-THE- JLTi EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDITJTX: Official Organ of Washington County. TIEST OF AIL THE NEWS. CIrculat-s xlenslvily in tbe Counllas ef Washington. Martin, Tyrrell and BsasfcrL Job.Prlnting In ItsVarlous Branchis. 1.00 A YEAR IK ADVANCE. " FOR GOD. -FOR COUNTRY, AND TOR TRUTH." SINGLB COPY, 6 CENTS. VOL. X. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. NO. 43. 1 THE HOMEWARD BOUND. Ob ! for a brisk and fresh'ning wind That follows the tall ship fast, That curU the crests of the sun-kiss' d seas That strains tbe pltoh-plue mast And bends tbe towering mast, Whilst the dog-watch yarns go 'around And tbe cbantey-man uplifts his voice ' In the 80ug of the homeward-bound ! The chorus ascends In time and tune, And is caught on tbe ri.sini? wind. Till the startled galls with fluttering wins Fall off In tbe tracks behind Fall off in the flakes behind, Where their shrieks and screams are drowned By tbe proud, loud song, the loud, proud sonj?, The song of the homeward-bound ! Give me the midst of a stormy zone Where the staggering sun swings low, And tbe clouds roll back, on the weather board ' Predicting a heavy blow, Sure sign of a heavy blow, When from windward comes the sound Of the thunder's roar to rouse the song, The song of tbe homaward-bound. Give me the man with a rich, round voice, When the wind Is bellowing hanJ, As he looms his reach o'er the leading-block A-hoistinga topsail yard Mastheading a topsail yard fS the sail sets taut and round, r And tbe word " Belay" falls like" Amen" tTo the song of the homeward-bound. . , 6h ! the strange sea-folk, the wild sea-folk, That live on the trackless dep t That carry our commerce the world around , Wherever the wild waves sweep Whore the wild waves ever sweep, , To these let the toast resound With a health to the sailor, a health to tho ship, And a health to the homeward-bound ! T. II. Mathias, in San Francisco Coast Seamen's Journal. THE TABLES ED.. , It was during the time of powdered Lair and cocked hats the year 1781. Off Philadelphia lay the twonty-gun ship Ariel.just arrived under the com mand of Commodore Paul Jones. There were in the city many per sons who had never seen that remark able man, among them Ben Wilson a trim,, powerful young Jack Tar of twenty-rive, who had lately married Susan Gray, a humble but beautiful damsel of eighteen. There had been another suitor, also a sailor, named Thomas Wright, who hated Wilson because Susan preferred him, and who, being of a cruel, malicious dis position, longed to do him some in jury. i Ben shipped aboard the Ariel, that J he might serve under the renowned hero. Learning that Ben had shipped, Wright, who like the former,had never seen Jones, also became one of the Ariel's crew. Neither, however, could yet get sight of. the commodore, who was absent would not be back for a week. In a few days Wright was chosen to act in the place of the boatswain's mate, who was at the time ill. His duties, besides blowing on the call, etc., now being to punish with the colt a coil of rope from two to three feet long and also with the cat-o'-nine-tails, usually - termed the V "cat," such of the sailors as "offended" against the rules of the ship, he ardently hoped that he might yet have a chance to flog with his cruel lash the man he hated for win ding pretty Susan. One day some of the crew were granted permission to go ashore. They were ordered to return to the ship at 9 o'clock. The boatswain's mate, Wright, and Ben Wilson, were among them. Unfortunately, Ben drank, and in a state of partial intoxication he visited a few minutes before 9 o'clock, when . he should have repaired to the Dol phin a tavern not twenty yards from the landing. Here the landlord ac commodated him with a glass of v brandy, which the young man lifted high, saying at the same time, in a gioud voice: m "A 'health - to Commodore Taul J Jones!" 4 Then he left the place, not to go to . the boat, but intending to seek some other tavern. It was a dark night, but by the bright light streaming through tha windows of the house Ben could see a middle-sized, broad-shouldered marl, enveloped in a shaggy over coat, watch ing him with a mingled expression of Btern disapproval and amusement on his broad, weather-beaten face. "Hold there, my man," said this person laying a hand on his shoulder. "What's "urname, and what ship do you belong to ?" "My name? Why, now, my name i3 Ben Wilson, and my ship is the -Ariel, but blast me if I know what . business it is of yours." "It is time you went to the boat. You will get yourself into trouble if von don't go in time. Bear a hand." "Ay, ay, all very well, but I ain't ready yet, do you see?" "Come, you must go!" and the hand on Wilson's shoulder pressed it heavily. "Let go of me !" cried Ben, angrily but the other, half smiling, gripped him yet more firmly. Then Ben made a blow at him, which the man parried, when a stvuggk ensued. Ben fought his best, but tb'Jnia i at length , succeeded in grapiuii him round th.9 aims from behind, in which position Wilson was literally carried to within a few fath oms of the boat, when, seeing a num. ber of the sailors approaching, tha stranger released his hold and laugh ing made off in the darkness. "It's lucky you came when yon did," said the coxswain. "We wouldn't have waited for you many seconds longer." "I wouldn't have been here if old Nick or somebody like him hadn't brought me," was the reply. Just then the boatswain's ' mate, Wright, who had been an unseen wit ness of the struggle' toward its ter mination, but who, in the gloom, had not been able to obtain a good view of the stranger's face, made his appear auce, coming in the same direction in which the man had vanished. "It was I," he whispered to the coxswain, "who brought Wilson. He attacked me near the Dolphin, because I requested him to go to the boat. I had to let him loose when I got him almost here, and run, as you saw, for I was afraid he would stab me." The boat's crew was soon aboard, when Wright lost no time in reporting that he had beeu attacked and struck by Wilson. This the latter denied, of course, saying it was a citizen and a st; auger with whom he had had his combat, but he was not believed. The court-martial was held the next day, when Jones arrived on board. Wilson being still kept in the brig, whence he could not see the com modore. There was a singular ex pression on the face of Paul Jones when the court-martial was ended.and the sentence of the prisoner 100 lashes on the bare back with the cat was pronounced. The next morning was appointed for the execution of the sentence. When the time came, the master-of-arms, brought up the prisoner and took off his irons. On one of the. gratings, placed just forward of the gangway, he was made to stand, his feet being fastened with worming and his hands secured, wide apart, to the bulwarks. Along came Wright, scarce ly able to conceal his exultation as he drew the cat from its sheath and lovingly stroked the strings, "Go one, boatswain's mate," said the captain. Wright lifted the lash on high, but at that moment the voice of Paul Jones, who now appeared, boomed like thunder on his startled ear: "Hold ! Avast, you rascal !" And he stepped round, so that Wil son could see him. The young sailor looked up at him with a start, then colored, then turned pale. "Commodore," he stammered, "I I my God, ! I was a little in liquor on that night, but I recognize your face. It was you who took hold of me there by the Dolphin tavern, and carried me almost to the boat. God knows I would not have struck at you had I known who it was." "Enough," answered the latter; "I forgive you." Then he turhed on Wright. "The court-martial was a farce," continued Paul Jones. "I wanted to see if this Wright would really have the heart to carry out his falsehood. Now cut loose that man Wilson and put Wright in his place. Give him a round dozen, then let him be broken and put in the after-guard." The. commodore's orders were obeyed, Wright, with every man against him after this, led such an un happy life aboard the Ariel that he at tempted one night to desert from the ship. When in the water he was seen by a marine on guard and ordered to come back, but not obeying, he was shot through the head and killed. As to Wilson, never after that, greatly to tbe joy of his pretty wife, Susan, would he touch another drop of alcohol. The Poet Did Not Contribute. "I am quite willing to contribute to the er amusement of the evening," interposed the amateur poet, who was bursting to read hi3 latest, and couldn't get anybody to take the hints he threw out. There was a sound like a groan from a corner of the room,and a guest went out. The others prepared for the worst, except one elderly man, who pulled down his waistcoat with an unnecessary show of determina tion. "The title of this little effort," the poet went on, drawing a roll from an unsuspected pocket, is "The Raindrops on the Roof. " "Well, of course it does, "exclaimed the elderly man. "Where would you expect it to drop? When the rain drops on any well-regulated house, it naturally chooses the roof. Perhaps you expect people to take the roof off when it rains? Or you think thai we imagine that it drops on the founda tion, or in the umbrella-stand? Every body else knows that rain drops on the roof, young man, and they don't want you to write a poem to tell 'em. If you can write one that will explain why it rains when a man goes out in a new hat and without an umbrella, we're open to hear it" The poet did not contribute any fur ther to the amusement of the evening. Waverlv Magazine. Gold worth almost $56,000,000 has been taken out of the mines in the Cripple Creek district in the last eight l seats. LARGE GOLDFISH FARM. THE PETS REQUIRE CAREFUL AND SYSTEMATIC RAISING. The Propagating Plant Consist of In numerable Little Pond The Sun I the Artist That Paints the Delicate Tints on the Sensitive Scales So Two Alike. In Shelby county, Indiana, about thirty miles from Indianapolis, is the largest goldfish "farm" in the world. Here the original goldfish men in the country have their propagating plant and here are produced some of the finest specimens in the world. The pets require a careful and systematic raising that is seldom considered by those who desire to purchase them at a small price. The farm is known as Spriug Lake Fishery, and consists of innumerable small ponds all connect ed by narrow channels or sluiceways, iu which the flow of water is con trolled by water gates. These ponds are constructed with careful regard for depth, size height of embankment and amount and kind of shrubbery on the banks. The most careful con sideration is given to these details, for it has been demonstrated that they all, each and collective'y, influence the health and development of the fish and the, perfecting of the color without which the goldfish is value loss. Immediately after it is hatched the goldfish is very much like auy com mon everyday minnow, and there is nothing in its appearance to indicate the glorious hues it will afterward as sume. For more than a year it has a dull, whitish silvery color, which gradually gives place to the shadiugs and blotches of color so well known by fanciers. Sprink Lake Fishery is owned by L. Shoup, who has spent his life in studying the habits of goldfish and how nature may be assisted in her work of coloring the little beauties. He hat found that the sun is the artist who makes the delicate tints on the film of the fishes' sensitive scales. But the sun is a variable artist.and no two of the fishes he paints are exactly alike. If a fish is kept in the shade from infancy it will always retain its youthful, silvery color and will be very ordinary, and, in fact, worthless fish; but if it is allowed to bask in sunny shallows and to lie with its sides exposed bn pebbly rip ples, its scales will absorb the rain bow tints of the sunlight refracted through the wavelets of crystal water. It is not within the power of man to define or regulate the coloring of the fish, but by careful attention to the exposure to the sun's rays he can make the shades sober-hued or bril liant. Generally there is the greatest demand for bright colors, and those fishes are produced in greatest num bers whose markings are pronounced. There are but few exceptions -to prove the rule that the' sun is the only agency that paints the fish, but occa sionally one is found that grows to maturity and "to the last retains its dull, silvery color. These are the albinos and cannot be accounted for. They simply exist, and that is all that is known about them. The food ea fish eats has nothing to do with de veloping its color. All the fish in Spring Lake Fishery are fed exactly the same food, and it is uudeviating in quantity and quality. Toasted bread and nothing else is given them two or three times a week, aud they thrive upon it better than auything else. It is well adapted to their deli cate organism, and with the natural food, such as Hies and worms, they can capture, is recommended for use in private aquariums. The greatest difficulty with which thegolfish raiser has to contend is the night-prowling animals, such as cats, coons and opossums. These animals are very adept at catching fish and experience little difficulty in securing all they want of the domesticated gold fish, which take alarm but slowly. Snakes and crayfish are also destroy ers of the goldfish, aud the most con stant vigilance is maintained to see that none of those animals gain ac cess to the ponds. The goldfish is insectivorous, and his appetite often leads to his death. The sting of some insects is fatal, and for a common snake feeder to deposit an egg upon one of Che little vertebrates means its sure death. The freaks and unusual develop ments in the fish are the varieties which always bring the highest prices in the market. Odd and rare colors and spots aud blotches are the kind of markiugs most preferred by fan ciers. Unusual shapes in the fish are also very much sought after aud in variably bring high figures. In phy sical development the tail is the great favorite of nature, for it is that av pendage that receives the most atten tion. Fish with two, three, four and even five tails are not uncommon, and a few specimens with six tails have been known, but they are rare. These abnormal developments are always accompanied by the most brilliant hues, and have beeu known to bring almost fabulous prices. More than 200,000 fish are in tho Spring Lake Fishery, and specimens are sent every year into every state and territory. The aquariums of nearly every country on earth have drawn upau it for perfect specimens iniorniatiou concerning the production and care of the fish. Many of the royal aquariums in Europe are kept replenished from this fishery. Goldfish in private aquariums should be regularly fed, but never overfed, the water should be kept fresh and at an even temperature, and the aquar ium placed in the dark at night. SENATOR CLARK AND MARCUS DALY. 11 Perkins Says There Will Be Fun In Montana. There is fun brewing in Montana, writes Eli Perkins in tae New York Sun. Marcus and Senator Clark are neighbors in Anaconda. They are both Democrats, and both rich and powerful lions, but each wants the other to be a lamb. One must be swallowed before peace can come to Montana. " The newly-elected senator, Clark, is a fifty-millionaire, while Mr. Daly is a twenty-millionaire. Mr. Daly is a kind hearted man who came up from a miner's dinner pail, and the boys all like him, while Mr. Clark is much respected as a great scholastic man. He kept a country store, and once, when the whole country was covered with snow and a long blockade had stopped the railroads, he bought up all the baking powder in .Butte and Anaconda. It became scarce. Miners traded gold dust for baking powder, and Clark made $60,000. With this he went to Boston and heard some mine brokers talking about a rich copper mine in Arizona which could be had for 00,000. Clark started for Arizona, had every toot oi the mine assayed, found it fifty times as rich as Boston thought it to be, and bought it on the spot. These Arizona copper mines are worth $50, 000,000 now. The difference between Mr. Daly and Mr. Clark occurred in this way: A poor miner in Anaconda had a water right. Water rights are valua ble iu smelting copper and silver. The miner wanted to selUit and called on Mr. Daly, who really needed it. "I don't think I want it," said Mr. Daly, "but I'll accommodate you if you let it go cheap enough." "Well, SI 000," said the miner. "How will that do?" "loo much," said Mr. Daly, who as a sportsman was doing a little "bluff ing." "Come and see me later." The next day the miner saw Mr. Clark, who, knowing how valuable the water right was to Daly, asked him the price. When he fouud it was $1000 he handed the man a check and smiled to himself as he lit a cigar and thought of Brother Daly. A month after this Mr. Clark said to Mr. Daly, "Marcus, you ought to have that Higgins water right. You need it." "I'll have it soon," said Daly. "I'm dealing with Higgins now." "But I have it," said Clark. "The man was poor and wanted a thousand and I took it." "What, you got it !" exclaimed Daly, "aud you'll sell it to me?" "Yes, you need it more than I." "And for how much?" "Oh, $150,000!" Mr. Daly drew a long breath, but paid the $150,000 for the water right. This estranged the two millionaires. Has Read the Bible Eleven Times. A stout, elderly man was noticed gazing earnestly ,at a display of "iiibles in all languages" in a show window. A stroller passing halted to see what this man was gazing at, and remarked that there was a fine assort ment of Bibles. "Yes," said the man, "but I have one at home older and bigger than any of them." There did not seem to be auy connection between the age and size of a Bible, so for lack of any thing further to say the stroller asked the man if he had ever read his big Bible through. "Yes," was the reply, "I have real it through eleven times." "Holy Moses!" ejaculated the stroller. "What do you think of the Bible a'ter reading it through so many times?" "Well, the Bible is all right in places mostly. 1 will tell you how I came to read it through the first time. An old circuit rider who used to visit my father's house when I was a boy one Sunday prfached a sermon from the text, 'For a man shall bo judged according to the deeds done iu the body.' I asked him if that text was to be found in the Bible, and he said, 'Of course it was.' I said I did not think it was, aud he proj osed that we both read the Bible through to find it. We did not find it, but I found so many things which interested me that I kept on reading the Bible till I have gone through it eleven times." Port land Oregonian.. A Pretty Child Story. The prettiest child story that I have seen lately M in French. A mother tells her little girl that because she has been naughty she will not kiss her for a week. Before two days have gone by the child's lips hunger so for her mother's kiss that she begs her not to punish her any more. The niotlier says: "No, my dear; I told you that I should not kiss you, and must keep my word." "But, mamma, mamma," says the little girl, "would it be breaking your word if yon should kiss me just once tonight when I'm asleau?" -Boston Transrrinfc. GUEfcR THINGS ABOUT ANIMALS. The California woodpecker will cam an acorn thirty miles to store it. It takes a snail exactly fourteer days and five hours to travel a mile. The land crabs of Cuba run with great speed, even outstripping a horse That, sleepiug or waking, snakes never close their eyes is a curious fact. The elephant has 40,000 muscles ia his trunk alone, while a man has only 577 in his entire body. Ants have brains larger in propor tion to the size of their bodies than any other living creature. The dragon fly can fly backward and sidelong, aud can alter its course ov the instant without turning. It is estimated that there are 62, 030, 000 horses in the world, 195,150,000 cattle, and 434,500,000 sheep. When a chameleon is blindfolded it loses all power of changing its color, and its entire body remains of a uni form tint. .There are three varieties of the dog that never bark the Australian dog, the Egyptian shepherd dog, and th "lion-headed" dog of Thibet. The lantern fly of Surinam, South America, has two sets of eyes, so as to catch the light from all directions, t is much more brilliant . than our firefly. The oldest living creature in the world belongs to Walter Rothschild. It is a giant tortoise, wiighing a quarter of a ton, and it has a known life of 150 years. There are several varieties of fish that cannot swim. In every instance they are deep-sea dwellers, aud crawl about the rocks, using their tails and fins as legs. Some animals can live many years without water. A paroquet lived fifty two.years in the London Zoo without taking a drop of water. A number of reptiles live and prosper in place? where there is no water. The heron seldom flaps his wings at a rate of less than 120 to 150 times a minute. This is counting only tha downward strokes, so that the bird'r wings really make from 240 to 300 dis tinct movements a minute. One of the lougest-lived birds on record died recently in London. It was a parrot named Ducky, the prop erty of the Prince oi Wales, and was a century and a quarter old. Up to 80 years of age elephants are useful members of society. In China carrier pigeons are pro tected from birds of prey by an ingen ious little apparatus consisting oi bamboo tubes fastened to the birds' bodies with thread passed beneath the wings. As the pigeon flies, the action of the air passing through the tubes "produces a shrill, whistling sound which keeps the birds of prey at a distance. The antipathy of animals for certain things is nuexplainable, but the fact remains, for example, that rattlesnakes have a decided dislike for the leaves of the white ash. Experiments have shown that they would rather run over live coals than touch white ash leaves. Philadelphia Inquirer. Harvest on the Yukon. It was just on the eve of harvesting time when I first visited the creeks says a writer iu Scribner's, describing a visit up the Yukon river. In a day or two the flow of water from the gulches where the snow lay thickest would make a head sufficient to wash the yellow grain out of the dumps. In the four miles of Eldorado and the tea miles of Bonanza lines of flumes and their dependent sluice boxes the lumber for which had been drifgged from the Dawson sawmill by husky dogs or fcnt with whipsaws formed a network around the string of cabins occupied by claim owners and their workman, and around piles of clayish colored dirt, thawed out inch by inch during the short winter days, which contained virgin wealth amounting to nearly $10,000,000. If you descended by the ladders into the holes beside the dumps to the drifts you soon comprehend that reap ing the harvest, once you have a claim, is not so easy as picking wild cran berries. It is dogged work to build fires day after day, running the risk of suffocation and permanent injury to the eyes by the smoke, and pulling up the dirt, bucketful after bucketful, by means of a windlass, with the ther mometer forty below zero and your dinner to cook. In one spot of three or four square feet the nuggets are so thick that you can pick them out by hand as a farmer's boy picks potatoes out of a hill. In juxtaposition there may be as many more square feet which are not considered worth thaw iug and slnicing.and so the drifts seem like the path of the man trying to make his way to the light in dark ness. Manufacturing Suit in Kanta. Anew industry in Kansas is the manufacture of salt. , A large deposit has been discovered on the line of the Santa Fe railroad near the town of Hutchinson, iu the central part of the state, which the local geologists claim to be the largest in the world. More than $3,000,000 has already been in vested in plants to purify it, and tha output last year reached nearly 2,000, 000 barrels." SCIENCE AND INOUSTRT. An old dam on the Susquehaana river, at Columbia, is being rebuilt, with the idea ot converting the power thus developed into electricity. It is. possible to obtain eleven thousand horse-power there, but only about four thousand will be taken at first. From time to time experts have no ticed certain uuexplainable peculiari ties in magnetic instruments in vari ous buildings. An American profes sor now declares, as the result of ex periments and investigations, that the vagaries are due to the presence of , magnetism in bricks. They are made of earthy matter containing a greater or less proportion of magnetite or magnetic iron ore. . M. Moissan takes exception to the sweeping condemnation by M. Ditte of the aluminum utensils used by the French army in the Madagascar expe- . dition. The aluminum used was not as pure as it is made now and very slight impurities affect its durability. Moreover, qualities should not be sought for in the metal which it does not possess. It has the advantages of being light, of beiug easily worked" into shape by stamping, thus doing away with joints and leaks, and above all of being harmless when it oxidizes. He thinks it likely that tinned uten sils subjected to the same tests would have proved equally unsatisfactory. A new insulating material known as iron felt, and made in Germany, is being extensively used in Europe for a number of purposes. For the pre vention of vibration, it is said to be quite successful, and it is placed be tween engines and their foundations and also between rails and sleepers. It consists of the larger and stouter . Avoolen fibres treated first with a by product of petroleum and then coated with gelatine and India , rubber and vulcanized. After pressure it is used in the form of plates somewhat over two square feet in area, and from one half to two inches in thickness. ThS. plates are said to be extremely elastic and imperishable, and have a surface so hard as not to be cut by the sharp edges of bolt-heads or iron girders. A collection of fishes and shells made from Lake Tanganyika shows the interesting fact that in addition to the ordinary fresh-water fauna uaually found in fresh-water lakes, there is also a second fauna of a marine char acter, to which the name "halolimnic" ' has been given. The mollusks of this second class have a striking resem blance to forms occurring in the fossil condition in the inferior volites of Europe. Mr. S. E. S. Moore, who has made the collection referred to, was able to find twenty-6ix fishes new to science, and it is believed that a well equipped expedition, with a steam-launch,-could find a wealth of new biological material. The problems con-' nected with the geology of this lake and the Nile basin, as well as neigh boring parts of Africa, are attracting considerable attention from natural ists, and they are soon to receive the attention of scientific expeditions. - The results in non -Alpine sanatoria of Germany have been sufficiently good to warrant the insurance compa nies there in paying between three and four million marks in 1898 for the maintenance and erection of such sanatoria for the people. One of these insurance companies has published elaborate statistics of 1541 phthisical patients, showing that in such sana toria general improvement has taken place in 85.5 per cent., local improve ment in 61.1 per cent., and complete restoration of work capacity in 71.8 j:er cent. In 15.5 per cent, the local signs were slight on admission, and disappeared daring treatment; in 15.4 per cent, they were unchanged; in 42.6 per cent, the local signs were well marked on admission and were greatly improved on leaving; in 13.9 per cent the local signs remained of a well marked character, and in only 6.6 per cent were they increased. It is also shown that a large proportion of pa tients treated in former years have re mained well. An American College in Brazil. Among the American institutions of Brazil which are doing a great deal of good is o college for girls at Petro polis. This is supported, I am told, by a number of the women of the Methodist church, who each pay 10 cents a week toward it. It is managed by American women as teachers. The college building was built by a rich Brazilian for a home. It is on top of one of the mountain peaks above Pe ropolis, and is as much like a palace 'ks any of the buildings there. Its rooms are very large, with ceilings from fifteen to eighteen feet high. Its bathroom is as large as the average American parlor, with a shower attach ment. There is a swimming pool of marble in the floor. The kitchen is walled with porcelain tiles, and on the whole I doubt if there is a girls school in the United States fo well furnished. It has American desks and the latest appliances iu the way of ed ucation, such as models, maps and in struments. Its students come from good Brazilian families, and its edu cational reputation if of the highest. Frank U- Carpenter. ...