THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. Eti4 in the Pou Office at riymoutn N. C, aa cena flies tUt We appeal to every reader of Thm Roanokb Biaooi, to aid us in making it aa acceptable aud profitable medium of news to our citizen. Let rlymeuth people and the public know wnatis gotag ou iu Plymouth. Report to ns all Itenw of iiewe the arrival and departure of f liends, social veate, deaths, eorioua ilmets, accidents, new buUdtngs, now enterprises and improvements of whatever character, changes in business indeed anything and everything that would be of interest t eur peepla. Subscription price, f 1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low rnV. Obituary notices exceeding ten lin five cents ahos Count the words, allowing eight to the line, aud tend money with US. for all in excess of ten line. The editor will not be responsible for the views 'of correspondents. II articles for publication must be accompanied by the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but oa side of the paper. All communications must be sent in by Thursday naming or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. A DEADLY DUEL. An unholy lore and a sinful desire for yengeauce caused the death of two near this place Saturday. A Miss Harris, living with one of hr brothers-in-law on Sheriff Knight'i place between here and Old Sparta, became infatuated with a married man, Will Burroughs, of Pitt county, and he with her. They determined to elope and Burroughs came up Saturday morning for that purpose.. He went out for the wo man and the two endeavored to take the train for Norfolk at McNair's Crossing, but were too late for it. From 3 o'clock till the fatal shoot ing, nearly 5, they must have been hiding or skulking about in the ifooda beyond V. L. Barlow's, about a Wile from town. t Her people became apprised of the indent of tne guilty couple and came ujjy'here to ascertain if a warrant for thipir arrest could be issued. Will Harris, who was the spokesman, was told that no warrant could be issued, bat was advised to take his sister and carry her home, this he said he would do. He was advised to use no force, to carry no weapons, and to this he assented, but the advice was not acted upon, for shortly after 3 o'clock Harris, John Wade, Itube aud Will Koberson and Dixon, were st'en on the road between MacNair's crossing and Thome's store, Harris with a shot gun and Koberson with a pistol inquiring for a man and a wo man. Later about 4 o'clock, or somewhat later, the same men were seen near the corporate limits of the ' town on the Wilson road. Their con f.lOTHEl The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes blessed -with children. -The woman afflicted with female dis ease is ojwtjuitly menaced with becorniHg ciuldless wife . No medicinal restore dead or- nJI?5 of Cardui does regp igments that pre- nijjp&ptioii ; does prevent mbeaiiLage; ' does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and doe bring babies to honies barren and desolate lor years. Wine of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui t from your dealer. U1UE" CARDUI 13 Market fctreet, . Memphis Term., April li, 1901. jruryt iswi, i too ono bottle of Wine of Cardui and one package of TasdiWd's BUck-Draught. 1 had been veara ftnd bad never ftvan birth to a child until I took Wiao of Cardui. Now I am mother of a fine bsy M which was born March 81, 1901. Taa bAnv waiorha fnnrfjian nr...,.. i r feej m well as any person could feel. Vow my home is happy and I never will , m wunoui wine or usraul in mv house if tfaio. Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH. If Klvlcs snd literature, sddrem, divine H Symptom "Th ladles' Advtwry Ik-parti ' ' Chattanooga Medicine Company, H versation to a passerby indicated that they were hunting rabbits. Soon after this the hnnters had made their way to a cemetery for colored people, at the forks of the road near Barlow place. Here the eloping couple was found, and the shooting began, lloberson was shot through the abdomen, Burroughs dropped shot in the head. Both were brought here to the hospital, but surgical skill was of no avail, the wounds were fatal and both died during the nfght. Koberson made a statement before he died in which he said that Bur roughs shot first and only once ; that he then shot at him several times ; that he had no idea that Burroughs iutended to shoot, that no one else tired a gun. Dr. Harroll, as coroner, Sunday began inquest but did not complete theij, adjourned over till Wednesday for additional evidence. Dixon says he was with the party only to help them take the sister, but not te violate the law. Harris, ir. is said, has run away. When one of the wounded men were being brought to town in a cart John Wade stopped the vehicle and said it should not pass. He backed up his declarations by drawing a pis tol. Finally ho was persuaded to let the procession pass. He was tried this morning by Squire Howard on two charges, as sault and carrying concealed weap ons. On the first charge judgment was suspended upon payment of cost. On the other he was held in de fault of $50 bond to answer at the next term of the Superior court. Wade says at the time he was so much under the influence of liquor that he has no recollection at all of what he did Those who arrested him say he was much intoxicated. Wade and the two Kobersons are from Pitt county. Kube Koberson married a sister of the misguided woman. From what is told of him he has been a turbulent character. Kecently he served a turn ou the rouds for forcing a minister of the gospel to drink and then dunce and sing. The woman was with Burroughs when the shootiug occurred. The hunting party hastened to make pro vision to have Koberson brought to town, but did nothing for Burroughs, who lay where he fell shot through the head unbonscious and so remain ed till death. Miss Harris paid a colored man $5 to bring him to town and then she disappeared. The wound which Koberson re ceived shows that Burroughs must have been sitting down, and Bur roughs' wound indicates that he was shot while in the same posture. Tarboro Southerner, 14th. The Great Dismal Swamp Of Virginia is a breeding ground of Ma laria germs. Bo is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills und fever, aches in the bones and muscles, and may luduca uau geroua maladies. Uut Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial troub. les. They will surely prevent typhoid. We tried ruauy remedies lor Malaria and btom ach and Liver troubles," writes John Char leston, of Byesville, O., "bat ueyer found anything us eood as Electric Bitters," Try them. Only 50c, Spruill & Bro , guarantee satisfaction. A $5000 Cash Priz Offer. The Atlanta Constitution oilers $5,000 in a new cash prize contest upon tto num ber of hales in the total United States cot ton crop, 1901-02, provided the estimatea are received daring April, 1902. There are foar prizes, $1,000, $1,2"0 and $750 for the best three estimates, and $1,000 for geDeral distribution among all estimates coming within 00 bales either way from the exact figure. Every estimate must be accompa nied by a yearly subscription to The Weekly Constitution, $1 00 per year, aud double estimates are allowed ou all Con stitution and Sunny South combination subscriptions, both for only $1 25 per year. The Constitution stands exactly up to the letter upon all its offers. Send in today and put the whole thing, letter, money and estimate, in the same envelope, addressed to TUB ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. , WAR TAXES TO COME OFF Collector Rucker'Receiyes No tice from Treasury Depart ment Concerning Re pealing Bill. Collector of Internal Reytnues. II. A. Rucker yesterday received notice from the treasury department of the act of cougress practically repealing the war revenue act. Under the terms of the new bill the tax oa everything which was levied at the outbreak of the Spauisb-American war is taken off with the exception of that on mixed flour. Taxes which are reduced by the bill are merely inado what they were before the passage of the war revenue act. Under the repealing act the special taxes on brokers, bankers, proprietors of theaters, circusses, public exhibitions, bawling alleys aud billiard rooms, dealers in leaf tobacco, manufactured tobacco aud cigars are taken off. The stamp taxes on instruments, pa pers, documents of delivery or trausfers of stock and salts and agreements of bale,' or agreements to sell stock, products or mer chandise included in schedule A are taken off. The taxes on wines under schedule B are taken off. The stamp tax ou sets iu parlor and palace cars aud berths iu sleep iug cars is taken off. The tax on fermented liquors is reduced to $1 per barrel, the tax on snuff aud to bacco to 6 ceots per pound and lue tax on cigarettes weighing niorj than 3 pounds per thousand ia reduced to $3 per thousand. A drawback will be allowed on all un broken packages of smoking aud manufac tured tobacco and snuff iu the hands of manufacturers and dealers July 1, when the act becomes effective. Atlauta Cousti tution, 19th. Shot 111 His Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other weunds De Witt's Witch Hazel 8alve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at ouce. Never fails iu cases of pile. Cooling aud healing. None genuine but De itt's. Beware of counterleits. 'A Buffered for mauy years from a sore caused by a gun hot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, Bullish, Ind. "It would Dot heal and gave me much trouble. I med all kiuda of remedies to no purpose until I tried Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." It is possible to steal u penny aud still be in a cent. Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases O.'ten result seriously at this beasou just because people are carries. A dose of Uue Minute Cough Cure will re move all danger. Absolutely safe Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and luug troubles "1 have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. O. Dawson, Barr, ill, "It is the very best cough medicine oa ihn market. It has aved me many a severe sped of aickues ami 1 warmly recommend it." The children's fa vorite. A friend in ue' d is a friend indeed ; And yet it may depend Ou whether you're the one in need, Or whether it's your friend. The Beet Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, it is simply iron aud quinine iu a tanteleks form, mo cure Price.SOc. uov 12-ly One Way to avoid being disappointed in love is to marry lor money. An instructor in phywical culture adver tikes fall styles in wrestling. Wood's Seeds. Va. Second Crop Seed Potatoes. These are the result of growing two crops in the same year, the first being planted from select Maine Seed Potatoes, and the seed selected from this crop planted again in July or August. They not only make their crop earlier, but they also make a larger yield and much surer crop than Maine or Northern-grown Seed. i Our stock is very superior and we always shin in full-eized double head barrels. Wood's 1902 De scriptive Catalogue gives very in teresting information about Pota toes. Mailed upon request. We have also large stocks of the best MAINE and NORTHERN GROWN SEED. Write for special Potato price-list. T, W.Wood & Sons,-Seedsmen, RICHMCJiS, VIROINIA. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An 'Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite oi Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Poa- itive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by period ical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an autidote capable of neutralizing aud eradicating this poisou, and destroy iug the cravioii for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or lows of time from business by this wonderful '"HOME GOLD CUKE" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the luost obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thou sands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS 11 This remedy is iu no seuso a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, aud is so skillfully devised aud prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as mauy more have been cured and made temperate meu by having the 'CURE" administered by loving frieuds and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading ,,improvemeut., Drive out the disease at ouce nd for all time. The "HOME GOLD CUKE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others cost ing $25 to $(. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Collar. Address Dept C471 EDWIN B. GILES & COM PANY, 2330 and 233a Market Street. Phil adelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential, ap 16-1 THE W. FlLIETCflllEJR. AUIBM GENERAL INSURANCE, Meal Estate unci Mental Plymouth, Before insuring your life or property, or before buying, sell ing, renting or leesing town or country property consult this agency, where you will get just what you want. We have nothing represent d in this Agency but Standard flp-to-date, reliable Companies wriing all insurable risks against Fire, Wind and Lightning, at adequate rates All losses adjusted promptly, careful attention being giteh at all times to the interests of the insured "as well as the Company . We have the Special Agency for The Union Central Ufe Insurance Co,f of Cincinnatti, O., which Company offers the most desirable contracts of any Com pany, because it gives the Insured better rennll. It has the LOWEST death late.' It obtains tbo HIGHEST rate of interest. For further information apply to W. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun." All Doctors have tried to core CATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers, and drugs iu paste form. Their powders dry up the Uiucuous membranes causing them to erack open and bleed. The powerful en away the earn membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An eld and experienced practitioner who baa for many years made a close Btudy and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faith fully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by remov iug the cause, stopping the discharges, and curing 8 11 inflammation. It is the only rem edy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy iakuowuas "SNUFFLES the GUARAN TEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing internai and ex ternal modicine sufficient tor a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perlect u "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH CURB evr made and is now rec ognized as lb only bate and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and per. manently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER of COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION -"SNUFFLKS" will save you if you use it at once, it is ne or dinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CA TARRH in auy form or stage if used ae. cording to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send fer it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive speeial advice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding your ease without cost to yon beyond the regular price of "SnUFFLES" the 'GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United Address Dept. C471 EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. apl9-lj Even in winter a locomotive can't run unless it is coaled. The up-to-date girl proposes without let ting the fellow know it. . Fletcher Ausbon.

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