"Trust Not to Appearances' That 'which seems hard to hear may be a great bltssing. Let us take a lesson from the rough weather of Spring It is doing good despite appear ances Cleanse the system thoroughly; rout out all impurities from the blood with that greatest specific, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Instead of sleepless nishts, with conse quent irritableness and an undone, tired feeling, you will have a tone and a bracing air ta.-t will enable you to enter into every day's work with pleasure. Remember, Hood's never disapjioints. . Coltre "Goitre -5VKS so expensive in med ical attendance that I kt mine go. It made ine a pertert wreck, until I took Hood's Sar napanlla, which entirely cured me." Mrs. Thomas Jo.sks, 13j South St,, Utica, N. Y. punning Sores "Five years aso my affliction came, a running sore on my leg, causing me great anRuish. Hood's Sarsapar illa healed tbe sore, which has never re turned.' Mks. A. YV". Babkett, 3!) Powell Street, Lowell, Mass. Hood'g Fills cure liver lllg, the non Irritating and the only cathartic to take with Hooda Saraaparilla. Go to our grocer to-day and get a 15c. package of Southern Ral'lways Sew Train M the South. New York and Florida Express leaves New i in vw x-eunyiv.Tu n. n. a.ou p. m Leaves Washington (Southern Railway) 9.31 p. m. Arrive Ssvnnnah 2.56 p. m., Bruns wick 13 p. m., Jacksonville T.40 p. m., witt immediate connection. Express Train foi Miami and all pointson East Coastof Florida Tampa 6.30 a. m., Aiken, S. C, 3.15 p. m., Au gust 8.4i" p. m. rmiinnu iirHivins noom, nuriei creeping Cars, New York to Tampa and Aiken, First class Vestibuled Coaches, Washington tc Jacksonville without change. Also handles Pullman Drawl na: Room Sleeping Cars, New York to New Orleans and Memphis vTa Washington, Lvnchburo: and BristoL General East. Office, 271 B'way, N. Y One-fourth of the coal used In the world Is mined by American industry. Beauty Is Blood i)eep ("Sean blood means a clean skin- No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all inv E unties Horn the body. Uegin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A line of street cars in St. Tenuis. Mo., is to be run by compressed air. Cougrha Lead to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Goto your druggist to-dav and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 59 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dangerous. In three years the expense of running an Atlantic steamer exceeds the cost of construction. Goiii0 It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it M. ful. Insist that yon r grocer e wes 70a GRAIN O. Accept, no imiuuoa. 3Js IE? To) c? HE3 U Lfi iSn LEa Your name on a postal card will get you Spalding's Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of Sports 72 Pages, With Nearly 400 Illustrations. A. C. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chicago. Denver. Catarrh Cannot be Cured With local applications, as thev cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood oi constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall't Catarrh Cure is v,aken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It waj prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pre. scription. It is composed of the best tonic? known, combined with the best blood nuriflers. ttuLEL mirt uiy uu tuo IUUVUU3 rsuriitcps. lufl perfect combination of the two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by DruKgists, price, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. There are in theAlps 230 glaciers said to be over Ave miles in length. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tonr Life A tray. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or ft. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Vorte The first law school in America opened in Philadelphia in 1790. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinsr Syrup for children teething, softens the trums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 2c.a bottle. The Germans are about to build a Ger man theatre at Eiao-Chau, China. Found immediate relief in one bottle of Dr. Peth Arnold's Cough Killer Mrs. S. W. Hatch, Box laO.Wollaston. Mass.. Auk. 17. 1898. Men make the beds and keep the rooms ia order In the Mexican hotels. ho-To-Iiat for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weafc men strong, blood pure. 50c. $1. Ail druggists. Infant schools began at New Lanark, Scotland, In 1815. A Gorgeous Carriage. The most magnificent carriage ia the Nice battle of flowers was in the form of a Russian sleigh, with the servants in Russian costume. The whole equipage was covered with pink and white camellias. In front of the sleigh was the head of a large polar bear and overhead hung a huge eagle perched on a snowy branch. Behind walked servants carrying silver axes. This sight carried one's mind back to the old stories of sleigh driving, pur sued by wolves, over the snowy plains of Russia, the ominous eagle of des tiny hovering overhead. Another competitor who favored the weird etyle of decoration was one whose car riage displayed a serpent made of pansies, with jaws wide open and red fangs flashing in the sunlight. This ferocious rep til 3 was coiled round a tree and its head stretched forward as to strike. Chicago Record. Lane's Family medicine. Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on tne aver ana Kidneys, uures sice head ache. Price 25 a ad 50c. The Marechal Kiel Rose. The Empress Eugenie gave the name "Marechal Niel" to the lovely rose which is so called. When Gen eral Niel returned from the field of Solferino, where he had signally dis tinguished himself, a poor man pre sented him with a basket of lovely yellow roses. To perpetuate their beauty the General had a cutting struck from one of the blooms, and when a rose tree had grown from this he presented it to the Empress Eu genie. She was delighted with the dainty gift, but was much surprised to know that the roses was known by no distinctive name. "Ah!" she said, "I will give it a name; and it shall be the Marechal Neil." Thus the Empress achieved two ends named the flower and acquainted the General with the fact that he had been raised to the coveted office of Marshal of France. HEALTH and beauty are the glories of perfect woman hood. . -.i Women who suffer constantly with weakness peculiar to their sex cannot retain their beauty. Preservation of pretty features and rounded form is a duty women owe to themselves. The mark of excessive monthly suf ering is a familiar one in the faces of young American women. Don't wait, young women, until your good looks are gone past recall. Consult Mrs. Pinkham at the out- Start. Write to her at Lynn, Mass. Miss Edna Ellis, Higginsport, Ohio, writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I am a school teacher and had suffered untold agony during my menstrual periods for ten years. My nervous sys tem was almost a wreck. I suffered with pain in my side and had almost every ill human flesh lp. heir to. . I had taken treatment from a number of physicians who gave mo MARKS OF SUFFERING '2 i V I no relief. In faot one eminent specialist said no medicine could help me, I must submit to an operation. At my mother's request, I wrote to Mrs. Pink ham stating: my case in every par ticular and re ceived a prompt reply. I followed the advice given me and now I suffer no more during menses. If anyone cares to know more about my case, I will cheerfully answer all letters." Miss Kate Cook. 16 Ad dison St., Mt. Jackson, Ind., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkkam I am by occupation a school teacher, and for a long while suf fered with painful menstruation and nervousness. I have re ceived more benefit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora oound than from all remedies that I have ever tried. AT03 a mild and effective laxative they are simply won derful. My daughter and I were bothered with sick stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking a lew doses of Cascarets we Lave Improved wonder! u.'ly. They are a great help In the family," 11.7! Kittenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio. W0x& CANDY Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. TX Good, tover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 2jc, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling nrmrij Cpy, fhlrato. Sndtrr.l, H.ir To?k. S15 Nn.Tfl.Brin fold and miaranteed by all drue U" I U-DAli BiSts to CVRK Tobaoco llabiu Dr. Eadwat: Dear Sir I have been using your medi cines that Is, your Pills' and Ready Relief. These two medicines have done me and my family more Rood than a whole drug store. I am 53 years old. I used about six boxej of your pills since last spring. I am as reg ular now and feel like a healthy man of 20 years. Now, I want to find out about vour Re solvent, to use In case of a young lady .etc., etc.;. liespectruuv, AUGUST WIT5IER. 542 East 131th Street, New York. April Stil, 1SU8. padwa Pills Purely vegetable, mild and reliable. Cause Per fect Digestion, complete absorption and healthful regularity, tor tbe cure of all disorders of th btoniach. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Jervoua lia tases, Piles, SICK HEADACHE and all Disorders of the Liver. Price, 25 ctn. per box. Sold by aU druggists, oi ent by mail ou receipt of price. RAD WAY & CO., 55 Elm St., Nevr York. Be sure to get "Radway's." Sheridan Knowleg's Memory, As Sheridan Knowles, the drama tist, was -walking down the strand one day -with a friend, he stopped to greet a gentleman, who, however, received him very coldly. "Do you know," said he to Knowles, "that you owe me an apol ogy?" "An apology! What for?" asked the dramatist. "For not keeping that dinner en gagement you had with me last Thurs day. I had a number of people to meet you, and you never came or even sent an explanation of your absence." "Oh, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Knowles. "I've such a memory that E forgot all about the affair; forgive me, and invite me to another dinner." It was then arranged that he should dine with the gentleman on the fol lowing Wednesday, and, in order that the engagement might not again be forgotten, he then and there recorded it in his dairy. On rejoining his friend he told him the story of his lapse of memory. "Who is the gentleman?" asked the friend. "Well, I'm blest," cried Sheridan Knowles, "I have forgotten his name!" "That's funny," said the friend; "but you can easily find out by refer ring to the Directory. You know his address, of course." y" "No not even that!" roared the unhappy dramatist. Waverley Maga zine. "When Wellington Gave a Party. One day, when some Bmall visitors happened to be in the nursery at Strathfieldsage, the Duke of Welling ton walked up to the top of the house and found the youngsters at tea. He gazed grimly around, as if the room were a field of battle, and noticed that there was no jam on the table. Without a word he rang the bell violently. A footman appeared and stood petrified. "Have the goodness to under stand," said the Duke, in a voice of thunder, "that when children are in vited to my house to tea they are to have jam!" Then he departed, and before he was out of earshot a shout went up that must have reminded him of Waterloo . The Olive's Power of Adaptation. The olive has an almost human gift of adaptation to environment. It flourishes in a temperature that falls to fourteen degrees above zero, and in the inland valleys of California, where the thermometer reaches 120 degrees, it grows irrigated only by natural rain fall. It finds in the California foot hill just such homelike surroundings as at its 4000-feet level in Algeria and itn Italian elevation of 3200 feet. It will prosper in any friable soil rich in lime and potash, as are all the virgin lands of the coast. It also does well where its roots can penetrate easily a rocky, clay, sand, granite, or volcanic formation, seeming to prefer an arid mountain soil, bat not disdaining life ia the black adode near the coast. The Age of Olive Tree. The age of the oldest olive trees in California runs back over ninety years. They are six in number, and stand about the San Gabriel Mission, still bearing fruit, and living monuments to the wisdom of the Francisian friars. The oldest olive tree in the country is that at the Capistrano Mission, thirty miles south of Los Angeles. Its seed came from Corsica in 1769, and the purpose was to provide food from the trees for the monks, who came from olive-growing regions in the same lati tudes as Southern California, in Spain and the south of France. The old monarch has been photographed hun dreds of times by tourists. It is fully fifty feet high and has a trunk five feet in diameter China Like a Graveyard. The wife of an American naval offi cer stationed at Tien-Tsin, China, writes thus to a friend m Baltimore "The trip by train from the landing to iien-l'sin takes about an hour and a half. The cars are not palatial, but they are comfortable. When you land nunareds of coolies besiege you for your baggage. You wonder how it ever reaches its destination in safety, The trip is somewhat interesting, but rather desolate to take alone. You pass through miles of graveyards. There are thousands of mounds with out a sign of green grass or green leaf. China seems to be one vast g.-avejard, lortliey bury their dead auy where they wish. They bury in large coffins, placed on the surface of the ground, cov ered over with mud and earth. This is blown aud washed away, and then the comns are exposed to view. A few miles from the railroad station on the river you come to trees and vegeta tion. It reminds you of some of the poor laud that som of our railroads at home go through. "New York Tribune. Up on the Statutes. Cincinnati people love to tell this story on General Benjamin F. Butler: He was one of a commission to ex amine young applicants for admission to the bar, and before him came a youth who failed miserably on all that pertained to jurisprudence, case law, civil law, sumptuary law, unwritten law and due process of law. Finally,. Butler, whoTather liked the chap and wanted to see him through, asked: "What would you like to be examined in? You have failed in everything we have suggested." The reply came: "Try me on the statutes; I'm up on them." Butler shook his head solemnly. "My young friend," he said, "I'm afraid you won't do. You may be ever so familiar with the statutes, but what is to prevent a fool Legislature from repealing all you know?" New York Press. Educate Your Dowels With C'uacarets. Candy Cnthartio. cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If O. O. C fall, drneeists refund money Tha Chinese are gradually blending themselves into the social community In Australia. Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up 3LUXT, aprague. Wash.. March 8, ItML Illinois has $5,000,000 invested in nurs-sries. ; Fortify feeble lungs aarainst winter blasts vith Hale's Honey of Horehotind and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one Minute. An ostrich every year furnishes feathers vorth from $40 to $50. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervonn. less after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great "Jerve Restorer. $a trial bottle and treatise free jr. K. ti. KLINE. Ltd., 3i Arch st.,Phila.,Pa. The coldest period of the day is usually a ew minutes after sunrise. To Cure Constipation Forever. TftVfi CUfiCSirAtu flnniin Pathnrtin in. - M. tfCC.C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Brazil produces about 7,000,000 bags "of offee a year. To Cure a, Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All )ruggists refund money if it fails to cure. 35c. The paper production of the world in a rear weighs 3,000,000,000 pounds. No old-time doctor discards the medicine whicn can show an unbroken record of 4 Fifty Years of Cures. To those doctors, who went op and down the country in every kind of wind and weather, faithful, patient, and true, Ayer's Sarsa parilla owes its rst success. Today any doctor of repute who prescribes any Sarsaparilla prescribes Ayer's, We have thousands of testimonials from doctors all over this land that it is the one safe Sarsaparilla, and the doctors know what it is, because we have been giving the formula of it to them for over half a century. This is why is "the leader of them all," not because of much advertising nor because of what we put around the bottle, but because of what is in me come, It is the one safe spring medicine for you. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the orlcinalitv and simplicity of the combination, but also to tne care and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svritp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon an tne importance of purchasing1 the true and oricrinal remedy. As tha genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured Dy tne California I'io Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoidinc the wnrfhlPRa imitations manufactured by other par ties, ine high standing1 of the Cali fornia Fio Svrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Fig's has given to minions or families, makes ine name oi the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It Is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidnevs. liver and bowels without irritating or weaken in cr them, and it does not crrine nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial , effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CsL nOrflSVTM.W. Rr. NEW YORK. Tf.Y. Bear in Hind Thai 'The Gods Help Those Who Help Them' selves." Self Help Should Teach You to Use Cremation is largely on the increase in Germany. Last year 403 bodies were cremated twenty-one at Jena, 179 at Gotha, 105 at Heidelberg and ninety-eight at Hamburg. flOQO BICYCLES tvaratoek: II ait lie Cioud O yUNUlRU ' BODKIS, guaranteed, S9.75 to 816. Shopworn & sec ond h.nd wbvels, pood at new, 8J' S10. Great tatory arlag aala. W. lb ! tli una. m annravfcl ' 'rial -ItliiiiM a mt In ad.ta FARM m mnvnt k K. F. Mead Cycle Company, Chicago, III. DHFIIM ATIM CUItED-Sampl bottlsMdays' Kit CUIll A I lOtll treatment, postpaid, tO cents, ''Alexander Remedy Co., 'Greenwich st.,N.Y, WANTED Case of bad bealib that K-l-f-A-M-3 will not benefit. Send 6 cts.to Bipans Chemical Co., New York, for lUsatuplen and 1U00 testimonials. IVrPTJTTf.'Nr THIS PAPER WHEN RKl'LT-IJU-DIM 1J.UJLN INQ TO ADVTS. NYNU 15. I Thompson's Eye Watsr If afflicted with Bore eyes, use f O f D Q V NEW DISCOVERT: iriTM J M I I quiaknliet and ear wont e&aaa. Book of taatimoniala aad lO dura' traatmaat Fre. Dr. K. H. eftEEI'a lOHS, Box D, Atlanta, Oa. Bevel-Gear jCHAINLESS BICYCLE: ' Easiest running, most durable, , safest, cleanest. World's reo- . ord ot 250 consecutive dally A centuries. Always ready toZ ride. Nothing to entangle or? soil tbe clothing. Colombia Chain Models j Z Embody the results of 22 years'S I experience In the application A of the best methods of cycle building. I Best CUHtS WHtKE ALL ELSE FAILS. Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, in time. Sold by dmeKlnts. 23 ItlE SCltNLtlj I OFJUFLJ KNOW THYSELF. THE GLORY OF MAN! Strength, Vitality, Manhood. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE OR, SELF-PRESERVATION. A Great Medical Treatise on Happy Marnaces, the cause and cure of .ex hausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Atrophy ( wasting), and vari cocele, also on ALL DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES OF MAN Jrom what ever cause arising. True Principles of Treatment. 370 pp.12mo, with En-' Savings. UfiX THYSELF. It Contains 125 Invaluable Prescriptions for acuta and chronic diseases. Embossed, full gilt, PRICE ONLY tl BY MAIL (sealed). (Neweditlon, with latest observations of the author.) TtinA tVa CltV AT nA J rvAnr rMrvcipf n ' I i . Address Th Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston, Mass. (Established in 1860. Chief Consulting Physician and Author, Graduate of Harvard Medical College, Class 1864. Surgeon Fifth Massachusetts Regiment Vol. The Host Emlaent Specialist la America, who Cure Whera Others Fall. Consultation in person or by letter, 9 to 6 ; tJundava 10 to 1. Confidential. The Natnal Medical Association awarded the Gold Medal or this Grand Prize Treatise, which is truly A BOOK FOB EVERY MAN, Young, Middle-aged, or Old, Married or Singl. The Diagnostician, or Know Thyself Manual, a 94-page pamphlet with testimonials and endorse ment of the press. Price, 60 cents, but mailed FREE for 6o days. Bend now. It is a perfect VADiS MECUM and of great value for WEAK and FAILING MEN by a Humanitarian and Celebrated Medical Author, distinguished throughout this country and Europe. Address as above. The presa everywhere highly endorse the Pea body Medical Institute. Read the following. The Pea body Medical Institute has been established in Boston 37 years, and the fame which It baa attained has subjected it to a test which only a meritorious institution could undergo.-Bcmton Jgurnat. " X& tabody Medical lmiitutt haooanj imitator, but no equal. "-Boston Herald. Hartfords and Vedettes, j The new Hartfords have radl-S . cal Improvements everywhere 3. Vedettes cannot be equaled for J their price. PRICES: Chalnless, $70; Co-i lumbla Chain, $50; Hartfords.S t $35; Vedettes, T25 and $26. ; 2 Catalogue of any Columbia dealer, or J by mail fur one 2-cent stamp. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. FARM EEDS Salier's Seeds r Warranted to Produw. rMatilon Lather, E.Tror, Fa., astonlnhed th world 1 ' br arowiui 2,0 butbet Bis Four Oati : J. Breidvr. r Miiijicntt, Wis., 113 buih. bftrlrr. and B. Lovejoy. Ked Wine. Minn., br Efowlnt 820 bash. Salter'! earn ' per acre. If you doutst, write them. We wish aw, mm new cuume, uence win ten a on mi io dollars Worth for ioo. i 10 pfccof rare f-m eedi. Salt Buth, Rape for Sheep, , tne bhiuu L orn, " t roar Data, uearaieaa nariej. llromus Iuermift- Yielding 7 ton hay per aoreoa dry oiu.eie., "4Uc. W ft eat, inH tiding our nammotB , ueed catalogue, telling all about nr farm eeeis, etc., ati ma ilea you upon receiptor out iuc. pota?e, poMureiy wortn jiv, toft a at aod up ft tU. S5 pkirt earliest vegeta ble eeede.9i.uu MM Catatn alone. So. . No. AO i J irr tv W UlliMVMVJ medy tor U Li JOHNSON'S MALARIA, CHILLS & FEVgtJ Grippe fit Liver DIsea'sesT j KHOWN-AtLimcGGiSTs. '35ii

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