A- r A A; THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Br The Roanoke Publishing Co. C. V. W. ATJSBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH. N. C. Friday, September 8, 1899. Directory. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor, Asa O." Gaylord. " Clerk, James H. Smith, Treasurer, Paul W. Brinkley. Constable, Joseph Tacker. Counoilmen, II. 8. Ward, H. A. Blount, A. O. (Saylord,- P. W. Brinkley, Jas. H. Smith, 8. T. Harrison, Sampson Towe and James Randal. . COUNTY GOVERNMENT . Sheriff, John E. Phelps. Treasurer, T. J. Basnight Superior Court Clerk. Wm, M, Bateman. Register of Deeds, W H Stubbs , .Commissioners, Jas. A. Chesson, Chr'm, Joseph Skittletharpe, J. M. Reid, Abram Kew berry, Rufus Swain, W. H. Howcott, Enooh Leary.- BTtTK GOVERNMENT. Governor, "D. L. Russell. Lieutenant-Governor, Chas. A. Reynolds . Secretary of State, Cyrus Thomson. Treasurer, William H. Worth. Auditor, Hal. W. Ayer. Attorney-General, Zebulon. V. Walser. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Charles F.Mebane. .. " ' CHURCH SERVICES. Methodist Eev. T. M. Plyler, pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eight at 7:30. Sunday school at 9 a. m., A. O. Gaylord, Superintendent ; W. N. Coop er, Secretary. Baptist Rev. K. H. Gilbert, pastor, services 2d & 4th Sundays at 11 a. m., and overy Sunday night at 7. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30. Sunday ' school every Sunday at 9.30 a. m., Enoch Ludford, superintendent. Grace Church (Episcopal) Rev. E. P. Green, rector. Morning and evening prayer 8rd Sundays. Holy communion at morning service. Lay service at other morning ser vices. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., Ed mund Alexander, Superintendent. Disciple Rev, M . S . Spear, pastor, services 1st and 3rd Sunday in each month at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. C. E Society every Sunday evening at 7. Sunday School every "Sunday morning at 9:30, A. N. Waters, Superintendent. Methodist Protestant Rev, D. A. Bras well, pastor, servioes every 1st & 3rd Sun days at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday sohool every Sunday at 3 p. m., J. S. Ches , son, superintendent. "Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and satisfaction given on all work by 0. R. LEGGETT, ON BBINKLEY'S CORNER. WATER STREET, PLYMOUTH, N. C. TASTELESS nn n n i M u u u urn IS JUST AS CO QD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED PRICE 50 cts. G ALATiA, Ills., Nov. 16, 1593. Medtclna To., Ct. Ixnilit, Mo. OenUmeo: W Bold last yr, 600 bottle f GKOVK'8 TA8TELK83 CUIUj TONIC and hv bought three cross i;eody this year. In all our er fceriencB Cf 1 yenrs. In tho dreg bnslnea, hv never sold bo article tbut gave such universal aU lactkut U sour 'i'oalo. i'oura truly, t AUNXT.CABB&CO- Guaranteed to cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria iu all of its lorms. jel-lyd BEACON FLASHES. County Commissioners were in session Monday. The weather has been extremely oppres sive this week. Glad to see Mr. W. J. Starr, of Ore's well, in our town on Monday. Attorney H. 8. Ward has been attending court at Willianistoa this reek. Miss Oallie Stubbs returned on Wednes day from a visit to friends at Pinetown. Mrs. W. C. Avers and ohildred ate in Washington visiting relatives and friends. Miss Isa Brown of Edenton, is visiting the family of Mr. Willis Robertson, near town. An up-to-date line of shirts, and ties at J.T. Lewis'. Don't forget that you oan get this paper from now until January 1st 1901 for only one dollar. Dr. O. C. Jaokson of yeateaviile, has been here this week visiting his mother, Mrs . F. M. Bunch. Miss Emma Hall left on Wednesday morning for Greensboro, . where she has gone to attend sohool. - Several have availed themselves of our special offer and have snbsoribed or re newed during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hassell left for Baltimore this week, where Mr. Hassell has gone to purchase new goods. Full Line of School Books. L. P. HORNTHAL. Mr, W. O, Ayers left on Monday morn ing latt for the Northern markets to pur chase his fall and winter stock. School was opened at the Plymouth Aoademy on Monday last by Prof. B. F. Hassell, assisted by a Misa Lawrence. Miss Aileen Marriner returned on Tues day from a visit of (several weeks to relatives in the neighborhood of Maokey's Ferry. To-day is regular drill day with the Roanoke Riflemen. If you are a member be sure to report at the armory on time. Misses Nona Brinkley and Ida Tucker returned home on Monday Irom an exten ded trip to Yeateaviile and other points. Pettijohn's Breakfast Food makes the Ideal Breakfast Dish. L. P. HOUNTHAL. Mr. W. E. Bennett of Williamston, spent several days in our town last week as the guest of his daughter, Mrs, C. L. Morton. Miss Blanche Barden has returned from her summer vacation and resumed her po sition as cashier with Mr. L. P. Hornthal. Misses Lonia and Emma Tucker re turned on Monday, evening last from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at Scotland Neck. We sympathize with Mr. W. MoO. Nor man, formerly of thia town, but now of Washington, whose wile, we learn, died yesterday morning. I , offer for sale, 3 Registered Jersey Cows 3 Grades Cheap for cash. . Milton Nobkah. To Our Friends. As the fall is the season of much advertising and as our colnmn3 are consequently fuller of them at this time than during the rest of the year, which limits the space devoted to reading matter, we feel that it ia due our patrons to make the follow ing offer: To all new subscribers who pay in advance, we will send The Beacon from now until January 1st 1901 16 months for only one dollar, and to all old subscribers who will ay up arrears and give us one dol ar, we will do the same. We know you want your county paper whether you take it or not, and now is your opportunity to get it cheap. Protect! Your Women . The assaults on women seem to be on the increase in North Carolina. Even the little children are not spar ed, two little girls aged 4 and 11 years respectively were assaulted last week in the western part of the state by black brutes. Our people and especially country residents Bhould be very careful not to allow their wives and daughters to traverse lonely roads by themsel ves, and also keep your little girls where you can watch them. Learn you women folks how to shoot a pistol and gun so that when you are away or they are compelled to . leave home by themselves they may use them if necessary. If the devils knew they stood in "danger of being shot by the women ot our country there would be fewer as saults. Wilson Times. A CORRECTION. aying Ned was making him a t of all his nei'Dlexities and us, till even his love story Un ftajnAst words. Led on Mr. J. & Hinnantwho nut home in our town for the past few years, moved with his family on Saturday last to make his future home in Fremont. Rev. E. P. Green will conduct divine services at Grace Church on next Sunday, morning and evening ; .they being his last appointments as rector of this church. Little Miss Emily Harney quite royally entertained her little friends with an elab orate .birth-day party at the borne of her mama, Mrs. Q. W. Harney, on Wednesday afternoon last from 3 to t. Boston Queen Olives. Cairn's Imported Jams. Assorted Table Jellies. Austin Nichols' Finest Full Cream Cheese Aneo Chip Beef. Very Choice. L. P. HOBNTHAL. That DODUlar merchant. Mr. J. T. Lewis who always tries to please yon returned from the Northern markets on Monday last. He has purchased one of the most beautiful, durable and cheap lines of Clo thing, Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, and Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods ever brought to this place, and which are arriving daily. Read his ad. and when in njed of anything in his line be sure to oall on him. Editor Beacon : In your issue of Friday, the 1st inst., there is a statement in regard to a member of my company, (H, 17th N. C, Vols) which I hope you will correct. In the first place, the incident referred to, was not at or near the celebrated crater, but near the Old Gas Works in front of Peters burg. In the next place Co., H. had her full compliment of officers and it never occurred at any time during the war, that all of them were absent at one time. They are all living now and can answer for themselves they are, 1st Lt. S. B. Johnston; 2nd Lt., W. R. Chesson'; 3rd Lt., T. I. uray, and myself. The fact is this ; a mortar shell fell in the midst of company messes while they were eating. Private W. J. Ausbon coolly went to the shell with its fuse still burning, picked it tip and threw it over the breastwork, without orders from any one. It was that or death for the whole mess for the shell actually exploded on the other side ot the breastwork before striking the ground. Such acts of cool courasre as this occur at very He leffcon? intervals. There were I think out seven such acts of heroism du ring the wnole war. Uertie, our sister county, has perpetuated the memory of her Confederate dead by an enduring: monument. Is there not something Washington can do in the same line ? It would be a proud boast to perpetuate in North Caro lina granite that one of the seven heroes of the late war was from this county. S. B. Johnston, Capt. Commanding. "But "I ca lately. am not Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Was hita, I.T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suf fering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help ; but her cure is complete and nor nealtn is excel lent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bittors is the best blood purifier-known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, boils and running sores. It stimulates hyer, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds cp the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Plymouth Drug Co. Guaranteed 4 Don't Miss this opportunity if you want a good picture taken. The Ameri can Traveling Photo Co., will re main in Plymouth, N. C, until October 18th 1899. They represent the business in all of its branches. Prices to suit the times. 12 for $5.00. ft" $3.00. Carbon finish, frame size, . ( Glace finish, cabinet size, Cards, Cards, Views 10x12 12 for $3.00. 6 " $2,00. 12 for $2.00. 6 " $1.25. 2 for $1.00. Respectfully, J. C. WEBB, Manager. Satan finds work for thoughts, for 41 imads. idle hands and The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It also heals the injured parts more quickly than any other treat ment, and without the burn is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by all druggists. ' BKlkNEESVII.t.E ITEMS... Sept. nth. The cotton is fast opening, and reminds us of the approach of fall. Miss Mary Wiley returned from her visit to Edenton last Thursday, ; Mr. Geo. . Wiley and Miss Mary spent Monday with iriends at Ores well. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hassell spent Sunday with friends near Maokey's Ferry. p Mr. J. W. Chesson and family left last W6ek for a visit to relatives in Parmele. Mr. J. D. Swain left for Plymouth San day, where he has entered Prof. Hassell's sohool. Mrs. Mary E. Norman of Aydeu, was the guest ot Mr. A, D. Sneil's family a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Starr of near Creswell, spent Sunday with Mr. Dock Sneil's family on Holly Neok. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Braswell are visit ing friends in Gum Neck, where he is con ducting protracted meetings. Mrs. Richard Elliott, little Mary, and MisB Ordio Woodley made a visit to rela tives near Creswell from Friday until Sun day. .' . Miss Sallie P. Cherry of Edenton, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. H. Tarken ton, , Wednesday night, returning Thurs day morning. ' The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all ppor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great en ergy. Only 2c. at. Plymouth Drug Co 4 No life oan be pure in its purpose and strong in its strife, and all life not be purer and stronger thereby. Owen Meredith. Good Enough to Take, The finest quality of loaf sugar is used In the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy and the roots used in its prepara tion give it a flavof similar to that of maple syrup, making it very pleasant to take. As a medicine for the cure of coughs, colds, la grippe, croup and whooping cough it is untqualed by any other. It always cures, and cures quickly. For sale by ail drug ' It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth looking at. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Chbonio Diarrhoea Cubed. This is to certify that I have had chronio diarrhoea ever since the war. I got so weak 1 could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me sound and well. J. K. Gibbs, Fiucastle, Ya. I bad chronio diarrhoea for twelve years. Three "bottles of Chamberlain's (Johc, Chol era and Diarrhoea Kemedy cured me. S. L. Shayeb, Fincastle, Va Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent farmers and reside near Fincas tle, Va. They procured the remedy from Mr. W. IS. Casper, a druggist of that piaoe who is well acquainted wilh them and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by all druggists. Only what we have wrought into char acter during life can we take away with us. Humboldt. Why were 25,000 BOTTLES OF ROB ERTS' TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of its birth f Answer : Because it is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded if lt fails, pleasant to take, 25a per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by jul-ly W. C. Atebs. New Goods-And Lots of Them ! I have j list returned from the North and my goods are coming in so fast I haven't the time to tell you much about them just now, but if you ever saw a com plete line of nice Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &c, I can show it to you. And Notions! I havo got them to "beat the band." Those who have seen them say they are the prettiest and cheapest ever brought here. My line of Gent's Furnishings are rich enough to make a millionaire dude's mouth water, and the prices asked for them will make a poor man's heart glad. Don't wait until tomorrow, but come to-day and be convinced of the truth of this statement. Yours truly, J. T. LEWIS. UNION " s7' jj,..i r MADE. i J M litmm if " ft ti ttt w-ffii iiirTfrtii .ft" "Hf , iSt riTm m "lim 1 1 n " 1 1 inr IS THE BEST OVERALL MADE Sold oa their merit by J. T. LEWIS, . - . . Our up?to-date iuriiisher of Stylish Olo tiling1, Ladies' dress goods and; Hats and Gaps, and Gent's Fur nishing 7 Has gone north "this 'week -to purchase one of the most elaborate lines of the latest' styles of the above mentioned goods ever ' placed in his well known es tablishment. . . Be sure not to purchase your fall outfits before seeing his new stock. All goods now in stock Js go ing at greatly reduced rates. HHDERAaCOHNTlOKs Firrrflf , lAPV0JYDW,'n AND GUARANTEE S CLUNG AS ENC 'f0R r , 'i fAlUOOS lOUlSVILLE r " . Y3TlflG$ iwvnnGS APE Oft DEPLAY I J P. W. BRINKLEY. I T. I I LpV 1 THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE " OF A GRICTJLTTJEE AIID lUECHAIIIC iiETO. i.' Term. Begins Wednesday, September 6th. , Gives an extraordinary conrse of instruction at, an extraordinary low cost ' to the student ' - . n not only educates but prepares its 'students to become intelligent directors of agricultural and mechanical enterprises.-- ' - ' There are complete special and short courses in the various Agricultural, Indus trial, Mechanical, Textile and 3ivic Arts. Students will be allowed to stand the entrance examination at the county-seats of the counties in which they reside, thus saving tbe expense of a trip to Raleigh. ' Entrance examinations will be held on the 10th of August, in the court house, under the supervision of County Superintendent. For further information, catalogue, etc., apply to PRESIDENT QEO. T. WINSTON, aug81-m f - WESTRALEIGII.N. C. LITTLETON" FEHAL! COLLEGE. LITTLETOX, (V ' Board, laandrj, fall literary tuition and library fee $132.00 for the entire scholastic year. To those applying in time the aboYe charge may be reduced to $112.00 by one hour's work per day in Industrial Depart ment. . ' ' The 17th annual session begins September 20th, 18H9., For catalogue address, -REV. J. M . RHODES, A. M. , jy20-2m PRESIDENT.- i it to a jimit