"He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last" A hearty faugh indicates a degree of good health obtain able through pure blood. As But one person in ten has pure blood, the other nine should purify the blood ivith Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then they can faugh first, last and all the time, for perfect hap piness comes with good health Hood's Pills cure liver ills; the non-Irritating and only cathartic to take with Hood's Saraparilla. I Try Grain0! Try Grain0! Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without T injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GItAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, ? but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. the price of colee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee .'jjsj. Looks like Coffee Insist that your grocer gives you GSAIN-0 Accept no Imitation. WANTED Case of bad healih that E-I-I- A-.N-S willliot benefit. Send 5 cts. to Kipans Chemical Co., Kew York, for liisauiples andlouO testimonials. nUCMM CrilEO-Sample bottle, 4 days' ft ntUIVI A I lOlll treatment, postpaid, IO cents, Alkxaddeb Remedt Co. , 24 Green wich St . , N. Y . Spalding's Athletic Library should be read by every boy who wants to become an athle e. "o. 4. Boxing. lefe.I So.85. Official Foot Ball Vo.9. How to bean Ath- Gnide. rail Gnide. No.2ti. Howtorlv Foot! So. 8t. Official Bstskel Ball, by Walter Camp.! No. 87. Athlerii: Primer. No.aT.OoUeBeAthletifs' fo. 82. Official A. A.U. JJo.32. How to play Base Rules Ball. (letics. No. 87. AH Aronnd Ath No.43. How to Punch the Bag. No. 82. How to Trains No.93. Athletic Records No.6. Official Base Ball Guide. No. 100. Hpw to be a Bi cycle Champion. PRICE, I O CENTS PER COPY. Send for catalogue sf ail sport!. A. C. SPALDING & BROS.. XfwYirk, Denver. Chicago. The Moccasin in the Forest. In autumn, when all the leaves and twigs are dry as tinder, a man wearing shoes makes a noise in the forest like a troop of cavalry; but in moccasins he can move swiftly through the woods with the stealth of a panther. The feet are not bruised, for, after en joying for a time the freedom of natural covering, these hitherto blun dering members become like hands, and feel their way through the dark like those of a cat, avoiding obstacles as though gifted with a special sense. Best of all, the mocca3in is light. In experienced Bportsmen and soldiers affect high-topped lace boots -with heavy soles and hobnails, imagining that these are the most serviceable for rough wear. But these boots weigh between four and five pounds, whiles oair of thick moose-hide moccasins weigh only eleven ounces. In march ing ten miles a man wearing the clumsy boots lifts twenty tons more shoe leather than if he wore mocca sins. Harper's Magazine. HOME duties to many woman seem mere important than health. No matter how ill they feel, they drag themselves through the daily tasks and pile up trouble. This is heroic but a penalty has to be paid. A woman in New Matamoras, Ohio, Mrs. Isaeell Bradfield, tells in the following letter how she fought with diseast of the feminine organs until finally forced to take to her bed. She says: " Dfar Mrs. Pinkham I feel it my duty to write to you to tell yoa that I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and think there is no medicine in the world like it. I suffer id for nine years, and sometimes for twelve weeks at a time M could not stand on my feet. I had female troubles of all kinds ; backache, and headache all the time. Seven different doctors treated me. Some said I pp., nuunt BiaBT'1? would ave an advice is promptly given without charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great busi ness, advising and helping by letter' as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. - ntf iiitti wufAd tuauy tiurKS Easy fo Glean t. wiigua litad to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop tha cough a once. Go to your druggtst to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold la 25 and 5) cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan gerous. A spider can live ten months withoul food. Are Yon Vsing: Allen's Foot-Ense) It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smart ing, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Coras and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. t. During the last six months of 1893 the total immigration to this country was 125, 233. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im Eurities from the body. Begin to-day tc anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Maiden, Mass., celebrates this year the 250th anniversary of its founding. We will give $100 reward for any caie of ca tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrt Cure. Taken internallv. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O The first steam calliope made its appear ance in Albany In 1858. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Anay. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes wealc mer strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. A frog cannot breathe with its moutt open. Daily Service Between Baltimore and Hiclimond, "York Itiver Line." Steamers will leave the pier of York Rivei Line, Baltimore, every afternoon after arri val of train trom New York and the east reaching Wet Point the following morning Connection made with special boat train ovei the Southern Railway, which makes the run to Richmond in an hour and twenty minutes The steamers are of the most modern build, and the cuisine has no equal for which the Chesapeake service is noted. Full particu. lars, rates and state room accommodations, address Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Pass. Agt.. 271 Broadway, New York. In 18D7 Hangkow, China, exported 3,250, 000 fans. Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, -'5c. a bottle "Hamlet" has made more money thaD any other play In the English language. Xo-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. Origin of thn Elevator. The elevator originated in central Europe. The earliest mention of the elevator is made in a letter of Napo leon I., addressed to bis wife, the Archduchess Maria Louise. He writes to her that, when in Schoenbrunn, then the summer residence of the Austrian emperor, near Vienna, he used the "chaise volante" '(flying chair) in that castle, which had been constructed for Empress Maria Ther esa. It consisted of a small, square room, sumptuously furnished with hangings of red silk, and suspended by strong ropes with counter-weights, so that it could be pulled up or let down with great ease in a shaft buill for the purpose about 1760. Bohemia' Strange Minerals. Xot far from Trebitseh. in Bohemia. are found many glassy-looking ob iects. of a bottle-erreen color, and , 7 U tending, when unbroken, to an egg i , i. ii. . . . 1 1 .-j. - snape, to wnicu tne name moiaavix.es has been given. Doctor Suess, oi Vienna, from a recent study of these curious minerals, concludes that they are really meteorites, ana snouia oe added to the list of foreign bodies that have found their way to the earth e surface by falling from space. WOMAN'S iSEWOTi&N have to go to the hospital and operation tierf ormed. But oh t bow thankful I am that I did not, that I tried your Vegetable Com pound instead. I cannot say too much in its praise, nor thank you enough for what it has done for me. I want you to publish this in all the papers for the good of other sufferers." The wives and mothers of America are given to over work. Let them bo wise in time and at the first indication of female trouble write to Mrs. Pink-, ham at Lynn, Mass., ' forheradvice. This oucuessiuiiye us very House with gr7miWr"jtf"3 Ii tin,. Laue'i umily juemiclne. ' Moves the bowels each day, In order tt be healthy this is necessary. Acts sreutly on the liver and kidneys. Cures lick head ache. Trice 25 and 5uo. Only one per cent, of the population 01 India know the alphabet. America's greatest physicians have con quered La Grippe and its after effects. Their treatment has been thoroughly tested In the hospitals of Europe and of this country, and is embodied lnbr. Kay's juunguaira. Rev. H. B. Dye. of Morrison. lowa.writes: "Mrs. Dye had a bad attack of La Grippe which settled on her lungs. She used Dr, Kay's Lung Balm, with most decided good effects, which is a repetition of past ex perience with her. Nothing is so prompt and positive in Its effects on her lungs. You shoirld write for free advice and a copy -of Dr. Kay's Home Treatment, an illustrated book of 116 pages of receipts, etc. Dr. B.J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Nearly 20,000 pounds of bread is daily Baten in the Sultan of Turkey's household". All Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Stkup OF Figs, manufactured by the California Fio Sykup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process oi manufacturing figs are used, as thev are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAX. XOUISVTLLB. XT. KIW YORK, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Price 0c. per bottle Remarkable Statues Discovered in Egypt' Two of the most remarkable statues iver found were recently unearthed oy M. Georges Legrain, a French Egyptologist, from the ruins of the ;emple at Earnak on the Upper Nile, in Egypt. One of these is in alabas ;er, and represents the great Theban god Amnion. This alabaster god is eighteen feet high, and was originally made from ane solid block of stone, the largest alabaster statue in the world. It was found in three pieces, which were easily put together. The artistic fin ish is perfect. The second statue is one that was set up by King Usertesen I, in honor of his father back in the days of Abraham. On the lap of this effigy is a slab upon which are carved inscrip tions proving the work's antiquity. Accotnpanylug M. Legrain when ha made the discovery was Charles N. Crewdson, corresponding secretary of the Chicago Society of Egyptian Re search, who is touring Egypt in the interest of the society he represents. Chicago Times-Herald. Paper Collar in the G0'. In the lt,te 60's the enormous con eamption of paper collars was not re stricted to the United States. Ex porting them to Canada and Central and South America added hundreds of thousauds to the annual revenues of the paper collar manufacturers. An American firm erected a plant at the Paris Exposition of 1867 and manufactured collars before the . eyes of astonished visitors. Immediately, and a3 a result of this exhibition, orders were received in this country, for the necessary machinery, and paper collar mannfactories were estab lished in Germany, where a tremen dous business flourished for a time, that country supplying nearly all Europe with paper neckwear. Th first plant was established in Leipsic, and is still operating, although all th others have ceased to exist. Did Not Hare to Ly Egg. A young woman of Sheffield, Eng land, came into a fortune and promptly hunted up a country house, where she played the role of chatelaine to the manner born according to her own ideas of the part. One day some of her old-time friends came to see her, and she condescended to show them all over the place. 'What beautiful chickens!" ex claimed the visitors when they came to the poultry yard. "Yes. All prize birds!" haughtily explained the hostess. "Do they lay every day?" 'Oh, they could, of course; but," grandiloquently, "in our position it isn't necessary for them to do so." Cycling Beneficial to Health. A physician who was asked why he recommended cycling to a patient said: "The benefit of physical culture which delays the decline of bodily and mental vigor. The debility and ill health which beset young men and women of the day is generally due to a stagnation of energy indulged by a desire to take things easily.and cycling has been found to alter this state of things in a comparatively short time." New York Tribune Tli tTiet of Zlno. The largest consumers of zino are the manufacturers of galvanized iron work. Then come the brass founders, lor zino is an important element in brass alloys, and large quantities are tised in the sheet form and as an ele ment in galvanic -batteries. Zino is put under stoves and is used to line bathtubs. Great quantities of the ore are used also to make zinc white, or zino oxide, for paint, but this is made direct from the ores and is not materially affected by the present rise of values, the zinc oxide having gone up only about half a cent a pound in price. Of this the United States imported at one time about 30,000 barrels a year. Now we can export it as we do the metal and ore. Our exports of the ore were only 48,000 pounds in 1895, but last year rose to 21,040,000 pounds, while our exports of pig rose in the same period from about 3,000,000 pounds to 21,000,000. New York Sun. medical Hook Free. "Know Thyself," a book for men only, regular price 50 cents, will be sent free (sealed and postpaid) to any male reader of this paper mentioning this advertise ment. Address the Peabody Medical In stitute, 4 Bulflnch st Boston, Mass., the oldest and best Institution of Its kind in New England. "Write to-day for free book. Austria-Hungary has a forest area of a&out 47,000,000 acres. Campbell's Malarial Specific. Guaranteed cure for all Malarial diseases At all druKcists, or sent on receiptof 25cents i. ii. AiuriitLb, suiiern, in. 1 . For every widower who marries a widow there are eleven who espouse maidens. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. lOo or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money- Australia is capable of supporting at least 10,000,000 inhabitants. I have found Piso's Cure for Consumption an unfailing medicine. F. R. Lotz, 1305 Scott St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, lS'.U. Germany has never had a battle on the sea and the Spaniards never won one. Danger ahead signalled by cough averted. Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike'sToothache Drops Cure in one Minute. Fifty years ago the population of the United States was about 22,000,000. Educate Your BoweU With Cat caret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOo, 25c. II C C. C. t&iU druggists refund money. One on Her Majesty. The following story for the truth of which, however, we are unable to vouch is told of the Empress Fred erick. 'When Her Maiestr was last in England she purchased a quantity of very artistic wall-paper, which she naa sent to ner villa at Momburg. On showing some samples of it to her chamberlain she asked him where he thought they came from. "This piece." . reolied the chamberlain. "comes from Berlin, and the other from Magdeburg 'made in Germany,' your Majesty." London Chronicle. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the Medicine of Auld Lang Syne ' Old friends, old wine, trusty kinds For half a n J l 'X'"W v J Y i (Lk e has been the Sarsaparilla which the people have bought when they were sick and wanted to be cured. If the best is none too good for you, you will get Ayers. One bottle of Ayers Sarsaparilla contains the strength of three of the ordinary kind. IVORY SOAP PASTE. In fifteen minutes, with only a cake of Ivory Soop and water," you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy. Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clean carpets, rugs, kid gloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wood-work and furniture. The special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica tion of water. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING. To one pint of boiling water add one and one-half ounces (one-quarter of the small size cake) of Ivory Soap cut Into shavings, boil five minutes after the soap Is thorouehly dissolved. Remove from the fire and cool in convenient dishes (not tin). It will keep well In an air-tiht glass jar. COPYRIGHT ieSS BY THE PROCTER ft QAMBLC CO. CINCINNATI 1 Marriage Increasing in England. Great Britain is flourishing. The sure test is the marriage record shown in the Registrar General's annual re port just issued, in which it appears that the rate is higher than it has been in twentyrone years. The Registrar points out that a marriage rate usual ly keeps in close touch with the value of British exports,' and imports and the price of wheat. Up goes trade, and up goes the marriage rate! Not exactly romantic, but eminently prac tical. It seems that widowers have been in greater demand than widows, for 98 out 100 of the men married in the course of the year were widowers, whereas only 69 out of 1000 of the women who married were widows. Nearly half of the bachelors and spinsters were married between the ages of 21 and 25. The favored age for the re-marriage of widows and widowers was between 35 and 40. In one out of every 100 of the marriages, husband and wife could neither read nor write, and signed the certificate with their mark. New York Press. . and the old doctor are the century in :- 1 0 "I have uaed your valuable CASCA RETS and And them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now com- Sletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. nee tried, you will never be without them la the family." Edw A. Marx, Albany, M. Y. Pleasant. Palatable. Potnt. Taste Good. ro Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ttrllpy BffdT CoMpi.T. CMoto. Montreal. N.w Tort. 3 NflT0-8iG Sold and irunranteed by all rtrug HU Ua0Ato gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit? Hartford ami Vedette Bicycles. These machines are acknowl edged everywhere as leaders. An excess of competition has weakened their hold upon public. NEW MCV3EU5. Chadless, . . t $75 Columbia ChSi'd v , 69 Kartfords, . , . 35 not the Vedettes. n 28 A limited nnmlisr of OolmnttiN. "Mo M 45. t ft and 49 (imprOTsd) tnl HjtrtforJi, Pattcu-aj 7 and a, at graatly redaoel priOM, SEE OPIt CATALOGUE. POPE MFQ. CO., Hartford, Conn. sswssem Liberal Compensation snd Easy Work DURING LEISURE HOURS FOR Ladies, Boys and Cirls. white HOME SUPPLY CO., buffalo, n.v 'Sdvora u johnson's MALARIA, CHILLS&FEVER Crippe and Liver Diseases, nr KNOWN am. nm conm. tfbC tMi Uw-friMd trmuv uitrumiu published, at (be remnrKbly low price ol oiuy l.u, postpaid Illi Book coii ikiua tt'Jidnely prime 1 ptrej of cle.r type on excellent noer mil is hai t toinely yet aei-Ticeably mmn'l in cloti lttriTee Emcliiib woris with the (ierm equivalents and pronunciation, an I (j'ermau worciewith Enjiian ilertaitiim. ll is invalunble Co Hermans who arau; Ihoroiieruly lainiliar with Jnluh. or . i Americans wlio wish to icarn Uermai Address, with tl.OO, book ruBLisniNO nous:, 134 Leonard St., New York fits. STOPPED FRET PirmaEestly Cured Insanity Prevent bj Bit. KLINE'S GREAT KERVE RESTORER aPmt mmd St. Titut' Imnc: K.FiuorKtrToueoa J m ay . Treatise end $B trial bottle; ireet Fit ptu.su, tkcj y.;ui(.ipru ctirc.omr when nwled. Send to Or. Kline, Ltd. B.DeTne Institute of le41ein, 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. DPnDQV!W DISCOVEKT: ri". I W J I o ufutc relief and cures worm eases. Bank ef testimonials aad IO dns' trestmsna I ree). Dr. E. eillH I0HI. Bex D, Atlanta. ai P I CT O WHY SCFFER. Get a box of aVse sW J MnUall Guaranteed .hie Oint merit. It gives instant relief and uas real merit. 6u ;ents a box at druggist , or fend to JE.T. LAID. LEY, 70 Pike Mfrrl, Port Jtrvis, N. Y. S5 Easily Made in 5 Hours 7&Jg article in constant ti-e Mid demand. Write lor var ticulaid. Abchibald Co., 73 Khssku Ht., NewYork. If afflicted with ore eyes, use Thompson's Ey8 Waff r 13 I Beat Cougti tyrup. Tastes Good. in iinm. or dmieiKts. n jTpSg CANDY ' CATHARTIC V1. N THAOI MAUN mownmo -r fit lil U.itfc 1 1

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