Liberty in Russia works just about as it would on an Indian res ervation. The reason the election turned out that way in Philadelphia was because they didn't let the "grave yards vote" as usual. . And now Maryland will have the negro to coutend with in politics again. Jietter nave uone iikc jsortn Carolina, settle the question for good. "Some good southern man" like Senator Pettus, should introduce a "force bill" for the sake of the hon est vter in New York and Phila delphia. Congress may prohibit the sale of liquor in Oklahoma and Indian Territory, but it will tackle a big contract if it tries to prohibit the use of it. The cotton growers have shown the Wall street ers that they can do something despite the money they have up there. The 8011th is get ting to be tine on "showing." Everything you eat will taste good and do good if you uke lliug'a Dyspepsia Tablets Bold by Skila uud bou aud k E. Daven port A Co. tio3() FREE IF IT FAILS Druggists P. E. Davenport & Co., Say They Do Not Charge Anything for Vi nol Unless it Gives Sat isfactory Results. Whea Akkod by a reporter of Thk Pea CON bow they could mako such a broad of fer in reg&rd to any medicine, Mr. Dav enport of P. E. Davenport & Co., replied : "If Viuol were a patent or nacre t prepa ration it would be another tiling, but it in not, everything it contains u vautd cu the label. Viuol it simply the up to-date form of adBtinutiring cod liver oil, which for cen turies haa been recognized as the graudeet ef all body-bailditig geuU for wasted hu man strength and vitality, aud during the last five years we have seen it produce such grand results that wn are now willing to back it with any kiud of a guarantee la VIdoI we have dimply doue away with the useless, syrteni clogging oil and have givoa to the people al the racdecinal, body -building elements of cod liver oil in a kighly concentrated and ueliciouily palat able form, aud ws have never sold in our store ft roedioine of more curative aud strength-creatiug value than Viuol, sad it' the people of Plymouth only realized its value we would not have clerks enough in our utore to bupply the demand for it. In a natural manner Viuol tones up the di gestive organs, makes rich red blood and creates strength. We can only atU the people of Plymonth to tiy it ou our guar antee." P. . Davenport & Co , Druggist. COUNTY NEWS. CAUGHT ON THE FLY BY OUK SPECIAL COUUESPONDENTS. SK I N NE US VI L LE CHIPS. Sklunersville, N. 0.. Nov. 22 Special. 8now tost week. We are having lots wf ccld weather just now. Mr. C. V. White went to Gioeuabaro last week. Plenty of black birds, stripping peanut Ucks as they go, We are glad to nee Mr. T. S. Swain out giu after hit recc-ut illuc-a. lir. and Mrs. Keseouyer of Roper, vis ited Mr. uud Mr.-. U. Elliott iast Sunday. Maseru. C V. White ai'd C. 8. Tarken tou went to Cruswell last Thursday 10 ut teud quarterly conference The printer was iu error last week. 11 said Mra. A. H Hk.-.hc11 hud gouu to tt. huapiUl. It should have been Mr. Utusll. Sunny Jim. Pinesalve acts like a poultice, hest thing lu tue world lor b'oils, burns cracked Landa, itier, etc. s )U by 6iiles & Sou aud P. E. Daveupori &, (Jo. uoi'O Some people thiuk to redeem a bad day by dreams of heaveu at night. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and con stipation have e&ppd it away. Prompt re lief ean be had iuDr King'a New Lil'e Pills They build ap your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizz'iiesn, colic, contipa tion, etc. Gnaranteed by Spiuill & Bro.; 25c. FALL and WINTER 51 i 1 1 i n e r We cordially invite all who uru in need of Huts, Bonnets, Drees Goods, Notions, etc., to give us u call. We have selected our stock with much care from the very best markets and, as usual, are prepared to serve you. Wo have Hats in n great va riety of shapes and colors ; also good values in Ladies' Cloths. Our prices are low when the quality is considered. Mailorders will he tilled with care. Yours with thanks for favors, MRS- A. M- AYERS. Fall & Season 1 mmmmmm mm mm EM rs vTi The Standard bred Jack, "Attention" can be had for service, at the farm of W. V Satterthwaite. Fees $15,00 insurance. This is an extremely hand some large black .Tack. dec 8 Read Every Word Carefully as You May Find Something that will Interest You. "e are now carrying in our repe sitory a line of riding vehicles that will attract Vour attention whether wishing to buy or not. They arc finished on the very best material, in the very best manner. We have them in any style ouy want. If you are thinking of buying a nice Surry, in canopy or ex tension top, don't fail to visit our place we have not the lawest price, but we have the highest quality that your money can buy. You will always bear in mind that you can't buy quality with a low price, no matter where you buy. We also have to offer you a line of the Famous "Hack ney Waon" in any size you want. They are built on the same high plane as the Hackney buggy, and are built for people seeking a good wagon at a reasonable price, and who want value for their money. We want you to have one of these wagons on your farm; we have them in any size, in one and two horse. See our stock and you will be pleased with the appearance and finish of these goods- "ye are prepared to sell you cart wheels also; made by the same people and with the same care. All tires put on cold, which means no shrinking for along time. Our prices are the same as you pay for wheels not so good. We buy this stuff in solid car-loads, thereby saving freight, which means very much to us, and we give you the benefit. Our line of Harvesting machinery is complete in every way. No matter what you want we can furnish it at a price that will save vou monev. We handle the Famous McOormick line, which always insures the saving of your grasses and grain in the best possible manner. "Don't fail to call on us if in need of Mow- ers, in one and two horse; Corn Harvesters, Huskers and Shredders, Hay presses, Hay Tedders and Rakes, Peanut Pickers-and Gasoline Engines any horse power you need. fe have a nice line of buggy and wagon harness and piece harness of all kinds, collar and cart pads, horse whips and riding saddles. We offer for trial one of the best washing machines that you have ever heard of. Simple, easy and good. Come and take one home with you, if you don't like it bring it back. It will cost you nothing to try it. Come to see us for anything you need ; we will always be glad to see you, whether you buy or not. Your friends, ; ' ' A. SWAIN & B HO. Plymouth, N. C. Report of the O ondition of THE BANK ofPLYSIOIITH At Plymouth in the Stale of North Carolina, at the Close of Business Nov. 9th, 1905. RESOURCES. Loruh and discouutu, . t t Overdrafts, secured, .... All other Stock, Bonds i J Mortgages, , Bankiug Houne. Furniture rn& Fixtures, Due from Banks and Bauktru, Cash Items, . GoldCoiu, . Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency. National Lank notes and other U. S. nsteu DDL LA U.S. 30,400.03 "(M.4'2 2,000.00 . 3,500,00 40 JH2.59 . 448 00 . 576 5. 2 100.00 Total, 7;V'j.o4 LIABILITIES. D0LLUIS. Capital Stock, ....... I2no0.00 Surplus Fund, . . . . , 3 0()() ()0 Uudivided Profit, less current expenses and toxe-i paid, . . 2.122 j9 Detuaid Certificates of Deposit, . , C6.173.35 ToT4L 73,796.04 State of Norti Carolina, (Bounty of Washington, ss I I, Clarence Latham, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly ,wear that the aboie statement is true to the best of my knowledge and e!eif. CLARENCE LATHAM, Cashier. ' Subscribed and sw?rn to before me, this 17th day of November, 1U05. W. M. Batemax, C. S. C. Correet-Attsst : W. II, Hampton, W.. C. Aykrs, L. S. Laxdino, Directors. i pi It I he-r the public at largo, the ladies especially, to come and inspect it y entire stock. I have just returned from the Northern markets with a full stock of Clotlfifing, Sioes9 Hats and. Caps, weiaif& amd- ILadies' FfiinalSiSEiiss, Musical Iia- All goods sole froita to per coBBt. cheapoi f flfian other dealers, because I Issiy amy .goods Sos cash and sell for cash. .Men's Suits, from $2.50 to $12.00. Boys' " 44 .75 250, Youths' " 44 2 25 ' c.oo. Men's Pants, " .75 ' 3.50, Overcoats " 3 00 " 10 00. Ladies' and Men's heavy fleeced underwear, 90c suit. I have about loo pair shoes that I will close out at 5o per ctt below cost. Ladies sizes 1, 2 and 3. Men's heavy brogans from $l.oo to $1.5o. Kgs-Our Motto: Quick sales and small profits. Call and see me before stock is picked over. Yours truly, Brinklcy's block, Washington St.; Plymoath, N"C. Keep Up With the Times. Parents if you would have tho children well'l! I mifll Ullll 1 I f,- ,-..,4- i 1 ! 1 ' 1 v.... . n.iu UI1VU lift I11VJ, 1111 LUUIU 111 UTllX give them the right education while under your care. Nothing is more accomplishing than good muaio, and just here I beg to state to our-patrons .and the public in general that I have accepted the agency for Ohas. h Netzow Mf'g Co., of Milwaukeet WJs.5? who niako lino grade PUnos and Organs. Any one desiring a nice instrument will do themselves justic to call at our store and examine one of these Pi anost at which tiuii you can got in line with pries' and ttnws. Kcmember we give easy terms on these instruments and reasonablo prices. Unless I could do this 1 would not handle the goods, so just call and see something in way of instiumenta wortk buy ing, and fully guaranteed. We are also receiving largo lots of Dress fabrics, such as Broadcloths, Venecian Serges and other, goods too numerous to meniion. Our line of Ladies' long and short Jackets for the fall and winter are in, and prices to suit hard times. Don't forget when you buy a fall Hat to just glance ovor onv Millinery stock and I am suro. you will find the goods and price to suit. Thanking my friends and patrons for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of their future patron age, I beg to remain, Yours truly. . C. Avers. RIDING VEHICLES? MX I wish to inform the good people of Washington and surrounding counties, that I am still making All Kinds of Riding Vehicles. With years of xperitne in the business, und the services of experienced work men, I am prepared to build ALL VEHICLES i UP-TU-DA LE STYLES, and at Prices as LOW as GOOI work CAN BE SOLD. Phaetons, Buggies, Surrys, Wagons, Carts, Cart wheels, Etc. ANYTHING YOU WANT is Cuta way or PIauo Bodies, with Brcwistcr, King or Single or Double Plate Springs. All Vehicles made from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. When in need of anything in this line, gire ran call before placing year order. ISfTERMS AND PRICES SATISFACTORY. V MttHf ).mtjm. fir im nn ,4lhe Old lleliable." PLYMOUTH, K-0.