. Mliinjr' i fir1 T-" tU-JS4MWMS llll J " ' ' 1 If"'" 0 . THE EOAtfOKE BEACON. Published Every IY!y. EotaraS m the Pott Oflce at P2jT30t?& 9 0. I coad eiaee natter. We appeal to every ra4r of Tie fleiSoft Bsaooi, to aid ut.la auking It a cpubl and froftubl aaaAtaa eewa w Mt VitiMS. tM Irmouttt peple in4 the pobii aow wMt going on ta PlyiBOBtb. Report t fa ell itenaof viiti dost ha marlaum lliasM. kMldMU. BOW SuUdtnga, u ootorprlM and ltnprermBti of whatever character, chnge In b ui bm lad d anrtMogendeverrtalSjtaetweSlasee later! 0 OU people. BubecnpUou price, fl.09 per year. AdTrtiMicau inear ted et low ran. Otutaarv aoUeea exceeding tea tinea, tve mtt lino. Coast tMwordaUeiag, eight te-the Use, and eesd money with MS. for alila execee of tea lilM. The editor will not bo rccponalhie for too flewe of correepondeRts. All article for publication mart fee aeeonpealed bf tb full naao of too wtitst. Correepeadtwt aro raoooatai aot to f rite an bat on aide ef too pe-per . AU commeieiioa Mat bo aeas lo by Tharedev Btornlng or thy wUl evK appear. Addreea all eoamvakatloM la TUB liOlNOEE BEAOOST, Flvmoutb, X, 0. The Twentieth Ceatary SUte Edition of the Raleigh News and Observer ii before us, and its mam moth aize if astonishing, containing 223 six-column pages filled with the most interesting reading pertaining to the industries and natural advan- tages offered by our State from the mountains to the sea. and is a last ing monument to the brain and en terprise of those who engineered it through to such perfect success. That it is printed for the benefit and upbuilding of the South, in general, and North Carolina in par ticular, first, last and all the time, is shown from the following editorial taken from its pages: "Horace Greeljr discovered the West and turned the tide of immi gration to the rolling prairies when be awoke the youth of New England to the opportunities of the rich vir gin soil of the fertile sections beyond the Mississippi by hie admonition : 'Young Man, Go West.' Together with the sons of New England, the thousands of thrifty immigrants from Europe driven from the homes of their fathers by the crushing tyr rany and oppression of militarism pitched their tents toward the land of the sunset. "Go South, Young Man,'" is now the admonition of such men as Chauncey M. Depew, who have en joyed opportunities of finding out the advantages which the various sections of the Republic oiler to this generation. When the tide ' of im migration poured into the West, the South had the same advantages of climate and soil which it yet holds, but slavery repelled the European immigrant as well as the descendaat of the Puritan, and though we had the superior location, the environ ment of slavery repelled young men looking for new homes. "Conditions have changed. "Go South, Young Man," is the advice that men are heeding every day. The eyes of the world are turned to the South. Capital, skill and labor find m the Southern States the op portunity they seek. Northern money, in conjunction with South ern capital, is seeking investment in the South. Money invested in Southern property has yielded larger returns than elsewhere. Skilled mechanics find here an open door to independence and fair remuneration. Labor finds employment at good wages twelve months in every year. The industries of the South invite these classes to make their homes South of the Potomac Farmers looking for homes are coming South bodauee they can make more money . rifling the soil than in any other portion of the world because the soil is rich and the climate permits work all the year. t "North Carolina ii the favored , State of the South. Toward all sec tions of the State capital and immi gration are Sowing, aid Northern capital and skill Are coming to labor, together with home money and brawn, to develop the State's resour ces and share in the wealth that will follow in its development." IIb FcQLzri The SuEGxavs. . All doctor tolJ Esalek Eem!!ton, ef VTest Jifmn, O., alter suffering IS months from Raotal Fistala, ha would dio uulona a eoi'.j operation was performed ; but ho cured himself with fire boiee of liueklen's Anrfea r3lve, ILa mrest car oa Xsfth, ted the beet Salvo In the Wcrtf. S5 twota boa. 8eW bf Plj waaUi Dtog Go. 4 " , TS0 OLD NORTH STATE. HAPPEXIXQ3 WXTHIX HSS BORDERS. Work tat bum oomuacoal on the If eta ostltt sbitreh at Mofgaatoa. St is to coat Wadttbezo hm voU4 for aa iaauo of f 13,090 la UzU to pit ta watar works aad electrio llfhu, IleadeMOa Its been coMMtfthly troub led lately by thieves and robbers. Savaral f them have boa eaptared. Tbo Jovaal tays that tha Nawbero cot ton -eod oil tsiU will bo locraaa4 In oa paoit aad b ta firtt of Jsaaarj a com plate fartllUer plant will bo Jotalled. A atom Batarday nlht complete! do troi tbe Bopilt cbarob at Carol eeo, lo tha wastora part of tha SUla. Tha build. tag was new and bad oal baao oomplated about two moatbs. Samael Bootbard, of Yadkin ooanty, aged twoatj-flT, wbila oat sqaixrel buot- lag atruok tbo bammor of bia gan agalaat a took wbilo oravliog oat of a golly, oaa log it lo tire. The entire load entered bla breast killing him alnoat tastaatly. It la repotted that the town of Porta month, not far from Hatteraf and Ocraooke, U to be abandoned by ita reaidenta, who will pcrcbase land near Beaofort, on Bogae Sound. The great Aogoat storm baa bo destroyed the beach at Portamouth that now the tide rises and talis around the dooratepa of the houeee. Many of the Utter aro damaged. Not tkb TTiibbt Wat. It la not alwaye beat to wait antil it U needed before bnyiog a bottle of Chamber laia'a CoUe, Cholera and Diarrhoea ttemedy. Qalte freqaenUy the remedy ia required in tbo Very boaieat aeaaon or in the night and tnoob iacoatenieoce and auffering uaat be borae before it can be obtained. It ooata bnt a trifle as compared with ita real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home. It is everywhere acknowledged to bo the moot aaooeaefal medicine in tb world for bowel complaioU. For aale by all dxagglata. CITY MARKET REPOKT. O. B. 81dei per lb Plates Bholdera Baeon llama 8. C, Pork per barrel Lard refined Flour, per barrel, 12, fll.50 8 $4.75 4.00 S040 Patent Family W. X. Uolaaaas, per gal.. Syrnp rt Orannlated Sugar, per lb 40 e 5 95 A 10 IS, to 15 10 to 20 12g 15 10 SO tO 80 7 as to 40 Light brown " Batter Cheea Oreen Ooflee M Boasted Coffee Bgga per don.. Tobacoo, per m 8hot " " Gnn Powder " Coal Oil White.Sefety 150, per ga), 12 " " Bed O.. per gal., 16 Apple Vlnegas ' " 25 Bee's Was. per lb 90 Tallow, " Bides, fllnl." Oreen " Baited " Salt, per tack Corn, Meal, Kiae, Peaa, blaek blaek eye Poannta h 5 7 ienadereolb 3 H 4 T5 per Bos., new 60 60 i n t 1. 50 1 Cotton per lb 4 to 5 Proof of the padding Ilea ta the eating of It. Proof of ROBERTS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Ilea In the taking of It COST NOTHING If It falls to cure. S3 eenta per bottle If It cure. Bold strictly on ita merits by JoMy W. C. Anne. "What we do belonga to what we are; and what we are is what beoomea of ua." Working Night and Day Tbo boaieat aad mightieat little thing that ever was made la Dr. King's new Life Tills. Every pill is a sttgar-eoated globule of health, that ebangea waekneea into strength, Itctleaaneaa into energv, brain-fag into mental power. They're woaderfal ia building up the health. Only 35c per bog. Bold by Plymouth Drag Uo. 8 Tbe devil will el wave be yonr enemy, no matter bow friendly be aeema to be. Red Hot I'bok The Qvv Wm tha ball that bit G. a Steadman of sewer. Mich., in the Civil War. It eaoael horrible Ulcere that no treatment helped for ao yean. Ttan Boeuen'a Arnica tiajTe cored hiaa. Gtiraa Cuta. Braisae, Barna, Boila, Felona, Coras, Skin Eruption a. Beat me ewe on earth. 3d eta. a box. Bold by riynoaia urng uo. a The beat help you can cite a man ia to teach blm to help bimaalf. A Naieow Escape. Tbaekfol words written by lira. Ada E. Bart, ef Groton. 8. D. "Waa taken with a bad cold which settled oa my Innga ; cough eat in and finally terminated in Ooaaninp tien. Fonr Deotora Bate me np. sarina I eonld lite bat a abort time, I gave myaolf P to ray ttarior, deteraiaed if I eonld not lay with my frianda on earth, I would meet my ebseai ones above. Uy hoaband wm adTioed to est Dr. Elnc's new Die- esvery for CoMnaptioa, Coag he and Oelde. I gave It a trial, took la all eight bottles. It baa. cored me, aad thank God. I am aaved and new a waU and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Plymouth Drag Co. Begslar aize 50c. tad 1 1.00, Goaraoteod as prks ntzzlii, 1 NOTICE. Bopsb, N. 0., September 8th 1899. , To the Agent, Saperviaore, and Mem. bera of the Washington and Tyrrell Branch of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance As Booiatioo ; We, the undersigned, W. B. Cheeson, President, and Thoo. W. Blount, Secretary aad Treasurer, officers of mid Association, hereby tender our resignation of oar respective poaitions in the Associa tion. The earns to take effect thirty days from tbla date. W. R. Chesbok, President. Thos. W. Blount, Seo. & Trea. NOTICE. . All persona are hereby notified that the partnership of J. A. Willoughby & Com panv, formerly conducting a general mer cantile business on Water street, in the town of Plymouth, N. 0 , is dissolved. Oatatanding liabilities are assumed by W. B. White and all amounts due the firm will be paid to him. Ang, 25, 1899. J. A. WlLLOUOHBV. 4t W. B. Wwtb. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, ponds his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nervea had caused severe pains in the back oi his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Reme dy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what bis country needs. All America knows that it cured liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, pats vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, norvo and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 60 cents. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. 1 NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD - COMPANY. SCBXDULK IN EFFECT AUG 28th 1899. The Direct Short Line between Plymouth, Eden ton, Eastern North Carolina and Norfolk and all points North. Steamer leaves riymouth 9:00 a. m. Mail Train leaves Edenton 1:45 d. m. dally, (except Sunday), arrives at Norfolk 4:Za p. m. Express Train leaves Edenton Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 700 a. m.t arrive at morion 11 a. m. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Lines, and at Elizabeth City with Steamer Monday, Thursday and Saturday for New Berne, Oriental, Boa- nose island Atlantic & . C B. B. Sta tions also Wilmington A Weldon B, B. The Company's Steamers leave Edenton 1245 p. m. as follows; Steamer to Mackey's Ferry, Plymouth, Jszuefeville and Williamston daily (except Sunday) with passengers for Roper, Pantego, Bel- haven, connecting with tr. for Mak:ey- vine, Aurora, south (jreek, Washington and intermediate landings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Chowan River, and Monday and Friday for 8ouppernong River on arrival of No. Z Train. Norfolk passenger station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Through tickets on sale and baggage eaecked to au principal points. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH FAST FREIGHT LINE. AND PASSENGER ROUTE. Daily all rail service between Edenton New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars, as low rates and quickei time tban by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East era Carolina Dispatch, as follows : From Norfolk by N. & 8. R. R.: Baltimore bv P. W. & B. It. R; President St. Station, rniladelpma by fennsylvania it. K. Dock St. Station; New York by Pennsylvania n. R., rier 27 North River, and Old Do minion S. S. Co., Pier 26. For further information apply to J. J. HAS8ELL. Agent. Plymouth, N, C, or to tne uenerai umce 01 the N. & o B.B. Co., Norfolk, Va. M. E. KING, General Manager. H. C. HUDGINS, G. F. A P. Agt. THE OLD RELIABLE I am stilli in the front, with a complete line of Buggies, waggons, Boad Carts, Farm Carts, gOr any other Vehicle. To be convinced, call and see for jour self. With a large variety of material, and increased facilities, we ara bet ter prepared than ever, to turn out first-class work, at lowest prices co&fsistent with good workmanship. Thanking the public for a very liberal patronage in the .past, we hope to merit the Bame in the fu ture. Horse shoeing and repairing a specialty. iteijMCUuuy, II. PEAL. ! 1 u . ' P honograpH for$7.50e Sold by IVa 33 .YEAGBR, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSICAL GOODS, the only house in town where you will find all kinds of musical instru ments from a Jew's harp up to the very latest, the Columbia Zither which any child can play, and the Columbia Graphophone which makes speeches, sings songs and plays band pieces. Records and talking machi nes in stock and for sale. I have also added a Gold and Sil ver plating department for plating Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. REPAIRING of all kind done on Short KOTICE, and satisfaction guaranteed. lilEMOTlEB Plymouth Grocery Co., (to brinkley's corner) We have moved our stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the store on Brinkley's corner so we may be more convenient to the public. We carry a full line, everything to be found in an up-to-date grocery and at prices as low as the lowest. Thanking the public for the very liberal patronage given us at the old stand we solicit a larger share of your trade in the future. Tours Very truly, J. D. McCONNICO, Manager. HEW UIJDERTAKEIt, S. J. BARCO, DEALER IN Coffins, CaBkets, and Burial-caaes of all styles, grades, sizes and prices.' Special attention given to orders at a dis tance. If it should be your misfortune to need anything in this line see my goods. I am still in the buggy busines with as nice a lot of open and top vehicles as has ever been shown in this section. In work prices I defy competetion. Examine my stock before placing your order, Yours respectfully, S. J. BARCO, ROPER, N. C. GO TO- II. E. HcCABE'S For Heavy and Fancy Groceries Notions, Fruits Confection eries, &C.j &c. I also keep a First-class Restau rant, where you can get as good a meal for the money as anywhere m town. Added to this I keep nice, clean rooms to let to lodgers at reasonable rates. Don't forget to call on me When in town. M. E. McCABE. Washington St., near livery stables. With the opening of Spring get out your last season suits, coats, pants and dresses and have them renovated and CLEANED OR DYED and thus save the price of a new garment. Those soiled clothes can be made to look as good as new by the old reliable CLEANER and DYER SAMUEL WIGGINS, on Main;Street, who cleans, dyes, renovates and presses at moderate prices. 1 also do all kinds of UPHOLSTERING and can make yonr old furniture look jus as good as new at small coat. All work guaranteed and your patronage respectfully solicited, mm Saml Wiggins Send Your Jobork TO THIS Louis P. Hornthal and Matldas Owens, with ouis F. Hornthal, nave gone to New York to la of Ladies' Dregs gSbds, fine Shoes, Cloaks, everything1 that first-class dry goods store. Keep watch - when come . . . . in a xtll liii Clbthlfigf, and .1' is kept in a 1 r i on this spacC t .. "... - 'T toacl -