i f Vol, XIV. PLYMOUTH, S. 0, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 11)02; NO. 45- THE liOANOKE BEACON. , PUBLISH Ki) EVHUY If ill DAY 'J. V. W. AUSBOM, EdiXOK. PLYMOUTH. - - - N.G. FlUDAY, Fkbkuary 12, 1U(M. mh ms $g m MS O CSOT The matter of feed is of ' tremendous importance to the (.inner. -Wrens -ceding is loss. Rv:'t fccilinrr is profit. The up-to-date farmer knovs. what to rrcl his cows to get the mofit i:X, his pigs to get the most j.or;:, his hens to get the ino-' o:. Science. Cut how about the children I Are they ' fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a fle.-jh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free Be euro t'nt this picture in the f.-rm of a If.bcl is i"i t!ie wr?pi4.r of rv.-.ry buttle of Euiuis.ou wu b.:y. Scoit& Bowse CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St., N.Y. f.0c. snd Jfl t !! druggist';. J.I . KJa It PayS to Please You J. E. JOHNSTON, KoperV Leading Merchant, Do you want to save, if so give me d call to-day. Don't wait. My line of Silks, fine dress goods, trimmings, shoes, hosiery, gloves, etc., defies competition in price and quality. I also keep an up-to-date line of Men's and Boy's shoes, hats, underwear and furn ishings, rubber goods, &c. No better Groceries kept in town; try them as you will. I am uUo selling Mother Coble's Healing Svrtip the best medicine on earth for nil Stomach, Liver, Kiduoy and Blood troubles. It is positively the best remedy Tor the above troubles. Every cent counts here. ?. X. Jol&ntoii Hoper, N. (J. WANTKD- FAITHFUL PERSON To TRAY EL ami HiiuervUo force of f-alfeifnoplc and uwke col lections for inuniifuctuiing iiouso. iStraiRht naiary $30.00 a wt'kii(l expense. Sitlnry imid weekly Mud expanse money advanced, 1'rnvi'niF expiii-ucts UUtiociry. l-ocul territory. Biihines Hecc ful." Koltioi portuiiiotit. hnclj?e htlf-aitdrcusfd fuvalopo. ftuporitueudcut, Dearborn ireei, "BEACON FLASHES. Call and se testimonials regarding Mon arch Poultry Fuwdecii boid only by A. E. Jouustou, liop'er, N. C. -t; Of Thosu who Lave friends visiting & them, or who intends leuving'houie thetuhhlve?, will plciiHH let it be kuown U, ttt this office, no Ihu fact may bb moj- fp tioned. it dues tint 'matter wlietLcr you aro a subscriber or not. All we " link is let ui Uuow it. r- Hp b; w 'ii v i fyf v & i? v fr$H?Hrv J f Monarch Poultry Powdtra, the best on Vt.rth, at J. E. Joiiiibtoti'ti, iioper, hi. O, eduh8'Juy wus blizzardy. ' Fwer j;:ilouH ; wearH loader; Devon. The Niam tag Nenuau has returned to Plymouth lorn while. , Mr. J. H. LuKgett ha bfta to nattcruw this wt;ek, JooUing u.'ttr his iuillii;g btisi utfrM ti.eie. I have a lot of line horses find mul28 that I am seiliu; vry reusouable. &cu me be Lut! purcbuHing. Ji. F. O Vv&Nrt. Idu Mi.igett was called to Norf'lk yw t relay by the iilnesa ot' her claaghttr, Aiti. limij totsil. CaiJt D. P. Itice and Mess. C. D, Loaue an t L. Jj. OA'ftit mdj a btioit viaiu to iNortoiK tins wok. Ve trnt't t!ut those v, ho have received bill lVifm uri rrcttiitij will giy'o theoa more tuitii a passing thought. Woou's fcenniuo Lixxnt Proof and White Jl'riiiy treed OdU. . ood'n Uuuvers uud bmer hkiu Uuiou Sets. LOUI3 P. lioltNTUAL Mrs. H fl. Newberry of WilUarmstoo, is Npundiii the week wiin lu-.r hbbiLid who is iii the hoiee buhinesi heie. Mrs. Allen, relict of tha late Oweu Allen, died at the home of btr sou, Mr Henn lleu, in this town, on Monday last. Our syttipathica are- extended to l he bereaved. Vbiie we fe:l RoumwUut a-h'tnn:d nf'ibe appearance of the paper this wet k and Uht, yet it contains more than a invat naauy local pr.pera with double the patrou Hge tuia enjoy. Make your hen lay by using Monarch Poultry i'odfciK. For Bale only by J. i. Johuslon, Roper, N. O. Mrs. J. W. Read of WashingUm, wan here thi w- k, me nUrt .f hr.r aister, MrM. A. U. Dupive N e ar informed that Mr. and Mrs. lUad wil, rcturu to Ply ui outh to live in tbu i.car lUtulc. Mr. Joe Biiuliipy hRys that when th ground 1hh tutM" ut on the 2nd he !. ud tnie kink in l is tail, which meant three l.d sp- !- f wea'.hrr, uud that thin hpell cuota for two. We uopo ihd third kink wu4 a nttld one. ' . . " The ti'oet reli ibk' preparation for kidney troubles uii Ihu marfect is Foley's Kidney Cure, hold by J. U.- Eyorett. ' Mr. S II. Newberry informs us that be rect iV' d auo!h r car oad of hoiKng uud mule ysterdy atlernoou He already hat 25 or 30 ood Uani, and K-iys at the KrtiKon 18 Hdvituced, tLy mubt be wold, regardle.-s of price. We acfc'.iowlt'drie receipt' of an inyitation fro in Mitels Uif-uUi Sblfton and Zu'.nue Uelanv'it t ' attend thsj fumci-ntn A.uaiver hary of 'I ti" Nelllieiui Lut-iiny Society of Lou'r. burji Kernrtle C-'liett-, on Motidny evenina, Feb. .'2. tlon. H. U. Glenn v ill delivei the Litciarv A!Jifh. Dr. H. O. Ilyutt will ls in Willie uitou at th Hasaell llone, February l5ih, ICth aud 17th, Monuny, Tnday uo W.iii tS day, lbr tne purpona of ti-faau di-eisec i:f tue ev1, ear, no.se and thioivt and fiititjg KlasB. 2-1-' With such weather as thix find sickness in the family, it is iipiM--ib!e for us in got out tn-ich of a paper, the pattonae bv-iiij,' too smalt to enable us To employ iuvre help. , 0 prouiise, howtVrr, U cu ikr good all Vhortconiinys H'.sd ara hu; h th fcit-ud of th papur "A'ili t-xcus.0 iGipoifectionu uu td we can. do boiler. VVe acknowledge th foil v ieg receipts on subscription thi.s week ti.rouuU Mr. t . W. binletou, tit Koprr; Dr J. W.peiht, $l-'-r; N. Mizd, $I.0 ; J 1.. iSiuale t n $1.00; G. B F.eemii.K $l.0o. Alsw J-,3 no from Mr. S. H Woodley, of Cherry, and $1 from V. VY. Hollit. Wiothrop. We return thanks tothetu all and will ssiid tickefa in a few dyp. A isibht Alunn. Worse thai hn alarm of tire at nihl is the bratisy cough of croup, which sounds like the cni'drei.'e death knell and it means death unh-es eomethniK U done quickly. Foiei'a lioiy and Tar never fails to give itmaut relit-f nd quickly .cun-s the worl forma of cioup. Mrs. 1. L. Cardier, of Mannington, Ky.. writes; "My three year old girl bad a severe ease of croup ; the doctor haid phe could uot live, t got a bot tle of Foley 'h Uo-uey and Tar, the first dose yave quick relief and saTed her lift-." He fuse tubstltutth-. bold by J. O. Everett. Under N. & S. Control. Wttihingioti, '. 0.. Fe'o. o The sulu of the Washington ami L'iytii outh li.iiiroad to tho xx.rfoIU und iSouiIieni has now been constuun.H! cmJ, .a tul all that reinaiiis to he done is Liiw iiin 4 of tho ii.iiwrs of tru.H fer. This will bo dom ttbso wiiliin'l ;t few ilnyj and Mr. A. M. II iav k !.:,--; i uie sn penmeiiaont or Llie A h,. : lilid SouiheiM will Jiavd both ro.rl.s umicr Ins control. It is the ptirpo.3 of tho Xor'Vilk und Sou.'liern people- lo miike i he road a stu-iulard 'jrnao-e mu n!.-o t.;-ex-cud it from I'lyn-ouih to c's Foiyv, ud it tai nS iht nii:f.. At thirf point ininsfer 'octr-s wih M need to take their cars to Edenion, thenCG on to Norfolk. Wood's Seed Catalogue, T. Vr. Wood & kSon.s' i!e.-criplive cataloaue and uido for the farm and garden far 1DU4-, i.s on our deck Ouv people nre heeomiiig to rely oil tins , seed house more and more each year, and they should dose, tor these growers allow not hijiy; bm. fiesh ued to be plfift'l on the inurke!, and heiny in nlbste touch with this! section luve learned from jimctical experience what seid are tiest suiu-d for our people. TIik catalogue is the best of, the manv ood ones thev h-ve is.-ued. and e-verv fanner nnd ai'lrier should i be sure to secure one. A Shocking Accident. The people of this community' were shocked and pained some days ago to learn . that, voting Harvey Vaun, ou of Itev. li. " l Vann, h; d been accidentally shot while hiiui inir. He was a student' at Wake Forest, and ivas out hunting with the son of Professor W. L. Poteat Harvey rested his gun on the ground and his chin on his gun. Almo.it in the act of resting hi chin on his gun it went off, tearing away parts of his chin, his tongue and none. He wa? brave and walked part of the way to the college. He was taken to Ra leigh and placed in ihe'Uex hospital, where he litis been 'receiving tin most c.ireful attention , and .skilful treatment. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. V:itin throughout this community and the State deeply sympathize with them and the wounded boy. The I a test re ports, are that he is do'tig well. .Scotland N'eck Commonwealth, A Thou-sand Dollars Thrown Away. Mr. V. V. Rafter, of PlHi'nviow, Nfb , write: "Aly vifn had Iuuk tronh-e tor owr tiftfccn years. V tried a number of doctors and sp.et.t ovr a thuusar.d dl ar-t with: nr any relf. fhe v.v, vory low and I loht all h-ipe, when a friend Vuya'Ml trv Fo ley's Ilnuoy and Tar. which ldd; and tlninkn hi- to thin great remedy, it navd her li I'm. Sbe is strnnr v.H cij-y le!tr health ihn bin 1 hh eAer known in nn yt-ars We shall ier be witoutn Foley'. Honey H"d far nnd would otk tlinpti ntHicted to Iry it " , Sold by J. O. Fveretto. J. W. PEItSY COMPT, Qoilon Factors and Com mission Mcrt'lt.inLs, Koltlr'OLK, ?A. Quotations Jan. G, 1 00-i. CO ITON Q iit. htrict Mid.iliDgi , 13 J 8 Middling Ki 1 4 Strict low Middling . li I 8 Low Middling, IS ThiK9 .. 12 7-3 Stains JjJlK'H PEANUTS Finn. Fancy o- 3-4 to 3 7 8 Strictly Prime. ... Pr'nup Low (trades...... Machine Pieked. . . lripanib E. FEAS .... 3 1 2 to 3 T 8 . . . ;s 1-4 to 3 g s 3 to 3 1-8 , 3 to 3 3 8 $1 to $1,02 "Jp bn. $2.40 lag KO 70 i; ltlack and pf-ckl Pern Clay and Red Peas. . . . Peanut hugs, in hnles G8 it). 7 S-8 Bagging, Ties and Peanut Hags for Sale. eep IG tj.i hi f J Kf h V4 law $m& mm mm m m '.I Jr." p I I i . 1 1 m I mm 1 We are determined PRI OES SHA.LL NOT BE a toar rier to our customers. As a consequence of this determi nation : McBceBi'SsecS mitt suBS ' WBaSte liirt. Csaff&f Ftir9 C2silsl 7eEstl'ii- ClotlMSi 'aEBtLFrar- mt a SACRIFICE. One lot of Embroideries, Laces, ' Insertions, All over Embroideries, laces and Dress Trimmings of every descrip- W 'ft. lf Mb Jt -0V 'K-.-n n. Sgss ssed valises Ibeyonel G all early and you are sure to be convinced of the unusu al values we are offering for your consideration. Louis P. Hornthal. I0T A m& iSal,' US rl 1 1 ' 1 ' r-)i s ' Eif

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