r r THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday.' Entered In the Post Office at Plymouth N. C, i Second elnaa matter. We appeal to erery reader of Th Roanokb Ekaoon, to aid na in making it an acceptable and profitable medium of news to our citizeu. Let Plymouth people and the public know wnat is poing on tu Plymouth. Keport to us all Items of fjewei- the arrival and departure of frieiuU, social event,' deaths, aoriouu ilinep, accidents, new SulldinuB, new enterprises and improvements of wuatevW Character, changes in businexs indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. Subscription price, 1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low raV.e. Obituary notices exceeding ten line e, five oente a liue. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and send money with MS. for all in excels of ten lines. The editor will not be responsible for the views of correspondents. All articled for publication must be accompanied by the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one side of the paper. All communications must be sent in by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N, 0. In writing of the size of the cot- j ton crop this year the News and Observer gives us the following lengthy article, which it has gleaned Irom various sources : . The overshadowing matter of in terest to the farmers of the South is: "What will bo the size of the cotton crop that will be marketed this fall. Mr. Neill, of New Orleans, predicted a twelve million bale crop. His es timate was widely published and the cotton market dropped in price on the strength of his "expert opinion." In predicting such a big crop Mr. Neill over-reached himself, and as soon as reports came in from the cotton States, the price of cotton went up. This year we have planted 21,000, 000 acres in cotton. The average yield is 39-100 bale3 . to the acre. This would make the crop 8,252,400. The largest average yield to the acre ever known was 51-100. If this year the cotton crop should be the largest per acre, the total crop would be 10,791,000 bales. Mr. Neill's pre diction of 12,000,000 bales seems to be absurd. Mr. George W. Truitt's prediction of 9,500,000 maximum, eems at this time much safer than Mr. Neill's. The Atlanta Journal, after com menting on the Neill estimate, gives its own opinion based upon the fol lowing reasoning which seems sound. "The decreased acreage is conser vatively estimated at 5 per cent. The Government estimate was 8 per cent. "There is also a considerable de crease in the use of fertilizers. "A third item that affects the crop is the Texas flood, the effect of which is variously estimated at 100,000 to 275,000 bales reduction. "If we take Mr. Neill's 'vast pos sibilities' to mean 12,000,000 bales, the deduction for acreage would leave 11,400,000 bales. If we take . from that 100,000 bales for the Tex as flood and 100,000 for 'subsequent deterioration,' we have 11,200,000 bales instead ot 12,000,000 as a fair interpretation of Mr. Neill's estimate. "But even this interpretation takes no account of the decreased use of fertilizers, which is an unquestioned fyct that must have some effect on the yield. "It also estimates this year's crop on a basis of productiveness above even the unprecedented yield of last year, which was estimated at 49 per cent, of a bale per acre. If that ratio of production were applied to this year's acreage we should have a crop 5 per cent, smaller than the one of '189S-9, which is estimated at 11, 300,000 to 11,400,000. In other words the same yield per acre as that of last year would give us, upon the best estimate of acreage, a crop of 10,830,000 bales; or allowing 100, 000 bales for the Texas flood, a crop , of about ten and three quarter mil lions. 'But it would bo surprising to see such a yield as that of 1898-9. The average of 18 years is 39 per cent, of a bale to the acre and the yield of 49 , percent, was never realized before last year. It is not likely to be du plicated in a season of severe drought in many sections aud with largely reduced fertilization. We think, therefore, that even 10,750,000 bales is a large estimate, and judging by recent events the market is of the same opinion.. "To produce 12,000,000 bales the cotton States must yield 58 percent, of a bale per acre, which is fully 50 percent, above the average yield of 18 years." Speaking of Mr. Neill's estimate, the President of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, says: "I don't see how Mr. Neill or any other man can pretend to say this early in the year what the crop will be. ; "I have known careful estimates made as late in the season as Novem ber to be wrong by as big a margin H3 1,000,000 bales. ; The possibilities of the crop, when all conditions are favorable are almost infinite, but ac count must be taken of possible droughts, scorching temperature and other things likely to hurt the crop. It is hard to say just what result Mr. Neill's report had on the. mar ket. Liverpool opened A points low er, but whether that is to be attribu ted to Mr. Neill's report or other causes I don't know. It is probably a fact, though, that as much or more reliance is placed in Mr. Neill's fore cast in Liverpool than anywhere else. English operators seem to have great confidence in him. In my opinion it is much too early to haz ard an opinion as to how large the the crop will be this year." After quoting the above the At lanta Constitution says : "While there has thus sprung up a difference of opinion among the cotton speculators as to what the outcome will be, it does not remove the position already taken by the Constitution that it is to their in terest to boom up the estimated yield in advance so as to bear down the price of cotton while it is yet in the hands of the producer, so that the true margin later on will be but a playgroud upon which the specu lator can operate, while his victim is making fertilizer contracts for anoth er year. With these differences of opinion, but unity of interest, the people of the South can only have the consolation of knowing that they are but lambs m the slaughter pit. There is but one discussion which can be profitable to us, and that is to devise means of escape. "As it is, we are the victims of the cotton speculator while our crop is being garnered, as well as of the manufacturer after it has been mar keted. Out of a possible $30,000, 000 crop in Georgia, for instance, according to that eminent authority, Mr. D. A. Tompkins, it grows into a value of $$184, 000, 000 in the hands of foreign manufacturers. Even the original figure of $50,000,000 for the raw material is subject to a par ing of $6,000,000 to $8,000,000 in commercial handling, leaving the Georgia farmer but $22,000,000 to $24,000,000. The same figures are relatively true of every other State in the cotton belt. If the war be tween the round and square bale people did nothing else than than expose the commercial robbery to which the farmer has been subjected, it will have accomplished a good purpose by showing that the best crop in the world is cotton, and that the losses made m its production are but the result of our own want of enterprise. "The cotton crop of the South, as it reaches the ginners, is worth $300,000,000, and as it finally reach es tne eonsumar is worth almost $1, 500,000,000." Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing mat ever was made is Dr.. King's Nw Life Pills. Everv Dill is a. .nnonr.mat globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, liutlessness Into energy, Drain-rag into mental power. They re wonderful in building ud the health. Onlv 25c per box. Sold by Plymouth Drug jo. 8 THE OLD NORTH STATE. HAPPENINGS WITHIN HER BORDERS. A groom aged 78 and a bride aged 76 ran away from Nash county and were mar ried in Wilson. A Durham negro committed suicide Sat urday night. He cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. Col. J. F. Armfleld, of Statesville, has been appointed a major ia the 46th Regi ment of Inlautry, TJ. S. Voluuteerb. The trustees of the University have elected J udge James C. MacRae as Prof es- sorofLaw. He ia au able lawyer and an excellent man. Seven prisoners escaped from the peni tentiary at Raleigh one day last week. Five of them were federal prisoners and are noted desperadoes. Daniel Wallace, aged 90, of Wake coun ty, has entered suit for divorce from his wife, aged 32. They were married cine years ago and have twins less than three years old. Last Saturday afternoon a negro named Qeorge Skinner committed suicide. lie had been arrested by Officer Bell under a charge of shoplifting and taken to the city hall. While waiting for the execution of a search-warrant, Skinner asked the Officer to step aside with him, which he did three time. The third time Skinner was heard to fire a pistol, and on opening the door of the closet the officers found Skinner bad blown his brains out, dying instantly. His body was viewed by a large crowd of peo ple and afterwards sent to his home. After this his trunk arrived at the Mayor's office and was opened. In the trunk was a va riety of olothing and other articles, the most of which ware claimed by merchants of the city. E. City Fisherman and Far mer, Red Hot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. 8. Steadnmn of Hewark, Mich., in the Civil War, It cantrei horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pilo care on earth. 25 cts. a bos. Bold by Plymouth Drug Co, 3 WHO KNOWS? I. Who knowa The birth of a grass-blade the, life of a rose ? And who, in this life that is drifting away. The meaning the mystery of them shall Bay? All that we know iu this region below Is that May makes the roses and winter the snow. II. Who knows The thought of the river that evermore flows To the sea that is tossing its waves on the shore And heeds not the rocks, or the wrecks in its roar ? All that we know in this region below Is that May makes the roses and winter the snow. III. Who knows The tide where life's tending this goal where it goes ? In the Night is there light T will a morn ing dawn bright When sighs shall be silenced and souls shall be white ? All that we know in this region below Ie that May makes the roses and winter the snow. IV. Yet we trust That sometime a flower will blossom from dust ; That the songs that we sing and the pray ers that we pray Will not die in the darkness that knows not the day, Yet all that we know in this region below Is that May makes the roses and winter the snow. V. Such is life. With its joy and its sorrow its strength and its strife, ' The bloom and the gloom, and the dark and the bright, And God gave Good morning, and God gave Good night I Bat all that we know in this region below Is that May makes the roses and winter the snow. F. L. Stanton. The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It also heals the injured parts more quickly than any other treat ment, aud without the barn is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by all druggista. Mortgage the ship for all it's worth be fore you give it up. Every man in a brass band thinks his instrument makes the best music. Not thb Wisest Way. It is not always best to wait until it is Deeded before buying a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Quite frequently the remedy is required in the very busiest season or in the night and much inconvenience and suffering must be borne before it can be obtained. It costs but a trine as compared with its real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home. It is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in th world for bowel, complaints. For Bale by all druggists. The man who hesitates before replying to a query is aiways doubted. Proof of the pudding lies in the eating of it. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lies in the taking of it. COST NOTHING if it fails to cure. 25 cents per bottle if it cures. Sold strictly on its merits by jul-ly W. C. Ateks. The life work of some people seems to De criticising others. Many a man who claims to be truthfnl spends a lot of time echoing the lies of other men. Perhaps every man has his price, but in most cases it is yery elastic The fortunate man always takes misfor tune the hardest. Why were 25,000 BOTTLES OP ROB ERTS TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of its birth ? Answer Because it is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded if it fails, pleasant to take, 25o per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by jul-ly, W. C. Aters. NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that the partnership of J. A. Wllloughby & Com pany, formerly conducting a general mer cantile business on W ater street, in the town of Plymouth, N. C , is dissolved. Outstanding liabilities are assumed by W. it. White and all amounts due the firm will be paid to him. Aug. 25, 189'J. J. A. WlLLOTJGHBT. it W. B. Whits. $500 Reward! WB will pay the above reward for anr mi of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Heartache, In digestion Constipation or Coitiveocaa we canuc cure with West's Vegetable Liver nils, when the direction ore strictly complied with. The? are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give etf Ufactiou. Sugar Coated. iJirg-e boxes, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tie fn sinetti' julacturedonly bvTHK JQH jf ChWJlSJ SOUrANY, CHICAGO, U.X.. THE JLV.TJST THS2 EDISON P honogra pH for $7.50. Sold by TV. JE5 .YEAGER, W H. O IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes speeches, sings songs and plays band pieces. Records and talking machi nes in stock and for sale. I have also added a Gold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. REPAIRING of all kind done on Short NOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. REMOTE Plymouth Grocery Co., (to beinklky's corner) We have moved our stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the store on Brinkley's corner so we may be more convenient to the public. We carry a full line, everything to be found in an up-to-date grocery and at prices as low" as the lowest. Thanking the public for the very liberal patronage given us at the old stand we solicit a larger share of your trade in the future. Yours Very truly, J. D. McCONNICO, Manaqee. NEW UNDERTAKER, S. J. BARCO, DEALER IN Coffins, Caskets, and Burial-cases of all Btyles, grades, sizes and prices. Special attention given to orders at a dis tance. If it should be your misfortune to need anything in this line see my goods, I am still in the buggy busines with as nice a lot of open and top vehicles as has ever been shown in this section. In work prices I defy competetion. Examine my Btock before placing your order, Yours respectfully, S. J. BARCO, ROPER, N. C. ocl3-ly GO TO M. E. McCABE'S For Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Notions, Fruits, Confection eries, &C.j &c. I also keep a First-class Restau rant, where you can get as good a meal for the money as anywhere in town. Added to this I keep nice, clean rooms to lei; to lodgers at reasonable rates. Don't forget to call on hie when in town. M. E. McCABE. Washington St., near livery stables. SAVE MONElf With the opening of Spring get out your last feason suits, coat 8, pants and dresses and have them renovated and V CLEANED OR DYED and thus save the price of a hew garment Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the eld reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main;Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. 1 also do ail kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make your old furniture look jus as good &s new at small cobt. All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, Saml Wiggins. Send Your Job Work TO - THIS OJb'FIOE, i u iTj'TMriiTrrT'"TiTrT-fl-,"r i'WII.i!.l-m'V.-t,.l!JSJ'iJTl Louis P. Hornthal and Mathias Owens, with. Louis P. Hornthal, nave gone to New York to lay in a full line of Ladies Dress goods, fine Shoes, Cloaks, everything that first-class dry goods store. Keep watch when they come 4 t Clothing, and is kept in a on this spacL I back. ."V