n if', m 3 ' . , !' M - , V. i r. Y ni SKI PLYMOUTH, N. C , FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902, sJOL XIlK ': '-..OftOOO t'-T - - .. ' v , ta. ... ft ' . m . c o o o a I) WELL WORTH SEEING. (From Ncvs and Observer.) 'JO " . , ' .... . - t- O X 601116 WJIO ; ienu. luuucy rf,-v, . Of and travel long aisiauces 10 r ;:; A TVffYtnsit.inns have a right to :".- . - O know whether or not they are O q going to get the benefit of their time and money. "Is it worth seeing?" is a ' O question ashed of all cxhihi- O tions and especially of all (Expositions. O - Q He has made a special visit to Charleston to study the South : O Carolina Intcr-Stato and . 0 West Indian Exposition and in Sunday's issue of The News and ' Observer The Charles- O ton Exposition Edition he has set forth truly and fairly the great attractions of a truly great Exposition. He . has not told of every beauti- ' ful sight, of every great ex- liiWt. for that is an impossi- I W O hility as it is an ever-chang- r ins panorama in the "Ivory City." Imt ho has . written " of the Exposition in a "broad sense and leaves the filling in of details to the visitor who goes to Charleston. O It is a great Exposition, nay, more than that, it is a mag- niflcent Exposition, and no one who attends it will be disappointed or have a mo- mcnt's regret, hut instead there will ho a" supreme feel- ing of satisfaction., i ' 111 11; lS- f ( li to I tri .5?7-. T?aairw-w Ep::::::; i 'IM Shibks" HONEY,, PI KYARPS 5AYS-PlRE'S A "' Vs Loll wmw Jte Xoi i 1 1 ,.i i . ia -i,.,,.! i i ., , .'. V ii. 1 " I i m ... V;v"" :-7 ( .. -w. i 3 - ; ". lsirftefa'8";j'?-a. I r ' 1 fS5H8itJf.ll. Ti n p A "l,J "L - - ... . , i.. j3t.. ,-, .."'' ? f , -V . ? ..4 iElIllllilliiBl '4? wA ::fu ' ; - . 1 -rtrtrrTrTKiS X: V..; an- 5 Mslorth Carolina