J&QfFarmers and others will please not visit Plymouth on business on Thursday, November 30tli Thanksgiving Day. Our stores will positively be closed on that day. ) TBIS ROANOKE BEACON. PlBLISHKl) EVERY FRIDAY 1. W. AUsgpy, Editob. BEACON FLASHES Friday, Novembkh24, 1905. "SPED 1 LIFE" That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish mentthe kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. 7e wV.l ssnd you a iAUiplii. ire. P. run that t!iisr;c tira in the form of Libel in o. wrapper f cr.ty b-ulc of Emulsion you b ly . SCOTT k BOWNE Ch-mists 409 Pearl St., N.Y. 50c and $1; all druggists. HORSE SHOEING AND Repziir Shops. Having Juat built aud fitted Up a General Rpuir uop, ou W ater street near Coast line deot, 1 am in a portion to shoe hor as tftd repair b'iggieM. carts, fcc at short Optic and in bcxt manner. All wwrk Guaranteed. Give uie a trial and let mo convince you. liors shoeing Go cents, oclo U. W. iiATEMAN. HOTEL ROPER. BOPER, N. 0., J. L. SAVAGE, lrop. New House - New Furniture, Good Table Attentive Servants HOME-LIKE with HOME COMFOlt lS. Hooms Fresh and Clean. 82f-Traveler8' Headquarters. FALL & WINTER Milliner! Our line of Millinery, Novelties, Dress Goods, etc., is now full and complete. Wo have with us this season Mrs. Annie Latham and Miss Mar gaiet Isaacs, two huiies of excep tional skill ai-d artistic taste in trimming, and we can safely piomise our patrons the very best and latest in the Millinery Art. Dress Goods, Trimming, Nov elties, etc, etc , and HATS to suit all, trimmed and un trim mod. and at prices to (it the means of all. See our goods and get our prices before making your purchase. Yours very truly, Hrs- W. B. Ward & Co ?4 " Those who Lave friends visiting them, or wfao iutttido leaving home i themselves, will pi cane let it be kuown j at this office, so the faot may be men- tioned. It does uot matter whether j you are u subscriber or uot. All we i, ask in let ua know it. H A fresh lot oFine Box Candies just re ceived at Eaveu port's Drug Store. Next Thursday will be Thanksgiving. Send your holiday printing to this office. Mr. Ed Swain made a busings trip to j command against the latter. Norfolk this week. i .,. - u. Sabbath Breaking, It is contrary to the laws of God and man to work on the Sabbath, yet the railroads are kept busy, and some of our mills take that day to make changes and repairs. It is as unlawful and sinful to woik one man as u hundred, so why not make full time? Or, why arrest one man for selling a cigar or glass of beer to the poor devil at work in the machine shop or cleaning boilers, while his employer, being rich, goes free? Whiskev is out of the way; now j let our good people strike at Sab bath break lmr. There is a -uirect J. W. PERRY COMP'Y, Cotton Factors and Com 'mission Merchants, -JS'obfolk, Va. Quotations, Ifov. 22, l'J0". Nice Visiting Cards, neatly printed, 2"a per pack, at thin office. We have just received a new find beau tiful line of Perfumes, Talcnm Powder, Soaps, Stationery, etc Oall and nee them. fR9. W. B. WiKD & Co. Solicitor n. 8 Ward of Washington, was ou our streets yesterday. Mr. T. R Trueblood of Roper, was in to see us on Saturday last. Mr. E L. Turkenton sp?nt a few days in town the past Week. Mr. A W. Cahoon of Skinnerivillc, was in to sea us ou Wednesday. Godin.m's Shoe are the cheapest guar anteed solid leather hUos ou the market. Examine them and you will be convinced ef the truth of the btateuient. W. C. Atehs. Mr. Groves, the horse man who was here last season, is again with us. We wou'd be glad to credit your sub scription with a turkey or two. We ncknowladge a call on Wednesday from Mr. J. L Savage of Koper. Let us print your Cards, Iuvitatious, etc. Pretty type, nice mock, low prices. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. C will bain Plymouth, at Hotel Koanoke, on Tuesday, Dec, lBth. for one day or-ly. His praotioe is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, aud Fitting Glusses. 3t Mr. L. C. Marriner of Macke;'s Ferry, called to sec us while iu town this week, 1). S., W J Starr, and little son, Master William, of Creswell, were m the city this week. Our school trustees should build a belfry. We live us near the school as any one, yet often we never heur the bell. I have a full Hue of handsome Ladien' Cloaks and Jacket. The latest out ; any btyle or length, which I am offering cheap er than cau be found south of New York. V. C. AYU4. We sympathize w;th Mr. and Mrt. Wood son Stubbs, who lost their infant child by death ou Monday night last. Mr. VV, A. 8 wanner of Macky'H Ferry, called to see us while in town on I uesdiy. He was en route to Windsor and Bertie couuty on a business trip. When cotton was 7 aud 8 cents the far mers held for 10, and when it reached 10 they hold for mure. And so it goes. We only hope it may net be a subject for regret Our farmers should attend the meeting at Roper next Friday. Organization, though still imperfect, h.-.s lifted the far mer from the lowtst to one ol the hitfhtst rounds of prosperity. Having decided to devote my entire time to shooing horses, repairing guns, driving pumps, eto , I respectfully solicit the pat ronage of an) one net-ding my services iu these lines. it W. Katkman. Some few have paid their hubscription this week, ior which we return thanks. We shall wait auoiher week before sending out bills, as it is something we hate to do, and which we put off until cirou instances drives us to it. We have found that giving Almanacs is not properly appreciated, and does us but little, if any good. Ilowev.r, as we have begun the praotico, all new subscribers, aud old ones paying up between now and Chris' mas, will be given a Turnei's N. C. Almanac for U0G. When you want a pleasant physic try Chambt-rlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey are eay to take and produee no grip ing or other unpleasant effect. Sold by all druggists. Call for Meeting of Washing ton County Farmers' In stitute Committee. The Waahington County Farm ers' Inslituie Committee is hereby called to .. eet at Koper, Fridav, De cember lirst, 1!)03, at twelve o'clock, AI. The obj.cr. of this meeting is to decide it u' is desirable to noiu a Fanners' Institute in this county during January, l'JUO", and if so, to select a place for such meeting. Al so to choose two practical larrners to deliver "short addresses on local conditions, and to take such other steps as may be regarded necessary to the success oE the Institute, The following is the committee appointed by the last Institute: Mr. V. S. Davenport, Mackev's Ferry, N. (J.; Messrs. W. T. Freeman and Clarence Latham, Plymouth, N. C; Mr. F. It. fcpruill. Skinnersville, N. 0.; Messrs- Y T. Hopkins and J. F. Davenport, Cherry, N. CI; Thos. W. Blount, ltoper, N. 0. A full meeting of the committee is earnestly requested. Koper, N. (!., Nov. 21, 11)05. Tnos. W. Hlolnt, Chm. Washington Co. In. Com. COTTON Strict Middling Middling Strict low middling Low middling , Tinges Stains Blaes, . , PEANUTS Fancy , Strtclly prime Prime Low grades , Machine picked Spanish B. E. PEAS . Black & Speckle Peas Clay & lied Peas Steady. U 3-8 11 1-4 1118 Weak. 8 1-4 . 2 2-4 - 2 2-2 3-8 $0 90 y bushel $3.00 f) bag 1. 10 bu 1.00 bu Peanut Bags, C8 in. 8oz. in bales, 10 l-4c. oc 12 To Our Subscribers. Deau Fill ends : We place u cross mark on the margin, or wrapper, of yentr paper this wei.-k, if your .-: in scription has expired. If you tind it on yours please take it as an invi tation to pay up ur renew as the case may be. We have given you the very best pager its patronage will justify, and are not able to lose a single cent of what is due us, or spend much m its collection nor do wo think you will allow us to uo so, intentionally. But we are now needing funds very bad ly, and trust you will make an effort to releive us. None of you owe very much, but the many littles aie our dependance. Cash in advance is newspaper rule everywhere, as a publisher must spend money every week to keep the paper going, and if not paid iu ad vance the cash must come iiom his own pocket, which means that he is lending you his money every week. Another rule with local papers is to keep the paper going to )our ad dress until ordered discontinued, and all arrearages are paid. The law protects us in this and if it did not we would be compelled to do so anyway, for almost without an ex ception, a man gets mad if we stop his paper, taking it lhat we doubted his honesty and was afraid to trust him. We give the above facts that you may fully understand the position we are in, and understanding this, we feel sure you will do your part toward your county paper and its editor. Herb W. Edwards Injured. Htrb W. Elwards of Des Moines, lows, got a fall on an icy walk last winter, uprais ing his wrist aud bruising his knees. "The next day," he sayH, "they were so sore ai d stiff I was afraid I wouldibave ! t-Uy in bed. but I rubbed theui well with Chaiu berlaiu's Pain Balm and after a few appli cations all Mr uess had disappeared." For sale by all druggists. year. ujl-'-.-u h'l;ij-..jij.ii The Tax Books are now in my hands for 1905. I will thank the people to come for ward aud settle thuir taxes for this Yours truly, V. J. Jackson, Sheriff. CURES CATAKIUI. If you have Catarrh Hay fever, Asthma, Broucbitin, Cold, etc., E E M. Catarrh Cure will cure it Send stump for hook of wonderful cures. This remedy is the old reliable H'andard and ha mnde more cures than ait other remedies combined. Address: K. E M. Catarrh Cure Co., P.O. Box 341, Atlanta, Ga. See ad. eUewhere. 11-7 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the niocey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is ou each box. 25c. oc 25 King 'Phone No. 2 We are at the other end with ,1 full line of everything in way of Fine Mercantile Stationery, up-to-date type and pretty inks. We are funning no "Cheap John" print shop, but a trial order will con vince you that when style and quality is considered, we can't be beat. Send us your next order. i'UOFESSIONAL CAUDS. xi j. v. wm to, DENTIST. Office Main Street Phone !, Wiliiamstou, N. C. wilt be in Plymouth the first week in each month. se 14 VAX bihi: MAMIX, Attorney and Counselor at Law PLYMOUTH, N. C. Bg?"Money loaned on approved security'. se li NOTICE ! By agreement between the heifs of J V. HerriuKton, deceased, we will sell to the highest bidder, on the 1st, Monday in Dec. 1905 -.:t the court boose door in Plymouth, nt 12 o'clock M. the lerriutoii homestwad in Lee's Mills township. Terms of mile to be made known ou day of sale 8. 13 . JOHNSTON, Adm'r. WANTED : by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for thi? county aud adjoining territory Halary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expeu-e money advanced. Work pleasan!; position permanent. No invest ment or experience ri-quired. Write at once for full particulars and enrJoie Helf-nddres.1-ed envelope COOPER & CO., jii 15 13L'Lake St., Chicago, 111. ICS LL the coy Girl f AMD CURE THE g.. UN OS I Qouis P. OornthaL WITH FOR 0NSUMPTI0N 0UGHS and OLDS iiscovery Price EOc &51.00 Freo Trial. Surfist and Ciuiokest Oiira for all R TIISOAT and IUITG TitOTJB- P LE3, or MONEY BACK. BED F0H SALE! I have one (1) good goose-feather bed for sale. Never been used at all. Weight CO lbs, and will be sold at a bargain. J. M. WOOD LEY, Skinnersville, N. C. For Sale. T have a good, single. 8icnnd-hand spring wagon, in pood running order, tbAt I will sell at a b-irain. Apply to E S. CxnooN, Skinnersville, N C. for chUOrent safe, sure Mo oplatw First Class Laundry- Ouposite Postofiice, Plymouth, IN. C. PRICE LIST. Shirts 8 cents Collar, U Cuffs, per pair 3 " Coats. -'" '' Vests, woulen 1" " Parits... 25 " Not responsible for goods left over GO days. for children; safe, sure, fo opiate NOTICE. Having qualified n mluiiniotrutrix of the ectate of the lalo M Hi . Aiexonucr, tec u , 01 1 rtswuu Washington cuiiiiy, N. C 1 Lis i. to notify nl ner.ions imlcbiul to the t-aUte to tileii'-f make im mediate puymiiit, !nd i-ersous having cliunis uyiiiret tilt; r.-tali! of Mild dvc.fiiBCil torxhibit them to'tlK! unni-ri-iLjm d cm or brfoie Kith day of Sept., l'JOli. or thin nolire will be plexned 111 bar 01 llitir aecovery. 'l'UU 10th or bciit.., 1U05 S. H. ALKXAND2K, Adm'x. Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Everything that's new in La dies' and Gentlemen's Fur nishings, and all kinds of Dress Accessories. Tla Best sis Quality, - tlie ses are HIG-IIER Tflian tiier The Biggest nssortnieut. and most Carefully Selected line o ' Dress Fubrics at "0 ceuts that we have ever offered to our trade In this price goods we are able to show yen almost every ma-" terinl that the big inaiKets have produced for Fall and Winter showing. The demAnd for pretty shndes of Green, the now Beds, and a few others of the most popular selling shades have been so great up to the preseut time that very few merchants in small towc have been able to supply the wants of their trada. We cousidar ourselves fortunate in havi ng looked thoroughly into the season! styles in advauce, and supplied ourselyes with a sufficient qaan tity of all thesa popuUr ca lors aud shades of the most stylish weaves in dress f.ibrio tha t we can and are selling at lower pri ces than we van buy the same goods to-day. Laeies' and Children's Cloaks, In the seajon's best Styles. Another shipment of LadUa' 42 inoh Cloaks arrived this week the colors are Light Tan, Castor and Black, in prices from $8 SO to $l2.f)0. We are showing something better in Misses and Children's Cloaks than iu past seasons. We have them in prices from $2.00 to $10.00 iu the mo3t desirable shades. C32 Ladies' Walking Skirts, All Tailor made, in the best styles, all scams hand felled; evory skirt warranted to fit around bipo, and haug in good shape. We Lave them iu Hlack, Navy Blue, Green and Brown, Ladies' knitted wool Sweaters, the best values we bave seen tbis season, $2.oo- Hoys' wool Sweaters, in rel and navy bluo, sizes from 26 10 34, at $l.oo. Ladies' Neckwear, a beautiful assortment of novelties in ladies' turnover and lace collars, 10 and 25c; also SDine very bandsome lace collars in beautiful raised design at $1.50. To Cure a Gold in One Day Tcho Laxative Brcmo Quinine TaMcts. (VlJ Cores Crip in Two Days. On every KOTK'K. W. T. I'hulps enter and lnys claim to the Tollow luij iuiil in 8cup)trnont; tuvvnshiji. 'ahhinslon county, dt Kcrltietl follow, lis bc-iLg vacant nd niinpprupriiiteu l:ivu : ne'.'iunins in f avid riirlow jib's Northwest cor. n-r. in K. I OvcriM' lint-, ninuinir th-nc North wsrdly Willi K. I Ovet.on'tltnc to Scut?lrnn(f ( licirn line, theucc With t!ielr luie Soa:h- wnnlly to l..ttt KnrU)nv;h'! liim, tit!i ce Wetvrd lv with hi line snd tlis hlU iaftd r. arioa oour- s.-s 10 ill I) xmnini:: co;ir.iinlng is scros mora or lets.- TUis Uct. 31, i'JUo. F. It. JO'.INSTOV, I.w .9 3, cnp 272. tiat Tker, mi1, vv 'u.-m?Kt:Miags Men's Clothing, Boys' Clothing nd Clothing for the Little Obaps. Another one of our Specialty Lines, the Buying and Selling of Clothing i onr Pet HoSby. We devote rpeeial attention to tho selection o! taU very important part of onr stock. We ISuy No $fo&9 Ou the contrary, our goods come to us FRESH FROM THB F CTOHY, We do take edvants-ge of Early Buying, and Buy ing in Quantities. &c, so we are enabled to dhow tm onr trade the Best values, and the Newest and Most Desirable patterns that the Clothing market has to offer, ai they coma Frenh froia the Factory to ns. We guarantee every Bait. If we sell yoa one suit we make you our customer. J-eVOT I t - - -"-- - Btopat 12x9 ccuh and lvcsklSwatfa I

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