f THE ROANOKE UEACON. PUBLISHED EV'EUY FRIDAY f3y Te e Roanoke Publishing Co, W. FLETCHER AUSBON, Editou. - . - N. 0. PlVmautu, Fbiday. 5Iay la, 1809. Directory. cjty oovsmniENT. Mayor, Asa O. Gaylord. Jlerk, James II. Smith. Treaaarcr, Paul W. Brinkley. Constable, Joseph Tucker. Couuciimen, H. H. Ward, II. A. Blount, A. O. Oaylcrd, P. W. Brinkley, Jan. H. .Smith, B. T. Harrison, SatupHou i'owo and James liaodal. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Sheriff, John L. Phelps. Treasurer, T. J. Basnigut Superior Court Clerk. W m, M. Batetntu, Register of Deeds, W H Htubba Commissioners, Jas. A. Chesson, Chr'm, Joseph Skittletharpe, J. M. Reid, Abram jNewbcrry, ltufus Swam, W. II. lloweott, Enoch Leary. STiTE GOVERNMENT. Governor. )). L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, G.has. A. Reynolds Secretary of State, Cyrus Thomson. Treasurer, WMiani II. Wortb. Auditor, Hal. W, Ayer. Attorney-Geuoral, Ztbulon V. Walser. Superintendent of L'ublio Instruction, .Charlee F.Mebauo. CHURCH (SERVICES. Methodist lie v. T. M. Plyler, pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 a. m., aud ' p. ni. Prayer meeting every Wednesday pight at 7:30. Sunday school at ) a. m., A J. Gaylord, Superintendent; VV . IS. Uoop isr, Secretary. Baptist-Rov. 11. II. Gilbert, pastor, services 2d & 4 th Sundays at 11 a. m., aud .every Sunday night at 7. Prayer meeting .every Thursday night at 7:M. Sunday school everv Sunday at 9.0 a. m,, Enoch Lu&ford, superintendent. Grace Church (Hpiseopal) Rev. E. 1 Green, rector; Morning and evening prayer yird Sundays. Holy communion at morning service. JLay service at outer morning her vices. Sunday .School nt y:J0 a. in., JUl mund Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple Rev, M . S . Spear, pastor services 1st and 55 rd Sunday in each month t 11 a. m., and 7::0 p. ui. Prayer meetii) every Wednesday evening at 7:5iJ. C. E Society every Sunday evening at 7. Sunday School every Sundty morning, at S):i!0 A. N. Waters, Superintendent. Methodist Piotestaut liev. D. A. Br;s- well, pastor, services every 1st & 3rd Sun days at 11 a. in., and 7 p. in. Sunday .school every Sunday at 3 p. m., J. b. Cues son, superintendent. BEACON FLASHES 8 0-!M!t"' :V5WKv VK- -Wfflfrf&i l... ('::. Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given on all work by O. R. LEGGETT, ON BRINKLEY'S CORNER. WATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. C. g,f-" (iy ii., ,-.ci k Cisisj ajm ' Raui yesterday, Mr. H. S. Owens is home from a coratner oiul tour af the South. Sonic of our peoplo are haying great sport with hook aud line. Mr. Mathias Owens has been in Norfolk a few days the past week. Dr. S- Ilasse.II is Laving a Hice office fitt ed up next to the post office. Mr. E. R. Lewis and wife, of Roper, were m o,ur town on Sunday last. Greenville was the scene of a destructive flae on Thursday uightof last week. Lister's Pocomoke Guano, Acid Phos phate aud Kaimt at Hornthal's, Mr. W. W. Scarborough is Louie from three months stay at Wood's fishery. Mr. W. H. Everett Las accepted the of fiee of chief engineer ou ihe MvyiJower Plymouth needs water works. This fact was evideut during the tire Friday uigut. Mins Callie Stubbs Las returned home from a visit to Bath, Piuetown aud other places. W e acknowledge with thanks a renewal subscription from iirs. T. P. Parson, of Weeksville. Miss Carrie Alexander, of Halifax county is visiting her brother, Mr. Edmund Alexr an ler, in this town. anted 1000 pounds of Beeswax at once, flitflieet price paid at this office. Mayor Gay lord disposed of Lis first case haturtiay. One drunk jp.l.OU and cost and the offender tscapdd easy. Mr. J. T. Lewis has put in cold drink uxtures and is doing a humming business See change iu Lis advertisement. Mrs. J. B. Williams, of Hamilton, is hsre, where she was called by the illness oi herwsier, Mrs. E. B. Norman. A11S3 -tiiiza ueuuett, ot wiuiamston, is visiting our town as the guest of uer sister, Mrs. u. L. Morton, at Hoiel Read. Rev. D. A. Braswell spent several days in Ply mouth the past week. Ho was acuom pauied by Lis daughter, Miss Fannie. Mrs, T. T. Gardner with her sou. Master Hallett imall, Las been visiting relatives aud friends at Maokey's Ferry tnis week. Save 4ime by getting one of Coxe's Gu anu Distributors. For sale by L. P. Hornthal. Having become dissatisfied with the drus buiiiness me proprietor ot Leggett's Drug Storo is closing out tne stock and will sua- peud busiues-'. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chesson, of Mackey's Ferry, were deliyhtihg their many friends here on .1 uewlay by their pretence, especi ally the merchants. Quite a number of our Disciple friends Wont to Blanchard's Sunday armrnoon ou the steamer Bertie, whore Kev, M. S. Spear held services. See wLat P. W. Brinkley Las to say this week in hi advertisement, his store is lull to overflowing with nice stylish goods and every day fiuds Lim busy. Dr. J. T. Hampton and wife aro visiting relatives in our town. They are en route from their wiuter home in Florida to their summer home in Hazleton, Pa. That long-looked-for and handsome line of Crepou has arrived at Hornthal's. They are pretty aud cheap, Wn note with pleasure that th Plymouth post olHce has been made a Pjesidential office and that the President has appointed Mrs. E. W. Fagan post master. Mr. O. R. Leggett, the jeweler has now moved back to his old stand ou Brinkley's corLer. His many friends rejoice at tha success this young man is making, . Mr. Turnnge, the young man who has held the position of operator for the West ern union Telegraph Co., at this place lor several months, loft Tuesday morniug for Lis Lome in Greenville, We direct the attention of our readers to the change in the advertisement of Mr. N. B. Yeager.'tiie old reliable jeweler, who is headquarters for all kinds of musical instruments as well as jewelry, Farmers, get one of our Avers' Peaunt Planters, and one ot Coxe's Cotton Plant ers, aud be happy, L, P. H0KNTH4L. Dr. W. IT. Cooper, of New Orleans, who was married in that city two weeks ago, was in our t.iwu Tuesday night, with his bride. Dr. Cooper has many friends 'in this town, Lis old Lome, wLo offer Lappy congratulations. A Sad Accident. While Cant. M A. Perry with small bov was cominf' up the Soum: on TlmrsIay of l-ist week in the slooj Usuon, Lite sail shifted the boom stn king Cajit. l'eiry on the head laying him senseless on the deck. The boy managed to get the sloop in the river where he ran her into the bank, he theu nused the Hag at half mast (the signal of distress). The accident happened about 11 - . i i -i i ociocic in mo morning ana it was late in tho afternoon when a passing tug boat went to the sloop and oun the Captain still unconscious. The boae was brought to Plymouth when Dr. S. Ilassell was summoued and found that the , man was suffering from concussion of the brain. Kind and sympathetic friends, 'tho strangers, removed the unfortunate man to JlcCabe's boardinir house. where through the skillful treatment of JJr. Ilassell alid careful attention of Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, he soon 1 T ' oecuriiu conscious ami was so lar re covered that he- left Saturday for his norne at Carhngton, JJare county. TJie Latham House Burned, On Friday night last about half past eleven o clock Mr. Levi Blount, proprietor of the Latham House, was arouseu xrom inn sleep oy noise which he first thought to be dogs in the back porch. Hearing the noise again more distinctly, com irig from the ollico, he thought some one was breaking. into the house, so he took his pistol and started out ; as he opened his door he found the hall in the bouth side of the build ing full of smoke; he called his wile who rushed into a room on the opposite side of the hall where she discovered fire through the broken plastering. Mr. Blount went at once to the office where he found the fire blazing up the stairway and also oyer head, -just over the front window. Seeing that the building was on fire in two places and that his efforts to stop it would be in vain, he gave tho alarm and soon au excited crowd gathered and set to work to save what furniture they could and to protect neighboring buildings, which were in great dan ger. It was a calm, damp night, and bv heroic and untiring efforts of white and colored, no other build ing was burned, though the old La tham residence, only IS feet away, took fire several times. The origin of the fire is not known, but Mr. Blount is ofthe opinion that it was the work of an incendiary. Mr. Blount and the porter both say that no lamp was burning in the building, and people who passed as late as eleven o'clock also say there was no light to be seen, hence the theory that it caught from an exploded lamp is abolished.- Ihfi porter as well as those who passed the house at a late hour, state that all the blinds were closed, but one who came on the scene soon after the alarm was given, states that one of the office blinds was open. These circumstances strength ens the belief of Mr. Blount that the uilding was fired, and that the noise wmch hrst awoke him was some one breaking into the window of the office. From existing circumstances it is evident the fire was the work of an incendiary, but who, or what the motive could have been i3 a mystery vet to be solved. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu's Arnica S?Pve, cures them; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, ions, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. 2 May 8th. May peas, Mav peas ; .quotations high and tne farmers are rushing them in. Strawberries in abundance, everybody can eat them, only live cents a quart. tannage, weeta, onioos, c., &c, are coming ia plenty, but prices are high yet. Mr, aud Mrs. R M. Saddleras been right sick, but glad to bay they are out again. There Las been a race track surveyed on the lands of Mesa, W. P. Knowies and E. U. Herringtou. The big mill was burned at Belhaven last week. Loss estimated between three and four tLousand dollars. Mrs. L. G. Roper Las been quite sick several days. Hope it will prove nothing serious and she will be up again soou. There are some fine trotters Lere, among them we notice JDr. J. W. Speight's, Mr. E. R, Christian's, Mr. L. Q. Roper's and others. Frayor meeting was held at Pleasant Grove Tuesday night ; quite a crowd in attendance; among them we noticed right many Roper people. Mr. S. Spivey was oyer to Pantego to visit relatives Saturday and Sunday. It may be there was a "magnetic attraction" that drew Lim back so soon, who knows? Mr. L. G. Roper's fine horse "Stakes," reared up and fell over on Lis Lead a few days ago; it came near being serious as the bloocl gushed from his ears; he is do ing well now. The Ladies Aid Society will meet next Tuesday afternoon ; it is the annual elec tion of officers. 1'hene ladies Lave done a good work iu the church the past year. We wish them much success iu the future. There are several entertainments being practiced for now ; Miss Lucy TwineV ; also Miss Anna Peacock's school commence ment, and the Sunday echool children are practicing for CLildrens Day under Mrs. Roper. Mr. Charlie Morgan, of E. City, is iu our midst taking pLotograpLio views of private residences, the churches, the mills, school groups, &c, &o. It is said helias takeu about 300 pictures Lere. His work is good and up-to-date. Shakespeare. NO CURE NO PAY. TLat is the way all druggist sell Grove's tasteless cni ll tonio for Malaria, Chills aud Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, ooc. seD 2-6m CRESAVELL CIIIl'S. r3 y7 Celebrated on Alay 1st was an event in the world's history of Naval battles, but my stock of well selected Spring and Summer Goods are making a record equal to any Naval hero, and the latest creations in Dress Goods, Notions, and Slippers are as much admired and sought after by the ladies of fashion and taste as ever Hobson was by the belles of this nation. FICKED UP BY TWO ' BEACON" LASSIES. May Stb. Miss Ailene Owens and brother were the guests of Miss Macgie Davenport on Sunday. Christ Church, Crcswell, was presented with a very handsome Bible, Prayer-book and Hymnal by Mrs. A. G. Walker. Mr. Spruill and wife, of Columbia, made visit to our little ton on the 5th and stopped with Mr. Abraham DaveDport. Some of the young men of Creswell were out serenading during the past week. As flowers were scarce, we snowballed tbem. Mess. Robert Spruill and Torie McCabe made a visit to Roper on Sunday, to see if tLey could find such a flower as Heart's Ease. Ruben Morgan, a colored man employed by the Branning Lumber Co., fell dead while on his way home from work, cause, it is thought, was heart failure. The young people of Creswell went out and spent a very pleasant evening with Miss Sadie Eborn on the 5th. It is useless to say we all had a good time, when she acts as hostess. - ,- v Wild Daisies. Everybody admires the man in blue clothes and brass buttons, but if the clothes are not soldier cloteesi they make the man look well if they are made stylish and tit the person this is where I come in My CI,TEIli!G cpartment is full and overflowing with the largest and newest line that has ever been shown in Plymouth and the prices will suit all purses. I have the prettiest Hue of BOYS CLOTHING that has ever been opened this side of Norfolk. Any lady w ishing to buy her boy a nice Spring suit will do well to call and examine my line before going elsewhere. C1IEIIKY CHUNKS. THROWN TOGETHER BY 2 BEACON GIRLS. SKINXEllSVILLE SCRAPS. TACKED TOGETHER BY A "BEACON" GIIiL. TO pi "tp f a Fa pa ;?a La Wt I LlL Y PIPIT IS JUSTASCCQD FOU ADULTS. WARESATIED. PHICii GOcts. (r ALAJIA, ITX3., N0.7. IS. 1S23. Parts Medlclno Co.. 't. Lc.in, Mu. GenOoreen: We nolu Jju't soar, 000 bottles of GttOVE'9 a I J 1 bousrbt lUrro i:vo i; i perioiK'o i l "' never 8iM nn ri-; " n i tCtiou ixn j our lu.ii (rVtcantend U 5,13 in all to eviri! Oi'itT I'M- Shade trees not only beautify our streets. but they are a great protection to prop erty as well, as was proven on Friday night. But for the protecting branches of the stately eluis much property would have shared the fate of the Jjathum Uouse. Miss Minnie" CiayLord, of Baltimore, who is viwitiDg her old home near Roper, called at the Beacos office Monday while in our town aud renewed her bubscription for another year. City life Las added uinch to the attractions of our young friend. Just received, a big shipment of "A" and "Girl" Champion turn plows. Stone wall and Climax cotton plows, at IIollNTIIAL'S. We welcome back to oilr town Mr. J. I. Bruer and family who have made their home in Edentou for a few months. Mr. Bruer Las accepted the position of engineer on the Hteani tug "Edith," which will soon bo placed ou this river by the R, R. R. & L. Company, The Beacon makes its best bow to Mrs. Capt. C. VV. Askew for a basket of nice htrawbenies on Monday. We find that Mrs. Askew is not only up-to-date in the growing of choice flowers, tut she ii also an aid to the Captain in the cultivation of fruits, and these good people are surround ed by almost every known variety of fruhs and flowers at their home, which we should christen, "Red Hill Bruit and Flower Farm" ! f !,., 1 n,.,-,io en,..,,! ... it.v,!, f,,- v4 CHILL TO. ml !'.M vo , f. AI'.'.l Jvo- May 9th. Mrs, Edward Cahoon is quite 6ick at her Lome. Many of our larmers are shipping peas this week. Mr. Raleigh Swain and family have moved to Mr. Sam Davenport's. Mr. J. I. Bruer and family, of Plymouth, were the guests of his mother from Satur day until Monday. Mrs. Geo. Wiley left this morning for Columbia, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Alice Alexander. Mrs. R. E. Elliott and Miss Ordie Wood ley spent Sunday with Mrs. Caroline Davenport, near Creswell. Rev. D. A, Braswell and daughter, Miss Fannie, left for Plymouth last Friday where he tilled his regular appointment Sunday. Miss Mary Spruill, from near Plymouth, has been the guest of Mr. Jasper Cuhoou's family several days, returning Lome Sun day. Heart disease must be raging, as so many of our boys were absent from Sunday even ing service. The gripp was not so over powering, but this is another grip come to stay. Another Case of Rheumatism Cubed by Chameeklain's Pain Balm. My son was afflicted with rheumatism which contracted his right limb until he was unnble to walk. After using one and a half Lotting of Chamberlain's Pain Balm he wan able to be about again. I can heartily recommend it to persons suffering from rheumatism. John Snidkh, Freed, Cal houn Co., W, Va. For salu by all drug . May Sth. Several drummers have been in Cberry this week. We regret to learn of Mtes Celia Daven. port's illness, Miss Mamie Woodley is tLe guest of Ler cousin, Mrs, N, A. Craddock. Mess. Ambrose & Phelps are fitting up their new shingle mill and it is thought they will make a success. Mr. Dock Phelps and family have re turned to their home at Berkley, Va., after spending a week with his mother. We regret to learn that Mr. Luther Chesson will soon leave for Newport News, after spending some weeks at Louie with Lis parents. Ida & Inez. Many old soldiers now feel tLe effects of the Lard service tLey eudured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville, York county, Penn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the lront, is now fre quently troubled with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," he says, "aud pro cured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neighbors, as every family should haye a bottle of it iu their home, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, spraius, swellings, cnts, bruises and burns, lor which it is unequalled. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE. The magistrates of the county are cited to section 717, Laws of 1ST6-7 of the Code, which requires them to meet on the first Monday in June with the Board of Comity Commis sioners. W. F- BEASLEY, ttorncy-at-Luw, PLYMOUTH, N. 0. The man or woman who expects to look well and have comfort must make an efforc to have neat, well fitting and comfortable shoes this is where I come in again for the people all say that If E DEPAETMEWT is the most complete we have ever had, and we can suit and fit all persons. If in want of a nice pair of shoes don't fail to come and examine our line as we have all the newest Toes and Lasts that can be had from the best factories in the country. GOOD FOLKS, .PLEASE EEMEMBER that I have the goods you want this season White goods, India Linen, Pk, Organdies, Percales, Trimings and all other latest styles in ladies goods, as well as Shoes, Hats, Notions, Purnishings, &c, at prices that catch the faucy of close buyers and . WE TO Make this storo yur headquarters when in town any time, and don't fail to examine .our line while here as we aro always glad to show you through our stock, whether we sell you or not. Yours to please, Successor to Mathias Owens & Co. FM1IOUTH, N, C,

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