OUR TICKET. The following is a partial list of the ticket we favor and hope to see nominated, and elected, this yearf For Congress 1st District, JOHN H. SMALL. Fr the Senate 2nd District, HALLET S. WARD. For Chief Justice, WALTER CLARK. For Associate Justice, HENRY G. CONNOR. For Solicitor 1st District, GEORGE W. WARD. For Representative, 4 THOMAS W. BLOUNT. For Sheriff W. J. JACKSON. For Treas'r M. M. ALEXANDER. For Reg. Deeds-F. R. JOHNSTON. For Sup. C'rt. Cl'k W. 0. DAVIS. For Coroner 13, S. LUCAS. We believe in justice in all things, and since there is so much agitation in t in oouuty over the country sa loons, we are anxious to see the mat ter pat to a vote of the people, with out their being harassed for or against. Nothing short of this will be just or honest. Educate the people and use all tiie moral suasion jou please against the use of tobacco and whiskey, but let them vote to SXnt themselves. We put tobacco first because it is a fact that it reach cs the children, weakens their con stitutions and causes the craving for whiskey later. The man who uses or sells tobacco and preaches temper ance is inconsistent, to say the least. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, mo paj. Price 25 cents. nov 121 y OUR FIRST GREAT WORK. Gov. Jarvis Says It Is The Education Of The Children. Ex-Governor and Ex-Senator T. J. Jarvis of North Carolina m now in the sunset of life. His has been a noble record on the pages of North Carolina history. The following words from a private letter written by him breathe a lofty statesman ship and a broad patriotism : "I look upon the education of the children of the South as the first .great work to engage the time and thought and labors of every lover of his country and his kind. "I am grateful fur the help of the jeople of the North, but all the work must oe done by the men and women of the South. We under stand the conditions better and can deal with them wiser than strangers. .IJut our people themselves must be taught to deal with these conditions in a spirit of fairness and broad statesmanship. We have ttvo races living in the .South. These races are distinct and must remain so, and yet they must live here together. My judgment ia that it is better for both that each be educated and trained and elevated to the highest state of citizenship of which it is capable. It is also my judgment that the church and the school house ure the be.st agencies for making good citi zens. If these agencies cannot help us in solving the race problem, then indeed we have a hopeless task on our hands. But thank God 1 am a man of iaith. I believe in God and in my fellow-men, and I believe the people of the South can solve all problems presented to them if they will cleave to the church and the school house ; and that too in a man ner which shall make them and their section a great power for good in the world." The Land of fortune often looks suspici ously like four aces. Thia sign tu re is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tbieu im fesaed that wwi ajeeki la sm y A RAPE FIEND Gets What He Richly De serves. On Friday evening last while Mrs. Jas. C. Smith, living near Goldsboro, was preparing supper, and in the absence of her husband, Tom Jones, a brutal negro fiend, approached the house and made an improper propo sal to her, saying that if she com plied with his demands he would not hurt her, but if she refused he would kill her. She indignantly refused and the villain dragged her from her house to a thicket and accomplished his purpose, having beatet, her almost to death, and left her as ho doubt less thought dead. Mrs. Smith, who is young and pretty, was alone, but for two small children who; hearing the pitiful cries for mercy from their mother, left the house and ran to a neighbor's where they told as best they could what had occurred. Help came, but too late. The negro had left his victim where he had dragged her unconscious and disfigured. Almost the entire community be gan to hunt for Jones, who had hid den himself in a swamp, nor did they relax for a moment until he was caught as he emerged from the swamp soon after midnight Sunday morning. When caught he confes sed, was bound and locked in a barn to await the arrival of the sheriff. Later ten men disguised as negroes came up and demanded his person. The officer in charge resisted, and was shot in the neck, but hot seri ously. The men broke down the door, took the negro to the woods, bound him to a log and riddled his body with bullets and buckshot. Mrs. Smith will live but is horri bly disfigured. Her hands are badly cut, her eye gouged out, jawbone smashed, and her throat and breast discolored from choking and beat ing. Can men be blamed for thus deal ing with such brutes? TO CURE A COLD LV ONE DAY, Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money if it fails to cure. E. YY. Grove's siguature is ou ach box. 2."o. , noy 12-ly Push Not Luck. Business push is necessary for bus iness success. The men who expects his business to prosper, just because it is his dream, will probably find his dream developing into a night mare of complications from which he will be relieved by the action of the courts. If he escapes the disad vantages of a serious ending of his commercial hopes it is often more luck than anything else. But luck in business is just about as elusive as in any other feature of life. Luck will bo a blessing when it comes but will bo a disappointment to those who depend on it. Luck gives brightness at the time when least ex pected but will disappoint becausg it cannot be depended upon. Push for business and win, but don't just hope for good results and depend on a happening to insure success. Wise planning will result in rich returns. Active hustle will command respect. Intelligent publicity will prove the best investment. There won't be any luck, or chance about it. It is a tangible certainty is reliable as an asset and on which the returns will always justify the expense. Adver tising World. It must be tough on the jailer who has a lot of felons on Lin hands. Littleton Female College. One of the most prosperous schools in the South. Room for 200 board ing pupils. Twenty-fifth Annual Session begins Sept. 17th. Illus trated catalogue on application to Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M., President, Littleton, N. C. MORS LIVES ARE SAVED ..BY USING... Dr. King's New Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And liUDg Remedies Combined, This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, t.aGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping CcuKh. ffiOCURE. fJOPAY. Pric-a 50c. t $1. TrfaiBottl Free. say ' 'Consumption can be cured nature aione won iauu. itueeas help. Doctors say "Scott's Emulsion is the best help." But you must continue Its use even in hot weather. If you have not tried It, send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists, 409-415 Vearl Street, New York. 50c, and Ji.oo; all druggist. HAMPTON ACADEMY Opens its First Year Septem ber 8th, 1902. BUILDING The building is favor ably situated and furnished with tho moat improved furniture. DEPARTMENTS There are three departments Primary, Interme diate, and Academic. Realizing the fact that the most success ful man iu any vocation of life is the man possessing the gift of easy aud accurate ex pression. Special stress will be laid on oral and written Language work in the Primary Grade. Ohildrrn will be trained enrly to think and to express their thoughts iu clear and complete sentences. The elementary work in all the common school branches will be taught in the Inter mediate Qrade Composition work will re ceive proper attention. The student of the Academic department will receive the advantage of advanced work in common branches, book-keeping and those higher branches required for en trance into College. AIM. Our aim is to f Ornish a mental training that shall best fit the recipients for success in the various vocations of life. The patronage of Plymouth and vicinity is earnestly solicited. Tuition Primary Qrade, $1.50 ; Inter mediate, $2.00, and Academic, $2.50 and $3.50. For further information addresn or call on Clinton J. Everett, A. M., M. E., Principal Hampton Acudemy. aug 28-tf WJE ARE HERE ! Will you call and let us tell you in a few words how to save money? We have a complete up-to-date, well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Laces, Trimmings, etc., and the styles are what you are looking for, and the prices are what will interest you and save you money. Our aim is to do business in a business way, and send every purchaser home feelidg that he or she has gotten their money's worth. If you are looking for Cheap John stuff don't come,' we are no Cheap John men, but if you want good goods at living pri ces, we are the people you are looking for. We also handle a nice line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Stoves, Furniture and Hard ware. An investigation will be worth your time, if in need of such goods as we handle, and you will receive a hearty welcome at all times. Thanking you in advance for a liberal share of 'your pat ronage, we are, yours truly, JOHNSTON & BLOUNT, ROPER, N. C UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE - MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY. , t STANDARD, First-Class ,N )T l CLINICS. For 10l.rfff faUlnirup. Mrpon The Proctor. y-. i r'l; i r""" '. II ADVANCE. Our every interest . lias been toward forwarding the interests of our customers. We're Rough Riders over Competition, and maintain our advance in popular favor by a constant endeavor to please. You may need some of theso unexcelled offerings just received. One case of Ladies', dress goods from the factory, 28 inch wide, good colors, at 8 cents, A big lot of nice white flannel from 15 to 25c Remember we can give you the lowest prices on Hamburg, from 4 to 25c. Vaioncine laces 1 to 10c. Ladies' drop stitch hose, fancy colors, 10c. Men's half hose, black and fancy colors, 10 to 20c. We have some very good bargains in Counter panes which we are offering from 85c. to $1.25. All wool pants goods, 60 inches wide, at 75c. Good extra quality pant goods, 20 to 25c Ladies' heavy all wool skirt goods, 48 in. at 50ct Remember we are prepared to take your order for Tailor-made Clothing, a perfect fit guaranteed by the International Tailoring Co., of New York. Call and look over our samples and latest styles. We are also prepared to serve you with the latest styles in Gent's fine dress shoes Vici, Patent Lea ther and Box Calf, Call and examine our stock be fore buying elsewhere. You .will find us always anxious to show you any goods in our line, and will assure you that you will find most anything kept in this market. A big lot of Table Oil Cloth just received from the factory, which we will offer at a close price. About 40 or 50 different colors, at 15. per yard. Also some big bargains in Linen Tablecloth. We have on hand one piece Ladies' Heavy blue Flannel, for skirts, which we will let go at 18c. per yard. Remember we carry a well assorted line of Groceries in addition to the Dry Goods. Give us a call and examine onr stock. Yours to please, W. DEBNAIiI MILITARY SCHOOL. LaGrange, U". C. An English, Classical Scientific aud Commercial School Seventy-ono Boarding Pupils from seventeen counties and two states enrolled the past Term. Wonld 70a like to attend a school, or have jour son in one, where EFFI CIENCY INSTEAD OF NUMBERS IS SOUGHT ? A Kchool in which the mobal, PHYSICAL and intellect uiL natures are properly developed ; a school that has es. tablisned for itself a reputation for thoroughness ; n Military school that is not a ma chine, and in which the homb life is reproduced, where truthful, manly, honest boys aud young men are wanted V Then investigate our school. We give a four years course, giving full and thorough preparation for the scientific school, college or life. Athletics receive special attention and encourage" nient. Fall sesaion begins feept. 3rd, Charges iu est reasonable. Write for illus trated register to, J. E. DE11NAM, Superintendent.' TRINITY COLLEGE, DUltHAM, N. C Offers 125 graduate and under graduate courses of study. New li biary facilities, laboratory equip ments and gymnasium. Number of students doubled in 8 years. Large number of scholarships awarded an nually. Loans made to worthy stu dents. Expenses very moderate. For catalogue address D. W. NEWSOM, jy 25 llegistrar. The Opening Day AT THE Roanoke Warehouse, WILLIAMSTON.N.C. Was a Grand Success. They bad the crowd, they had the tobacco, and they got the prices. Send your tobacco to the Eoanoke Warehouse and you will make no mis take. LlSQGETT & STATON. C. Ayers, LITTLETON HIGH SCHOOL, LITTLETON, N. C. Begins iU Tall session Aug 25th, 1902. A high grade school for yonng men and boys. Located at a celebrated health resort This school caters to the patronage of these who wish to place their beys in where they will be made to study and to behave. Courses broad and thorough. Discipline strict. Tuition $2J0 to $5.00 per month. For farther information communicate with the Superintendent. SPENCER CHAPLIN, Jr., Snpt. 3U. S3. L.A.IVIIIrO DKALElt IN 3?oreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. Water St., Plymouth, K. O. I also have a fine line of Fancy Groceries, Canned Good, Confectioneries, etc., etc. For Medicinal and Family nse yon will Xi LI ii I LI tf JJlii CCSi RlIU M It 5. iiuvid tuuuu lUi my Btock. Honest goods at henest prices is my motto. my 22 L. 8. LANDINQ.

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