. 3 T ' ; - : : : C JUST A DELICATE HINT. EM fe re? The need of a dark room in photog raphy is obviated by Dr. Ilozekiol, of IJerUu,- by the use of a rothli.sh-brown . -.solution. .Iffijiieriun of- ihv r plates iu this for two minutes renders the film IrufVerviouS to .light, after vhk-ti the developing can' be done j:i broad day light. " A naturalist says that the Hissing of the cat !s merely an Imlt.-.tion of the hiss of tho oiiake, done, for the cat's protection. Everything in nature dreads the snake, and the hiss is its characteristic note. That other ani mals should imitate it, therefore, is only a part of nature's protective scheme. Arsenic, the dreaded poison that Pro fessor Armand Gar. tier, of TaiK as sorts is essential to lite, proves to be diss'-niiiiaied in the primitive nicks, from which sen -water derives iis store. The minute quantity taki in the food becomes kvaKzcil'in I ho skin and its appendage.-, the thyroid ard mam mary glands, the brain and the bones, aud it is stated to be the excitiug. fer ment of ihe functions of sensation and reproduction, just as phosphorus is the exciting element of the functions of cellular nutrition. A naturalist s;vs that the red-billed weaver-bird is to be' form! nowhere except with buffaloes. The reason is that the bird gets nearly on all its food on the big, woolly animals, catching and eating the parasites and insects that infest them. It flits from one end to the other of the big body and hunts its prey as confidently as if the buffalo wore Avithout life, and the buffalo avoI coiacs it as a friend. If -danger -approaches tlie bird stops feeding arid ilies up into the air with a peculiar sound that tho animal takes as a waru iug. - A series of experiments ay as recently carried out. at the Altenburg colliery, near Saarbrucken, Germany, Avith lime, tar and carbolineum to detennine the respective value thereof as preserva tives of mine timber against rot. Lime was found to be of the least value, while coal tar, although insuring per fect preservation of the surface of the timber, failed to protect the in terior, which in every instance was found to be seriously attacked by rot. Carbolineum, however, gave excellent results, provided the timber coated had been previously barked and well dried. T,he first city in Germany, and per haps in tlie world, to use ozone for the purification of its water supply is Schierstein. Chemists and bacteriolo gists have long been familiar with the germicidal qualities of this form of oxygen, and a number of attempts have been made in Europe and Amer ica to utilize the principle. Schierstein, which is a suburb of "Woisbaden, ap pears to be a pioneer, though, in tho adoption of the system on a large scale. An elaborate factory to produce ozone electrically from the atmosphere has been erected at the waterworks, and has now been turned over to the mu nicipality. Similar apparatus has been installed at raderbo'rn. Ozone is used to . purify only drinking water, and treatment with it. is substituted for sand filtration, the favorite expedient in Germany for getting a-rd of obnox ious bacteria. Facts About Insects. As about S000 neAv species of insects are named annually it is not surprising that our knoAvledge of these forms of life must have increased very greatly since the issue of the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In the supplementary volumes Dr. Sharpe in his article. "Insects," presents a sum mary of recent progress in entomology. Tt is estimated by some authors that the entire insect world numbers some thing like 10.000,00;) forms, of which ninny are still unknoAvn to science. As a large number of species must be in process of extinction Dr. Sharpe concludes that it is probable that a ccnsiuerable proportion of the species of irsecvi'r.tr.v existing will have disap peared front ih.j face of the earth he fore specimens of them have been either discovered or preserved. It is interesting 10 reflect that science, cin nivii'oiis and all-collecting, may he distanced hi the mere attempt to cata logue the inhabitants of a very small ear:!:. i A ATammotli Siull From Texns. T1h hirest s'.vull of sin nisperkil TOiirnir.nih o::lnut has been placed en :chi'itlf:n :u the fossil nianiwal hall f t!-? Mv..:"ara of Natural. IIi?i:ry at Ko-A"-Yorl;- Cily. ' Tho threat tu.-i;;; and iatc oi u-" 1 ;';st vcrc 13s!-.; i"cd by ;ti,- .-.--i-rt." i!i 1,W::(,.,ni 'I't'X::, ;u:u ihe n -.l'M v.-;:s :v;;.i.l::.-o-;.l ' '! !c '.' : 'r.- lou-f- '.on of tho .:--ia;M...tt!-.' If :;.':. lrijr .' ;-'ri:id!:r-j. rt'j afi'i tl!.'':yflnlc tus!:s arc tuiii - The 'ir;hs v iiio lurest ever ;-"n,:;:l sri:o?i'.v c!tt:'?r Hvlli;; or 1'osil an So ns ji-es'rvL d ii.ey ni-'ns-iirc .ti'.U;or.,p n 1 a half tovt. It is 03 aiir'.ilrd that th-.-'ir ori;;i!inl b'tiih w.-is I'oui-N'pa and a half, the cn.'.'s having .Ix-cu brolica off. ) How Irishman Wittily Suggested Ad ditional Refreshment. V An Irish jarvey was driving with an English visitor, who was on his way to spend Christmas Avith some, rela tives in Ireland, cn a bitterly cold day in December through - the Avilds of Cocnemara. ,wThey became quite so ciable on the way, and the native, in a burst of confidence, pointed out a she been where the "best potheen in Con nacht" might be obtained. The Eng lishman, cnJy too, glad to get an op portunity of warming himself, offered refreshment, which offer Avas readily accepted. " Tis a very cold day in these parts, Pat?" observed, the tourist. " 'Tis, your honor," replied Pat. He raised his glass, and the cbntents speedily vanished. "And there's truth in the ould sayin'," do suggestively added, smacking his lips; "cue swal lew never made a summer. ".London Tit-Bits. Excusable Profanity. Rear Admiral Melville addressed the Engineering society cf Columbia uni veirity cn Atretic experiences last week, and for nearly three hears kept his audience deeply interested, many . of his hearers being women. In tell- f ing what happened at the Avreck of the Janette he said that at one time he was afraid of being swamped and that made him swear. "So I turned," said he, "and yelled, C d n it, ). must run for it or swamp.' It made me swear, ladies and gentlemen." For a moment everybody Avas startled, but a round cf applause soon testified to an understanding that the sailor Avas merely realistic and not profane in the ordinary way. Native Generosity. ''Are ycu catching any fish, little boy, may I awsk?" "Not a blame fish;" "Are you1 aw getting any bfte3?" "Nary bite." "Have you been fishing here long?" "All day." "Do you expect to catch anything?" "Nope." "Then why, little boy, (io you continue- to tish?" "So's you kin hev somethin' to put in yer book on Ameriky, mister." How' This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case .of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F, J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J.Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out uny obliga tion made by their firm. West & Tkcai, Wholesale Druggists.ToIedo, "iOftfo. Warding, Kinnak&Mabvik, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hail s Family Pills are the best. It's no fun for a woman to suffer if sho has to suffer in silence. FITS permanently curod.No fits or nervous, ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Kerveltestorer. $2 trial bottleand treatise free Dr. B.H. Kline, Ltd.,, 931 Arch Bt.,Phila.,Pa. . The girl who marries in haste is iome iimes obliged to walk hom. Mrs.Winslow's SoothingSyrup for children teething.sof ten tho gums, reduces inflamma tion,allays pain,cures wind colic. 25o. abottlo The man with one foot in the arrave ! finally gets there with both feet. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Savt'jci.. Ocean Grove. N .7.. Feb. 17. 1900. 0 v ) 0 0 o X The Great Spring Remedy. After ths rigors of winter arc felt you arc liable to feel the need of a tonic, laxative atd YOU WANT THE REST, OF COURSE; THAT IS RHEUM ACIDS. Thi3 medicine is scientifically compounded from the extracts of roots, her! s and Lr.rks, com bined v;i:h certain other purifying and alterative rroducis. A sure cure for Rheumatism. Indigestion. Cr-nstinRti'-n, I'.oils, Kidney Tronhles, and all diseases arising from impurities in the blood. Atli your ciruggif;t3 for RHEUMACIDE and insist oii getting it. Beware of substitutes of doubtful vaius. All Druggists, Ji.oo, or express fcobfjitt Chemicnl Co., - . - 1, FACTORY LOADED tt New Rival" Leader" Repeater' iuV ycu arc looking M Un munition, the kind lJ.-i yol point your gun, Leaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival" loaded with Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded vith Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS mm i. information as to right living health end happiness. v"ith proper knoAvledge, each hour of recreation, cf enjoyment and of eCort may be made to con;ribute to that end and are of not less value than tlis using: of the most wholeecma foods and the selecting of the best medicinal agents when needed. With tlis well-informed, medicinal agents are used only wben nature needs assistance and while the importance of cleansing the system effectually, when bilious cr constipated, ha3 Ions been known, yet until within recent years it was necessary to resort to oils, salts, cxtrrxtc cf rocls, barks and other cathartics which were found to te objectionable and to call for constantly increased quantities. ' Then physicians having lcaned that the most excellent laxative and carminative principles were to be found in certain plants, principally in the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered a method of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and of presenting them with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form most acceptable to the system and the remedy-became known as Syrup of Figs as figs were used, with the plants, in making it, because of their agreeable taste. This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use as the best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use maybe discon tinued when it is no longer required. All who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember that it is the one remedy which physicians and parents wen-informed approve and recommend and use and which they and' their little ones alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects. Syri-p of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of flly cents per bottle, in original packages only, having the name of the remedy Syrup of Figs and the lull name ot the company' , California Fig Syrup Cc. printed on the front of every package. USE TAYLOR'S (Hoi Industrial Matters. - At Ocala, Fla., last week M. W. Goethe & Co., of Collins, Ga., purchas ed 10,000 acres of timber land from N. W. Ellis for $20,000. Another sale is reported of 10,000 acres by W..W. Ull man to Peterson & Pounds for the same consideration. The turpentine and tim- her industry in . the Ocala section at present is remarkably active. The lumbermen of Memphis, Tenn., have determined to begin shipping their finished product to New Orleans by means of barges on account -of the freight congestion. A local insurance agent last Teek was asked to place marine insurance on three barges with over a million feet of lumber consigned to New Orleans for export. - When the Bible becomes the guide of men all men will know it is the gift of God. Even the man with a weak intellect may be headstrong. Juxe Tint Bdttek Color makes top of the market butter. Don't imagine that all your neighbors need reforminrr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 la. 0 0 '0 1 Li prepaid on receipt of price. L'' - Bettimore, Md., U. S. A. Q SHOTGUN SHELLS for reliable shotgun am- that shoots where you : i buy Winchester Factory' til is KEEP THEM and the best methods of promoting San Franciscoi Cal Cherokee Remedy of Sweet IfrflQ-'Gnlfl! f JlflHnnP aU Throat Nr, 7 ior m ALL TCEAICTS of rm oricspial (BLACK OH VELLOW) SAY IT IS THE BEST ?vWSW AND SAY IT TA$r EMPHATICALLY! IOWER CO, BOSTON. MASS., U.S.A. lOSlOWeB CANADIAN. CO, t united, TOBOHVO, CAN. DROPSY 10 DATS' TKEATEKENT FREE. Have mado Dropsy and its com plications a specialty i'ar twenty years with tfio most wonderfy success. Havo cured Eianytuous". and r.aspa. -ysv 12. s. n. czmvz scits, iSi 1 r t -r t t wiin Cun be oasily made with our Pi e11 Augers & Drills One man and one horse rpquircH. Wu w i. r nre the only makers of tlio l'illtn Well- VV Boiing and E.ook-Dr.HidK.itiicbiDO. ':iirJ5 Wnrrntitpd tho Rout, on Enrtfc! JSjixsy ot oar customers tnnko from !tO tu 4. a fy. Suoic aaU Circulars Addruaa, LCCMIS ffiflCKlSE CO., TIFFIN, OHIO. So. 11. flPf. till', t. K-i 1 vtkr'a nctt.. ta a r A f.lifil In any oiiior in America, 'mere is reason for this. We own mid op- tiiiw w vet c : (.a iur ii iu ii uiiuc- je. tion of oiirclioiceBoecis. In onler to jt'H innncoyou totrv ihmn weinnka rff.Hl tlie following unureetiUenti-a oftor-:' For HG Cents Postpaid . $ 23 sorts wonderfQl cniuns, c 'f,j 18 sorts nagnlOeratcarmts, t" j 5 peerless li-tturo tariplics, A'-fA H5 rnro losrions radish, Ail1 i-il Dilcin)i(t beet loris, L li elorimisly hi aullful flower spdi,"1 In ail 210 kinds positively ninustunx c - i bushels of chsirmuiu; Uowt-'-s ncl lots JiT-l End loss of fjhoieo vojtctablPB, toj;eih-f of cr with our Kieatfit:iloue Telliii'; all .y, C'i about Jlacuioni Wlieat, Kill Up tirnaa. Tconlnte. Uroinns. Kneltz. 71 et!.,all for only Jlie. lu Btaiupti and r;. 1 Juisno'Joe. r.-A O t . A 1 A. t. . . . I lYm JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., f iJJl La Crosse, Wit. -j t&i fe tiW irfiii iWlin INtKVtb UlNilKUlNU AINU lltAUb THAT ACHE - WISE WOMEN B BROMO-SELTZER. TAKF. IB t Ji A m,1 A 1M a .21 l It la a f li 11) ' mm Gum land MuUein rteGp0 anil Lung Troubles; Thoroughly tested!, -years, au iruffpists. k.jc, ouo atc y.i-.ciJ? A Golden Rule of Agriculture:- Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of in the fertilizer spells quality J A.vJf and quantity in the har- id iffliMU. vest. Write us and-' m wc win seiia you, AW-ffifiMtr 'l free, by ne,t.AW,.Mi r money winning J'lJ.'f rSMlM VIII WADL'C J.frfii ou book GERMAN KALI WORKS. ' iJK - 3- Nasscu Street reet. ' Hew Vork. her vast experience V?- ',f and ask her what -is fbest for your Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles. We think she will recomniend DH. THAGKEPi!3 LIVER ELOODSYeyP because she has tried it and knows it cures. .Been on market 50 ytar9andis rciutoie. . you try it. f-Oc and $1 00 nt pootl drupits. Thaclier's Liver Medicine (drv), '2,'n Yes, your driigRisl. sells it. Be ts. Dr. cents. Be sure it s i.'r. l nacner'.s, thoufch. Write our Consultation Department, exjlainiuR- syniptotus, and receive free confidential advice. THACMElt MEDICINE COMPANY, Chattanoogn. Tenn. I PAY 8I'OT CASH FOll MILTTAKY I Alin '.W Ann UliTn L BOUMV I1?'11 oldierscf ny war. AIho Boldler Add! tlon.l Horn-stnad Kiijht!. Write me at onoe. ttaaj.a.in.uLfl.f.o. ijox 148, Denver, Colo. If afflicted with wenlt eyes, uue 'Hr3 'sSs is Wew Yorll, N. Y. t ' aas7 II '.'T.-- H i I,. nil Till llll Illl IUI II II I IU I II I' II r mfm Thcmpscn's Eya Water

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