v . . ' """" " M"f'" " V'" rirr" mil iaai rtnr n , hi. iam ij-f-n.-j nrnaifiiiir I "iiiliiiii i emiil i ' kMaaWMMa1naa J t 9 TUB ROANOKE BEACON. i .I n .i 3 Fublklied Every Friday. r '" -iT- ' frr-" "- - Bsterot! la Ui PolOfflce at Plymouth N. C.,m Wa tMMllo mwy reader of Tua Roahokb BlOa, ta Id uin maklUR it sn acceptable and troatabl median of news to our citisou. Let rlreesta paopla ana the public kuow want is rvUtoals Plymouth. Keport to un all iu-nu'of tha arrival Mid departure of friends, social vbUi, death, orloua iltne, ancldeiiU, new attdUfa, new enterprieee aod improvement of vkatfrer character, chungex iu buaiueei1 indeed anytWuf aod avery thing that would be of iutereet Is aur paapla. 8rtCrtptIon price, fl.00 per year. AdTrtieueuu luserted at low raV. Obituary noilcee exceeding ten liu , five cent a lute. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, aad lead moaey with MS. for all In tixcem of ten llae. The editor will not be reaponsible for the views of oorrapoodonta. , , All articlee for publication mutt be accompanied by the fall name of the writer. Correepondeota are requested not to write on but oae aide of the paper. All communication must be sent in by Thursday Horning or they will not appear. Aidrvu all eomsnnlcationr to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C ITALIANS IN TEE COTTON FIELDS. There was something significant ia the address of Mr. Alfred Holt Stone, of Mississippi, at the session of the American Ecinomic Associ ation at Baltimore on Friday. The subject under discussion whs "The Economic Future of the Negro," and Mr. ilolt was among several who advanced thoughts on that problem, for it is fait approaching the propor tion f a problem. We have ofteu heard complaints about the deterioration of the negro as a laborer but we were cither not willing or not prepared to beleive that it was as wide-spread us manv imagined. However, the efforts ef 4hx Manufacturers' Record a few months ago to get at the bottom of the labor conditions in the South opened our eyes. The Record raked em the entire South to ascertain the true situation and published liuudreds of leTttrs from all sections of the different states. These letters were from the most prominent citi zens and employers of labor, and if our memory serves us right, there was not a dissenting opinion among them. The revelation was chat la bor Was scarce and that negro labor was unsatisfactory. 'These letters disabused our mind that the com plaint was1 loeary and4 we must say that they disclosed a condition that caused us regret. It was hard to believe that tne old cotton held hands wotiCd ever have equals much less superiors, "but the times and new conditions 'seem to have brought about a-change. Th9' .question about the insufficiency-'aud inetticiency of negro la bor bavicg been settled, it remained for Mr. Stone in, his Baltimore ad dress te make: a revelation about Italian- labor in the cotton fields. lie came from Mississippi where Italian labor has been tried and his declaration was unreserved that "the ability of the white foreigner success fully to grow cotton in competition with the negro is no longer a matiur or question of experiment." It must be remembered that Mr. Stone was speaking frem observation, experi ence and investigation," for he vvws relating what lie had seen of Italian labor in the southwest where ihous ands are now employed, lie quoted at considerable length from statistics gathered by himself, showing the comparative results obtained by ne groes and Italians growing cotton side by side. The figures covered a series of ymirsand the conclusion was that "when the two classes worked under identical conditions, on the same plantation, the Italian aeeem plished very much more than ihe negro, both in the amount of cotton produced and in the matter of saving what he earned." It is up to the colored people of the South toproritby the disclosures made by Mr. Stone. If the negro has any race pride he should noi al low himself to be outclassed and cer tainly the South sets uo satisfaction in seeing him outclassed, lie is here in large numbers and here to stay, and Southern people would like to see his conditions improved rather than have them deteriorate. It opens a new field for the leaders of the ne- n vn I'ut-n tit iiruunh lmliistt'V ami economy and save the race. Booker T. Washington has been doing that but his lead in that respect ought to be followed all over the South. It is a problem which tne negro must work out himself and it is time for him to go Mr work at it. The note of alarm! hai been sou n dee and he should' profit by it. Wilmington Star.''"' i Ring 'Phone No. 2 Ok . . m!ZV. I A New Combustible. A company has been formed at Bern, Switzerland, for manufacturing a new kind of combustible from peat. The peat is dried under the influence of the eieetiic current and then further treat ed so that under the action of electric osracse a new compound, known as os mon, is formed. . The most recent tests ci the new combustible bring out the iaci t:ir.t it burns as well a3 coal and without giving any cdor or smoke. The ash is very small. As it does not con tain 'P.riy trneo of sulphur, it does not attack ill;? boilers. We are at the other end with a full line of everything in way of Kine Mercantile Stationery, up-to-date type and pretty inks. We are running no "Oheap John" print .iiojv, but a trial order will con vince you that . when style and quality is considered, we can't be H:it. Se;ul us your next order. Catarrh B . -J- iw iau. i ii:-1 wrrrsw; a.ie-jgwTir acorn REPORT OF THE fQNt'TnON OP THE OLlT OF PLYMOUTH, At Plymouth, iu the ;tite of Vort'u Carolina, hi tuCiOseof Buenicbs, Nov. Uih, l90.". HESiH'lK'ES. I.ounc and l)tcount, -Ovrer:ift-J. Si-rured. .... All oilier Sli.tk. HoiuIb and Mortgiiecv. -banking limine. Furniture and l-ixlims, J)uo from Uuiik't and Hunki m, Cali Itum, - ... (iold Coin, - Silver Coin, inchtiling all Minor Coin Curnmcy, Natioual B ulk Notts and Other U, S. Notes, ToTal, " LIABILITIES Capital tBck, ...... Surplns Fund, - . . . , Utidividi-d I'rofits. ls Cnrrunt Ex:u'H.i; and Taxes Paid, Dtmand Cii'tilicaUs of Dopobit, - - - . Totai, POi.LAKS ZO 0 ("8 r.ni.u s.ooit.co - :i.noi) oo SI.SU !0 84-j.r.ii - 448.ro .v,or5 2.100 OK) ::i,rnc oi DOLLARS - 13.fj0i.00 :j,t.eo - r::,r'.-6 04 The chiidf.en's jubilee of good health fol lows the use of Bee'e Laxative Hoaey and Tar, the oongh isyrup that i-xpt'lK ail Cold from the system by act iug a a cathartic Ou tli bovielj A certain rt mndy for Cronp Whooping (iouch aud all luag and bran chial affrCtioQS. Sold by fckileti &, Sou and V E. Diiveupoi t A Co marl Tbe lei1 experience a man bi-s the easier it in for him to fall in love. Cured His Mother of Kheumatism. M J- mother lias been a sufferer for mauy yaara from rtieotnatunj," says W. II. How ard of Husband, Peuusylvauia. "'At times the was uoable to niova at nil, wbilo at all tiraan walking , waa painfni. I presented bef with a bottle of Cbamberlaiu'a Pain Balio aud after, a few application t-be dt cidaf) it waa. the mout wonderful pain re Ueve ahe had ever tried, in fact, he ia never wilUv-Qt it now and in at nil times able ttrwalk. .An occasion tl application of fain 'Balm keeps away tli pain tbat 8be waa formerly troubted with." For aale by ail dr('gUta. . May 'an otb-rwiae sensiblo woman has gives up a good .ayin job iu order to be cone a wortblesn man'a wife. It is a ein to;uffer with backache nA naina over tbe Etdueya, wheu a buisIh dose of Fipalea wili give relief in one mgbt. buf fering women abonld hetd tbeoe warnings ere it is teo late Female .ronblea may re sult. Pioaulen wilh treutthen the Kidneys and bladder, cleanse tbe blood and releive tbe aabes aod paiuh of Neuralgia nod Hhcu matisui. Sold by bkiles & Co. aud P. E. Davenport & Co. marl Stomach Trouble and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets are tbe best thin& for stomach troubltB and constipation I lave eyer old." mijs I 11. Cu.lmau, a druggist of Puttervill-. Mjch. They are easy to take aud always give natUf action I tell my enstoruers to try them aod if not natibfactory to come bank and get tbeir money, but Lave nevt r had a complaint.." For sale by all drug The Sword in Japan. Although wearing swords has almost entirely ceased for 20 years in Japan, the old esteem and reverence for the weapon and its use still exist among the gentlemen of the country, and many of the nobility,, have at their houses regular establishments for fenc ing. Punishing Old Offenders. Sir John Madden, chief just'ee ct Victoria, has discovered a new plan ol punishing old offenders. He adds up all their previous terms and makes the total their sentence. Recently he sen tenced an offender to nine years and one month his aggregate record. Before Formosa passed into Japan ese hands, 20,000 Chinese coolies wore imported eveiy year during the teq picking season. The number now is teas than 6,000, the Japanese em ploying their own coolies. Sinte of North Ciirolinu, Cotint r of Washington, rs : I, Clarence Latham. Cat-bier of tbe above-named Bank, lr solemnly swear tluit tbe above statement is true to tbe bust of my knowledge and belief. CLAKENCK LATHAM, Cabier. Subscribed and !worn to before me, tbi IT'b day of November, lmt W. M. BATKMAN. C. S. C. Uorrect-Attest : V. II. HAMPTOX, M C. AVFRS. L. S. LANDING, DiieetoiB. 1SME!AIL AN HO 1.1. DAY GIFTS Hay Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis $ Colds. 1 ho old iciiablo "E. M." Catarrh Cure never fails to euro the abovo dis cuses. It has been manufactured in the South for over twenty years and is thoroughly endorsed by many of the most prominent pot p!o in the Southern States as tho ?:ly truo euro for Catarrh, Hay 1'cver and kindred diseases. Thousands bear vdling testimony to its paramount liealine; and curative vir tues. JIany of its cures were marvelous t.l'tcr iho nio.st noted physicians, special ists and other remedies had failed. It is purely vegetable and a delightful smoke. Wo mako it cither mixed with mild tobacco, from "which tho nicotino Ins been extracted, or not, as desired. bend stamp for book of particulars containing tho most vrondeiful record of cures ever known. Trico $1 per box. If your druggist cannot supply you It vvi. 1 be scut prenaid upou receipt of price. Addres3 "C. Z. M." CO. O. Box 341. ATLANTA, GA. Our Clubbing Offer. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT NOV. 12th, 1905. train service. Northbound : Leave Belhaven daily (except Sunday) 8-.30 a. m. Leave afbititou 8:10 a m " Plymouth D::'6im " Mackt-yV Ffjrry 10:00 am. Arrive Ed- n ton ll:,"i5 a. m. Leave Edeuton daily loxcfpt bunduy) 7 fiO & 1 1 li: a. m & 2 20 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) 8 50 a.m., 12 2t & 323 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun- ttity) 10 4.r a in,, a 00 & A 10 p.m. Lt-ave Edeuton daily ex. Sunday 7;fi0 a. in. and 2 20 p. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Sunday B ! a. ui. aud li p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 10 10 a. m. and 00 p. ui. focTnBOCND : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday). . . .8- 3"., 11 "" a. rn. & 4 45 p. m. Arrive Ji.liz. City daiiy (except Sur.dny). ..10 27 a in & 1 2lJ, (i 37 p. m. Arrive Edtnton daily (except Suiidaj ) . . 11 2' a. m. & 2 1:0, 7 p. m. Lave Edeutcn daily (eiCet Suuda) 2 30 p.m. Arrive L'elUaveu daily (except Sundnj) 5 10 p. m. Leave Eotuton 2::0 p. m. Arrive PlyiLoml 4:S0 p. ia. Arrive U astuLgton 5:4.1 p. m. Tiuir.H ()s. 1, 2, 5 & 6 stop ut all inter im diate stuticiin Connect at Norfolk with trains to aud from Virginia Beuch and Currituck Branch of Jewelry, Silver or Out Glass are most ap preciated. We sell only guaranteed goods, and prices are lower than the smaller stores. Goods sent on approval to responsible peo ple. We import our. Diamonds direct from Europe, saying you the middleman's profit. Write for new illustrated catalogue. 190 Main St., PAUL'S, Norfolk, Va. Norfolk's Largest Jewelry Store. Until this notice disappears we will jiive the following Cheap Club Rates : Tbe Hoanoke Chacon and the Atlanta Constitution one year for $1 50 Tli UoaiK'ke B K-cti, t be Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South ouh year fvr....- .... 175 The lioaroke Tieaeon and the Thrice-A-Week New York World one vtar for 1.50 And if you wni.t tbe lk-k.t Combination to bp iid for love or money, send ns only $S2.yO ai d we will semi yon for oni year, Your Home Paper, the T brice-A-VW-k New York World, tbe Athuta Constitution and tne Sunny Sou hsiix of the best pa pers published eery tvek, tun! at less than half the cost of one daily Addrt-3 THE liOANOKE hEXCOV, Plymouth, N. C. H0LL!2TErVS Roeky Kouiiiaia Tea N'gsts A 2nsy McJlctne for Busy People. ??!n33 Goldea Esahi oiid Uonovi od Vigor. Brci 1o for Oons'.ipat ioR. 5d restlon, Li, e. t KiJ ur 'i'roubles, Flmpliw, Eezemi. fcnpur !, It.i 1 BrenMi, KIhitH. BoweW, Ha-'-noh? .;d iiackarlio. It'a Kf clry Wo'jntnin Ten in tub it foi r.i, S." t"nt9 a bk. Clcnuine made b-;' inA.ystdn. Dnvo Compa.;v, 5Iarlison, Wis. iSLDZ K'JGGETS FCS EALLCV PEOPLE S-ld by P E Davenport & Co. STEAMBOAT SEH VICE. Leave Edeuton l:o0 p- m , daily excepjp uuday, for Scuppernong Kiver, w S'eaiiier leaves Beliiaven 2 III) p. in. daily except Sunday for Oriental, New Bern, Wilmington, iJonbtad City, Ac. Sttanicrs leave llelbaven 5 ()0 a. m. 'fuea day Thursday pad Saturday far Aurora, South Creek, Mukley ville, &c. Steamer l(!ave Plynnintb daily (except Siinduy) 4:15 p. in. for Windsor and Cathia Kiver. For further information apply to W. B. Onvt'tuiort, Ay't, Plvnmuth, or to tbe Gu ural Office of the N. & S. K. R. Co., Nor folk, Va M. W. MAGUIRE. Gn. Suot. VT. K. KJNG, II. C. HUDGINS, Geu'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.Jfc Pasm Agt. pamlico division- No. 3 No. T A. M i) 50 be. Mat key'c Ferry Arr 6 20 1 1 on riyiiuiiilli 5 50 12 13 Tine Town 4 00 100 Arr. Vt asliinyton Lvt. 2 40 r. m. r. ii. AM ..... WM Lve. Mackey's Ferry Arr. 3 SO 111 5") Itopur 3 20 It SO l'ike Road Y 2 45 1 1 AT, Jlishopcrot-B F '2 30 1 1 la I'antego 2 25 12 10 Arr. helhavm Lve. 2 10 V M. P. M. No. !i. No r. ra son. rs &tt. . 51 j2riE3 Ci I lrov s l asse&ess c mil omc hs stood the test. 25 years. Aversgs AsMnal Sales over Oec sx.d a half Million mottles. Does tins recom cf mcnt apeai to you ? No Cure, fo i-ay. Eaclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, packege cf Grove's Black Root Liver I'lils. every iromptIy obtaiu U. a and Fe reign , ' Vfiii modol. ssotcii or 1 1 oto ot .rce report on patentability 1 j'Jowto rfecurc Patent r-.u5 i !s 1 Y'if 1 Opposite U. S. Paten WASHiNGTON' invt-Mic-B ior C l av m e book r writer TBAOE-BABKS rl t urtiee D. C. N tru woman eer begius to grow old rjatil after her marriage. CURES 0ATAK1UI. If jotfba Catarrh, Hay fever, Asthma, BroneUiti, Cold, etc., E. E M. Catarrh Cora will care it. Send stamp fur book of wonderful eoren. Ibis remedy is the old reliable etaodard and ham made more cures than I other remedies combined. Addrts E. . M. Catarrh Cure Co., P. O. Box 311, Atlanta, lift. Bee au. eleewnere 117 No woman cares to be the fcilent partner in ft matrimonial firm. An agreeable movfment of the bowel withoat any nnpleasant effect frf produced by Chfttubi-rlaia'e Stoiach ad- biverrab leta. For sale by all druggists. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso lutely Harmless, The fault with giving chilnren medicine couUiuing iojurioua subwtaneea, ia Koiue times more disastrous than tho disease from which they are suffering. Every mo ther hbould know that Chamberlain' Cub Remedy is perlectly safe for ctnidren to take. It contains uoimng uaruuui omi coughs, colds and croup u unsurpasea. t'or eaU- by ail aruggieie Ambassador Reid in England. It is estimated that if Ambassador Whitelaw Reid shall keep up the social pace he has set in England his term as American representative there will cost him about $500,000. He is laying plana for a social and diplomatic campaign such as none of his predecesors thougnt of undertaking. Dorchester house, the London mansion wbicn the Reids have taken, cairnot bo fittingly maintained under $75,000 a year. . West Park, a country place he has engaged, will cost 25,C00 more, exclusive of elaborate en tertainments planned there. Then there are the opera, trips to the conti nent, etc., v.-i.ich will bring tho total up to or beyond the formidable figure mentioned. You will not find beauty in rouge pot or complexion whitewhsb True beauty comes to them only that take Ilolliuter's Rocky Mountain Tea. . It ia a wonderful tonic hik! befratiijer,-. -35 cents Tea or Tablet?. P, E. Davenport & Co. J mar tf) ' "5 " t VtiVW.tr. tci fcr" iv z-mR.. mmmm. RHEUM ACIDE has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism after ?J! the doctors and ail other moans had failed. Rheumacids cured John F. E!inc and othsrs, of Baltimore, aiter the temous specialists of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the greatest hospital in the World, had failed. Rheumacids cured Austin Fcrcelle, of Salem, Va., and D. H. Olrnstcad, ths Norfolk, Va., contractor, zfter Urzy nzd spent large sums cri other remedies and the doctors had given up hope. Rheumacids cured Mrs. Mary Wolborn, o? High Point, N. C., of rheumatism she had endured for 20 years. Rhcumacide cured W. R. Almost a Miracle in This Case. Hughes, off AtKins, Va., after the most famous Mew York specialists failed. eit.ri,.miMir di ion. s. c. Aug. is. There is a reason vhv it cures ! Rhcumacide is the latest discovery of medi- Cientiemen: In SeDternber. 1RD9. I took rheu matism in a very bad form (inflammatory). In a month after the disease started I had to give up my work and go to bed. It continued to grow worse untd my arms and hands were badly drawn, so much so that I could not use them. My leys were drawn back till my feet touched my hips. I was as helpless as a baby for nearly 12 months. The muscles of my arms and legs were hard and shriveled up. I suffered death many times over. Was treated by six different physicians iu McColl, Dillon and Marion, but none of them could do me any good, until Dr. J. P. Ewing, of Dillon, enme to see me. He told me to try your KHIiUMACIDE. He sot me one Lottie of the medicine end I began to take it. and before the first bottle .vas used up I beean to get better, I used h'A bottles and was com pletely cured. That was years aro and my health has been excellent ever since. Have bad no symptoms of rhoinr.atisrn. Will say further that I bean to rvnik in about fix days after 1 began to tnke RHEUMACiDE with the aid of crutches: in about three months after I began to take it 1 could walk as good as any body, ard went back to work again. Yours truly. JAMES WtLKES. ca! science, and while powerful enough to sweep all germs and poisons out of the blood, it operates by purely natural methods, does not injure the most delicate stomacn, ana duiigs up ins enure system. SWEEPS ALL PCiSONS OUT OF THE BLOOD. A purely vegetable remedy that goes right to the se2t of tho disesso and cures by removing the cause. Your druggist selis and recommends Rhecmac.ds. Sample bottle and booklet free 17 you send five cents for postage to B0BBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY, Proprietors, Baltimore. Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatic Gout. Indigestion. Constipation. if Liver Trouble, Kidney Trouble. La Grippe. All Blood Dlsaase.