TIJE ROANOKE BEACOV Published veiy Friday. EnfereC la .the rostOflice ft I'lymouth J. C, f ffP.JVi Cli83 HlAtttT. We appeal to tvery reader of J';8 Koanoke (BsacOn, to aid uk in ina.Iittisr it an accoptabio iiml Jjrotttable mod mm of ocwa to aur citizen,1', i.-.'t vlymoulh uuoiilc mid Uic public kuow what is eoinx on in rTlymoutli. lii ixirt to lis all item" of jOOWb the arrival anil departure of friends, surlal event, deaths, eorioua iliue-. accidents, jmv ibulldinps, new enterprises and improvements of Jsvhfetever chinctur. changes in ,busLUi;ss judecd anything and eyurj'thiujj that tvoild be of interest J o 6ur people. Sn'js.Tiption pneo, 1.00 per year. AdvtJrtieonients inserted at low rs'e. (.bituary luniees exceediiif; ten lim ' five cents aline. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and send money with MS. for all in excess of t?n lines, . The editor will not be responsible for tho views pt correspondents. All articles for publication m.ust be uccormmnied py lhe"in'.l name o tne writer. Correspondents a',s requested not to write on but ne Bide of the paper. All communications must be sent in byThiyrs&iy Sorning or tlicy will not appear. Address all eommniiicatioiisio THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plvniouth, N. C. Commissioners' Proceedings. At a special meeting of tbe Board of Commissioners of Washington county, eld ou Monday May 1st 180, the followr ng proceedings were haj, viz: Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Jas. A. Chessou, chairman ; .Jos. .flkittleharpe, J. M. Reid. Minutes of last "meeting read and ap proved. Ordered that Francis Martin be allowed fine full ration per month uutil further prders. Ordered that Wilson AVilkiig be released pf toll tax for the year LSL)8, ou account of poverty f.ugl infirmity. ,Qrdered that Bowlen G. Phelps be re leased of poll tax for the year 18'8, ou ac count of poverty and inlirmity. Ordered that Abram Ausbon be released pt poll tax in Plymouth township he having listed and paid his pell tas in Lee's Mills Jownship. Ordered that Wilson Alexander be releas ed of poll ta? for the year lSyii he haviug paid his poll tax as C. W. Alexander for aid year. Ordered that Jos. Boston, Jr., be releas ed of poll tix for the yer 1898, wrontfully fisted, Ue having paid his poll tax in Mar gin county for said year. Ordered that L. L. Newberry be released pt poll tax for the year 1898, also tax on ;$2o5 value personal property, the same having been removed from the state. Ordered that L. G. Roper's bid for build ug bridge at Beaver Dam or Shell Land jog be accepted, which is as follows . Ror-Eit, N. C, l$y 1, ;Jas. A. Chebson, Esq., Chairman Board County Commissioners Wasiin; "t,ou county, N. C. Dear Siji : I herewith put ray bid in for the building of the Beaver Dam bridge. J. will build '.he bridge according to the jsnecificatiops f.cr the sum of $75.00. r yours truly, L. G. J,cpep.. The following is a scale of valuation for ja few articles of taxable property, as agreed npon by the Board, yiz : Hogs 75c, cattle j$5 00, sheep $1.00, goats $1.00, beehives $1.00, meat and lard 5c. per pound, corn $2,00 per barrel, fodder and hay 5.0c. per hundred, lint cotton 4c. per pound. Ordered that Juo L. Phelps, sheriff, be flowed the sun of $l24.fi0 bis account for feeding jail prisoners, turnkeys, &c, for month of April, and holding court spring term 189!), $c, as per account filed. Ordered that Skittletherpe & Cooper be allowed the sum of $30.07 their account for supplies furnished poor house, court fiouse nud jail for April 1899. Ordered that Edwards & Rroughton t,e flowed the sum of $18.70 their account jbrjrecords furnished Register of Deeds ' pfflce and Superior Court Clerk's ofjipe. Ordered that J no 5. Gurganns be al lowed the sum of $0.42 his aceoupt for 1 months service as keeper of the poor hous.e rnaking two garments and amount paid Hasty Garrett far scouring, fec., at popr Jiouse, Ordered that E. II. Leary be allowed thg sum ot $i).'40 his account for 3 days ser vices as 'County Coininissioner and mile? Ordered that Thos J. Basnight be al lowed the sum of $7-1 9 his account lor provisions furnished Wjllis Boyd and Ed. Patrick from Oct. 1808. to March 1809. Ordered that Jno A. Berry be allowed the sum of $Q.00 his account for hauling ljumber and repairing Ward's bridge. Ordere.tJ that the Roanoke Beaton be al: Jowed the sum off 1.7j for publishing pro peedings of April meeting of the Board and printing potice and tax receipts, for sheriff, Ordered that J. C. Crawford, sheriff Martin county, be allowed the sum of $5 40 his account for arrest and conyeyr ing W. 11. Carsop frora WilUauibtpu to Plymouth jail. Ordered that J. V. Halsy be allowed the sum of $3.00 for serving 10 road ord ers ia Skinuersville township. Ordered that A. W. Ambrose be allowed be sum of 4.2Q for seryjng 1 road orders jn Scupperuoug township. Ordered that Jesse Nooney be allowed the sum of $?.Q() for couyeyiug Darias jiennett to I'lymouth jail and 3 meals for JJennett. Ordered that Jesse Nooney bp allowed the sum of $2 )( for conveying Wm Car ter to Plymouth jail 2J miles at Qc. and 2 piealj for Carter. Ordered tha YVilljs Kpbert3ou be al lowed the buiu of iJ3 0() for 2 days service waiting op Grand Jury at spring term 18p'J Ordered that Q. J. Svjain be allowed the piim of $ 1 0 for arrest and conveying IJatbew Lee from lyrfell county to Ply jnoath jail. Ordered that Jvtifus Swain be allowed the sum of 93c. I'pr provisions furninhed Aunis iltissell for the month of Feb!y 1800. Ordered that the various officers nud wit nesses be allowed umouuts as per state luents lilfd by W. M. Butcman, Clerk of the Superior Court, the bame being fees Site iu "taic casfcs ueterunnea ut tne cprit: -.ins ,v i!.:ni;iuij cujiuty yBrfcrior Court, said accounts thus allowed amount ing to a sum total of 140.7:?. Hoard ad janrned to jaeet ,ou the First Monday iu June ISOO. Test W, II. Stubs, Ci?k, BiSMAitii's Iitox Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. .Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where btomaeb, Liver, Kid neys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, .use Dr. KUig's sew Life Pills. They develop every power of brain nud tody. Ouly g?c at I'lymouth Dru Co. 2 4 WAY WJT1I THE DREAMS. (On the death of an es.-confederate sol Qicr. .whose funeral was attended by Grand Army veterans.) far far from his sunny-sweet meadows, Th,c .blue hills flnd sea-sieging streams, lie felt the fast gathering shadows And drifted away with the dreams. No sound of the musketry's rattle War thunders and glories and gleams; fn space having fought his last battle-- lie drifted away with the dreams. He had followed where Jacksou was lead in.g Jle had .blamed a red pathway for Lee, Jlis sword in the cause h,3 was pleading Ho had battled with iSemrpes on the sea. But now o'er his form they were bend- iug-r- Old foes, ic a new morniug's beams. With tears for the lifo that was ending, As he drifted &yay with the dreams. They saw the red scars on his bosom, (The wounds that he gloried to wear.) AmlLoye like a lily-white blossom, Was tenderly laid o;i them tere. "A soldier !" Enough in the knowing ! The light of the far battle streams. No wonder tjie quick tears were flowing As he drifted away with the dreams J And they tenderly lifted and laid him (Those wouuds honors strs on bis breast.) On a couch Love had blest and bad made In the beautiful roses of resi. Still "at home," in a land loverunited, Though far from his meadows ayd streams. The love-lamps the loyc-lamps were lighted, As he drifted away with the dreams. " !NTo Right To Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health, If she is weak, sickly and all run down, ehe will be nervous and irrita ble. If she has constipati.on or kjduey trouble, her impure blood will cause pimr pies, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch, ed complexion. Electric Bitters is he best mediciue in the w.orld to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and jto purify tbe blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes smooth, velvety skin rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only ;Q cents at Plymouth Dr.ug Store. ' 2 If Shakespeare were aliye now he woyld look just as silly leamiug to rjde a wheel as any other man. Bsfeks aiisj children need j proper food, rarely ever meds- f f cb.e, If they dq not thrive on Ihsif fcoi southing is j help to gii thzlr digsstiva j f raachL-iEry working properly. ? L COD LIVER OSL. Wmi UYPOPHQSPHITZS of LIME S SODA will g2nera!!y correct this I diiTicuity, If you wl33 put from o?.r- j fourth to hi!! a tcsspoonI in baby's bolt'.q three or four I times a day yzu wl soon s-ss a rr.arXid in-jprovement, for f larger children, f;cm hsof to J a tzaipcoTuul, acccri;;- to J ae, dissolved in ihcr rnH'X, if you so desire, vilS vnry j scon shew ib fjrent nourish' J snj power. !f the mother's rnllX does r.ct r.zufdi the j bzhy, she needs ths cmd- 1 si on. It vml show an effect at czzn bzih 'JZ211 mothsr r oc. .-r,i fr co. r.". dry r scoT'i' no-:::, (.b.iv.r.w, York, i 3 1 1 Il5 13 o Sv 1 fit siciiiii id THE UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL F0U TEACHERS. The.su:th session of the University Sum ,mer School for Teachers will begin an June 20th, next and close on the loth, of July following. The faculty will include more than 2!) prominent and successful teachers who will give daily irv?lructlou iu all of the primary and academic studies. A&oug tbe North Oaroliaa instructors who will take part are Prof. (Joker cf Golds boro, Supt. ..Qi'iiham of Charlotte, Supt Mangum of Wilson, Mosa of Ra leigh, Sunt, Qrimmsley of Greeusboro, Ptof. Claxton of tho tate Normal and Industrial College, Dr. Liyseott, Dr. Bus kerville, Dr. Mangum, and Prof. Toy of the University. In addition to these well known educators there will bo Prof. Ham. mel of Maryland Normal College, Prof. Rose of I'eabody Normal College. Trof. lieeder of Teachers College Columbia University, Dr. Jacques W. Red way the eminent Geographical author and lecturer, and Dr. W. S. Currell of WashUijjtgn and Lee University. 7 '''s faculty is the best ever assembled in the South for Summer School work and teachers wishing to de vole special study to tbe primary branches, Mathematics, English. French, German, Spauish. Botany, Chemistry, Zoo'ogy, Latin, Physics, 'hysiology, and P?jchol ogy should not fail to attend. The charges are low and there will be reduced rates over all railroads. For Circular giving full particulars apply to C. S. Noble, Superintendent, Chapel fll, N. C. His Life Was Savkd. Mr. J, M Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverauce from a frightful death. In tel ling ol it he says : "1 was takeu with Ty phoid i?',ever, that run into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened I was so weak I couldn't even sit up iu bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Con sumption, cheu I heard of Dr. Kiup's New Discovery . One bottlo gave great relief '. I continued to use it, and now am well1 aud stroug. I can'i say too much in its praise " 1ms marvellous mtdjc.ine ia the sur.est and quickest euro in tho world for all Throat "aud Lung Trouble. Regular sizes T0 ceuts aud $t OO. 1 rial Bottles free at i lymoutu Drug (Jo., every oottle giur aoteec. 2 Pretending to know th.e tilings you snouiu kuow, out riou't occasionally au swers the same purpose. Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead Irom an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors ricomuieuded Chamberlain's Co.tudi Remedy. I did not think that auv medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough mediciue I ever had iu the house. J. L. Moore. South Burgettstown, Pa. For tale by all druggists. t ICs useless to try to kill time, for it will eventually turn the tables on you. I have becu a sufferer from chronic diar rlioea ever siuce the war and haye used all kinds oi medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been a f;:iccess as a cure, aud that is fjnainberiy.iu's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Gkisuam, Gaars Mills, La. For sale by alj druggists. Some men spend half their time in ma king promises and tho other half iu making excuses. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Unresists ref'ynJ the money if it fails to cure. 2.c. 1 he genuine has L, B. Q. on each tablet. uov 1,-Gci Drowning men ofteu clutch at straws when engaged iu drowning their troubles. If you suffer from tenderness or fullnese on the right bide, pains under shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness, sick-head-aohe aud feel dull, heavy and sleepy your Jiver is torpid and congested. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently " by removing the congestion and causinir the bile ducts to open and flow naturally, they AltE POOD pills. Leggett's "Drug Store. A bad penny, like a retrousse noae, al ways turns up. Don't think yon can cuse that slight at tack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will cure itself, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure it ; it "digests what you eat" aud re stores the digestive orgau3 to health. LegT gett's Drug Store, A man is up to-day nnd down to-morrow and a good many succeeding days. J, D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. II., says: 'T would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best reiuedy for croup I ever Used," Leggelt's Drag Store. Sometimes a woman crushes a man with a look, and sometimes she onlv mashes him. If you have piles, c jJiJE them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never faile.d to cure OTHEU3 ; it will not fail to cure you. Leggett's Drug Store. The high moral ground occupied by tho hypocrite is a bluff. It makes no difference bow bad tbe wound if yon use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve; it. will quickly herd and leave no tear. Leguett Drug Story, Talent is ability to work ; genius is ability to quit. . Some of tho rpsnlts of neglected dyspep tic conditions of tho stomach are cancer, consumption, heart disease and epilepsy. Kodoj Dyspepsia Cuo prevents &U this by effecting a quick cure in all oases of dys pepsia. Leggett's Drug Store. The best material for a successful nwtl is b.raius. By allowing (ho accumulation in the bowels to r'-majn, the entire system is pois oned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try tnem and you will always use -them. Leggett's Drug Store. " Make Inste slowly except when you ere trying to catch, a. cat. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute (Cough Ome. Use this rem edy in time and save a doctor's bill or the undertaker's. Leggett's Drug Store. lyspepsia Digests what you eat. Itartiflcially digests the food apd aids Nature In strcngtheniner and reconv structing the exhausted "digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. Jso other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickIIeadache,Gastralgia,Crarnps,and oil 1 . . . - rt..14-. - P 4, f A jj uiiuuifl ICSU1LSIU I 111 pt'I It'CLUleSHOli. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt &Co., Chicago, Leggett's Dura Stoke. nu5-ly. NOTICE! T. B. Wolfe, et als vs. II. E, Wolfe, et m$ Pnrsuaut to an order of the Superior Court of Washington county made in this cause on the 2nd clay of Jauuary 18!)(J, .con tinuing the sale ordered to have been made on the Jst Monday in January 18'.H)aud a'so an order made in said cause directing anoth er sale of the lands hereinafter described, I shall sell by public auction at the Court House door iu Plymouth ou the first Mon day in June 18.1)9, th,e lauds known as the Dr. Wolfe residence near Plymouth, on The road pom Plymouth to Jamesville. Terms cash. II, S. Warp, April 29, ISO!), Commishioner. I 33. YEAGER, -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the onlv house in town whom von will find nil kinds of ninsirci.l instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, tho Columbia Zither which tiny child can play, and the Columbia Graphophnne which makes speeches, sings songs and nlnvs band pieces. Records and t-ilking'machi- nes in stock and for sal?. I have also added a Gold and Silr ver pjating department for plating v aicii.es, deweiry anu silverware. REPAIRING of all kind done .on Short AtOriCE, and satisfaction guaranteed. Your fSpfi'itB II A T You ,wapt in the latest style and cf the best material. Get it then from Mrs. A. M. Avers where you will get pot only the up-to-date m shape, but also the lowest prices. I have a select stock of flowers, tips, ribbons and other - millinery goods which are very cheap. I also carry u nice lino of ready trjpimed hats wjiicli pan be bought much cheaper than special orders. If there is anything in my line you need 1 can make the price o. k., mid will appreciate your patronage, Yours to please, Mua. A. M. Ayejis, With the opening of Spring get out your last Epasop suits, coats, pant3 and dresses aud have them renovated and CLEANED OU DYED and thus save the price of a new garment. Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as dcw by the eld reliable CLEANER and DYER- SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main glreet, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. I also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and cau ruake your old furniture look ju3 as good as new at small cott. All work guaranteed aud your patronage respectfully solicited, Cure Saml Wiggins. Jill Cm "Remember The Main" thing in family groceries is to get them fresh, the same is true of .cakes candies, canned goods, .c. To get these goods fresh e-ili on W. J. Jack son he has a nice line of Heavy .and. Fancy Groceries, and would like to C. U. B. A. customer, that he might please you in this line. Ho also carries a large stock of Ready Hixed Paints and can save you money on every purchase. W. J. Jackson IlGrulhal Block, next to Post Office. REMOVED Plymouth grocery Co., (to p.uikkley's corner) Yo have moved our stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the store on Brinkley's corner so we nitty be more convenient to the public. We carry a full-line, everything to be found in an up-to-date grocery and at prices as low as th.e lowest. Thanking the public for the very liberal patronage given us at the old stand we solicit a larger share of 3 our trade in the future. Yours very truly, J. D. McCONNICO, Manager, NEW UNDERTAKER, S. J- BA11C0, DEALER Itf CoBns, Caskets, and I5urial-caf.es of all styles, grades, sizes and prices. Special attention given to orders at a dis tance. If it should be your misfortune to need anything iu this line see my goods. I am still io the buggy busiues with as nice a Jot of open and top vehicles as has ever been shown in this section. In work prices I defy competetion. Examine my stack before placing your order, yours respectfully, S. J. BAKCO, IIOPEK, N. C, ocia ly THE OLD RELIABLE L335J I am still in tbe front, with a complete line of Buggies, waggons, Road Sarts, Farm Carts, Or any other" Vehicle. To be convinced, call and see for your self. With a large variety of material, and increased facilities, we aro bet ter prepared than ever, to turn out first-class "Avprk, at lowest prices consistent with good workmanship. Thanking the public for a very liberal patronage in the past, we hope to merit the same in the fu ture. Horse shoeing and repairing a specialty, Respectfully, II. PEAL. Realizing that a bakery is one of the great needs of this town, I have put in an oven and am prepared to furnish the public with fresh bread, cakes, pies, &cs at reasonable prices, and will appreciate your patronage. Yours to 'please, Plymouth Baking Co., E. J, DANCE, Manager, Bryan's Old Store, - - Water St. Send Your Job Vork TO THIS Oi'FICE, K TOKI'OUC & SOIIT1IERN RAILROAD COAU'AAX. Schedule in epfim? oct The pirect Short Line between Plymouth, Edenton, Eastern North Carolina and Konfolk and all points North. Steamer leaves Plymouth ?:Ki a. m. Mail Train leaves Edenton J:5 p. m. daily, (except Sunday), arrives at Norfolk 4:25 p. m. Express Traia leaves Edeptoa Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at .8 10 a. tn., Arrive at Woifolk 11 ,a. tn. Connection made at Norfolk with all raij and Steamer Lines, and at EJizabeth City with Steamer Neuse, Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday for New Berne, Roanoke Island, Atlantic & N. C.,,li. R. Stationsj also Wilmington & Weldon R, R. jSteamer Nswberne leaves Elizabeth jbity Monday nooijj and Wednesday 6 p. ni., for Roanok Island, Oeracoke, Oriental and Uewberne The Company's Steamers leave Edenton 12.45 p. m. as follows; Steamer to Mackey's Ferry. Plymouth, Jamesville and Williamston daily (except Sunday) with passengers for Roper, Pantego, BeU haven, couneoling with Str. Virginia Dare for Makleyville, Aurora. South Creefe, Washington and intermediate landings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Chowan River, and Monday and Friday for t'cupperuoug River on arrival of No 2 Train. Norfolk passenger station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Through tickets on sale and baggage checked to all piineipal points. O EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH . FAST FBE13HT LINE AND PASSENGER -ROUTE. Daily all rail service between Edenton, New Yorjr, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. ' Tbron?h cars, as low rates and quickei time thau by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East' ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: From Norfolk by N. & S. Ii. R.; Baltimore by P. W. & 13. p. It.; President St. Station Philadelphia by Pennsylvania It. R. Dock St. Station; New York by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Do minion S. S. Co., Pier 26. For further information apply to J. E. LAWRENCE, Agtnt, Plymouth, N. C. or ,to the General Office of the i. $ S R.R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager. H, C. HUDGINS, f. F. & P. Agt. Still In "Xlie JiVont With the very best facilities to serve tho public in the way of first-class, turnouts. I keep on hand a good stock of, HOUSES AND MULES, For hire, COME TO SEE ME When you want stylish turnouts. I guar; antee satisfaction. P. F. OWENS Main Street, Plymouth, N. C. oc ;o-tf KEEP COOL. I have put in a nice Cold Drink fix-r. tare and these warm days and nights a nice milk shake or lemonade is a refre$h.--ing drink and will keep you cool while you ere look ing over our line . of great bargains in tho latest ' Will you take a glass while looking?; I have great inducements to offer ia, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, &c, but the greatest is our hist shipment of new styles Percale, eight styles, ancl our line of plain Organdies is simjjly complete. Be sure to see them all. Yours truly, J. T- LEWIS. Ju-1'99 Closing ut Millinery, No tionst &c. AT COT. Having decided to retire from the millinery "business I am noiv offering my entire stock of goods consisting, of (he latest stylo Millinery, Notions. v White goods, Trimmings, Etc., at, wholesale cost. Quick buyers get big bargains, as, the goods must go. Yours Respectfully, We Lead, v Mrs, Annie