ii . , I i r BUNCOMBE HALL. Continued from 2nd page. Th: A einbly fci-d Tyrrell's eouithouse1 at Ltt'a ililld wherAt remained until the radio f Martin county in 177, whou it wilfl removed to the hotisa of iknjauiiu Sprulil on tnipperuon river, v At the first segaion of the court held at plac, which Waa on "third Tuesday ' u May. 1774," Colonel Edward Buncombe preinrnted hU-cuuimisbion from the Hou ' oranlo rtamutft Strudwick, I-Bci'r, dated l).;j-Mti).M' 18. 1773, appointing him . GlarH of the con t. He immediately qualifitl iiii o..J iu the muu of oue ihou&aud poucdi, wjth titvus Leo and Archibald Come, aa biiietioK II iw hUcceasor qualified ou the te..th day of February, 1777, hence Uiliml Buncombe was the last clerk of tho couuiy court fur Tyrrell under the colouinl govuiuuieut. Mr. Cone often 4er formed i ho duties of the office as Colonel Uiiuuoiube'B deputy. They were "Co- ' prtners kiuJ merchants" at Leo's iIills. It ia waid that Colonel Bunco tube's Hue Tjrr!l t'ii;e c&nm to him by the teruin of Lis Uucle Joseph's will. c .Some yturs before Colonel Edward'Bun coiubo Wtia bom, Jo.seph Buncombe went from England- to St. Kitts hopiuy to im prove his fortune. While there hie brother 'i liioiiiae Kent him money with which to 4tfy Jad. Boing a bachelor "heart whole and fancy free' uud heuriiifj of the fair wo luau and lrtile land of Albemarle, h sold Lid hoidiiiH in the "tiht little island" to V bu hmther, and Ciiue. to North Carolina. ,Oo the utu of March, 1722, be purchased ' frum Ed vard Most-ley ono thousand and tWeuty-fiVc acre of land in Tyrrell county, 4 "bounded on the eitt by Kendrick's creek, and ou the iuuth by Kendrick'e cro.ik ijud Heaver D&in Branch." About this time he . married Ann, the oldest daughter of Geo. Dttranl who had died iusl"3U. They mad thtr home on the Tyrrell kudu near what i uvf kuown an Burjcoiubs Lauding. On tb 17th dy of August 1 i !, JoKrph Bun Ootub qualified n;i the guardian of GeO. ' iuraut'e cmldreti, giving bond in the auui ot :-,'!4 'pound, uitu Stevens Lee aud U ilium Downing us Kurtir:. Uti the 10: h of September follow ing he executed to these buduien nn indemnifying dtcd covering ail his land and including sen-rat -" blavef. Thie det.d rtenldcU io the Tymll ofllco 18th April. 17;;b was the firt in aim men I registered iu that county. L.iter wt Ilnd Mr. liuucoiubc renewing )tii dd, end adding a suiu of motiuj ,4.i!judOi. to be uue him from the public" tut iinviH ezecutvd ut Kdentuii. lsvembr IlUth, KJ'J, he aiued nebioeii to his wif-, n n ana hit daiiyhitr Alhiy. AI'-'wv.ms lfctr 'lhomii Uorjiresr Who had married, Mi. Buncouibe's widow, settled up tl.e I)urut yuardiaiiKhip. Mary Buncombe xuarried a lir. hutton, aad her mother who ' Jfva born .July Hih, 17U, died in 1 741 , Latiu( two Bus by her CorpreW marriage Cjiwuel EJ vaid liuucamba who was born 174'.', wai probably Kent when qdi a i uug muu to look alter Ilia father'u St. lulls' pjojietty. At any rate he married Xiifcibeih LawNou Taylor there April loth, KCti. Thdr Hi tt child, Elizabeth Tuy. or, van boru in bt. IvilU, Maich 1 lib, 17C7, ai.d the second, Thoma, wns bum in North Carolina, February 3d,' 1709, while sin. km-m Bin u IV. a. a. a 1CINE 4 . . . ... 2I T A satiinv cornpiexion, dizzmcs ?ue II biliousness and a coaled tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe m they, are, give immediate varning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, arc much harder to cure. Thedford's Bliick-Drauqht never fails to bene fit diseased livor tmd "weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the gerrna of fever and agfue. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Er ight's disease of the kidneys. With kidnevs re inforced by Thwlford's Black Draught thousands of persocs have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families liva iu perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for me in an emergency and saves many expensive cells of a doctor. Mu?lins,S.C., March !0, 1901. f have ud Thcdford'j Slack -Dr.iufht for thre years and I have noi'hadt3$o to a doct jr 4irve 1 hav bicn tak'ng ii. H is the best Medicine f.r iv.c i'-i is on the i.v;rr:tf .for !iv,- p.nd !'idr,jy complaints. Kev. A. C. LEW JS. J? ij-' th last child Hebter, was born' April 25tb, 1771. ' ' Colouel -Buncombe's first public act in his uew home waa to nit as a member of an 'inferior court" held at the Tyrrell court house, -On tha Becond Tueeday In May, 17;'.'," His name appear lal iu the li.t of justices at this term, but Le wa one cf -the three Who remained to align the decket at the end of the session. From, thee circumstances it would ap poar probable that Colonel Buncombe re moved with hie family to North Carolina as early as the nprinj! of 1768. The story ot h'u coming as popularly related, ia as fol lows : One Mr. Coi of Edeuton learning that : olouel Buncombe had come into poesei eion of the Tvrrell lauds, weut to .St, Kilts and iff.rrd to buy the property. But youuj Mrs. Buncombe' advised her husband tnt if it wa6 worth all that trouble ou the pint of Mr. Cor, it turely 'was worth a visit from itj owner before continuing a sale ot it. Acting upon this tugge8liort Colons! Buncombe c;unt to North Carolina, and Was so much pleaned with the place that he at once gave orders to Stevens Lee of Lee's Mills to build a house lor him ou the farm, while he returned for his family. Coufidoring the fact that 'luiubt:r could only be sawed duriu;. th'i winter months, and that bricki were only made in the summer, and takiug iuto account the fact that all procesuei of buiidiu at that time were Vtry slow, it. seems probable that this Urbt visit of Ooian&l iiuncombo'e was made during the summer of 170(5. It has beeu Guid that the bricKs uicd iu the buildinlj wore brought from Euglaud. Jiut Governor Tryou wrote that very year 'We do not impoit lime, lumber or bricks, either from the uortheru coioniest or from Eulaud." There were brick yard at Leb'n Mill. To bocontiniMd next week." Times are hard .nd it buhsovus us to economize. If iour lust yjar'a suit is boiled don't cast itj ubiae, but take it to uumi. kViKiU"- B -u, i"r iiitle cost, dye them or clean and preHs thenso they will look yc-od it 6 new, iu.d you will bave the cost id a new bud- Lndion' drc-soes dyed or reno ated. lie h also au expert iu cleaning and uphcUteliug lurniture. 'Iry him oucu aud bo convinced. There U a p:ace for everything, but few peupl havo ac:uni to the imlCi, Muked A CKuin bweep. There's nothing like doing a thiug thor oughly. (Jf all t bo .rial ves you ever heard ui, Buckleu's Arnica balve is the beit. ll nweeH away und cures . Burns, i5uri:S. Bruises, Cuts, .Boils, lluern, h. i n .Ki uj -lions and files. only -3o, and u:uu- teed to nive satisfaotmu tipruiil Si Bro. Some men never tire of doing good b CHUbo i hey never do auy. 10 CfJUK A (JOLI.) IN ON K.DAY 1 ake Ltxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druints refund the money if it iails to cure. E. W. Grove' signature is oo each box. 'J?C. lii.ly Mauy of the so-called izems of thouuhl are nothing but past. , Ott its Blood, Ski 'i Troubles, Oanci-T, 1 Blood i'oi.sou. CJp'titesL Biuud Buritier Frew. If your blood in impure, thin. dUnsed, hot or lull of hiunoix, i! you have blowd lioiscn, cancer, curbundeK, eating Mites. crottilii, eczema, itching, risings and lumps, hCnbby, imply bkin, bone pains, caturrh. ihciunatism, or any blond or tfkiu direuie take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) accord ing to directions, boon all sores heal, nche aud pams htop, the blood.is made pur? am; rich, leaving the skiu frte from every erup tion, and Kivh'K the rich glow of perfect health to thekin. At the Kame time, B. B. H. improves the diKCstiou, cures dy-Kpep si-jL, utieiititheus weak kidney. Just the medicine for. old people, as it gives them new, vigorous blood. DruggintB, $1 per larjie botlle,with directions for Lome cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atluutu, ju. Describe trouble and special free inedic.il advice niso saut in sealed letter. B.-B. B. is enpecially advined for chronic, dnep-seated cnrei or impure blood mid Akin disease, jud cure-s after all :fe fails. J'cxelc For &2ilc ! AX. 7e Lave a Gup, fi-yenr-old, 7i0 pound J;ck for sale. This auimal is free from all kndta and blemishes, is prettily marked, End perfect iu every particular. Can be Seen at Hortou's ht abler, Plymouth, N. V. C-10 f . II. NEWBEllHY i CO. fim, - Mil Perfect and Peerless and all Liver, Hidr.ey aud Blad der troubles caused by uric ncid. iu the system. It cure3 by cleansing &ud vitalizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and buiica up the health and strength of the patient while usin? the remedy. URSCSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It had cured and will continue to cure more of the abore diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California P.emedy ; never disappoints. It cures in fallibly if ta'kc-:i as directed. x Try it and he convinced that it is a wonder end a blessing to euffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, cr G bct tle3for$5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars end wonderful cures. If your druggist caunot "upuly you it vrill be sent, prepaid, upon receipt cf price. Address: LKC30L CL'KIICAL CO., Los Acgeles, Ct!. LAMAR & RANKr.r CO., AtUata, Ga. UislrlbHtlug A.ivn. Our Clubbing Oiler. Until this notice tiisapppJirs we will- give the foliowing Olie.up Club JiHtcs: The Honnoke Beacon and the Atlanta?' ConNtitution one yeKr for .XM The Uonnoko Beacon, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South one year for..... 1,75 The Itnartoke Beneou and the Thrice-A-Week New Yoik V orld one year for 1.50 And if yon want the Bt Combination ti be hnd for Iovt or icouej, fond ks only uili.oO and wo wjll xond yon for one ynr, Yonr Hnn Pnper, the Thric-A-WorJ: New York World, the Athnta Constitution and the 8unny South Six if the best pi pers published every wek, and at tea than half the cot of one daily. Addrtss Tlib UOANOKB BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. . J. BABCO. UiKlertakcr aiul . Cnrriago Sfaker, Ciiffinp, CKhkftsacd Buvial-i.aseH of all ""styles, grade?, sizeH and prices. CT Cloth Lind C.ies a Specialty. Special attention given to ouler front a distance. If it bhonid bo your .misfortune to need. anything in Ibis line, call on me. I have asJuice a line of open and top ve hicles i:s Las evoir been shown in thi3 ?nc-, tieti. J ii work and prices 1 dtly compe tition. Examine my block belore placing your order. 1 have Mecured the M.-rviees of a nrst-cluss trimmer, and !I work is executed iu a l borough, work man-like manner. fc. J. BAL'CO, up 1-tf BOl'EH, N. C. Nothing has ever equalled it. 3 Nothing can ever surpass it. m . . 3 A Perfect For All 1 hroat and Q I Cure : Lung Troubles. h Moey back If It falls. Trial Cottlee free, g V 1 CW'ssu. 1 Grve9s has strood the test 25 years. Average anmial sales over One &fk! a Half Million bottles. Does t!iis record f P0 mt appeal. to Enclosed wit,h every bottle NORFOLK &"SOUTIIEBN RAIL . IIOAD COMPANY.'- IN EFFECT! MARCH' 1st, 1903. train service. Noktheound : Leave Belhavcn 'daily (except Sun Jaj') 7:00 a. m. Leave Edeuton daily (except Sunday) '. 145 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Suuduy) 2 4o p. ao. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 20 p.m. Leave Edenton daily ex. Sunday K:30 a. ui. Leuve Elizabeth City daily except Sunday 9 3U a. ni. Arrive Mortolk daily ex. Sunday 11 00 a.m. SOUTIIEOUND : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday). . .... lOOu a. m. and 4 10 p. in. Arrivu Eiiz. City daily (except Sunday) 11 30 a. m and 40 p. m. Arrive Edenton daily (except f'Sunday) lai'.Op. to. and 640 p. m. Leave Edenton daily (except Suudav). 12 45 p. m. Arrive Belhaveu daily (except Sunday)... HiJO p. rn. Train stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Division. STEAM BOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun day) 0:00 h. m. and 12:45 p. m., for Plym Oiith, connects with WashiDgton & Plym outh b. li., for Wnabuitui, h.C, and with Blearaier for Windsor QLeave Edenton 12:45 p. ni., daily except Sunday, for Ncuppernong Kiver, Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roa -Pake Ibland, Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 0:00 p. ui., aud Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 p. i.; connect with A. &N. C. li. It., and Aifuntio Coast Line lor Goldsboro and Wilmington, tc. Steamers have Belhaveu daily (ex. Sun day) lr ashinsjtou, k. C, and Tuesday, Thuidny and Saturday tor Aurora, South Creek, Makleyville. Ac, and ft a. m Tues day and Friday for Swan Quarter, Ocra cokt and Cat e Chiinne!. For further informatiou apply to J. J. Ilaesel', Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen-; eral Ofiice of the N. & S. ii. 11. Co., Nor folk, Vto M. K. KING, , IT. C. HUDGIKS, Geu'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. T M E 1XDIANPOLIS, IND. Tlic Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Is Edited by the HON. JUS". H. BRlGHAM, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, Assisted by an Able Corps of Editors. 1 his valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of all agricultural subjects, will also discuss the great issues of the day, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something to think about asideAfrcm the "every day humdrum of routine duties. Two F:r ths Price of One. THE BEACOH Your Only cuuty Paper and The AMERICAN FAR MICK, loth One Year For ONE DOLLAR. This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within thiriydays. sample copies.ree. Address: The Roanoke Beacon SI CMI jm . no Cure, is a Ten Cent Package of GROVE'S CLACK ROOT UVEH. P3LLSk A. C. Xi CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH' DATKD . May ISOft. ''55 A l :iu l oo P HI 12 tX , 1 00 1 )! UIS 4 41 T CO Y SI . M '3 6 it A fcft AM Yr M 'AS V ll fT'Weldon ArKbtkyAlt Lv Tuiboro ;t'j 7 S3 JQ02 -7 53 11 to S.Ll luh) AM 'Jit) l.v K.t ky Ml L W iloii J.r Seiuui I.V Fajelteville Ar PJurctit-e at GaUlsboro l.v (;oldlxro . i.v Mnuolia Ar Wiiuilnctvn 5 45 1 M 6 W KM- T SI . ? 15 8 3 f .. 4J.'5 lunr coo TRAINS GOING NOBTTI. H . -TV. -V -, ir., 'AO Z. it 1' M . 10 05 8 S0J " 12 40 lUK8t U 10 11 4a A M P M AM 7 1)0 SO 8 80 It OS 785 0 37 120 Y SI AJI PM AM 2 35 8 20 ' 12 20 10 35 'A 18 3 :A 9 "l J2 10 11 W 1 IS 2 31 3 50 12 4 ,3 1 5s7 Lv Kli reiice fC l.v Kuvetieville l.v Aeirna i At Vhi-oa Lv Wilmington " l.v Mnjiiioliu l.v Ciuiusbxro Lv AVilnon Ar Roc ky Mt Ar 'I urboro Lv Tarboro Lv Hocky Mt Ar Welduu 1' M . . ' A M P M TRAIN on the Sent land Neck Brunch roiid lvo Weld on 315 pm; Ilulifax 3x! p m; arrirtNi Scotland Neck 4 10 p m; Ureeiivilie 5 47 p m Kiiir-tou (i 45 pm. Iteturning leave Kihrion 7 u0 a in; (jteeiivillr 8 30 a ui; arriving liuli'ax 11 05 a m; U clduu li 0 a m, ilaily ticept iStinday. Ttaius on Washington Brtinch leaven Wanliingrcn 8 0'J a in ami 1 4r p ni. univintr I'nrmete "8:55 a ni, and 3:30 p in, innrnin leav Paruielo OV ; 1 5 am and 5:22 p m. nirive W uuLinton 1U:35 a m auC 6:J. p m, except buiuluy. Train leave Tatboro, N. ('.. daily except Pundiiy 4:35 p in MiiiUay 4:35 p n arrives riyuionth 6:35 i in, 6:30 p in, liuturuiit leaver Plymouih Uuily ex cept Sunday 7:30 a in uud Sunday D;00 s m, uirivee Tuiboro 'J.b't n iu ll:C0aui. Truln eh Midluud, N. C, Hrantli leaves Col(J hoio daily excet Jsunitfty 5:00 u in, arririuic suuiili lkld (i:li a m. He-turning liavt bmiihlitld 7 :00 a. m, arrive at Gold. bom b:25 a tu Train on Nanhvitle Uraiirh leave llocky Mouus at 0:30 sin, 4:1 0 ni nirive Natbviile 10:20 a ui. 4:',:$ p m. sprint' ltopc 11:00 a m 4:S p r. KeiiuTi ing leave Spiiutr llpe,Jl SH) n m, 5 15 p ni, Ktnili viile )145 a in. 5 45 pin. aime at hocky ilout; 12 10 a in, e v:0 p m, daily exit pt ttincay. Truin No 78 makes cIoms connection at Weldoa for all point nor lb daily, all rail via hithmniid. ii. M. KMKKSOX. (iien'l Pas?. Afunt. J. It. KKNLY. r.en'l Manaeer. T. M. HMKK0N, Tr. W-r. - To all our Subscribers No Pay. 1 , J i4i.tf.jw int'iiNHUuwM' -