JAPS IN 8AN FRANCI8CO. Have Entered Into Lively Competition with Americans. BatSstifta eat hered In San Fraocteoo tn regard to the Japanese engaged !n buataeas ahow that they have entrel lively competition with Americans in a large number of occupations which the Chines do not Invade. There are 85 Vy. Japan hotela-ln San Francisco, GO restaurants. 16 Intelligence offices, 9 shooting galleriw, 11 billiard rooms and 75 honsecleanlng offices. These are all licensed; and there is a larj;e num ber at unlicensed cobblere, butchers, Janltoro, portere and domestic eorvanta. Exchange. How Meerschaum Is Mlnod. "Meerschaum la mined like coal," said a pipe dealer. "It la a aoft, soap llke etone, and In Asia Minor Its min ing 1 an Important Industry. ''The crude meerschaum ia called Xamtaah. It Is yellowUh white In color and a red ciay coat or skin envelop? It. The bloofcg eoet from 35 to $2X a cartload. They are soft enough to cut with a knife. "Those blocks In cummer are dried by exposure to the sun. In winter a Seated room lc cecensary. 'r'lnally, the meerschaum blocks arj eorted Into twelve erodes, wrapped In cotton and packed In cases with the greatest care. "The bulk of all this meerschaum oe to Vienna. There the best plpe laakers In the world live." Philadal pfcla Bulletin. Protection from Lightning. Acxrding to Sir Oliver LiOdse, the nwjtwt practical approach to absolute proteetlon of a building against light ning would be a metallic screen de scending vertically down its salient features. The screen should follow as straight a path as po-ssibJe, and should bo grounded by means of a perforated etee? cylinder filled with granulated eiiiixiOHj. India's Mounted Nur Corps. India has a staff of mounted army nurses. The Indian government allows tbrse ladles of the Indian nursing serv ice 30 rupees a month for the upkeep of their horses, and free conveyance of their enltoala to and from active serv ice. This corps of nuraes are all ladies of good eoc'lal position, and have to un dergo three years' training In a general hcspital before qualifying. A Valuable Crown. Thn Tope has ordered a firm of Flnr encc. Jewelers to manufacture a crown set with imitation stones for the image at the Virgin in the basilica of tie Vbtic&u, In place of a crown containing grmp valued at $7,500,000, which Is to be deposited in the vault of the Vatican. Many children inherit tonitntifB8 weh and fteble, otkerB dwe to childhood troub les Uollisior'a Rocky 'Mountain TrH will positively euro children and mak ihcm strong. ;5.r. ceutB, Tia or TiibleU. Spruill &. Ktb Caution in the opt-uiug of the eyes, sns pioieu tk closing cf tha heart. 1 Make Your Grocer Give You Guaranteed Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Alum Baking Pow ders interfere with digestion and are un healthful. Avoid the alum. Wh You Have a Bad Cold Tea want a rameilj that will net only fliTe 'quick rulief but effusst a puruianent cura, . Yon watt a rsmed) that all relieve the Inimf aod keep expeotoratioit tasy. Yua wt a rewndy that wilt counteract aay tendency towerd pneumonia. Yoa west a rem&dy that is yloaeaot ad a(e to Uhe. t!htMbrl&in'n Coufih Remedy tacete all of thew rw.uireer.ute and for the 6peedy aud perwacoat i-ure of bad coidd taud'' wltheet a paor. For sale by till druggletu. Hon in cot a tenotuaut houso in which ho Qjr f the uert may be cUan while tttnU il'tfce imallesi is corrupt. HAS STOOD THE TEST 21 YEARS The old, oriaiwal QttOVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It i irou and juiniue in a tnsteieSH.f.irm. No cure, no puy. fiOc. oc 25 It is a goad seroton that stays with a mnu nheu he u snapping homes. Ono nic;ht is all lbs time neceefary to prove thitt Pineul? i the !et remeciv i the world fur buebacho and all kidney v.rd , bladder troubles. It you have rheunmtum or uey other blood diKfUMu a simple doge wiil give relief. Bold by Skilee fc Sou and P. hr. Davmport A Co. iso;K , 1 am.aJUMam vmmmuijuatUMemitaaMiiim A I'POI NTMifi NT8 AT GRACE EPISCOPAL CUUIiClI. Brvice on the 4 th ftunday of Iho tuouth tuoruini; aud eviiiug. Bible cUe at 4 p. . t-;urvicd Huturd&y prcocediug at 4 p. in., and Monday following 4tk Sunday at 'J u. m. Mi. F. A.. B7jie, lay;rui '.er, will couue ervice eyery Sundny iaorniug. All are cordially inyited. U. M. LAS3ITER. Piia may go by the nauaa of rhdutaatisso, nBrnlgi, lnmbna;. pleurey. Mo raattir whet B6Qi tae puiua arn called, Molliatur's Bonfcy Kooataio Ta v ill driath(j away. 36 oeats, Tea or Tablets. Kprnill & Bro. O&hool Hours In Germany. After examining 1G.000 ecLooJ chil tfrea. three German medical ixperta fcave ureed the alwiitioti of &fimo(Mi xn3 o:x the ground that they ex haust ttk vitality of the scholar. Gw'fTimir.g In Ptlic Schoola. Swirnrring ie part of the currkuluoi of tlic public pchoyls of Yarmouth, England. Tho boya zro taken to tlie elicre in parties end are tnvind till thy oao lifty ytrd In the tea. Nt L'oieoa in Chamberlaiu'ii Cough RsiHsdy. Freia Nspler Kew Zealaud, IIrald: Two yirs a;o the Pnarmaey Board f New .riauth Wale, Australia, had sn alyi:iuaade of all the cough medicines that were sold jo tht aarkt. Out of the eutire litit thy found oaly one that they declared viai en tirely free from all pNon. This exception whs Csainberldin'tf Coujh Kemdy, made by lb CsarsUerlnin iisdiciue Umupmir, V& Moines, Iowa. U. S. A. The nbseuce ut all narcotics ui&kK this remedy the fa fast tod beet that cu be had; and it is with a feuling of security that any notlir caii giv it to her little ons. Oharaberlai"' Coagh Remedy ii etpocially reoom ended by its makre for coughs, clds, croup and wboopioif ootitfh. This remedy in for anle hy ell druggists. Backache is nevr knowu to. those psri-oas who t!ke an occewional dose of Pinrultt. Ttit valne of tLe icsin obtained I'rous the Piie tree has lcng beec V9ct;nizcd in thf treatment of dicae of the bladder and hidseya. Ou done of PjMttlea will five tf' liof, and on bnttl will cure, fold by kilu & fjt.a kf(iH P. 12. Davenport & Co, oJ0 THS "KSS" COTTON PlUffiSt SiMPLEST. ST!tOHGE8T. BEt Thi Muhnav Ginnwc System GIm. Feeders. Can4trnxjr, ffc. GIBfJKJP M ACJ11NKRY CO. . Colttmltta. S. C. nud TRADE-MARKS promptly obtiiwd in il ooanuiMi, or no Xoo. We obima PATE NTS THAT PAY, aJvortine tikem thoroimhJy, at our extxtnaa, vad Lalp you to cucones. BeuA niodol. photo or skotcii lor FR EE report on patontablllt.r. I years' practio. SUR PASSING REFERENCES. Forfroe Guide Book oq Proftbtble at nl write to Q03-B03 Seventh Street. n INOTON, E. C K I DRAGGING down pains ore a symptom of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, come irregular, putnful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weakening drains, dreadful backaclie, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, tired feeling, inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty. The cure is of IbMilPyi THE FEMALE REGULATOR, that marvelous, curative extract, or natural wine, of herbs, which exerts such a wonderful, strengthening influence on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stimulates tha wemb muscles to pull the womb up into place. It is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. WRITE US A LETTER Put aside all timidity and write us freely and frankly, tn wtoksfceirt confl uence, tolling us all your nymptoms and troubles. We will send freo atWice (In plain, ssaled tnfelopo, how to cnrethoTn. Addross: Ladies Aivlaory Dept., Tlio Chattanooga Kliciue Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn. "I SUFFERED AWFUL FAIN in my womb and ovaries," writes Mis. Naomi uk, of Webster Grovos, Mo., "alco in my right and left sid', ana my munsec wore Ttry painful and irregular. Since taking Curdni, I fel like a new wc:itan, and no not sutler en I d'd. It if the best medi cine I ever had in my bouse." S. BARCO, Undertaker nnd Cnniagc jraker, Coffin?, CHkttf Bod Barial-cssoR of kll bIj'Iph, gradfM, siz aud priced. t"Cloth LSne.-H OaK6H a Speculty. Special alUution given to orders from a distance. If it tbuaid be your misfortnue to ueed any tkinp; iu this line, cull en uie. ' I Lave as sice a lice cf open ktiii top ve hicles ee ever been khown in tUia bc tion. In vfcrfe nd prices I defy comp titioi:, KxKmine my stock before plaoing your order. I have ecnrn' tbo fcerviuem of afirst-claw trimmer, and hH w ork is executed ia a iboroucb, workman-like manner. 5. J. BAttCO, ap 1-tf Koi'ER, N. C. FA.LL T.GI1M 1005, ANNOUNCEMENT. Roper Crraded Sclaool KOPEK, North Carolina. Fall Term Begins Monday, Sept-25th, 1905- Special Advantages Offered ' To Furcnts Desiring to Secure for thoir Bojs nud Girls a Practical idiiCiitio!4, then-by prejring them for the KeHponsibil itios uf Life. Tuitin 11.00, $1.25, $l.f0. mmm mmm H-dWl Mjmil3M SoM by P. E. DAVENPORT Jb CO. ! Alex. H. Koonce, A. B., Prin., &ICS, I5RICE4., BRICK. Huving installed tlio latest improved niacbincry for the insinut'aeture of brick, I am now prepared to furnish building brick in largo or small lota, at moderate prices. The material used is the finest and the worK the best to be had. Those intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns beinjr directly at the junction of the Ar C. L. aud N. fc S. Railroads. 3 ZleUit, KSdocys mad metddmr &Egh& FiyisiotifJi, M. C, 7 TH1JY ARK HERE ! And as fine a lot of horses and mules as you ever clapped your optics! on. But don't wait for 'em Ut he picked over como at once and get first choice. The price is right. Other lots will be receiued from time to time We are here for business, and will continue to remain leaders of the istocl market. 11. NEWBERRY Sc OO. nt I II I II & m Pleasant to taKe and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Oriwo Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pille, Tablets and Galine Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Obiko Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the 6tomaih is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Tholr violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Orino Laxative Fruit eyrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs can not cure Chronic Constipat ion.Tprpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and SicK Headache. Take Oriso Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle st imulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Okino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitutes. Special Offer ! ri'Ver bvfoi': have we inu.de this lew mle, but we ara Ktixious to swell our subscription list this fall, and arc willing to pay fur it. Until Oct. lest, we will accept new subscriptions to Thk I.'oa.voki: liKAOOX at the Special Low litf of $1.00 for 18 months, payable in advance.' Th 1 1 ii tt iwr price H $1.00 per year in advance; 50c. for f months, or trial subscription of 3 months for 25c. Your neighbor reds ntul likes the paper, so will YOU. Fill out this blank and mail To-Day. P. A 'hi if ss Date C. V. W. A U 8 HON, Plymouth. N. C. Dkau Sik; Enclose Jind $ for subscription to .h. Ikunoke B acon" for months ' f pr your offer above. Yours lvspeot fully, f Name I ABAH Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are net satisfied your money will be refunded Prperd only by POLEY Sl CO., Crttosgo, IU. COLO AND RECOMMENDED BY N. 1 U you up; a sub.-eribt-T kindly hand this tc ;t iH-i;;,?bo!, c'lin ;H r.o:;tiin to l hi off?. . We UuuiW vou in advanco for ar.v and all interest shown iu bi half of your home paper. Eiuiou, P. K. DAVENP0KT & CO., Up to-.,tle DmggUlA

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