4 THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. V. W. AUSBON, EDITOR. PLYMOUTH. N. C. Friday, July 14, 1905. Those who are rrnlnlnfT flosh and strength by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose anda little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro ducts during the heated season. Send for free cample. RCOTO& BOWNK, demists, 4x-4 15 Pearl Street, New York. ;.c, nnrl f i.oo; all druggists. 'North Carolina. Washington County Superior Cour.) Fall Term li)05, H. S. Ward, ) vs Netice. A. T. Tetterton, L. K. Bowen and H. 0. Ralph. J The defendant L. B. Bowcn, will take notice that an notion entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Washington County to perfect the title to a certain parcel of land situate in the town of Plymouth in said Caunty being the lot of land formerly occupied by him and to have the right of the plaintiff to the possession and title thereof an against hini adjudicated. He will further take notice that he ia requierd to appear at the next terra of the Superior Court of said County to be held ou the 8th Monday afUir the 1st Monday of September, 1905, at the Court House in Plymouth, N. 0., to plead, answer or demur to tha complaint in Haid action, or relief therein demanded will ba granted. This the 5th day of July, 190.'.. William M. Bateman, Clerk Superior Court. North Carolina, Washington County. To F. E. Johnston, Eutry TaKer for Washington Cwunty. The undersigned fl. W. Allen and 8 S. Ellis of Beaufort County enters and lays claim to the following described tract of land Washington County Plymouth Town ship, the same bainf vacant and unappro priated land subject to entry: Begiuuing at a post iD the greeulief line Nothwardly forked Cypress near the Pungo Kiver running Northwardly along the greculief line to a pfst then Northwardly to the N. A 8, railroad, ttaeuce Southwardly with the N. S. Railroad to the Turnpike road, thence Eastewardiy with the Turnpike road to the Beginning, adjoining tho Grimes land and other. II. W. AI.LEN. SEAL S. S. Ellis, seal Test. F. R. Johnston, List taker. June 29, 1905. Half Pointer and Half Setter Puppies Out of a well trained and broken Pointer Dam, and Sired by a well broken Setter. 3 months old. Price, $2.00 each. First order secures lirst choice. Waterview Farm, 22 Oriental, IN. c. TV JH W SPRING MILLINERY ! Splendid assortment of Easter Millinery and Novelties. Rpring and Summer Opportunities for the Practical Economist. . The Artist-Milliner's masterly touch ii shown in every piece of trimmed goods thatleaves our store. The ability and taste of two of the best trimmers this county has ever known Mrs. Annie ' Latham and Miss Roberta Thurmond is our guarantee of the best woric at the lowest prices, which when matched by competitors are shown to our ad vantage. If you would have tho best and most stylish, you should see our stock before making your purchase. Yours very truly, Hrs- W. B. Ward & Co HOTEL ROPER. HOPER, N. C, J. L. SAVAGE, ltrop. New House - New Furniture, Good Table Attentive Servants HOME-LIKE wi!h HOME COS-IFOR'! S, Rooms Fresh and Clean. gTravelers' Headquarters. QOSSTBBSUE I Take LaXStiv IfOMO CiPMlll8 TsM Seven Million bczes sold in pest 12 BEACON FLASHES. . c Those who have friends visiting '! th6m. or who intends leaving home t! a themselves, will please let it be known - at this office, so the fact may be men- H tioned. It does Dot matter whether ?j $ you are a subscriber or not. All we M ask is let ua know it. Mr I. D. Carstarpheu is at home again. Mr, L. G. Itoper of lloper. was in town this week. The Mayor's court has been kept quite busy this week. Fresh 100.' Turnip and llutabepra seed at Spruill & Bro.'s, au-11 The Equation Board met at the Court House ou Alouday. Miss Stella Blount, enmity, is visiting Mrs. Tom Chears tLis Week. Wo had a plexaut call yesterday from Mr. E. b. Patrick of M:tckoy'n Ferry. Mr. John Jenkins of Bethel made a fly ing visit to Plymouth last week. Quite a number of our people attended conference at Belhaven this week. Highest csh prices paid for Bees wax by VV. C. Ajera. Mrs. H. A. Blount is (spending the sum mer with relatives in thy OatskilLi. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Btubbs of Pinotowu, are visiting relatives hero this week. Mr. J. J. Arnold was the guest of Mr. K. It. llopkius, near town, Saturday. Mrs. Leuora Brody of Indiana, is the guest of her sinter, Mrs. L E. Jackson. Master Luther Ansbou returned ou Tues day, from a visit to relatives in Edentou. FOR SALE I offer for sale one male and e sow with " pii'S. Pure Beikshirc hogs. J. a. Smith, The District Conference of the M. E Church is ia session at Uelhaveu this. week. Mr. A. W . Cahoon left m yeUerday fer nis Home at BKiuuersviiie, to attend school, Mr, and Mrs. H. Gurkin attended ser' vices near Dardeu's Saturday uud SuuUay. Missc? Loola and Lncy Ausbou of Eden tou are spending some days with relatives nere. Mr. Gurnie Livermsn was the guest of Mr, 'i. O. Woolards family, uear town, on the 4th. Ladies with small feet I have 300 pairs Bumll siz ladies' shoes which 1 am ottering at 50c; regular price $1 00 to $3.00. W , (!. AYKKS Miss Nina Jenkins and Mr. YYoodie Gard ner wora the guests of Mr. 11, Uwrmu's litmily last Wbek. Miss Mamie Gurkin was the uussl of her cousin, Mtss Auuie Woolnid, Su'.urday nn-ht and Sunday. Miss Eva Spruill who has been visiting Miss Nina Harrison, left for her home at Cresweil on Monday. The Misses Lang who have becm visiting Miss ikleta Hariisou, returned to their home at Farumlle yesterday. noune to Kent. l nave a nice six-room house that I will rent ou renjuable terms apply to O, It. Leggolt. Misses Minnie Harrison ami Alica Law rence are tho guest of Mrs. A. L Aixii der on Fort niiuuis Street, Mr. S. A. Allen audi .Misses Annie Wool laid aud Mamie Gurkin were guobts of Miss &ittiu Hopkins Jatt Saluftday, Rev L. B. Jones wi3he3 us to guy that he will return from coBterence iu lime to hold liis regular service next Sunday. Mr. R. W, P.ateman requests us to say to our farmers that he ia uuw prepared to furnish carts, bwdios, wht-el, etc.. nyd io da repair work promptly and at reasonable prices, and soiioitrt your patronage. There will be a lawn party riveu on the lawn of Mrs A. R. Dupiee to-night. fr tho benefit of the Episcopal Church. The ladies respectfully invite you to attend. There are iots of accounts we have to carry over during the dull season, and aw we must spend money every week to do this, we urge those who can possibly do so to pay at this time. Don't aic for us to ask for it. ANY, YOUNG LADY who desires work in her community with which to make some money to help defray ber expenses at College may inquire at this olliee. Onr office does very well in dry weather, but when it rains wo have to "knock off " And as it has beeu very rainy this week we have hardly been able to got the paper out. AH orders for job work will be niled as soon as possible. Our line of millinery is the most complete that wc have ever carried. We have the newest and cheap est that is to be found anywhere. Our prices are the lowest. We have MS) HJPr In all the popular shades; also Summer Dress Goods, Trimmings, Etc., Etc. MRS. A. M- AYERS. re a Cold in months. TfclS Signature, Cupt. B. W. Ciugon presented us reeeutly with a bottle of his "Woman's Friend." Not only is it "womau's Iriend," . but it is everybody's friend, for it is sure death to bed-bugs, fleas, roaches, etc , and as it is not poienous to hunian, no housekeeper should be without it. While at work at the veneer mill yes terday Mr. Ernie Kverot aud Ohas Dozier, colored, became, engaged in a difficulty, when Dozier struck Mr. Everett with a club and came near killing him. Do.ier was at once arrested aud placed under a $300 bond. Failing to yive which he was placed in jail. ANY RELIABLE IOUNG MAN or boy who wishes to make some money ia this community to help iu payment ot board and tuition at School may inquire at this office. WANTED Tho Halzapfel Publishing Co., wants a few active men to sell tbeir new book, '"the 20th Ceutury Allegory." Addtesn: lUlzapfel Pub. Co., care W. F. Jones, 29 e.hringnonso St., Elizabeth City, N. C. Married. At the home of Mr. II. Gurkin on Wednesday evening, Juiy 5th, Mr. W. H. Gurkin ami Miss ill I he Jen kins were happily joined together in holy wedlock. We wish them a long and happy life. TO CURE A GOLD IN OxNE DAY Take LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE 'Tablets. All druggists refund the money if fails to enre. E. W. Grove's niguatuie in on each box. 25c. oo Shooting Affair. On- Friday night of hist week Dr. W. II. Ward of this town had some ditlicultv with one Chris McNair, colored, near town. Ou Saturday afternoon McN7air with quite a crowd of his relatives, came to town and the affray was renewed. Two shots were tired, both taking effect in tiie person of McNair, neither being of a serious nature. Dr. V. W. Early probed and secured one ball, the other he could not reach At a preliminary hearing before Mayor Gayl'rd. on tho charges o; carrying a concealed weapon, and as sault with deadly weapon, Dr. Ward was required and gave bond for his appearance at the Superior Court Mrs. Landing Entertains. A party of young people were de lightfully entertained on tiie evening of Tuesday, the 1 1th, at the homo of Mrs. L. 8. Landing ou Main St. Among those present were Misses Stella Blount and Neva Cahoon, of lioper; Misses Sammio Harrison, Clara Hampton, Katie Loane and Ruth Clark. Messrs V. B. Daven port, J. S. Norman, W. li. Hamp ton. V. Norman, L. W. Gaylord, li. P. Walker and W. J. Ward. After spending a very pleasant evening with music and other amuse ments, delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, in her usual gracious manner, and eveny one left with pleasant recollections of the even i Dir. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky, snyp; "For 20 years I Buffered agonies, with a core on my upper lip. so painful, sometimes, thitt I could not eat. After ainlv trying everything else, 1 cured it with Bucklen's Arnica alve It's grout for burns, cuts and wounds. At Spruill & Brothers. lling 'Phone No. ?. We are tit the other end with a full line Of everything in way of Fine Mercantile Stationery, up-to-date type and protty in Vs. We are running no "Cheap John" print shop, hut a trial order will con vince you that when style and quality is considered, we can't be beat. Send us vour next order. Buy It Now. Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ai d Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certcin to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you wil! need it badly yu will ned it quickly Buy it now It maj SiiV life For nale by Al! Druggists large line of Oil Bsy X. 1 ots. J2 m 9 on every n t &. j&rmrz box. 25s. J COUNTY -NEWS. CAUGHT ON TIIE FLY BY OUU SPECIAL CO HUES PONDENTS. MACKEY'S FERRY NEWS. Mackey's Ferry, N. C.July, 12 Special. Miss Ella Leggett visited Plymouth last week, Mr. C.W. Snell visited Plymouth last week. M"Bsr Hope Spruill and Joda Ainsley visited Columbia last week. Mr. II. T. Miller left for Charleston. S.O. last week. Mr. Milton t-rr of Creswell was in our midst last week. Col, V. F. Beaioy of Baltimore was in our midst last week. Mr E. H.Chesson and family of E, City was in onr midst lust week. Mies Wilmet Hardison and sister Of Croswell visited Mrs. W. J. Mercer last week. Messrs CliutOK and Percy Everett left for Gilmentou Va., last week. Miss Nellie Norman of Plymouth visited Miss Alma Divenport. Miss Eva Davis of Washington vinited Mrs. J. L. Singleton lat week. Mi? Lela Clayton of Hollotsvilla TexaR vit-iud Mrs. W. ri. Spruill iast week. Mr aud Mrs. Jocepah .Swain of Middle Neck visited Plymouth last week. Mr. Dick Hardison and wife of Columbia was in our midst hint week. Some of our people attended the pisuic at liea's fishery July the 4th report a fine lime. Mr, J. B. Chesses Jr of this town and Miss Bessie Johnston of Roper were unitfd in noly bonds ot matrimony on Wednesday niyht of tast week. We hear that the wed ding bells will hoou ring again atKopea Onr deepest cycipathv goes to the bereaved lamilv f Mr. L. N. C. Spruill who died at his home on Thursday 'morning of last week. SKINNERS VI LLP, CHIPS. Skinner8ville, N. C, July 12, Special. Onr people enjoyed afiue picuio et Rea's fishery on the 4th f July large number attended. Mr. W.J. Mercer made a brief trip to Creswell Saturday. Mr. W, J, Harris returned home Saturdny whro he has beea visiting friend at E.Oity and Norfolk, Mr. Will Blount of CrHwell visited Mr. and Mrs. A II HesHell Sunday. Mrs. W. T. EverHt of Mackey's Ferry visited Mr. C, V. White tamily Sunday We haye hud it quite raiuy for the vml week.' Mrs. Herbert Owvuh f Creswell is visit itg relatives at this town this wetk Miss Ethel B'tdwull of Columbia is Sit ing her cousin MUs Eva Whits this week Mrs H, H Tarkeuton and family visited Air. and Mrs- W J . Harris Sunday. Funny Jim. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 789-1 905 Head of tho State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, "Graduate, Law, " Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contfiii.s Ili.n'.W) volumes. New water work, i-h-ctric liehts, central heating hyst. hi ie;r dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M, C. A: buildiDg. 6Q7 STUDENTS. 66 INSTRUCTORS. The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1905. Address FltANCIS P. Venablk, Pkksidknt, ClfAPKb HILb, e. Trinity Park School A tirstclass preparatory school. Certificates of graduation accep ted for entrance to leading South eru colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Facnltv of tea officers and tai-Lcr. Campus of seventy-five acreM. Library containing thirty thouaaaa volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High stan dard." ttud modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by promiueut lecturers. Expenses exooediuely mod erate. Seven years of phenomiual suc cess. For oatalogue and other information addresn. J. A. Bivins, Headmaster, DUB1IAM, N. C. tbitMAf Skin Dis-ases, ABSOLUTELY C'JRED. HERMIT SALrVS, S3 ANP 0 CENTS A QOX. Sold tiy all Pruzsrist. T.ik noother. Ulil r amily Kemrdy : years. Iouis P. WE ARE NOW MIIOKG REDUCTIONS OM AIJL SPKKII - 111 We do mt toclefive lis lioltf ing suoocl &t regular gric tiiittl tlae esso over. Yoia eaai't create excitement .toy 5itSer4Iiiag cwt prices.- ,-on gooiSs Unit people alon't want at any price. Our method is to offer goods that the people want, at prices they can't resist. It' you don't beleive it, come and see: ?'5C Lawns at t 20c 20c Lawns at ' 15c 13c Lawns at llc 5o Mohair Lusters at 19c L'x; Mohair Lusrers at llc a."ti Crash for Skirts at 20c We have several beautiful patterns of Mohair and Eolines in light and dark shades, suitable for any season, these goods :tre the newest things in wool en dress fabrics, and will be fashionable for fall and winter wear; we have quite a lot of them that we are offering at ridiculously low prices. . We have had a tremendous business on white goods ; we bought heavy early in spring, but we could not supply our trade, so we placed other largo ordeis for white goods and we got some bargains. We are now offering you the benefit of the bar gains secured through our large purchases, - A big assortment of fancy white goods for waists: ; 40 inch Lawns .Batiste at Organdies at Waist Linen at Art Li neu at Pure Irish Linen at Linen Lawn at Handkerchief Linen at Numerous other things ''white goods" 1hat we are offering inducements on in order to advertise our business and close stock, rleisi mul ISoys' CIoSMeb sied Straw Slnts will "toe hU1 sit a. sacrifice. (orntial. 10, 15 and 20c 15, IS and 25c 10, 20, 25 and 50c 12and 20c 45c 50c 0c $1.00 that come under the head of 1

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