THE 110AN0KE BEACON. Published every fuiijay C. V; W. AUdBON, Editok. PLYMOUTH, N.O. Fuiday, Dkcwuuer 18, 1U03. The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. l nc im-io-aate rarmer knows what to I'cj'.l his cows to get the most liiii!:, his pigs to get the most j..k, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. ..til 1 1 S I k f.'. JIJI..L. LIS V . . - a a 1 i 1 1 V - 1 1 Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft . and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, iShe Lime and Soda make bone and brain.. It is the standard scientific food for delicate Children. Send for free sample. Pe nre that tVU picture in the frin of a label i the wrapper of every Umle of Lmflsion you buy. Scctt&Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and fill druggUtj. Still Leading. J. E. "JOHNSTON, lloper's Leading Merchant, v. Offers you special induce ments in Silks and other La dies' Fine Dress Goods, shirt-waist goods, trimmings, fine Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., etc. Also a nice line of Men's and Boy's Shoes, Hats, Under wear, and all fine furnish ings just received. Also a nice line of Overcoats, Rub ber goods, etc., etc. A complete line of fancy and family Groceries always on hand. In fact anything and everything needed in a well appointed household. It is a pleasure for us. to show goods, and every purchase is appreciated. A big lot of Peanut bags just received. Give us a call. Headquarters for Santa Claus. J. Johnstoi Uoper, N. 0. EGZEI Old Sores, Itching Piles, OKin ui states, ABSOLUTELY, CURED. HERMIT SALVE, 25 AN B 50 CENTS A BOX. Sold by n: DnwtriRts. TaVo no other. Ol J Family KwtiMy 23 years. WANTK.t- FAITHFUL lKR-ON TO THAV EL ml miiHT'ie lorce uf tll':l)le uuo nuiKo cil iH-finni for iiiiuiuructuiinu lioue. Utruiaut Hlary jo.oti u veR nnd Kiilury imtd wcL-Lly uml esiM iic money advmiced. i'revlim rxprrirnct; ,..'..urr. l.ociJ tcrrilorv. UUHiness t-uccuhH i-.,.Ui,)i. Diiriuiiitiiit. Kncloae Mttlf-ad(lrrfi;l ouvoiiHM!. Miiorlmi)deut. Ml ir!uni irel mmm. BEACON FLASHES Those who have friends visiting then), or who iuieudu leaviug hocue &? thetubelves, will pleaao let it bo known - at this office, ho thw fact may be men tioued. it dota not matter whether j you Hfo a subscriber or not. All we & tt ubk is let us know it. Christmas juut ons week off to-day. Hon. H. S. Ward is in Washington thin veek. Don'f oak us about "Fewer gallons; wears longor." Mr. W. J. Clark of Washington, wan in town yesterday. No Machiue Ticket is given for a pay ment of les thuu one dollar. Mr. II. 13. Sedberry returned home from Chapel Hill Wednesday night. Mr. J. Q. Ward of New York, is here visiting hi brother, Dr. W. H. Ward, 1 Ask Burton Ward about ''Fewer gallons; wears lonj-er.'' We are showing the prettiest aftsorttneut of 10 and '!' Cent Glows and China articles tvtr seen in Plymouth. Very impropriate for holiday gif.s. Louis P. Horuthitl. Mr. D. F. An.brone, of near Rouer. cal led in to nattd us a dollar lat Saturday. i Don't fail to visit II. B Sedberry & CoV wLnu looking tor asuititble holiday present. Mr. Jos. Newberry of Norfolk wai her this wtk visitiug his mother, Mrs. A M. Ayers. Itev. W. B. Briekhonse of Skiunersville, was in to aee us yesUrcUv and renewed Lis bubbcripttm. Mr. Herman llorutbal of Norfolk was thu guest f his brother. Air. Louis P. lloruthal, this week. Mrs. It. II, Patterson and daughter, Miss Iltl- u, of Wilson, are the gu-ihts of 4rk. R. A. Wiliiford. TLose living near Skionersville can sub scribe or yet a receipt and machine tickrt through Kev. V. a. Bnekliouse. See him to-day. Mrs. II, O. Wood and little son, Master Fred, of Kdentou, were the guents of Mrs. E. W. Pagan lor several days during the past week. The Old Reliable, Bob McVay, direct from Kentucky, arrived here with a car load of uo:m's aud tuules yesterday, itud will be glad to ste you aud shake your Laud, whether you are a buyer or mt. ThoM urar Itoper cau fcubucrib or git a receipt and machine ticket through Mr. J. W. Siugletou. at J. L Johnston nlore. II can also show yuu the choicest hue of Xru.iw goods you have seeu lately, aud will soil iLciu to you che -p, too. Call ou hiui to dy. When iron goes up, prices go up ; When intii goes down, prices go down. W h)? Bf causa th quality of Excelsior Oook Stoves never change. Big lot just received. LuUIS P, HORNTHAL. sole Agent. Although the country is flooded with money our Buuitcrioers are paying up ana renewing very slowly, friends, we nave served you faitbfuly ; now we need the money; 'u know if you owe us; don't think bcause money is plentiful with you that it is with us; wc get no more t'n our work uow than when t)m"S were hard with you, and need it woie. Plae don t wait tor us to call on you, -ut send it in to-day It is with feelings of dep rorat that we aouovnee th dcaui ot tittle Slliorrd fiew- berry, the three-yt-ar-ohl daagbler of the late (pl aud Mrs. Chas Martin, at the home of her atiut, Mrs A. I). Snell, near Skiunersville, this county Lit le Mildred liyed with her graiid-mothar, Mrs. A. M Avers, ot tbis town, but wne visiting her aunt at the time of her dath, winch c curred at ' o'clock last duuday looming. Ihe remains were brought to this town mid laid beside thoe of her father and mother oq Monday. . Our sympatbie are extended to those who loved her. Port Norfolk, most charnit.c residence on Norfolk Harbor. Modern conveniences, lot near industrial centra ; progressive de velopment at $1"0 to $200 per lot Write today to M. W. Mason, Norfolk, Va . for paiticulnrs. 1-9 Let Us Know It. If those who give, or attend, the social entertainments in the" town or country during t lie holidays will be m kind as to report the same for tin next isMie of this paper we will pub lish them with pleasure, and will ap preciate it. very much. Ask the piMuiaKtei about Fwr gal lou ; cars looirer." Pension Warrants. The State Auditor has sent to Mr. W. M. 15a tern un the pension war runts for this county, to bo ditril tiled by him. It is to be regretted that thfse warrants are smaller this year, which is caused by there being a larger list of pensioners, while the appropriation remains the same. It is his opinion, however, that they will be larger next year. Don't Put It Off. Wo hate to refer to it so often, but ncce88ity compel us to uguin' ask thode indebted to us to adjust the mutter before Cliristmas. i'he amount to you in very small, but there are so many of you that it amounts to quite a 8itm to us, aud it is vry urgent that we have it at once. Now, please attend to this to-day, while you think of it. , The columns of a newspaper are the editor's farm, his shop, bank, his trade, hi grocery, his law office or profession, and when he donates space for which he gets no return, he is out, just us the farmer that gives away his pigs and chickens, butter and eggs, or the professional man who gives advice gratis. CUESWELL CHAT. . Mr. Jonu JrvU was iu town Suuday. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Utury Pbeipu were iu town Mou iny. Mr. Mercer, of Skioneisville, was iu town titttuiduj-. Public Kclionl started ut Creswell Acad emy ladt Monday. Mm. A. C. Hoi men uud children seut Sunday ut Cherry. Several of the yonug ladies of town are teaching public sLwoIh in the couutry. Iter. Mr. Chaplain preached at tht Bap tiit chuich Sunday, moruiug md night. There was choir practice at both the liaptint aud M. P. church en bunduy P. M. Thote near Crrswell can feubveribe or get a receipt and machine ticket through Mr. 0. L. llardison. See him to-day. Metiers. L. S., and I). E. Spruill have purchased Mr. Alfred Alexander' mill and will continue the bnsineHS. They aru aU') cutting shingles und cau now eupply thu pubUc with anything in the way ot lumber. SCUi'l'EUNONG ITEMS. Mr. Ellitf Knowles of Tyrrell, Was in our mitlat ftuudwy. Mr. Saw Jarvis of . City, was in our Dlidftt last werk. Mr. DalUa Norman made a flying trip to Edoatou laat we.k. llisg UuUlin Overton tctit from Friday until tSuuday with Miiw Jeia Lilchtild. We are glad to report Utile Mid Hilda Ward, who lua been quite ill, tie improving. Mr. and Mrs, L. 13. Hardison Wore the KUCHts of Mr. aud Jim McCabe lact Sunday. Mrri. Mary M. Overton of Lauibertu Point id Lome to spend Xtnaa with her parents. Mr. George Liverniftn of Columbia, uncut Sunday nignt with Mr. 11. A. JLilcbtUld aud family. Me. 8. Stillman and Know leu, with two youutf ladies, of Creawell, were at Mount Pleanant Sunday. Those in the neighborhood of Scupper- uou or Crt-swell can Hiibiwrihe or get a receipt aud mat-bins ticket through Mr. C. L. liardiaou. bee him to-day. Foley's Honey and Tar positively cures all throat aud lung diema. iiofuse hub- siitutes. SoiJ. by .1. O. Jiiverett. W.4NTED-TKUSTWOUTHY LA.D1' OK gentleman to tnnuage businert in tlila Oouniy and adjoining territory for huuxe of boiid tiimucial Htandiug. $20 str.tlllt cah falary and expense paid e:icb Mon day direct from headquarters Kxpenne money advanced ; on tlvo perinanut Ad dress Manager, OUj, Mouuii Ituilding, ChicMgo. drc 15 J. W. PERRY COMFY, Cotton Factors and Com mission Merchants, Kohfolk, Va. Quotations Dc. 9, 1903. COITON Steady. . Striot Middling 1 Middling 13 14 Strict low Middling 12 I B Low Middling, 12 Tinges 12 1-8 NtrtitiH. hltie PEANUTS Firm. Fancy 3-8 to S 12 Strictly i'rittie 3 1-8 to 3 1 4 Prime '1 -4 to 2 7-8 Low Grades !M-1 Machine Picked 2 1-2 to 2 7-8 Hpanifh 85 to 87 $ bnnhel B. E. PEAS $3.5C bag Black and Speckle Feun 80 CUy and Red Peas 70 Peanut Bags, in bale 68 iu. 7 S-8 Hugging, Ties aud Peanut Hags for Sale, sep IS The Atmosphere of Christmas Pervades Every Part of Our The windows hint some little about the Christ inas, atmosphere by their decorations. It is within, however, that yon get the benefit of it all. The decorations have transformed the store completely, together with the changes made in the stock ;. these changes are for the purpose of bringing more di rectly to your attention the good, and useful artic les suitable for gifts to friends and members of the family. Enough of Christmas for young and old. We promised our friends we'd be ready for them this week arid, we've not disappointed them. Every Department speaks its own story of usefulness to the shoppers seeking suitable Xmas presents. We want the public to feel at home here the earlier you do your Xmas shopping the better selection you iiave ; the more of our time and judgement you can get; we like to be helpful to all our patrons, We give below a list of articles to be found at our store that may offer suggestions to you : Ludica' Furu. Milk Uandkerchirn Kid Gloves. Gent'a quilted silk Mufflers Scotch Gtoyes. " Aecot tie Umbrella. Tecks ties Plain and Embroider d HaadkrchUfs 4 Four-in-hand ties Velvet waist patterns iJat-wiug tics Silk " Hoae, plain aud fancy Dress patterns Suspenders Ladies' .and Children's Goats " Kid and Suede gloves Mapkius - " Gauutleta Table Linens Gulf gloves Ludiea' silk smb. Collars ' Buokakin gloves Gent's lineu aud cambric Ilaudk'fs Gent's and Youth's latest style Hata Lap robea , " Overcoats Shirts Clothiug Uullars and cuff i . . Shoes Meu's Umbrellas Children's Hoods Stag, Ebony and Sterling Men's Watch Chains " " Fobn Ladi' hat pins bcarf pins, lu variety of desigus Kail Fileri Letter openers Erasers Roller Blotters Ladies' Brooches Toilet aoapa Bay Hum Down Pillows Lithograph Sofa Pillow tops Fine Stationery Toilet aets 5iiCeBetiBig to SIoeeMeeper To know our Grocery, department is filled with numerous articles of food, consisting of fancy Gro ceries and Fruits of every description. Thanking our friends for the patronage given us during the year, and promising greater effort to meet it the coming year, wo wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Glad Now Year. lOuisR Store. Novelties. Silver thimbles Sterling silver hAndla bat brushes " " ' tooth brushes Gent's Cuff Buttons, pearl, sterling, gold " St ads Darners Shoo Horses Embroidery MjUsors Ttilet Wattfra Perfuujea Beautiful assortment Fancy Cniua and Gloas ware Manicure Sets Parlor Lamps Bugs Hornthal.

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