THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. V. W. Editor. PLYMOUTH. N. C. Friday. April 25, 1902. i NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFEOTj APRIL 15th, 1902. train service. Northbound: Leave BelbaTen daily (except Sunday) 6:30 a, ni. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) li5 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex- cept Sunday) 2 40 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day). ...... . 4 20 p.m. Leave Udenton daily ex. Sunday 8:30 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Sunday.. 9 25 . ta. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 11 00 a. m. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 10 00 a. m. Arrive Eiiz. City daily (except Sunday).... 1136 a.m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Runriavl. ' 12 30 p. m Lave Edenton daily (except Sunday). 12 45 p. m. Arrive Belhaven daily (except Sunday)... . E20 p. m. Leave Norfolk dailv ex. Sunday 4 10 p. m. Arrive E. City daily ex. Sunday 5 45 p. m. Arrive Edenton daily ex. Sunday 6,40 p. m. Trains stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Division. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun day) 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p. m., for Plym outh, connects with Washington Jb Plym outh B. It., for Washington, N. C, and with steamer for Windsor. Steamer leaves Edenton 12:45 p. m., for Jamesville and Williaaiston. " Leave Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 12 45 p. m. for Chowan River landings; and and Friday for Scuppernong River. Steamers leave jsnzaDecu uiiy rur uua -&k Island, Orieutal aud Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (5:0GJ p. iu,and Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at 3:00 p. m.; connect with A. fc N. C. It. K., und Atlautio Coast Line for Goldsboro and Wilmington, &o., and for Scuppernong Kiver, Monday and Wednesday. Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex. Sim day) tor Washington, N. C, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday forAurora, South Creek, Makleyville, &c, and 5 a. m Mon day, and Friday for Swan Quarter, Ocra cok and Oriental. For further information apply to J.J. Ilasaell, ' Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. Jb S. it. R. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. K. KING, . H. C. HUDGINS, Gen'l Manager. Geu'l Ft.& Pass Agt. Importantjo Farmers- In view of the fact that it is not generally understood tlwit the Rice Crop is" highly protected from for eign competition by un import duty and that the crops raised in this United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption the OA UO LIN A RICE MILLS of Goldsboro, N. C, in order toeneour sige the cultivation of Rice on a lar ger acale than has heretofore been done, is now prepared to make con trols with nlanters in North Caro lina for their crops of Itice they may raise during the year 1902 on the most liberal terms. Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves of this offer, can communicate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particu lars. Respectfully, CAROLINA KICE MILLS, Hp 23 Goldsboro, 'N. C. Seed Rice will be quoted on appli It is Never Good Policy to Take Anything for Granted. . Hence I solicit your visits to my store when looking tor the newest lines of every , article kept in an up-to-date Millinery Store. Probably in no place of bufciness ia there greater opportunity to exercise tact and please human nature than in the retail Millinery Store. . A jihsrd customer is oac of ih test advertisements This is my object. My recent visit to the Northern markets enables me to offer to the public a full line of -Spring Millinery Goods, And I invite your inspection of them t,ef ore making your selection. MRS. ANNIE LATHAM. BEACON FLASHES Farmers, don't neglect the hog and hom ney. - Solicitor Ward gaina in popularity every day. Notice change in schedule cfN. &S. R. 11. We have had an exceedingly dull court this week. The weather changed to much warmer this week. Only one man ' was sent to the peniten tiary this weelc. Mrs. J. L. Singleton, of Roper, was iu the city on Tuesday. . Mr. YV. H. Stubbs has been foreman of the grand jury this week. Miss Gertie Woodard of Roper, spent a few days in town this week. Mr. W. W. Leary, the clever insurance agent of Roper, gave us a call on Tuesday. Court convened promptly Monday morn ing with his Honor, Judge Geo. A, Jones, presiding. Mrs. Hester Gaboon and Miss Tar- keuton, of Mackey's Ferry, were in town on Monday, Miss Mary Newbold of Creswell, spent Monday nignt here as the guest of Mrs. W. F. Ausbou, Mr. A. G. Walker of Creswell, dropped in and renewed his subscription while in town on Wednesday. Mr. VV. H. Hall, wife and childrenj of Aurora, are visiting Mr. Hall's sinter, Mrs. A. H. Harrison, this week. For Sale Cheap I will sell the Norman cottage at Nag's Head very cheap. No reasonable offer refused. W. F. Acsbon, We expect to visit Roper either to-morrow or the next Saturday, and we would be glad to meet all our friends of that aection. We learn that Mr. W. J. Mercer, of Cres well, aud Mrs. Collie lCae, of Mackey's Ferry, were quietly married on Wednesday last. We return thanks to -our friends who renewed this week. We also thank those who sent their renewals, and those who subscribed. Miss Meda Harrison is home from school, Vaviiig come to be present at the marriage of her sister, Miss Pauline. She will re turn Monday. Mrs. Capt. S. K Everett, with her child ren, left on Wednrtiday for Portsmouth, V., where they go to visit her son, Mr. Wm. Everett. Mr. J. F. Tarkeaton, who has been vis iting relative in Bertie county, was in town on Tuesday enroute to his, home at Mackey's Ferry. L. A. Peal has fitted np a first-class Bi cycle Repair Shop iu this town. See ad. in this paper, and when in need of his ser vices call on him. We have over two hundred dollars due us in this immediate vicinity. Will not those who owe it make an effort to pay it ? We need mouey very badly. BOARDERS A few gentlemen can be directed to where they can get good board as cheap as- the price of provisions will admit, by applying to this office. If there is a cross mark on the margin of your paper it means that your subscription has expired, and ia an iuyitation for you to renew. Please attend to it at once. Mrs. Geo. Everett, of Edenton, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, h&9 returned home, accom panied by her sister. Miss Debbie Ham ilton. The managers of the W. & P. R. R., gave a grand banquet at Washington on Wednesday. We acknowledge an invita tion to the same and regret that we were unable to attend. This has been an exceedingly dull week with us, and at a time when we are needing money very badly, so if you owe us any thing we trust you will make an effort to get it to us right away. Capt. J. E. Johnston, of Roper, was on the river in a skiff with some friends here un Tuesday, and in trying to kill a snake, which ran under a wharf, received a blow on the head, causing a painful, but not serious wound. What came near being a serious accident occurred on Monday last. Miss Mary Nur ey, who was at work around a fire in the yard, had her clothing to catch on fire. Quick work smothered the flames, but her hands were right badly burned. Tht body of a colored roan who was drowned between here and the sound two weeks ago was hauled up in one of Mr. W. H. Hampton's seines on Tuesday, coroner B. S. Lucas went down with a jury pn Weduesday and held an inquest. If people who talk abont their neighbors and believe everything they hear, could have their own lives reflected m a mirror, we dare say many people in Plymouth would be trying to crowd into a hole and pull the hole in after them. He who wrote, "Actions imeak louder than words," must have lost sight ot the town gossippers. V lir. n F. Arriuorton. asuveon dentist and specialist, who was here last week, met with enVi fluttering Riin.pPKH that he intends returning about the first of May aod re main with ns some time. Those desiriscr Ma ftprviceft niftv find him after that date at Hotel Road. Dr. Arrington is a most successful dentist, and ns clever a gentle man as ynu will meet iu a day. Snake Story. While riding a bicycle; from Sharpsburg to Elm City Mr. Isaac Braswell had quite a thrilling expe rience. On the return a blach snake, which was lying in his way, became entangled in the rear wheel of his bicycle. The snake was thrown from the wheel around Mr. Braswell's neck and in trying to loose the snake Mr. Braswell lost his balance and was thrown from his bicycle and very painfully hurt. Elm, City Elevator Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quimne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, mo pay. Price 25 cents. nov I2;ly A Pretty Marriage. Grace Episcopal church was the scene of a pretty marriage on Wed nesday morning at 7:30 o'clock, the contracting parties being Mr. Tom Chears and Miss Pauline Harrison, two of Plymouth's most popular young people. The attendants were: Miss Gertie Woodard with Mr. H. L. Spruill : Miss Grace Ott with Mr. F. F. Fa gan; Miss Leslie Harrison, sister of the bride, was Maid of Honor, and Mr. E. D, Carstarphen acted as best man. Miss Martha Hornthal , was rfhg bearer, and Mr. Willie Everett usher. The bride was given away by Mr. Louis P. Hornthal. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for a tour of North Carolina. Thia Big-nature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quimne Tawet L the remedy thai cures a cold in on day Do They Read 'Em 1 There is no doubt about it; the people read advertisements. Several called at our office this week and asked us to point out certain dry goods and millinery storos 10 them, and without an exception they asked for those' who advertised. Not one, but mauy, did this. Some of them said they were struck by our article last week urging them to trade with advertisers, and that they intended to do so in future, and to do all they could to encourage enterprise. Sev eral of these men not only had tra ding to do for themselves, but had trading to do for neighbors. Whero one man may say what draws him to a certain store, there are dozens who say nothing, but the same influence draws them, ust the same. Wields A Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the'multitude of mal adies cut off by Dr. King's Nw Life Pills the most distressing too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever, Ma laria, all fall before these wonder workers. 25c at Spruill & Bro's. store. THE SENATE VOTES SEVENTY MILLIONS. River and Harbor Bill Goes Without Hitch. Washington, D. C, April 21. Without a word of discussion of the merits of the measure, the Senate to day passed the Kiver and Harbor Bill, carrying in appropriations about $70,000,000. So thoroughly had the bill been considered by the Commerce Committee that every Senator was content that it should reported from the committee. Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect bilious d ess and constipation.' Your health will suffer permanently if you do. DeWitt's Little Early Riser cure such cares. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich; says: DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." WAHTED! Man to take charge of Branch oflice of our wholesale business in this vicinity. Address, at once, with references, A. T. MORRIS, Goldsboro, N. C. COILUMW. If we could invent some way of properly impressing you with the real beauty and wonderful values in our goods, i then we could know that you would really be benefitted in purchasing goods from us. A7f Vi n vr a full lirf rf fiiTcriri-Viinrr b-tf 1 1 n r-vrr-rcci tr up-to-date dry goods store, and can supply your wants in many things too numerous to mention, but among these articles there are some pretty and new designs in Table Linens of excellent value for the prices we ask. Percales and Draperies, in spring shades. And as school commencements are so near at, hand, you will find us pre- paired to show you a beautiful line of White Organdies, Persian Lawns, Batistes, etc. Also plain and barred Nainsooks, Piques, Cheviots and India Linens of all grades 1 M for white goods so come early in order that you may get the most desirable. . Have you heard the wonderful values we are giving in plain and fancy Organdies at ioc. per yd. Scotch Lawns, fast colors, at 5c. per yd. All the latest novelties in La- dies' Kid and Silk Gloves, Veilings, Ties, Belts, and Shirt-waist sets. Newest shapes in R. & G. and Thomp son's Glove-fitting Corsets. Surely you will not allow the latest rage in Linen colored Silks for waists, go unnoticed. Then there are the dainty shades in Crepe de Chines, Taffetas, Pean de Soies, Louesines and Armures Silks. Ribbons of all widths and shades at lower prices than you have ever known. Appliques of every description. Come early and we will be pleased to show you through our stock. In addition to the above you will still find us head-quarters for Ladies' Gent's 'and Children's Shoes, of all qual ities. Gent's Furnishings of all kinds, and the choicest line of Family Groceries and supplies to be found in Ply- mouth. Give us an early call and we will convince you. Vrtv-tr vocnprtfllllv. Louis P. Hornthal. .

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