V "1 rtml Ifrl THE ROANOKE BEACON.; Published Every Friday. BnUred In the Port Office at Plymouth N. C, as tftcottd elsa Matter. We appeal to every reader of Tub Roanuks B'iacOn, to aid uh in uiakinjr it an acceptable aud frofluble medium of news to our citizen. Let lvmoutb people aud the public ' know wnati going ouiu Plymouth. Report to as all itemuof news the arrival and departure of friends, social vent", deaths, aorioua ilmeaw, accident, new SuUiHugj, new enterprise and improvement of Whatever character, change in bauiuess indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. Bubfcriptlon price, $1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low Obituary notices exceeding ten lin five cents Mime. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, 4pi send money with MS. for all in exceee of ten "lines. . The editor will not be responsible for the views Of correspondents. All articles for publication must be accomuanied by the full name of toe writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one side of the paper. All communications must be sent in by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N. C. Stock owners in the eastern sec tion of this state are alarmed by the appearance of Splenetic Fever among cattle in Wake county. The great est care is being taken to prevent the Bpread of the disease. A movement has been on whereby the American TobaccoJCompany had hoped to get control of all the ware houses in this State, but thus far the movement has failed. The ware house men are not in favor of trusts, now and it is hoped they never will be. A peculiar question of ethics has recently arisen betweeu a dry goods store proprietor of Kacine, Wis., and One of his salesmen. The salesman took in a dollar of 1801 in payment for goods, he sold the rare coin for $1,000 and now the proprietor claims that the monev is his. A Virginia railroad wa3 made to pay $15 for. killing a rooster. The engineer said, ho spoke very kindly to the gentleman with the whistle, but when he dropped one wing in the ground, raised one eye heaven ward, and commenced whetting his spurs on the rail, forbearance ceased to be a virtue, and he lit into him with thirteen freight cars and for warded him to the happy scratching ground by the lightning express. Mess. J. R. Brooks and W. D. Cooper, of Wilson, who were charged with arson last week, but who were fully exonorated, requests us to re turn their sincere thanks to the citi zens of this town for the prompt and Unsolicited aid giyen them. They say they owe the people of Plymouth a debt of gratitude which they can never pay. It is reward enough for our people to know that these young men have been exhonerated, and by their acts show to the State that they are worthy of the confidence of their home people . The Trustees of the A. & M. College could not have made a bet ter selection for its President than when they elected Dr. Geo. T. Win ston. Dr. Winston made a record as President of the University of this State, and that record he ably sus tained as President of the Univer sity of Texas, and that the progress which marked his reign as President of these institutions of learning will also attend the A. & M. College we feel confident. The college is not all that is to be congratulated, for his whole State is to be benefitted by his return. WotiKiNa Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's Mew Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessnesa into energy, brain-fag Into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only i5c per box. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. 3 Gild a serpent with gold and the world will swallow it as the most enticing of sweetmeats. Oar baby has been continually troubled with colic and cholera infantum since his birth, and ail that we could do for him did hot so 10 to give more than teiuporory le lief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera acd Diarrhoea liemedy. Since giv ing that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to givgyoa this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, mot that you need St to advertise yonr meritorious remedy. (J! XI. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by IIIdrugglatB. . Commissioners Proceedings. A special meeting of the Board of Com missioners ol Washington couuty Was held July 3rd, with the following members present: Jas, A. Chesson, Chr'm, J. M. Keid, Jos. Sklttletharpe. The minutes of last meeting read and approved. Ordered that the following named per sons be granted licenses to retail spirituous and malt liquors in quantities of five gallons or less for the term of six months from this date ending December 31st 189!) : Plymouth Towuship L, B. Bo wen, A. & Garrett, Louis a. Lauding, and J. L. Savage. Lee's Mills township Friley Chesson, L. J. Peacock. Skiunersville township Warren Sexton Sctippernong township G. D. Swain, VV. E. Overton. Ordered that Levi Blouut bo allowed the siim of $26 lor 12 days services as assessor id Plymouth township, aud 1 day as mem ber of the Board of Equilizatiou. Ordered that K. M. Bateman be allowed the sum of $'-'t (it) his account for 1 day's services meeting with the Board of Com missioners for instructions and mileage and 12 days as assessor iu Plymouth township. Ordered that J. H. Smith be allowed the sum of $30 50 his account for 12 days ser vices as assessor in Plymouth towuship and 3 days services copying abstracts on tax sheets. Ordered that W. C. Marriner bo allowed the sum of $24 90 for 1 day meeting with the Board of County Commissioners for instructions and mileage, 7 days services as assessor in Lee's Mills township and 3 cays labor copying abstracts on tax sheets, and 1 day on Board of Equilizatiou. Onlprad that H. M. Snail hit Allowed the sum of $19 his account for 1 day meeting with Board County Commissioners for in structions and mileage. 6 days services as assessor in Skinneisville township and 1 day as a member of the Board of Equili zatiou. Ordered that Eli Snell be allowed the sum of $10 his account for 5 days services as assessor in Skluuereyille township. Ordered that Henderson Cltfton be al lowed the sum of $10 his account for 5 days services as assessor in Skinnersville township. Ordered that II. A. Litchfield be allowed the euni of $16 50 his account for G days services as assessor in Scuppernong towu ship and l days services as a member of the Board of Equilization and mileage. Ordered that Jno C. Gurganus be allowed the sum of $792 his account for 1 months services as keeper of poor house. Ordered that Jos Sklttletharpe be al lowed the sum of $220 09 his account for cash paid for paints, lumber for staging, carpenter work and painters painting COart House, and If) days services of self attending to the work, &c., as per account filed. Ordered that Skittletharpe & Cooper be allowed the sum ot $13 83 their account for supplies furnished to poor house, outside poor aud Court House for the month of June 1899. Ordered that the Roanoke Beacon be al lowed the sum of $4 its account for pub lishing proceedings of the Board of last meeting and ouo notice. Ordered that Jrfo L. Phelps be allowed the sum of $2 60 his account for feeding jail prisoners, turnkeys, tc , as per acct. hied. Ordered that Alexander fc Marriner be allowed the sum of $47 59 their account for paints, &c, furnished for Mackev's Ferry bridge. Ordered that M. M. Alexander be allowed the sum of $12 12 his account for provis ions furnished to outside poor tor April, May and June 1899.. , Test W. H. Stubds, Clerk. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver ' and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, buckache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-dowu feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, idaville, Ind. He says : "Electric Bitters are just the thing , for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than auythiug I could lako. 1 can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Plymouth Drug Store. Eycry bottle guaranteed. 3 ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS. The proof of the new potatoes is what you pay for the paregoric. The miner's troubles out in Illinois seems to be highly colored affairs. Up to the hour of going to press no trust has been organized to control cyclones. Now is the time to treat your sweetheart with coolness at ten cents a saucer. Orange girls are always robbing the males of their hearts but we'll never stamp them as thieves. We have a tender feeling for every friend, a frown for every foe 'tis not the way the churches teach, but 'tis our human style you know. The devil always giggles when he sees a hypocrite upon his knees, and when dea cons to the front soat make, he laughs un til his sid es do shake. PLEASING OTHERS. The best rule is to take people as yoa find them and make the most of your op portunity to please them in some sort of fashion. There are so many ways to ac complish this by attentions, thoughtful suggestions, pious undertakings, all of which being saturated with the milk of tumaa kindness Cannot fail of bringing a result which will b satisfartory. When we learn to live to pleaso others we shall reap the largest harvest of pleasure for our. selves, by imitating our Lord and Master, who went about doing good to the souls and bodies of men. Philadelphia Methodic. Proof of the pudding lies in the eating of it. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lies In the taking of it COST NOTHING if It fails to cure. 25 cents per'bottle if it cures. Sold strictly on its merits by jul-ly W. C. Aters. CITY; MARKET REPORT. C. R. Sides .per tb Plates Sholders Bacon Hams S. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined 7 7& a m $11.50 8 Flour, per barrel, Patent $4.75 ' 4 Faniily 4.00 W. I. Molasses, per gal., SO ft 40 Syrup " " 40 Granulated Sugar, per lb t! Light brown " " " 5 Butter " " 25&30 Cheese " " 12$ to 15 Green Coffee ' " 10 to 20 Boasted Coffee " 12$ 15 Eggs per doz., 10 Tobacco, per lb 20 to 8G Shot " " 7 Gun Powder " " 25 to 40 Coal Oil White.Safety 150, peif gal, 12 " " Red C, per gal. , 15 Apple Vinegar " " 25 Bee's Wax, per lb 20 Tallow. " " 5 Hides, flint." " , 7 " Green " " 4c under 60lb 3 " Salted " " 4 Salt, per sack 75 Corn, per Bus., new GO Meal, " " GO Rice, " " Peas, black " 50 " black eye " " 75 Peanuts " " Cotton per lb 4 J to 5 Why were 25,000 BOTTLES OP ROB ERTS' TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of its birth? Answer: Because it is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded if it fails, pleasant to take, 25o per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by jul-ly W. C. Ayeks. W. F- BEASLEY, Attorney-at-Law, FLYMOUTII, N. O. BAM,EHY llealizing that a bakery is one of tbe great needs of this town, I have put in an oven and am prepared to furnish the public witli fresh bread, cakes, pies, &c.t at reasonable prices, and will appreciate your patronage. Yours to please, Plymouth Baking Co. E. J. DANCE, Manager, Bryan's Old Store, - Water St. I AM HERE I WANT YOUR TRADE I WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. I beg to inform the good people of Plymouth and surrounding country that I have opened a nice line of HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES, CON FECTIONERIES, FRUITS, AO., next door to Plymouth Drug Co., where I will be glad to serve those in need of goods in this line. I will carry an up-to-date ' stock", and my prices are not to be beat. Try me once. You will try me again Thanking von in advance for a liberal patronage, I am yours truly, J. L. SAVAGE. IV. B .YEAGER, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes speeches, sings songs and plays band pieces. Records and talking machi nes in stock and for sale. I have also added a Gold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. REPAIRING of all kind done on Short NOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. Send Your Job Work -TO- THIS OFFICE. THE UNIVERSITY OP NORTH ; CAROLINA. Widest patronage aud fullest equipment in its history. Faculty 38; Students, 49a ; 3 Academic Courses ; 3 Elective Courses ; 3 Professional Schools, in Law, in Modi cine and in Pharmacy. Nw Buildings, Water Works, Splendid Libraries, Labora tories, Etc, Advanced Classes open to women. Tu ition $00. a year; Board $8. a mouth. Ample opportunity for self-help. Scholar shipj and loans for the needy. Free tu ition for teachers. Summer School for Teachers. 1'4 Instructors, 147 students. Total enrollment 044. r'or catalogue, Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Je20-Gt Chapel Hill, N. C. IJI1UNITY COLLEGE. Forty-fifth year opens Wednesday, Sep tember (!th. Largest endowment of any College in the South. Conipletest Gymna sium in the Stale. Board $6.50 to $10.00 per month. Loan Scholarships for worthy youug men. Young women admitted to all classes. Send for Catalogue to PRESIDENT KILOO, jylo Durham, N. C. THE STATE NORMAL AND Industrial College Of North Carolina. Offers to young women thorough literary classical, and industrial education and spe. cial pedagogical training, annual expen ses $90 tO $VM ; FOB NON-RESIDENTS OF THE STATE $150. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. Has matriculated about 1,700 Btudents, representing every county in the State except one. Practice Ob nervation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before August First. Correspondence invited from those de siring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT McIVER, au-1 Greensbobo, N. G. NOTICE. In accordance with Sec 24, Machinery Act of 1S9!, notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will meet at' the Court House in Plymouth On the 2nd Monday , in July 1&9, being the 10th day of the month, for the purpose of re vising the tax lists and valuation reported to them for the year 18i9, aud otherwise complete the lists, at which time and place any and all persons having any complaint as to the valuation of their property, can appear and be heard by the Board in regard thereto. -: Any failing to list with the list takers in their township, can list by applying to the Board at any meeting held on or be fore the day above named upon payment of a fee of 25c. for recording the same, after which they will be liable to double tax and subject to $."0.0O fine or 30 days imprisonment. June 15, 181)0. W. H. Stubbs, Clerk Board Co.. Comm'rs. THI OLD RELIABLE I am stilli in the front, with a complete line of Buggies, waggons, Road Carts, Farm Carts, lOr any other Vehicle. To be convinced, call and see for your self. With a largo variety of material, and increased facilities, we ara bet ter prepared than ever, to turn out first-class work, at , lowest prices consistent with good workmanship. Thanking the public for a very liberal patronage in the past, we hope to merit tho same in the fu ture. Horse shoeing and repairing a specialty. Respectfully, II. PEAL. ilondwhi(t rf.v.K.T.! work for r JUdvf you may not inakt Btfcfh. bat w taat i tMflt von mrli-k It how to tarn from fti ta tlU day at i If i art, ! trior at yon y on. Hull itioi, all araa. Iu nr part of m f j na; all your tiitiator mru uiomtfuU onlvta tti wuik. All ik iibw, Great pay &lkk rt rvirv vttrrUr. We atjtrt you, fur&ihlnf aveivtl.tng. I'gll.Y, ftl'Kt!LY tea.! i I A K t It l. LAUS ll.I.r. AJ;intl M on. , V bM.vbO 10M iUttUH, aUl) tPr ' R9 IP A V "Remember The Main" thing in family groceries is to get them fresh, the same is true of cakes candies, canned goods, &c. To get these goods fresh cill on W. J. Jack son he has a nice line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, and would like to C. U. B. A. customer, that he might please you in this line. He also carries a large stock of Iieady Mixed Paints and can save you money on every purchase. W. J. Jack on, Ilorntbal Block, next to Post Office. Ply mouth Grocery Co,, (to brinkley's corner) We have moved our stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the store on Jurinkley s corner so we may be more convenient to the public. We carry a full line, evervthing to be found in an up-to-date grocery and at prices as low as the lowest. Thanking the public for the very liberal patronage given us at the old stand we solicit a larger share of jour trade in the future. Yours very truly, J. D. McCONNICO, Manager. NEW UNDERTAKER, 8. J- BA11C0, DEALER IN Coffins, Caskets, and Burial-cases of all styles, grades, sizes and prices Special attention given to orders at a dis tance. If it should be your misfortune to need anything in this Hue see my goods. I am still in the buggy busines with as nice a lot of open and top vehicles as has ever been shown in this section. In work prices I defy competetion. Examine my stock before placing your order, Yours respectfully, S. J. BAIiCO, ROPER, N. C. ocl3-ly PflCTTTAWQ Secured. May deposit ... money for tuition in bnk till position is secured.or will acceptnotes. cneap Doara. car rare paia. ova- cation Enter any time. Open for both sexes. Catalogue free. Write to-day. DRAUGHON'S PRAOTIOAL BUSINESS-- Nashville, ToMtt. (f Galveston, Tex. Savannah, Oa. Texarkaua, Tex. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months' bookkeeping wun us equals six Dy ine oia plan. All commercial brancn.es taught. For circu lars explaining 4 'Home Study Course," address "Department A," For college catalogue, address "Department A4.: GREAT SHOE SALE! FOIl THIRTY DA OM1LY, To make room for our im mense fall stock of shoes which, will be in the middle of August we will sell our slippers and summer shoes at wholesale cost. Below we mention a few prices: Oiir 2.25 Slippers at $1.75, our $2.00 slippers at $1,65, our 1,75 slippers at $1.40, our $1.60 slippers at $1.25. our $1.50 slippers at $l-20 our $1.25 slippers at $1,00. " our $1.00 slippers at SOctS. And all summer shoes in proportion. i ' - AE.1L CLOTHIMG' AT COST. . . Will also sell Lawns, Dimities, and Organdy at wholesale cost. Come at once before they are closed out, Yours to serve, SKITTLETHAEPE & COOPER, - -- -- ' - '''"iJl? VOUFOlK A 80UT1IERN RAILROAD ll COMPANY. Schedule in effeot oot 19th 1898. The Direct Short Line between Plymouth, Edenton. Eastern North Carolina and, Norfolk and all poiuts North. tSteamer leaves Plymouth 9:00 u. m. Mail Train leaves Edenton 1:45 p. m. daily, (except Sunday), arrives at Norfolk 4:J5 p. m, . Express Train leaves Edenton Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 8 25 a. m., arrive at Norfolk 11 a. in. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail acd Steamer Lines, and at Elizabeth Cit with Steamer Neuae, Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday for New Berne, Ocracoke Oriental Koauoke Island, Atlantio & N. O., K. It. Stations; also Wilmington & Weldou K, It. The Company's Steamers leave Ed en t oh 12.45 p. m. as follows: Steamer to Mackey's Ferry, Plymouth, Jamebvilla and VVilliameton daily (except Sunday) with pasaengers for Roper, Pantego, Bel haven, connecting with Str. Virginia Dare for Makleyville, Aurora. South Creek, Washington and intermediate landings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday foj Chowan liiver, and Monday and Friday for fc'cuppernong ltiver on arrival of No. 2 Train. , . f.t Norfolk passenger' station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot, , i , .,, Through tickets on sale, and baggaga checked to all principal points. -0- EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST FREIGHT LIE AND PASSENGER ROUTS. Diiilv nil rn.il kptviVa hetivAnn TClantnn New lork, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Norfolk. lhroujh cars, as low rates and auicket time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East em CarolinaDi8patch, as follows: From Norfolk by N. & S. R. R.; Baltimore by P. W. & B. R, R; President St. Station, Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. Dock St. Station; New York by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Do minion 8. S. Co., Pier 26. For further information apply to J. J. HA-5SELL. Aetnt, Plymouth, N. C. or tc the General Office of the N. & S R.R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M. K. KINO, General Manager, n. C. UDDGINS, G. F. & P. Agt. AVIE MOaTEY With the opening of Spring get out your last season suits, coats, pants and dresser and have them renovated and CLEANED OR DYED and thus save the price of a new garment.. Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the old reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. 1 also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make your old furniture look jus as good as new at small cobt. All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, Saml Wiggins. mr21 Ota Leaders of Low Prices.

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