2" , . Cause and Effect. Mrs. Culler So Uhymer'n baby it dead ! What wai the matter with it ? Ai r. Neighbors W ri tor's cramp. Mrg. Caller Oh, you must be mistaken, Hrt. Neighbors Eof I'm not. The poor little fellow chewed up a poem Ins father had just written Women's Kidneys. Women are mora often afflicted witli kidaey disorder than wen, but attribute the aympUms to diseases peculiar to their ex, while in reality tb kidwy are de raugod. Nervousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, pain iu the back, sro signs ol kidnsy trouble that must not be ignored, or a serious walady will result. jroly a Jtudney uure has restored the health of thousands ol' weak, nervous, broken down w aoieu. It stop .irregular fties and strengthens the urinary organs. It parities the blod and benefits the whola wyetem. sold by J. O. Everett aiid Koper utora (Je : ' ' No seal " was ever 1 yet caught by a steel trap suite. Yoo can apply ManZao in side, right where the paia is ? Il is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment for introdu cing it. MauZaa steps pain Instantly, and curas ail kind of blind, bleeding, itching td' protruding piloa. sold by Plymouth store Uo. ' ' my 30 No man ia insaner than ke who trie to keep ;'tke goldeu iuan" between right aud wro. ; ; wim iji immin. y.a'.j"Hiag" - Th Suuahiue of Spring. The finite that cure without a rear is De. Witt's Witch Hatal Salve. Cuta, Burns, Boils, 'Bruises lad lJil duapptar before the, use of thia ealve as snew before the aunshiua ef spring. Hiss H. H. Uiddlutoa, Thebes, III. aayu: 4I aa seriously afflicted with s fever sore that was' very paiuful. fnniu s vv ilcu nutti ci&.tc uurtju. uic in 1m than a wek." Get the genuine, sold bj Mprotll & Bro. SB?! Some laieu thiuk tbey are saint beeause they have heavy laundry tills HESS? One night la all the time necessary to prove that rnieiilna is the bent remedy iu the world lor backache and ail kidday and bladder troubles. If you have rheumatism or any other blood disease a single doae will give relief. Sold J.y Plymouth Btore my 30 It - in the geld of love that makes the quart x of life worth while. J A Twice Told Tale. We wish to repeat what we have said one before in ihtee column that Elliott's . Kaiuleilied Oil Liniment is the bent Liai cuent ever produced for use in the family aad en animals. Beat for rheumatism, large ness, stiffueee ar.d ifweness of joints or muscles. Best fur bruises, contusions, sprain and swellings. You get h fall half piat for t and get your money back if it does not d all it is recommended to do. Plymouth Store (Jo. 222 South Teoria St.,-. " Ciiicaoo, III., Oct. 7, 1902.- Eicbt months ago I was bo ill that I was coinpelied to lie or sit down nearly all tho time. My stomach was eo weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it , and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great paia and I couff hed bo much that my throat and lungs were raw end sore. The doctors pro- . nounoed it Brighfa dieeass and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to nw what they called it aad I had no de sire to live. A sister visited eo from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardm. I told her I had not and edo bought a bottle. I believe that itsavedmylife. I believe many women could save "much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. Poii't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui aad make one supremo effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You caa have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to lltolorlealth jM- f 1 222 South Teoria St.,-. -, I JX f i i ' fimr.Aao. III.. Oct. 7. 1902, I J? A 1 stomach vm eo weak and upset J , fl l 1 that I could keep nothing on it .WV L- I and I vomited frequently. IJI Ek' k could not urinate -without great II C . 7 The Spooners Caught. . Autit Jane Edith, didn't I see Mr. Sweetaer kusing you in the hall last night? 1 Edith Yes; but it was only iu remembrance of former days. Aunt Jan A eort' of souvenir spoon, I supposo you mean. I-L'.L.J'J."'.!L 'JJ .' J L" !.".. Cold Wave Coming. It you hare Hydales'Eliyir in th bouse when a cold wave is coming, you need not fear attacks of Brouokitie, Pneumonia, Cough. Colds, eto. Kydales Elixir taken attack begins hevsr falls t check the progress of the disease. It is equally suocossl'ul in cbrnio eases of threat aad lang disease, 'lyiuoath atrs Co. . 2dw APPOINTMENTS AT GRACE EPISCOPAL CMUUCil. , Services ou the 4th Sunday of tho month tunruioe; and evening:. Bible clasa at 4 p. tu. Service Satnrday precedingat 4 p. w and Monday f ell wing 4tk Sunday at i) a. m. Mr. F. L. Boyle, lay reader, will eonduc service eyerj finnday luornitsg. All are cordially iuyited. B. S. LASSITER. stamps ; , Th'a Original. ' , , Foley & Co , Chicago, criminated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and ou ftccouu'; of the great tavrit and popu larity of Foley' Honey aud Tar many iuir tatlons are offered fur the genuine. Ask for Foley's Uoocy aud Tar aud rkl'usany substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly lasative. It contains no opiates aud is safest for children and delicate persons, sold by J. O. Everett and lioper store Co. ' Nothing but art on the meua is m ag. gravatiou to tho appetite. Mr. Kirkeey' Uecommctidation. Mr. Kirksey writ1: I give positive guarantee with every box of KydaU's 4tom acb Tablets and Liver T&blets I sell, aad have nevtr boon naked to refund the won ey in a oinglo insuuee. I have sad these tableta in niy family vrith beat results, V. L. : Eirknley, Morganton, N. C, Hydile's Tablets re prepared by The Kadical K.m eiy Ootniiuy, Hickory, N. C who author ize vry dealer in thoir preparation to guarauttv evtry box or battle of their med icine, th.y Plymouth Btore Co. " , lie who withelde bii lave front men Bhats off the love of God. . WANTiCD 1000 pounds Be swax, far which high jt oash price will be paid. W. O. ATICH8. Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When for a small outlay I will clean, presa r.r dye them, making them look al most as bright as new. I make a Speeialty of cleaning, dyiug and pressing Indies' Fine Dres. a n d your soiled 8uit or Dress to me and save the cest oft new ou. Orders from a dis tanqe solicited. AH work guaranteed (o piv 8alial'aciion. Saml.- Wiggins, PLYMOUTH, N. O. h3 IQ ha ) Laxative An improvement over all T)Atn.ip.q. Cures Coughs. Strengthens the Lungs and Gently. Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young .ana uia. PREPARED BY tela Msdidss mm, Sold by Plymouth Store Co, YDTAR A L1ATTER 0FIEMF.7 y ATI.-'.':. fc ,1 I. .. . tvl mm mm m AhnoluMy Pare ms bo substitute: NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT MAliCII 1st, 1905. ' train service. Northbound: ' LeavJ Beihaven daily (ezeept Sunday) :00 a. iu. , Ltiave Waahin;toe. C:00 a iu " Flyuuouth 8:60 a m Mackey's Ferry 8:00 a m. Arrive Edeiiton 10:00 a. ai. Leave Edentou . daily except bvjt-Gay), 1 20 p. 01. Arrive iizbth Oity daily (ex- cpt Bunday) ...... 12 20 p.m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day ). J 410 p.m. Leave Edentun daily ex. Bcnday 8:80 a. ra. Leave Elizubsth City dat'y except . Sunday 8 SO a. ni. Arrive Korfolk daily ex. Sunday 1120 a. ei Southiioond : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday)...... 940 a. ks. nnd Ivb p. in. Arrive jfelis. Oity daily (except Bntada?). . . ... 11 St a. m ftiui iS p. m. A.rriv Edcntoa daily (eicept Sunday). IX ZH . ra. and S.w p. t. LfKiye Sdeatsa daily (except titarjAT).......... .li)Q p. ra. Arrive Belhavea daily (nxupt Btniey)... ftwp. a. Leav Edeiiturs 1:00 p.m. Arrive Ply:rtih. .. ........... S:05 p. tn. A rriva WaAbintftMa. . ......... i-.TtO p. w. Ltave Kdenton 1:90 p. ra. Leave Plymoalh .3:05 p. in. Arrive Washington ......... .4:i0 p. m. Traius etop at all iuierraeriiate stations. Connect t Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach aud Carrltuck Branch Virginia Bench I)ivito. STEAMBOAT 6 ZRVISC. Leave Edenton 1S:45 p. ai., daily except Sunday, for Scapperuong Hirer, Steamer leave Elisabeth City at U 00 p. Tneiiday, Thursday and Saturday and S:00 p. m. Menday, Hedndy and Friday fer ltoaoke Island, Oriental, New Borco, Wilmington, Morehwid City, &c. frteamers leavn Belbavcn 10 W) p. m. daily (excpt Sunday) for Whington, N. c. and b OO a. in. 1 u1ay, Ihursday aud Saturday fer Aurnra, South Creek, Maklcyville, &c, nteatner leaves Plymouth daily (xcpt Suaday) K:05 p. iu. fer Windsor and Casbie Kirer. Tt further information apply to J. J. Hasaell. Agent, Plymouth, or to Ike Gen eral Office of the N. &. 8. K. R. Co., Nor folk, Va VI. K. KING, H. C. KUDGINS, Oeis'l Manager. Gen'l Ft. A Phsx Agt. H0ESE SHOEING AND-, Having just built and fitted up aOeueral Repair shop, on Watsr Htreet, hear Coast Line depot, I ans in a position to shoe hor ses aud repair bugeiew, cart.9, &c, at short ncticK aad in bct manner. AU work guaranteed. Give uie a trial and let me convinca you. , liore altoeing 65 cent. , oci5 r. . bateman WANTED MEN. ia thia county and adjoining eou ties to rprtsi;nt, aiverli? aud diktribute sariipl?R for an ld ettablishcd hone of solid firaucial standiK. Salary $3 60 per dy. with Expends advaccti each MonJay dinct frm ht-adquarters Hore aitd bajt. gy fwmished wbeu necessary; position per raunent. Address, Blw Broo A Co.. Dfpt. C, Monen Bldg., Chioajo, 111. d?S Sold by SPRUILL & BUO. i V i u mm M M JBmz'i Set yotar MwBe's-get pnm and IbBBy Qive each one a bottle of White's ' Prargati ve .MedSeaEe and follow with f ' :- ndition' . I I I I II I .1 W ! I I I Mil II. -I. ! - '-J - ' . . . f WHITE'S COLIC AND KIDNEY CURE a combination Kidney .'.Remedy for stock, and Certain Colic Cure, . ... WHITE'S BLACK UNIMENT The only perfectly balanced Sub Cutaneous Counter Irritant, Especially.' recommended' for the human family. nine for Stock, ' FOR SALE BY , 1 y isc -.narrow. Only Hsrrov In the world w'th inHfjndent adjust ah: .i cprins pn- sure won tf?VVt:.Ly"' ... o.: r..s Inner . & hj; o-KosUf Jmplenn'nts of the latent style, t;p-lo-, Possibly you arc vow or will socn aed a Cot a Shfllec, Cutter, Disc Plow. You can get our Catalogue for the OUR PRICES MUST EE .RIGHT. -5 ion -DKALKR 1N- Foreign and Domestic Wines, , Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. Water St., Plymouth, N. C- I slo have a fine line of Faney Qrooeries, Canned Good's, Confec-tioncrieB, etc., etc. For Medicinal and Family twa yoa will find the purest and fineat liquors made in toy stock. Hotieet god at houest prioea ia my ruotto. my n L. S. LANDING. soul model, slictcti or 1 1 cto of InTtEtiois lor hOW to KOUrTfi Rflt: T2SDW w nw ' - r . i - i- n a j km vl. w unui.-i.jjpnivj Upposst3 U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON P.O. SaWItt's JKJ9 Sag-jo Fop Pitas, Gums, Soros. to r S M 1 I s if i DIGESTS WHA5 Tho $1 .00 boti-le contains PRBPARED E. C DeWITT Ask for the 1003 Kodol AlmajV Mosses aim Powders, i 4 ", 'E3 Free hitch lot. Drire ia. The- f'ECLIPSE J J Water St., Plymouth, N. C. Opposite N. & S., & W. & P. Dpot. Old lIuKter Kye a specialty. This 'saloon is fully abrasst of We cater to the traveling public, and solicit orders from out of town and for medicinal purposes. The very" best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars alwavs in stock. Favor ua with a trial, and be oon- viweed. KespHctfullT, CHESSON& TURNER. S-5 S. BARCO,, Undertaker and Carriago Maker, CotSns, CHiikotsand liurial-cases of nil styles, grades, izn and prices. SCioth Lined Cunes a Specialty. Special atteution given to orders from a distance. If it Khouid be your nisfortnue to need anything iu tbi liae, call on . I have as nice a line of open and top vs hicleii as has evor been nhown in tkis tt-c-ticn. Iu work ad prices I defy eorap litii. Examine my stock before placing your ordt-r. 1 havo cnrd the services of anrr-tiA8 tiriratzicr. M.d all work is executed ih tboivugh, wovkman-like nia?4ner. jf :S. J. UAKCOX up 1-tf 24 times t OWLY A?' 3a CQ

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