'(' 1 . A Slang. The power trangrautalive of slang With wonder strikes me dumb. The man once called a big "sai'itinc" A "lobster" has become. Judge. Parliamentary. , Knicker "What became of your res olution not to cat Welsh rabbit?" Bgcker "It "was laid on the tr,!.!t." Xew York Sun. ' Employer "But i don't want two boys." The Twins "But vre only wanfer work half a week apiece." New York American. Why ot ? Magistrate "Ten dollars and costs! This is at least the tenth timu I've had to fine you this year, and " Inebriate "Well, say, judge, oughtn't I git wholesale rates?" After Particulars. "Yes," he said, "I got most of my education by traveling." "Did you?" she answered. "Have you ever boen out of this country?" Chicago Record-Herald. Crafty Tonnry. "Mamma," said Tommy, "does sugar ever cure anybody of anything?" "Why do you ask, my boy?" "I thought I'd like to catch it," said Tommy. Pearson's Weekly. Not So Very Hlftli. "I have been told," said the new patient, "that you are the highest au thority on appendicitis." "Oh J I don't know," replied the emi nent surgeon, "I only charge $1000 per operation." Catholic Standard and Times. The Blood of the Soldier. "I suppose, Colonel," said the beau tiful grass widow, "that there often are moments when you wish you were again on the battlefield, thrilled by the roar and fired by the excitement of war." "Yes," he answered, looking around eagerly for an avenue of escape and seeing none, "even now the old feeling comes back to me." Chicago Record Herald. KerenRed on the Auto. k. The Farmer "You may remember that you frightened my team last week, and smashed me up, and eo I thought I'd rig a little surprise for ye." -Life. Floor Walking. Head Foor Walker (severely "I heard you tell the lady she would tind the ribbons at the third counter to the left." New Floor Walker "That's where they are." Head Floor Walker "Yes; but you should have told her to go to he right past the necktie bargain counter, turn to the left past the stocking bargain counter, then three counters to lite right past the shirt wai:;t btrguin counter, and so cm. You'll iicvcl- make a tioor walker." Jud'". DlTlslon of Labor. rl I r m( It ) .8ECRETARY SHAW ENERGETIC. New Head of Treasury Department Sets a Hot Pace. Secretary Shaw is the most Indus trious member of the President's cabi net, says the Washington correspond ent of the Brooklyn Eagle. Shortly aftor he succeeded Lyman J. Gage, Mr. ' Shaw startled the treasury watchman by appearing at the department one morning promptly at 8 o'clock. The doors were unlocked by the wonder ing attendant, who thought that the secretary's home clock had Blipped a cog or two. The next day Secretary Shaw turned up at tho same hour, and he has kept up the practice ever since. Few treas ury officials are able to maintain the pace set by their chief. The lattcr's private secretary, Robert B. Arm strong, comes nearer doing this than any of the others, and he manages to get at his desk somewhere near 8 o'clock eabh morning. Only once he reported ahead of the secretary, how ever. The latter gets an early start. He rises at 6 o'clock every day, eats his breakfast at 7, and by the time the hands of the clock point to 8 he is at the department. It is safe to say that this is some thing that no other cabinet officer has done for more than a few day3 at a lima. A new' title of "Doctor Engineer" has recently been instituted at the technical high schoo1? in Cermany for the different classes of engineers who have obtained the Government di ploma. Young students, says the London Telegraph, will have to pass at least one year in a large engineer ing establishment where they will be treated as ordinary employes mixing with the men, that they may learn their methods and mode of thought. HE SURGEON'S KN1F Sirs. EcMs Stevenson of Salt Lake City Tells How Opera tions For Ovarian Troubles May Be Avoided. "Dear Mks. Pinkiiam: I suffered with inflammation of the ovaries and womb for over six years.enduring aches and pains which none can dream of but those who have had the same expe- mm MKS. F.CK1S STEVENSON, rience. H undreds of dolla rs went to the doctor and the draggist. I was simply a walking medicine chest and a phys ical wreck. My sister residing in Ohio wrote mc that she had been cured of womb trouble by using Iydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and advised me to try it. I then discontinued all other medicines and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough 'trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me; I rarely had headaches, and my nerves were in a much better condition, and I was cured in three months, and this avoided a terrible surgical operation." Mrs. Eckis Stevenson, 250 So. Stat St., Salt Lake City. Utah. $5000 forfeit if above testimonial is not genuine. Remember every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkiiam if tliere is anything about her symptoms she doea not understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. OfeOMOMOfeOOMOiCOfeOfcOiiOitOilO w nm FEVERISH CONDITIONS 2 AND COLDS CURED BY 6 C .V I I I I 1 IN AS o Sold by all DrtKcglata. K o s o t o X o n o . o o . o o ? o t o tt O It o WANTED 200 Young Mon At onoe to qualify for Rood positions which wo (vi 11 guarantee In writing under a $5,000 ilepoalt to promptly procure them. The Ga.-Ala. Bus. College, MACON. GEORGIA. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something jast as food." WWW JsnMMkAhA. .f-4 , J COffiMZBCIAL COLLEGE OF KE8TUCXY U!YFR3ITV, ,Sv JLEiXSfSTO.K, ZLY. iT -J Tl.vli.u .wrf 1 KM(t(An Hook keeiln. Bualnew. Short h4 Tiw o CANOT CATMAWTIC .iiMjW ana. ""r 1 " " Praaatata - ... . iu.ui,.) r ij.w I l u kimmrMI. !0tF i7ia f H iLUt K If. r ill 1 11. 1 rut t, lxInsUa, Ky. I B. B. B. SENT FREE. Cares Blood and Skin .Dl.ieages, Cancers, Itching nnmom, llono l'ulns. Botanio Blood Balm (B. B. B.) euros rimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Bone Tains, Swellings, Hhoumu tism, Caaoer. Especially advised for chronic cases that dootors, patent medicines and Hot Springs fail to cure or help. Strength ens weak kidneys. Druggists, $1 per large bottle. To prove it cures B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitohell Street, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in ssaled letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. Ail we ask is that you will speak a good word lor B. B. B. While a cow's hide gives thirty-five pounds of leather, that o a horse yields only about twenty pounds. FITS permanently cured.No fits o.r nervous ness aTter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat Nervellost.orer.t2trtal bottle and treatisefree Dr.R. H. Klixe, Ltd., 931 Aroh St., Phila., Ta. Torquay has 33.000 people, of whom there arc 7000 more women than men Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast to light and washing. Tha Mexican lapdog is the smallest known variety oi dog. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething.softenthe gums, reduces inflamma tion.allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottlo In baseball the pitcher is the power be hind the thrown. We will give $100 reward for any casa o? catarrh that cannot b9 cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally P J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, 0. A honeymoon is often a calm before a storm. Tiso's Cure cannot be too highly s;ioken oi as a cough cure. J, V. O'Bbien, 322 Third Avenue, X., Minneapolis, Minn., Jau. 6, 190) Host men feel that they have more brains than money. Thorough Paced Economy. A young man living in Cincinnati fs a close worker in money matters, that is, he stays close to the shore with his expenditures. He had the good luck to marry a girl whose parents are quite wealthy, and is at present living with hi3 wife in one of his father-in-law's houses. One day not long since, while dis cussing affairs with a friend, the lat ter asked: "Did 2he old gentleman give you that house?" "Well-er-no, not exactly," -was the answer. "He offered it to me, but I wouldn't accept it." "How's that?" asked the friend. "Well," answered the man who had made the lucky matrimonial venture. "You see, the house really belongs to me. I'm living in it, rent free, and I'll get it when the old man dies, tf T accepted it now I'd have to pay tho taxes." I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia as long as I can re member. I bad no appetite, and the little I ale distressed roe terribly. All day long 1 would l'eel sleepy and bad no ambition to do anything. Since taking Ilipans Tabules I feci decidedly better. In the morning I im fresh and sound and my appetite has improved wonderfully. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. mm i.-Y.--.--.-::-',r W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3SS SHOES Be" W. L. Douglas shoes are the standard of the world. W. L. Doaglas made and Hold more men's Good year Welt (Hand Sewed Proreon) shoes in the tlrst nj month or 102 than any other manufacturer. CIO finn REWARD will lie paid to anyone who V I UiUUU ran disprove this statement. W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. S!2S U,103,820l $2,840,000 Best Imported an1 American leathers. Heyl'e Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vici Kid, Corona Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. Faat Color Eyelets lined. Canilnn I The (tenuine hmW. X. DOtTGIAS' vauliun i name and price stumped on bottom. Shoes by mail, 25c. extra. Ithm. Catalog free. W. L. DOUOLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. So. 40. liJHtS VHtHt ALL tLSt A LS. VJ Best Couxh Srup. Ttttes Good. tTso f . ri!iTf3ya'Jt,' 1 r I in time CURE RHEUMATISM, CONSTIPATION PROMINENT RAILROAD ENGINEER SAYS : RALEIQFI, N. C. I took 3 or 4 bottles of Rheumacide several -years apro for a very severe at tack ot rheumatism in the muscles of my back, which confined me to my bed for5or6 weeks. KH HUM AC I DE HAS MADE A PERMANENT CUKE, as I have not felt any symptoms of Its re turn. I now tako It occasionally as a penoral TONIC, and its effects aro all oao could wish. Yours vorv trulv, C. H. J! EC K II AM. For sale by Druggists, or sent expressage prepaid BOEBITT CHEMICAL AND on Ton Corsets STRAIOHT If you wear them, the beauty - .. . f . aniiiicirv or vour nure vm ennancca, no matter now penect it is now. Ask vour dealer to show them to you. JRovai Worces CQKSET CO. Worcester, FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS "New Rival" "Leader" "Repeater" IF you are looking munition, the kind that shoots where you point your gun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM Prevented by shampoos of CUTICURA SOAP, and light dressings. of CUTICURA, purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treat ment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourish ment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, healthy scalp when all else fails. MiJIiosis of Women Use CtrnctTRA Soap, assisted by Cutictjra Ointment, for preserving, purlfylDg, and beautifying th ekin, for cleansing the sr.alp of crusts, ecalae, and dandruff, and the BtoppinR of falling hair, lor Boftenlng, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for bby rashes, itchings, and chafing, in the form of baths for annoying Irritations, Inflammations, and ulcerative 'weakneeees, and for many aauative, antiseptic purposes which readily euggestUicuselyes to women. Cuticuba Soap, to cleanse the skin; Cuticura Ointment, to heal the skin, and (JUTioirKA Ukpolvkut IMllr, to cool the blood. A .Single Set is often sulhcieut to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly akin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, ltchingts, and Irritations, with loss of hair, wheu all else faiis. Sold throughout th world. BritUh Depot: J7-S, Ch.rterhotiM B1., Tondon. Frnel Depot i S Kim d la I'aix, I'arii. 1'orrtn Unco ado . Conr.,Soi Prop... Boilon. V-riiTicoiA Rmoltbht Pii.m (Chocolt Coated) ara new, tu trine, odoorleu, CRnnnmical imtwtitutc (or tli MktKatcd liquid Ciiticvra KanoLTBiiT, aa well U Xor ail other blood purifiart and kumourcurea. Is pockat Tiaia, 60 doat. 0 500 Y0UKQ MEM'JS; Practical Hallway Inttltute. Indianapolis, 1ml. TUC ELM CHAMPION GRAIN and PEANUT nt THRESHERS excell all others by the quan tity and quality of its work, and durability of its construction. Three sizes for steam and tread power. For free catalogue, prices, terms. &o. address, UEU. V. DLKGEisb, Ueueral Agent, fiurgess, Va DROPSY 10 DAYS' TREATMENT FREE. HaTe mads Dropiy and its com tlioatioDS asreoialty for twentt years with tho most wonderful tcccesi, flfrvo cured many thouiv . ana cases. Eoi B Atlanta, Go. iitaiia'"" The Great Biood Purifier CATARRH, INDIGESTION, AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. TREASURER ORANGE CO., N. C. TESTIFIES AS FOLLOWS '. HirxsBORO, N. C. I had rheumatism for a number of years. About four years ago it became tjuite severe. Was confined to ray bed lor some time. Used several remedies, but novor ffot any permanent relief until I besran to tako itllEUMAClDE on tho advice of a f riemi. It cured mo at the time, and I feel that it has im proved my trenoral health very mucn. l reirara it tho best remedy lor rheunia- 1 epoctfully. 15. A. DICKSON. I aid on receipt of $i.oo. I TIMORE, MD. J tlsm. Re CO., BALT FRONT and 1. do Mass. for reliable shotgun am J) FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER WITH TIN iur f REE WEAB1NB TRIAL to niirewi hone. w. faralik tha awaatnaand ! HKlUKLBKKO ALTKBNATISO CIRRENT kXEmRIC BKLTtt any reader of this paper. Ba nao.T la uiwtmt arj law eaatt poittWe jrnaraatea. COSTS ALMOST WOTHIKQparM with most all other treatment, fur. ben all other ! trie brlta, appliance and rwaadloa fall. QUICK CURB for aura tkaa BO alloaala. Only aore Cora for all Mntui dhaaaaa, weakaoaaaa and dlaardcra. For complete aealed eoaw fidentlal catalogue, cut this ad. out and nmll to na. GEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. NEW PENSION LAWSSS Arply to NATHAN 1UCKFOKD, 014 F SU, VshlPalPt lit t!, 1