and it you are one of the latter will you not coeie forward and settle at once ? The amount you owe in very small. Mr. Joe Newberry returned home last week from New Orleans, La., where he bad been in ihe steam tug Assistance. Ha says he is glad to know that the report that bis boat had been lost was not true. They were out five days, and were in the late storm, but made the trip irom Norfolk to New Orleans safely. We are glad to see you, old boy. Old Santa haa come and unpacked at the Plymouth Grocery Co's Store, Confection eries, Fruita, Toys, Nuts, &o. Bonian Can dles, Bookets, Bomb-rockets, Thunderbolts, red and green Torches, Fire Crackers, Can non Crackers, and Baby Wakers, Our prices as low as the lowest. Dr. Albert Newton, a highly recom mended Oculist Optician, who has met with flattering success on both continents, has opened an office in J, W. Bryan's drug store, where be will examine your eyes free of charge, and guarantees a perfect fit with glasses. If your eyes are bad don't rail to call on mm. The remains of Mr. Jno. W. Stillman, Jr., who was accidentally drowned at Washington on Friday night, was brought here Saturday for interment. Mr. Still man war a native of this county, but bad been employed in Washington for some time. We have a lengbty communication on hie death from Prof. D. W. Arnold, but it Is necessarily left out. Dr. Albert Newton, Oculist Optician, has come highly recommended; he has been visiting the South for the past thirty two years; will charge you nothing to examine your eyes. All glasses prescribed by him are warranted live years. , J. W. Bryan, Mr. Will Hardison who left Plymouth three years ago and joined the army, has returned borne, to the delight of his many friends. He enlisted at Fortress Monroe ; was sent from there to Seattle, Wash., thence to Fort Canby, Wash., thence to Fort Stevens, Ore.; thence to San Francisco, When reinforcements were started to the Phillipines, Mr. Hardison'a regiment was sent forward, but was turned back at the last hour, so while he has crossed the con tinent twice yet he did not get a chance to go to Cuba or to the Philippines. His time having expired Nov. 28th he accepted a discharge and started East, arriving here last week, as clever and handsome aa ever. ltoDerts- is ine uniu lonio you want, De cause it cures. 25o. per bottle. No cure, no pay. Pleasant as Florida oranges. For sale by W. C. Ayers feb 15-ly Bemember that the printer may want a little Christmas and that little amount you owe will help him. We have waited very patiently during the summer, but now you have sold your crop please do not keep us waiting longer. It has been bard for ns to keep the paper going during the dull dayB of the past year, but it has not failed to visit vour home every week, now we ask you kindly to oome to our aid and pay up your subscription in full, borne owe us but little while others owe for a year or more, Wa are not able to do a credit busi ness as we bave to pay cash for everything we use, hence we need what you owe us, and those who fail to pay up need not ex pect the paper next year. We bave done our part. Will you do yours ? We think you will. Is there a crossed pencil mark on your paper ? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended npon and is pleasant and safe to take. Bold by all druggists. Died. After a tedious illness of several weeks, W. R. Gardner, Esq., at his home near Plymouth, on Thursday night Dec. 15th, aged about 31 years. The funeral services were conduc ted at the home on Saturday after noon by Rev. T. At. Plyler, of the M. E. Church. The deceased leaves a wife, two children, and a large circle of friends to mourn his departure. To the be reaved we extend heartfelt sympa thies. Educate Your Bowels With Caboabsts Candy Cathartio, cure constipation for ever. 10c. 25c. If C. C, C. fail, druggists refund money. dec 13-tf It was probably the one touch of nature in Adam that made the whole world kin. If your blood is thin, appetite poor, troubled with night sweats, a bad cold or la grippe, take Roberts' Tasteless 25o. Chill Tonic. For sale by W. C. Ayers feb 15-ly Don't cast your bread upon the waters today and expect it to come back in the form of sponge cake tomorrow. Two Millions a Yeab. When people buy, try, and boy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarete Candy Cathartio at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regolator for everybody the year ronnd. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50o a box, cure guaranteed. dec 13-tf A wise man never leaves his feelings out where they can get hurt. ConHtipation prevents the body from rid ding Itsell or waste matter. De Witt s Lit tle Early Risers V ill remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, In active Liver and clear the Complexion Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. J. W. Bryan A bird in the hand sometimes means one leas in the chicken coop. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumo nia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamber.ain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This bame treatment will cure a lame baok in a few hours. Sold by all druggists. CITY MARKET REPORT. C. R. Sides per lb Plates 7 61 Sbolders Bacon 7&8 12 11.50 8 Patent $4.75 Familv 4.00 Hams S. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined Flour, per barrel, W. I. Molasses, per gal., SO 40 Syrup " " 40 Granulated Sugar, per lb 6 Light brown " " " 5 Butter " " 25 4 30 Cheese " " 12 to 15 Green Coflea ' " 10 to 20 Boasted Coffee 12$ 15 Errs per doz., 18 Tobacco, per lb 20 to 80 Shot " " 7 Gun Powder " " 25 to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety 150, per gal, 12 " " lied C. pergai., is Apple Viaegar " " 25 Bee'a Wax, per lb 20 Tallow, " " 5 Hioea, mm." " t " Green " " 4c under 60 3 " Baited " 4 Salt, per sack 75 Corn. per nus., new w Meal, - " GO Bice. " " Peas, black " ' 50 black eve " " 75 Peanuts " " Cotton per lb 4f to 5 A Subk Thins Fob You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a 6ure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caueed by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartio, the wonderful new liver stimelant and in testinal tonic are by all druggists guaran teed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, 0c. Sample and booklet free. All druegists. dec 13-tf The man with numerous eood points is more octagon than square. To Cube Constipation Fokkvzb. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo. or 25c. If 0. C. C. fail to cure, druggists re fund money. dec 13-tf "Uneasy lies the root that wears a crown," says a dentist's victim. Beautt Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauy without it. Cascarets Candy Ca thartio clean your blood and keep it clean, by gtirrlng up the lazy liver and driving all imparities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, bolls, blotches, black heads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. dec 13-tf GLAUS got left when he stopped to unpack his holiday goods at F. F, Fagan's for he found that beforehis arrival Mr. fagan had made a selection of holiday goods for his Novelty Store which made Santa Claus ashamed of himself, and at prices that could not haye been equaled. In this selection ho has presents for old and young, rich and poor, men and women, boys and girls. In this selection is a very large assortment of glass ware and china-ware (5 and 10 cent goods) single or in sets, also a nice stock of plain and fancy candies, fruits, nuts, &c. Anything from a nice bible, volum of poems or other books to a cheap toy. In fact I have just what you are looking for. Call early and , look at my goods. Yours truly, 3? IT. '41 Ji FOR TEN DAYS The place lathias Owens & Go's Such as Dress patterns, Cloaks, Capes and Wraps, Shoes, Hats, Etc. We have reduced all prices for this occasion. Come and see. ft '4 5a TEN DAYS to get i