ST A IE TAX ASSESSMENT. The total assessment of al! prop erty in the State shows an increase of eighty-seven ami "a half millijn dollar, muile up as follow: Corporation Com. Bank Stock, Building and Loan, Corporation excess, Ilea & Pr. property, $;J5. 522,180 ..1,935,3: 1 102, J 11 00,000,OUO Total, $87,01)3,000 Ask your grocer about "Fewer gallons ; wear loDger." Fight Will lie Bitter. Thoss who will pemst iu closing their ears agaiuat the coutiuttal recotnineudatiun of Dr. Kiug'a New LUseovery for Consump tion, will Lave h loug aud .bitter light wuli thwir trouble), if uot ended enrlier by ftttal Uruiiuatiou. Head what T. it. Ileal! of Ueal, Min. has lo bay : . "Ltst fall tuy wit had every aymutom of coiihumptiou. bhc took Dr. Kinit's UtM Discovery uf ler every thing el. had failed, improve . eat came at once and four bottles entirely cured hsr." Guaranteed by tJpruill fc tiro. Price 40c, aud $1.00. Trial but tit tree. HAPPINESS. Happiness in this world, when it comics, come incidentally. Make it tliu object of pursuit, and it leads ns a wihl-goostt chase, ami is never at tain .d. Follow some other object, and very possibly wo may find that We have caught happiness, without dreaming of it. Hawthorn. lk your MiuinUr .about Fcwer gal Vm ; war lou.-r." A. kidney or bladder trouble can always ! ured by using Foley's Kiduuy Cure iu time. Sold by J. O. Everett. tim for rcraiiou or you wiii rork yurslf out of m job. A Frighlvtted Ilorae, ltHaiuff like nitd down the street dump ing lUa occupant, kr n hittifii 1 wtlfr c Cldeitl, are every day nceurretwm. It In. hti.Toit everybody to have a reliable ilv hnf.dy and there's atm hs irud tin Mu.-k-Ion's Arnica balre. Uu u, (Jot, Norn , K?zUia and Pile, disappear quirk ly uuder its Sooth tog effect. 2.rc, at Kpruili & liro';. Maipy is the ijirl who shi - ks her father Is th b-st on earth - A Timely Topic. At thi seaMoa of cough ahd colds it in well to kuow that Foley' Honey Hud Tar U -U grrtit throat aud lung rt-mdy. It ca quickly and prevent peiions results ffwiu a cold, bold byJ.OEere. Vln-5reiildent Woman' Demo cratic CUiba of Xottimrsi OUlo. , dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. I noticed Wine of Cardui, 'and decided to try a bot tie. I experienced sorr.e relief the first month, so I kept on taking It for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax." Vein ale -weakiics, disordered menses, falling of the -womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off. They follow a woman to thechange of life. Do not wait but take "Wine of Cardui vow and avoid the trou ble. Wine of Cardui nrvcr fails to beneat a suffering -woman of t. a??e. Wine of Cardui relieved Iirs. Webb w hen she was in dan cer. When you come to the . Lianue of life Mrs. Webb's letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suti'erin-' she endured. Drnryqrists sell $1 battles of Wino of Cardui. Mrs. Latw S, Webb, WHY HE WASKOTPIiOMUTKD lie watched the clock, lie was alwuys grumbling. He wan alwayti behiudhai.d. lie had no iron Id his blood, lie was wuliug, but unfilled, lie didn't believe iu himself, lie asked too inauy questions. He Whs Hluny by a bad bock. His tock excuse was I forgot." He wasn't ready for the next step, lie did uot put hie heait iu uis work, lie learned uothiu from bin blunders, tie felt lhAt he was above his pobitiou. lie ttied to make "bluti''' lake the place of ability. Ho thought he must take amusement every evcuing. Familiarity with slipshod methods par alyzed his ideal. Ho was ashamed of Lin parent because they were old-f.thhioued. He imitated -the habits of aieu wt-o cou d staud more tUau lie could. lie did but kaiu that the best part ol his ealary was uot iu Lis paj envelope. Ex' Wait for "Fewtr Galloua; Wears Lou ger." First make up ottr miii'l that It - um have soniutning worth ad- veitlaing, eotiiethliig that .the ?T f public rtally needs or- wants, romei.liing that will appeal to . Liiose who have intelligence to w appreciate and lncuna to btiv- i advertise it in This Koaxuku Beacon and results are assured. Ak your blacksmith abuUt "Fewer g; -lous ; weAiS hllger." A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good A. H. Thurues, wll known coal opera' lor ot UtitJa.o, O . write, "1 have b -en r( tliCled with kiduvy aud bladder Iroublv !rr yearrt, paMiug Kmvel or alonn with txcru" cuting puiu. i gut m relief from uitdu-it.e until 1 begun taking Foley's Kiilhty (Jure, lhtu lue icsull wuh Kiirprikiiig. A levy doses nUr id He brick i!iut like hue uim.n and uow i have uo pAin ncrMn my kidueys -ud I lel like a neW imtn. it ha, diie ue $UMo Worth of good." bold by J. U. l'he Ke-. Ill It. Hicks IKUl Aluiauac. Th- ICev,. Irl K. Hicks Almanac for 1H04 is now ready. It will bv mailed to any ad" drt-Hx for 3i) c. uta. It is fcurpriHU'.t how huch mu eh-aut, cimtly book can be reut ptep-id no chciiply . No family or person in prepared to study the heaveus, or the htoriuK and weather in lOo-i, without this wouderlul Hicks Almanac and l'rof. Hicks opiendid j aprr.-Woiiu and Wokxs. bo h are went for only' CNE DoLLaK a YWaH. W)lvD ANU VN'OHKS 1 MIUiiMg I lie htrtt AuiCl- icuii Magazin e. Like the 1 1 ifc. AluiHiiae, it is t Wall kiutwn so need further t'on -mendntiou. Few mu have Inbored uiore faithtully tor the public aool or found a warmer place in lbs hearts ot llio people. Send orders to Wouu add okks Pub LIkuIXO ( , 22ut Lociiht .l.,ht L"Ui!,Mo. T U 13 NEW YORK WORLD 'I'll KICK-A W 1'iKK EIJ1TIUN. Uead Vh"ri-ver the Kuglish Lai. guage is JSjKikeii. Tire Thrice-a-Week Worl.1 lone ao r inblished hslt iu public lavor, and it in now i eCo iZ'd a t he hi i olijet pubiiC-U iop of its kind ui ih" United iSt.-teh. Adver tisers and publishers heekiug clubbing ioiuiiinutioiiK ami iliy know bet nni"" wrnally textity to thin. It is wid-ly circu' luted in t very "lute and Territory of the Union and vcii m rui"tM iSoiilli Alrie.i nnd on th gold fields hi the d!"VU of Autrlia. TheK ure th thiun that te 1. Next year We lmve the Presidential chuj pain, i" which ell AuieiiCtins fre d -eply lnlci ''ed. Already the issue are bt-ing ciiwnKetl Ktid the two trreat ptriies ire r -nT for thv first iiu'Vcs. Yi'U will rmt want to inisb hiij details, and it you .nb" tiCii'ip mow our year's KUbscripttoM will cover ihe oamiiaiyn from beginning to end. l'he I'hriewa-VVeeK World is HOfolutely fair in it jMiliticid news. Pwrtisan bian i iiMver allowed to aff.ict it new rolunins, Mild Democrat and KepublieHii alike oi ob '.in in ilH pugt'K liUthftli uceountx ot all the grat political tests in ndiliiiou ! U th news, thf Thrioe-ii-Werk World furoiiieK ih ifit erlai fiction, elaborate market reports and other ft.atureS of interest. Th Thrico-a-NVe'ok World's regular uub ncription prie only $1.00 per year, and this pay fr lo papers. We ff r th?. unequalled nwpapr and THR RoANOKk Bkacom oeher one year for $l.5U. Ttie regular tmbflcriptiou price of the two papeis is $2. 00. are the most fatal of all dis eases. KIDNEY CURE la Q Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles f RICH 50c and $1.00. ' For sale by J, O. Everett., Perfect and Peerless and all Liver, Kidney and blad der troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing aud vit-.lizing the blood, thus removing the cause of diseare. It eivea viTr nnd tone and builds up the health B ana strength ot the pr.iicat while usinr the remedy. UIJCSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, manv c-f w'.n'rll An rnnro Vio-t-i tVis r,nA !'3 This great and thoroughly tested V3 . ttuu. enuorseu vaiuornia Kenieay never disappoints. It cures in '. fallibly if taken a3 directed. Try 'it and be convinced that It is a wonder and a blessing to Buffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for $6. For sale by druggists, tend stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot snpoly you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt cf price. Address: I'RZCSOL CUBICAL CO., LosAosdes, C&L or (hi LAAIA8 St BAKKIN 0., Atluta, Qa. llUiribntU Ajmu. Our Clubbing QHgi Until this notice diiippcars we will jrive the followino; Cheapo Cluh Katvs: The Koanoke Beacon nnd the Atlanta - (JouHtitutiou on year tor $1.50 Th Hottnoke 13 aeon, ' the Atlanta ConstitutiDii and the Sunny South . tue. yur for 1.75 Th Konnoke Henefii and the Thrice-A-Wk New Ynik World one year r'i r 1.50 And if jou waut the tt t'oiubiuntior to be had for love or money, send us only ?t!.0 and we will hcn'il ou for our eir, Your Home Paper, Ihe Thrice-A-Wek New York World, the Atlnuiit Ce-nMituuou and the Sunny South Six of the host pa per published eery Wek, ntid at. ie thau half the cont of one daily. Address THE KOANOKE UEACON, Plymouth, N. C. J. ISAIiC, Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Cuffiiif , Cuhlfrtsnnd Hurial-cafeH of all i-tvjen, grades, hiz-n and prices. cff"Cloih Lined CM'S a Spt' ialty, special tttW nlioii gi ten to older? from a litaiio. If it klionid be your misfortune : iuel anything iu this line, cad on tu. T have as nice a'line of open and ton v- hie'es a has evor been 8hown in this Kec tion Iu workaud prices I defy com pe rnio i Kxauune my stocK ueiore placing your order. I hte secured the services ot a first--lue trimmer, and all work is executed iu ft thorough, woramai-like manuer. . S. J. UAllCO,Ajg3 ;q 1-tf llQVYAi, N. C. FOLEY'S . 4 Kneinnansm j IE Old Standara jl has stood the hest 25 years. over ie mi a Half Million bottle of merit aDeal l - Enclosed wiLh every botile ""gS. j To All who are in Need of Buggies or (irt.whocls, I liave on Land a nice lints of latest stvle of now. arid some few .very good second hand busies which L will sell at remarkable low prices. Come and ste befovo nm kinir a nurchase. it will pay von. 11. .I?KA.I ocO Ply mouth, N. (.', DKALEU IN Foreign aud Domestic Wines. Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. Water St., Plymouth, X. C. I also have a tine line of Fancy Groceries, Canned Good-, CoufectiouerieH, etc., etc. For M-difiijnl nnd Fmnily use you will find the purest and fiuubt liquor made in my mock. Honest y(J1'- &t honest prices is my motto. niv 11 L. S. LANDING. IfiESTAUSANT. M. E. McCabe is fctill at the old fctard in ihe rei-thiiiHUl business, und lvmly to eervrt j on with u good meal ut . ti y time. He has pieuM'd you iu the past he can please you now. Give him a call. Also a freih line of Groceries frunh liah ami vt-gcinbles ah ays ou hand. Fl'eall U6lclJ UCeUutl M. E. McUABE. The "ECLIPSE 1 J Water St., Plymouth, N. (J. Opposite X. & S., & V. & P. Depot. Old Hunter Ilyc a specialty. TIiim 'kiiIooii is fully abreast of the time's in every respect.' We eater to the t ravelin; pnhlie, and solicit orders from out of town and foi medicinal purposes. 'l'he very heat brands of Wine. Liquors and Cigars ;tlwas in ftock. Favor us with a trial, and be con vinced. liYspect fully, cuesun"& TUKNMU. 2-5 4(T flh J. "" .1 1 K0P.FGLK, VSKQiA. COST OF BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT, HALF-MILLION DOLLARS. CAPACITY, 300 PATIENTS. Most cquabJo cllmr.te on Atlantic coast; air tempered by proximity of Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern improvement for the treat ment of disease. A fuH corps of Specialists in every department. Special department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor ough system of Turkish and Russian Baths. Ward Rates, $7 per week; Private Room Rates from $13 to 520 per week. For Catalogue, etc., addrcs3 TI10 President, St. VSitcsnt's Hospital and Sanitarium s. o vou ? N is a Ten Cert Package of GROVE'S ELAC" R.COT LIVER. P5XS. NUUbOLK & SOUTHERN It ALL IUM D CO Ml' ANY. IN LFFE0T MARCH 1st, 1903. TRAIN SERVICE. NOKTHBOTJND: Leave Belhaven 'daily except Sunday) 7:0O a. n. Lve bdenton daily except Sunday ).,. 145 p. m. Arrive Lbznbeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) .... 2 45 p.m. Arme Norfolk daiy (ficeptSuu du) ..' 4,20 p.m. Leave Edentnn daily ex. Sunday fi:o a. ui. Leav Elizabeth Uil) daily except Sundry 9 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 11 00 a. m. Souxiibotjkd : Leave Norfolk daily (eScept Sundny) lOooa, m. and 4 10 p. m. Arrive Lliz. (Jity dcily (except Sunday) 11 So a m ai.d T 40 p. m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Bnudity) : l'2&i) p. m. r.nd 6 40 p. iu. Leave Edcutun daily (except Kuuda ) 12 45 p: m. Arrive Uelhaveu dfcily (except . Sund.y) 5 20 p. ui. Traius stop at all intei m dime station. (VnneCt tit Norfolk with trnitis to ai d from Virginia Bench and Currituck Branch Virginia Leach Division. OC STEAMEOAT SERVICE. OH Stea ners leave Eclentou daily (ex. Sun day) C;t)o a. m. ai il l2:4."i p. m., for Plym outh, connects with W at-Linjitoui A Flym outh Li. li., for Washington, "Th. C., and with Biekmtr for Windsor , Luive Ldentou 'J:i5 (. m., daily except Sunday, tor Scuppernonj( l.tiver, Slenmers lenve J'.lizbtth City for Roa -n r k Ibland. Urieiitiil and Newbfcine, '1 utsday, 'llmrsday and Saturdy, C:0O p. m., aud Slonday, Wednenda.x ud Friday t '6M p. in.; connect with A. &,N. U. It. li , and Aihiuliu (Joutt Luus lor Goldsb ro aiid Wiiu)int4)ii, &c. , Steamers have Br-lhnveu di!y (ex. Sun day) lor W ubhiuton. n. C. and fueday, 1'hurKday aud Saturday (or A u rot a. Souili Crerk, Makley vilU, Ac, and A a. in.. Tuck d.iy nnd l iiuay lor iau Qualtcr, Ccra uok and Cafe.OlianlH'l. For further itf inntion apply to J J. Hassel, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gei -eral Office of the N. & S- it, R. Co., Not tblk, Vb. M. K. KING, H. C. HUDGTNS, Geu'l Manager. Geu'l Ft.& i'ass Agt. 2L JL SLaiZ. (TIHNEP? A IVrfrol Chowrr," av fv1?' TJ Vrho for b.u l.j L7 2&JGr Rollman Jlonl nod Fnud Chovpcr So. It. At your ck-aliT', 5rt.i. By iui lorcxpresi 7 . Vour 3I0NEV EACK it uot sati.,faclory. tQLl.MAN '. CO., llOPona Avo., Jlouut Joy, Pa. Advertise what yon have to sell, and tjet your idiare of the money in circulation. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA !TQ ItCpenj Here SSk'-i UK t til ft' t fASY TO Average annual sales 'Does tJiis record I ay. 50c. 9 ftrcJUUlraj c uc Hp 4aSw i Itili 1 I .,-. Ill t .mil