1 ' .a If- .ilcial Organ cf Washington County. aBTERTISING--2ifEDIUir.) FIRST OF AIL THE NEWS. l i f u-.t . ft'l 'It u i j f l El lit f . Circulates extensively in the Counties ef ' dob Printing In ItsVarlous Branches. 1.00 A YEA.lt IX 'ADVANCE. "FOR GOD. FOR COUNTRY, AXD FOR TRUTH.' :V.-TGij3P'yyB'CEX.TS. VOL. X. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1890. :;'-V'rjS:0.'vil. -' AAAAAtAAAAtii A a. IN A MOUNTAIN FIRB. A Thrilling Episode 'M BY ADAiE. i J . . ; A mountain fire at night that was the sight which Louise Eltham, a visi tor from the prairie states to her uncle's home in California, was regard ing, with awe 'and1 admiration. ...".Lets ride up and take a nearer view," said her cousin Phil. "You will never see anything like this in - Illinois nor very often here, for that matter. There isn t a bit of danger. Prince goes easy and isn't skittish, and we ll iiist go up on one of the foot hills where we can eee it all. Get your thickest cloak, though, for it's chilly, and you don't 'want to ffeeze on one side while you roast on the other." Nothing loath, Louise ran for her wraps, and very soon they were gal 4 loping toward the blazing mountains. 1 How light it was! v 'ft'rjs like my pic- ture of 'The Last Days of'Pompeii "' J Louise panted, "only this isn't doing l any harm." r A wagon came clattering toward them, and Phil drew up suddenly as he recognized the lady who drove. 'Good evening, Mrs. Hastings! Why, jou are not burned out, surely?" , s Mrs. Hastings laughed hysterically. "The house was all right when I left, but-1 -don't suppose I. -shall ever see it again. The sparks were" falling in showers, then. Mr. Hastings and his brother insisted on my coming out with the colts before the road was blocked by the fire. They said they $ouId go over the eastern ridge by the cattle-trail and out by "Wilson's road, if they were delayed too long. Our pretty home " I . Shefchoked, brit almost instantly re covered herself, and asking hurriedly, "Is your mother at home? I think I'll drop in on her until the matter is settled," she drove on. "Po r Mrs. Hastings!'' Louise eighed. ! A fire starting in one of these gulches or canyons rushes up it as fames rush up a chimney, but the steep rock walls .on either side often cpnhne it. .ThosgbV the- -cleft;' just westward of the Hastings place roared like a fiery furnace, their ravine was still dark and unharmed. Phil looked np it longingly, but dared not take his cousin in, for the house was some half mile up the canyon, the road thither wa3 a bare cut through tangled thickets, and if the fire once started there it would , be impossible to get back. Yet he. was aching to go to Mr. ' , "Hastings' assistance. v v : I "Here's just the .place, Louise. Come on," he cried, turning up a cat tle path to the top of a partially de tached kuoll to eastward. "You can see it all from here and yet be perfect ly safe. If Prince gets restive, throw your handkerchief over his eyes. ' Don't go any nearor. I'll be back presently, but I want to run up to the Hastingses. You don't mind, do you?" f, Louise did mind, but would not say So, knowing hov much the Hastingses needed help, so a moment later she was alone on the stony knob. Almost in the nest moment, it seemed, she found herself listening to the distant barking of a dog. Louise loved dogs, and recognized this at once as the voice of a large one, frightened, angry and appealing. It was up the canyon eastward of the Hastings ravine. She had been up that trail once with Phil and Mina. ') There&fce 'had seen a small, rough Bhantyand two little toddlers playing .with a great dog, half-houud, half bulldog, which Phil informed her was the terror of the neighbors and the de voted slave and guardian of the chil dren. "Was he now afraid of the fire? He had reason. If t it swept up Has i J ' tings'-canyon it - could hardly fail to. A take Wilson's also. -4 "y, Then Louise felt her blood run 1 chilly. Only that morning she had 1 seen Wilson and his invalid wife drive 1 by on their way to town, 12 miles away. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, but not the children! Mina had told her that when the Wilsons went to town they ieft the children locked up in the house. No wonder poor Bose was barking frantically! He scented dau ger in the air, and his beloved little ones were unable to escape! !t "Phil! Phil!" Louise screamed, in voluntarily, bat Phil was far beyond bearing, and already there was a dull smolder of fire in the dea-d leaves be side the road, where a spark had v. fallen. fihe sprang f ro n her horse and crushed it out, but that could postpone the inevitable for but a moment or two; flames we're showing over the western ridge, and other smoldering fires were visible. She could not reach Phil there was no time to ride for help yet clearer than ever she heard the frantic barking. Ob, the poor children, locked up in that little shanty with its roof of red wool fchake. dry as tinder! $ , "Prince" we've got to try.it!" Lou isa sobbed, spr .aging back into the saddle and ' turning him to the east ward. "Phil mil 'Don't go nearer,' but Y can't stay here - and let those bativ 4iura alive. I know they are 1 of California Life r FEBRI3. f . shrieking for help.and nobody to hear but poor, faithful, helpless Bose. Now keep cool, Prince! ,We simply must smash that door in and get the cuil dren back here before this canyon is a furnace, and that may be in less than ten minutes. Quick, Prince, quick! It's a race for life, now. Fly, -boy, fly!" Prince snorted as if ,he understood, and plunged down a steep cattle path to the narrow trail that wound up the cauyou. Half .a mile of this cave-like gloom, .the crooked trail so narrow that her outstretched arms might touch the branches on either side, and now, indeed, Louise felt that she had rushed into the jaws of death. A few mo ments' delay would make return im possible, and she knew no other way out. Now the canyon widened. She Vas under the tirelit 'sky again, with Bose bounding toward her, barking implor ingly. "Yes, Bose, yes, good doggie, we'll save the babies, never fear," she called, breathlessly, extending her t and toward him, for she understood the dog's tone. One sniff assured him that Louise was a friend, and he ran before her barking loudly and flung himself against the shanty door. Louise sprang from her panting horse. Sparks were flying in clouds overhead, and the air was filled with the muffled roar of fire. Hastings' canyon was all ablaze. There wasn't a moment to loose. She rattled the rough door fiercely. A frightened little fqce showed it self at the window. "Please'm, we can't open the door. We're locked in, and pana and mamma haven't come yet. Ain't it time?" - Louise looked desperately around for an axe to force the door, She could see clearly it was too light, in deed, with all that ruddy glow from the smoke-clouds above. The great dog was watching her suspiciously. "Now don'tbe angry, boy, "she coaxed, a little nervously. "We've got to .open the door, you know, to get the babies out, or we shall all burn up to gether." Bose barked and again flung his whole weight against the flimsy door just as Louise found a light hatchet. She attacked the door furiously. A strong man would have made 6hort work of it, but the girl was neither strong nor skilful, and though it shiv ered and splintered it held fast for what seemed a terribly long time. At last as she and Bose together threw themselves against it, it crashed in, and the dog bounded across the room to where a little girl about six years old was trying to hush the screams of a brother of three. The shanty consisted of but one room, with neither floor nor ceiliug, and the furniture wa3' of the rudest description. A few relics of- better days "back east" contrasted oddly with the home-made stools and bed stead. Louise gave one glance at a fine, inlaid stand and a handsome fam ily Bible, but with that terrible half mile of overarched wood road to trav erse, it was impossible to think of saving anything but the children., She caught up the chubby youngster. "Come," she said cheerily, "let's go and meet mother. " But the child screamed and fought her vigorously. While she strove to soothe him, the little girl ran to the door, but one look brought her back to cluch Louise's dress. "The mountain's all afire! We shall be burned up!" screamed the little girl, clinging tighter, while the boy kicked and pulled Louise's hair with all his small might. Fairly desperate nowj Louise shook him into momen tary quiet, and said, sharply: "Gracie, be still! I'll save you both if you'll be quiet aud mind me. If you don't I can't, and we shall all burn up to gether!" The little maid gulped down her cries, and even unclasped one small baud. "I'll be good," she gasped, obedientlv. "Don't let me be burned up." But the spoiled baby only shrieked and kicked. His little sister, trembling like a leaf, mnde a piteous appeal. "Please don't mind him. He don't know any better, he's so little. O Johnny! please be sti 1, please! I'll give you my dollie, any thing but if you don't keep still O Johnny, do listen to sister we shall be burned up!" But Johnny was deaf to argument, and Louise had to carry him out, aud exert all her -strength to lift him on the horse. "Hold on tight," she said; but before she could lift Gracie also, the perverse little fellow rolled shriek ing to the ground. Louise had to spring and catch the bridle or Prince would have been off. Master Johnny scurried back into the house and under the bed iu spite of his sister's frantic appeals, for he had never been required to obey her or anybody else. Gracie ran after him. Robbing aud tugging frantically to get him out. Louise had to tie Prince before she dared fdllow, sick at heart with fear. The spoiled baby's wilfuluess might cost all their lives. By main force she dragged him from his retreat, enveloped him in blankets and bore him out, but on the door step she paused. .The breeze up the canyon, till now so cool and f esh.had suddenly become warm and smoky.' The falling sparks had "done their' work, fires were already smoldering lower, ddwn the canyon. A minute more" might see it ablaze. It would be madness to attempt that road now. She set Johnny down and looked around with desperate coolness. A barrel of water stood under the nearest tree. Into this Louise hast ily plunged bedding and pieces of car pet, thenj scrambling on an old box, with the help of the broom she .spread them as well as possible over the flim sy roof.. . ' Suddenly she sprang down. "The pool below the falls under the big bay tree! We may be safe there, and there isn't a moment to lose. Come, Johnny, we're going to the falls.", Once more she jerked tbe;,child from under the bed and carried him out Now the air was close, and the canydn walls echoed to the crackling of the -flames. Fortunately it was not far to the little pool, for it took all the girl's strength to lead the terrified horse and the struggling boy.. "Black man under falls bogy man!" Johnny screamed, pulling back with all his might, and Gracie added, trembling, "Mamma says there is a black man tlere that eats little chil dren; but yon won't let him eat us, will you? ' "If there ever was a black man there," said Louise, with composure, "of course he's not there now he's run away from the fire." The ''falls" were a mere dribble of water , down an almost perpendicular rock; the pool was not over three feet deep, and green slime lay along its edges, but it wa3 water, and it lay in a hollow, with rock walls on three sides, while over it spread the green luxuriance of a great bay tree. Louise drew a long breath of thankfulness when she reached the stream. "Here, Gracie, hold this youngster a moment. Now, Prince, come and be tied to this tree. ' Poor old horsie, you are nearly scared to death with all this heat and rushing and roaring and crackling round you. But you are safe here. Bocks and water can't burn, nor this green stu 3, either. Oh, yon little scamp!" She was just iu time to catch Johnny as he broke away from Gracie. This time .she tore a strip from his apron, tied the restless ankles together, and set him down beside the pool, scream ing, but unable to make more trou ble. "There, now! Don't cry, Gracie; I didn't hurt him, and we are safe here. Step close under the tree. Look at B039 lying in the pool. He knows how to make himself comfortable." The canyon was now a sea of fire. Great flames eeemed to reach and eclipse the pale stars overhead. The heat was intense, and the showers of sparks hissed in the water and scorched the ferns. Louise could see the thick foliage of the green bay shrivelling in the hot wind. "But rocks and water cau't burn," she repeated, desperately. "And this heat can't last long." She dipped Gracie's wrap and her own into the pool, but Johnny held his so tightly and screamed so loud that she had to let that go. A frightened rabbit flashed past them up the canyon, aud a snake glided away among the rocks. Louise wondered if they would escape. She dashed water over Prince's saddle and back, over herself and the children. The heat was terrible. It seemed im possible to live .except by lying flat. She tried to force Prince down, but he was too terrified to understand or obey, and she had to drop down her self. The flames seemed to shoot up both sides of the canyon now, netting a fiery bower against the sky. The rain of sparks made little Gracie.look ing into the mirror of the pool, scream in terror. "The water's afire, too!" she cried. Louise tried to reassure her, but she found herself glancing up apprehen sively at the shrivelling leaves of the bay tree. They would soon cease to be any protection. "Lie flat, Gracie," she said, and once more dashed water over the children and horse. Then she dropped, panting and exhausted, on the verge of the pool, closing her eyes to the foe she could ho longer fight But scarcely a minute passed before Gracie exclaimed, ' 'The fire's going out, and our house isn't burned. It's just going to, though!" Louise sat up. The dry grass and leaves had burned out, the canyon was comparatively dark, and the shanty was but just srnoMaring into a blaze. The wet blankets and rugs had pro tected its roof, the great clump of eallas and vines, its sides; but'theae had been dried osit completely, and the last shower of sparks had accumu lated. Iu an instant Louise was speeding toward it. There was a lit tle water in the barrel. A few min utes' work with her saturated cloak sufficed to beat out the tire. "It's belter than no shelter," Lou ise remarked, grimly, she dropped on tha doorstep, utterly exhausted. "And their beddiug isn't all burned up, though I wouldn't give much for the things on the roof, and I don't think I shall wear this cloak to church again. I wish I was safe at home in bed; but thank God the children are : There came a patter of .small feet and a shrill, wrathful 'v'ce. Johnny hlid succeeded in freeing "himself, aud returned in great indignation. - ''I'll telf rny mamma on you," he declared, loudly. "You b'?a,door in, and you dwag me offfcnd you tie me up in de fire. I'll tell my mamma!" "You're welcome," Louise said, dryly. . "You b'oke windows' and burn house. I'll tell my mamma;" Johnny reiterated angrily. . .. ; Very cautiously Louise removed-the blinding coat from her horse's head. She patted and soothed hini, and was about to climb wearily into the saddle ' when there came a flare of torches and lanterns over the western ridge. She heard a woman sobbing wildly a$d declaring she must and would go; on to her poor children, while men eeemed to be dissuading her. Then Louise heard Phil's voice, full of distress. "She would have been perfectly safe where I left her, and Prince wouldn't run away. Whatever possessed her to go wandering oft? Ben, won't you go and see if she has gone home? I can't face them if she isn't there." "Oh, Phil!" the girl called, "I'm here all right. Is that Mrs. Wilson cryiug? Tell her the children are all right and the house is standing. Bose! Down, sir! Don't you know your friends?" for the dog had bristled and growled angrily at Phil's headlong rush down the hill. "Why in the world didn't you stay where I left you? Hastings thought sure you had tried to follow me and been caught in the fire. Next tjme I won't bring you out." "You needn't. I never want to see a mountain fire. again. All the same, I'm glad I came this time. You are, too, aren't you, , Bose? . You didn't hear him calling for help, did you, Phil? His barking brought me, and if Johnny had been half as sensible, as his dog I could have had the children out before the fire caught us. Don't be angry, Phil. I couldn't stay there and let them burn up without trying to save them." "Who's said anything angry? Only I didn't know you set up for a heroine." "It wasn't, heroic," Louise an swered, simply. "It was the only thing to do. " But somehow she never could make the Wilsons agree with her, or Phil,' either. Youth's Companion. CAN'T FOOL- THE BRUTES. Beasts Cannot fee Deceived by Illusions to Which Man Succumbs. "It's a singular fact," said a man in the show business to a New Orleans Times-Democrat reporter, "chat illu sions, as we call 'em, don't fool ani mals. I've seen that proved over and over again. A few years ago I had what is known as the 'Mystic Maze' at the Jvasuville exposition. It was simply a small room rilled with mirrors so arranged that you seemed to be iu a narrow corridor full of - turns. It was very puzzling, and I used to get lost in the place myself, but it never bothered my dog a moment. H.e would run through it from end to end at full speed and never bump against a mirror. , , "I saw something in the sjame line in 'Frisco not long ago. A friend of mine had .an illusion called 'The Haunted Swing.' YVa get in what seems to be an ordinary swing, hung in the center of a good-sized room, and the thing begins to move. It goes back and forth and; "finally clear over the. top that is to say, it seams to. What really turns around is the room itself the swing stands perfect-., ly still. It is a good illusion, and when the room is revolved "rapidly-, there never was a man who could keep his head in the swing. It seems as if he must certainly pitch out, and if the motion is kept up he gets deathly sick. But a pet cat belonging to my friend used to lie on the edge of the seat and never turn a hair;. no matter how fast the thiug was worked. "The elder Hermann told me that animals were never deceived by false table legs, built up with looking glasses, and used ia stage tricks. They always passed around on the other side. I guess they must see better, somehow, than men. " . The Youngest Major.j ; The rounsest mavor in the United States is Charles N. Fletcher of Clay ton, 111. Ie is just twenty-five years old." From his birth till $ie Spanish American war broke out he lived iu that section. . ". On the dav the Oui'ncv (I11.V divi sion of the naval reserves paraded be fore the United States Navy officer's for inspection Fletcher felt a thrill bf patriotism and at once enlisted. The battalion went to Norfolk, and there' in the scattering of .the reserve he was ordered to ie Yale. Fletcher eerved on the Yale till he was dischanred last autumn. On his return home, from tbe reports of his companions touching i letcuer s stea J fastness and dashing courage,' the men of the town concluded he would make a runaway canvas? if noinioaed for mayor, and he did. Ne lork World. ( QUAINT AND CUI?IOL(S. There are ajiple' . growers at MpnV x - I ts 1 T . ' ireuu xrauce, who iurna iru u uear- jjVhich' tllefai-eTnjf "a railroad lag family-crests The apples aic Cr1,in can.Tje-applied -from the track, as grown ia, paper bags. Yhen he the tfaiu passes," Without the; inter apples are about as large as hickory. -.vatim-oithe -engineer.. The air nuts th'e bags are slipped over them in brake svstra is connected with'a lever orderto-plrotect them from thQ sun, Whea they re nearly ripe new bags are adjusted, with the-crest cut out. like a stencil on one side of the bag, The sun hen colors the apple, leaving a green crest on a red apple or a red design on a green surface. r Mrs. James Piatt of Union Mills, Ihd.', recently gave birth' to a quartet of girls. , Each, measured twelve inches in length and weighed . twenty-four ounces. The mother is 16 years old," while the father is upward of 30. Three of the quartet died soon after birth. The fourtE is well developed and bids fair 'to live. The attending 1, : . -i i ; ii. -i ii. yuyaicittus oeueve max ine case is witnont precedent in medical History. Births have been recorded of quar-.j laat summer no expedition had passed a tets with a division of males and fe- winter there-no complete series of males, but no case hastbeen recorded, Weather records, therefore, had been they say, where tha babes have been ta3sfiu ere. . The science of meteoro of one sex. ' Togy is still young, but it promises to , - , be .of great advantage,' and every . Bev. A. C. Bowdish,' pastor of th- J record of wind currents,, precipitation Methodist church on City Island, New and tuer phenomena of the air has xvi n. viij, xias a uiacn Java nea 01 remarkable accomplishineata. .She has recently been laying eggs of sur" ' prising dimensions.. . The eggs jare 3 3:4 .inches long and 2 3-4' inches through the middle. The measure ment around the long way of the egg? is 8 1-8 inches and two inches less around the middle. 'Four of these eggs weigh a trifle'under one pound and they average three and three-quarter ounces apiece. Another peculiar ity of the Java hen's energy is that the eggs are double yolked. : A surgical operation with remark able results was recently performed at the Mendota Hospital for' the In- sane at Madison, Wis. . Joshua Davis, a patient with suicidal tendencies'was found to be suffering from a peculiar complication of troubles and tt5 had informed the doctors in charge that he Iiad swallowed nails, wire, etc; Tire doctors decided upon an operation. They found embedded in the stomach and intestines, both of which were perforated, one-half pound of nails of all sizes, two pocket knive blades and several pieces of twisted wire.' Some of .the nails gave evidence of having been in the stomach a Jong time. -The 'man died twenty-four Jiours after , the ' operation. ,. . '. . . There is a'singnlar but an absolutely true story of a watch which went thronghEhe cyclone. The timepiece, J -eondea-sevs. 'Under this stress the which has been under fire and is now j initial, tesistancif the air is greatly a veteran, was an old one qS.strong diminished. .Tbo. extreme length of build, days- the St.. Paul Desfateh. fthe spark iu air "Is "shorter, however,4 When the 'storm struckne owner,,). tjiaa it should be 'according to theory wuusc uauic .- iijum, iuiguian awui his valuables iu the hustle for safety, The watch was in the drawer of -a oureau. Aixer me mow was over mv. Bryant iound himself almost without .a.scratck.and went back; to .view the house. He found notni'ng.bura - land - bureaur -''After 'the Wow was over Mr. i scape. ne oegau to'eearca aoout tue ; ruins early the next morning and here , comes the funny but true part of it, In the bottom of an" 'tiubfokeu pickltf jar were the works-of the" whth( tick ing awayj,-while the silver case could not baiqund...;.. . ." ' ' ' .. There, was general excitement; -at Lime Ridge,' Wis., leoeiit'ly wheu a flock of Ameficaft '-'passenger pigeons passed north bver-ihat? place, the flock beifcg.a. mile.Joug and so deuse :as. to nearly obscure tne sua. " lueir .ap pearance has created interest, as tnase i t i, - i-iAv"! years and even specimen imnleVs cd'fild ! nots'ecure a single bird.:, Thev forjnv eny rpoaiea near jiime rua&e, ana came every summer, by millions to nest and breed. The people made p1ge"6nTiu'hiin'gv6h!J of the principal sources ' of reveiiae .-m those davs. TheV'Were slaughtered;. by.. the h'Jn- BftdLbat still seem.tc dreds.-of- lacrease in. numbei'. mey sudoeui.5 r. disappeared and were supposed. to be estintit until their, recent. appearance; He. Was7HI 6rn Bwnrlar. A young'-co'uutry doctor committed "daring burglary" . upon, his' own euiise a. short time ago." Ije lofced open a ground, 'floov wudq'.v-,Tiiusacked chaSe 8!hleffiimyttti- across- ha!! ' a Mule of .opeii- iountrv. E-unniiia home emptv handed, of comse, -he im- I medijifelv alanjrel thUje, wh'o mitted, but that luckily th-n be turn al thieves had been tdO emit ,fb; "their retreat to carry orTjPurl under. The young doctor masAmJins now to hi.s intimate friends 'jftf tiis dodge was one'o' the finest -advertisements' a practitioner could indent. , y- - - The I'tillty of Fly icrn. " .. "Our doors au-d windows -hav jcieens so-nve sit out in the porch in comfort. ' "How's 'that?! . . . ' " "The flies all stay on the - screens, trying to gat in." iuimiiii8 u .iiuie unless started by someone, rooms, collected, all tfca f WHt 4s-.-hecess.atV to '-start her jaw sack; aua-.then,. .cHa-jihg-..parts Be j m6ving:-din aa. is fed, and, to rusnea out or iue nousc-aaa cuflTseu sci e tick- --amp.-rHfiuisXB Y. .-. . Am0ffgT?eee,rrtri rrv errf ions i3 a device - . : . D . controlling' a vent in . the train-pipe, and attached to the truck of th,e pony heels close to the track, al' the for ward end 6f th'e locomotive. : On pass ing over an obstructioiipfaVed on the track for the" purpose, ,he lever is tilted and th'e'vent ope'aed, thus let ting the air in to the brake's. The en gineer cau reset the lever from h'm rdaee iiUhe.cab. .., , .. . . concerning .magnetism, is Ice most pressing and perhaps the most. impor tant object to be attained by Antarctic exploration, it is by no means the only one,. For geographers, meteorologists. ideologists zoologists, the Antarctic geologists zoologists, the !rfjon i3 tlmost a "new field. Until w. ?, mo ou-vc picoo, its sumiiicance. in the mind of the ex pert who will in turn transmit the results of his inferences to the farmer, in the shape of weather predictions A hovel and ingenious method of making perfectly plane mirrors has been devised by A. Mallock, and wa? recently communicated to the Boyal Society of Great Britain by Lord Ray leigh. These mirrors can be made as large as two and two ; and. half, inches in diameter or . even larger, arid are formed by stretching the ''thia films left on water after a few -diqp ,pf a solution of pyroxyiine in amy acetate have been poured upon t arid allowed 1 to spread over rings whose edges have been groumd' to a true praue. The contraction of the film in drying. makes ! a surface that when used as a reflector f; affords as gtod definition as one of. j worked glass. A two-inch mirror of this form. would weigh "Considerably less than ten grains. Mr. Mallock'a i chief difficulties. lie" in the silvering I of the films, the greatest possible pre-, J cautions as regards cleanliness and purity of the chemicals having to observed. jjyo-Its h3 beer obtained , by. Professor i XI Trowbrid?e in his latest transfor- t,;Xn Vrmni-oHtc .rmnietin- ion jUjjower voltages, Jbeing only 6 1-2 .fw instnd of Kl nnmiAnM i'rtnVnVA HrAiW1 rwArfnl Umh discharges that proceeds from ) tevminals to the floor and walls of j room. ' Jn' spite of all , precautic j.p - al.t bf tJie discharge is always t diFehWa that nrnrppds from th the precautions, rfftrt tit thfi nischarcfl is aln-nts tlniH ci,nt.j Hy,., th Tue initial resistance 'of hih!trare- nea gases is similarly reduced, jand a Crookes tube' that resists the passage of tirx 8-iuch' spark is brilliantly ljg.h.ted by a difference of potential of 3;O00,0p0 volts, Such a tube is made to' give a photograph of the bones of the hand by a discharge of a millionth of a second. - - ..'The most delicate surgical operation ever perioral ed, and wniou lias so tar k 1 .... rr.. 1 1 ; ,l 1 f . TT ., , . bv-Dr. Farman and other physicians. ny,.ai narman, v. v a. jay outz, t almost killed by falling slate, his skull in-the back of his head being badly i cr:ishd.- All bona -of liia rcnvn i .' r - j - j 'eluded to resort to1 the last means"rfc i afbrp8 ff-fro41the. Future field i'nim'al 'were: removed anT-substituted . o , - .for, those. which'were. badly lacerated in L.utz'.8 hea-i The transfer-' 6f th delicate' members was.- tedious, .bat was, -it is. believed, ; so successfully A t,4- T ill fn. UU.UV.lUttb jLil.i tT 111 - All ttt heifer's brains were removed she rhed lcose ia the pasture field. The beast stands in one place all the and s ta stop them whejishe.cottJpletes her meal. le Meant Verl'. - . . '. A There iCa supper in local Bohemia in honor of - the birm- !ti woma-l who write and beal-'a'l? th guests was a young man wuois more -wiueiv lamous aa an alete.tha'n, as 'a. turner h1 ;rfetty compliments.- Somebody drank to thft health of the woman'-1 with thl irth nay. . "May she never be less fascinat- 1 US- f , - The young athlete set down his glass and turned his eyes, very hand toM eyes they are, too, to the woman with the' birthday. ' " ""That," he ?aid, with a bow, "that would ta impossible." Wa-hingtou POit. . '

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