.-V. ... ,U v. 5v - - , .Jf Tlia ROANOKE -BEACON. Published Krery Friday. Entered tn the PjOfflce at Plymouth N. C, a econd cltaa matter. We appeal to every reader of Tub Roanokb Beacon, to aid us in making it au acceptable and proatablemediiim of news to our cltlKrii. Let Plymoutn people aud tliepnbtic know wnat is eomg ou in i'iymottth. Jieport to us all item of new the arrival and departure of frieuds, Boclal eveut,-" ltb, sorioue ilinec, acotdenW, new ialldlnga, new enterpriee aud jmprovemeutj' of whatever cbaracusr, chaugewin busluesi indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to oar people. BabscripUon price, $1.00 per year. Advertisementi inserted al low raV. Obituary notlcei exceediug ten Hu , Ave cents aline. Count the word, allowing; eight to the line, sad ad money with MS. for all in excess of ten "The editor will not be responsible for the views of correspondents. . . All article for publication must be accomuauied by the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one side of the paper. All communications must be eent in by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE EOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. G COTTON FROM FIRWOOD. Difficult to Distinguish the Natural from the Artificial. Cotton, which used to be born, is now being made from flrwood which has been freed from bark and knots. The fibers are broken up by a special machine, and are then placed in a lead lined copper cylinder having a capacity of 100 cubic centimeters. Into this eteam is Introduced for ten hours by means of a pipe in the bottom. At the end of that time 60 cubic cen timeters of soda lye are poured in and boiled for 36 hours under a pressure of three atmospheres. The material is then washed and thoroughly crushed, alter which it is bleached and dried. The pure cellulose thus obtained if treated In an autoclare containing a mixture of zinc chloride, hydrochloric acid', and nitric acid, to which a little castor oil, caseine, and glycerine arc added. The fibre, after being furthei reduced, is passed through a weak so lution of carbonate of soda, and then between drying rollers. The necessary firmness is given to the thread by finally putting it in a bath of diluted ammonia and then washing it with, cold water. The sub stance thus made may be easily woven and dyed. ' When the artificial product Is compared with the natural it i3 said to'bo difficult to distinguish the differ ence, and it is even asserted that, the former may be so economically pro duced' as to be able to compete with the latter. -Chicago Tribune. Cured I J is Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother baa been a m'fferer for many years from rheumat)3iu," aavs W. H. How ard of Husband, Peuusylvauia 'At tirns she was uuable to movo ht al!, while at a!l times ;v.alkin$j whs painful. I presents! her with a bottle of CLumberlaiu'a Pain Balin aud after a few applications he de cided it was tha most wonderful paiu re liever ebe bad ever tried, in fuel, she is never without it now and in at all times able to walk. An occaxmrjitl application of Pain Balui keeps away th paiu that she was formerly troubled with." Fr Bale by all druggists. L! JJ..L....iieH' UJ The outgoing of the heart to another xnsauK the ioooining of heavm to yourself i-HAULLJ ; lj. i-.-J ; You will not find beauty in rouge pot or complexion whitewash True beauty comes to tUetu only that take HollioterV Rocky Mountiiia Tea. It is a wonderful tonio and beautifier. 35 cents Tea or Tablet. P. E. Davenport & Co. mar () n. ,1 I H' i. i ,. i'.g Formic Acid in the Body. Two Paris physicaas claim to have discovered thit formic acid can in creaee the strength of people in an ex traordinary manuer. One of the doc tors experimented upon himself. In two days, it is said, ho doubled his strength, aud in five days trebled it. Formic acid is a colorless liquid found in the bodies of ants, in the hairs and other parts ot certain caterpillars and in net tles. It has a 'pungeat smell, is highly corrosive and may be prepared artifi cially in uiA:;y different ways. Net tles, bees and aurs owe their etinging powers to the presence of the acid. Edward the Shrewd. Commenting on the fact that King Edvard's father used to be referred to as "Aibert the Good," a French writer 3ays that the present sovereign of Great Britain should be called "Edward the Shrewd." The writer adds: "Since his accession to the throne King Ed ward has not made In international af fairs a single mistake, which is more than can be Bald for his nephew and nephew-ic-law cf Germany and Rus ila." It ia a sin to suffer with ba:kaoho end pains over the Kidueyr, when a single dose f Piufnles will givf) rt lief in one night- Suf fering women should heed these warnings ere it ia two .late. Female 'roubles ny re sult. Pineulea will atreng-thfcn lha Kidneys and bladder, cleanse the blood and reUiv the aches and pains of Neuralgia i.ud Rheu matism. fVtld by fetilea & Co. and P. E. Davenport & Co. marl There is something wrong with the heart when it hurts yo i to see others happy. CURES CATAKRH. If y .tt have Catarrh, Hay fever. Asthma, 'BrancLitls, Celd, eto., E M. C'aUrrh i'.arf will care tt Kead stamp for look f wonderful core. This lemedy ia tn old riiHabla s:ardrd and hft made more cures ' i I'wf, lir ; i-',,"M"r-H Addr-a: Ui'dj; Lighthouses. TbTj tiora v'..... aruir.ary of nil BrU -. l.iuiiouiitss 2 to ba louud on Aiu Ish Kuck. t umcvvay Cay a lock which is ''yiT-ted from uie Island of Levis by a channel over 500 lect wide On ihls rock a cor.ical b2.ii.on is erect ed, and on its summit a, lantern Is i'i.'.fd. iron', which, uisht atter night, Ghinet a light which is se?n by the usii- e. lar aiid wide. The way in winch the lighthouse is illuminated is this: On the Isia:.d cf Lewis is a lighthouse, aad lroin a wiv .ow in the towtr a dtream of lig'u is projeotod oa to a miner in the lantc-ia ou Uxe suniiait Li Amish iiock. ii.-:chan,e. Ci.Mpuiscry M. F.'s. The Norwegian parliament concista of 114 ucibers, many ot whom z.i in the house uuder protect. All Norwe gians over 25 ye;s oi us who sa'wify certain coaditious ci rsoideiice, etc., aoet in the local pa.lsh thuicn i,:ice in f. hree years and chocso one man out f every itO present to select the uien Iteia of parliament ior the couuuy. 'h m?u so selected are bouuJ to serve, whether they like the honor or not. Inutivdiately parliament meets cne iftunh oi the iiemleis aie chosen to torm the upp' house. Xlii ; f :n.uiir.g ;Lree-:curths co"S.:tutir.g the ov.:i house. i-ilii:dtii.l.;a I eu;;vr. la an almos t perfect st.ii'j i tration, and easily iccjji4 b ! dead Louy cf u uaidt native of Acsta. Italy, v . crevice ia IS 7 7 near the Monta Rosa, wuj reoer.tly rct.v-r"J from the ice. Nagi was descending the moustaia in coiupcny with two MilaLece Ali in ists when he suddenly uisappeared, aad the cord which bound him to the oth ers was cut by a sharp piece of ice. A search party made many vain attempts to recover the body. London Mail. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso lutely Harmless. The funlt with giving chilnren medicine containing injurious substances, i Koiue tioies more diastrons tbau tin-, disease from which (hey are suffering. Everv mo ther sLould know that Chamberlain' C-'Uf-h Remedy ia "perfectly P9fe for children t take. It coutaing not'.:ng barmfnl and for couLr, ,cods and croup is unsurj-asKed. For sal-by all druggiets. ' " You oarrot tell mncli about the breadth oi a'taan's ruind by the width pf his month. . Aa agreeable movement of the bowels witbont any unplaant effect is prodnced by ChHiubt rlain's Stoniarh und Liver mb leta. For sale by all druggists. Consider ynr own faults and yon will bave less to say about the faults of others. !i!H'I.J I.JULJ Tbe cbildren'9 jnbilee of gord he alth fol lows the use of Beti'e Lnxative Honey sud Tar, the cough iyrnp that xpels all cold from the system ly acting as a cathartic on the bowels. A cvrtxin r tnedy for Oronp WhoopiDg I'onttb and all lung ad bran chial stfctious. Sold by tskiles & Su and P. K. DaVeiiport fc Co marl Graft In the British 'Army. As a resuk of "graft" in the matter of army supplies during the Boer .war tbe British war office has created a new finance department, and in case of war a financial staff would accompany eacn commanding officer and supsrv.ge in the field the fulfillment of contracts. Monkey's Expensive Meal. A monkey suddenly made Its appear ance in the Bank of France, Paris, re cently, and, seizing a packing of scrip, made off with it He was captured af ter a long game of follow-my-leader and hidc-and-seek, and by the time he was caught had chewed up $7,000 worth of the scrip. A New Sugar Plant. The new sugar plant from South America, which ha3 been named Eu patorium rebandium, is pronounced by Bertoni, the German chemist, to be of great Industrial value. It grows eigh: or ten inches high, and Is found to contain from 20 to 30 times as muc'' saccharine matter as sugar cane or th. beet. Destroying Germ3 In Houses. The inspector ,of the disinfection of fice of Turin, Italy, has instituted an innovation in destroying germs in dwellings. He uses a 1 per cent solu tion of sal soda for cleansing the floors, whereby the bacilli of diphtheritis and typhu3 are killed in one minute. Stomach Troubles and Confetipation. "Chamberlain's Sloniach and Liver Tal leta are tbe be-t thin for stomach trouhlf-8 and eonntipation I bave ever Hr1." J. R. Cnllman. a drnggiiit of PottervilU. Mich Tby are euy to take ai d always give atitifatin I tell rny enstomtia 'o try them and if r ot satisfactory to nnme bank and jrt their irrrry. bnt have nevr had a complaint." For sale by all driift gi6ta. ' " " A Vegetarian View. A vegstariaa journal published at Hamburg appeals to its readers not to attend Wagner performance nor play any of the master's music it describes Richard Wagner as "a gross fleah feed er" and a jaan who openly ridiculed vegetarian principles. Gathering Matohts. A gentleman, while walking from Derby to Nottingham, a distance of 13 miles, determined to ask every maa he A .c.w CorMbu.silM. A ..."- p-'.iiy has ben formed at Bern, ,iv. i.w ;!.u .1, for ranufacturint a new kind ci v.aibusilL!c from poat. The peat is dried under the influence of the electriv. current and then further treat ed so that under the action of electric osmose a new compound, known a3 os mon, is formed. The most recent tests of the new combusiible bring out the fact that it burns as well aa coal and without giving any ( dor or smoke. The ash i i very small. As it does not con tain any trace cf sulphur, i; does not attack the. boilers. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE OVrVK OU1 Li Y MOUTH. At Plymouth, iu the state of North Carolina, at the Cioneof Busiueso, Nov. ;)ih,lB0.". KESOUHCKS. Lohiik and 1IcouiiU. ... OwrerafU. Stfcurwl. .... All other Mick. Horn and Mortgaged, Kiuiking Iloust. Furnitur and rixtims, Due from R inks and Funki-rs, Cai-h Item?, ------ Gold Coin, Silve- Coin, including all Minor Coin Curroncy, Miitioiml Bnk Notes and Othnr 1 2 i ToTai.. MABIIJTIKS Capital Mnck, ...... i urplu Fundi - . Undividtd I'lufttg. K-i t'nrrent K. it'Mus and T- Xi s P'id. 1'cu.iiiid Ci itiflo .iiv of ;i-poit, - - . T.5TA, State of Xorth Carolina, Count r of Washington, as : I, Clarvtite l.ailivni. Cns-hier of the l'ivu-nmued Bank, do nolfinnly swear thnt th abovu sttiunit'iit is true to the rmwt of my knowledKe and blit-f . (.'LAKE 'K LATHAM, Ca-h'n r. Subscribed and wom to bi'fjro nie, this' 17tb day of November, 1CQ5. W. M. BATKMAN. C. S. C. of Jewelry, Silver or :ut Glass are most ap preciated. We sell only guaranteed goods, and prices are lower than the smaller stores. Goods sent on approval to responsible peo- 1 .T . T-v 1 I . , C pie. e import our Europe, saving you the middleman's profit. Write for new illustrated catalogue. ISO Main St., PAUL'S, Norfolk, Va. Norfolk's Largest Jewelry Store. has stood the test 25 years. bottles. Does tfri record RH EL! MAC IDE I 1 "MAKES i an tne germs and poisons out cf the tciood, cleans up au ins piagu spots in the body and sets all the organs to work again in Nature's vay. Purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, it is yet the most Dowerfui of cleansing medicines, and at tho same time regulates the liver, tones up the stomach and builds up the entire system. RHEUMACIDE Is the only remedy that cures rheumatism to stay cured. MOST POWERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER Tli?a WORLD. GO RHEU7AGIDE has cured thousands of cases efflcr rJl othsr remcciiss nnd famous doctors had failed. Austiia FJercs!lo, o? SaJsm, Va., spsnt 2.00 in medicines and hun dreds of doiiars for phystcians' fees, end atiastnswas cured by hs!f a dozen bottles of Rheumacide. .G. Dietrich, oi 2120 Ramsav strfct. Baltimore, says it has "mzde him a nev man.' TArs. S. A. Combes. H4 S. Gilmer sirccit, Baltimore, sai it cleansed her blood, took eway her pains, and like a new womnn." ASUr tioHd Docicta Failed. Here is a case'cure,d b CIDii alter noted Ne-v Voriisnectal HtS' had filled. Mr. VV, R, -Hughes, writes from .ptkins. Vn. : ' i ' Four bottles of KMEUMACIDE have entirely erred me of a Iohc standing case ot rlieumansm f reatly improved my general health. was a t jtal wreck, having had matism for twenty years. Ispentscv eral weeks and much money trymi specialists ia Nw York, but RHEU MACIDE Is the only cure I have found. When i began to use it I vv .irhed 140 pounds. Now I weigh 180 pounds, my mtjmI uGHES King 'Phone No. 2 We are at U10 other euJ with a full line of everything in way f Fine ilerctint lie Stationery, tip-to-date typo mi 1 pretty ii.ks. We jive running no "Cheap John" print ihop, hut a trial order will con vince you that when style and quality is considered, we can't be ie.it. Send us' your next order. DOl.T.AItS. S9.4CO.C8 Mil 42 2.(X).00 - 3.S00.0O 24.8&4.40 342.50 448.1K) 570. 5j 8.10O 00 7 V'.V 04 POl.LAUS 13..W-.00 3,000.00 2,122.63 MS,173.3." - 7f,7l6 04 cornct-Atlcst : W. II. W. C HAMPTON, AY Kits, LANDING, Dir;cto:s. uiamonns career, irom a Grv9s Tcssteless Cbill Average Atjy4&1 SsSisa over One end g Half MSSa of merit reg&i to vow? Hie if l l gess right to ths ssat of the disease, sweep DISEASE BY REM9V1NG THE zna roccmmcnGs Kheumacide. CURES AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL. Sample bottle and booklet free It you send five ssnts for postage to Bobbitt Chemical Company, Fropf!etors-BaHiiaore-START TO GET WELLTODAY and rheu - Cures Catarrh Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis! Colds. 7 ho old roliablo "E. E. M." Catarrh Ctira never fails to euro tl0 abovo dis eases. It has been manufactured in tho South for over twouty years and is thoroughly endorsed by mauy of tho most promiucut jooplo iu tho Southern Stai.1 as tho only truo euro for Catarrh, Hay Tcvcr and kindred tliseasos. Thousands bear VfiHing tcst'.nony to its paramount healing and cur itivo vir tues. Many of its cures Vf ere marvelous after tho most noted physicians, special ists aud other remedies had failed. It is purely vegctablo and a delightful ivmokc. Wo mako it cither mixed with mild tobacco, from Tfhich tho tiicotino has beeu extracted, or not, as desired. fccud stamp for book of particulars containing tho mot wonderful record of cures ever known. Prico $l per box. If jour druggist cannot supply you it wi.l bo Bent prcnaid upou receipt of price. Addro3S "E. E. M." CO. 0. Box 341. ATLANTA, GA. Our Clubbing Offer. Until tliis notice disapii's wo will ive tlic following Chedji Club Katw. . The Konunke Bt-ncon tnul the Atlanta CoiiMtit;iti.i?i one yetir fur $1 0 '1'lin UoiMioke Bfuoon. the .t!iiita Oonstii.n on and the Sunny South oil" y tin r f .r 1 75 Tbe h'.ninokc Hkocoii and tlie Thrie-A-Vt ih Sev York Norld one year for 1.5(5 A?)d if you wnut th Best Coiuhiuation Im hr. liHtl for iov or money, fovd ns only and v will f !iut for cne yenr, Your Home Paper, the Thrice-A-VW'-k New York World, the AHnitu C'DKtitution and the Suuny SouUi Six of t.ie lust pu pr published eerv wek, Hni t h hh tlmn hulf the com of ou daily. Addrc89 i'UB KOANOKE kEACOM, Flyiuouth. N. 0. HOt.LlSTEP A Bnv Madicias for Suy Fot ;ia. .1a9 ?a!len E?at.h cad Tlgw. i. vjI3 rr Const ''nWoi, Inrt'.roHlon. LlTrt . K.in r 7roufc!s. lri.;:.tlca, tVcnv, Impur. k 1. Ji l l Iiratl. Sluiih bowel, Headacht nd Uackapho. It's iri!ry Jlov.etaln Tea In tab At form. 8t cnts a box. Onuln made b' oL'.iaTEH P:rQ CourANV, Madison, Wis. iCLDEil WUG"E7 FCR SALLCW PEOPLE Sld by P E Davenj -rt & Co. Tmg No Ccro. NO ray. jw CAUSE, rccde her "fee! Your druggist OVERi fe 3 ML NCIil'OLK & SOUTMiKN KAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT NOV. 12th, 1005. train service. Nokthbound: Leave Belhaven daily (except Sunday) 8:06 a, ru. Leave 'ashinpton 8:10 am Plyuioutb 9:26 a m " MackeyV if'erry ll);tiUam. Arrivo Etleutou 11:35 it. in. Leave Edenton daily (except tSuuday) 1 M & 1 1 a. uuX Z 2t p, ra. Arrive Klizab'-Ui City daily (ex cept Sunday) 8 CO t.m., 12 2y & 3 20 p. ru. Arrive Norfolk dailv ( pt 8nn- day) 10 45 a. Ut., 2 0Qt& K0 p.m. LtBve Edpitoa daily ex. Sunday fS)5 a. ru. and 2 20 p. m. I.cmyo EiiZhheth City daily exoept Sunday tt 2 a. iu. and 3 15 p. ni. Arriv Norfolk daily ex.Sui.uuy 10 10 a.m. himI f. (K) p. in. S'CTJlTiEOTJND : Lihvh Norfolk daily (except Siu: ,iiy)....8-85, 1155a. m. A 4 45 p.m. Ariivn j-.Jsz. City daily (except Suuday). . . 1(t li7 a. ni & 1 29, 6 37 p.m. Ariive Kdectun daily (except Sunday) ..11 iTi a. m. & 2 20, 7 S5 p. m. Lrve Edeuton daily (fscept Srtida) 2 30 p.m. Arrive Belbaveu daily (except BHiid-.-y) ; . 510 p. m. Leuva I-deutou 2:80 p. un. Arnvs Ply:outti 4:30 p. ia. Atiivt V i!hliit.gtou 5:45 p.m. Tn.nm bos- 1, 2, 5 &G stop at all inter mediate SttltiClUK Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Bench and Currituck lirauuh. STEAM BOAT SERV ICC. L hve Kdt-'Bton 1x0 p. m , daily exoep unday, for rjcuppernoug Kiver, 8'Ortuier leavoH BelhnvcU 2 JM) n. ni. daily except Sunday for Oriental, New Bern, Wilmingt'in, Uoivhend City, Ac. S; a crs U- ve Belbaven 5 00 a, ni. Ttiw day. Tiivirvdi.y nnd Saturday fr Aurora, South Creek, Mukleyville, &c. Stealer liaveH Ply m nth daily (except tJ'induy) 4:15 p. iu. for Windsor and (Jaihio Kiver. Far further information ppply to W. B. Davenport, Ag't. Plynr.iuth, or tu the Gen eral Office of the N.&S. K TJ. Co., Kor fois, Va M. VV. MAGUIRE. Qn. 8 apt. V. K. XIKH, H. C. HUDQIN8, Get.'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. PAMLICO DIVISION- No 8 A. N 8 W 11 IX.' Vi 15 100 1'. l. A. M 10W No. T 620 5 50 4 00 2 40 P. M. " n 30 320 8 45 230 ( 210 v. m. Wo T L0. MnckpyV Ferry . mouth Tir.e Town M j.ihlngtoii Arr. Lv. Arr. Lt. rr. Lvo. Jjickev'g Ferry lloprr l'ike Road hWliavtn 10M 11 : II M I! )i v .. No. ;;. Arr. We pfoirip-iy ooiuiti u. w. una foreign M 1 rf fit Ul f. ' model, 8totcti cr pi dvo oiinvtion lor ' free report o-t pato-f tawlity. For fri-e book Opposite U. S. Patent GtU9 WASHINGTON D. x Rhoumatlam, Sciatica, Rheumatic Gcut, Lurch ego, Crf'at rh. Indigestion, Constlpatlen, Kidney TrouMa, Liver u'scasss. La Oripp. Contagions Blood Poison, All Bloed Disease a. wz-y a Vi 1 . 1 v i: AS--' ,i m sens -mmMMMmA -vT?KS I. J I' jj .-n rn';n opii?e mm with a