1 5 MRS, EMMA FtiEISSJTEB Suffered Over Two Yean Health Was s Trecariom Condition Canted by Petvio Catarrft. ill mwmsM i m-mMkm 1 ?': j :-y- ?H;'A - HEALTH. -.AHa. STFIEIIOTH RESTORED BY PE-B1M..V ' Mrs. Emma Fle'issner, 1412 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Wash.., Worthy Treasurer Sons of Temperance, writes: - "" "1 suffered, over two years with ir regular and painful' periods. My hea lth was in a very preca rious con dition, and 1 was anxious to find something to restore my health and strength. "I was very' glad to try Peruna and de lighted to find "that it .was doing me good. I continued to use it a little over three months and found my troubles removed. "I consider it a splendid medicine and shall never be without it. taking 4i dose occasionally when lfeel run down and tired." ,' Our flies contain thousands of testimonials which Dr. Hartman has received from grate ful, happy women who have been restored to health by his remedy, Peruna. GUARAN TEED BY A $5,000 BANK DEPOSIT R.R. Fare Paid. Notes Taken 500 FREE COURSES m.:s-sprLzLf Beard at Cost. Writ Qukai SEORGIA-ALASAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon. Ga. will find it) Mozley's Lkmon ,'lJrxra,'.'the- vi&a. laxative, a pTeasaht :. wd ," thoron gWy re liable" remedy,- without the least danger 0r possible harm to : tliem' .lu any condition 'exViar'tO.'jthemselves . v I r'leaaaj in taste,. Mn'ild in ajbio'iii-atid thorougli in rtsults. ,v;.Tst 3-rfbr .35 years." joe. and $i.oo per bottle at ''ill Drug Stores. - !,. -MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR "One Dose Convinces. " BACK OF TEE 'ATKINS SAW Two centuries of patient and conscientious effort to produce the best taws in tne woria. Ten eer.erations of blood and brains. '! iThu-iariest plant 5n the-world exclusively devoted to aw-makine. employinz many ,L i hiMidred s of high-class, high-priced craftsmen ' -. ! isd equipped with oostly special machinery. VI A woria-wicie easiness acrecratins many mlions of dollars every yeiir.- A reputation duui up inrouRii iwo centuries of steady growth, valued more highly than siny other asset of this great institution. The guaranty of this Company, which is respected the world over. 1 - We make all types and sizes of saws, but only one grade the best. r Atkins Saws. Corn Knives, Perfection Kloof Scrapers, etc.. are sold by all good hardware dealers. Catalogue on request. E. C. ATKINS CQ. CO., Inc. Largest Saw Manufacturer! in' the World. I Factory ir.6 Executive Otficet, Indianapolis, Indiana- iKA.'Hi': New KOra, cnicao, juinnoapoua, i'ortlond, (Oreurom, Seattle, Baa Francisco, Memphif, Atlanta and Toronto, (Canada). Accept no Subrtitute Ia! on the Atkini Brand SOLD BY GOOD DEALERS EVERYWrET Ik Genuine TOWER'5 HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A QNIUa LIKE ALL fSiWATKKOOF CLOTHING. It is made of the beat materials, in black or .yellow, fully $u&ranteed. and said by reliable dealers ererwhere. SirCR TO THE SIGN 0? THE FISH TOWt-1? CVfAOIAM CO.lMtt A. J. TOWER CO. CURED Removes all swelling in 8toao days ; effects a permanent cure in joto 5o days. Trialtreatment given free. Not hingcan faire ?yfuAr SMclalltt.' Bo O Atlanta. S So. 43. urupsygs rt mM Ttl 6US Htttl All ELSE fflltST SSI f Jj Beet Couh byrup. 1 estoa iooU. La C' Need For Good High ways. ) . JUOJ. HE good roads- question flPl continues to attract v'ide O o spread public ' - Interest, A judging from the exten- tfG3PT sive discussion of the sub ject in the public press. The proposi tion of Federal support in this respect seems to be gaining strength in the country at large, and the good roads propositions as presented to recent Congresses are being earnestly exam ined by many interested citizens, as the demand upon the Capitol document rooms at Washington attests. These bills seek to enlist the financial sup port of the Federal Government in the improvement of the wagou roads of the country, the plan being for Uncle Sam to supply a sum equal to the sum any State will supply up to tlie maxi mum provided for. Congressman Urownlow, in explain ing the provisions of his bill, said that Federal co-operation in the premises was but just in order to fairly distrib ute the burden of taxation necessary to improve the public highways.' lie jnakes .this telling point: ''So long as we pursue the original method of taxation the entire burden oncost for highway improvement falls upon the owners of agricultural lands and the persons living in the rural dis tricts.. When the great mass of the people lived in the rural districts this was a.' just and equitable distribution ff taxes for such purposes, but with the changed conditions of the present, day, when one-half of the people live in cities, and much more than one-half of the wealth is concentrated in these cities and in the corporations that are so powerful at the present time, it is absolutely necessary that some means should be devised whereby the reven ues requisite for the great improve ment that Is called for shou!d be de rived from all of the people and re sources of the country as nearly as pos sible, and not rest, as heretofore, upon the farming classes, who are the imme diate losers by every failure of crops and suffer by every decline in price of agricultural products." Another important consideration is that, in the last analysis, the cities and towns benefit from good roads just as much as do the people living along them. It is to the interests the mer chant as well as of the farmer to have an improved system of roads in every part of the country. The, devopment. of the rural , free delivery system has-served to bring the -.people of th country into closer touch w'lth not'; only the towns, but vith the- Federal. Government, :'than ever before..' The Governmeht,'-peak--ing and acting for the country ailarge, has, therefore, sc direct interest in the :?Velfare of tlle people Jiving in the rural Sections'; and. he benefits to be-derived from good, roads 'would be shared not "merely .by-those-living upon them, but by all the people. Atlanta Constitu tion The Movement's Progress That the good roads movement ds popular arid has come to stay is evi denced by the attention now given to good roads engineering in our educa tional institutions. The Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts has recently issued a circular con cerning its, course of Highway Engi neering, which circular can be had from the president. by addressing him at Kingston, It. I; This 'medium is to call " the attention of any young men who are thinking of doing engineering work to the advantages of including education along good roads lines. This last addition is badly needed and will be of immense value in the Southern States of the Union where 'less atten tion, .perhaps, has bee.n given to this than in those further north. That it seriously concerns us all is evident without any argument, and the action of President Butteriield, of the Rhode Island College of Agriculture, is to be highly commended. In addition to this we learn that in the Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, the Iowa highway commission has es tablished a road school in which every piece of the work, including class work, work, field work, modern road machin ery, cement in highway improvements, etc., is taught. Tlans are being made to build model sections of earth, gra vel .and macadam roads, and practical men have been engaged for the schools, and it is thought that the results will be very flattering. Certainly the Iowa people deserve great credit for their enterprise in this direction. Of Special Value. In Southern Louisiana the good roads movement is of special value from the fact that our great crops of cane and, rk-3 weigh more in proportion to the area of land on which they are grown than do the crops of any others of the States of the Union. Thousands of acres of sugar can? have been lost in Louisiana during rainy harvesting sea sons from the practical impassability of our roads, awl while no good" roads movement can change our climate, we can unquestionably change some of the effects of our climate by reiterating the importance of. road drainage and other physical ameliorations, as well as sug gest the financial and politico-economic methods for road improvementLou isiana Planter. Admiral Togo, when in Englana, In the 70's, was commented on by a critic, who said: "Mr. Togo quite an noys hiwself with his politeness." The November "Little Folks." ..9.1 " ,"Tho November ' number of '. Little Folks;" sprightly ' nnd intensely in teresting magazine for children, pub, lishedat Salem, MassV-by S.'E. Cas iino is" an-especially valuable one The stones, poems, pictures, etc., are highly valuable - in .this Thanksgiv in number, and all the little folks will be, delighted with it. Among such an array ot good things as this number presents it is hard to desig nate which ' features are the jtnost at tractive. .The entire contents ought to be. accessible to every child in the land. Stumbled Into Rich Mine Nannie Brown, eighteen years bid, a negro servant, while searching for a stray cow near the Homestake mine half a mile east of Butte, stumbled in to a gopher hole out of which had been thrown several small particles of quartz in which gold glittered. - The 1 girl carried the SDarkline rock hnm and assays in Butte show that the rock carries .more than $1,000 in gold to the ton. The girl led her employers to the gopher hole and the whole country was staked off, tbe' locaters being "Con" Conklin, S. W. Brown, "Al" Stevens and Miss Brown, each taking an equal share. Two shafts have been sunk thirty feet, revealing two large gold leads in which the free gold can be easily seen. About, $6,00 worth of rock' is. in sight and excitement runs high over the discovery. t Threw Rock Too Far. As John Jones of Goshfn, Vt, at tempted to remove a rock from his yard with dynamite recently, the rock was thrown to the roof of a cow stable near' by, crushing through the roof to the floor and nearly killing some calres which were in the stable. A STRONC STATEMENT JSy Col. J. M. Guffey, Democratic Nation, al Committeeman ot Pennsylvania. Col. J. M. Guffey, of Pittsburg, Dem ocratic leader of Pennsylvania, and one of the greatest producers in the world of oil, coal and gold,. writes: Gentlemen: It is a pleasure ,to endorse Doan'e Kidney Pills. Having found them of great value I have always been glad to recommehS them to my friends. They are excellent. (SignedJ J. M. GUFFEY. Doan's Kidney Pills, a specific for backa'cbje, bladder troubles and all kid ney disorders, are sold by all dealers. Fifty cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.' True Warning of Death. A remarkable case of a dream warn ing was that of Mr. Henry. Gay, of Abertillery, Monmouthshire," Eng., who on Feb. 19, 1901, had a vivid dream, in which he declared he was standing with a "radiant presence" in a shining cornfield. His companion gathered four ripe ears of corn and handed them to him with the 'worlds, "These are all for thee." Mr. Gay "immediate ly told Rev. D. Collier, of Abertillery, of his strange dream, and said he was convinced that he had four more years to live, a conviction which no argu ment could shake. Exactly, four later, on Feb. 10, 1905, Mr. Gay died. Linking of Coincidences. Fire broke out on the roof of J. E. Vouns's blacksmith shop at Enosburgh Falls, Vt., on July 25. Exactly three years previous to a day a. fire broke out on the same roof in the same" spot and, stranger yet, the same customer, Edward Brady, was having hs horse shod at the time. Revolutionary Cannon Ball. , While digging a ditch in the south east part of the town of Bennington Vt., recently a workman dug up a six pound cannon ball that had been three feet under ground and badly, rusted. II was on the direct road taken by th Berkshire couhty troops that came to participate in the battle of Bennington, and on the lot where they camped tlw nisht before reaching Stark's army. THE SECRET OF YOUTH v De Soto looked for the secret of youth in a 'spring of gushing, life-giving waters, which he was sure he would find in the New World. Alchem. ists and sages (thousands of them), have spent their lives in quest for it, but it is only found by, those happy people who can digest and assimilate the right food which keeps the phys ical body perfect that peace and com fort are the sure results, ... A remarkable man of 94 says: "For many long years I suffered more or less with chronic costiveness. and painfull Indigestion. This condition made life a great burden to me, as yeu may well Imagine. - . "Two years ago I began to use Grape-Nuts as food, and am' thankful that I did. It has been' a blessing to me in every way. I first noticed that It bod restored my digestion. This wa a great gain, but was nothing to com pare in importance with the fact that in a' short time my bowels were re stored to free and normal action. "The cure seemed to be complete; for two years I have had none' of the' old trouble. I use the Grape-Nuts food every morning for breakfast and fre quently eat nothing else.. The use has made me comfortable and- happy, and although I will be 91 years old next fall. I have become strofag and supple again, erect in figure and can walk with anybody and enjoy it." Name given by Po3tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the little book,."Tfl9 Road to-' Wellville," in every pkg. STOPS B?LCHIVn BY ABSORPTION -NO DR(JGS-A NEW METHOD- . ' ' u . . . A Y.ax of Wafer Fvee Have Tou - Acute Indication, Stouutort Trouble, Ir-4' regular rJaatt, XHizy Spells 'is Short BreatJi. Gas on ' the Stomach ,..' Bitter Tast :Bad Broath Impaired Ap petite A teluig of fullnew, weight and paiu over the stomach and heart, some time nans? nnd vomiting, also fever and sick headache? What cause 'it? Anv one or a-ll'tif :these: Excessive sating and drinkinir abuse of (spirits anxiety and depression mental ef fortmental worry and physical fatigt.; bad air ineuflicient food sedentary habits absence of teeth tbHing ofifoodAf. If -ont' suffer frftm this slovir deatjiciyJ miserable exitfcnprVlet s send vou a iain nle bos of Mull'a Anti-Belch Wa'fers abso lutely free. No drugs. Drugs injure the stomach. . : ' ' v ;s' It stops belchinjr and cures a diseased stomach by absorbing the foul odors .frrfm undigested food and by imparting activity to tlie lining of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juices, which promotes digestion and curea the disease. . Special Offer. The regular Drice of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is fiCc. a box. Init' to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will -end two (2) boses npon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. Tins Offer Mat Not Appear Agaix. 102S5 FREE COUPON 12S Send this cotipon with your name and -address and nama of a druggist who doo not sell it for a free sample box of Muli'a Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's Grape Tontc Co.. S2S Third Ave., Rock Island, HI. Give Full Address and'Write- Plainly. Sold by all drug&ists, 50c. per box, or sent y mail. , The Interstate Commerce Commis-; sion resumed tne investigation into private refrigerator car lines. Taylor's Cherokee Remedv of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs, Colda, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and line troubles. At druc- ists, 25c., 60o. and fllOO fer bottle. -Sir Henry Irving, i'tho -foremost English actor, died suddenly at Brad ford, England, aged 67 years. .. BABY'S AWFUL ECZEMA Face Like Raw Beef Thought She Would Lose Her Ear Healed Without a Blemish Mother Thanks Cut U-ura. " " '.'My littlqicl. had eczema very bad when' she -was ten months old. 1-tlrougbt she. would lose her rijjht ear. It had turned-' black, and her lace. was like a-piece of-raw meat, and very sore. It would bleed when I washed her, and 1 had to fce'ep cloths oh it day and.nijrht. There was not'a c!ar spot on her face when 1 began Using Cuti cura Soap and Ointment, and now it is completely healed, without, scar or blem ish, which is more than 1 had hoped for. (Signed) Mrs. Rose Ether,. '201 Eckford St., Brooklyn, N. Y." - 1 The Pekin robio is becoming naturalized in tle parks af London. - How's This? Vt'Ofter.Oa Hundred Dallars Revjanaj; anyoaaebf Ua'tarr'a thac Jiiunot be cured bf . -.r. J..,C.hekey& Co., Toledo; 0,r ve, the undersigned, bave known Y,JL then? VtrtM last aiMbeheveffifm' perlecvljflioiiorable- mall busiuessttrajisac tions and llnancially able to carry ou aay, obligations bladehy tiieir ilrtn'.' ' ' -' West & T&vxx, Whoiesala Druggists. To ledo, O, . Wilding, aixxa .t - Mabvix, Vhole3aiu Druggists, Toledo, O. s Hall's Oacarru c'ureis taiiea iutornally, a it- . Ingdirectly upon tne blood aud mucoussur lacesof taa system. Testimonials sent free. I'rice.Toe. per bottle. Sold oy all Druggist. Take Hall's i'amily Pills for constipation. '. .v.-'--i --i -v-- V Peacock leathers arc said to bring ill luck. VTTSn rm'ilneritlvcurey. No fits offifcrvous ness after first day? lise.of Dr.-Jxline's, Great . Nerveltestorer, atrial bottleantl treatise rree Dr.R. if . Kline, Ltd.; 981 Arch St., Phila.'.rrf rj . .).., , A bee, unladen, will fly forty miles an hour. Mrs! Wins ow's Soothing Syrup for Children tething,ofteo3thaiirn,roaucosipa.a.rrjniar tion.allavs r.iin,cures wind coHe.25c. a bottle -The biggest . cannon weighed 2000 pour.de. ball - everV-ntie Piso's Guraoauttotha'too hlghlysj'XJkaa V tt i cough cure. 'J. NV. O'JJbiejt, 522'JChlra mue, X.. Minneapolis! "Minn., Jan. 6.190J, Avent The Russian five letters. alphabet contains thirty- A small boy's idea of greatness is to be able to lick another boy a size larger. So. 43. H. FT. Green's Sons, or Atlanta, Ga., are. the only successful Dropsy Specialists.intha world. See their liberal offer in advertise ment in another column of this taper. . Petition Six Miles Long. Six . miles is the length of. a petition, promoted by the Brtish national ca nine defense league in support, of the bill for the" prohibition .of the'-vivisec. tion of dogs. "Oar "SIMPLE SELFNSf RifCf . win triiu ctowat riu t. iMnlitilia C C tVMw. U mjurn. M. II C - tt Illlllllll fa t ' MM M'bii.tliHl mm m. Mm ifcnh -tilt tU . Wifa far trfifal in Imit 4 n ' , ar?aiu. wkty oav orrw. Fiujr Music CpMTAtiy. CHARLOTTE. ' : ' .Shorthand and BookkeeDlng. lUilUlLui lii x tnoroiigri Dusineas course,- I K ii wr . f -. . . ... . - - - Kailrottd accounting, ourgraduates cover the South ; positions guaranteed : catalogue free. AMERICAN TKLKGRAPH" AND1. COM MKKCIAL COLLEGE, Mllledgeville, Ga. NTED Address of (1J persons OT part I uitiau blond flhp are notlivinif w'th aiiy Trile, itt)Pnn.'wo -wers draltea in Jwprarsv, j RV bf luotlierB of -soldiers whrliir'.b$iS.fl dnnifd iienilon oa nocc.niit of their re- murriae, (4) of men who served in thsFed erl srruy. or (5) the nevest Vlu .of such Wolir osailors, Sow vfcx-MtV. 1 ft- ' NATHAN BICKFOHP. Atteraey, Wajthinstea, 1. C. Ill Both Husband and Prostration and Made' A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit' to' care for children ;'it ruins a child'dieproi- tion and reacts., upon herselfi -"The' .trouble between cliildren and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mrrther has some female woak- ess, and sheds entirely unfit to'.bWW"-' the strain upon her .nerves thatgovevn ihg. children involvt; it ia. impossible for her to-do, anything calmly. ij-.The ills of wpmen act like a firebrand 'upon .the nerves, consequently nine- tenths of the nervous prostration, ner vous despondencj'. "the blues," sleep lessness," ithd nervous irritability of women arise from some, derangemtnt of the fenia'le organism.' j Do j'ou experience fits of depression Trith restlcssncKs, alternating with xtreme irritability? Are your spirits easfly affected, so that one miuutp you la-ugh, and. the next minute you feel' like orvinir ? . ; Do you feel something lik"e a-ball ris- tng m jTour throat "ami threatenino; to Choke you :- all the Kensea 'perverted, morbidly sensitive o light and sound ; pain in thp M oyariei, an especially between the shoulders ; bearing down, pains; nervous dyspepsia, and' almost continually-cross and snappy? If so, .your jaerves are m a shattered. condition, "and y'ou are threatened with ne.rvous prostration. . Proof is monumental that nothing in the. world isbettfer for nervous prostra- tion than .Lydia 'E. "Pinkham's Vege table Compound ; thousands and .th.ou Bands, of women testify to this fact. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Ad vice-A WsmaH Efcst I'adcrst&BsJs .a Woman's Ills. . Is the PRICE, fT0 (2JRE. THE GRIP in uiii. uni wi r- m ensnntEm Is Tti tin cnum enX.,-U.. 1 1 lJ -, --(7-pa sick heaoach: CONSTIPATION. Promptly and Pennanontly Cured with : A eeBtury'sf experience with suocessf-uV' resalts 4s the hesj tes'timonia.1. Sold' by all drugfgists '; .. '' "" i ' - Crab Ordiard ater.vCD.j;.. v ';'.', Loiijrs viLLE, ky FOR WOMEN M ible-d with ills peculiar tol' '" trou' uwa Bw, uowu no uvaviuv wai'tiivuaij atv- C2sslal; Thoroughly cleaoses, killA4iseasegerffL3. Etops dischiiTees' heals inflaiaifiatioii and local their sex irHo4 at. a trtaifKa a tns rvahnelff ,poree.SJ, cures leucorrhcea. and naeal catarrh. raKime 13 in ppwacr iorm 10 uc uiasuitcu en sure UW anl ' 'ar rnr cleansing, healing, cermicnil autl economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES , I ..por saic sit druggists, t-cmo a uu. TrUr Bo5k and t3ook of Instructions Pree. Thc B. Paxtn Company boton. Masw. E. Crab" '; j '.Oirc'haird.':. So. 43.. -. if'i....f :. 1 0 J-MilMSSa!' ers If CShildren - r - 'How -kousanda Strong -anci-'WeU. Mrs Chester -Cu-M'lreader of tha Ladies- -Symp-lieBy tiSdbestra,.4D Sara togaSt:, EastJitostrttt.uJtlAss., writes: ; Dear itla . Pmtkaia Jki " For eight JVfrliJrP'0& with ex treme nervousnsaift n'y!!ro?fa, brought, on by irregularities.' TVouRl neitbpr enjey life nor lrrnayia, norvom "Lvdia E. PinkhfttWiretable Compound .was vcuinendeitn)r,o.i to be the only romwdy: .that clpMMie, I have daily 'ini'provea in hcfirtflrfinxir T'iam now strong -anil weir, Knd lt(er'!icsd has disap peared. ? i ...:- ijJC,-. Mrs. -Charles F liriiijT(n Vice-President .of' ,the Mpiicr.! Qub, 21 Cedar JrerrnceT Hot 'SpriiiSiV'Ark., writes : TWliTr: finlAtoa v' I cbaggedHfU$li niiaoears of miserable existence, worn out jJVi, yp.m and nervous ness, until it seewed'aa fhoiigh I should fly, - I then noticed a st-sil?rhnt of a woman trwfc bled as I was, nd the wondful results sh derived Jfroih-Lydia- KlH'inkham's Vegetable .Compound, I decided to try it. ; I did so, and atrthe'erifl of thr fnortffti I was a different -vvciman: My-neroiftipessa3 allgone, I was no longer irritable, and iiy. husband fell ia lo-v,e with, mo kI oysr agftn." . . Women should, r era jpinbor that Lydia E. Pinklim,'3 -.y peJtffple Compound is 1-hjiinediclno.th.a hoias the record for thj? greatest number tfactual cures of female ills, and; 'jiake. no.substitute. ; .: - Erje Adyicp to Women.1 . . Mrsk Piulih'apaa, ;Lynn, -Mass., invites allsick wompitgsj'.ritber foradvice. Mrs..Pinkhajn s &afcjflxperience with female troubles enables her to tell you "just" wH'al is best for you, and she. will charge rou nothing1 1 for her advice.., , ' '-..'."''V.-.- Besl Remedy -on ; Earth. is IVl UUl ; Very Penetrating. - Kills Pain. t)R.'.RL ."SlIOAft; 61 ALBANY STE?E?Tr, BOsTTGH, MASS. . .s . IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, bad cold.: IHeadacre'ahd neuhaloia. I woii'teil Antl-Orlptne- to a dealer who won't Ganrantox It, Call for yoVrMOXJEX,AC?v IF IT pOESJi'T CURB. F. IF. itienier, Jl.i.t Manufacturer,' Springfield, Sis. CAK.fS." Six rUfltif.iT.fol . Cuiiwj--lsliuitl'I03ha Cii-dOt.. VENIR POST ored si-wies for 2io, Couer Inland, N.X, 3 -5? a 3 'S SHOES a VV. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Lln - cannot be equalled at any price. Biistabllshed July 6,1876. W.L.Bnism Afi uiMifrs Minn in r fl MORE MFfU'S .? an xunrsa tua m ANY OTIlEft MANUFACTURER. 1 fi'fi fiTl REWARO to any one who can I UjUUU di33rovt this ctatemsnt , W. L. r)ourla $3.50 shoes have by their ex cellent styfe, easy fitting, and superior wear in or qualities, aahlevird the largest sale of any $3.50 shoe In the world. They are Just as good as those that ccst you $5.00 to $7.00 the only difference Is the price. If I could take you into rnjr factory- at Brockton, Mass., the largest la the world under one roof making men's fine shoes, and .aliow you the care w ith which every pair of Douglas shoes l. made, you would realise why W. L. Deuelas $3.50 shoes are the best snow prooiicqj m the world. If 1 could sliow you the ditference between the shoes maite -irvmy factory and those of other rpakes, you .would understand why Douglas JJV90 tlidts-cost more to make, why they hold tije4rtshapy fit. better, wear longer, and are ot greatar Intrrnvlc value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market to-day. . W. L. Doughs Sirnng Hmtlo Shoes tor Man. 45??.43if, $2.QO. Buys' School A Dress Shooa.93.lia, 92, $1.76,91.60 CAUTIOtf.- Insist npon having W.L. Doug las shoos. Take no substitnte. Nona genuine without his name and pries stamped on bottom. WANTED, A shoe dealer In every town where W. L. Douglus Shoes are not sold. Full line of samples sou free for inspection upon request. Fast Color Eyelets used; they mill not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles, W.L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas. KL.r'8MuCLAS SHOES '-J-r( I ALU K- 1 ; :