.. IK - n. , HOUSEHOLD I TORN MILLS and $ I V . . TIILLSTONES ? If In nrod of Coin Mill or Mlllttoaea Q O Ton will flutl It tayourtntereHttn correspond A Wltht'AKoLIIVA MM I, STUMS l). O ?(' nrron, N. V, , manufacturers of Corn Mills from ths famous Moore County Grit. : freed fsvm Miseru ft-. Si 7 ii FOR A BEE STING. One of the best possible remedies for a bee sting is the juice of roasted ouion. Roast the onion in' the ashes, if possi ble, and squeeze the juiee out, hot as can be borne, on the affected part. This simple remedy, applied in time, has been known to save life. TUo Household. THE KITCHEN WALLS. , No one in these days thinks of pair ing or -whitewashing a kitchen. The walls should be oil-painted in a Mat finish that it, without varnish, and if it is properly done they may be washed freely without injury to the surCaee. There are also several patent wall cov erings resembling light oilcloth that are put on like paper. THE BUFFALO MOTU. Red carpets and rugs seem to be par ticularly attractive to the pestiferous buualo niotii. Some tested remedy against them should be frequently sprinkled under the edges of rugs and at the corners of carpeted rooms. The following formula is recommended by an authority in The Delineator: "Two ounces of benzine, six ounces of car bolic acid and three pints of turpentine. Mix well and label the bottle carefully. Add a cupful of this mixture to a basin of water and dip the broom in it frc quentlywhile sweeping." DRAPING DOORS AND WINDOWS. The beauty in artistic draping of doors and windows, says the Los An geles Times, lies in the gracefulness ORTHY of a high er recommendation than I can find words to express." This is what Mr. J. H. Plangman (of Sherman, T e x.) says of Doan'a Kidney Pills. He tells his experience In the following words: He says, "Sometime in Septem ber I was taken with a dull aching pain across the small of my back, directly over the kidneys. I paid small attention to this at first, thinking it would pass off. But instead of getting better it became worse and in a short time the pain centered through my left hip and pain across h IHC OlUctllUI This is precisely what kidney trou ble will do with the body. It does not al ways show itself at first, but ap pears just in this way, when some unusual movement or action brings sharp pains and exhaustive aches, telling of sick kid neys. So Mr. Plang bore this out. says: "l cm not of the trouble, but the back. man's experience Continuing, he know the cause of its curves, and the irregularity of its ! I am led to believe now that it was lirst Drougnt aDout Dy jumping m aim out cf the wagon and in some way I may have strained my back. "I was constantly growing worse," he continues, "and I became very much alarmed about my condition. I knew that something had to be done or serious results were sure to follow. I went to a specialist here in Sherman, and under went a rigid examination." Then he relates how the doctor told him that it was a serious case, but that he could cure him for fifty dollars. if I Jjjjll However, necessity knows no law and Mr. Plangman paid half down and took the treatment and followed it faithful ly for four weeks. - Naturally, he thought that he would soon be rid of the trouble, but in spite of the doctoflng he goes on to add, "I was in such misery that it was almost impossible for me to do my work." "It was at this Juncture that Doan's Kidney Pills came to my notice and 1 procured some from the drug store of C. E. Craycroft. I used these pill3 according to direc tions and to my surprise I was con siderably relieved on the second day and in a short time completely cured." Pain in left knee. 111 This Is the uni versal experience of those who have been sufferers from Kidney trouble and who have been for tunate enough to test the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. There is nothing wonderful or mag ical about this remedy, it simply floes the work by direct action on the kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only and this accounts for their speedy and certain action. Early indications of kidney trouble come from two sources, the back and the bladder. The back becomes weak and lame be cause the kidneys are sick, and re-, lief from backache can only be com plete when the kidneys are set right. through Pain Irritation of the r . . . r - , bladder shows that luOUgtLt i fl3u the kidneys are out rrotvjv? of order. Delay in JbiTalTlCCL prompt attention often causes seri ous complication. - Relieve and' cure sick kidneys and ward off dangerous diabetes, dreaded dropsy and Bright's disease, by using Doan's Kidney Pills. They begin by healing the delicate membranes and re ducing any inflam mation of the kid neys, and thus making the act'on of the kidneys regular aniJ natural. Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, end loin pains overcome. Smiling of the limbs, rheum litm and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick-dust sediment, high-colored, excessive, pain in passing, drib bling, frequency. Doarts Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel, llelieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. mm ORSEPOWfcR HAY PRESS Cheap and reliable.- COTTON PRESS For ball ng cotton and waste. Write for-prices. Box 200. Henry CopeEand, ChitUnooga, Tenn. NAME P. O.... ljiX Doan's -i-J fins. PRICE. SO CCltTS. STATE For fre trial box, mall this coupon to Forter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. If above f pace I inaufficint, write address on Bipa rtite Blip. ZZ 3.52 & 3 SHOES lua. You caa sae from '43 to $5 yearly by , weariog W. L. Douglia $3.50 or $3 Ehoes. They equal those that iwivo bxten cost ing you from 31.00 to $5.00. The im- Drmtrlaa kIioi'I nroV!S l$V-" thoir suporiority over all other maKos. onut'olt prove there Is i i . i mine in winviaN ifnii. v"x, iiirid a.. r. u ..... ,T j.,j,,L-tr. Our $4 Qilt EdTt Une -'nnot he eoualted at any orice. NhncH by miaI!, 25 rent tra. . Ulnstriilf d Caulogr free. XT. h. JM)i;;LS, BrorSifon, Mass. nipansTabuIcsjiif the lest dyspepsia iniedicine ever made. A hundred millions of them have been sold in the United Stales U a single year. Every illness arising from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured by tbir use. So common Is it that diseases- originate from the stomach it may be safely as serted there is no condition of ill health that will not be benefited or cured by the occasional use of Ripans Tabules. Physicians know them and speak highly of them. All druggists sell them. The five-cent package Is enough for nn ordinary occasion, and the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. v AX EXCELLENT ABRAXGE1IENT, arrangements. A room may be made to look larger or smaller by Hie proper A Find in the Forum. Guided by the clue afforded in the first poem of Statius' Silva?, and by the later modifications in the arrange ment of the central portion of t'ae Ro man Forum. Signor Boni, the head di- i rector of the- excavations, has now un- ?arthcd the enormous, pedestal which Dnce bore the equestrian statute of Domitian, reared in honor of that Em peror's triumphant, campaign against the Catti and Daci. The base of this colossus measures forty feet in length. arrangements of its draperies. Color ! r-wemy m wmtn ana ren in inicKness. schemes, too, have a tendency to pro- lay about five feet beneath the fluee the same effect, but it requires a j present level of the Forum. Traces araper Avith more or less tact and ex- j af the sockets wherein were the iron aerience to produce these desirable j supports of the bronze statute and effects. The material used in the drapery illustrated herewith is lifty Inch, double-faced velour, which comes In solid color only. The over drape is in old rose and the straight hangings In Nile. The design is fringed in a entrusting coloi'. mmmm I Beef. Cakes Any cold cooked beef, minced; mix one-third the quantity of mashed potato; season with, salt, pep per; add a little chopped parsley and one beaten egg yolk; form into flat, round cakes; put some dripping in the frying pan; when it is smoking add the cakes and frj' brown on both sides. Serve with tomato sauce. Whole Wheat Gems Mix two cup fuls of whole wheat flour with one teaspoonful of salt and two teaspoon fuls of sugar; beat the yolks of two eggs; add one cupful of milk to them, beating all the time; add this to the flour and beat until smooth; add one cupful of lukewarm water and the whites of ojrgs beaten stiff: beat well and till hot greased gem pans two thirds full; bake in a moderate oven twenty minutes. Poached Egss with Cream Have the water in the frying pan simmer ing; break eggs in a sau'.-er one at a time, and slide them into the water; baste the yolks of the eggs by lifting the boiling water over them, using a large spoon; lift them with a skimmer to a hot platter; pour the water from the frying pan and put in the pan one tablespoonful of butter and one-third cup of cream; when boiling pour it over the eggs; serve very hot. Tomato Sauce Fut one pint of toma toes and one cupful of water in a small saucepan; add three cloves, three pep percorns, one bay leaf and. a sprig of thyme; put one tablespoonful of butter In the frying pan; add one slice of onion; cook very slowly live minutes; then add two tablespoonfuls of com-l starch; stir one minute; add this to the tomato, stirring until boiling; simmer ten minutes; rub through a line strainer; season with salt and pepp;-:-. remnants of the horse's feet go to rliow that the horse and the figure sf the Emperor Domitian were six times larger in size than the recently inearthed pedestal. The pedestal is situated toward the centre of the Forum. The statute has the Basilica Pauii on its left, the spacious Basilica Julia on its right, and the Temple of Vespasian in its rear. The discovery Donflrms the speculations of earlier archaeologists, and is of extraordinary Importance as regards the Forum topography in the first century of the empire. Pleasure is a bubble that never lasts is long as it takes to make it.- A Delicious Jam. Cut !in halves and seed two pounds of fine 'raisins, simmer them slowly for an hour in a quart of water. Pick seven pounds of currants and allow them to cook tall they break. Add the juices of two oranges and a half a lemon, chop the pulp and peel very fine and put with tho frtiit, adding the raisins and six pounds of sugar. Bail to a jam and put up in glasses. This preserve makes a delicious relish to serve with cold meats. The French IXorrnltB. The number f recruits accepted for the French army for 1904 is only 1!)G. (HK), against 233,000 for 1903, although the difference in the number of men on the lists is not more than 500. The decrease of 37,000 is due to a more rigorous examination of the conscripts. D ark Hair " I have used Ayer's HairVicor for a great many years, and al- ) though I am past eighty years of LS age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. we mean an tnat ncn, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long: and it stops falling of the hair, too. Sl.e a bottle. All dragsistc If your drnggtst cannot supply yoo, nd us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and pive the name t roar nearest expTess office. Address, J. C. AYIIR CO., Lowell, Mass. It removes the cause, soothes the nerves and relieves the nches end Fevensn- DMI. it ires all lmaiacli nnd Neuralyia aiso. No bnd efweu. luc, 250 sod 50c boUit. (LlQCID.) COLDS AMD GRIPPE- How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars LewarJ for any case of CaUrru that cannot be cured by Hall's Oatarra Oure. J?'. J. Chjeney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have Known f. J. Cheney lor the Jast 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all uusiness transac tions aal financially auij to carry out any obligations made by tac.r tinn. West A Tkcax, Wnoiesaie Druggists, Toledo, U. Walmxo, Kis.vas t Marvix, Wholesale Druggists, Tole.lo, O. Ball'B catariu . nre is taken inlemally.act ing directly upon te oJoort and mucous sar laces of the system, 'aeitimonials sent Ires, l'rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold oy all Druggists. Hau's Family Pilis are tae oust. Three Generations of "Coiups." Three generations of one family are compositors in the office of the Tren ton (Mo.) Iiepuhlican-Trihune. They are "Grandpa" Allen, aged sixty-five; his son, C. A. Allen, wno is foreman, and the hitter's son and daughter, Thomas and Mabel, aged fourteen and 6ixteeu, respectively. A truly Hibernian episode is exploit ed in Ralph Henry Harbour's story call ed "The Crown and Sceptre" in No vember Lippincott's. There is an amazing mix-up in elopements which stirs the risibles. DEST FOB TUE DOWELS CANDY C ATM ART! C GUARANTEED CURE Tor alt bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad b.ood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, hendache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don't movo regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than alt other diseases together. It starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARET3 today, for you will never get weH and stay well until you get your bowela right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in -bulk. Sample and booklet free. Addreas Sterling Remedy Companv. Chicaeo or New Yr.rk. ;o2 ARE YOU CONSTIPATED ? Is Bad Blood Breaking Out?- : :, Have You Lost Your App etite ? Have You That Tired Feeling? Do Your Liver and Kidneys WorK Right ? DR. THACHR9S X1VER AW BLOOD SYRITPCattsSoch Complaints We would like to convince you with a FREE TRIAL bottle, sent on request. Tl! AC II EI MEDICINE. CO.. CHattanteoga, Tenn, 3 A Natural Curiosity. A Brunswick, Me., man displays a curious growth found by him on a tree in that town which, thus far, no one has been able to classify. It consists of a hollow, esg-shaped piece of wood about the sb:e of a football and of vood one-fourth of an inch thick. Its formation on a tree in such a peculiar shape is a matter of much comment by all who have seen it. 17 Straighten Your Hair Deer in City of Vienna. Iack of food on the snowclad hills drove a wild deer into a suburb of Vienna. It was chased and died ol frieht. Take the cnrls out of It, make it oft and glossy byusitisr Carpenter's OX MARROW POMADE (BBWA1HC OP IJStTATIONS ) t!s a llttln nnr a trnolt tliht Is all that Is nec essary. Soft, sllity hair Rnt healthy scalp are t he results. Makes the liafr irowf too. PRICE. 25 CENTS. , Buy It of your drjurlst. or send ns the price In t tamps. Address, CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Ky. Frr.rtrroaneTtt!y;viref. tfo fU ortirvona. ness after first d iv's ns n Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Hestorer.t'2fcrinl bohtle ami treatisefroe Dr.ll.H. Klixe, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phila.,P.i. There's enough fun in the world for everybody to have some. All creameries use butter color. Why not do a they do use Juke Tint Gut ter Colo it. A free Pasteur Institute is to be estab lished in Scw Orleans. 3am sursriso's Cure for Conmmptlonsavl oyllfo three years a?o. Mns". Thomas Rob llK6,aiaple tit., Norwich. N. V.. Feb. 17, 133J. Thp population of Abyssinia h about 10, 000.1)00. . '. Mrs 'Vinslw,3 Soothing Syrup for ehildro'i tfcnthiD?. soften th?fyum3, reduces inflamraa tioa.altays paiQ,curea wind coli?. 25e. a bottla A Maryland Widow-is just cutting her cje teeth at the age of 200. 2UJ THE mn 9 "SWl" JU3 "RtWfg" ww Mm Waterproof l3$5IE OILED BPJ CLOTHING OlL AMU9 ln WC1A A. . TOWEK CO, BoM. Mi, U.S. A. TOWB) CAMAUAN Ok. I I I. Mun CJM. CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes nit s-wellin in 8 toaa days; effects a iiriuaiient cursr jn -to 6oday9 Trial treatment given free. NS-iliinftean be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Ciraon's SnriQ. -r-JZi'- SooclalUts. Box U Atlanta. Ca. PSAWIILLS LOurl.ttiescitu- pPovert Clrn. In r Co t -vni 1- Mvrtth llf.rn't lliiJ irrun I 1 r, T)....m jear. Simultaneous Set Works aijd the He- .eoek-Kinr Virinl.ln rrAi'ivnv. . U oelled for accukact, kimpucitt, rjEAUii. r. j ITT ANIi rahk nrorriiTmv w.n. n tiS descriptive cirrularrt. Mnnfctrtr(l hrthr ftjSALK IRON V.T,ttKa.Vnston-8lani:w.C. f, . . ' '7-mvmi r X

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